Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Shinobi ❯ Enter: Raikage ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Enter: Raikage

"Long live the Raikage!" A crowd of people had gathered in an open market area. Standing on a raised platform, stood two people. One, appearing to be early twenties, had a small smirk upon his face. He was of average height; only about five feet and eight inches. Although he was wearing a large, white had, which held the kanji for Rai upon it, his brown bangs were still able to be seen...barely albiet. He wore white robes as well, and it was due to the fact that the man, the Raikage, was preparing to leave for a meeting. The Raikage was a man standing at the top of the shinobi world. The village of Kumo was currently the most powerful village in the shinobi world, and he was probaly the most powerful Kage. His village was prospereous, and he was well liked upon his people. Life was good.

"Toshi, you better be going." The second figure spoke. The male appeared younger than the Raikage, although not by more than three years. He was taller than Toshi by two inches, and his skin was slightly tanner than Toshi's. His right eye was a beautiful emerald color, while his left was as blue as the afternoon sky. He bore a long, olive-green coat, with brown pants. The male's hair was light brown, and hung gracefully in his large eyes.

"Yeah, I know Loki. Don't rush me." Loki was Toshi's right hand man, and Anbu captain of Kumo. For such a young age, he was highly respected and decorated with war medals. Loki said nothing to Toshi's reply, but simply removed a scarf out of his coat and tied it around his face. In truth, Loki had woken up only several minutes ago, and was getting dressed on his way down to the conference that Toshi had held. By the time he arrived, Toshi was already finished speaking. "Loki..." Toshi spoke, and the atmosphere between Loki and Toshi grew thick. No doubt in Loki's mind, a deep conversation was about to be started. "Why are these robes so tight around the crouch? I hate it..."

Loki sighed, but couldn't help but chuckle. "As to be expected from you Toshi..." He muttered under his breath. Toshi said nothing, but cleared his throat.

"Um...I'm off!" Toshi wasn't the greatest public speaker, when no important events needed to be told. He then vanished, in a bolt of lightning.