Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlimited mission ❯ Test ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

( Hey everyone what's up. Well here you go the next ch.)
I don't own Naruto
Rated R- Violence Language
A little clear up- Jin was second in command at the Mist village so that's why Itachi wanted him on a different team. Kira is shy so they really don't know about her. Haku had also lived in Mist before he met Itachi and Naruto. The Cloud village is a new village that had been created about 10 years ago and that's where Naruto and the crew live.
Last time
“I will protect you until I die! My names Lee so will you go on a date?” The guy said.
Sakura just looked at the freak. He had a bowl cut hair with enormous fuzzy eyebrows.
“No way your to unique.” Was all Sakura said.
“Alright lets go.” Sasuke said to his team.
Meanwhile back at the exam room, Naruto had entered into the room.
The story begins.
He couldn't believe it, there were so many people taking the test. Naruto looked around some more before spotting Haku and Kira.
They were all way in the back of the room so Naruto had to weave in and out of the crowd.
When he got there he sat on the table so he could get a better look at the participants.
“Hey Naruto what took you so long?” Haku said but Naruto only shook his shoulders.
He had seen Sasuke's team come in, they were also heading towards his direction. Haku looked over where Narutowas staring only to see a dark haired kid walk in.
“Oh I see. So is he strong?” Haku said to Naruto.
“He's strong but I don't know how much.” Kira cut in looking at the group.
Naruto couldn't tell either and soon he got bored with just waiting around watching the stupid people. He was not a patient person.
So Naruto leaned over a little and closed his eyes thinking about memories.
He remembered when he left the village. He was around two when he left the village with Itachi. The Leaf could very well be the village but he wasn't sure. They had traveled around a lot and that's where they met Haku and the others.
The only place they really called home was Cloud because they were nice and had a lot of useful information there including the training grounds.
“Hey you guys better be quiet. You're acting like school girls.” A male voice said distracting Naruto.
Who's this guy? Naruto thought, then he looked over at the small group of nine. There were more faces he didn't know.
“All right Haku watch me talk friendly.” Naruto said standing up and walking towards the group.
Naruto talking to strangers friendly? He must have something up his sleeve Haku thought watching him.
Naruto walked over to them with a fake smile.
“Hey what's up.” Naruto said.
Sasuke glared at him for a second then nodded.
“Hey your Naruto right?” Sakura said and Naruto nodded.
“Well I'm Sakura and this is Hinata, Shino, and Kiba.” Sakura said pointing to them.
Hinata had short blue hair with white eyes. She had on a cream colored coat with white shorts on. Next was Shino with sunglasses on and dark short hair. The last one was Kiba with a dog by his side. He had wild dark hair and smelled like a dog. Naruto again saw Shikamaru with his bored looking attitude and Sasuke was acting like he could careless. Sakura looked like the only friendly face out of all of them.
Naruto already knew the rest but now they had a new guy with glasses there.
“So your Naruto. Well I've heard a lot about you from Ino.” Kiba said smiling while Ino was blushing.
Naruto nodded looking at Sasuke again who was looking at the new comer.
The guy had short silver hair and glasses on. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants on. He had the symbol Leaf on his forehead protector but he smelled like a snake.
“My name is Kabuto.” He said looking at everyone.
“So Kabuto have you done this exam before?” Sakura said.
“Well actually I've done this about seven times now.” Kabuto said a little embarrassed.
What? This guy hasn't passed yet? Either he's extremely weak or he's hiding something. Naruto thought looking at the guy up and down.
Kabuto then started to talk about the countries but Naruto didn't listen instead he was looking at the sand ninjas.
For some reason they gave off a weird vibe especially the one in the middle. He had red short hair with a gourd on his back. The one to his left also had some kind of thing on his back. He had short black hair with tattoos all over his face. The last one was a girl with blonde hair and she had a war fan.
Naruto looked around the room to see who else was strong and saw that the sound looked formidable but what caught his attention was the grass nins.
They were at a corner of the room talking about something but every so often one of them would look in their direction and smile.
Man what a freak, Naruto thought turning to look at what Kabuto was now doing.
He took out some cards he called nin info.
“This will give you information on everyone participating in the exam.” Kabuto said.
Sasuke after hearing this got very interested.
“Can you give me soon information?” Sasuke said talking to Kabuto.
“Yes just say their names.” Kabuto said.
“Fine I want to learn about Gaara, Rock Lee, and Naruto.” Sasuke said looking at Naruto.
You won't have anything on me dumb ass, Naruto thought.
“First Gaara, he has done 20 D rank, 11 C rank and a B rank with no scratches at all.” Kabuto said lightly.
“Now we have Lee, he has done 15 D rank, 11 C rank and an B rank.” Kabuto said before taking the last card out.
“Now we have Naruto. What! There doesn't seem to be any info on him.” Kabuto said looking at Naruto.
“Well that's because I had just registered in Cloud so you wouldn't have anything on me.” Naruto said smirking.
What idiots, Naruto thought. He then started to walk away to his two teammates but stopped when he saw a flash of movement.
Naruto really didn't want to do anything so he just stuck his leg out and tripped one of them. He couldn't help himself so he started to laugh at the poor excuse of a ninja.
Naruto then headed for his group but before he could take five steps he felt the person that he had just tripped throw a kunai at him.
Naruto twisted around and grabbed the kunai with his fingers and threw it right back hitting the sound in the shoulder. Naruto smirked at the fallen enemy before he turned.
“Why you damn brat.” The sound nin screamed before pulling the weapon out and charging at the blonde.
Naruto had enough of this stupid game and let the nin charge. When the ninja was about a foot away Naruto kicked the guy right in the gut sending him flying. Then Naruto all of the sudden disappeared too only reappear with a kunai in his hand. His eyes had changed but no one saw because of the glasses.
The kunai was only an inch from the sound's neck when he heard Haku.
“Naruto do you want to be disqualified.” Haku yelled so Naruto stopped and put the kunai back in his holster.
“If you ever mess with me again then you will die.” Naruto said smoothly walking away.
“Sasuke did you see that guys moves?” Jack said still staring at the blonde.
Sasuke just glared trying to see what had happened because Kabuto had gotten attacked and then that Naruto kid attacked the other one.
“Naruto what do you think your doing! Do you want to fail this exam?” Haku said hitting Naruto's head.
“Come on Haku it's not like I was really going to kill him.” Naruto said rubbing his head.
Then there was a puff of smoke and a man appeared.
“Listen up no more fighting or your all disqualified. Now welcome to the Chuunin exam and I'll be your first examiner with the written test.” The man said walking away.
“Oh and the names Ibiki.” He said walking out of the room.
Naruto started to walk out along with his teammates into the next room after they had gotten a number.
Naruto was going to sit down when someone bumped him. He looked up to see a mist nin a.k.a. Jin. Naruto smiled while Jin just sat down next to Naruto's right Jin was always good at sneaking around. That was one of the reasons why he was on a different team, he was also the second command in Mist village. Naruto still didn't know why Jin quite to work with them though. It was just another one of his puzzles you had to figure out.
On his left was Sasuke and Kabuto was in the front with the creepy grass nin in back of all of them.
“Alright now here are the rules. No cheating if you do and get caught five times your out of here along with your team.” Ibiki said.
So does he want us to cheat? Five times usually it's like the first time or anyway that's the rules in Cloud.
Naruto thought.
Sasuke was also thinking about the cheating scores. It just didn't make sense.
“All right now you may begin.” Ibiki said so Naruto turned over his paper.
He started to read over it but was soon stumped. The Kyuubi could help me but he didn't want to argue with the stupid thing.
Naruto looked over at Jin and he was also having a hard time, then he looked over at Haku but he was already writing the answers down. What a smart ass Naruto thought smiling.
Then there was Kira who had also started to write down the answers but she was using her strings to cheat.
Fine if you can cheat then I will also, Naruto turned his hand upside down signaling Jin to cheat. Jin only tapped his penile three times indicating that he was already doing it.
Sasuke had also found out the trick so he used his sharingan.
Naruto looked at the corner of his eye over at Sasuke to see what he was doing but couldn't get a clear look he then scanned the whole room. Everyone was doing a different thing and some people were even stupid enough to actually look at the papers.
Soon almost half of the people were left for being caught. Ok I guess I should do my trick now Naruto thought.
He closed his eyes and brought his hands up. Then he muttered something then opened his eyes again, he could see through anything so he looked at the people all around him copying what they had.
When Naruto was done he dispelled the jutsu. Itachi had taught him at little nifty trick awhile ago.
Basically you gather chakra to your eyes and say shing no jutsu then you can see through anything. Man it was great to have when you were watching hot girls.
Naruto looked back and had seen that the grass nin had also done something but he didn't know what and Kabuto was like a geek so he would get the answers no problem.
“Alright put your pencils down and get ready for the last question. But before I need to tell you the rules.” Ibiki said looking around before starting up again.
“If you fail then your whole team goes with you and you will stay a genin forever.” Ibiki said smiling.
Now that caught most of the participant's attention including Naruto.
That's a stupid rule Naruto thought leaning back in his chair. I really couldn't careless but I know Itachi would get mad so I'll just have to stay alert.
“If you want to leave now then do so”. Ibiki kept saying.
Jeez what is this guy a broken record? Naruto thought trying to drown out the annoying voice.
In fact I'll tell him to shut up.
Sasuke on the other hand was slightly panicking. He knew that him and Sakura could probably make it but what about Jack?
Sasuke looked over at Jack and the poor guy was sweating. He just doesn't have the confidence. Then Sasuke looked over at Sakura and she was also looking at Jack worried.
Before Sasuke could think of anything he heard a tapping noise. He looked over at Naruto and saw him leaning against his chair like he had no worries at all.
Sasuke heard the noise again and saw that it was Naruto's foot hitting the desk. Man what an annoying guy, Sasuke thought.
Meanwhile Naruto was replying to the message that was sent.
I get it, this is to test your mind or at least that's what Haku said.
“Alright since no one else are raising their hands then I might as well tell you.” Ibiki said looking at the room one more time.
“For the first exam you all… PASS”. Ibiki said smiling.
Damn Haku was right. How did he know? Well that least the test had weeded the weaker ones out but I still see to many people, maybe we could attack some groups at the next test.
“All right now everyone…” but before Ibiki could say anymore the window shattered.
Naruto quickly got out his kunai and had thrown it toward the intruder who in turn caught it.
Naruto quickly regretted it to because that was their second examiner. Maybe no one saw me, Naruto thought trying to act casual.
The woman just threw the weapon down and started her whole big speech about how worthless they were, he did however lean that her name was Anko. She was alright in Naruto's opinion.
She had short blackish blue hair that spiked at the end and dark eyes. She was wearing a fish net shirt with dark pants on.
“Now would all of you please follow me to the next test.” Anko said
Naruto got up and headed for Haku. “Hey nice throw.” Haku said shaking his head.
“It wasn't my fault if that examiner wanted to impress us then she should have done it another way.” Naruto said getting embarrassed.
“No you shouldn't have acted irrational.” Kira said walking up to them.
Naruto knew they were right but being the hot head that he was he walked away from them.
Then Naruto saw Sasuke so he decided to say hi.
“Hey Sasuke pretty easy test huh.” Naruto said walking beside him.
“How did you know Anko was coming.” Sasuke said right back at him and Naruto just shook his head.
“Luck I guess.” He said right back smiling.
“Dobe” Sasuke said walking a little faster.
All right no one calls me a dobe you little son of a, Naruto thought walking up to Sasuke.
“Hey are to running away from me?” Naruto said stopping Sasuke.
Sasuke had a look of pure hatred on his face. Well good Naruto thought smirking at Sasuke.
“What do you know. You know nothing about me and you still insist being by my side dobe.” Sasuke said getting mad.
Naruto on the other hand thought this was fun well except for being called dobe.
Naruto couldn't keep a mad face because it was so funny just seeing Sasuke mad.
Naruto couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing so hard it started to hurt his sides.
Sasuke just watched the blonde getting angrier. How dare he mock me, Sasuke thought while his fists were balled with anger.
Naruto seeing this stopped and looked around and sure enough he attracted attention. Great I want to stay as low as I can. I want to pass this stupid with so I can go back home.
Itachi had personally talked to me about not being a show off. I wonder why? He really didn't give me any details just said don't and I just broke that rule well actually a couple of times. Damn you Sasuke.
“Sasuke you don't even now true anger so don't try to match up to me. Your weak.” Naruto spat while walking away.
Sasuke watched Naruto's retreating back. What? I'm weak you say? I don't have true anger? That's what my brother said. I will get that stupid blonde.
Sasuke was so pissed he didn't know what he was doing until it was too late.
Naruto turned when he felt Sasuke run at him. He knew Sasuke would attack him, so he was going to be easy on the little bastard.
Sasuke ran up and punched Naruto in the face sending the blonde flying but he quickly back flipped and landed on the ground with his feet still smirking.
Not bad Sasuke, you're pretty fast to but can you dodge this I wonder.
Naruto ran at Sasuke and all of the sudden disappeared from view only to reappear right in front of Sasuke and punch him in the face.
Sasuke flew back and did the same thing with the back flip. Damn He's as fast as Lee, Sasuke thought getting up. He also had a smirk on his face. You think your all that well what will you do when I activate the sharingan.
What's he smirking about? Naruto thought watching him. Well I'll just have to beat him up.
Naruto started to charge again but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Naruto looked up and saw Haku glaring at him.
Naruto quickly got up from his stance and walked away defeated by Haku's glare.
(Hoped you liked it and thanks for the reviews.)