Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlimited mission ❯ Contact ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

( Another fic this one about Naruto being totally different because of the people he grew up with)
I don't own Naruto
Rated R - Violence, Language, gore
Summery - Naruto left when he was a baby only to grow up with Itachi and the crew. Now that the Chuunin exam is up, it's up to Naruto and his team to protect the Uchiha heir from a sneaky snake bastard. The characters might not be the same from the anime.
The story begins……………
-72 hours until the mission-
“This is what we're going to do so listen up”. A dark calm voice said.
A small group was in a deep forest near hidden Leaf village to complete their objective. The forest itself was deadly quiet.
The trees were so large they could block out the sky from view. The bark was a deep shade of brown, the leaves were a forest green.
“I already know that.” Said an irritated voice jumping through the dark forest.
“Hey will you two shut up for once.” Another voice said in front of them all.
“Itachi! Why are we doing this again?” A figure said stopping Itachi.
“I already told you Jin.” Itachi said looking at him. Itachi then made a signal and everyone in the little party stopped preparing themselves.
Itachi looked around the small group until a voice caught him of guard right behind him.
“Hey Itachi… I kind of forgot to. hehehe” A small figure said.
“Naruto please you know the mission. You're just stalling.” Itachi said irritably. Naruto looked up at Itachi, he had long black hair and cold dark eyes. He was wearing all black with a trim of red at the end of his shirt. Itachi was their leader for the mission. Next was Jin, he had short brown hair and a scar across his cheek. He had deep green calculating eyes. He wore a black jacket and black shorts. He was second in command.
Jin in Naruto's opinion was very smart but for some reason the guy couldn't keep the information in his head for long. He was one of Naruto's best friends. To the left of Jin was Kira, she was rather quiet most of the time. She had long silver hair and gray colored eyes. She was wearing a blue dress and shorts underneath them. She was new in the group.
Then finally but not least was Haku. Naruto and him really got together. Haku had long black hair and dark kind eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with blue shorts. In Naruto's opinion the guy looked like a girl so he would tease Haku all the time.
Now Naruto himself had also changed. He never really got to see his hometown. He was taken when he was about two. Whenever Naruto tried to ring out the truth from Itachi or anyone else it seemed to backfire on him.
Heck he didn't even know the stupid name of his place of birth. He kind of figured it was either Leaf or cloud since they fought against Kyuubi the fox demon that now resides inside him.
Naruto himself liked the cloud style so he had on a dark blue sleeveless jacket with a white shirt underneath it and puffy dark pants with chains on the outside.
On his arm he had black handless gloves that reached up a little below his elbow. The only reason why he had the stupid gloves was because he had gotten a tattoo of the Kyuubi on his left arm, thanks to Jin.
He had short spiky blonde hair that seemed to get in his eyes sometimes and deep dark blue eyes that were slightly silted.
“Ok lets move out. We are almost there but stop when I say.” Itachi said jumping from the trees again so everyone else followed.
To Naruto this was pretty exiting. He was really starting to get bored in Cloud. Sure there was a lot to do but he wanted an exiting mission and here it was the Chuunin exam.
Itachi put up his fist and everyone stopped.
“Alright change your appearance now. We don't need to be noticed.” Itachi said.
Itachi didn't want them to screw up the first day of the mission. He knew that he needed to change because he was the most wanted person in the Leaf with the massacre and all.
Jin changed his hair to black and hid his scar.
He didn't change his green eyes though.
Haku didn't change and neither did Naruto because know one really knew them.
Kira changed her silver hair to blonde and Itachi changed his whole appearance.
He now had short black hair with blue eyes. He had also gotten ride of the two marks under his eyes.
“Alright lets go and Naruto.” Itachi said pointing to Naruto's face.
“No I like these marks. They make me different” Naruto stated crossing his arms on his chest.
“Just do it baka.” Jin said leaving Naruto. But I like them he thought stubbornly doing the jutsu.
The three whiskers like marks disappeared from his face.
Naruto was still pouting when they headed out again. They were almost there. Finally he would get to see the village Leaf. He had heard stories that the village was top rank with strong ninjas. He couldn't wait to test his power on them.
“Hey Naruto I have something for you.” Haku said running up next to Naruto.
“Nani?” Naruto said, he always liked getting things.
Haku just smiled, he knew Naruto loved to pull pranks and talk to his friends. He had a bad temper to and seemed to be distant with people he didn't know or liked, which was almost everyone that wasn't in their group.
“Here you go Naruto kun.” Haku said taking out a pair of sunglasses.
“Yosh I knew I forgot something.” Naruto said taking them and putting them on.
Haku had to laugh at Naruto's attire but it worked and the glasses were mostly for his eyes if they changed.
We are here Itachi thought putting up his fist and signaling for them to come closer.
“Now you remember what to do. Haku, Naruto, and Kira will be in the tournament representing the Cloud village while Jin will take out a Mist participant and steal the person's identity. Then I will be the Junnin of you guys.” Itach pointed to the three.
“Wait Itachi kun what about your annoying brother?” Jin cut in looking at Itachi.
Itachi just smirked, “I know that already but I don't have time right now to do anything.” He said jumping down to the ground and walking towards the village.
Naruto also jumped down like a cat and started to walk with his head down. He knew Itachi had a brother but didn't know if he was weak or not.
“Hey Naruto.” Haku poked him so Naruto looked up and there it was the village.
It was a pretty big place with a huge door right in the pathway they were taking. He had also found out that a lot of people were going to be there because the competition.
Yes this is going to be great. I can't wait to show off. Naruto thought walking through the big door.
When he stepped into the village his attitude imminently changed from carefree to cold and distant.
It was just so natural for him to do that because he didn't trust anyone except his friends.
The village itself wasn't that big compared to Cloud and Cloud had more food stands but it looked like a clean place at least.
“All right I'm going to sign us up for the Chuunin exam while you guys get a hotel.” Itachi said disappearing.
“I'm hungry so I'll see you guys later at the hotel.” Naruto said walking off while waving at them.
Jin just smirked and walked towards the hotel along with Haku and Kira.
Meanwhile Naruto was walking to the ramen stand. He had smelled it when they entered and wanted to test if it was better then Cloud.
When he finally found it after dodging in and out of the crowds to his delight it was empty basically. The stand itself was pretty ordinary with a couple of tables here and there.
Naruto sat down and saw an old man behind the counter.
“Hey I want three miso ramen bowls and one pork.” Naruto said casually.
“All right coming up.” The owner said. Naruto just turned around and looked out in the streets.
Like he expected there were a lot of people to his disgust. He had never really liked big crowded places and hated loud people even more.
“Hey lets get some RAMEN.” A loud voice said in the distance.
“Why? You already ate and besides the exams are going to start soon.” A girl said.
“How troublesome” Someone else said in a bored tone.
“Hey Sasuke-kun what about you?” Another girl's voice said.
“Hn”, said Sasuke.
Great thought Naruto, now I'll have to eat with these loud fools maybe I should just leave but before Naruto could choose a bowl of ramen was handed to him.
Well I can't waste it so I'll stay, he thought digging in.
Before Naruto knew it six more people had arrived. He guessed they were the loud and noisy group.
“Hey get your hands off of Sasuke-kun Ino pig.” A girl said right beside Naruto.
“Make me forehead girl.” Ino said.
Naruto looked over at them and sighed, the one named Ino had long blonde hair with blue eyes. She was wearing a blue dress with white shorts under it. The next one had pink long hair and green eyes also wearing a dress with shorts.
“Hey Choji stop eating so fast.” A male voice said.
“Be quiet Shikamaru.” Ino said.
All right now Naruto knew all there names basically.
The fat one was Choji with short dark hair. He was wearing a white shirt with black shorts. The other one Shikamaru looked to be real lazy with short spiky black hair. He had a fishnet as a shirt and dark pants. The last one must be Sasuke or whatever they called him. Now he puzzled Naruto because he kind of looked like Itachi. He had black hair that spiked in the back of his head and his eyes were cold and expressionless. He was wearing a blue shirt with white shorts on. Naruto looked at him one more time before going back to his ramen. He really didn't want to talk to this group and if that was Itachi's brother then…
“Hey Sakura look at that guy over there.” Ino said quietly.
Sakura looked over at him and wondered who he was. He had a very odd sense of clothes and seemed distant but cute.
“Yeah what about him?” Sakura said to Ino.
“Well he keeps staring over here or at least I think so because of his glasses you know.” Ino said.
This caught Sasuke's attention so he looked over at the new guy, as did Shikamaru.
Naruto was getting very irritated by their staring so looked back at them.
“What do you want.” Naruto said waiting for their answer.
“Well nothing much just your name and what country your from.” Sakura said.
Naruto just stared at them a little more wondering if he really should say anything. He wanted to know more about this Sasuke character.
“I'm from Cloud and my name is Naruto.” Naruto said getting up and walking away.
“So he's from Cloud…”, Shikamaru said silently.
Sasuke also stared at Naruto's retreating back. For some reason that guy reminded him a lot of his brother. Naruto walked a little more before he went to the hotel. When he got there everyone was waiting including Itachi.
“Here”. Itachi said throwing something at him. Naruto caught it while looking at it. Naruto looked back up at Itachi and smiled a little.
“I guess I forgot the headband.” Naruto said tying the Cloud symbol on his forehead.
“The exam doesn't start for another 14 hours so I suggest we sleep.” Jin said looking at the bed.
“Wait how many rooms did you get?” Haku said looking at Jin.
“Well I only got two because they were expansive.” Jin said laughing a little.
Kira just huffed and sat down on the couch while Itachi left for the other room.
“WHAT! There are only two beds and five of us. I'm not sleeping on the floor.” Naruto said heatedly.
“Well I'm not sleeping on the floor either.” Jin shot right back.
“Both of you stop it.” Haku said, he knew something like this was going to happen. They always fought and that's why Itachi left.
“I don't care because I'm not sleeping on the stupid fucking ground.” Naruto yelled at everyone.
“Shut it you little shit.” Jin said right in Naruto's face.
“Jeez man you spit on me.” Naruto said accusingly at Jin while wiping it off his face.
Then Itachi came back and settled everything. He got tired of them always fighting so he did what he knew best. Beat the shit out of them.
Later that night it had been decided that Kira would be sleeping on the couch like she did in the first place. Naruto and Jin had the bed and Haku, Itachi had the other room.
Naruto had gotten what he wanted but had to share the room with two other people and Jin always smelled during the night. But Itachi had threatened everyone with death if they argued anymore so he wisely grumbled in his mind.
The next morning they all got their stuff packed and ready before heading out. They walked a little while Naruto had a whole lot of questions that where just waiting to be answered.
I wonder what its going to be like. Will it be hard? What about that Sasuke guy. Is he strong? Naruto thought a little more before someone poked him in the ribs.
“What!” Naruto said looking up at Haku.
“We're here.” Haku pointed to the building.
Naruto looked over it and found that it was a dump. They were supposed to be going to the ninja academy so Naruto thought it was some grand building but instead it was like a small hut.
“Alright you guys this is it. I'll meet you later.” Jin said disappearing.
“See you later.” Itachi said also disappearing.
Naruto looked back at Haku and Kira before entering the building. They walked through the hallways until they spotted a big group of people arguing over something very stupid.
“Hey Haku what are they doing?” Naruto said looking at the group.
“They appear to be blocking the way.” Kira said softly.
Naruto only nodded while walking up to them.
“You are to weak. You can't survive this test.” A male voice said.
“Yeah so why don't you go back”. Another male voice said snottily.
Naruto stepped up a little more to see what they were talking about. There were two guys blocking the entrance to the door 201.
“Hey Haku I thought it was 301 not 201.” Naruto said quietly. Haku just laughed and nodded.
“It's a genjutsu.” Kira spoke up.
What really? I didn't even know it was a genjutsu. Man it must be a poor jutsu so why are these people arguing? Don't they also see it?
“Stop the genjutsu and let us pass.” A voice said to the left of Naruto.
There he was again that Sasuke guy. So he knows it's a genjutsu to interesting.
“Isn't that right Sakura, Jack.” Sasuke said again.
Naruto had to stop himself from laughing. Sasuke really was arrogant and probably strong.
“Hey Haku why don't you guys go on ahead. I want to check on something.” Naruto said walking up closer to the crowd.
Haku just shook his head and headed for the exam room. I knew Naruto couldn't settle down for an hour. He's already trying to pick a fight.
Back at the little crowd Naruto was looking around. He saw that not only Sasuke's group but a few others also looked promising.
But Naruto soon lost his train of thought when one of the guards that were blocking the door attacked. Great now I get to show off, Naruto thought.
It happened so fast that Sakura didn't see it. The guard was going to attack Sasuke when a blue and green blur appeared.
The guard had his foot only inches away from Sasuke's face while Sasuke was going to block. The green kid also had his hand on the guards outstretched leg.
The blonde kid had taken a stance that Sakura didn't know and had two kunai out. One was at the guard's throat while the other was at the green kid's throat.
Naruto took the kunai's away and started to walk where his friends were.
“Hey you! What's your name.” A voice said in back of Naruto.
Naruto lazily turned to see a kid with long black hair and white eyes. He was wearing a tan shirt with white shorts on.
“Naruto”. He said walking again.
“Hey Jack did you see that?” Sakura said staring at the back of the blonde.
Jack just nodded before looking over at Sasuke. He knew that the blonde kid was strong but not this strong. He had come from an elite-fighting group. His parents were the best known sword welders in Konoha.
He had the sword on his back to show it. He also had short blue grayish hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with red pants on.
Sasuke had also watched the retreating form of Naruto. That guy is strong was all Sasuke thought clenching his fists.
The green kid walked up to Sakura all of a sudden and she had to jump back.
“I will protect you until I die! My names Lee so will you go on a date?” The guy said.
Sakura just looked at the freak. He had a bowl cut hair with enormous fuzzy eyebrows.
“No way your to unique.” Was all Sakura said.
“Alright lets go.” Sasuke said to his team.
( there you go the first ch. of many to come. On another note I will be doing another story on Naruto about ghosts so be sure to catch that one and my many other stories.)