Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Warrior's Dream ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Warrior's DreamAuthor: Clemen/Pieldelava/LaChicaNicaFandom: Naruto Pairings/Characters: Itachi/Naruto, Sasuke/NarutoRating: R-Rated and NC-17, these parts will be posted on adultfanfiction.netGenre: Angst and DramaWarnings: Slash (slash: male/male, female/female relationship), don’t like, don’t read!!!!!Summary: Sometimes our greatest moments in life is not to never fail but in the risk we take every time we fall.Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto or anything related to it. I’m a poor college student so if you want to give to charity, send me some money, your be doing your good deed of the day, so e-mail me. hahahahahaNote: I want to thank my buddy LiLAqUaMaRiE, love you mujer, thanks for putting up with my drama.
Warrior's Dream
Chapter Two:
“There is one pain I often feel, which you will never know. It is caused by the absence of you.”

"Hey Sasuke," Sakura voice could be heard as she walked over to where he was, "you can stay over tonight if you want." She paused to glance upward, "It looks like the raining won't stop anytime soon." She finished speaking from behind Sasuke as he opened the door to her home.
"Hn." Sasuke replied as he held the door open for Sakura.
Sakura continued to stare up at the raining sky and noted that the rain seemed as if the heavens above were crying for some unknown reason; it added more to the somber mood that was around her and Sasuke. Sakura glanced away, her eyes falling upon Sasuke and she couldn't help but sigh softly. She finally seemed to have gotten her childhood wish - she finally had Sasuke at her side. It was something that made her smile, she was happy to finally be with Sasuke in mind and body but, even though she was with him - she couldn't help but feel as if something was missing.
Her eyes traveled downward, landing upon Sasuke back for a moment before traveling down further until she stared at the ground between them. She saw an orange ribbon lying upon the wet ground and it reminded her that no matter how happy she was - without Naruto at her side as well - she couldn't ever be truly happy.
Every time she thought of Naruto she always felt confused about her own emotions. Silently, she admits to herself that she's attracted to the 'blond bombshell' as Ino and she dubbed him as a long time ago.
Naruto had really grown; he was no longer the weird looking kid that she had met years ago. He almost resembled the fourth Hokage twin, only difference would be that he had darker blonde hair; he was also now as tall as Sasuke and has become even as hot as him. And yet, no matter with all the changes Naruto had gone through, no girls dare to even get close to him because of their fear of the demon he carried within himself. No girl wanted to be shunned just as he was from the village because of any type of 'association' with Naruto.
Sakura sighed to herself. How ironic, when she wanted Sasuke and didn't even imagine even being as close as she was now, she and Naruto were close. Now, now things were different. It seemed as she and Sasuke got closer, Naruto and her drifted farther apart.
It was just sad.
She hardly sees her blonde friend anymore and sometimes she wonders - could she still call him as her friend or had that changed as well?
If they do see each other, which is rare, they barely speak to one another; just a simple 'hi' and 'bye' were the most that was said between them. Maybe they weren't friends anymore; maybe this was how fate planned it. However, she can not lie and say she did not miss him and that not being in his presence seems to hurt her - deeply.
She has heard stuff from others about him, like from Ino that mentioned how Hinata and Naruto have become very close to the point where many people started to believe that they were more than just friends but that assumption was dropped at the news that Hinata and Kiba had set a date already for their wedding. But as much as she hears, gossips or assumptions aren't enough for her – she just wants him.
Sakura stared at the rain above her, feeling it fall upon her face in silence. How was he? Did he miss her? She didn't understand her own feelings toward Naruto. Did she love him? Did she love Sasuke? Did she love them both? Sakura couldn't help but feel terribly confused about her inner emotions.
She bit her lip as she continued to ponder within her mind.
The thought of Naruto and her being together has passed her mind quite a few times, especially during the time when Sasuke was with Orochimaru looking for power to kill his brother. She could even remember the time when she had been ready to be with Naruto in every sense of the meaning; it was a time when all the hope she had to bring Sasuke back to the village had been lost.
"Sakura put your clothes back on."
Sakura blinked, as she was taken aback but she slowly redressed. Once she was done she turned to face Naruto, "But Naruto, I love you and I want to be with you." she had moved closer to him as she spoke.
Naruto sighed as he backed away from her looking at anything but at her. "Sakura, you don't know what you're saying." He shook his head, "You don't love me and before you throw a fit" he raised a hand to stop her from saying anything in reply. "I mean to say that you just don't love me in the way you think you do." His tone soften, "Don't confuse friendship with love Sakura. Listen to your heart, it will tell you who you truly love."
Sakura stared at him speechless.
"You love Sasuke sweetie and he's the only you truly want to give your first time too. Not me." Sakura swallowed hard but shook her head. "Naruto, that's not true. I don't love him anymore..."
Naruto chuckled quietly, "its ok Sakura, you don't have to lie to me." He gave her a sad smile, "I love you Sakura, I truly do, and because of that I want you to be happy." He noticed the silent tear that slipped from her eye, "And your happiness means Sasuke, that's why I'm going to bring him back to you; no matter what."
Another tear slipped from her eyes, "Naruto, I'll..." Naruto just moved closer to her. With a finger to her lips he silenced her and leaned in to kiss her forehead gently, "Shh Sakura. It's okay."
"But Naruto..."
"I said its okay, now shh. Let's go to sleep." He was about to turn from her but her voice stopped him.
"No Naruto, I have to say this - I'm sorry."
Naruto silently turned around to face her once more; he had a soft smile on his lips. "I said it was okay Sakura and it is." He titled his head to a side, "Love is one of those things you just can't control..." he paused to give her a goofy smile, "'s like controlling how much salt they put into instant ramen."
Sakura had been listening to his words carefully until the last part registered into her brain and she rolled her eyes before playfully smacking him in the arm. "You baka! We're talking about something serious and here you go and talk about food!" She moved away from him to lie down next to the warm fire to sleep. "Stop thinking with your stomach Naruto!" she chided him as she got comfortable before her eyes drifted close.
Naruto rubbed his arm tenderly, "But Sakura-chan, instant ramen is serious." He stopped his actions to gaze at Sakura seriously and saw her asleep, "Sakura-chan, your happiness is very important to me...just as everyone else is." He moved closer to where she was and laid down next to her, he was about to fall asleep when he leaned closer to her and softly whispered out the next part to into her ear, "it's simple - you guys happy makes me happy."
Naruto had thought she was already asleep when he said those words but she wasn't and she would always remember that moment in her life, would always remember those words.
She breathed in deeply. No matter what anyone says, Naruto was a special person. He did not take advantage of the situation they had been like most guys would have done - no, he was different. He was special.
Unfortunately, her concerns with Naruto did not end there, no – there was another issue that concerned her. It all came to one question – what had happened between Sasuke and Naruto? It was something she has come to wondered and worried about - constantly.
Ever since the whole Itachi ordeal, both men have avoided each other like a plague. It was weird and confusing. Kakashi-sensi and she always believed that when Sasuke managed to return, things would be as they used to be - normal or at least the closes one could get from Naruto and Sasuke relationship.
But they were mistaken.
She sighed sadly to herself. How she missed their interaction, how she wished she could turn back the time to when she was twelve years old - back when things were so much simpler. What had happened to them all?
"Sakura are you ok?"
Sakura blinked as she broke away from her massive thoughts and glanced around to face a concerned Sasuke. "Huh?"
Sasuke sighed casually as he stared at her. "You've been standing in the rain for some time now..." he crossed his arms across his chest as he studied her silently, "You were staring into space - so are you alright?"
Sakura eyes slightly widened and as she bit her bottom lip she bows down in front of Sasuke apologizing, "Sorry Sasuke, I was just thinking..."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "About what?"
"About how it seemed like the heaven above us were weeping..." she answered softly.
Sasuke raised the other eyebrow before he shook his head, "It's only rain Sakura, just rain." He turned around heading closer to the open door that had been left forgotten. "Now, let's go inside before either of us continues to get even wetter than we already are."
Sasuke sighed to himself as he walked over to the door; it seemed as if the night was going to be another night without any feeling or purpose. He couldn't lie to himself - Sakura was special to him. She was the woman who'll soon be his wife and the mother of his children and yet, he felt empty inside. He couldn't quite understand as to why.
He was supposed to feel fulfilled but the feeling of hollowness grew with each passing day. Sakura was one of the most beautiful women in all of Konoha, the best med tech; she was someone who any man would die to be in his position. However, his heart craved another, it longed for a certain blonde that could never be his to claim.
He had once hated Naruto with such a passion as he did with his brother Itachi; both men had taken something that was his. Itachi had taken everything that has ever meant something to him - his family, his dreams, his hopes. Naruto had taken his essence, his soul and his love. Both men would forever haunt him. Not even with killing his own brother had not taken away his presence from his mind nor would never really seeing the blonde idiot would take away Naruto presence from his mind and his heart.
He had willed himself to forget about Naruto or to put the thoughts that concerned him at the back of his mind - he would soon be wedded to Sakura - such thought shouldn't be allowed anymore. Unfortunately, he had nothing to hold back the last few words he had with his brother Itachi - it would haunt him to no end.
"That's what drives you isn't it? To know why I did what I did." Itachi smirked at him, "Know this little brother - you will never know my reason for they are my reasons alone..." the smirk on his face grew as he continued to taunt him, "...but know this, the one thing you cherish above all things is mine and will always belong to me."
Itachi laughed evilly as he stared at the fear that slowly etched into his brother's face.
"Yes, my seed will live on; you will always live with the knowledge that my final revenue against our clan and you will be fulfilled!"
Those were Itachi's last few words to him and it was, as well, the first time he could actually remember watching Itachi smile - even if it was sinister looking.
He blinked startled, "Huh, what?"
Sakura stared at him oddly; a frown was on her face. "Are you okay? I was trying to tell you to close the door but you didn't answer me." A concern look crept into her eyes, "Are you getting sick?"
Sasuke waved her off, "I'm fine. No need to worry." He lied as he closed the door. "I just got a bit distracted because of what you said about the rain." He walked past her, in search of anything to dry off - leaving her behind to watch him confusedly.
-- Writing©Clemen/PieldeLava/LaChicaNicaNaruto©Studio PierrotAll Rights Reserved-Masashi Kishimoto