Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Missions ❯ Sleepful Nights ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Unlikely Missions”
By Trio Wing
Rating: PG
A special fic for insomniacs and deep sleepers- Riisa and I thought about this yesterday (Friday) at lunch. Yeah... And just think, I slept in AGAIN, and no one woke me up until 12 P.M. :sigh: At least it's not break again- I had gotten 39 hours of sleep for three days: 15, 12, 15. AHHHH!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto- the characters, plot, etc, etc.
A/N: Please note that the sleeping pills that will be introduced later on have not been abused. Riisa and I just thought of the opposite of coffee, and that's what we came up with. OKAY?!??!?!? :snickers:
Part Three: Sleepful Nights
“Now, Gaara, this mission is very unusual, but the client specifically asked for you to take this mission. I don't even know what it is, because the seal on the envelope sends an electrical shock to me every time I touch it.” Tsunade said. She tossed the envelope at Gaara and glared at it as Gaara caught it. He eyed the plain white envelope menacingly and turned his back on the Hokage and left her office. Tsunade just rolled her eyes and pulled a bottle of sake out of a drawer in her desk and poured herself a cup. “Time to relieve some stress.”
As Gaara left the Hokage's, he passed Naruto who was running down the hall yelling, “TSUNADE-BABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!” Gaara craned his neck so he could watch Naruto's retreating back. With a little help of his sand power stuff, he opened a door that Naruto was about to pass.
“AGHHYAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” came the blood curdling scream. Gaara chuckled quietly to himself and was on his merry creepy way out. Naruto was still on the floor, twitching occasionally with a massive lump forming on his head. No one bothered to help the poor boy- all of the Hokage's staff knew that Naruto was capable of taking care of himself, right? RIGHT?!? I give up.
Right outside of the building, Gaara slit the envelope open and pulled the piece of paper stuffed in there out. He read it. And again. And even a third time just for reassurance because Gaara thought he might have hallucinated in the process of reading.
“What. The. Hell?!” he spat. He stared at the paper like it was on fire, dropped it like it was, and nearly ran away from it. He quickly walked away and went to the place he was staying, which was wherever he felt like, and tried as best as he could to forget the mission he was supposed to do.
“Tee hee, neglecting your mission, Gaara-kun?” called a voice from above. He looked up sharply, and more or less saw Saara and Riisa, the authoress and her sister-that-isn't, sitting in the trees above him. He glared at the girls. Saara shook a finger at him reprimandingly. “THAT'S NOT IN THE SCRIPT! TAKE THE MISSION, OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!” Saara screamed.
“Ha ha ha! You should do it Gaara. I'll save you!!” Riisa laughed. Gaara ran like hell away from the two crack-heads. “Bye byeeeeeee!!”
“I'm in a village full of psychopaths!!!!” Gaara said running to the hotel room he had gotten for the week. He burst into the room and sat down on the bed to calm himself down. Taking a deep breath like good shinobi should, he recalled the mission's parameters.
Dear Gaara-san,
Please take on this mission, since I find that you are the only one capable of fulfilling it. This may seem a little, well, farfetched and absurd, but I reassure you: This is a true mission through and through.
What I would like you to do is sleep.
That's all you have to do. Take a nap if you want- that's still sleeping. You don't have to sleep for long. Five minutes is the minimum I would like you to sleep for. If you'd like to sleep for longer, be my guest.
Have fun, Gaara-san!
Inwardly, Gaara twitched and shook his head. He got up to get a more comfortable change of clothes. Once changed, Gaara lay down on the bed and tried to shut his eyes.
They wouldn't shut all the way and Gaara nearly strained his eye muscle by twitching so hard. He turned over on his side and tried to relax. ...That didn't work either.
Frustrated beyond belief already, Gaara left his hotel room and went to go find someone and ask how to go to sleep. Stupid as it sounded, he'd do it! And not long after leaving the Konoha Hotel, he spied Lee walking in the opposite direction.
“Lee.” Gaara said. Lee didn't hear him and kept walking. “Lee!” he said again. And still, Lee kept walking. Maybe he was attempting to go out with Sakura again? Gaara thought. “LEE!” Finally, Lee turned around and looked at Gaara.
“Greetings, Gaara!! What is it that you need my service for?” Lee cried, supposedly gallantly. He struck a pose that did not A.) flatter him at all, or B.) impress his audience. Nope. He just made our beloved Gaara cringe inwardly.
“...Yeah, uh...” Gaara started quietly. Lee just grinned bigger than humanly possible.
“Do not be shy!! You need not worry! Ask away!!!”
“How do you sleep.” Gaara stated, more than asked. Lee just kept grinning, albeit with a slight twitch with his caterpillar eyebrows.
“Wh... what? Did you just ask how do I sleep?” Lee asked incredulously. Gaara nodded his head slightly. “Well... I usually have a cup of hot cocoa if I can't sleep... Something warm usually does good!!” Lee suggested. Gaara inclined his head in thanks.
“Thank you, Lee.” And then he left. Turned right around and went into the Konoha Hotel.
Gaara couldn't find any hot cocoa mix anywhere in his room, nor could he get any from the concierge in the main hallway of the Hotel. So, he settled for the hotel coffee he accidentally unearthed.
“Well, this is hot, so according to Lee, this should get me to sleep.” Gaara said out loud. He looked at the back of the coffee grounds bag and saw immediately just as he took a sip of the black liquid, “CONTAINS CAFFEINE.” Gaara's eyes widened suddenly but kept on drinking despite all the shouting his mind was doing to get his body to stop drinking.
After about a good 10 minutes of just standing and drinking the coffee, the mug contained no more coffee for Gaara to consume. He put the mug down and went to lie down on the bed again, hoping that he wasn't affected by caffeine.
Well, he was wrong. Dead wrong.
Gaara immediately fell asleep, snoring gently and pulling the covers over himself.
Two hours later, Gaara was still sleeping. The sun was still up, so he was technically napping. But sadly, someone tried to remove Gaara from that wonderful sleep.
“GAARA!!!!!!! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!” Temari cried as she burst into Gaara's room. She saw him on the bed sleeping and nearly had a heart attack. Instead of panicking or squealing like most girls and fangirls would do at seeing the sight of Gaara sleeping, or just seeing Gaara sleeping PERIOD, she calmed herself down and prodded Gaara. “Wake up.”
“Nnghhhh...” came the muffled sleep-moan. Gaara was still out like a light. She poked him again.
“Wake up!”
“WAKE UP, FOR KAMI'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“(insert snore here)”
“I hate you. It won't be my fault if we all die a miserable death.” And with that, Temari left the room. Yay!
Another two hours later, the sun was starting to go down. If one had cared to look out of their windows in Konoha, they would have seen half of the city demolished.
You see, Naruto and Sasuke had gotten in a little fistfight at first. No big deal! But of course, Ino and Sakura stepped in and tried to beat Naruto up for hitting Sasuke while Sasuke and Naruto where still beating each other up. Lee came along and tried to protect Sakura from Ino who decided Sakura wasn't worthy to help Sasuke. Lee got beat up pretty badly, but kept going on! Kiba saw the fight and watched amusedly. Akamaru decided to join the fight and bit Lee's arm and didn't let go. Chouji walked by, probably a little too closely and knocked into Akamaru, who was still dangling from Lee's arm. Kiba just about threw a fit and started to pound Chouji into the ground. Shikamaru saw this and proceeded to do the same to Kiba, for beating up his best friend.
All in all, the fight grew pretty big and loud and nasty. The sounds of breaking bones could be heard all the way at the Hokage Monument, and the fight wasn't really anywhere near the Monument.
And our beloved little Gaara slept through it all . He missed a good fight.
Eventually, Saara and Riisa snuck into the room and they themselves attempted to wake Gaara up.
Again, ATTEMPTED. The authoress and her sister-that-isn't kept yelling at him that this wasn't in the script and that he should wake up and go annihilate some people that were still fighting because some people were getting ready to conclude their day.
“Well... that mission didn't go too well. Maybe next time we'll assign him something better.” Saara said bemusedly. Riisa nodded in agreement.
“But why is he knocked out like that? He doesn't even respond to anything!” Riisa said, feeling a little agitated. And so, the two nosy girls went rummaging through Gaara's hotel room. “OH. MY. GOD. Saara, I know why he's so deep in sleep!!!” Riisa discovered the coffee mug and almost empty coffee maker.
“YES, baka! `Cause, you know, Gaara is an insomniac! He doesn't sleep!” Riisa exclaimed.
“...but, he's sleeping n-”
“Riisa, I don't think we qualify as `normal.'” Saara said. Riisa took the mug and threw it at Saara who just ducked. “So... how do we wake your precious up?”
“Easy: what's the opposite of coffee?” Riisa paused. “Wait. What IS the opposite of coffee?” And there goes about an hour of the two psychopaths bouncing ideas of each other. No, not literally!! Jeez!
“OH! AHH! I GOT IT!!!” Saara exclaimed, jumping up and down.
“What, what?” Riisa asked urgently. Saara grinned.
“Sleeping pills.”
“Why didn't I think of that?!” Saara snickered and didn't answer because she knew not only would Riisa hit her, but she bet that the others would, too.
So, the authoress and her sister-that-isn't discreetly poofed some sleeping pills and stuck them in Gaara's mouth and ran like hell.
Hardly five minutes later, Gaara awoke.
And he was NOT happy.
I'd love to say that he was absolutely hyper, but that's WHY too OOC for him, and everyone would probably try to kill me. Not like that's unusual...
He sat up, growled low in his throat, heard the fight still going on outside, and more or less jumped out the window to get everyone to shut up because now that he was awake after HOW many years of not sleeping, SOMEONE HAD TO PAY.
Let's just say, Gaara never listened to Tsunade ever again. And to this day, he is still trying to kill Saara, because he figured out that it was her that sent him the mission for kicks.
A/N: And I've been home for barely two hours. I had to finish this. It was killing me all day that my brother's old laptop can't read floppy disks or the F drive, where the flash drive USB key thing goes. :cries: But it's done. Sorry if it sucks. X.x Happens all the time, because I'm a genius when I'm not supposed to be. And this is a time where I'm supposed to be smart, and I'm not. That reminds me- I have to do my Chemistry and Japanese homework. YAY! :cries: Don't forget to R & R, or else I will hunt you down! :grins: