Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unbinding the Contract ❯ Enter the Cameo Appearance! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Unbinding the Contract
Author: ice krystahl
Pairings: SasuxNaru, first cameo appearance of ShikaxNeji. Much more to come!
Warning: Shounen- ai. That means boy/boy! If you don't like it, then don't read it!
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Scene 2: Enter the cameo appearances
“Naruto is my boyfriend… and we're getting married…”
Sasuke internally flinched at his own words, marveling despite himself at how quick - and stupid- his tongue was. Being caught in an embarrassing position calls for drastic measures, but this, this is beyond drastic! Sasuke always thought that people calling him “sugooii… Genius!” with matching star- struck eyes are properly justified. After all, he had his sharingan, and mastering awesome ninja moves is no mean feat. However right now, he himself is starting to doubt this notion. There was nothing genius about this statement, and from the looks on everyone's faces, he could tell that they agreed with that too.
“SASUKE! You BASTARD!” Naruto screamed, red in the face.
With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he managed to overthrow Sasuke's seemingly death grip. He stood up and pointed an accusatory at Sasuke's face, his body shaking with rage all over.
Uh-oh. Here it comes, the black-haired boy thought. He wouldn't take that one lying down, would he? Yep. Looks like it. Literally and figuratively.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Who do you think you are, telling them this… this…,” Naruto suddenly stopped his tirade.
Someone was touching his shoulder lightly. It was Iruka- sensei, his eyes watery and sad. The blond- haired boy turned to his almost- adoptive parent and before he knew it, Iruka enveloped him in a tight hug. Naruto's face was crushed somewhere in his adoptive parent's chest. He could barely breathe, let alone protest at this inhumane way of hugging.
“Oh Naruto! My boy! All grown up! Sasuke, your boyfriend? Oh! You never told me! You've been a bad boy, haven't you? And now a wedding? But you're only sixteen! You really have grown up before my very eyes!” Iruka half-screamed, half-cried to a very shocked Naruto. This is so not happening.
“Oi sensei! Get a grip! You don't understand! Sasuke--”
“Naruto,” interrupted Iruka gently, “don't worry. We don't care about your sexual preference. We still like you the way you are, however, err, queer you truly are inside. It's okay.”
With that said, he released Naruto and kissed him lightly in the forehead. He also did the same thing to Sasuke, crushing him into his chest, and later on kissing his forehead, all the while whispering, “...Take care of him…” Looking as though he was about to cry once again, he immediately fled away from the room, leaving all four staring dumbly at his wake.
Sasuke almost wanted to smile. Iruka-sensei was very gullible indeed, believing the pile of shit he buried himself in. He wasn't quite sure whether or not he wanted everyone to believe he was really marrying the fox boy, but… Sasuke weighed his options.
If I go on with this charade, maybe I could convince Tsunade-sama to break that damned marital contract. Then after the contract is destroyed, I could drop the charade…
“SASUKE! I WILL KILL YOU!” Naruto screamed again, and if Sasuke hears yet another scream, he swear his eardrums will permanently be damaged. But he had a mission to do, one his life depended on. Even if it kills him, he'd rather put on a good show rather than be forced into a marriage with some girl he didn't know.
After all, if he just squinted the right way, and used his imagination to the full extent, Naruto was actually good-looking, if truth be told. His hair shines like the morning sun's rays, and the cheek marks are nothing but adorable. Plus, he finds that sunny disposition in life very attractive… Sasuke shook his head, slightly disgusted with his thought. Gross. That kyuubi, good looking? Oh please. He must really be desperate. In fact, I am so desperate, that I just have to do this…
Sasuke moved stealthily toward Naruto, who was still looking extremely jarred at the antics of his adoptive parent. Sasuke swallowed hard, and bracingly put his arms around the boy. He forced his voice to be as smooth as silk.
“Naruto- chan, I know you're upset from all of this, we wanted to keep it private and I know I promised not to tell anybody—“
“Sasuke, I know I'm totally hot, but you are just one sick freak! Let me go!”
“—so why don't we talk about this some more, ne? And outside?” Sasuke said hurriedly, and reached for the blonde's hand. He quickly nodded his goodbyes to the dumb-founded trio, Tsunade-sama, Kakashi and Sakura, who also nodded back blankly. They all look like as though they've received the biggest shock in their whole life. With Naruto in tow, albeit screaming and struggling wildly, he ran off, outside the building and into the glowing sunset.
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“So what do you think?”
The Gondaime asked, looking steadily at her remaining companions, Sakura and Kakashi. They were all seated in a long rectangular table, the two sipping some tea, and her, warm sake. The day's events were so shocking that the three of them had little to say then. But now that the events are long over, it was time that they had to do something. Sakura answered the question, her huge forehead glinting, and looking very much the intelligent girl she is.
“Well, I think that Sasuke- kun was acting solely on his survival skills.”
“And what makes you think that?”
“Well, I've been around those two for the longest time. Based on my experiences, it is an undeniable fact that Sasuke-kun and Naruto hate each other. There is simply no way that they could be boyfriends. So when we caught them in such a compromising situation, Sasuke did the only thing he could do to save himself, both from the embarrassment and the marital contract which was to tell everybody that he had a boyfriend and will be getting married.”
Kakashi nodded, believing the very same thing. He was with them for 3 years too. He knew the two boys just as well.
“As usual, that Uchiha boy is very clever. However, at this very moment, some pressing matters have surfaced. The marital contract is actually useless now.”
Her two companions struggled to comprehend this.
“What do you mean, Tsunade-sama?” Kakashi asked warily.
“Shizune researched some more on this contract thing for us a while ago, and she learned that the contract is useless. I was to tell it to everybody, but things started to get so damn interesting, I haven't the heart to stop it. Anyway, remember the special circumstances? It said on circumstance number two, that both clans should be well preserved, and their special bloodline intact. Do you remember the seal Orochimaru had cast on the Uchiha kid?”
Sakura gasped. Yes! Orochimaru left a seal on Sasuke-kun, saying that the seal will lead Sasuke craving for more power. But does it mean that being a victim of such a seal impurifies the whole clan?
“I know what your thinking, Sakura.” Tsunade said seriously. “The seal, even though it doesn't harm the Sharingan's effects, is still considered as an impurity to the Hayage clan. The Hayage clan is very specific when it comes to preserving their lineage, that such a petty seal is considered impure. They knew about Sasuke's seal and therefore, they burned the contract already, and deemed it as non-existent. The Uchiha kid is saved from marrying a complete stranger.”
Sakura and Kakashi sweatdropped. After all the lengths Sasuke had gone through, the contract was not effective after all. But come to think of it…
“I think we should let the boys continue on in their little charade.” Kakashi said, burying his nose again in his “Burn, burn paradise” copy, seemingly deciding that matters are not as important as before.
“Sensei? What are you saying?”
“Sakura, you're supposed to be the brightest out of my three students. I'm sure you noticed the differences in their behavior. Do you notice how they fight lately?”
Sakura thought about it for a bit.
“Well, they seem more physical now… more aggressive. Like they couldn't get enough of fighting. Then… there's also the *gasp* hidden glances and flushed faces!”
“Bingo!” Kakashi answered, nose still buried in his perverted copy.
Tsunade-sama smiled toothily, getting excited at the turn of events. Who would have thought? The Uchiha kid and Naruto, secret admirers to each other? Well, well. It seems that this contract was more beneficiary than they all thought it would have been. Maybe it was high time to do some prodding and putting on weight wherever it was needed. After all, she was the Hokage. Who else could put Naruto and Sasuke's feeling out in the open but the Gondaime?
“Listen up, you two, I have a plan…”
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Sasuke and Naruto are currently hiding somewhere in the forest; clothes torn in some places, bruises covered their skin, intermingling with the blood that slowly trickles from their wounds. They just had a long fight (yes they were fighting, you perverts!), and somehow both of them managed to use up all of their chakra without actually killing each other.
“Sasuke, I'll kill you. I swear. Now everyone will think I'm gay.”
“Dobe. They will think of the same thing to me, you know.”
“But you are, you gay Uchiha!”
Sasuke sighed; this was getting old, fast. They were arguing about the same thing over and over for the past few hours, and still they haven't settled on anything. Sasuke knew that he had to try to be nice to the dobe since he was to ask a very serious favor.
“Sasuke, I know by now that you really like me, and that you find me irresistible so much that you want to marry me, but face the fact. I don't swing your way. I like Sakura-chan, not you.” Naruto said, closing his eyes. He didn't see the way Sasuke's eyes glowed and show a mask of emotion…
“Listen to me, dobe, I know it's hard for someone who has ramen for brains to comprehend, but I only said what I said to get rid of that contract. You're crazy if you think that someone like me would actually like you.”
“TEME! How dare you say that! It wasn't as if I begged to be your unlucky victim! And you have a lot of nerve, treating me this way, when I could easily crush your only way out of the marital contract!”
Shit. That's true.. Whatever did I get myself into?? Sasuke tried to sit up, and looked seriously at the blonde-boy.
“Okay. Listen to me, cos I'll say this just once. I'm sorry. Will you… will you try to help me?” Sasuke tried not to blush. This is so self-degrading.
Naruto tried to sit too, and when he did, he started laughing. This is actually very amusing. Maybe I could get Sasuke to be at my mercy. Heh. That is just so cool.
“What did you say again, Sasuke? I didn't hear you.”
“I won't repeat it again, dobe.” Sasuke said, glaring.
“Huh? Well. Okay then, I guess I also didn't hear you asking for my help... I'd better go and tell them that the marriage thing is just a joke…”
“OKAY, OKAY! I'm sorry, now will you please help me?!”
Naruto smiled again, amused to his very wits.
“Okay then, I, the great Uzumaki Naruto, will help you out!”
Yes! Sasuke mentally cheered, but stopped when he saw the other boy's reaction.
“What is it now, dobe?”
“First of all, if you are going to be my betrothed, I suggest you stop calling me dobe. Naruto- chan is better, don't you think?” Naruto asked playfully, enjoying this to the very core. It was fun watching Sasuke grounding his teeth. He looked positively ready to kill.
“Then, you should buy me ramen at Ichiraku's, three times a day, until such time we can drop the act. Agreed?”
Naruto watched the other boy's reaction, and he smiled when he saw Sasuke nodding his assent. He was a rich boy after all; some ramen wouldn't hurt his allowance. Hehe. Sasuke thought it was all over, but for Naruto, he was just getting ready to put the icing on the cake.
“And Sasuke? Why don't you formally ask me to be your boyfriend too? You know, so I could act well for your behalf?”
Sasuke's face was priceless. It was contorted in such way you'd think some miniature people were doing acrobatics in his face. His eyebrows twitched, and his lips were snarled one minute, then the next minute, he was trying to force himself to smile.
“Dobe, are you messing around with me?” Sasuke asked quietly, his tone very threatening, but under the circumstances, Naruto wasn't the least bit affected.
“Tut-tut. It's Naruto-chan now, remember?”
Sasuke refused to answer. He gave the other the stoniest of looks, silently relaying the message: I hate you sooooo freakin' much! Naruto waited a full minute before sighing.
“Oh well, I guess you don't need my help after all. Ja-ne!” Naruto said, standing up. He made a show of preparing to leave. Slowly, Sasuke reached for his hand and softly said: “Wait.”
All at once, Naruto felt a tingling sensation to where their skin touched. It was a very nice feeling. Sasuke's hands were calloused from battles, but it was warm. He felt as though his hand belongs there; as though it was meant to be intertwined with the other boy's hand forever. Then Sasuke stood up as well, standing very close to him now. Although Naruto had grown taller over the span of three years, Sasuke was still taller than him, although for only a very few short inches. Now though, it seems as if Sasuke was towering over him. If he just moved his head forward, it'd be resting on Sasuke's shoulder. And should Sasuke lean towards him, his chin will be resting on top of Naruto's head. The blonde waited in anticipation to what will happen next.
“Naruto-chan, will you be my boyfriend?” Sasuke asked tentatively and so softly, that he almost didn't hear it. But he did. Naruto looked up at him, smiling.
“Well, looks like you got yourself a boyfriend, Sasuke-chan.” Naruto said softly too, in mock imitation of the Hokage. Then, they both smiled.
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“Yare, yare. How troublesome.”
A voice cut through their little melodrama like a hot knife on butter. Sasuke immediately dropped the other boy's hand, and they jumped away from each other.
“Well, well. Who would have thought? Uchiha and Uzumaki, having a tender moment. This must be what fate had brought upon the two of you.”
Sasuke and Naruto gasped in disbelief. Those voices were the last thing they wanted to hear. Sure, they agreed on the charade, but that was for Tsunade-sama only. They didn't need to tell others about it. Shikamaru and Neji, to whom the voices belong to, both jumped from where they were hiding. They went to face the other two, who were scowling.
“Hey! Were you spying on us?! You'll pay, you spying freaks!” Naruto yelled at them, waving a fist in their faces.
“It's too troublesome if we have to fight over this, you know. We both heard Sasuke asking you to be his boyfriend… so what?” Shikamaru said, looking at the sky and zoning in on a particular cloud.
“Fate has a very cruel twist of manifesting itself, but you should just accept that fact. You can't change destiny. What's this about? Are you really a couple?” Neji asked them.
Naruto was about to say, `Hell no!' when he was stopped by Sasuke. Naruto was confused. Will he tell them about the charade? I don't think they'll play along with this…
Sasuke was thinking about the same thing. He wasn't sure how these two people will react with his little deception. While it's true that is possible that they cooperate with him, it was also possible that they wouldn't cooperate either. He tried to think hard. He didn't know Shikamaru well, but he knows enough to know that he would be too lazy to report to, even if he thinks that he should report it to the Hokage. Neji, however… he didn't trust him one bit. If he could wrong his very own cousin, then what is the chance that he wouldn't betray the both of them? We just have to play along, Naruto…
“Yes, we are a couple now. Naruto is my boyfriend.” Sasuke said, in an almost proud note. Naruto looked up in surprise. Naruto eyed Sasuke questioningly, but the other boy just shook his dark mane.
“Just play along!” Sasuke whispered urgently to him.
But Shikamaru and Neji just stood there, grinning. No one said anything. Naruto was beginning to worry. Had they bought it?
It was a long, silent moment. Neji was still grinning stupidly, and Shikamaru was still watching the clouds. Naruto and Sasuke were barely breathing, waiting patiently for their reply. After a long moment, Shikamaru stopped looking at the clouds. He looked straight at the other two.
“How troublesome… a couple, eh? Then there's only one way to know…” Shikamaru muttered tiredly, as though this was boring him to death.
“Yah? What's that?” Naruto asked.
Neji and Shikamaru looked at each other and smiled. This is gonna be good. Shikamaru answered the blonde-haired boy.
“How about you guys kiss, so we could all go home?”
“HUH???!!! You sick freaks! If you think we're stupid enough, to do uh, uh, private stuff in front of you, then you're hallucinating bastards!” the blond-haired boy cried, blush creeping up his neck and into his face. Sasuke merely reached for his kunai, all the while smiling maliciously. “You two… you're getting on my nerves…I'll kill…”
“C'mon guys, don't be so troublesome. It's pretty easy, ne, Neji-kun?”
“Yes. Shika-kun, why don't we show them how to do it? So they'll be very much more comfortable, hmmm?” Neji asked suggestively, batting his eyelash towards his brown-haired companion. He moved closer to him, placing two arms around Shikamaru's shoulder and tilted his head suggestively.
“Troublesome…” Shikamaru whispered, but leaned in anyway, and touched his lips to the other boy's.
Naruto and Sasuke's jaws dropped, blood dripping out of their nose.
“Oi… Sasuke…. we're not hallucinating, are we?” Naruto asked haltingly, covering his eyes but peeked right through them.
At this point, the other two started moaning loudly, their hands now everywhere. Soon thereafter, the two boys are rolling over in the ground, lips still glued to each other.
“I don't think so… Naruto- chan…” Shikamaru and Neji, kissing? Will somebody wake us up please?
To be continued….
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A/N: Oh, and by the way, if you have a favorite pairing you want me to write about, tell me, so I can include it in the upcoming chapters. Ja---ne!