Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We only love becuase we die ❯ Red Eyes ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We only love because we die2
Summery: The culprit is caught but the Leaf Ninja's plan is all shot to hell.
Me: No silly comments today.
Shinji: Please R & R!
Red eyes
Chapter 2
Sasuke opens his eyes. It takes a while for his eyes to get used to the light. He then finds himself looking directly into two white eyes with red slits for pupils. The rest of the persons face is covered by black cloth. Getting over the initial shock, he looks over at Tsunade.
“I thought you said you couldn't get the blindfold off in case of injury…?” Tsunade was shocked as was every one else.
“Yeah, well…” The voice was the person dressed in black and their voice was muffled, masking which gender they sided. “That is because it is marked with my chakra, so only when I die or when I choose to undo the binds can they be disabled,” The eyes of the black clad ninja trailed down Sasuke's body, leaving no where un-scrutinized by his slit pupils.
“Why don't you take a picture?” The Uchiha growled. The other looked back up into his eyes and Sasuke knew he was smirking.
“Already have. But that was before you were butchered open by your friends here,” Then the ninja raised their right hand and Sasuke could see that the glove that the ninja wore was fingerless, the digits were pale against the material. Sasuke watched as the hand lowered to his chest and found that all he wore was his usual shorts, his chest bare but soaked with blood.
Probably hiding whatever scars I've attained during this fiasco…
The fingers lightly touched his chest and slowly ran up and over his left nipple, involuntarily sending shivers down his spine. A low and threatening growl sounded from behind the ninja and he turned to see the blond haired ninja who had dragged him here along with the lazy and the masked ninja.
The masked ninja reached to the small almost unrecognizable clip at the side of his head and undid it. The cloth fell away and revealed the face beneath.
Smooth white skin, short, black, hair that hang in bangs over his face that was angled and with feminine shaped eyes was discovered beneath, but the arrogant smirk on shaped his full lips, made it easy to tell that it was a male that hid beneath the cloth, and after that same cloth had fell away he placed a blood covered finger to his mouth and licked it clean and then did so for his two other blood covered fingers.
“But there is no need to worry, Sasuke kun.” He turned round to face the Uchiha. “I no longer need you so you and most of your friends are free to go,” With a flick of his wrist, the chains that still held fast on Sasuke's ankles and wrists were released and he landed on shaky legs and, for some unknown reason, a large amount of pain that shot up his spine from his backside.
Before he could land face first as he started to fall forward strong, warm arms braced him an equally warm and toned chest. Sasuke looked up to see it was the enemy ninja who caught him.
“Cant have you injuring your self any further then what your teammates already have, now can we?” His smile was not visible to the other Leaf ninja, but Sasuke had nothing short of a clear view, but a sudden reminder of the headache that he was gifted with made him look down and close his eyes in pain.
“Those drugs still in your system?” A voice whispered dangerously close softly in the Uchiha's ear. “And I suppose your wondering where the pain in your backside came from, ne?” Sasuke looked up with anger evident in his obsidian eyes, only to see the other's face a mere hairs breadth from his own.
They stared at each other for what seemed like hours, ignorant of the whispered conversation that was racing between the other ninja.
“Are they kissing or something, `cause I cant see a thing,” Naruto whispered to his sensei. The silver haired jounin did not comment but watched intently from his position to try and figure out what was happening between the two.
Too concentrated on the staring contest between his self and the unknown ninja, Sasuke had let out an undignified squeak when he was suddenly picked up bridal style but his opponent.
“What the hell do you think your doing?!” The Uchiha yelled, infuriated with himself for making such a sound and being caught off guard.
“I was instructed to do as little damage to you as possible and seeing as how you cannot walk, or even stand for that matter, I am carrying you,” The ninja replied giving the Uchiha in his arms a playful smirk. Immediately after, the teen started struggling with all of his strength to free himself, causing the other to enforce his hold on the Uchiha with more force then what was needed.
“The only thing you are going to achieve with this method is wasting whatever strength you have left and-” A high pitched scream shoots down into the room. Sasuke looks over to the group to see a door behind them with stairs leading up to another floor.
“Sakura!” The blond dobe shoots off towards the staircase but is stopped by a hand on his shoulder from Kakashi. “Sensei!” He yells, freight and anger in his voice. “Sakura is in trouble!”
“I know Naruto. You stay here while I go,” The jounin nods to the Hokage and leaves, closing the door behind him.
Shinji: Whew… so much to do these days!
Me: Yeah. After having all my stories chucked out because one of them had a chapter as an Author's Note, it's given me some time and an excuse to redo some of my stories.
Shinji: The way this one was laid out didn't really get the story line going did it?
Me: That is why we are redoing it, Shinji.
Shinji: Ok, well. Please review!