Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We only love becuase we die ❯ A New Home? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We only love because we die3
Summery: Read the Chap title
Shinji: Aaaahhhhh!! *runs away, screaming trying to get away from Ceer*
Me: here Shinji, Shinji, Shinji… come here… I have a present for you… *smiles manically*
Shinji: No!! *latches himself on a support beam in the roof* I read the script!! I know what you have there!! I'm not coming down!!
Me: But I need someone to test my theory on, Shinji!! So come down and stay still!!
Shinji: No!! I'm not coming down so you can just bite me!!
Me: *Whispers* that's the whole idea… *laughs quietly*
Shinji: What's so funny…?
Me: oh… nothing… lets just go on with the story shall we?
Shinji: … yeah… sure…
Me: oh! Today's is an EXTRA long chapter
Shinji: Because… of umm… those…? *slowly points at what Ceer is holding*
Me: a little… *smiles* AND… I HAD to add a little… *thinks hard* umm…
Shinji: grossness…
Me: no… *thinks some more*
Shinji: perverted ness…
Me: a little… but no…*starts hitting head on wall*
Shinji: Sex…
Me: I'm looking for the other word…*gets the dictionary out and some aspirins*
Shinji: you should have done that BEFORE you started hitting your head…
Me: shut up… *looks through dictionary*
Shinji: find it yet…?
Me: I'm just going through the `S's right now…
Shinji: ………
Shinji: what's the word…?
Shinji: *falls over* x_x'
Me: he he he… Enjoy the story!!!
A New Home?
Chapter 3
The door closed and the enemy ninja's grip on the Uchiha lessened slightly. He looked down to the raven haired teen in his arms and, feeling eyes on him, Sasuke looked up. Their eyes met and the other ninja smiled with that amused expression of his again, this time his eyes were closed, his head tilt to the side.
“You may want to take this time to say bye to your friends,” He whispered to the Uchiha. “This may just be the last time you see them,” Sasuke frowned at these words and quickly called for the Hokage who looked over and understood the Uchiha's look that he wanted to be out of the unknown ninja's grasp.
“Alright,” She started. “Hand over Sasuke and you will not be injured!” To which the black haired ninja started laughing. The soft chuckle rumbled round the small, cement, room they were in and he looked pointedly at Tsunade.
“Forgive me, Hokage sama, but the Uchiha promised me this prize and it should be yourself and your teammates that you need to worry about,”
“I didn't promise you anything, you perverted basted!” Sasuke yelled at his captor. The ninja then looked up to the roof above.
“Of course you didn't. But the one upstairs did,” At this, everyone in the room stopped and looked up as well. The tell tale sounds of a fight were becoming more evident as the seconds ticked by.
“I haven't even introduced my self, have I?” The black clad ninja mentioned. “I am Saku, Yasashiku. Hired assassin and currently under the servitude of Uchiha, Itachi,” And with that, both Yasashiku and the Uchiha he held in his arms, disappeared in a puff of smoke…
Three Days Later...
Hinata's POV:
My head… I try to open my eyes, but the light is too bright. I smell disinfectant and something inserted in my arm, the sheets are soft but I can still feel the plastic cover under the sheet that covers the mattress. A hospital, but… why am I here? What happened to me? I try my best to remember...
I was on the ground floor of an Uchiha branch building. Sasuke was being held captive in the basement and Tsunade sama was there to watch over him. Naruto kun and Shikamaru kun and Kakashi sensei were searching the other buildings for the culprit. I was with Sakura san and Jiraiya sama.
We were searching through the kitchen and dining area when… when… someone was there. I can hear Sakura san screaming and Jiraiya sama yelling something… who was it that was there?
The door to my room opens and draws my attention, tearing me away from my thoughts.
The person who enters is my elder cousin, Hyuga Neji. My eyes are still closed but I recognize his chakra.
“Hinata sama,” He knows I'm awake. “Are you feeling better?” I nod my head in response. The only pain I feel is a very low and dull throb at the back of my head.
“How long…?” My voice is quiet and is strained from it being unused. Neji answers my question with a response of three days.
I've been out that long…? That was all that crossed my mind before a fell back into the darkness…
After Saku's Escape…
Normal POV:
Saku and Sasuke disappeared in a small puff of smoke and the Uchiha was unused to the transporting jutsu and found he was uneasy and, though he did not want to admit it, a little scared.
Feeling his feet touching a solid surface, Sasuke opened his eyes that he did not remember closing, and looked around, unaware, at first, of the presence holding him.
Sasuke did not recognize this room.
The walls were made out of screens that had been decorated along the bottom half with a continuing painting of mountains, clouds, trees, flowers, birds and land animals that Sasuke could not depict from his distance.
A futon, that looked like it was made to hold two people, sat in a corner to his left and small dresser sat in the corner to his right, both only a few steps away. Immediately to his right sat a tall bookshelf, stacked with scrolls and, of course, books.
The room held no windows but the room held fresh air, meaning one of the screens slide open to the outside.
It was then that he noticed the presence holding him.
Strong arms had wrapped themselves around his waist and his back was held to a firm and well defined chest. His body went rigid and his breathing stopped.
The raven haired teen slowly moved his head to look over his left shoulder but stopped halfway when the other's face rested there.
Saku,” The Uchiha growled dangerously. Sasuke had noticed the mirth playing in the elder's eyes and the possessive way he was being clung to. “Release me,
More mirth played in Saku's eyes and a playful smirk settled on his lips, they were only mere inches away from his own.
“Maybe later, little Uchiha,” The black clad ninja replied. “For now, I am content just holding you,” Sasuke replayed his own words in his head and blushed when he found the hidden meaning.
A playful and gentle laugh vibrated from the elder's chest, sending a small shiver down Sasuke's spine.
“I am sorry though,” Saku whispered. “I know you have never transported before but you would only acquire more injures or feel more pain if I were to fight while holding you,” Ignoring the younger teen's comment about putting him down, Saku continued. “What I didn't expect, though, was for you to cling onto me for dear life,” He laughed. “It was only when I let you feet touch the ground that you seemed to calm down,”
Again Sasuke blushed and he looked away to try and figure out which screen slid open to the outside world.
“The screen that opens is the one to your left,” Hot breath ghosted the shell of his ear and he was only just able to suppress the shudder that was tickling his spine.
“Don't move,”
Saku unwound his arms from the Uchiha's small frame and he walked over to the shelf. Sasuke found he was suddenly cold and feeling lost.
Mentally slapping himself, Sasuke took the opportunity to look at the other half of the room.
Twisting his head slightly, Sasuke was able to see a small table surrounded by three kneeling cousins sat in the middle and beyond those a screen door was slid open a crack, letting in a small amount of light.
Saku came back to the Uchiha, a scroll in hand, and picked him up bridal style. This time Sasuke did not struggle or make a sound, he had a hard enough time standing upright when his support left him. He knew how tired and fatigued his body has become.
As soon as his head was laid down on the soft and downy pillow, Sasuke had succumbed to sleep.
What to do, what to do…
Shinji: Stuck on ideas?
Me: There is so much I want to do but I don't know if the readers would like it and then there is the fact that there are my two previous stories that I haven't reposted yet and…
Ohh… I have too much to do!
Shinji: And there is that One-Shot that we promised and haven't started yet…
Me: *groan*
Shinji: Sorry people. No updates on any more stories for a week at least I'm afraid.
Me: Yeah. I'm going on a holiday so I think this may be all that will be posted for a while!
See you!
Shinji: Please Review! Ceer hasn't been too happy lately and lack of reviews for her stories has made her kind of depressed…
Please help me keeping these stories going by reviewing!
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