Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 1, Chapter 3 - My Bloody Family ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I Do Not Own Naruto


In an instant, Yamato was at the front door of the hospital and rushed to the closes medic. Unfortunately the medic weren't to fond of the bloody mess in his arms. "Hn. The demon again. Just let it die already."

Yamato growled in anger and was about to pull rank when a massive amount of killing intent hit both of them.

Inuzaku Tsume was visiting Hana in the hospital as she had injured herself during her gennin test when she attacked her jounin sensei and missed with Tsuga. Needless to say the result weren't pretty when she snapped her right arm and left leg when she collide with the tree, hard.

As she was happily chatting with her daughter, she felt the youki spike and rushed out of the room after telling Hana she would be right back. Once she had reached the door, due to the fact that the body flickered wasn't allowed inside the building, the spike had already stopped and Yamato flickered at the entrance just behind her with a bloodied mess in her hands.

Once she noticed who it was and hearing the medic refuse to help him, her animalistic side took over. No one messed with her god son. She would have taken him in when he was younger, but due to Minato's request before he sealed Kyuubi, he wanted Naruto to live a humble life, not a pampered one like that he would have if he lived with a clan.

Shaking that thought off, she unleashed an unreal amount of killing intent and focused it on the poor medic. Yamato sensing the danger known as an enraged female Inuzaku wisely leapt out of the way when she bloodily grabbed the medic and started shaking him. "SO! IT'S YOUR DUTY TO HEAL ANY PERSON THAT COMES INTO THIS HOSPITAL!"

As she was bloodily shaking the unfortunate medic, though he did deserve it, others came out to see what the noise was about and noticed Naruto's bloody form in Yamato's arms. Unlike the first medic, most of them were elder shinobi and knew that Naruto was Naruto and grabbed a stretcher and placed him on it.

The head medic quickly used a diagnostic jutsu and gasped in fright at the extent of the wounds. He began barking orders faster than Yamato could hear and they quickly rushed Naruto to the emergency room.

Yamato would have followed, but he was still slightly petrified at the sight of the Inuzaku clan head strangling the medic before delivering a knee to his groin. He winced at this and felt a small pang of sympathy for the man, but that was it.

Shaking that off, he headed towards the emergency room with Tsume not to far behind him.


A few hours later in the waiting room, a unconscious Anko, an oddly quiet Gai, a brooding Kakashi, a worried Sandaime Hokage, a slightly nervous Tsume, a pacing Yugao, a sullen Yamato and a dressed Yugito were waiting as the light was still on in the emergency room.

Anko was knocked out as Sarutobi placed her in a powerful genjutsu as not even the combined strength of everyone in the room besides Yugito could keep her from attempting to barge into the room wanting to know what was going on.

Yugito had nothing physically wrong with her other than a few bruises and a mild concussion and that was easily taken care of. Of course they had tried to rape her and they knew there would be some after affects on her psyche, but that wasn't bothering her right now.

Naruto's condition was the only thing that was really bothering her. She had felt Nibi grow unsettled a few times during the wait and it was as if she knew something bad was happening in the emergency room. She had tried to ask her, but Nibi had not said a word back.

Kakashi was leaning up against the wall with his Anbu mask tied to his belt. He oddly enough didn't have his precious orange book out and had a look of worry on his face, if you could see through his mask. His arms were crossed as he kept passing glances at the door every few minutes before returning to his stoic brooding that kind of reminiscent of a certain Uchiha.

Yugao currently was wearing down the tiled floors as she continued pacing back and forth. Her mask was tied to her belt as well so it was easy to tell that she was a mess. She much like Anko considered Naruto her little brother and knew he had similar feelings even though he didn't physically show them. It was taking all of her patients and will to keep from barging in there to find out what was taking so long.

Sarutobi was worried for Naruto as well as the consequences of this night. One was what would happen to the people in the room. If Naruto didn't pull through, he knew it would be bad. He knew Kakashi would just brood and Gai would use his youthful mask as they always did, but Anko and Yugao were two totally different stories.

He wasn't sure what Yugao would do, but he knew damn well that Anko would go on a killing spree. Ever since she returned from being marked by Orochimaru after he betrayed Konoha they had treated her like she was Orochimaru heir, using her as a scapegoat just as they did Naruto.

But it didn't seem to affect her, but if one knew what to look for they could easily seed the pain she was in. She had attempted suicide multiple times, each time being stop either by him or one of her own friends. But even after, they could not get her to tell why she tried to end her life.

That's why when she found Naruto receiving the same treatment, he was glad as they had found someone very much alike. She taken him in and gave him some form of affection that she never had as that was what she believed was right. It also benefited her as well as he loved her back, even if he showed it in the oddest ways.

Sarutobi sighed as he looked as her unconscious form and could tell she was battling the genjutsu just to try and get to him. Both she and Naruto were more like each other than he nor they would ever admit. He sighed once more before turning to Yugito before wincing.

Another problem that was pestering him was if the Cloud had found out what happened tonight. While it would seem there would not be much they could do, it would be great slander to use against them and gain and upper hand in not only negociations but with jobs if it were to become public. There would be less trust towards Konoha ninja and that would cause a decline in their economy as the amount of jobs would lessen.

He sighed once more as he looked around the room again before his mind wandered once again, wondering what was going to happen over the next couple of days. He was brought out of his thoughts when the light above the door went off and the medical team walked out with a stretcher and a heavily bandage Naruto on top of it.

Seeing that he was alive, everyone their let out a sigh of relief. They would have crowded him but each knew better as Sarutobi walked towards the head medic, Hikiri Miyuki, for some answers.

The said medic sighed already knowing what the Hokage wanted decided to give it now so she could get some sleep after depleting most of her chakra. "Hokage-sama, we did all we could and we managed to save him. ...But if he had been anyone else, there would have been no way we could have."

Sarutobi flinched as he did not like that answer in the least. However, it seemed she wasn't through as Miyuki continued in a soft and solemn tone so no one else could hear it. "Hokage-sama I won't lie, there was a few times that he nearly passed away and each time we barely managed to keep him in this world. If it wasn't for it healing him along with us, he would have. Sometimes the boy's curse is his greatest gift."

"Anyways, it will take some time for him to completely recover Hokage-sama. He will just need a lot of rest and nutritious foods. But after that he'll be running around just like before." The medic finished on a slightly happier and louder tone than before so the rest could here it.

Sarutobi smiled slightly hearing that and nodded slowly as he looked at the young boy laying on the stretcher. He absently noticed that Yugito was already by his side, but he figured it was from the shock of what happened. Shaking his head from that, he motion for the medics to take him to his room as he released the genjutsu on Anko.

Anko sprang up and noticed the light of the room was off and a stretcher in the distance and would have taken off after that if Sarutobi hadn't interrupted her and pulled her into the hallway. "Anko, let him rest. Both he and Yugito need it after what they went through. Besides, we have to have a talk."

She turned to Sarutobi to see his solemn face before taking a deep breath, wondeing what he wanted with her. "Anko, you remember the request you've been asking for the last couple of months."

Her eyes widen in realization as he knew of only one thing that she'd been asking for that long. Adopting Naruto.

"Y-you m-mean...?!" Anko stumbled over her own words as the old man smiled sadly at her.

After months of bothering from Tsume and Anko, he had finally caved in. Minato had asked for him to keep Naruto from being adopted by a shinobi family as he didn't wish to force becoming a shinobi onto him. Little did he realize that only shinobi families would adopted him and they would be limited as most ended up marrying civilians.

"Yes Anko-chan. I've reconsidered my decision on allowing you or Tsume to adopt him. I have to ask Tsume first as she has been asking for a longer time, but I'm sure she'll accept my decision." Responded Sarutobi seeing the tears coming down her face out of joy and sadness knowing Tsume would fight to adopt him as well.

"But, this means you have to adopt Yugito as well. In this short time and after this, the two have bonded. I'm not sure what kind of bond it is as of now, only the future will say." Sarutobi added, letting her know that she would not only have to take Naruto but Yugito as well.

Anko immediately nodded her head in understanding and wanting to take the young female jinchuuriki in as well. Sarutobi smiled lightly before walking back into the thinning waiting room only to see Tsume and Yamato left. "Tsume, if you would please follow Anko and me to my office. I have something I wish to discuss with both of you. Tenzo, you can have the rest of the day off."

Yamato nodded as he walked off towards Naruto's room, probably to check on him one last time before leaving. Tsume walked up to them and followed him outside the building before flickering to his office as not even the Hokage was above the hospital rules.

He quickly sat in his chair and ignored the fresh stack of paperwork that would make him cry later on before turning to both slightly frightening kunoichi, when they chose to be, in front of him. He looked at both before turning to Tsume as he already had said this much to her. "Tsume, as I was explaining to Anko in the hallway, I have reconsidered on allowing one of you to adopt him."

She smiled lightly as she knew both her and Anko have been asking awhile as the Hokage continued. "But as I said with Anko, to adopt Naruto, you have to adopt Yugito as well. She has managed to get Naruto to show more emotion in these few weeks than he has shown in the last year. That in itself is means alone to keep her with him."

"Also, I believe she is what Naruto needs of now. He needs someone he knows is has many similarities to him and help him deal with his problems. This also goes for her, however, I doubt Naruto can help her as much. She might not be showing anything as of now, but nearly being raped does some psychological damage even if only a little compared to it actually happening." Sarutobi said remorsefully at the end.

The two kunoichi flinched as they knew it was more than true as they had been around their fair share of women that had been raped during war time and/or missions with thugs and bandits that had taken some for their pleasure. He sighed lightly as he turned to each kunoichi seeing who was the better to raise them as he knew both would take them in.

Anko had her ups and downs. She was blood thirsty, had mood swings that rivaled that of pregnant women, a bad temperament, threw random kunai at people and a bad overall romodel, not that any of Naruto's romodels were good ones... On the other hand she was genunially kind to Naruto and Yugito, in her own twisted way, and she cared for Naruto almost like that of a son.

There was also the plus that they wouldn't have to move out of the apartment as she lived just next door. And with that, Gai, Kakashi and Yugao would still be very much involved with helping Anko out. And if that rumor about Anko's boyfriend was true... He would be a good romodel for Naruto.

Tsume on the other hand had more ups then Anko. She was a kind, when not angered which wasn't too hard to do as Inuzuka's had short fuses, somewhat temperamental yet stable parental figure for the two. She had experience on parenting as she had both Hana and Kiba and both of them were being raised right.

The only problem with taking them in was that she would have to spread her time around for all four of them while Anko would just have the two. well, there was another problem as Naruto was naturally competive and there would be no doubt he and Kiba would get into a lot of fights which could end badily as Naruto was more prone to violence.

He sighed as he rubbed his temple, trying to determine who was the better choice. It was frustrating him to no end and both could see it. They were not only good choices, they really were his only choices.

Sarutobi sighed deeply as he turned to both of them, not being able to make up his mind. "For now, give me time to think. I cannot decide with all that has happened now. I will call you back when I have made my choice."

Both kunoichi nodded and left the room leaving the old Hokage by himself. He looked out of the room and smiled sadly as he looked towards the Yondaime's head on and began wondering on how things would be if only he had done the jutsu instead of him.

After a few moments of thoughts around those lines, he shook his head and turned to his paperwork and for once he didn't mind doing it.


A few days had passed and Naruto had yet to wake. Yugito was sleeping silently on the extra bed they had put in the room for her as she refused to leave. Everyone had tried to convince her that she need to rest, but she said she was staying here and that was final.

After a while, they had given up and Anko and Yugao managed to convince the staff to bring in another bed for her. She slowly turned and rolled in her sleep as the memories of a few days ago came to her.

She shivered lightly as she wrapped the blankets around her even tighter than before. She never had anything like that happen to her before and was finally beginning to understand what Naruto had to go through, day in and day out. The memories kept hitting her every time she fell asleep.

Yet she would always calm down when she saw Naruto in the dream and when she awoke. Something about his presense was soothing her and she didn't want that to go away for now. Not till these dreams stopped. But this dream was far worse then the others.

She shuddered heavily as the man actually entered her unlike the others. After a few moment her shuddering seized as she started to scream in her sleep, waking the other occupant in the room and alerting a few nurses and medics nearby.

Naruto's eyes snapped open as he heard Yugito's screaming and started to look around for before noticing that she was in the bed next to his. He tried to move, but yelp a bit in pain as his wounds were still fresh, but that didn't matter to him right now.

He pushed himself off the bed and slowly limped his way towards the screaming girl. Once he reached her, he noticed her tense position as she gripped the bed tightly and had her back arched a bit as if she was...

Realization dawning on him that she must be reliving that night again, but this time it was actually happing. Doing the only thing he could think of, he reach down and grabbed Yugito's shoulders and shook her lightly to wake her up. He was glad when her screaming stopped as her eyes snapped open and looked at him with sweat drenching her face.

Blinking a few times and letting everything come into focus, she noticed Naruto covered head to toe in bandages standing in front of her with his arms on her shoulders. Normally she would have told him to get back to his bed as he was still to hurt to be moving, but she was in a normal state.

Her arms shot out and wrapped around his waist as she buried herself into Naruto chest and started to cry a bit. Naruto was confused as to what was going on, but having the same kind of reaction himself once, he knew what to do instinctively. He slowly slid his one of his arms around her waist as he other on stroked her scalp lightly.

He wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was doing, but it seemed to be working as she had began to calm down. So he continued to stroke her hair and hold her closely, even if it was hurting him a bit.

After a few more moments, he noticed her become slack and fell back towards the bed, bring him with her. Naruto blinked in surprise as he laid besides the nekomata jinchuuriki. This was foreign territory for him. He'd rather take another beating than this, cause at least then he knew what was going to happen.

And it wasn't helping that his hand wasn't obeying him at the moment as it kept stroking Yugito's hair making her emit a weird sound that was a cross between a growl and a bee buzzing. 'What the hell is that sound?! Stop moving damn hand!'

From outside the room, the nurses and medics couldn't help but smile at the scene. It was one of the most adorable things they had seen before, especially with Naruto looking around for help as he had no clue what to do.


At the same time in the council room, Sarutobi was staring down the entire council.

There was fifteen seats in the council but normally only eleven showed up to the meetings. He normally never had to call the entire council as the clan heads and elders mostly agreed on every thing, making it pointless for the other council members to come as they couldn't overrule a majority vote.

This was one of those few times it was mandatory for all of them to be there.

Other than himself, the council was made of the clans heads of the Hyuuga, Uchiha, Inuzaku, Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka and Aburame. There also was the Sandaimes old teammates Homura and Koharu. Danzo, Sarutobi former opponent for the position of Hokage and the leader of Roots.

The other four were the richest civilians in Konoha, Yami Kurinka, Muyo Kanaye and Haruna Ryo. The final member of the council was only a member due to her husband dying and leaving her the only one available to take the seat till their daughter retire from her shinobi career. She was Haruno Momo, the current head of the hospital staff.

None of them knew why they were here today, besides Tsume as she was there in the waiting room, but the look on the Hokage's face told them that he was restraining himself from letting loose a fury of jutsus on them. It was mainly directed at the civilian members and Danzo, but that didn't really matter as everyone else was in the way.

Yawning out loud, Haruno Momo looked around the room and ignored the tense atmosphere as the clan heads were figuring out where this was going and decided to get this over with.

"What is this about Hokage-sama? It better have nothing to do with the demon child again." She spat out the last part with venom lacing her voice. She had respected the Hokage till he started protecting the 'demon child' and putting up laws and assigning Anbu to protect him.

Sarutobi glared at her for a few seconds before doing something that made everyone in the room freak out. He smiled. And not his normally, warm loving smile. This one he had to learn from Orochimaru as it clearly said 'I'm psychotic right now, so I'm going to torture you a thousand possible ways before raping you'.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke in a clear and commanding voice. "As you all know what happened to Miss Nii and one Uzumaki Naruto a few days ago."

Each of the clan heads and elders, beside Danzo, flinched hearing this while the rest just snorted in response, not really caring as both were demons in their opinions. Momo rolled her eyes at him and spoke up venomously. "Of course I know of that. I had to cover up the near raping of the wench to keep Cloud from know for fear of retaliation. The only ones to know of it are in this room other than the medic that had checked up on her. As for the demon brat, they should have let him die."

He glared viciously at her before three Anbu appeared behind him looking at the women in contempt. "It seems the Cloud has already learned of this event and is using it against us already by spreading it around to the other villagers and potential employers that Konoha shinobi are not to be trusted."

Seeing the shock in each of their faces, he knew he had their attention now. "Now I don't believe I need to tell you how this can hurt our economy, otherwise none of you would be able to be on this council. The other purpose of this meeting is to try and root out the spy amongst us."

Each member's eyes widen at his statement and started looking at the others, except oddly enough Danzo, who looked like he wasn't surprised. Sarutobi narrowed his eyes at this, but he had nothing on the old war hawk and couldn't do anything as of yet. "I'm not saying it is one of us, but the probability that the spy is amoung us is very high. But as of the moment, I have nothing. I can only suspect... But for now, we have to deal with the impact of these events will have."

The members nodded and were about to leave, figuring this was the end of the meeting when Sarutobi spoke in a deep, powerful voice making everyone sit back down in fear. "The next thing I have for today is that I have made a new law that will protect Naruto from..."

He was aloud to finish as the civilians and Momo cried out in rage for protecting him while Danzo was seething mentally at hearing his. The Sandaime was already in a bad mood, and they weren't helping him as of this moment, so he shut them up with one word laced with killing intent that made Kyuubi's seem like nothing.


All four civilians shrunk back along with the rest of the council, never having seen the old Hokage like this before. "Now, as I was saying before I was interrupted, I have created a new law like the first I made for him. But with a few differences. This one will keep events like this from happen again. It will be considered treason for breaking this law, and you all know the punishments for treason."

Everyone gulped in fear hearing this and shrunk back further in their seats as they nodded. The penalty for treason seventy-five percent of the time was execution, but if the Hokage was feeling kind it would be life in prison with no parole. But Sarutobi wasn't finished yet.

"In addition, if you are found to have done this before, the offender will have to go through a week with our head interrogator, Morino Ibiki, before being executed. If the offender happens to be a shinobi, their rank will be striped from them and will be buried as a civilian, not as a shinobi and there names will not be placed on the memorial stone, even if they had the credentials."

"This law is in effect from this moment on, till Naruto dies from old age or in action."

Suddenly the three Anbu behind Sarutobi wearing a dog, cat and dragon mask appeared besides Momo and restrained her before placing chakra cuffs on her arms and legs. "Haruno Momo, you are hereby sentenced to execution in three days for being a repeat offender. Your rank of the head of the hospital is stripped along with your status as a council member and you will not have a shinobi burial."

Her eyes widen as she continued to struggle more, but it was in vain as the three Anbu had already caught her and were dragging her to Ibiki for a special session. The rest of the council members were in shock seeing this, except Tsume how seemed slightly pleased as she never did like the woman.

Danzo's eyes narrowed at this and gritted his teeth. This would set his plans back. He didn't expect the old man to regain his back bone. Sarutobi saw this and gave him a cold glare him, knowing that the war hawk was up to something and was going to watch him closely in years to come. But he'd be damned if he was going to allow this any longer.

He was no longer going to live in the shadow of his successor as he had done the last six years. Shaking that thought off, he turned back to the rest of the council. "This meeting is finished. You are dismissed. Tsume, I want you in my office in ten minutes."

He turned around quickly and walked out of the door with no visible emotion on his face. Though you could see in his eyes that there was anger for what she had done to Naruto, but sadness that he had to resort to this. He shook his head as he entered his office and sat in his chair before turning to the Hokage monument.

As he reached the Yondaime's head, a light smile crept onto his face. 'Minato, I will not let you down any more. I will no longer allow this to happen to your son. Now to find a way to get Jiraiya here...'

He shook his head and turned towards his paperwork and was about to start on it when the door open, revealing both Anko and Tsume. He was surprised both were here five minutes early, then he realized they probably had figured out why he wanted to see them. He shook his head as he pulled out his pipe and lit it before speaking. "I guess both of you know why you have been called."

Both gave each other a quick look before nodding as they knew all to well. Sarutobi nodded as he glanced outside towards the monument before back at them. "To tell you the truth. I cannot decide for myself. Both of you have your up and down points making it difficult to choose. So I'm going to leave it in your hands to decide who will adopt him and Yugito."

Anko's eyes widened hearing this while Tsume's jaw unhinged itself. He was leaving it in their hands to decide. That either meant that he really couldn't decide for himself or wanted them to go over who would give them the best care.

After a few seconds of numbly standing there, both nodded and turned to the other and headed outside the room so they didn't bother the Hokage as he did his paperwork. Once they were outside, they looked at each other and sized them up, as if they were about to fight.

Tsume motion Anko to follow her and she did so as she led her into a vacant room. The both sat down at the table in the middle of the room and continued to size the other up, seeing if they were worthy of taking care of the two. After a few more moments of staring at the other, Tsume was the first to break the silence. "So... why exactly do you want to adopt Naruto?"

This wasn't the first question that came to her mind, but her answer would help her immensely in her decision. She knew that looking after Hana and Kiba was a trial on it's own, but add a silent Naruto and a shell shocked Yugito and there would be hell in the house hold as Kiba couldn't keep still and didn't like anything that smelled like cats...

Anko was surprised at her question as she really didn't expect it. She was expecting something more on the lines of why she was qualified to look after the two of them. Maybe Tsume deemed her good enough in that area for it not to matter. Shaking that thought off, she thought over why she did want to looked after the blonde haired gaki and Yugito.

She knew she loved Naruto like a little brother, maybe a son, as he had experience the darker side of the village and was treated like she was. When she first found him, she couldn't help but try to help him as he remind her so much of herself

As for Yugito, the girl was already kind of like her in many ways. She had a sadistic streak, was volatile when she chose to be and just seemed to have certain aura around her that made her all the more likeable.

Thinking for a few more minutes, she looked up at Tsume and answered. "It's because they remind me of myself. Naruto for living through the hell the villagers give him for being Kyuubi's jailer, just like I have to live with the crap they give me for being Orochimaru's apprentice. Yugito, as she is already more like me than I thought. I want to adopt to them to keep them near me as they are all I have other than my shinobi career. They are two of my brightness lights in my life."

Not showing anything at her answer, having expected as much, Tsume began to think looking before she glanced down at Kuromaru, who had been following her the entire time. She growled a bit at him and did so back confirming her suspicions. Anko wasn't lying, in fact she had spoken straight from her heart.

Most of the doubt and worry left her as she knew Anko was more than capable of taking care of them and now that she knew the reason why she wished for the adoption, she could allow it. "Go ahead."

Anko blinked at Tsume in confusion as she didn't understand what she just said. A part of her did, but the more rational part of her brain was going, 'HUH?!'.

Tsume shook her head seeing her confusion and spoke up. "You can adopt them. I have enough troubles in running the clan and watching after Hana and Kiba. I just wanted to make sure your reasons."

The snake mistress blinked a few times a she let her words sink in. Then chaos occurred. Anko jumped over the table and hugged the surprised Tsume as she certainly didn't expect this kind of reaction from Anko. The only thing she could do was glare at currently snickering Kuromaru.

Watching from his crystal ball, Sarutobi smiled as he finished the paperwork for the adoption papers. Now all Anko had to do was sign them.


An ko smiled brightly as she walked through the town towards the hospital, frightening everyone along the way as she was happy and that was not a good thing in their books.

She didn't notice them as she was in too good of a mood as she walked into the hospital before heading towards Naruto's and Yugito's room hold two papers in her hands as if they were her last life lines. She smiled brighter as neared the room, but blinked in confusion as two nurses stood at the door snickering a bit. Now this didn't sit right with her as most people in Konoha didn't like Naruto and she was about to go teach them a lesson when she looked into the room.

Her lips twitched a few times as she attempted to restrain herself, but failed as she began laughing out loud at the helpless Naruto as Yugito held him closely to her as she purred in content. After regain her composure along with the two nurses as Anko's laughing had put them over the edge as well, she walked into the room and smirked at the helpless Naruto and winked at him. "My, you work fast don't you. And here I thought I was going to have to find someone to break you of that."

Naruto looked up at Anko and blinked in confusion as he had no utter clue what she meant, nor did he want to. The sound of finding someone to break him off something didn't seem to fun at the moment. Anko sighed and slumped her shoulders. He was still to young to understand what she meant. "You'll know what I'm talking about in a few years..."

Naruto nodded at her and tried to pull her off, only to see Anko glare at him. "Gaki, if I'm correct, your suppose to be in bed. So if you move, your going to be in here for much longer."

He blinked at her before grumbling as it seemed that he wasn't getting free of Yugito's grip any time soon anyways. Anko snickered some more at the scene as the two nurses came in with cameras and started taking some pictures of them. Anko refrained from laughing as Naruto's face became horrified at the prospect of this being caught on film and started struggling even more against her grip, not caring about Anko's threat.

After a few moment, the nurses were done with their pictures and thorough embarrassment of one Uzumaki Naruto and left the room with large smiles on their faces while filing this under black mail. Anko shook her head as she smirked at him and finally took pity on him and released him from Yugito's grip and setting him on his bed. Of course she woke the young girl up in the process though.

Once she head Naruto back in his bed, she stepped back a bit so she could get both of them into her view with having to turn her head. She smiled a bit at them before speaking. "Oi gakis. I've got good news for both of you."

Both Naruto and Yugito looked towards Anko as she said this and waited for her to continued. "Well first off, Naruto you'll be able to leave her within a week if you can stay in bed. And the second is... I'm officially guardian of both of you."

She let he words seep into their heads and Yugito was the first to figure out what she meant. Then again, she was the older of the two. "Y-you mean... You've adopted us!" Yugito stuttered at the beginning but was yelling at the end in surprise.

Anko smiled lightly at her and nodded making Naruto's eyes widen. She smiled at that as it was rare for Naruto to show emotions, but now he was showing three. Hope, happiness... and fright. She refrain from grumbling at the last emotion. She was sadistic all the time. Just a good portion of it.

Shaking her head at that, she turned back to both of them. "You two will stay in your apartment since it's next to mine and mine is just to small to inhabit all of us. But anyways, I'll get out of her so you can... continue. Fu fu fu."

With that statement, Anko left the room leaving a frightened Naruto and a bewildered Yugito as she had no clue on what had happened earlier. After a few more moments of silence, it finally began to sink into Naruto's head at what this truly meant.

It meant he had family. For the first time in his life.

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