Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unreal Perfection ❯ Enter Tsuyayaka Kanashimi ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: The parts of the story in italics are in third person, while the parts in normal font are told from Orochimaru's POV.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, though I do own the Hidden Village of Plot Device and Tsuyayaka Kanashimi. Be thankful.

So, it all began on a stormy night...I was just sitting in a chair, minding my own business, when the door randomly exploded. No, seriously, it exploded. Right off it’s hinges into a million itty-bitty little pieces. And that’s when I first caught a glimpse of her, and knew I had found a truly vile foe....

“Hi Daddy-sama!” A high, melodic voice squealed into Orochimaru’s ear, causing his eardrums to ring loudly. The voice belonged to a young, beautiful girl of only 15 years.

Though still at an innocent age, her form was defined in ample maturity, enough to turn the heads of boys wherever she went. Her hair was gorgeous; Glossy, silky, and raven-black with shimmering violet streaks. But it changed to wheaten blonde when sunlight formed a perfect halo about her head, to dewy silver when she recalled her tragic past, and to flaming, bloody scarlet when she became angry. Her orbs were emerald green, but one changed to crimson and the other to a misty grey when she used the power of her Sharikugan. Ruby lips formed a perfect pout in the foreground of her flawlessly porcelain skin, and a delicate, finely-moulded nose wrinkled slightly when she laughed like a chorus of angels. Her impeccible singing voice attracted men and small animals when she burst into songs by Green Day and Evanescence, perfectly reflecting her horrid, angsty childhood and how no one understood her because she had the spirit of the two-tailed Kawaii Neko sealed within her.

She wore a stunning body-suit made of bandages, with three-quarters long fishnet sleeves. High-heeled sandals adorned her agile, dainty feet, and mesh also swathed her long, creamy, gazelle-like legs. A forehead protector with a mysterious, unknown crest was tied around her tiny waist. Her hair was free and flowing in the artificial breeze, with one lock of it curving over her well-formed, small forehead. The katana she had dubbed the Trust Blade hung at her hip, the emeralds within its hilt glimmering in the dim light, and its midnight-black sheath gleaming like wet ink. She stood surrounded by a column of white light, reflecting her purity, innocence, and devotion to the ones that she once loved.

So yeah. This preteen just comes in, glomps me, and starts rambling about being my child...She had hair the colors of a rainbow, and this REALLY annoying spotlight following her around. It made me squint, and squinting is bad for the slitted pupils...Her outfit was completely impractical, I might like to add. Honestly, I thought that Anko went wrong with the fishnet shirt, but it's been proven to me that there are worse fashion statements out there. No child of mine would be prancing around in that getup...So I tried reasoning with her. Stupid, stupid me.

“Remind me again, who the hell are you?” Orochimaru asked, slightly stupified by the sudden visitor and the gleaming light.
“Why Daddy, I’m your precious daughter Tsuyayaka
Kanashimi!” She replied, tossing her neon green and orange-streaked hair over one ivory shoulder.

Tsuyaya...Hunh? She’s got a name that’s remarkable similar to the noise one makes when hit in the mouth! If she really were my daughter, I’d be wondering what I was thinking when I gave her that name...Wait a moment. Wasn’t her hair black with purple streaks just a moment ago? I’m confused.

“Daughter, hm? Who’s your dear mommy?” Asked Orochimaru, his voice tainted with sarcasm as he leaned against one arm of the chair. Kanashimi’s eyes glistened with tears as she replied, telling him a tale of tragedy and woe.

“My mother was Uchiha-Hyuuga Kagome. She was born of a forbidden union between the grandmother of Sasuke and the grandfather of Hinata, and was blessed with the combination Sharingan and Byakugan, also known as the Sharikugan. It is the most advanced of bloodline limits, even rarer than demonic ice mirrors or anything else. She met you as just a Chuunin, and you both fell in love. Then you married and had me, an even more wonderful and amazing prodigy than my mother and yourself combined. But she died a tragic death at the hands of both the Akatsuki and the ANBU...She was an S-ranked missing nin who just wanted to bring good into the world! And I was just 5 years old. You were devestated, and abandoned me to fend for myself, when I was adopted by Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja. He taught me everything I know today, but I wanted to find you...”

WHAAAAT?! I remember none of this. If I had any children, I would have long since eaten them all! Just...No. I can remember at least the last 20 years clearly, and I recall NO marriage within that time...And what’s a Sharikugan, anyways? Last time I checked, they didn’t exist...

“I don’t remember any of this...” Orochimaru mumbled, looking even paler than usual as he leaned over the side of the chair. “This can’t be true.”
“Of course not. You had your memory erased after I left!” Kanashimi replied, her voice suddenly becoming sweet and understanding. “Look in your heart dad, you know it has to be true...”
“Get out of my house!” Shreiked Orochimaru, clutching a pillow as if in self defense, pointing one finger towards the doorway. “You’re BURNING me!” Slumping over into a fetal position, he began to sob hysterically as Kanashimi left, cherry blossom petals swirling in her wake.