Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ The End Came & Went ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Enzeru walked over to Naruto and removed his hand from Sasuke’s person. “NO! Let me go! Sasuke! I don’t want to go! I can’t leave Sasuke please!” Naruto struggled against his fathers grip.
Haku reluctantly let go when he felt his mothers touch on his shoulder. He followed his struggling brother, busy father, and loving mother into the portal but not before he placed something in the ground and disappeared forever.
It was a letter one for Sasuke and the other Itachi.


Itachi walked into his room from a shower and grabbed the already opened letter and began to read it once again.

Dear Itachi,

If you’re reading this letter than that means Naruto and I were unable to stay. I know there were many secrets I kept hidden from you and I’m sorry for that. Despite what we’ve gone through I want you to know that I still do care for you.

There should be a mark on your pelvis bone. A small picture looks kinda like a shield with a small handle and little swirls on the end. Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan is what it’s called. It means “Love never loses its way home” It’s also the symbol of love.

I’m short on time, I wrote this letter just incase worse came to worst. I’m pregnant and I know the idea sounds absolutely ridiculous but I am. If you don’t believe me the test should still be in the trash can at Iruka’s.

OMG Iruka when you see him tell him I said thank you for everything. I really do appriciate everything he did for us and no matter what he'll always be my dad. Back to you, in that chance i don't make it I want you to move on with your life. I don't care if you are bitching and moaing about "Oh can't move on with life he was my everything" that bit can be up and gone. Move on with your life besides you'll always have me near you.


P.S. sorry for the randomness of the letter but I have to go save you. Bye.

Itachi read the letter over again particularly the end. Haku was, no, is pregnant? How the hell was that even possible? Well he knew how but how was he pregnant. He played with the charm that was on the necklace. He felt warmth on his cheek and knew he was crying again. They had been gone for a week, and the pain hadn’t lessened an ounce.

He heard a knock at his bedroom door and a low “Come in.” passed his lips. Sasuke walked into his room in a pair of flannel pajama pants, while playing with his hands, and staring at the ground. Itachi could see the puffiness in his brothers’ eyes and motioned for him to join him in the bed.

The day after Naruto and Haku had left they had come into an unmentioned habit of sleeping together. It was a form of security; to let them know they were still alive even if it felt as though a piece of them had left.


Sas uke opened the letter the instant they had gotten home from the hospital and the police station.

Dear Sasuke,

I’m writing this because I don’t know how things are going to play out tonight at the play. I would really prefer to tell you this to your face but that’s currently impossible considering I’m lying in my bed at the moment.

First I wanted to let you know I do love you. No matter what happens I love you. And if by some unfortunate stoke of luck I don’t make it through this I want you to promise me you’ll move on. And incase I do make it through this there’s a necklace tucked underneath your bed on a small box. It has two rings in it I want you to wear one and give me the other.

Considering there's a VERY good chance i'll never see you again I want you to wear the necklace reguardless of if i come back or not. you can give the one that was meant for me to your future fiance or future boyfriend if you ever get that serious again. God it's gonna kill me to say this but if I don't make it through this I want you to move on. Don't wallow like you those people in movies do. I want you to go on and be happy forget about me okay?

Sasuke I want you to know I loved the time we’ve had together and the fun we’ve had. I want you to do me a favor. If I don’t make it through this I want you to become a singer. You and Itachi can be a duet. The Uchiha Bro’s sounds good huh? Lol. I have to go now have to get ready for the play. I love you.


P.S. I really do love you no matter what.

Sasuke closed the letter and began to cry. Naruto was gone and he wasn’t coming back. No matter how much he cried, begged, or pleaded.

He wanted to hate Naruto for doing this to him. For making him fall in love and then leaving like that. He felt incomplete without the ball of sunshine there to brighten his day. Sasuke let out a frustrated growl and tugged at his hair as the tears flew faster. He begged and pleaded in his mind to come back, for this to be some sick dream.

That night, and 3 more after, he cried himself to sleep. He picked up a habit of sleeping with his brother to keep the nightmares away, and to help keep his sanity. He had spoken to Iruka a few times since then and he was no better off. Kakashi was a constant presence at his home.

Naruto laid on the bed of his still-new bedroom and thought of the life he left behind. It’s been nearly 2 months since he left and a small barely noticeable bulge now rested on his stomach. He slowly rubbed his fingertips over his stomach. In the time that he’s been pregnant he’s realized he’s gained a few extra powers but he thinks he's just accidentally tapping into the babies powers. He rolled over onto his side and with a soft twitch of his fingers the door was open and in walked Haku. If the last 2 months had been hard on him it was obvious on Haku. Dark shadows under his eyes and a fragile air about him made his misery obvious.

The only time he even felt normal anymore was while sparring and he knew it was the same for Haku. They had beaten so many of the guards here that they stopped listening to their requests for a fight. It also didn’t help that they had been scared off on more than one occasion. They had a tendency to get out of control when they were using powers. They had to instill a no-power rule to even get anyone to fight them anymore. But that was soon put to an end when word got to their mother that they were fighting pregnant.

Hey they didn’t see what the big deal was, they were invincible while pregnant.

“She’s got a baby inside
And holds her belly tight
All through the night
Just so she knows
She’s sleeping so
Safely to keep
Her growing”

Naruto rolled his eyes at what Haku sang as he walked into the room.

"Two things one I'm definately not a girl and two not tired"

Haku lied in the bed facing Naruto, being 3 months a long his small bulge was a tad more noticeable. “You really should get some sleep Naruto.”

Naruto smiled. “You’re one to talk you haven’t slept a decent nights rest in weeks.”

Haku sighed. “I can’t. Too many nightmares. But you, you can sleep through the apocalypse, so why aren’t you?”

“I sleep at night and the sun is still up as of now. Besides the way moms been checking in on us I wouldn’t be able to sleep without interruption.”

Speaking of the devil, in waltzed Arashi. “Are you two hungry?” The two shock their head. Arashi sighed. “Are you two still mad at me?” They shook their head again. “Yes you are, you’re terrible liars you know it's written in your body language you’re mad at me.”

The two sat up to make room for him as he neared the bed. “I’m sorry things played out this way but it had to be done. They aren’t from here, and bringing them here would only cause more problems then necessary.” The two nodded. “You know I love you two right?” they nodded."And you know i'll do anything in my power to make things right, right?" They nodded again. “Good now come to the dining hall and eat, you’re no longer providing just for yourself.” The two were then ushered downstairs by their mother.

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Naruto and Haku have been gone for 4 months now and Sasuke had decided to go through with Naruto’s final request and with much arguing and conning he and Itachi had started a group. He and Itachi were lead singers, Gaara their percussionist, Neji shockingly along with Kiba were their guitarist, and if needed for a track Hinata helped out. The sang pretty much anything JRock, Jpop, JR&B, Alternative Rock, you name it they sing it except country.

“No bullshit today deadline for this track is in two days and we gonna do full run troughs.” Sasuke stated as he walked into the studio. “We need to have this album out in the next 4 months and this single in 3” Everyone nodded and he set up the mikes for himself and Itachi. “1...2…3…1, 2, 3…”

“How do I breathe, yeah?” Sasuke sang.

“How do I breathe, yeah?” Itachi followed. “It feels so different being here, I was so used to being next to you, Life for me is not the same, there’s no one to turn to. I don't know why I let it go too far, Starting over - it's so hard. Seems like everywhere I try to go, I keep thinking of you.”

Sasuke came shortly after with the hook. “I just had a wake up call, Wishing that I never let you fall, Baby you are not to blame at all. When I'm the one that pushed you away. Baby if you knew I cared, you’d have never went nowhere (nowhere), Girl I should've been right there.”

They both sang the chorus. “How do I breathe? Without you here by my side? How will I see? When your love brought me to the light? Where do I go? When your heart's where I lay my head? When you're not with me. How do I breathe? How do I breathe?”

Sasuke too over the next verse. “Girl I'm losin' my mind. Yes I made a mistake. I thought that you would be mine. Guess the joke was on me. I miss you so bad, I can't sleep. I wish I knew where you could be. Another dude is replacing me, God this can't be happening.”

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I just had a wake up call (call),
Wishing that I never let you fall (fall),
Baby you are not to blame at all.
When I'm the one that pushed you away
Baby if you knew I cared (cared),
You'd have never went nowhere (nowhere),
Girl I should've been right there.


(And I wonder...)
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side?
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light?
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me (I'm saying),
How do I breathe?
How do I breathe?

I can't get over you, no
Baby I don't wanna let go, no
Girl you need to come home
Girl come back to me
'Cause girl you made it hard to breathe
When you're not with me.


(Tell me)
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side?
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light?
Where do I go (where do I, where do I go)
When your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me,
How do I breathe?

How do I breathe?
Without you here by my side?
How will I see (how will I see)
When your love brought me to the light (baby, baby)?
Where do I go (where do)
When your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me (you're not with me),
How do I breathe (how do I breathe)?
How do I breathe?

“And that was the Uchiha Brothers with the number one spot for the 4th week in the row with “How Do I Breathe”. This song has without a doubt been one of the best debut songs in a long time. Also considering they're hopeing to cross over to American music they gotta be good. I hope their Album expected to be out sometime next month is just as good. In other news...”

Naruto's heart rate suddenly spiked and his hands began to shake.


Naruto dropped the glass he was holding and gripped at his stomach painfully.

“Oh god.” Naruto slid to the floor against the wall. His breaths came out in pants. All he was supposed to do was come into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He just had to stop and listen to the song. But the voice was so similar he knew it. And then when they said the name of the group it all clicked causing his heart to race. “Oh god I’m going into labor.”

Naruto stood to try and make it to the infirmary located on the other side of the house but he slipped on something. “Oh god, Oh god no.” His water had broken, but that’s not what scared him, what scared him was that the fluid wasn’t clear it was red.

“HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!” He slid to the floor unable to move when a contraction hit him. “Please.” He cried.

“Someone help me.”


Haku ran through the hospital as fast as he could considering he was 8 months pregnant. As worried as he was that was pretty fast. He made it to the nurses station on the labor and delivery floor and panted out his question.

“Wh-what room i-is Naruto Uzamaki in?”

The nurse with through a few files then went to check the computer. “Umm I’m sorry but Naruto Uzamaki is surgery room 4 getting prepped for an emergency C-section.”

“Emergency what!? He’s only 7 months he can’t possibly be ready to have the baby!”

“According to our records he went into premature labor at his home, his water had burst and the fluid was red meaning that he or the baby were bleeding which isn’t good. After the C-section there going to find the cause of the bleeding, take the baby to the NICU and hope for the best.”

Haku let out a sigh, knowing that it wouldn’t help to go and freeze his brother just for scaring him. Man, they just couldn’t catch a break could they? “H-how long do you think they’ll be in the hospital?”

“Naruto should be out within a week more or less. And the baby depending on how well things go maybe sometime within the next two months.”

Haku nodded a thanks headed towards the waiting room.

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Naruto cried out once again as contractions ripped through him. Even with the Epidural pain was screaming along his nerves and he knew that something was wrong inside of him. Not with the baby no, in him. And all he wanted was Sasuke there with him to hold him and tell him everything was ok.

“Mr. Uzumaki, we need you to calm down please. Let the anesthesia do its job.” The doctor begged heart breaking at the pain in his cries. But no matter how much it hurt him he had to do his best to see that baby and mom made it out of this room alive. He watched as the blonde slowly calmed down, small whimpers making out of his throat every few minutes. His heart broke even more when he heard the name ‘Sasuke’ whispered over and over like a mantra. He’d heard of the baby’s father and he knew it would be better for Naruto if Sasuke was there but he had no way of contacting him.

&&&&&&& WARNING!!! Graphic Medical Procedure Ahead!!!&&&&&&&&&&&&
When the doctor was sure that Naruto was well and truly asleep he finished his preparations for the cesarean section. Insuring that his patient was asleep once more the surgeon made the first incision, exposing the first layer of fat. Carefully making his way down, avoiding the many little veins and arteries of the abdomen he exposed the uterus. Before he was able to open the uterus he was covered in his patients blood. “Here's the bleed!!!! Damnit get me the clamps! He’s going to bleed out at this rate!! Aiko get his parents and brother in here! We don’t have his blood type in reserve!”

Shouting orders while attempting to contain the massive amounts of blood pouring out of his patients abdomen Doctor Altenaga sent a frantic prayer to his gods. ‘Please, please don’t let this boy die. Please. He’s an innocent and deserves all the happiness that parenthood can give him. Please.’

Thankfully for his own sanity the nurse arrived quickly with his family members and got them onto the tables that were rolled in. All were set up to transfer blood into the blond on the table. Enzeru and Arashi were both pale as they saw how much blood Naruto had already lost. Both turned horrified eyes to the doctor, unconsciously pleading with him to not let their son, their little fire child, die before them.

“ If I have any choice in this I will not let him die. No child should die, especially not this innocent one. I know that you are both close to him,” Dr. Ayase continued, having finally gotten the bleeding to stop and continuing with the origional procedure, “And for now I need the two of you to give him your energy. He has lost so much and can’t fight to save himself and the child without more. If the father were here I believe the child would have a better chance of survival. Please. Do everything you can to help him.” He pleaded while slowly slicing open Naruto’s uterus and clearing away the amniotic fluid that coated the rest of his stomach. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Arashi become dangerously pale but he couldn’t so anything about that. He needed to get the child out and Naruto sewn back together before he could worry about the man currently looking like he would pass out on his table.

He made the final incision and reached in until he felt the baby's head. He pulled out the baby and unwrapped the cord that was around the neck. He section the baby's nose and mouth before he pulled the baby out all the way. "It's a boy." He said as he handed the infant off to the nurses.

They sat in on the scale and quickly got a weight. "3 pounds 9 ounces." The nurse said loud enough for them to hear.

Enzeru looked over to the small nurses staion a look of confusion on his face. "Why isn't he crying?" He said it lowly at first all he got was a confused look from Arashi. A nursed rushed past him. "Hey, why isn't he crying?"

"We're doing all we can to get him to cry, his eyes are open but he's just not crying." The nurse went back over to the small station. a few moments later a small cry could be heard but it was so small the sounds of the room almost drowned it out.

Enzeru allowed his shoulders to sag in relief. as soon as the cry was heard the nurses bunddeld him and quickly transported him to the NICU to be treated. His attention was pulled back when he felt Arashi nudge him . "Pay attention he's telling s what to do." Enzeru listened to the doctor in did exactly as he was told to make sure they saved his son's life.


That beeping? Where was it coming from? Why won’t it stop? He swallowed but the task was a tad bit more difficult than he last remembered. There was something in his throat. He tightly shut his eyes before he slowly began to blink them open. The room was white, and smelled to clean. He flexed his finger and slowly brought a hand to his face. He felt the tape that was holding, what he now realized, a tube in place on his face. He peeled back the tape and pulled the tube out. He gagged but that was it. He swallowed, that was much better.

Not two seconds after he pulled out the tube did nurses and a doctor come in his room. “Good to see you awake Mr. Uzumaki. Gave us a scare back there.” Naruto looked at him puzzled. “I suppose you wouldn’t know what happened would you? You had bleeding it was caused by a small hemorrhage. Good thing we found it. You could’ve died. Thanks to your family though, we saved you and the baby.”

“Where’s my baby?” Naruto rasped out, throat still sore from lack of use and pulling out the tube. “And how long have I been out?”

“Your baby is fine, he’s in the NICU. You’ve been out almost a week 5 days to be exact. We were hoping you'd be awake sooner but you did lose a lot of blood so it's understandable."

Naruto nodded. “Can I see my baby?” The doctor nodded and asked the nurse to get him a wheel chari. The nurse came back with a wheel chair, with minimal discomfort Naruto moved himself from the bed to the wheel chair. He soon found himself in the NICU he was wheeled over to what to him looked like an incubator. He saw the baby in there, he had a fine layer of dark hair. He couldn’t tell if it was brown or black. He had something covering his eyes so he couldn’t tell what color his eyes were. There was a tube taped to his cheek to keep the tube in his throat in place, which the nurses told him lead to his stomach because he wasn’t bottle feeding, and a IV going through his umbilical cord which he assumed was giving his body needed fluids.

His chest rose and fell quickly with the breaths he was taking full of the oxygen given to him by the tube in his nose. He was so small Naruto could barely hold back the tears. Naruto gently ran fingers over his arm.

“He’s so small, and so fragile.” Silent tears fell down his cheeks as h realized this was his child, his miracle. “Will he make it?” he asked a nearby nurse.

“The doctor says he’s unsure if he’ll make it through the week, He keeps having drops in BP and occasionally stops breathing which is why he has tubes. But when he was brought here, he said he wouldn’t even make it through the night, he was hardly breathing at all then, and he’s made it through 4 so far. So by my book, yes he’ll make it.” The nurse smiled at Naruto.

Naruto smiled back and moved the loose hair from his face. He’d have to cut it he was starting to tire of long hair. “You’re a little fighter aren’t you, my little solider.” Naruto asked the baby with a smile. “You’re making sure you leave a mark in history.” Naruto said with a small soft laugh. He ran the tip of his pinky over the baby’s hand. “I think I’ll call you…Myou. Myou Hayden Uchiha-Uzumaki.” Naruto smiled as Myou grasped his finger in his tiny hand.


Na ruto and Haku have been gone almost a year now. Sasuke closed the suitcase, pulled out the handle, and headed down the stairs. They’re first album sold way higher than anyone had anticipated and now they had even went on tour. They had a few home gigs before they went over seas to America where they recorded a full English album, that too did well and they now lived there(america) almost 2 months now. He stepped onto the tour bus and began to write new lyrics while they began their long journey areound the U.S.

Sasuke sighed and crumbled up another piece of paper and tossed it in the trash. Every song he wrote came out cruddy. This album had to be perfect it would be their sophomore U.S. album, it had to be big. Itachi came in to the room and sat across from his baby brother.

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Itachi asked with concern although the comment did well to hide it.

“I can’t think. Every time I write a song it turns into some cruddy chickie love crap. For the past two months I can’t get the image of Naruto and a baby without a face or hair out of my freakin head, I’m sick and tired of hearing Gaara and Neji go at it like fucking rabbits! I'm Sleep deprived, We're going on our 2nd tour In 5 weeks, we're moving to Cleveland from Califonia, and my throat is killing me from yelling and singing!”

“So a lots crawled up there and died.” Itachi said opening the unnoticed can of pop. Sasuke let out a frustrated growl. " Well I have on suggestion for you. How about you stop yelling and maybe your throat won't hurt so bad, yeah?" Itachi took a sip from his pop.

Sasuke glared at his brother. "Easier said then done when your stuck on a tour bus with you." Sasuke grabbed Itachi's can of pop and took a sip.

"I know this isn't going to help with your whole yelling issue but I got a phone call from father. He says he wants us to come home for a visit after the tour says it has something to do with the future of the Uchiha corp. and the Chidori watch making company. He says it has to do with his will and future problems should they arise."

"You can have the stupid Uchiha corp. I'll take the watch desiging company whats the big deal?" Sasuke said after taking a few swallows of Itachi's pop who snatched it back soon after.

"I don't know. Do I look like im in Japan? Do I look like I'm in our fathers head?" Itachi drank the last few swallows that were let in the can.

"No but you do look like you can help me with these lyrics." Sasuke said with defeat.

"Only took you forever to ask." Itachi said with a smile something Sasuke hadn't seen since they had left. Sasuke returned the smile and they got to work on the lyrics.

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"NO! Hell no." Haku yelled out at the doctor.

"Please Mr.Uzumaki by the time the epdural would kick in well enough you would've already been finished.

"NO! I am not doing it are you people fucking insane?!"

"Mr. Uzumaki-" the doctor started.

Haku pointed a finger at him. "YOU! Stop talking I'm not doing it. And you two," he pointed at his parents. "You two stop trying to con me into doing it. I. AM. NOT. PUSHING A FUCKING BABY OUT OF MY ASS!" Haku closed his eyes tightly as another contraction hit. once it passed he pointed at Naruto. "And come over here and make me stop hurting please." Naruto walked over to the side of the bed and brushed his finger through he brothers hair.

"Haku just do it." Naruto said to his brother softly.

"I can't Naruto."

"Yes you can, trust me you'll be thankful in the long run. I didn't get to see Myou when he was born I haven't even been able to hold him yet. You get to be awake, you get to hold you baby once it's born and you'll get to exprience the true joy of being a parent." Naruto said smileing at his brother.

"It hurts so much I can't do it. I need drug please I can't take it." Naruto looked to the docter to see if they could give him anything to help numb the pain.

"It's to late he has to push."

"Haku you have to push now or never no drugs i'm sorry. Please do it for me, do it so Myou can have someone to play with."

Haku let out a sound between a sob and a groan, but nodded. The doctor paged for some nurses and supplys and soon enough they had Haku ready to deliver. A nurse grabed one of Haku's feet and Arashi grabbed the other. Naruto held one hand and Enzeru the other.

"When a contraction hits I want you to push as hard as you can Haku, and Arashi I need you to gently push his foot towards him to give him something to push back against." Arashi nodded. "When ever your ready Haku." Almost as soon as the words left his mouth a contraction hit and Haku pushed.

"I can't believed you talked me into this shit!" It came out through gritted theeth.

"HAKU!" Arashi yelled.


"Watch your mouth."

"How about you come push this football out of a hole the size of a quarter then you can tell me to watch my mouth." Haku said as he regained his breath.

"I pushed out two footballs back to back so I don't want to hear it."

Haku released the hands he was holding to switch them for the bars on the bed and pushed again. He gripped the bars until his knuckles were white.

"The head is almost out. One more push like that and the head should be free."At the next contraction Haku pushed and the head was free. "Don't push, don't push."

"What do you mean don't push?!" Haku squeeked out face sweaty and hair a mess. "That fucking hurts!" Haku said tears of frustratin running down his cheeks.

"We have to suction the mouth and nose." which the doctor did while saying it. "Okay 2 pushes to get the shoulders out and you're done."

Haku pushed as soon as he was given permission to continue. Two pushes later he had his little bundle of joy lieing on his chest while the nurses whiped it down and rubbed it's back to encourage it to cry. A loud wail was soon heard and Haku smiled. The nurses took the baby away to get weighed.

"You have a healthy baby boy that weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces and is 20.5 inches long." The nurse soon returned with the baby, he had a small baby blue beanie and was wrapped in a clean baby blue and white blanket. "What's his name."

"His name? I hadn't really thought of a name. Ummm how about Tenrai Ryver Uzumaki." Naruto cleared his throat. "Uchiha-Uzumaki." Haku said with a smile. "Whats up with everyone haveing boys." Haku asked while rubbing his fingers gently against Tenrai's cheek..
"My mother and Grandmother are women." Arashi said with a small laugh.
"Yeah mine too." Enzeru added as an after thought. "Actually the boy thing didn't become common until I met your gorgous mother here." Enzeru said while wraping his arms around Arashi's waist and placing a gental kiss against his neck.
Naruto rolled his eyes and Haku faked gaged. "I think i'm gonna be sick old people love." Naruto laughed and Haku got a gental flick to the side of his head.


"You did WHAT?" Sasuke asked enraged.

"I arranged for you to be married in 2 years time." Their father
Fugaku said back camly.
"What the hell kind of bull shit is that?!" Sasuke asked enraged. "You said this had to do with the businesses. What does mine and Itachi's marraige have to do with the business?"
"It ensures and heir will be produced to carry on the Uchiha name. Those 2 boys you used to go glavanting around with were a great sort of release but you need to put your....skills to better use."

"Don't ever refer to them as som sort of release, as if they were a common whore on the street." Itachi stated calmly.

'They might as well have been.' Thought their father. "Thats enough of you mouth Sasuke, the two women I have chosen are here. Show them in." A butler shuffled out of the room and soon returned with two women.

"Oh HELL no." The two boys said in unison. There in front of them their forced future wives were the worst thing that could've possibly be chosen to be their wives.

"Haruno Sakura,
Yamanaka Ino, please take a seat next to your future husbands." Sakura took a seat next to Itachi and Ino took her seat next to Sasuke.
Ino looked at Sasuke for a moment until the chain on his neck caught her attention. "Wow those rings are beautiful. The one with the sky blue stone is stunning. I wish I had a ring like that. Where did you get them?" Ino asked curiously.
"A friend gave them to me." Sasuke answered agitated. "They're one of a kind."
"Wow I really wish I had one." Ino said with a smile.
Sasuke snorted out a low whatever and slouched in his seat.
"Give her one."
"What?" Sasuke asked thinking he heard his father wrong.
"Give her one you have two i'm sure your friend will have no issue in her having one." Fugaku said calmly.
Sasuke used all his wiill power not to snap at his father and do as he was told. He forcefully opened he chain slid off the ring that had the obsidian stone and handed it to her. He would never give away the blue one, that one would never leave his sight.
Sakura seeing this and not one to be outdone by her best friend and enemy followed suit. "Itachi that necklace is indescribable. Where did you find it?"
Itachi looked down at the necklace, It was a thin double chain necklace, one connected to a ruby stone that had a black metal trim, the other to a ice blue stone with a red metal trim. The chains can be connected together or worn seperately. He found out the stones were real and the chain real silver when he forgot to take it off in the shower and nohing happened to it. "My bestfriend gave it to me, h-they made it for me?" the end came out as more as a question then a definate statement.
"Itachi." Itachi looked at his father. "Why don't you follow suit, yeah."
Itachi was extreamly tempted to disagree but Sasuke had to do it so he might as well man up and do it as well. He unhooked the chain from around his neck then un attached the chains from each other. He thought about which one to give her he ended up giveing her the blue one keeping the ruby for himself.
Itachi quickly rose from his seat after he gave her the necklace. "Sasuke lets go we have to finish the songs and get back home."
"I couldn't be more happy." Sasuke said as he stood.
Ino and Sakura stood to follow suit but a quick glare from Sasuke stopped them dead. "You 2 are to stay here in Japan until we say other wise." and then he left the room.
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Naruto slammed the final suitcase shut and headed downstairs into the main hall where he knew everyone else was waiting. He found Haku sitting on top of one of his suitcases playing with Ryver (who was now 9 months) and Hayden (who was now 10 months) (A/N: I'm probably going to be reffering to them by their middle names more often then not. If it gets confuseing sorry. and as a small reminder Hayden is Myou and Ryver is Tenrai
). They were going to be living in America now, Arashi said it was time relocate and the boys had no objection. They were living in a house in Cleveland that their parrents had been fixing up for the 6 of them.
Arashiand Enzeru had made plans for their lands to hopeful run fluently in their absence they were to come and check on things and the such on the weekends, so everything should remain smooth. Naruto smiled as Hayden blew a rasberry at Haku who playfully blew one back. Naruto crepet up behind his brother but his stelth was for nothing when Hayden started to pout for Naruto to pick him up. Naruto bent down to be level with him in the stoller and ran his fingers gently on his head that was covered in a thin layer of dark brown hair. Hayden grabbed Naruto' wrists with both his hands and pulled the hand down until he got a finger in his which he began to gently bite.
"You do realize that hurts a little bit not that u have 3 teeth right?" Hayden just kept on chewing. "When are we leaveing?"
"Now." Said Arashi as he dropped the last of his luggage next to Naruto. "I'm gonna open the door just as soon as your slow father gets down here.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Enzeru walked into the room and dropped his luggage down as well. "So lets go." With a slow wave of his hand a portal opened. with some minor difficult the family of 6 and all of their luggage made it into the portal and into their new home.
4 days later Haku had conned Naruto into going to the mall with him and Hayden. Now at the mall they had gone into Spencers and had bought their parents a few gag gifts, bought a few pair of jeans from GAP, a few random accessories from Rave and Hot Topic, some shoes from CHAMPS and Foot Locker, they stopped at KB Toys to buy some things for Hayden and Ryver to play with and made a bear for each of them that they were now playing with at Build a Bear, and they had stopped for a quick bite at Panda Express. They had even gotten a few girls numbers who said they thought a dedicated dad was hot, they even got one from a guy who said he would love to be part of their family. They were now on their way to Game Stop to buy a game system for them to play and some games to go with it.
The sound of kareoke caught Haku's attention. "Naruto come on lets do it."
"Do what?"
"Seriously" Haku said with a smile.
"Really, really."
Naruto thought about it for a second before he aggreed to follow. They asked the person in charge how many people were next he said that there was only one person left after the person on stage now then they could go. The two told him what song they wanted to sing and he said that all they had to do was wait. Soon enough it was their turn to go they undid the seatbelts to the stroller and the brought Hayden and Ryver onto the stage with them they waited for the music to begin.
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Sasuke and Itachi walked miserably behind the two girls who gabbed happily in Japanese infront of them. Sasuke wore a LA Baseball cap, a pair of shades, a to big blue T-shirt, and a pair of navy baggy cargo pants. Itachi wore a black beanie and his hair was down, He wore a pair of tight faded jeans that had a rip in the knees, and wore a pair of hazel contacts.
They had been at the mall for hour and the two she demons had been spending their money like a wild fire. More than once Itachi was tempted to tell them both to go to hell but he knew the repercussions for calling off an engagement weren't worth it. Although it would make him feel better, having to pay for years down the road....not so much.
They had walked by a Kareoke contest a few times and each time he heard the bithes talking about them doing it but they barely spoke english let alone could the ysing a whole song in english. He could've told them that they probably had one of his songs that were a mix of english and Jap on his playlist but quickly decided against it. They heard enough of them when they talked he sure as hell didn't want to listen to them sing.
"Itacahi-Kun, Sasuke-kun we're hungry and tired." whined Ino.
"I'll get some food." Itachi said Sasuke following.
Soon enough they returned with food a couple slices of pizza and a cup of pop. "What is this?" Sakura said with a look of disgust on her face.
"It's mall food deal with it you whiney bitch." Sasuke said as he dropped the food onto her lap to eat. They ended up sitting infront of the Kareoke stage. and were stuk listening to the horrible sounds of hopeful singers. Itachi watched as two men walked up they looked to be roughly 19 or 20 and each of them were pushing a stroller. one had his red hair up in tight pony tail, the other had his chocolae brown hair down it reached about the middle of his back. they had a quick conversation with the person who was in charge. They smiled,said thank you, and unbuckled the two baby's from the strollers and picked them up.
The baby the brunet pick up instantly grabbed his hair and began to pull it. He made a quick paind face before he finally coaxed the little one to let his hair go. he reached into the baby bag that was on the bottom of the stroller and pulled out two binkies and handed one to the red head who held it teasingly infront of the baby he held who in turn grabbed it and began to chew on it. He saw the brunets mouth moth move and saw the red head laugh and say something back.
Soon enough the person who was currently on stage song ended and it was the pairs turn the red hed tried to sit the baby he was holding down on stage but he refused to let go of his shirt so he resorted to holding him.
Sasuke nudged Itachi in the side. "They look awful familiar." He said in perfect english to Itachi so the girls wouuldn't know what they were talking about.
"Yeah they do but I just can't place it." Soon the music started and the two began to sing.
The two walked on stage and after Naruto had a failed attempt at putting Hayden down he just smiled readjusted him and gave a nodd to the DJ to tell him he could start the music. Naruto began.
[Chorus:]Cause he is the truthSaid he is so realAnd I love the way that he makes me feelAnd if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie
Haku followed After Naruto with the first verse
[Verse 1:]I remember the very first day that I saw himI found myself immediately intrigued by himIts almost like I knew this man from another lifeLike back then maybe I was his husband and maybe he was my wifeAnd even, the things I don't like about him are fine with me Because its not hard for me to understand him because he's so much like meAnd its truly my pleasure to share his companyAnd I know that it's God's gift to breathe the air he breathes
[Chorus:]Cause he is the truthSaid he is so realAnd I love the way that he makes me feelAnd if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie
Naruto smiled at Haku before he began his verse he looked at Hayden while he sang who stared at his mother in shock never hearing him sing before.
[Verse 2:]How can the same man that makes me so mad-do you know what he did-[spoken]Turn right around and kiss me so soft-girl do you know what he did-[spoken]If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad, noCause there's a blessing in every lessonAnd I'm glad that I knew him at all
[Chorus:]Cause he is the truthSaid he is so realAnd I love the way that he makes me feelAnd if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie no
The music sped up slightly and the pair sang the bridge together.
I love the way he speaksI love the way he thinksI love the way he treats his mamaI love that gap in between his teeth I love him in every way that a woman can love a man from personal to universal but most of all its unconditional
The music slowed back down to it's original speed
you know what I'm talking about-[spoken]Thats the way I feel-and I always will-[spoken]
They went to sing the final verse together but what happened instead shocked the hell out of them.
S asuke and Itachi listened as the two sang by the time the first verse was over the two realized who it was that was on stage. The two slowly stood up and headed to the front of the stage. It took them a second to think about it but they got. Those two people were the only people that would sing that song and wouldn't care about the fact that it was sung by a woman for a man. Hell they were gay after the time made it to the stage the pair were on the bridge.
As they began the final verse they cut in and finished it for them.
There ain't no substitute for the trutheither it is or isntcause he is the truthyou see the truth it, needs no proofeither it is or it isnt Cause he is the truthNow you know the truth by the way it feelsand if I am a reflection of him then I must be flycause he is yes he isI wonder does he know [echoes]
Itachi watched as a look of confusion cross their features then a look of realization cross the red heads features he whispered into the brunets ear before his eyeswidened.
There was an awkward moment of silence before the red head spoke. "We have to go."
N aruto was the first to realize who inturruped their song he whispered their names to Haku who stood frozen.
"We have to go." Naruto grabbed Haku's free hand and pulled him off the stage. The rushed over to the stollers and tried to buckle them in but they wouoldn't sit still.
They both kept fussing then they started a full blown cry with 'Dada' thrown between every tear. "Damn it daddy isn't here now sit still." Naruto said in frustration.
"Wait!" Naruto looked behind him to see Sasuke and Itachi come up behind them.
"Haku get him buckled in so we can go!"
"I can't!" Haku yelled back.
"Will you two stop trying to get away!"
Naruto turned around. and looked at the brothers that came to stand infront of them. They definately looked diffrent but Naruto would be able to tell who they were even if they were maimed.
They stood there for a moment just stareing at each other before frustrated whimpers reached Naruto's and Haku's ears. the two turned around and picked them up. At that moment Itachi remembered what was in the letter from so long ago. 'I’m pregnant and I know the idea sounds absolutely ridiculous but I am. If you don’t believe me the test should still be in the trash can at Iruka’s.' And he had done jsut that and got the biggest shocker of his life.
"Can I hold him?" He asked hesitantly. Some thing an Uchiha let alone Itachi had never done.Haku taken aback hesitated a moment before he handed Ryver to Itachi. Itachi smiled as Ryver looked at him puzzled. "Whats his name?"
Tenrai Ryver Uchiha-Uzumaki, but we just call him Ryver."
"Divine river? That's creative, how old is he?
"Do the math, he 9 months." Haku said looking at Itachi warily as he played with Ryver.
Naruto looked at his brother and Itachi before he looked to Sasuke. Sasuke spoke first. "Nice hair."
Naruto gave him a half smile. "Thanks."
And few seconds of silence passed between the two. "Is he mine?"
"What?" Naruto asked confused.
"The baby, is he mine? Itachi told me about Haku and you were hold him and I just assumed-"
"You assumed right. I haven't exactly had sex with anyone else lately and I sure as hell didn't lose my vriginity to anyone else."
Sasuke had a small smirk on his face. He reached his arms out for Hayden who reached for him as well and instatly grabbed Sasuke's hair. Naruto let him tug at it for a while before he took pity on Sasuke and pried Hayden's fingers from his hair. "Whats his name?"
"Myou Hayden Uchiha-Uzumaki, but we all call him Hayden. He was born 2 months early so he's a tad small for 10 months."
Sasuke smiled and nodded and played with Hayden a little bit. The perfect family moment was ruined as the the 2 most annoying people anyone could ever know walked up to the group screeching.
They quickly handed the kids to Haku and Naruto who took them back puzzled. The two owners of those voices now stood in full view. Naruto and Haku looked them up and down before their eyes halted on something that looked awful fimiliar.
"My ring!"
"My necklace!" they said shocked
They had said it in english so the two girls looked at them puzzled, before they turned their attention to their walking banks.
"Who is that?" Ino asked looking the pair up and down.
"I'm Naruto and that's my brother Haku we're...old friends of Sasuke and Itachi." they said back in perfect Japanese.
"Oh so you must know then?" Sakura said happily.
"Know what?" Haku asked back lost.
"We're engaged!" they said together happily.
Naruto looked at Sasuke and Itachi's faces and saw only misery at the mention of ther enagement. Any likeing that they had for the girls instantly disappeared as well as any happiness from their faces. "We have to go." Naruto and haku got Ryver and Hayden into their stollers easily and began to walk off.
Sasuke let out a frustrated growl as he watched the pair slowly walk away. He turned to hib rother he was facing Sakura and Ino. Itachi tunred to Sasuke and began to say something but was cut off before he could even get the first word out.
"My necklace!" bellowed Sakura
"My ring!" yelled Ino.
Sasuke and Itachi instantly whiped their head in the direction the boys had walked off. Far enough away not to be noticed but close enough for it to work, Sasuke Saw the jewlery appear in Haku's hand. he gave the ring to Naruto he instantly placed it on his finger while he put on the necklace.
Itachi smiled as he watched what happened. Itachi gave his brother a knowing look. "Thing one and Thing two, lets go!" and the group left the mall the two brothers with huge grins plastered on their face.
THE END....Maybe
Okay I know I originally said their would be two chapters left but i put so much into this one I don't thinki need a second chapter to end it. but my cousin who likes to read my fics said she thinks i should make a sequal but it would be more of Sasuke, Naruto, Itachi, and Haku, trying to peice their lives back together.
IDK what i'm gonna do if i get atleast 10 reviews asking for that kind of sequal then i'll do it. So until other wise this is the end of the story We Always Know. I hope you enjoyed it.
Disclamer: I own nothing the songs used were Mirror by NE-YO, Angel (Remix) by Amanda Perez, How Do I Breath by Mario, a peice of Capri by Colbie Caillat and The Truth by
INDIA.ARIE. I think thats all the song I used to lazy to double check. I once again own nothing if i did Naruto and Sasuke would've been fucked and Sakurand Ino would've died a long time ago.
ohand please review! Thank You!!!!!