Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wasted Years ❯ Ch. 3: You Stole My... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wasted Years

by Mizerable

Ch. 3: You stole my…

* * *

Kakashi watched with morbid fascination as the lines dancing without rhythm. He took a moment to glance away when a sigh of bleak dissatisfaction reached his ear. "I won't lie and say he'll be fine. Uchiha-kun is in bad shape," the doctor declared grimly, "His heartbeat is completely erratic…Both his body and mind have entered a dangerous place."

"I see," Kakashi replied gruffly. What else could he say to that? The distorted lines of the heart monitor spoke in tongues of hard-lined truth for him.

"The only way he's going to recover at all is to avoid overtaxing his body. It may be in his best interest to retire from the life of a shinobi." Kakashi had expected as much but he could tell the doctor didn't want to say it. The doctor was a man who wished these kids had a chance to get out in the real world and truly live, rather than be half way to the grave after barely entering their teen years. And so he left without saying another word. Words didn't fix people.

"It would help if the kid didn't have that damn seal," Anko muttered, her hand absently tracing over the spot hers would be, if surfaced.

"Do you suppose Orochimaru plans on returning now, two years later?" Kakashi pondered aloud, though he didn't sound convinced that this was Orochimaru's doing.

"He's not here," Anko nearly snapped, "I would have felt it…plus I'd have a lot of dead Anbu on my hands. Everyone's working triple-time to make sure he doesn't show, but…."

"But last night did happen," Kakashi finished for her, "Sasuke's body must be unconsciously reacting."

"You're assuming that he didn't---"

"Kakashi-san?" a nurse appeared at the door, "She's awake." Kakashi gave a faint nod.

"I'll watch over him," Anko stated, reassuring Kakashi slightly. Just before departing, he turned to face her again. "If he should…"

"I'm prepared," Anko replied with as much of her standard confidence as she could muster. But it was the set of needle-like daggers held securely between her fingers that Kakashi found his meager, albeit morose, comfort.

* * *

Despite her family's sobbing, they had no problem raising accusing eyes in his direction. As if he didn't have enough guilt. He slipped into her hospital room and she stared back at him with the eye that wasn't swollen shut. "Sen…sei?" she managed with a raspy voice.

"Yeah," he answered softly. She attempted to smile at him, even a weak one. But it wouldn't come. She just couldn't do it. "Don't force yourself, Sakura. It's okay to say 'it hurts'." With that, her face darkened considerably. Kakashi couldn't find even a scrape of the silly, cheerful girl he received as a student those two short years ago. This would be difficult so he needed to ease her into this. "The doctor did tell me the surgery was successful. Though even with the help of the medical jutsu, it may still be difficult to breathe normally for a while." Sakura gave a faint nod while focusing her good eye on the descending dusk painted just beyond the window. She obviously had no intention of talking otherwise. He knew it would be painful for her but he had to get to the bottom of this. Time to cut to the chase.

"I know you are trying to cope with what happened, Sakura. And I wish I could give you more time to pull yourself together, but we don't have any. You need to tell me everything that happened." Sakura understood that fact but it certainly didn't make this any easier. She wanted more than anything to just close her eyes and wake up in her own bed because this had to be a nightmare. No matter how much pain she was in or how real it felt, please somebody just wake her up. She drew a shaky breath and attempted to sort out the images in her head but when she opened her mouth, only a strangled sob was wrenched out.

Kakashi reached out to take her hand, to try and mollify the agony she had to be feeling. But Sakura recoiled away as if burned by his mere presence and stayed huddled in upon herself like a frightened rabbit. "I'm sorry," he spoke softly so as to avoid startling her.

"Sensei," her bruised face crumbled into a mess of tear-stained red and purple splotches. Why couldn't she just stop crying, even for just a moment? All she could ever do was cry.

"The only thing I can do for you is find the one responsible for harming you," Kakashi kept his voice gentle and even, despite the rage pulsing through his veins, "Sakura, no matter how much you may want to protect him, you must tell me: is Sasuke the one who did this to you?"

Sakura sobered instantly with disbelief drawn across her abused face

* * *

Having been roused early in the morning, just before the four o'clock hour to be more specific, Kakashi and fellow jounin Kurenai were now gathered outside a less-than-classy hotel. They'd been notified by the owner that suspicious noises were coming from one of the rooms and, since it was their turn to be on duty at this hour, it was their job to investigate. Judging by the looks of the place, both had been certain it was probably home to an extraordinary amount of "suspicious noises" but it wasn't known for submitting large amounts of requests for help. That was enough to set off warning bells about this mission.

The old man seemed to be rather tipsy, as his memory lapsed when it came to who the guests exactly were. Though both he and Kurenai were convinced the man may have been put under some kind of genjutsu, even if they couldn't detect it. More alarms were going off about this.

Finally arriving at the room in question and kunai in hand, they cautiously opened the door. A grand array of smells combining blood, sex, and vomit permeated the air. Spent sake flasks lay cluttered about the room, some broken. There had most definitely been some sort of violent struggle with these four walls. It did, however, appear completely abandoned. Neither Kakashi nor Kurenai could sense the presence of anyone, shinobi or otherwise, waiting hidden in order to attack.

Searching the room for clues, Kakashi spotted a torn article of clothing tossed off to the side. The jagged rips and suggested it had been rather forcefully removed. It took him a full thirty seconds to process that it was Sakura's red dress. "Oh my god," he whispered in disbelief.

"Don't touch me!!!" a shrill scream ripped through the room. Kurenai had opened a closet and discovered her inside. Shivering, battered to the point that was almost beyond recognition, and stripped of almost all her clothing, Sakura was curled up with both her trembling hands clutching desperately to a kunai. "Get a blanket," Kakashi nearly barked as he crouched next to his student, who tried to make herself as small and distanced as was physically possible. As he and Kurenai attempted to wrap her in a down comforter, Sakura struggled as strongly as her busted body was capable. "Why did-why did he-made me--" Sakura was choking on her words.

"Shh, shh. Calm yourself. We're here now," Kurenai tried to soothe the poor girl in any way she could, despite the fact that she knew it wouldn't reach her like this, "You're badly injured and fighting like this may upset your wounds further."

"I couldn't do anything---I let him---Against his Sharingan I-" Whatever Sakura said after that was lost in her uncontrollable sobs. But both teachers froze at that one word.


Kakashi's mind immediately recalled a few weeks prior to when he left Sakura at Sasuke's home and the next day she bore a terrible bruise on her wrist. And earlier this very evening, Iruka had reported other disturbing news. Naruto had been bothered by what he saw at the teahouse and immediately went to his beloved teacher to try and have things sorted out. Why had Sasuke touched Sakura like that, especially when it didn't seem like either had wanted it, the boy asked. After whatever happened at that shop, both Sasuke and Sakura had taken off and hadn't been seen since then. What if Sasuke finally lost all control…?

Completely exhausted on all levels, Sakura slipped into unconsciousness. Struggled gasps for air, along with the heavy bruising along her ribcage and sternum suggested not only broken bones but most likely a punctured lung. Another reason to make his legs move faster to bring her to the hospital all the quicker.

Curse seal or not, was Sasuke truly capable of something as horrendous as this?

If not and the person who had done this still possessed Sharingan eyes meant a whole other layer of impending disaster. Kakashi truly had no idea which was worse in the end: Sasuke committing a heinous crime or that man returning to the village of Konoha to carry on his tradition of committing heinous crimes

* * *


She could admit she was. Well over an hour had passed and she was still out her sobbing at his doorstep. So he had spent some time with her that evening. It didn't mean anything to him, just as waking in each other's arms a few short weeks ago meant nothing to him. She knew that. And yet…

Maybe she should go home now. It was late and getting cold…Maybe she should go find Naruto and let him know she's okay, more or less. Everyone was probably worried after she bolted out of the teahouse after Sasuke. She really wanted to leave but her legs just wouldn't budge. Perhaps she should just camp out here tonight so she could check on Sasuke bright and early. Maybe then, he'd let her in.

She really could be an idiot, with her mind completely focused on Sasuke. Maybe if she paid attention to her surroundings for a change, she would have noticed the figure approaching from behind. It wasn't until a shadow was cast over her that she whirled around to see a man underneath the light of the pale moon. A dark cape concealed most of his body but she could see his face. Gil-like markings lay beneath his eyes and his leer showed some of his sharpened teeth. But more than anything, she noticed the large object strung across his back, obviously some type of sword.




Sakura was on her feet that just wouldn't run fast enough. It wouldn't help to scream, since she'd been doing that for the past couple hours but not many people lived in this part of town so it wouldn't be of any use. It's not like Sasuke was going to come to her rescue. But she took perhaps four steps before a hand was clamped over her mouth and the man took off with her in tow.

They traveled so quickly that it left her disoriented. It was only after being dumped on the ground that she could assess where she was. It looked like some sort of hotel room and an unkempt one, at that.

"And I suppose this fits into the plan to avoid attracting attention to ourselves?" a man inquired, a different man than who took her. She could only see his profile but he had an angled face and dark hair along with that same cloak. He was seated on the floor before the low table pouring himself, judging by the many scattered bottles, yet another helping of sake.

"A man needs his fun now and then," her kidnapper answered, sounding to be very much the arrogant and reckless type, "Besides, the girl was crying her eyes out at somebody's door and no one let her in. I doubt anyone will even notice she's gone." A derisive snort was what he received in reply.

"What do you want with me?" Sakura finally spoke up, trying her best to sound threatening. The man gave her that same shark-toothed grin again as his answer. She needed to get out of here and fast. Making a break for the door was a stupid idea, especially since she turned her back on the enemy. But she had to try. Even when the shark-man appeared before her, she attempted to skid to a halt with the hopes she could dodge him and shift her momentum towards another direction.

His fist caught her square in the chest and sent her bouncing across the floor before slamming into the opposite wall.

It was the first time her body had ever known such overwhelming pain. The wind was knocked out of her and she just managed to keep herself from vomiting. That one was all it took to leave her body as a shuddering mess. Now the man was approaching again while the other one continued to drink. She was going to be killed and there was no Team 7 to make the daring rescue this time. Sakura, being a creature of habit, had to try escaping again.

"Hmm, you're cute but not a quick learner." He grabbed the back of her dress while she tried to pull away. "Let go!!" The dress gave way and she tumbled to the floor out of the fabric. The man tossed aside the ruined clothing and was coming towards her again. She needed to focus. She needed to remember her training. Her hands went through a series of seals but was unable to finish before a foot connected to her ribs and, in the process, flipped her onto her back.

"Replacement technique? They let weak little girls like you pretend to be shinobi?"

She couldn't breathe.

She couldn't breathe!!!

He was about to strike her again when the second man spoke up. "Kisame, do try to be less excessive this time. We really don't need to leave a trail of evidence behind us."

"In other words, make it something easy to clean up?" Kisame responded with a chuckle. He was about to continue his work but paused, an idea apparently dawning upon him. He yanked Sakura up by the hair, despite her loud protests, and dragged her to the opposite end of the table to face the drinking man.

"She's a real looker, isn't she?"

The man's dark hair shadowed his face, though one got the impression he may have raised an eyebrow at the insinuation. How stupid, he must have thought.

"You want her first?"


Sakura squirmed and cursed at him when she couldn't break free.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have no need to often…indulge in such things."

Sakura couldn't tell if she felt relief or not when this man chose not to partake in her demise.

"Are you sure? It isn't often you get to visit this place, Itachi-san. Don't you want to have a share of its young ladies?"

Behind the curtain of hair, he took a glance at the girl in question. She couldn't be older than perhaps fifteen, nervous and innocent. And perhaps he enjoyed too much wine this night, for he actually agreed to it. Normally not one to waste his time with these sorts of things, especially something as inane as forcing himself on a young girl, but the liquor was making his blood more bold and less logical. His Sharingan eyes captured her and he noticed the recognition reflected in her face before her body slumped.

So that's who this girl was…

"You may leave, Kisame."

Once alone, Itachi took note of her trembling shoulders. "I trust your body hasn't sustained terrible damage yet."

"Please don't do this to me."

"Look at me."

Sakura couldn't help but look, not quite in control over her actions. Itachi hadn't expected a shinobi as weak as she seemed to have much power. It figures that someone of her build would have a talent for genjutsu. He held her eyes again, strengthening his control, as tears dripped from her chin.


Rather than walk, Sakura crawled atop the table and approached, taking a seat at the edge when she reached him. She bit her lip out of fear but so long as she was compliant, that expression of fright wasn't a problem.

"Spread your legs."

Feet planted on the ground, she timidly parted them slightly. Her eyes were a pale shade of green, he noted, and were as wide as dinner plates. Her hands trembled in her lap.

"Have you ever been with a man?"

Her cheeks flushed brightly, though she did not answer. He did not pry to find out her actual answer; he did not see her memory of Sasuke kissing her a few short weeks ago. He placed a hand on the inside of her thigh, forcing her legs wider apart. "Take these off."

She was a frightened mouse as her fingers slipped into her waistband and tugged down her shorts. She scooted forward, almost falling into his lap, as she slid them over her hips. They pooled around her feet and were discarded when Itachi pushed her legs open again. She kept her panties, modest white ones, though his hand inched towards them.

"Your eyes say no, yet it seems you've grown quite aroused already."

She choked back a sob.

"You actually want me to touch you there, don't you."


" 'No'?" He dragged a finger slowly against the damp fabric, making her jump when he ghosted over her sensitive area. Pressing more firmly, she pushed forward into his touch.


She was trapped inside her own mind, which screamed for Itachi to stop. But her body was allowing him to do as he pleased. She had no control over herself anymore.

Was this how Sasuke felt?

If she were able, she would have screamed as she watched herself lean forward and press her mouth against his. It was a slow, savoring kiss; she let him slide his tongue in and move languidly inside while his hand remained on her thigh. A soft whimper escaped her mouth and she felt his hand move against the fabric.

"Move forward."

Sakura was barely able to balance against the edge as she kept her feet on either side of his legs. Her palms were against the tabletop, her fingers curling under the edge, and she felt horribly self-conscious clad only in netting and her panties.

"Tell me," his finger pushed aside the fabric and slid inside her, "Has any man ever touched you here?"


"I see."

He could tell from the feel of her that she was a virgin. Her eyes were screwed shut and she tried not to move against his touch. Slowly pushing his way in, sliding his finger inside her wetness; Sakura made another whimper. He removed his hand and her eyes shot open. So she, too, was growing lusty.

"Remove your undergarments."

She seemed hesitant, being apparently a rather willful girl. He offered his damp finger before her mouth and she once again paused before taking it in, sucking on her own wetness as she eased off her panties. He withdrew his finger and eased her back against the table, leaving a damp trail behind as his fingers followed a path from her neck all the way down. Now that she was lying back with her legs dangling over, he made sure to keep her legs spread wide to him. No matter how shameful it was to expose her when she was so unwillingly wet and weeping with desire.

He took one of her hands and placed it between her thighs, wordlessly telling her what to do. Her hand was shaky as it reached in between her legs, sliding inside shyly. Her touches were experimental and slow. Itachi's hand pressed hers, forcing two, three fingers deeper inside. In and out he pushed, watched her fingers move and made her go further.


She sat forward, trying to push further inside and Itachi forced her to lie back down. She weakly struggled to bring her hand back down when she suddenly felt him shove his own fingers sharply into him. She cried out, back arching. The sudden roughness surprised her as she slammed her hips down hard to meet his thrusts.

In and out, in and out. He tortured her with his touch as sounds he supposed could be considered beautiful began to moan from her mouth. She tried to quiet her voice, tried to control the sensations but sucking on her own fingers did very little to help. He leaned over her then, pushing into her tightness, pressing his body close to hers as their noses almost touched. Her hands lay carelessly by her face, soft hair fanning beneath. It was peculiar, to watch her body practically begging him to take her while her wide green eyes continued to fill with fresh tears.

He baited her with the temptation of a kiss and received a discouraged cry when he denied her. He suckled on her earlobe while she pushed her hips against his fingers. His breath was warm and soft against her skin as he whispered by her ear.

"Let me hear that voice again."

Her eyes seemed to plead with him, wishing for anything but this to continue. Her voice was sweet to the ear though, sounding so needy. He pulled back on his haunches, giving himself a view of his fingers jolting inside between her legs. Her hips rolled hard into his touch, her spine crashing against the unrelenting wood of the table. His thumb began rubbing against someplace a young girl of her age was only just discovering while she pushed down on him. Her voice grew louder, her thrusts became sharper. He felt her body snap taut and clench around him. Without even looking, he could tell her eyes held surprise.

"Was that the first time you've experienced such a feeling?"

"…kill me…"

Itachi took hold of her ankles and tugged her roughly down to straddle his lap. Her eyes were angry and ashamed. The flush of her cheeks could have been from such or from exertion. Her chest heaved breathlessly as she leaned boneless against him, her scent was still strong with desire. She shuddered against him, undoubtedly from now being so sensitive between her thighs. He shifted so slightly beneath him, yet still caused her to jump from arousal.


Her fingers came between them, pushing inside herself. Her mind must have died somewhere along the way. Rocking against her touch, rocking against his hips, their tongues met each other halfway though their mouths never reached. Without warning, her hand was slick and down his pants. Please let him kill her when it's all over. Sakura let this thought become her mantra, spinning over and over again in her mind. There was no way she ever wanted to face anyone ever again after this. How could she live after-after-

He slid his trousers down just enough. He kept his hands pressed against her hips as he pushed inside of her slowly, so slowly. Even after preparing her, she was still impossibly tight inside. Her mouth was wide with surprise, her toes curling and her voice was a whispered squeak before growing into a perfect moan. He raised her almost completely off him before pushing her down slowly again. Her face appeared so overwhelmed with sensation and her hand crawled beneath his shirt. It was pleasant to feel her touch beneath the fabric, nails digging into the flesh. With his shirt exposing skin now, her free hand shoved up her netting and freed her breasts from their bindings. Skin against skin, her chest pressed firmly against his as he moved deeply, so deeply inside her. That free hand of hers wound its way into his hair as he pressed his mouth against her neck, suppressing the groans threatening to claw their way from his throat.

She became so much tighter, her whole body clinging desperately and she all but screamed this time. Itachi let the end pass through him, his teeth clamping down on her collarbone.

Neither moved as they began to collect their breath. She smiled down on him softly, her whole body flushed pink. Her hair was damp and strand stuck to her face. Even now, his illusion made her body want more. Her eyes were dull, like tarnished metal. Itachi supposed there was only so much a human being could take. It could make him wonder what she might have been like years from now, had she been of better fortune. Would she have been like-

He slid her off his lap, letting her drop wantonly onto the tatami. He made himself decent before rising to his feet. He cast one last look in her direction, receiving a quizzical look. She was appealing like that, tempting. But Itachi was not a man to often act on such. This was enough and the illusion came to an end, as all things do. A gasp followed by the girl clamping a hand over her mouth, possibly to hold off the nausea.

"It is fine if you choose to hate me. You'll likely curse my name with your dying breath."

He left her lying almost completely exposed, though chose not to glance at her again. He had no further use for her. There was no need to see her. The Sharingan kept her burned into his skull, regardless of need. The door clicked shut and that was the last she saw of Itachi.

Sakura choked on a sob. How could this have happened? How could something like this have happened to her?! Her first time was supposed to be special and gentle. So heartfelt and overflowing with feeling, and yet…

Yet she still moaned for him.

She still came for him.

Like the cheap slut he'd made of her.

Rolling over, she did vomit this time. She wished she could expel everything he did to her, with her. Oh so slowly, she numbly forced herself from horrid cries into mere sniffling as she pulled her netting back down. She crawled around to find her discarded clothing, trying to put everything back together. Her body froze on all fours when she felt a hand press against the back of her neck. "Well this certainly makes for a beautiful image."

Kisame's other hand was now on her rear sliding, sliding, almost between her legs.

No. Please no more…

Sakura's fingers reached, stretched forward and just managed to grasp the only thing she could use for a weapon. Despite the pressure against her neck, she still found enough strength to haul back and smash a discarded sake bottle hard against his temple. He was surprised more than anything and she took this chance to kick him hard in the stomach. The distance wasn't enough for her to make an escape, but at least it gave her a small measure of satisfaction.

"You bitch!" he roared and his fist cracked against her cheek. Kisame didn't possess the sort of powers Itachi had, so there was only way he could get anyone to obey him: beat them into submission. And as Itachi often said, his work was often excessive.

She certainly didn't look pretty anymore with all the bruised flesh and the blood matted in her hair. She coughed and gagged on the blood rising in her throat. It spilled from her mouth and splattered over her chin. Her voice was gone with all the screaming, but a quick lay was a quick lay. His hand reached for his belt when he froze. "Shit," he pulled back, "They're already on to us, huh?" The only course of action he hand now was just to kill the bitch and get out…She stopped breathing. The eye that could still open was unblinking and vacant, her body completely limp. He couldn't feel her radiating any chakra. She died all on her own? Shinobi really were a joke these days.

He dumped the body in the closet and took off, hoping to catch up with Itachi soon. His traveling companion had sensed the jounin immediately and unsurprisingly took off without him. Had Kisame stayed, he would have discovered Sakura had been holding her breath and had stilled her body. Within her new "hiding" place, she clutched the kunai she managed to steal from his holster before he slammed the door on her. She didn't know where they had taken her and there was no guarantee anyone approaching was from Konoha. They might be another enemy and she would have to fight them, as well. Not that she possessed even the slightest ability to do so in this state. Maybe it would be better if she…If she could gain control over one thing before they…

She pressed the point of the blade at her neck, just beneath her chin. No one was forcing her now. It was her choice. She had the power. She wanted to--

The closet opened and an unexpected Kurenai was on the other side.

The Leaf were here. Seeing her. Like this.

"Don't touch me!!!"

* * *

Ino was relaxing for a change. Training was strangely called off for the day and she took this rare opportunity to sleep in a little later and take a luxuriously longer shower before helping out in her family's flower shop. And, let's face it, helping prepare floral arrangements was much easier than practicing jutsu. The day was perfectly simplistic and passed by quietly. Supper was complete, the dishes were clean, and she had absolutely nothing to do now. Perhaps she would read or, even better, head out into the village. She considered seeing Sakura to get the details about what happened with Sasuke last night. She paused, then switched directions. She and Sakura never became the best of friends again after all these years. She knew the Sakura of now well enough to know she wouldn't give up any details.

Maybe she could get Shikamaru to head out with her, though he'd probably just see that as too big of a hassle…Well, she'd just make him go with her anyway!

Strangely, the only resistance she got from Shikamaru was heavy sigh, a sigh that had something more to it that irritation but she couldn't place it. Either way, it was out into the village for some fun. Or, so she thought. The village was frighteningly quiet. It was strange. Ino's parents had been quiet like that all day, as well.

"Wait up!" a voice called out to them, a voice they recognized immediately to be Chouji. They turned to greet him and were slightly surprised to see Asuma with him. "Sensei has been trying to get us all together," Chouji explained, seeming slightly annoyed "But he wouldn't tell me why."

"That's because all of you need to hear what I've got to say. It's very important."

"How come you didn't just have us meet earlier? We probably could have gotten some training in," Ino inquired. She really enjoyed her day off but since Asuma seemed bothered by something, it must be something really serious. "I was needed elsewhere," he stated, leaving no room for argument as he lit a cigarette.

Now seated at a café, his students anxiously awaited the news. With a heavy heart, Asuma began to relay the information to them. "Last night, two S-class criminals had entered the village without anyone noticing." That put enough shock into the three and he hadn't even gotten to the worst part of it yet. "These criminals had kidnapped a girl. She was found alive but her attackers were gone and had left her in very critical condition. The village is on high alert after she identified the two. Due to all the Leaf jounin needing to be briefed on the matter, I wasn't able to train you today."

The information was difficult to absorb. They knew the village was vulnerable right now and that they were training more intensely because of that fact. But such horrid criminals were actually showing up now and from the sound of it, Team Ten was no match for the likes of these shinobi.

"The girl they kidnapped…She was right from our own village, wasn't she." Shikamaru wasn't asking, he was confirming. Asuma knew this question would come but that didn't help him prepare at all when it came to actually telling his students. "Yes, she is," he answered after a long pause.

"Oh god…Do we-We know her, don't we?" Ino tried to keep her voice steady. Some poor girl she'd seen walking the Konoha streets, a customer to her family's store, a former classmate…that was the victim. Asuma sucked in a breath. This was going to be hard for his team to handle, especially Ino.

"It was…It was Sakura. Sakura Haruno."

The glass of water Ino held in her hand slipped between numb fingers and shattered against the floor.


The young Sakura, who used to give Ino the warmest of smiles burned through her mind as she raced out the door. She needed to see Sakura. She needed to-

"Haruno. Sakura Haruno," Ino gasped breathlessly when reaching the receptionist's desk.


Ino spun fast enough to give herself whiplash and came face to face with Shikamaru. She was about to question him about it but he beat her to it. "Asuma-sensei told me before I left." Her head nodded dumbly and followed him towards the room.

It wasn't a surprise to see the place teeming with Anbu. They were most likely worried those two criminals would go after Sakura again to silence her. But now outside the room, she suddenly lost her nerve. Sakura more than likely still saw her as a rival, so Ino was most likely the last person she'd want to see. There's no way Sakura would want her rival to see her in such a helpless state. What could she even say or do to make things better? For years it had been nothing but fighting and insults, only banning together when it came to battling a dangerous common enemy. How could she just assume-

Shikamaru took her trembling hand in his, adding a layer of surprise to the myriad of emotions displayed on Ino's face. "You came all the way here so there's no sense in turning chicken now. You know you owe it to her to walk through that door." Shikamaru…he really was something else. Feeling more determined now, she opened the door and both entered.

The door squeaking open along with the shuffling of feet alerted Sakura to her new visitors. "I-Ino?"

Ino couldn't move. She couldn't speak. What these monsters did to Sakura was far beyond anything the Sound ninjas put her through. She was injured so badly…Ino didn't know words for this. She never thought she would see something like this happen, not to someone she knew for so long. Shikamaru wanted to say something to either Sakura or Ino but was struck dumb by pure, cold shock. But he did notice Sakura had another visitor. Seated right next to the bed with her hand in his was Naruto, who raised his bloodshot eyes briefly in their direction. Looks like he'd been crying about everything for a long while. Shikamaru may not have been particularly close to Sakura, but the whole ordeal was causing his eyes to sting as tears tried to escape. But Ino was most likely going to get emotional so he blinked his away. She was going to need someone to take care of her after they left here.

Ino blindly took one step after the other, slowly making her way to Sakura's bed, opposite Naruto. Her chin was wobbling quite a bit and she tried to bite her bottom lip to control herself. Sakura needed comfort right now. She couldn't get herself all upset, too.

"Hey," Ino finally said with a shaky voice. Her fingers brushed gently across Sakura's forehead, mindful of the nasty gash it bore. "Ino," Sakura's face was falling again. She cried with Kakashi and she cried even harder than she ever had in her life with Naruto and now Ino was here. In a flash, Ino held Sakura in an embrace while absolutely bawling.

"How could they do this to you!?"

To be continued…