Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We only love becuase we die ❯ Bondage and Alcohol ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We only love because we die
Summery: The boys go clubbing and get drunk. They go separate ways and one of the get kidnapped
Disclaimer: I do not own `Naruto' *cries in pillow* but I wish I do!!!
Shinji: are you ok?
Me: Leave me alone… *sniff*
Chapter one
Bondage and Alcohol
Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi are out clubbing. They find the `Dark Vixen'. They enter and are drunk in less then an hour. Kakashi finds a rather muscular `women' and leaves with `her' to go to his place for some `quite time'. Naruto finds Hinata and she leaves with him not too long after Kakashi. Hinata takes Naruto to her place for the night. Sasuke, finding he is alone, decides to go home Where is it again?
Making his way home, Sasuke has trouble trying to remember where home is. Walking down the darkened streets of Konoha, he is too drunk to be able to sense that he is being followed. The only light is from the pale moon, which is now shrouded with dark, brewing clouds, soon it will rain. Sasuke manages to find he is wondering through a small park he recognized as being only a few streets away from his apartment, I think… Yawning, he decides to sit down on one of the park's benches.
A small figure approaches the sleeping Uchiha. He just sat down and went out like a light. The figure was shrouded in black, not a feature could be seen under the black robe the person wore. Carefully picking up the Uchiha, the unknown person took him into the shadows of a nearby tree and disappeared entirely.
When Sasuke awoke his head felt like it has being repeatedly hit with an extra large sledge hammer. FUCK!! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK AND FUCK!! SHIT!! That's the last time I go clubbing with sensei and dead last!! EVER!! Trying to massage his temples, he found he couldn't move his arms… or his legs… he could only move his head, which hurt enough to convince him other wise.
“Hmm…?” A soft voice could just be made out over his thumping head. He tried to open his eyes but saw only black. “Look who's awake, I thought you would have stayed asleep a little longer,”
“Tsunade?” Sasuke asks, it has to be her, who else sounds like an angel and a seductive grim reaper at the same time?
“Yes, it's me,” Her voice is full of sadness, she sounds as though she is about to cry. “I'm sorry Sasuke,”
“Sorry? Where am I? Why am I tied up?” He was answered by a soft caress on his cheek.
“I am truly sorry, but I cannot help you. You were kidnapped a week ago and we found you here just two hours ago. We are still looking for the culprit,” A week? A week and I don't even remember a thing. A week and I have such a huge headache? “We tried getting you free but it seems only the culprit knows how. We have tried everything and it all ended in failure with some casualties to, not only us but I'm afraid, you as well,” Casualties? But, apart from this FUCKING GOD DAMND FRIGIN' HEADACHE THAT WONT STOP POUNDING, I feel fine. If not a little restricted from movement.
“What… do you…mean… `you as well'? I feel… fine… apart from my headache,” He was afraid of the answer that has yet to come.
“Yes, well the headache is most likely from the drug they used to keep you asleep and your charka hidden,”
“But in one of their failed attempts to unbind you, you were… affected,”
“ `affected'? What do the hell do you mean by `affected'?” he was starting to lose his patience with the Hokage.
“You were… cut… more like sliced and diced, if I wasn't here you would have… died, from blood lose… in fact you nearly did,”
“Where am I? I can't tell whether I'm standing or lying down,”
“Right now you're chained to a wall,” She announced, obviously happy for a change of subject, some what. “Everything is sealed with an unknown jutsu, so we can't even take off your blind fold without risking further casualties,” Poison seeped in as she ended her sentence. “Naruto, Kakashi and Shikamura have all gone to hunt down the person or persons who did this to you,”
“Are you the only one here?”
“No. Hinata, Sakura and Jiraiya are here too. But they are currently looking over the rest of the house to see if there are any clues as to how to get you down, hence the reason why Sakura isn't over here right now hugging out whatever life you have left,” Sasuke sneered at the comment, knowing it was the truth. “You hungry?” a simple question but he knew not how to answer.
“I don't know,”
“I'll be right back with some food and water,”
“It's not like I'll be going some where so just go,”
Some hours later
“We got him! We got him!” Naruto, obviously…
“Troublesome…” Shikamura, again obviously…
“Now…” Kakashi sensei “I am the only one allowed to wear a mask so let's see who we have here…” Sasuke could here some shuffled movements then all stopped. Then some padded steps started towards his direction. He felt the blindfold being removed and opened his eyes.
Shinji: Are you ok?
Me: *wakes up* stop asking that question!! Geeze… just can't find good help these days…
Shinji: *Runs away crying*
Me: Oh…Baka!! *Runs after him* Get back here! Look I'm sorry ok? SHINJI!!
Two hours later
Me: Huff… Puff… Ok, *Catches breath* Now, as I was saying…
Shinji: Stay tuned for the next chapter! ^-^
Me: … -_-`