Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 1, Chapter 2 - Boundless Rage ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I Do Not Own Naruto.


The two kept staring at each other not knowing what to say while ignoring the loud laughing from inside their minds. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you see it, they didn't have to.

The door that had just closed, flung open to reveal a pissed off Anko, which made Naruto show an emotion. Fear.


In an instant, Anko had grabbed Naruto by the collar of his shirt before he could reach the window and began to shake him violently. As he was being shook, he tried to answer her but was unable to, partially due to the grip Anko had on his tattered shirt was choking off his oxygen supply.

Yugito watched the scene and did everything possible to refrain from sweat dropping and failed. After watching the spectacle for a few moments, she had to intervene for Naruto's sake. "Um... Anko-san, would you stop strangling him please. It looks like he can't breathe."

Indeed Naruto couldn't breathe as he was getting blue in the face from the lack of air. Looking at him for a good moment or two in her grip, Anko put him down and waited for him to catch his breath. Once he caught his breath, she asked in a more polite tone while her foot tapped inpatiently. "So gaki, answer the question."

"Training." Was his simple one word response.

A tick mark developed on her forehead and in a second Anko had grabbed his collar and started to strangle him once more. "TRAINING MY ASS! IT LOOKS LIKE YOU JUST GOT BEATEN THE HELL UP! NOW WHO DID IT!"

Yugito could only stare at the scene in confusion before sighing as she walked over to the two and separated them before any permanent damage could be done. "Anko-san maybe he was training. His bruises and cuts seemed to be self inflicted as if he fell off something."

Anko took a few seconds to register what Yugito had said as she was still in kill mood. Once she did, she looked at Naruto thoroughly. 'Hm... It looks like that most of his cuts and bruises are from behind. Plus considering all the dirt on him it seemed that he was climbing. Wait a second... Why is there tree bark covering him.'

"Gaki, what kind of training were you doing." Anko finally asked, deciding to question the source as there was no better way to get the answer she wanted. Plus she really didn't want to talk to Kyuubi.

Naruto shrugged at her as he walked towards his room before giving a quick response. "Chakra control."

At this, Anko eyes widened in surprise before narrowing. 'Chakra control. Tree Climbing? I haven't taught him how to do that yet and unless Yugao has, who else could it be. Could it be... Kyuubi.'

Her eyes showed no emotion as she hit this line of thought, but wouldn't put it past the fox to start training Naruto for it's own twisted game. Shaking that off, she stopped Naruto from entering his room. "Alright gaki, I'll believe you for today. But I swear if you do this to me again I will use you as a snack for my babies. Now, see you tomorrow. Fu fu fu."

Anko laughed crazily at the end and almost walked out before turning to Naruto as something was troubling her. "Gaki, who was watching over you while I was gone."

"Purple hair lady." Was all he said before he walked to his room and closed the door, ending any more conversation that would have accurred if he was to say outside.

Anko had to restrain herself from going into his room and giving Naruto the beating of his life. 'Damn Gaki. Give me short answers will he?! Hm... Purple haired lady. Well it can't be me as I was gone. Ah, Yugao.'

Anko turned to Yugito and happily waved goodbye before closing the door.

After a few moments, Naruto walked out and into the kitchen. Yugito looked at Naruto open the cabinet when her stomach growled loudly, making her blush lightly. Hearing it, Naruto pulled out 5 cups of ramen and began to boil water in a kettle knowing he couldn't just let her go hungry.

Even with all the beatings, he was still kind to a select few, sort of, though he was unsure why he was for this girl he hardly even knew. Probably because he was going to have to live with her for a while.

Yugito walked over to the table and sat down and waited. After a few moments, she sighed as he still hadn't spoken and figured she have to be the one to initiate the conversation. "So... I'm Nii Yugito. You are?"

Naruto looked at her for a brief second and shrugged before looking back to the boiling water. She gritted her teeth at this response and tried to keep her cool and not maul the six year old.

"Kit, she asked you a question." Spoke Kyuubi, as she wanted him to at least try and talk to someone other than Sarutobi, Anko, Ayame and Teuchi.

'I don't want to answer.' Was his simple replay to her. Needless to say this answer pissed her off.

"Kit. You know I can still flood my youki to your brain right. Remember what happened the last time I did it."

Naruto's eyes widen remembering the migraine from hell and nodded his head vigorously. 'Alright kaa-san. Just please don't do that again.'

Yugito was getting irritated by the wait and was about to go over there and ask him again and possibly to beat the hell out him if he didn't respond this time when he suddenly spoke. "Uzumaki Naruto."

She twitched at the short answer, but sighed as she was told this was going to happen, if he spoke at all. 'Well at least that's a start. Now maybe I can get more out of him.'

"Kitten, your going to have a difficult time getting him to open up. You know that right." Spoke Nibi as she was slightly bored after she recovered from laughing her ass off.

Yugito mentally nodded at her, but she was going to at least try and be hospitable with him, understanding his life couldn't have been too great. Yugito was about to speak again when the kettle began to whistle, making Naruto picked it up and poured the water in the cups.

He quickly handed one to her and started to eat his at a moderate pace. She sighed before picking up the chop sticks and tasted it, not quite sure what it was. After deeming it edible, she started eating it.

Stunningly, Naruto still somehow managed to eat all his cups of ramen before she finished her first one. He stood up and started to walk to his room when Yugito spoke up. "You know it helps to talk about it."

Naruto's eyes widen before becoming saddened. Yugito was trying to figure out what she had said wrong and was about to walk over to him when he looked at her. She gasped while as a cold shiver ran down her back. His eyes where almost completely lifeless except for a small sparkle. If the fact that he wasn't breathing at the moment, she would of thought him to be dead.

Closing his eyes, Naruto turned back around and walked into his room, leaving a slightly shocked Yugito. Once she recovered from her shock, she looked at the spot he was at before heading towards her room.

As she put on her night gown, she wondered if she had stayed in Kumo if she would have turned out anything like he was. Deep down inside her, she was glad that she didn't have to go through whatever had done that to him.

She crawled up onto her bed before tucking herself in and falling asleep quickly as it was a tiring day.


As the sun rose in the distance, there were currently four people in the Hokage's offices besides himself.

They were none other than Anko, Gai, Kakashi and Yugao. They all waited for the Hokage speak, but it seemed that he hadn't noticed them yet, quite possibly because the literal mountain of paperwork in front of him.

Yugao stepped forward seeing that he had his own problems to deal with. "You wanted us Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi looked and smiled brightly at the four, mainly because they were giving him a break from the papers surrounding him. "Yes. I know all four of you know Naruto and treat him with respect and compassion." All four nodded as the Hokage continued. "The reason I called you here was I want you to train Naruto and Yugito in you respective areas of expertise."

Four sets of eyes widened in surprise hearing this before a bright light came from Gai's mouth indicating he was smiling. Kakashi's eyes widen in horror and his hand reached into his pouch for his life line while Anko slapped her hand over Gai's mouth, keeping him from ranting about the power of youth.

Suddenly a thought hit her and she asked. "Wait. If you asked Kakashi as well, why am I here? He's better than I am in ninjutsu and would be a better teacher for the two."

Sarutobi sighed, expecting her to ask this question. "True, Kakashi will be teaching ninjutsu as Gai and Yugao will be teaching taijutsu and kenjutsu respectively. But Kakashi is in Anbu and will be gone at least half the time leaving both of them without a ninjutsu instructor. Also, as much as I hate to say this, they need to learn about the more... unpleasant things that shinobi have to do."

All four of them winced, but knew it was the truth. Most upcoming shinobi quit due to this aspect of the shinobi way of life. Suddenly Gai spoke, in an subdued, yet still exuberant voice. "Why isn't the youthful Yugito being put on a team?"

Sighing, the old Hokage looked at him before answering. "There is no gennin team for her to be put on at the moment as no gennin this last exams advanced in ranking. And the upcoming bunch from the academy has no slots as well since exactly twenty-four passed. So it will be at least another six months before we can put her on a team. And no, I'm not going to advance her even if you deem her fit to be a chunin. She at least deserves some time before advancing."

Each of them nodded, knowing what he meant as the old man looked out at the window before back to them. "If you accept it will be considered an ongoing B-rank mission, with bonuses thrown in every now and then depending on their advancement. Plus you can still take other missions, just let them and your fellow instructors know before hand."

Each thought about it for a few moments before each one replied.

Anko shrugged her shoulders, though on the inside she was ecstatic that she could teach the gaki while molding Yugito into a miniature version of herself. "Sure, training the girl and the gaki would be pretty fun. very fun. Ku ku ku."

The other four in the room cringed in fright as they knew what she called fun, wasn't exactly something most sane people would do for fun. After recovering from the fear she placed in them, the ticking time bomb known as Gai decided to explode. "IT WOULD BE A HONOR TO TRAIN SUCH YOUTHFUL UPCOMING SHINOBI! I, MAITO GAI, SWEAR THAT I WILL TRAIN THEM TO MY FULL EXSTENT OR I WILL RUN FIVE HUNDRED LAPS AROUND KONOHA ON MY HANDS WHILE CARRYING A HALF TON BOULDER!"

Once again, the other four people in the room cringed in fear, hoping that they wouldn't get involved with his outrageous ranting. Once the Green Beast of Konoha had calmed down, Yugao inserted her pinkies in her ears to clear out the ringing.

After doing so, she nodded at the Hokage's request/mission. "I don't see why not. Besides, you know I'll watch Naruto anyways, so yes."

Sarutobi smiled at her before turning to the still shell shocked Kakashi, awaiting his answer. Managing to recover from the fright that Anko and Gai had put him in, Kakashi started to go over the good in the bad.

The good being that he got a little time off from the hectic life that Anbu had and he could watch over his sensei legacy/son. The down sides being that he had to be around Anko and Gai, though Yugao wasn't to bad, and he couldn't read Icha Icha in front of Naruto without risking castration from either purple haired kunoichi.

Sighing in resignation, Kakashi nodded. "I'll do it."

Sarutobi nodded with a slight smile on his face that all four had agreed. "Good. Today is the first day of training. Dismissed."

Anko and Yugao left in a swirl of leaves, while Kakashi turned into smoke, indicating that he was a Kage Bunshin much to the dismay of the Hokage. Gai on the other hand just disappeared. In an instant, a hole suddenly appeared in the door that was oddly shaped like a man.

Sarutobi couldn't take it any more. First, the paperwork on his desk, then Kakashi using a Kage Bunshin in an important meeting and now this.


Needless to say he was having a bad day and it was only starting.

In his bed, Naruto only smirked as a small portion of his former being shone. Oh the third would not like the surprise he left for him.


Rolli ng around in his sleep, Naruto noticed an odd smell. He slowly sat up and sniffed the air trying to figure out what it was. 'What is it? It smells like something is on fire... Wait who's cooking?'

Somehow, he had forgotten that Yugito was now living with him. Kyuubi sighed before she reminded him. "Naruto, you have a roommate now."

He nodded at her statement as he had just remembered himself before getting off his bed, grabbing a pair of clothes and heading towards the joint bathroom they had between their rooms.

Once he was out of the shower, Naruto walked out of his room wearing a black under armor shirt with a sleeveless red vest above it. On his legs, he wore a pair of black shorts that reached his knees, a pair of red leg sleeves on his shin and a pair of black combat boots on his feet.

His hair was spiky as usual, though it was little matted down due to it being wet. His eyes were dark blue, but didn't have the vibrant hues they once held. They were duller and  keep fading each passing day with the treatment he received.

He quickly walked out of his room to see Yugito, wearing her white night gown, over the oven, cooking something that smelled like... a roasted bird? He blinked in confusion seeing this. 'I didn't have anything other than ramen. Where the bird come from?'

Kyuubi sat in her cage trying not to laugh her ass off as Naruto was apparently blind cause he didn't notice the bloody blue feathers that where in the trash can. Naruto was still very confused making Kyuubi sigh as she had to explain to him "Kit, it called hunting. She killed a bird and decided to cook it."

Realizing that someone else was in the room, Yugito looked up to see Naruto looking at her with an odd look on his face. "Morning. I'm making breakfast." 'Damn bird, waking me up. And hopefully I won't burn... OH SHIT! IT'S ON FIRE!'

Naruto nodded not sure what to think as Yugito grabbed the pan and put it the sink. He mentally sweat dropped at this along with Kyuubi. 'Well... at least she's trying. Maybe she isn't too bad after all.'

Kyuubi nodded at this, slightly happy that he was already improving with her here, though she had to point out the obvious as she saw the burnt bird. "Kit, whatever you do, don't comment on taste. It's going to be terrible, so just try to muscle your way through it. Consider this training... As you might need this skill when you marry and your wife turns out to be a horrible cook."

Naruto couldn't help but gulp at this as Yugito handed him a plate with the burned bird on it. They both cautiously bit into it. Yugito spat it back out as Naruto gagged on it, as he tried to swallow it and just couldn't do it.

"It's terrible! Damn! I knew I should have served it raw! Screamed Yugito as she scrapped the taste off her tongue.

Within two seconds of screaming this, the door swung open to reveal Anko, Kakashi and Yugao, worried about what was going on. All three couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of them. Yugao wiped a tear from her eye and was about to close the door when she noticed a green streak heading towards them and thought better of it.

Soon as she stepped out of the way, Gai suddenly appeared in the room. Once he noticed the situation, he couldn't help but laugh something about the flames of youth as Naruto managed to spit out the piece of bird he had been chocking on.

Once they managed to control themselves, Kakashi spoke, though still chuckling a bit. "Well, I'm glad I didn't send Pakkun over to get you two. Though you should pay better attention, the bird had a note to meet us on it. So it was a good thing that we decided to come get you, otherwise we'd be waiting all day for you two."

'And I'm not used to waiting on other people.' Kakashi mentally added before actually not caring if he had to wait. He had had 'books'.

Yugito blinked in confusion as Naruto was panting on the ground, getting his breath back. "Why didn't you just send a messenger bird for us?"

All four sweat dropped at this while Yugao replied. "Um... that was a messenger bird."

She blinked in confusion. "No it wasn't. Eagles are."

Yugao slumped her head at this as Kakashi took her place. "Here in Konoha we use blue birds for small messages, otherwise we use a hawk."

Her eyes widen before a slight sweat drop appeared on the back of her head. "Woops."

Anko couldn't help but to laugh at this while Kakashi chuckled lightly. Once they had recomposed themselves, Yugao spoke up. "Well anyways, clean up a bit. We're going to be your instructors for the next six months, and possibly longer than that."

Yugito nodded as she went to her room, probably to use the bathroom and to get dressed, while Naruto stood waiting for her so he could start training. Once she was out in her normal attire, which consisted of a black shirt with the shoulders being white, black pants and her hitai-ate strapped to her forehead, they followed the four jounin to a nearby training ground that wouldn't be in use.


After about ten minutes, they had reached a secluded training ground. The four jounin turned around and looked at the two jinchuuriki before Yugao spoke, being the spokesman of the group. "Alright, from now on this will be where we meet here around this time every day."

The two nodded as Kakashi took the silence to speak. "Now, we won't be here every day, but we'll let you know before hand if we can."

"Now of course we aren't going to be training you all at the same time, as it would be a waste of time to do so. So we've set up a schedule for you two." Anko said while spinning a kunai around her finger. Yugao nodded as she continued. "To begin every day, you will train with Gai here for two to three hours, depending on what he gives you to do."

'Meaning three hours as he is going to give you nearly impossible tasks.' Yugao added as she knew what the man did on a daily basis for his own training and she just knew he was going to translate those monsterous feats to the pint sized ones.

"YOSH MY YOUTHFULL FRIENDS! YOUR TIME WITH ME WILL BE SPENT ON DEVELOPING YOUR STRENGTH, SPEED AND TAIJUTSU!" Everyone winced from his volume while the jounin could only feel sorry for the young gennin and future shinobi in front of them.

Being the first to shake off the ringing in her ears, Yugao spoke up again. "Then after finishing up with you'll spend an hour or two with me practicing kenjutsu."

'Probably just a hour due to you will both be totally exhausted after Gai is finished with you.' She addd on once more, knowing that they would pretty much be out after Gai was done with them. Hell, she knew of no one that could get through his training for that long without passing out.

"Then you'll be training with me for two hours in whatever I deem fit at the time. It can be anything from chakra control to studying anatomy. It just matters on how I feel that day." The other jounins winced at that, knowing she always had fluctuating moods.

Sighing, Kakashi turned towards the two slightly pale kids. "Then after all that, I will train you for a hour or two in ninjutsu."

'And since I can't be late without fear of losing my precious books or my manhood, I'll be here on time. Now I remember why I hate working with Anko.' Kakashi grumbled before slicking his hair back as he glared at her.

"So that's our training schedule?" asked Yugito getting three head nodding and a youthful reply from Gai. "Well that doesn't sound to bad."

Anko, Kakashi and Yugao winced at this as they looked at Gai before they all thought one thing. 'She's going to be taking that back in a few minutes.'


Hearing this, both Naruto and Yugito's eyes were bulging out of their heads when he pulled out weights that caused small craters on the ground. All three of the others jounins sweat dropped at this before Anko walked up to him and slapped Gai on the back of the head. "I'm not sure about Yugito but I know for a fact A SIX YEAR OLD CAN'T POSSIBLY DO THAT! AND FOR THE LOVE OF KAMI! I DOUBT SOME JOUNIN COULD WEAR THAT MUCH WEIGHT CONSTANTLY MUCH LESS TWO CHILDERN!"

Gai nodded and went into a thinking pose as Anko sighed and pulled out some weights, that were much lighter, she bought just for this occasion and handed them to the two jinchuuriki. Once they put them on Gai spoke up again, and when I say spoke, I mean screamed. "ALRIGHT! I WANT YOU RUN 50 LAPS AROUND THIS TRAINING GROUNDS AND THEN..."

The other three jounin couldn't help but sigh as they tuned him out, but felt pity for the two jinchuuriki. They had a feeling that Naruto would be wishing for another beating while Yugito would willing jump off the Hokage monument when Gai was finished with them.


Arou nd a few hours later, the two jinchuuriki weren't in the best of conditions. You might wonder why, but it was quite simple.

After finishing with Gai's extreme training, Yugito was currently clinging to a tree for dear life while Naruto was having a nice visit with his old friend, the ground. It didn't help that both were covered head to toe in dirt and bruises and their muscles were strained from the weights Anko had given them.


Nibi decided to answer for the sake of Yugito's sanity. "Kitten, you don't want that to be answered."

If the truth was to be said, Nibi was afraid of the green spandex wearing man if this what he called a 'light workout'. If that was a 'light workout', she would sure she could not perform a day's worth of extrenious workouts with this man.

Naruto currently wasn't think about anything at the moment other than the bright white light in front of him. He was mesmerized by it and started to slowly walk towards it. Suddenly Kyuubi appeared next to him, grabbing him and keeping from reaching out and grabbing the light. "KIT! DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT!"

His response was so comical that it would have normally made her laugh, but at the moment she was more worried about keeping her boy alive. 'So pretty. I have to touch it.'

Kyuubi sweat dropped before grumbling as she used her tails to restrain Naruto from reaching his goal all the while cursing the green creature from Mars to hell.

Yugao walked up and saw the condition the two were in and sweat dropped at the scene. "Um...Gai, what did you do to them?" As Gai was about to respond when she interrupted him, not even wanting to know any longer. "Never mind. Don't answer that... I've got a good enough picture."

After giving Naruto and Yugito soldier pills, blood pills, some pain killers and waiting two hours for them to recover, Anko began her session of training as Yugao said she would start teaching them once they got use to Gai's 'training' and the fact that her time was already up.

That also gave her some time as she hadn't really figure out on how to train them in weapon styles as they really didn't have weapons. Also, she really didn't want to give Naruto any weapons at the moment...

"Alright gakis. I'll be training you in chakra control today. So we'll begin with tree walking." She would have shown them how to do it when Naruto decided to start and just ran up the tree. When he got half way up, his foot slipped and he fell to the ground, head first.

Anko sighed as she caught his foot as his head was inches from hitting the ground. "Alright gaki, let's try that again, but this time try to flip in mid air so you don't land on your head. ...And every time you don't, I'll throw a senbon into you. If you don't want to end up like a pin cushion, try not to land on your head, retard!"

Naruto nodded as she let him go as Yugito walked up before rushing up the tree. She made it a little higher than Naruto when she slipped and flipped in mid air and landed on all fours like a cat would. Anko could refrain from smirking at this. 'Well at least one of them has grace.'

She thought this as Naruto made the same height as Yugito and slipped once more and landed on his butt. Twitching at this, she ignored his scream as she threw a senbon into his butt before shaking her head as she turned to Yugito. "So I'm guessing they had already started you on this exercise in Kumo."

"Yeah, this is standard training in the academy." Yugito responded, making Anko twitch even more as they didn't teach this drill unless they had become gennin.

Both Naruto and Yugito continued practicing this until two hours, Naruto getting a few dozen senbon put into his ass along the way, when they stopped and looked at Anko as she had said something about Kakashi being late.

After about five minutes, Yugito spoke. "Anko-san, isn't Kakashi-san suppose to train us as well."

Anko sighed as she waited for the ever late copy nin before sighing. "Just give him a few minutes..." In a poof of smoke Kakashi appeared with his eyes in upside down U's.

"Sorry for being late, I had to help a old women cross the street before buying the latest addition of my favorite book series." Anko sweat dropped and was in shock.

Kakashi had actually told the truth for once in his life. He smirked seeing this before speaking. "Well since Anko has been teaching you tree walking, I want you to continue it for the rest of the day or till you learned it."

At this Naruto raised an eyebrow as Naruto asked what he was thinking. "You're ninjutsu teacher, aren't you?"

Refraining from continuing where Anko started at his bad grammar, Kakashi nodded at her question before answering. "True, but having better chakra control makes learning the jutsus easier to learn. Therefore I want you to have better control and higher reserves before I start tutoring you... Naruto, just chakra control. The last thing you need is more chakra."

As Naruto glared at the copy ninja, the neko vessel nodded her head as it made sense. Shaking his head, Naruto just shrugged his shoulders before resuming running up the tree as he wanted to start learning some jutsu to defend himself.

Anko nodded at Kakashi before shushining away as he took control of the training session. This simply meant he took out his new new Icha Icha Paradise and started reading it while somehow pointing out what they were doing wrong despite not paying attention.

After about an hour an a half, he stopped them as Anko reappeared in the training grounds. She turned to the panting jinchuuriki before smiling as Kakashi flickered away after saying a quick goodbye. "Gaki! Yugao and I have restocked your frig. All you had was ramen and you need other kinds of food. Plus we got a few things for you as well Yugito."

Naruto shrugged as he really didn't care, but if they got rid of his ramen he would come after with the power of a thousand supernovas and one pissed off, insane fox while Yugito nodded as she was slightly happy to hear that there was other food than the strange noodles.

All three of them walked off and headed towards the apartments. Once they arrived, Anko dropped them off at their room.

"Alright gakis, see you tomorrow and don't do anything that I wouldn't do." She said hinting at something that only the two bijuu had caught while the two looked confused as to what that meant.

Kyuubi did not like what Anko had referred to and began cussing up a storm while Nibi only grumbled, saying she would only do that with her mate and not with a female fox that hated her mate's guts.

Sighing, Yugito walked to her room and headed in the bathroom. She quickly looked the doors to make sure Naruto could walk in on her and pulled off her clothes as she wanted to take a bath. Unfortunately for her, the door suddenly unlocked itself as Naruto walked in as he need to take a bath as well.

Suddenly both tensed as they started at the other while a certain purple hair jounin was laughing her ass off as she hid herself with a cloaking and a silencing jutsu. That really didn't hide anything but they still ignored her. She was glad that she unlocked the door as this was better than torturing poor Iruka.

Yugito just stared at Naruto in shock as she was topless at the moment. Of course Naruto was six and really didn't care about this, he was just trying to figure out why she was suddenly picking up anything she could and started throwing it at him. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU LITTLE PRICK! I'M TRYING TO TAKE A BATH HERE!"

Naruto dodged the objects she threw at him and was beginning to wonder why she was acting like this when his eyes widen seeing a large object being thrown at him. 'HOLY SHIT! HOW DID SHE MANAGE TO GET THE KITCHEN SINK!'

Kyuubi sweat dropped as she would have berated Naruto on walking in on a girl in the bathroom, but she was currently like Anko. Laughing her ass off while rolling along the floor. Then she realized she was basically in a sewer and started screaming about needing a bath. She happened to like staying clean apparently...

Seeing the sink being thrown at him, Naruto rushed out of the room not wanting to irritate the girl any more. He shook his head as he walked to the kitchen. 'I wonder what that was all about. And what were those weird lumps on her chest? I'll have to ask kaa-san about those later.'

From within him, Kyuubi suddenly stopped screaming and her eyes went wide as she tried to find a excuse to get around explaining him the birds and the bees. That was something she didn't do well and all you had to do was ask Yonbi...

The pour four tail could no longer look at men the same ever again.


A few weeks later, Yugito was getting irritated. Today they had the day off since only Anko was available but she got called by Ibiki so she canceled their training for the day. She could deal with that, but the fact that today was an holiday so they gave Naruto strict orders to stay inside.

So she was kind of pissed that she had to watch over him, not that he need her to it was just common curtsy to do so as he was still a young child. She really wanted to go out, but she just couldn't leave him alone.

And then add the fact that no matter how much she tried to get him to talk he would only responded with one, maybe two words at the most. Yugito herself wasn't a talkative person, but dammit she wanted to know more about him. So she was going to find out one way or another.

So she walked behind Naruto, who was currently blankly looking out the window when Yugito. Sensing this, he turned around and noticed that she was looking at him with the same irritated expression of Anko's and her arms crossed in front of her chest.

He shrugged his shoulders before turning back, not really caring. A tick mark grew on Yugito's head and she could no longer control herself. She quickly grabbed his collar and yank him into the air and began the Anko ritual. "TALK DAMMIT! WHERE IS THE DAMN ON SWITCH FOR SPEECH UNIT! IF THERE ISN'T ONE I'M TAKING YOU BACK TO THE MANUFACTURE AND DEMAND A NEW ONE!"

"Why would you want to talk to me?" Naruto spoke stoically, surprising the older jinchuuriki as she let go him.

He hit the floor and grumbled about people dropping him, she quickly regained her composure. "Well, since we will be living with each other for at least the next couple of years, I figured that we should at least get to know each other."

Naruto shrugged as he really didn't care. "Nothing to know about me."

Yugito restrained from strangling him before sighing as she sat down next to him and looked out the window. It was then she noticed what he was looking at. He was watching the children playing on the street below with their parents smiling at their antics. Her face dropped seeing this. She never really did have much of a childhood.

Her mother died when she was young and Tenshi never really let her be a child when he took care of her. She really never had the time to grieve for her mother's death as she was put into an intense training almost immediately after. A small tear drop fell from her eyes before she got up and quickly rushed out of the room. leaving a bewildered Naruto, trying to figure out what just happened.

"What was that about?' He shrugged before turning back to the kids on the street and sneered at them.

He quickly turned away and sat on the small couch that was brought in and turned on the TV that Anko had bought for them. A few moments later, he could hear sounds coming from Yugito's room. Listening closer to them, he could tell that it was her and that she was... crying.

This bewildered him even more as he stood up and went to check on her. He wouldn't admit it, but he was kind of enjoy her company as she felt familiar. It was as if she felt like... him. He shook that off as he walked up to the door an opened it as he was never taught anything about manners.

In her room, Yugito was laying on her bed with her head buried in a pillow. She curled up into herself as the tears started falling faster. Her muffled sobs grew louder and louder by the second.

Nibi could only watch as her container as she cried her heart out. She knew this was long over due and was about to pull her into her mind when the door opened to reveal a slightly curious Naruto. While she didn't really like Kyuubi, the boy was fine in her oppinion and at least someone that could relate to Yugito.

Hearing her door open, Yugito looked up a bit to see Naruto before burying her head back in the pillow. "Go away!"

At this Naruto was even more confused. Ignoring her comment, he walked over to her and examined her state. A small part of his old self returned as she seemed to be like he was after one of his beatings and he sat on the bed and did the only thing he could think of.

He rubbed the middle of her back, hoping it would help calm her down.

Yugito stiffened at his touch as it was foreign for both of them. She could tell he was trying to comfort her, but this was strange. These past couple of weeks he rarely acted out of anything, much less compassion. So why was he doing so now? "Because kitten, believe it or not, he has gotten somewhat attached to you."

"Think about it, he's cold to everyone, but to you, the snake woman, the weapon lady, the one eyed pervert and oddly enough the green creature that gives me nightmares he treats you'll slightly different. It's as if you five are his family, even if he doesn't show it."

She blinked in surprise hearing her tenant speak up and actually making sense. She looked over at Naruto and into his eyes. They were still emotionless for the most part, but the emotions they did show were pain, suffering, loneliness and... compassion?

A light smile appeared on her face as she wiped the tears from her face. "Thank you, Naruto."

"Hn." Was his simple response as he had accomplished what he needed to do before walking out of the room leaving Yugito with the light smile still on her face.

'Maybe the real him that they talked about is still there. Just buried underneath his pain.' She wiped the remaining tears from her face and walked out of the room to see Naruto watching a gory anime with lots of blood shed. She shook her head and sighed. 'Then again, it's probable that it's just a once in a blue moon kind of thing.'

Yugito sighed before seating herself in a comfortable position on the couch and watch the blood bath anime with Naruto actually smiling as if he was enjoying the blood shed. She shivered seeing that and edged away from the slightly psycho jinchuuriki.


Early the next morning, Naruto woke up due to the sun rays hitting his eyes. He mumbled something about destroying the sun before putting on his normal attire with his weights before he head for the kitchen to make breakfast, somewhat happy Yugito wasn't up and making it as the last few times that happened he nearly chocked to death as he tried to muscle his way through the horrible taste.

After boiling the water and devouring his customary three cups of ramen, he noticed that Yugito hadn't woken up yet. He was wondering if he should just leave her here and head off without out her, but thought against it and didn't want to wait for her to get there.

He walked to her room and opened to see that she was currently sleeping up in a ball... drooling.

Slightly disgusted by this fact, he pulled out a stick from... your guess is good as mine... In fact, your guess is probably better then mine... And started poking her with it. With a loud growl, Yugito grabbed the stick and snapped it in two.

She slowly sat up as she let her eyes adjust to the light before focusing on Naruto's form. He would have walked out, but something told him to stay... besides Kyuubi telling him to pull out a camera and take a picture before running out like she was chasing him.

A tick mark developed on her forehead as she noticed Naruto staring at her and the fact that she was wearing barely wearing anything other than her night gown made her uneasy about the situation. She would have screamed for him to get out when he spoke.  "We got training to day, so hurry up."

Yugito's eyes widen as she looked at the clock and cursed loudly before nodding at him. As he turned around to leave the room, she suddenly spoke up. "Naruto... how does it ...feel to be alone... without any parents."

Naruto stopped dead in his tracks and turned back around and glared at Yugito, who was sitting up on the edge of her bed. After a moments pause, she began to squirm under his stone glare.

She was about to tell him to forget about it when he responded with so many words it was out of character entirely. "It was difficult. I never had anyone other than the Hokage-jiji, old man Ichiraku, his daughter, Neko-san, Tora-san, Inu-san, green man and psycho lady ever care for me. Everyone else just treated me like an outcast."

Yugito nodded as she had figured this much out already. "So, just because you hold Kyuubi the rest of the village sees you as a plague."

Naruto stiffen as she mentioned his kaa-san and hissed at her. "How do you know about her?"

Yugito sighed as she stood out of bed and walked over to him. "Let see, you talk out loud to someone that isn't visibly there, zone out at times and you don't notice anything around you around you when you do, I figured it out after being given enough hints and the fact that we are the same. I am a jinchuuriki just like you."

Naruto's eyes went wide hearing the last comment. He backed away in shock as he looked at her. But he wasn't afraid, it was just pure shock. "Y-you're l-like m-me."

Yugito walked over to him and kneeled in front of him and looked him dead in the eye before smiling lightly. "Yes. I contain Nibi no Nekomata, the two tail hell cat."

After getting over the shock she had put him in, Naruto looked at her and was about to speak when a loud voice that frightened him beyond all reason was heard.


Needless to say, Yugito magically put her clothes on within a second and they rushed out of her room not wanting to train with that man all day.


The day passed quickly as they only trained with Anko and Gai as both Kakashi and Yugao were in the same Anbu squad and the squad was out on a mission and shouldn't be back for a couple more days.

As they were they finished their anatomy lesson, which both Naruto and Yugito were heavily blushing by the end of the day as she decided to go over the birds and the bees with them, Naruto turned around and headed towards town. "I need to think. I'm going to wonder around for a little while."

Anko quickly turned around hearing this. "Hell no gaki! Have you forgotten that tomorrow is..."

He wasn't there. She looked around and didn't see him anywhere nearby and was wondering how he managed to get away so quickly. Hell, she knew he was fast and upredictable, but combining those things and disappearing in an open clearing should have been impossible! She gritted her teeth before turning back to Yugito. "Check the south side, I'll take the north."

Yugito nodded and took off. Anko quickly jumped onto a roof as she began searching for him while mentally cussing him out. 'Dammit! When the gaki doesn't want to be found, it's a bitch and a half trying to find him.'

In the slums on the south side of the city, Naruto was currently walking towards his old apartment. This was the poverty stricken district of Konoha and it was mostly vacant due to the fact that he had lived there until just recently.

Spreading out his senses, he noted that he was being followed by a few drunks, but really didn't care. He could handle a few of them, he just hoped that they didn't go get more people to join in. He could handle a few, but he guessed that he was about as strong as most average academy students were.

Kyuubi had already had known they been there for a while and one of them had already left, so she was trying to convince her vessel to leave. "Kit, I think we should go back. There's..."

Naruto shook his head mentally interrupting her. "Not yet. I want to clear my head out first."

Kyuubi growled at him and sent some youki into him to try and alert a few nearby shinobi that things were about to get ugly since her vessel was being stubborn again.

As he was zoned out, Naruto bumped into someone. He quickly looked up and saw a pink haired women grinning evil as she noticed him and he was surrounded by a mob of at least twenty people. He mentally cursed that he didn't listen to his kaa-san when the woman spoke. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The demon thinks he can walk around freely like he owns the place. I think it time we teach you a lesson."

Hearing this, Naruto began to search for an escape route and quickly found one. He dashed towards the alley, jumping over a few surprised villagers before heading into it. They quickly recovered and gave chase much to his dismay. He started to pray to whatever supreme deity that was looking on that this alley wasn't a dead end.

Unfortunately, they had forsaken him once more as it was exactly that. Looking around, he notices the only escape was to use his training over the past couple of weeks. He jumped up into the air and landed on the wall and started to run up the wall and made it to the top, only to notice that there was a shinobi wearing a chunin vest with silver hair waiting for him.

He gave an evil smirk before he attempted to grab Naruto. Naruto had other plans as he went through a few hand seals as he managed to get away from the man's grasp.

"Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!"

He breathed in deeply and released it sending five small fireballs towards the unsuspecting chunin. The shinobi wasn't expecting this and took the front of the attack. Naruto quickly passed him as it was meant to be a distraction, but to his horror was grabbed by the same chunin. "Not getting away that easy."

His eyes widen as he was thrown back towards the awaiting mob. He gritted his teeth as he went through ever possible scenario his young brain could go through, and none of them ended out well for him. Closing his eyes, he prepared for the beating that was about to happen when he hit the ground. But he didn't as he felt someone catch him.

As Naruto was feet from hitting the ground, a black and white blur suddenly caught him and landed on the opposing wall before rushing up it, leaving a stunned crowd as they had no clue what had just happened. The silver haired chunin snarled and gave them chase with a few of the gennin that were in the mob following as well.

Opening his eyes, Naruto looked up and noticed that Yugito was the one that caught him. His eyes widen seeing this and looking back he could see that the shinobi of the mob were in hot pursuit. He wasn't the only to notice as she had as well and started to push chakra into her legs. She gritted her teeth as she could tell the chunin was gaining on her.

Trying to go over her options on what to do now, the chunin had caught them and back handed her into a wall of the nearby alley. Naruto skidded across the roof and he grabbed the sides of it to keep from falling. It wasn't to be as he fell to the ground, landing feet first.

He refrained from screaming as some thing snapped when he hit the ground and fell to the ground clutching his left leg. Looking around the alley, he noticed Yugito was semi-conscious as she laid against the wall. Then his eyes narrowed as the chunin along with the three gennin jumped into the alley.

"Hey Mizuki-sensei. Can I be the first to beat him." The gennin on the far light said with glee in his voice.

Mizuki smirked before nodding. "Sure, but  since neither of them can move, I think we should teach the girl a lesson for interfering. Right guys?"

All three of the gennin smirked at this as two of them grabbed Yugito while the other picked up Naruto. He gripped the back of his neck and forced him to watch them tear off Yugito's clothes. His eyes widen realizing what was going to happen before anger began to swell in side him, remembering the same happening to him almost two years ago.

Mizuki quickly got behind the girl as Yugito eyes widen when he pressed his average size member against her. It was at this moment, Naruto let his anger consume him. He gritted his teeth in rage as he began to pull out Kyuubi's youki.

Memories of what happened to him on that fateful day began to flash through his eyes as he began to push the head inside her. Suddenly the last memory hit him and he could remember the man's face.

It was the same.

His blood began boiling as Kyuubi began giving her tenant as much youki as he could handle. But something happened that she wasn't prepared for, he was calling out more than he could handle.

In an instant red youki exploded from him, burning the gennin that held him. The youki swirled violently around him as it slowly began to meld with him while his broken leg healed in a grotesque display. His eyes turned crimson as his iris became dilated. His fingers lengthen into claws as his whisker marks thickened. His fangs grew longer and harder.

Then to everyone's horror there, the youki began to take a shape. It was that of a fox, but instead of nine or even one tail, there was two were waving madly behind him. And a third was beginning to grow.

Blood began to seep out of his pours and mix with the youki as his body wasn't able to hand the amount of youki that he was putting out. He opened his eyes to reveal two crimson eyes with tears of blood streaking down his face.

An overwhelming blood lust and killing intent washed over the all the shinobi in Konoha and they felt fear as Naruto looked at the madly, wanting to splattered their blood everywhere and wanting even more to feast on their flesh.


Gai was giving Sarutobi a briefing on how the training went for the week with Yamato in the room when they felt a strong pulse of Kyuubi chakra. All of their eyes widen feeling the amount and knew Naruto was in deathly trouble if he was using this much.

All three shot out of the room with speeds unseen even with the Sharingan.

Anko was jumping roof to roof, looking for the annoying gaki that she considered a younger brother and sometimes even her son. Then she felt it. The large amount of Kyuubi's youki.

Her eyes widen in recognition and raced towards the pulse at full speed, hoping the gaki was alright and was ready to tear the ones attacking him limb from limb.

Both Kakashi and Yugao had just arrived early from their squads mission when they felt the pulse. Yugao took of at full speed forgetting up checking in with the guards while Kakashi threw him his ID before racing after her.

'Shit! Isn't he suppose to have someone with him at all times when he goes into the village espescially this close to his birthday!' Yugao thought in distress as she and an equally worried Kakashi rushed towards the pulse.

Around the village, the villagers and shinobi started to have the dreaded feeling they had six, almost seven years ago as the blood lust and killing intent that the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was putting out washed over them in waves.


Nar uto looked at the chunin that was about to enter Yugito and snarled viciously. His killing intent spike tremendously as he hunched over on all fours.

In an instant he had blurred out of their vision and the sound off flesh being ripped through was heard. Blood splattered on Yugito's bare skin as the two gennin let go of her as four large gashes appeared on their necks before they fell to the ground, lifeless.

Mizuki quickly jumped away from Yugito and was about to run away as he was afraid of this Naruto. The young boy never put up any fights before, but now... this was petrifying. He tried to run off, but suddenly a clawed hand pierced the center of his chest.

He looked back to see Naruto's blood thirsty eyes glaring at him with satisfaction. His fear doubled as Naruto lifted him into the air like a doll before he started to slash Mizuki's face, leaving large gash marks. He then quickly moved to his left arm and ripped it off with ease. He pulled out his arm out of his chest before slashing through his spine. Mizuki screamed in pain as he felt to the ground and started to twitch madly as blood pool began to form around him.

Naruto smirked seeing his before placing his boot on his and concentrating the youki flowing through him to his foot. In an instant, his skull cracked and flattened as Naruto crushed it. His brains splattered over Naruto and the nearby Yugito in a gruesome display.

Yugito shivered uncontrollably as she saw this. This, this wasn't him. This was... a monster. Yet she couldn't hold it against him. If in his position, she would be doing the same. These men, no scum didn't deserve to live. She unconsciously began to call on Nibi's youki as Naruto turned to the final shinobi.

The young gennin was frightened, scratched that. He was terrified beyond what was believed to be physically possible. The crotch of his pants was soaked as he had lost control of his blatter and the smell around him indicated the same happened with his bowels.

Naruto snarled viciously at the boy and in an instant he was on him. He gripped the gennins arms before pulling with everything he had and ripped them out of their sockets. The boy apparently didn't feel anything as he just looked on with Naruto in unimaginable terror.

With a quick kick, the boy was on the ground and Naruto pulled his hand back for the death blow when he heard a whisper behind him as two arms covered in deep violet youki with traces of black mixed in with it wrapped around his chest. "Naruto. Please stop. This isn't like you."

He looked behind him to see a slightly frighten, yet sincere Yugito. Yes, she was frighten seeing what the young boy did, but she didn't care as he did it for her safety. Seeing her for a reason Naruto couldn't explain, calmed him down. Kyuubi's youki started to slowly dissipate from his system.

With the lighten amount of blood lust and killing intent, the armless gennin passed out as the pain hit him so quickly that it was too much for his body to simply take. As the youki completely left him and Nibi's left hers, Naruto passed out from blood loss.

Yugito gripped him tightly, her eyes wide in fear as she saw the amount of blood covering him and she could smell that it was his. She didn't know how it happened, but she would have had to guess it had to be him using nearly triple the amount of youki his body could handle. She fell to her knees as she was tired herself, yet didn't let go of Naruto and held him closely to her.

It was at this moment Anko, Gai, Kakashi, Sarutobi and Yugao along with other shinobi arrived to see the horrifying aftermath of Naruto's rage. Blood was splattered over the walls and the two children, but Naruto was soaked in it and to make things worse it seemed to be his blood.

All the kunoichi there instantly noticed Yugito's state and the fact that the chunin with a crushed skull had his member in plain sight. Both Anko and Yugao had to reign in their killing intent to keep from scaring everyone, mainly the two younglings.

Anko quickly jumped down with intent on finishing the final gennin of when Gai and Kakashi stopped her. "LET ME GO! I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM!"

Both elites held onto her tightly, not giving her the chance. Kakashi seeing they were failing to keep her from doing so, opted to calm her down. "Anko. Calm down. I'm feeling the same, but we need to know what happened. Then you can finish the job."

The snake mistress unconciously heard what they had said, but her maternal instincts had taken over and she really didn't care. Kakashi sighed as he chopped the back of her neck, knocking her unconscious.

While this was happening, Yugao had jumped down and her eyes widen at the sight of Naruto. His pores were bleeding heavily and at this rate, not even Kyuubi could heal him. "We need to get Naruto to the hospital now!"

Both Yamato and Sarutobi jumped down and nodded quickly seeing Naruto's state. Yamato tried to pick Naruto up, but Yugito snarled at him as she gripped him tighter.

Yugao tried reasoning with the young blonde haired girl, but all she got in response was her snarling. Sighing, she hit a pressure point in the back of her neck and knocked her out. Seeing this, Yamato quickly grabbed Naruto and shushined to the hospital.

Sarutobi turned to Gai and Kakashi who had heard the whole thing before speaking. "Kakashi, take him to the hospital and assign one of your subordinates to watch him till we can send him to Ibiki. Gai, take Anko home. We don't need her at the hospital right now. Yugao, take Yugito-chan to the hospital on the double."

All three nodded as they shushined out of the area with their respective charge. Sarutobi sighed, he was really getting to old for this shit.

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