Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlimited mission ❯ Scroll ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(Hey what's up everyone the next ch. up.)
I don't own Naruto
Sorry about that little spelling mistake about the pencil thing. Yes it's pencil not penile. Anyway back to the story. On another note Kira was originally not a ninja. She lived with her family on a small farm until an accident happened that sent her in Itachi's group.
Rated R - Violence and Language.
Last time
Naruto started to charge again but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Naruto looked up and saw Haku glaring at him.
Naruto quickly got up from his stance and walked away defeated by Haku's glare.
The story begins
Sasuke saw this and had also got up. He looked around and saw practically everyone still watching and talking at the scene they just witnessed.
Naruto on the other hand was being talked to like a child.
“I can't believe you did that. You know what he said Naruto!” Haku yelled at Naruto while Kira was sitting down near a bench.
“Haku you better keep your voice down.” Kira said quietly.
Haku turned to see Kira, “I know but sometimes this idiot is just to much.” Haku said trying to catch his breath.
Naruto turned away, he knew what Itachi had said but Sasuke pissed him off.
“Haku I'm sorry.” Naruto said slowly even though he really wasn't.
“I know but Itachi had warned you not to show off and now I wonder if it's already to late.” Haku said sitting down next to Kira.
Naruto turned to face the both of them, “What are you talking about.” He said confused.
“It's… Nothing and don't worry about it.” Haku said.
Naruto wanted to know what Haku was going to say but Anko had interupped that idea but requesting all of the participants to gather around the fence.
Naruto walked in front watching the forest. It was a pretty big forest he had to admit.
“Now this is called the forest of death where you will be with your team for 5 days. You will have one of these scrolls called the heaven and earth. If you get a heaven scroll then you will need an earth scroll or visa versa.” Anko said.
Just great I have to be with Haku for 5 days in a row listening to him. Naruto thought looking over at Sasuke and glaring. I'm going to get you fucker.
Sasuke had also seen Naruto so he glared right back. I'll show you bastard. Sasuke thought.
“Now will one of your teammates please pick up a scroll.” Anko was saying.
Man that Anko person is so loud although she is cute maybe I should piss her off. Naruto then started to dance around like a drunk mimicking Anko
Without warning two kunais flew at him so he got into his stance and grabbed one of them, the other he dodged. There now Haku can't blame me for that, Naruto thought.
“Your very fast”. A silky voice said from behind.
Nartuo turned to see Anko hugging him from behind.
“Here's one, the other I didn't care to grab.” Naruto said smiling at Anko.
Anko smirked and grabbed the kunai, “You were the one that threw the weapon at me when I crashed through the window aren't you.” Anko said
Naruto just smiled a little more before he saw something that really creeped him out.
A long snake like tongue appeared right in front of him with a kunai.
“I think this belongs to you.” A silky voice said. Naruto was actually starting to freak out so much he jumped out of Anko's hug and faced the grass nin.
He had long black hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants on.
Whoever this guy was he was strong and Naruto was sure of that no question.
“Why thank you.” Anko said taking the kunai walking away.
The grass nin then looked over at Naruto and smiled.
“I saw that fight earlier that you had and you were pretty good.” The grass nin said sticking his tongue out.
Naruto only nodded trying to keep his cool but inside he was seriously panicking not even Itachi made him this scared.
His heart was beating so hard in his chest that it hurt to breath.
When the grass nin walked away Naruto quickly turned to get far away from that guy.
“Hey Naruto we have the scroll so…” Haku said before actually looking at Naruto.
He knew that something must off but what?
“What's wrong?” Haku said looking at Naruto.
“N…Nothings wrong why do you say that? Naruto said trying to be casual.
Kira suddenly came up to Naruto's side and took off his glasses. Naruto's eyes were blood red. Kira quickly put them back on so no one would see.
“What happened.” Kira said quietly. Naruto stared at her in surprise. Kira the non-social was worried.
“It's nothing really Kira don't get so worried, I'll just change my eye color.” Naruto said smiling.
Haku was also surprised that Kira had showed emotions.
Kira was from a little run down town and when she was small her parents were murdered right in front of her. From that day on she vowed to kill the men that caused her so much grief and pain.
A few days later Naruto and Itachi had took her along like they did for Haku. Kira wasn't really put into missions until a few months ago because of her personal problems.
“Please report to your gate number now. The test will start in about 5 minutes.” The announcer said.
“Come on Haku, Kira lets win this.” Naruto said walking to gate 10.
When they arrived Haku grabbed Naruto's shoulder.
Now what, Naruto thought turning around.
“Naruto don't use it.” Haku said sternly.
“What! Why?” Naruto countered. He didn't know why he couldn't use his own blood limit. It was his so why not.
“Because I have a bad feeling so please don't.” Haku said and Naruto reluctantly nodded.
“Oh before I forget, what do you say we weed out the completion.” Naruto said smirking.
Haku laughed, “I know who you want to fight Naruto.” Haku said.
“I agree we should.” Kira cut in.
“Now get ready… GO.” The announcer said and all the gates opened.
Naruto and his team dashed through the dark deep forest, jumping on the tree branches.
The forest in Naruto's opinion wasn't all that bad. You have shade from the sun and a breeze along with food. The wild animals didn't really pose any threat either.
Since Haku was of higher rank then Kira or Naruto, he led the way.
Haku all of the sudden put up his fist so Naruto and Kira stopped.
“What is it? We aren't even that far in yet.” Naruto whined.
“There's a group coming. We should ambush them.” Haku said getting ready while Naruto and Kira vanished into the dark forest.
A little while later a group of ninjas arrived they were from mist.
Haku stepped out and looked at the three. On the left was a kid with short dark hair that wore a white shirt with blue pants on. The others also wore the same outfit and almost had the same hair except for the middle one, which had brown long hair.
“What scroll do you have.” The middle one asked Haku.
Haku only smirked, “You'll just have to find out.” Haku said getting in a fighting stance.
“Are you serious? You're going to fight all three of us.” The left mist nin said laughing.
Haku didn't answer instead he charged. He went for the brown haired Mist nin and kicked him in the gut sending him flying into the trunk of the tree.
The other two ninjas quickly charged at Haku when they felt something in back of them. Naruto and Kira had appeared right in back of them both holding a kunai to the mists back.
“Now give me your scroll.” Haku said.
“No.” One shouted and Naruto drove the Kunai farther into his back.
“Do you really want to die for a stupid scroll.” Haku said getting impatient.
“Fine here.” The dark haired mist nin said handing them a scroll.
“Good.” Haku said walking away while Naruto and Kira knocked them out.
“Hey Haku.” Naruto said running up to him.
“What scroll did we get?” Naruto finished looking at it.
“Well we have the earth and this is another earth so we just have to find one that's a heaven.” Haku finished putting both scrolls in a pouch.
“I wonder if we will get to meet Sasuke's team.” Naruto said quietly.
“I don't really know but we need to keep moving.” Haku said jumping up into the tress while Kira and Naruto followed.
“Come on Haku! Are you sure we're going the right way? I mean we haven't ran into anyone since those stupid Mist guys no offence and that was like 4 hours ago.” Naruto complained.
“All right let's take a break and find out where we are. Oh and Naruto don't bash the Mist.” Haku said.
“Speaking of Mist, where's Jin? What about Itachi.” Naruto quietly said.
“Well Jin is probably with the other mist team so let's hope he can make them pass. Itachi will be waiting at the tower where all the other Junins are.” Haku said relaxing.
“I sense people coming.” Kira said getting in a ready position.
“All right Kira, Naruto you know what to do.” Haku said while he waited for them.