Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Boundaries ❯ A Failed Mission in Progress ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Naruto, or any of its charas…except for Lee kun, and Zabuza sama…haha, just kidding. But really >>;
//Unknown Boundaries//
Dying is so easy. You don't have to do anything - unless for some reason you wish to fill the Shinigami's occupation temporarily. Death can happen when you want it to, it can happen when you don't want it to, and then it comes at you unexpectedly. I wish for all three. Every morning that I wake up and take my new day's breath, I hope that I choke, that I find no air in the room, or open my eyes to nothingness. By now you're probably wondering why I'm still alive if I hate everything so much. I'll indulge you only because if I don't, you will nag me to no end. One name: Uzumaki Naruto.
I hate him. I hate his stupid smile, his foreign sapphire eyes, even that annoying glint in his OBNOXIOUS blonde spikes when sunshine filters through them on a clear day. I hate the identical scuffs of black that mar his sun-kissed cheeks, the rambunctious way he approaches new tasks, that he promises impossible ones. I hate his clothes, his walk, and his laugh. But if I was asked what I hate most, I could answer before the question was even finished. Only I won't answer it now, because then I'd be as much of a big-mouth as he is.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
“Ne, Sasuke! Stop ignoring me!” The blonde was more lively than usual this morning as Team 7 traveled down the streets of Konohagakure, walking slowly since the expectations of Kakashi showing up on time for once were low. His rival tuned out the boisterous boy, earning a giggle from Sakura, and an outraged expression from the latter. “I'm talking to YOU, Sasuke!”
“No, you're yelling at me, tongari…” He replied coolly, turning his neck so that his bangs swung out of his line of vision. The Uchiha kept his stoic expression, which further annoyed Naruto, the boy throwing up his hands in mock defeat then proceeding to mutter his complaints to himself.
“Saa, don't you two ever get along?” A lazy tone drawled as they neared the village gates, their Sensei looking as if he'd just woken up.
“Sensei!” Sakura and Naruto both looked at each other, mostly from surprise of speaking at the same time. His visible eye blinked slowly, “What?” he asked.
The kunoichi chose to speak up first, “You're here…ON TIME. No, early even!” She pointed out, still surprised.
Their teacher ignored the outburst, looking tired, “Excuse me for acting out of the norm, but when the village is at the state of an emergency, punctuality is encouraged. So if none of you mind, may I explain the details of the mission now?” Sakura opened her mouth to reply, but looked hurt, so instead she pulled her lips into a tight line and nodded. The copy-nin sighed, “Gomen ne, they've had us out all night on patrol, and I haven't had sleep in a couple of days.”
“Nee, Sensei, what emergency are you talking about?” The blonde asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he pursed his lips. Identical sighs went around the group, already walking away from the jinchuriki. “Oi! I asked a question!”
“Urusei…kusogaki…” Sasuke grumbled, adjusting the shoulder straps on his bag.
Naruto fumed. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?” He screeched, looming over the sharingan user with murderous intent in his eyes. Sasuke stopped, turning to reply with his trademark leer. “You heard me the first time, kusogaki,” He hissed.
“Im so tired of this! All you ever do is start fights with me, ever since we brought you back from the bastard Oroc--” The kyuubi-holder didn't even have time to finish the name before the latter's hand was at his throat, clamped tight and threatening to close the space by the second.
“Don't you ever,” He began, the crimson in his eyes glinting, “say that name in front of me, behind me, or on any side of me.” Sasuke leaned forward, his lips just at the tip of the other boy's nose. “I don't even want you thinking it.”
Naruto grit his teeth, wanting so badly to give Sasuke a good one right in the middle of his pretty little face, but sadly their conflict was interrupted. “Let go of him, Sasuke. And keep your mouth shut, Naruto. I'm tired, and I'm tired of the bickering. We don't have time to waste, so if it's not too much trouble…” Kakashi said, nodding his head in the direction they were already walking.
Naruto pushed the scowling boy off of him, cursing as he stomped off after Sakura who happened to be indifferent to the whole thing. The silver-haired sensei watched him stalk off in a huff before following after.
Blood faded back to onyx and he brushed the dust from his shorts in a nonchalant fashion. He watched the back of the retreating blonde with slight regret until slowly trekking after the group, hands deep his pockets and head downcast.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I hate that I care for him so desperately, and I only push him farther away.
So, it wasn't so long and there's a reason: time - since classes started - and not wanting to lose where I was heading with this. If you didn't catch it: Kakashi NEVER explained the details of the mission ((ohohoho….)). I hope that leaves you wondering just exactly where I'm going with this - at least with the plot anyway >>;
So please R&R! And I've already been motivated to keep going with this, but more encouragement is appreciated! :O
On a side note: I used to be known as Starlette_Akiko and I wrote a furuba fanfic WAAAAY back when.< /u> chappy one< /u> chappy two< /u> chappy three
I seemed to have lost the prologue D: