Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unpredictable ❯ Konoha ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

They reached Konoha's gate which made Deidara feel like his end was near. Its not that he didn't trust Naruto's word, it's just that it seemed very unreal; after all he was an S-rank criminal. His arms were getting number by the second and he felt like he couldn't keep hold of Naruto's shoulder anymore.
Just when they were meters away from the Hokage's office, Deidara collapse but Naruto was fast enough and caught him. “Hey, are you okay?”
Deidara looked into Naruto's blue eyes and smiled. “I think I'm going to die,” he whispered.
“Don't say that!” Naruto screamed as he carried Deidara in his arms. “I'll take you to the Hokage, she'll cure you!”
The bomber didn't say a word; he just laid his head against Naruto's chest, inhaling his warmness as he ran. His entire body was failing him and he had himself to blame, for he had known from the beginning, being a criminal was a path to death.
What happened next, Deidara wasn't sure. He remembered voices, blurry figures, pain but there was someone who he could always distinguish. Deidara could fully understand Naruto's voice, how he would beg for other to help him, how he would say to him that everything would be alright. He could see his blonde hair and blue eyes, motivating to withstand everything, to fight against death.
Naruto looked at Deidara. His face was pale, which somehow blended with the hospitals surroundings. The Hokage had told him to stay by his side until he woke up, but deep inside he knew he had stayed for something else.
Deidara's pale eyes shot open. He looked at the surroundings, not recognizing anything until he spotted Naruto. “Where the hell am I?” he asked.
“Konoha's hospital,” Naruto answered. “Remember you were poisoned?”
Deidara quickly looked at his hands, they were bandaged. “I'm alive?”
“Well I'm not an angel,” Naruto answered sitting next to him on the bed. “Luckily it was a very common poison, so it wasn't hard to get the antidote but your hands are something we had never seen or heard of before in Konoha, so there was little we could do about them. Hopefully, they will heal by themselves perfectly.”
“I see… un…”
“Anyways, I talked with the old lady and she said that as long as you answer all the questions, the sentence wont be harsh,” he told. “So you don't have to worry ab…”
“I'm not saying anything,” Deidara interrupted.
“What? Why not? Do you want to die?!”
“Yes I want to die!” Deidara screamed. “You have a problem with that, yeah?!”
“Look kid, I may hate Akatsuki but I just can't betray them! Sasori would hate me if I ever did that!” Deidara screamed. “So I won't do it!”
Naruto looked attentively at the Akatsuki's eyes, they showed every bit of confidence he had just expressed. “Deidara…”
“Look jinchuuriki, you can go and tell your Hokage that I'm ready to die, yeah!” Deidara hollered and diverted his view. Yes, it was the right choice. He couldn't just betray his partners, even if he hated most of them. It was simply wrong. Yeah, he might be a criminal but he still had some morals.
“I'll ask the questions myself, in fact, I'll control anything that involves you,” Naruto said, trying to convince “I'll make sure you…”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Deidara screamed. “Are you so desperate so save your ass?! Can't you see I don't care about anything right now?!”
“Deidara, I just…”
“And don't call me by my name you brat!” Deidara interrupted. “I'm getting sick of your face; call up you fucking Hokage now! Hurry!”
Naruto grabbed his hand tightly. “Let's go!”
“Grandma told me to take you to her place when you wake up, so let's go!”
“I'm half naked in here!” Deidara screamed, looking at his body which was only covered by a white hospital robe.
“Here!” Naruto threw him some clean clothes. “It's mine, if you don't mind wearing it. I just thought it would be better than what you had before.” Deidara looked at the clothes, a navy blue t-shirt and pair of dark pants. Naruto studied his face then stood up and turned around. “Go ahead change, if you're to shy I wont look but I can't leave the room.”
“Shut up! Hmm…” he uttered as he changed into Naruto's cloth. “I'm ready, let's get moving.”
When Deidara turned around, Naruto received with a huge smile. “Let's go!”
Lame, I know but it's just that they are just getting to know each other; I can't just have them all over themselves suddenly out of the pink!
So for now, I'm taking it slow.
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