Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 4 - Chapter 26 - What is Truly Important ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
It has only been a month but... How he hated being Hokage.

Paperwork was a nightmare, while his clones could handle the papers he had to handle the mass amounts of feedback, which in the end made it still rather annoying. He understood why he needed to know these things and which petitions to stomp out or to let flourish. Yet the sheer amount of reports he got daily was simply ridiculous.

He was quite sure that he was going to prefer verbal reports far down the road...

Next was the gennins and their amazement that someone their age or younger was the Hokage. Many of the older gennin were ticked off by this fact and were disobedient and at times challenged his authority. After a slight display of power, a Rasengan decimating an entire office, they were slowly coming around.

The chunin weren't too far behind but accepted that he was the Hokage. They simply pulled some of the stupidest pranks he had ever seen and were always getting into trouble and causing a lot of the common villagers to complain to the Anbu so they would try to contain the little pranksters. Once he caught the ring leader...

Not even Ibiki would want to know what he did to him.

Thankfully nearly all the jounin and Anbu were very respectful of him, some even friendly, and felt like he was the best for the position. The only complaint Naruto had was each damn jounin had their personal quirks that annoyed him. Like he learned that Asuma lit up a cigarette no matter where he was, Kurenai constantly flirted with him and Genma's damn tooth pick fascination.

Jiraiya was also a pain in his ass and now he understood why Hizuren loved it when he was gone. There were so many damn complaints about peeping that he was just about to outright forbid Jiraiya from doing so again... That was when he realized why the Third never did.

The old man was bribed and now so was he. Thirty thousand ryo each update and a few of Jiraiya's own personal techniques was a sweet deal not to bust him. And besides, he didn't have to bust him.

All he had to do was to give Tsunade time off at the same time he knew the perv was peeping.

Speaking of his head medic, she was causing a little bit of a problem but it was a welcomed one. He had already signed her petition and was creating a school specifically designed to train failed academy students with good chakra control, most of which were girls, into medics so they could continue their dreams of being a ninja. This also allowed those that wanted to be medics to forgo most courses in the Academy.

This eventually would lead to the sannin's dream of having four man squads were one within the unit would always be a medic and there would be less causalities on missions and in times of war. It would give Konoha yet another edge over the other nations and set a standard.

Next to last were the villagers. A good portion were causing problems for him, mostly with paperwork, having to sign and file meaningless papers that they knew he had to overlook, but a few were going beyond that. These people were quickly brought in and dealt with but no matter the punishment they simply wouldn't stop.

He wouldn't outlaw free speech, something that he would have to get the council's approval on, yet slandering them did nothing. So finally he decided to go with counter strategy and use rumors that stated the exact opposite.

So in the end while those that didn't like him believed the slanderous rumors, those that thought the Hokage was a sacred position ignored those and chose to believe their Hokage was a good man, something he was trying to be.

And finally there was Yugito. Oh there was Yugito.

She was neither good or bad. She was simply in between. At times there was nothing he loved more and then there were those bad times where he just wanted to sew her mouth shut. He knew it was horrible to think these kind of things about her but if she didn’t stopped sexually taunting him at inconvenient moments he would be absolutely fine with her.

Thankfully she seemed to be toning down, for it seemed she realized that he was stressed enough and it would take a while before he was use to this job. And right now... He needed a break. He couldn't just sit down and do this all day.

"Mei Ling!" Naruto suddenly yelled out, bursting from his office while leaving a few shadow clones behind to do his work. "I've got a date to get to so cancel all appointments and unless it is an emergency I am not to be bothered! All reports are to be filed and I will overlook them later!"

"Yes sir." Mei Ling could only shake her head and bite her lip to keep from laughing at the Godaime before busting out once he was gone. This had become a normal routine and she still couldn't stop laughing at this for he would use any reason to get out of the office at this time.

And it wasn't even noon yet!


"Ugh... " Yugito sighed in frustration simply glancing at her new gennin team and at one person in particular.

She didn't mind Sakura for the young medic really didn't need her help and was doing fine. In fact she actually liked the girl for she helped her out with training the other two and took charge in the pathetic D-rank missions Naruto purposely sent them out on.

Tenten was wonderful for the girl took to her fighting style like a duck to water. She also had a great collection of weapons and didn't hesitate to supply her allies with weapons they needed free of charge. This of course did her well for she kept breaking her dual headed naginata and ivory bo-staff and they were rather hard to replace.

Her problem was Kiba.

Thankfully she knocked the shit out of him for believing Yeizu for a second, something she was sure at least Hana or Tsume did as well to get the point across. The problem was he was arrogant and wouldn't listen to her at times. Now she admitted that Sasuke could be far more arrogant, an Uchiha curse, but he had accepted he had weaknesses and faults and would listen to his superiors.

Kiba... Would not accept his weaknesses and faults until she punished him with them.

Kurenai hadn't really been much of a help for she didn't have too many problems with him. However she quickly added that he could be a handful during missions and the fact that she was pretty sure he thought she was attractive and wasn't always listening with his main head...

The boy was going through puberty, she knew that. Most boys would be difficult to deal with during such a time frame, Naruto being the only exclusion for he was mentally mature already while his body was getting there. Still that didn't explain his reason for acting out.

However she did not know the reason why he was acting out like he was but she was going to find out. "Alright, that is enough for today. Sakura don't forget Tsunade wants to see you for your lesson today. I'm not sure if she'll be teaching or if it will be Shizune or Mikoto. Tenten, Naruto will meet with you around five or so for training with his blades. ...Kiba, I need to talk with you."

The two girls simply nodded, not having forgotten their appointments, before Sakura followed Tenten to get a bite to eat before heading off to see what she would be doing today. Kiba, however, slightly fidgeted and adverted his gaze from her after a small blush.

"Kiba..." Yugito suddenly noticed this and narrowed her eyes before sighing and rolling her said eyes knowing a perverted thought probably crossed his mind. "Get your mind out of the gutter and I'm taken. I want to know what your problem has been lately? While I was getting use to your slight insubordination you've been crossing the line as of late. What gives?"

Flinching at this, Kiba sighed and shook his head. "I really don't know. I've been trying to keep in check but sometimes I can't because I keep catching this weird scent that's coming from you... And it really has been bothering me. Akamaru has noticed it too."

Raising her eyebrow at this, lifting her arm to her nose before sniffing herself which she soon found out was useless, Yugito actually had to frown and wonder what the scent was. "Nonetheless... You've been rather disobedient since the beginning and while I know Yeizu was part of the reason I want to know all of it."

Frowning for he had hoped that would be enough, Kiba would have used the excuse that he was still adjusting to the new team but after a month of training and missions that wasn't the problem. Besides he rather enjoyed being around Tenten and Sakura and both of whom he thought were attractive and being on a team of girls was very... A very happy experience.

But this wouldn't suffice and he had to be honest with his jounin-sensei. If he wasn't it would be a long and tiring process and one he wasn't sure he could overcome. "I heard you trained Kerlya... And helped her master the Dogs of Hell for it is a lot like controlling your fire cat."

'Jealousy.' Yugito immediately recognized the stance and tone and could understand it so with a sigh, she shook her head. "I'm sure both your mom and sister told you the same... That Naruto asked them and they could not refuse him and it is the same with me. We all owe him and we he comes knocking there is no refusal."

"Yet you forget... All you have to do is ask. Not only would I take your training up, so would Hana and Tsume not to mention many other jounin and chunin. You're a clan heir and this village treats its heirs with the utmost respect. ...So if you want to take it to the next level and you are ready, just ask." Yugito commented, placing her hand on her hip and grinning at the Inuzuka.

"So do you have what it takes to truly take your training seriously?" Yugito finally stated and reached behind her, pulling free her newly furnished bo-staff, and awaiting Kiba to answer.

The Inuzuka heir could only grin when Akamaru jumped out of his jacket and barked before nodding with his canine brethren. "Hell yeah! I'm not going to get left behind in the dust. Not by Kerlya and especially not by Sasuke or Shikamaru!"

"Good... Now let's..." Yugito was about to start this session when an odd yet frequent event forced her to stop and look at the new arrival on the scene. "Call it for a day and we'll start tomorrow. ...Naruto, why are you skipping out of your duties again?"

"I'm not. I have clones doing my work for me and I got restless and decided to come see you." Naruto immediately defended himself before tilting his head at the male Inuzuka. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Kind of..." Kiba growled for he wanted to start training and then he came out of nowhere... But then he was hit with inspiration. "Wait... Can you train me?! Of all people in the village, you are the Hokage! I know out of everything you can help me become stronger!"

Perking his lips slightly, gazing into his brown eyes for a moment, Naruto closed his and in a split second another Naruto was behind him. Yet at that exact moment, Kiba rolled to the side and tossed a kunai at the clone, who easily deflected it.

Smirking at this, the blonde Hokage opened his eyes and turned from the Inuzuka. "You are part of team seven... And team seven is still registered as my official team with Yugito as temporary sensei. Therefore it is still my duty to train you so from today onwards at this time you and I will train with one another."

"But for now I have a date so my clone here will do." Naruto tilted his head towards Yugito. "And for now you need to toughen up a little... So till tomorrow, don't die."

"WHAT?!" Kiba roared out in confusion. He was glad the Godaime had accepted his request to be trained but he had no clue about what he was supposed to avoid being killed by. Then with a bark and a running dog he understood what it was he was avoiding.

"SON OF A BITCH!" A loud boom went off and Kiba barely dived into the water below the bridge, Naruto's clone going straight after him with a few kunai and explosive tags in hand.

Blinking at what she was seeing, Yugito could only grimace at what seemed to be a painful training session, she shook her head. "I truly do hope he survives... It looks like your clone is taking out some of your pent up frustration onto the poor boy."

"He'll live..." Naruto spoke, turning to the elder blonde before tilting his head and beamed at her. "So how about we get some tekkadon from Chouza's restaurant? I've been hearing good things about it since it has opened."

Almost willing jumping into his arms, for she found the dish delicious and revered it like Naruto did his ramen, Yugito retained some of her dignity and poise by simply nodding. There was something more pressing that needed her attention. "Sure... But I have to ask something. Did you know about this scent I've apparently had around me for these last couple of days?"

"Yes... You've had it around you once a month since you've came here." Naruto raised his eyebrow and wondered why she was bringing this up now. "I believe it is a heighten state of arousal that both you and I share possessing a demon within us for a few traits are passed on. However it doesn't really affect anything, for you have to have heightened senses to even be slightly effected by it."

Letting her jaw slacken, hearing that this had been a problem for six years and no one told her until now, Yugito was about to yell out at Naruto for not telling her about when he continued. "I didn't learn about it until Hana said something a couple of weeks ago, saying I had a particular musk around me and I asked mother about it and she informed me what it was? Did you ask Nibi about it?"

"Yeah sure..." Yugito grumbled before mumbling something about neutering and deep frying a certain cat.

Her bad mood didn't last long before her head suddenly was lying on the top of Naruto's and she was holding him in a deathly embrace. "Alright, now let's go get that tekkadon! I've been craving some salmon lately!"

Naruto simply shrugged his shoulders and shook his head at the elder blonde. It was so much easier to deal with Yugito like this...


"Are you sure of this?" Danzo stated, sitting in a rather large office like that of the Hokage's and reading a scroll, before looking towards his subordinate and seeing him nod in confirmation. "I see... I will inform Lord Hokage of this immediately."

"Sir?" His subordinate was caught off guard for they normally dealt with any problems in the shadows to keep from being detected.

Noting his subordinate's shock, Danzo shook his head and stood from his desk. "There is no reason to hide this information from him. This will help further not only our goals but Konoha as a whole. The civil war in Kumo is coming to an end and we need to get the upper hand on it and the best way is through him."

"Now go. I have business to attend to." The bandaged man ordered his masked subordinate before rolling the scroll and pocketing it. "I may not like you Uzumaki... But we will have to work together and if it means that I have to go through you, so be it."

"You are the best means to achieving greatness for this village once more."


Growl ing in frustration, looking at the map of the region before him, a massive man with a dark coloration glared at the turn of events.

"How in the world did they managed to get around our blockade of the region and call for help?!" The muscled man roared and smashed his fist into the table, snapping it into two quite easily. "We had this civil war won and this fuck up allowed them to call out to other villages for aid!"

"I'm sorry sir but the odds that Kiri will intervene are small for they just got out of a civil war and currently won't bother trying to help. And since it was the rebellion that won it is more than likely that they would side with our cause anyways." One of his second-in-command and chief strategist stated before continuing on.

"Neither Konoha nor Suna will get involved for Konoha has been supporting our efforts and Suna right now won’t cross the leaf. Iwa may answer but that could cause another Great Shinobi War for their tension is high with Konoha and with their young Hokage, they may jump at the chance to show to show off his and his village's strength."

"Finally while there are many smaller villages most won't deal with any problems of the great five. The only problem could be Oto for it is known that Orochimaru is the leader of their village and might look at this as a chance to make the Cloud and Tenshi his puppet. So at best we should cover our rear to the south and worry from an attack from the sound." He finally finished in his lazy stance, not fazed like the rest by the show of strength from E.

"Darui... Doing so will thin our reserves around the village and their tight enough as is." E regained his composure to a certain degree and looked at the now damaged map. "We don't have the excess forces we did early in this rebellion and if we thin out our line they’ll easily break through our barricade and draw more supplies to give themselves more time for reinforcements to aid them."

"How dull... We can't thin our line but we also could sustain heavy losses if we are attacked from behind." Darui sluggishly respond and didn't like how this was turning out. "We may have to ask Konoha for physical aid. It will give them more leverage in the treaty negotiations but we may not have a choice."

E's face tightened before he scowled. He did not want to ask for help for they were winning their battles against Tenshi's forces and driving closer and closer to the village gates. However if another village answered the Raikage's call for help they could be forced back and lose their control of this war.

Momentarily pushing this aside, he turned to his number two general before he narrowed his eyes. "This is unacceptable Ryuu, you have failed me too many times already. I cannot trust you to lead the northern sea on your own any longer. Darui, your lieutenant will now take his place. Shi!"

"Yes my lord." Shi stepped forward and bowed lightly, knowing what he was about to be asked. "I will do everything I can to fulfill my duties and not fail you."

Simply nodding at the young man before turning his gaze back to Ryuu, as if daring him to try anything, E finally broke his gaze seeing that the man accepted his punishment. "Take your post and keep vigilant for now. We will continue our blockade however we will send small scouting units hourly to detect if any ninja are trespassing within our land."

"Tell our scouts to treat any passing ninjas as hostile, except leaf ninja that are at our supply points. But also beware of any ninja wearing black cloaks and to not engage unless they can identify them as a supporter of Tenshi's." E ordered, fearing the Akatsuki may try to strike while they were vulnerable and take his brother.

Seeing them leave one by one until Darui was left, E sighed before turning to his lazy general. "How is my brother's condition?"

"Kirabi is doing fine. He is getting rather bored but I know he won't leave right now since I brought his sensei to him. ...But I'm beginning to find his rapping rather dull. It is fine for some time but its wearing on me.” Darui weakly moaned, not putting much effort into it yet he was somewhat fed up with not being able to fight.

E could see this and he knew he was keeping his best soldier off the field excluding himself but it was necessary. "I know but I trust you more than anyone else and you learned my father's techniques before he committed suicide. There is no one I trust more than you to watch Kirabi and to make sure he stays out of trouble."

"I know." Darui stated with a slight frown but knew he was stuck guarding Kirabi alone without Shi. "But what bothers me is the new Hokage. I have this feeling that he won't sit idle and will come here soon. ...I don't trust him like I did the Professor."

"I don't know him very well either and I only caught a glimpse of him during the Chunin exams here five years ago... And I know he will be coming to help finish the job for he will want the upper hand in our relations. However there is one thing I do know about him." E responded and smirked slightly.

"He is a man of respect. He will not ask anything unreasonable from us and will be willing to give a little to get what he wants from us. I will use that to my advantage." The muscle bounded man grinned at his fellow cloud shinobi before standing. "And with such I will bring Makoto's child back to this place... Where she belongs."

"For there is something she does not know of and it will bring her back home."


Sudde nly shivering, not understanding why, Yugito shot up in her bed and looked all over the room. There was no one there, that bothered her a little for it was about two from what her alarm clock said, but she understood that Naruto was Hokage and at times he was called out at very strange hours.

Her dream.... Was rather weird. The dreams she had been getting before were gut-wrenching and frightening. They were so horrible that at times she could not sleep. She never said a word of them to anyone but her family knew she was hurting and comforted her without second thought.

The reason she never explained them to anyone was because they were never the same. All were similar, gory and they terrified her, but since she could not understand the general concept of what was going on she never told anyone. If she couldn't understand what was going on, how could she explain it?

But this dream... It wasn't anything like the others. There was no blood, no violence. Nothing like that. She was back in the Cloud and was a ninja of their village once again.

While that wasn't too shocking for dreaming of her birth place could be explained. Sure she was older now and there probably were a few changes in the village but nonetheless it was typical to dream of a place she remembered living twelve years of her life. Yet there was one thing that scared her more than anything else.

"Brother..." Tears began to trail down her cheeks thinking of her deceased brother.

Yet in her dream she had seen him clearly. Yet he wasn't the same as he was when she last saw him. He was older and fully mature and looked like he would have if... If her father hadn't slain both him and her mother before her... Before both her mother's teammates, Tenshi and E, arrived and took care of him, having sensed the demon cat's chakra flare.

She could no longer bare it and her sobs filled the room. Her entire dream had been about being with her brother once again in the Cloud, standing with him and being shown through the village and how it changed over the last seven years. And worst of all there was one thing that he said at the end that caused her to break.

'Don't worry, now we won't have to ever be apart again.'

Those words haunted her so. She never wanted to lose him or her mother. She didn't even want to lose her father for up until that moment he had been a kind and gentle person that seemed to love her desperately.

And she lost them... Every single one. She had nothing left in her life...

"Yugito?" A voice suddenly brought her out of her depression, there the one thing she had almost forgot about that was just as important.


Without a second passing by, she threw herself towards Naruto in the doorway and continued to sob into his chest. She had almost forgotten everything she had here. Anko, Itachi, Kakashi, Gai, Yugao and Naruto... Especially Naruto. They were her reasons for living... Her reason of being here.

She couldn't forget that. Not even if her brother was still alive. She had them now... They were her family, her reason for living life and she knew that each thought the same about her. But more importantly Naruto... She had to be with him and protect him from suffering the same fate.

Not understanding what was going on or why Yugito was so emotional at the moment, Naruto softly sighed and carried Yugito over to his bed. While he didn't know the reason or the cause of this, there was only one thing he could do for now and that was to comfort her until she started to explain or fell asleep.

Either way, it was going to be a long night. But he didn’t particularly care too much, if there was anyone worth it, it was Yugito. Sure there were a few others but he held her above them for she had been there since the beginning... At least to him, and that was all that mattered to him. For that, he would be with her till the end.

It was like the Third said when he passed onto the next life. She was an angel.

His angel.

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