Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ The Uchihas New Clothes ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Konichiwa, I `m trying a new way of typing this story please tell if it is better or worse than before. Also thanks to everyone that reads this story and over looks the grammar and spelling errors. I promise from here on out to try to do a better job of editing. Maybe I should get a beta reader.
Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or Pokemon.
Summary: Uchiha Sasuke has survived the death forest, three(or more) encounters with Uchiha Itachi, and living with Orochimaru, but can he survive…….. Shopping?
The sun peeked throw the window. The rays of the sun landed on a certain sleeping Uchiha. His onyx eyes slowly opened.
“Sasuke-kun wake up. We are going shopping today!” Chirped a voice from the kitchen.
“OH SHIT!” Sasuke cursed inwardly. “I have to get out of here!” Sasuke quietly raced of bed.
He grabbed some dirty cloths and started to put them on. “Sasuke-kun, are you awake yet?”
“STEP, STEP, STEP!” Each foot step meant certain doom for the Uchiha. “I have to get out of here!” Sasuke gently lifted up the window.
“STEP!” “SASUKE-KUN!” yelled Sakura. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” She asked while putting her hands on her hips.
“Umm well I….” He started to trail off. “Come on Sasuke think of something!” “Well I'm waiting.” Sakura said.
“I got it!” Sasuke pointed to Sakura. “OH NO SAKURA, THERE'S A SPIDER ON YOUR DRESS!” He said sarcastically.
“AHHH, WHERE!?” Sakura started to look frantically for the spider. “So naïve.” Sasuke smirked. He leaped out of the window.
“Sasuke-kun where? I don't see a spi…” She looked up. “S...Sasuke-kun?” A huge vein started to pop out of here forehead. “Why that sneaky little!”
Sakura raised a fist in the air. “DARN IT SASUKE, I WILL FIND YOU!” She exclaimed.
She ran to the kitchen to cut off the stove. Then, she left to find her soon to be “dearly departed” husband.
“GRR RUMBLE GRR!” Sasuke put a hand on his stomach. “Man, I'm hungry.” He stopped to catch his breath. “There, that should be far enough. Sakura can't move that fast….I hope.”
Sasuke spotted a wooden bench. He walked over to it, and sat down. “Oh man, that was close! I hope Sakura wont be to mad at me.” “GRR RUMBLE GRR!” Sasuke's stomach roared again.
Maybe I should have eaten something before I left.” The staving Uchiha placed a hand in his pocket. “Damn it, I don't have any money. I forget that I don't have enough time to get my wallet.”
“Oi, Hinata-chan hurry up!” yelled Naruto. “He was ten feet ahead of her. “I…I'm trying Naruto-kun!” The poor pregnant woman was trying to keep up with her hyperactive husband.
“Hey dobe!” Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto turned around. “Oi Sasuke-teme, what are you doing here? I thought you were going shopping to day.”
“Man, does everybody and their and their grandma know about it? Sasuke thought. “H…Hello Sasuke-san.” Hinata said with a smile. “Hn” Sasuke replied back. “You could at least say hello TEME!” Naruto yelled.
“Hello Teme!” Sasuke pointed at Naruto. “BAKA!” Naruto started to run towards Sasuke. “Naruto please.” Hinata begged. The blonde pouted. “Alright.”
“Sasuke-san we are going to ichiraku. Do you want to come with us?” Hinata asked politely. “…………” “Answer her Sasuke-t…” “GRRR RUMBLE GRR!” “Hahahah!” Naruto laughed. “I guess your stomach spoke for you instead.”
“Hehehehe” Hinata giggled. “That settles it. You are coming with us.” Naruto and Hinata positioned themselves beside Sasuke. They both grabbed one of his arms. “Hey what are you two...”
“Since you are so stubborn Sasuke-san, we are going to carry you there with us.” “AWW do we have to Hinata-chan?” “Yes now come on!” Hinata and Naruto carried Sasuke to ichiraku. (Did I spell that right?)
A pink haired woman stormed the streets of Konoha. “SASUKE WHERE ARE YOU!” She yelled at the top of her lungs. “THAT MAN IM GOING TO KILL HIM!” She paused. “I MEAN IM CARRYING HIS KIDS FOR KAMI'S SAKE; HE COULD A LEAST DO THIS ONE THING FOR ME!” Sakura continued to search for him.
Sakura's ranting did not go unnoticed by the villagers, of course.
“Asuma, “What?” He replied while taking another bit of sweet dumplings. “Is that Sakura making all of that noise?” Kurenai asked. Asuma looked up and saw a pregnant woman on a war path. Asuma's eyes widened.
Suddenly, they saw a flash of pink lighting go by them. The force of the wind, caused by Sakura's rampage, knocked Asuma's dumplings on the ground.
“HEY!” The chain smoker yelled. “YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!” Sakura stopped and reversed her steps.
Oh no.” Kurenai thought. Sakura slowly turned her head to face Asuma. Her eyes shot daggers at him.
“NANI!” Her voice was loud but calm. “GULP!” Asuma started to sweat.
“Oh its nothing never mind. I need to stop eating sweets anyway.” Asuma was sweating profusely. Asuma and Kurenai started to back away slowly.
“HEY!” They stopped. “Oh man, she is going to kill us!” Asuma thought inwardly. “Kurenai let's run for it!” He grabbed her hand and took off running.
“HEY!” The very un-merry cherry blossom started to chase after them. “HEY COME BACK HERE. I WANT TO ASK YALL SOMETHING!” They jumped from roof top to roof top.
“SHE'S GAINING ON US!” Yelled Kurenai. Asuma picked up Kurenai bridal style. “Hold on!” He started to leap even faster than before. “OH YEAH!” Sakura started to form charka under her feet.
He noticed this and looked back. “OH CRA..” He missed the next roof. “ASUMA!” Kurenai closed her eyes. They crashed landed in a pile of garbage.
“Hey where did they g...” Sakura slipped and landed butt first on Asuma's back. “AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!” “Are you ok?” Kurenai asked.
A cold dark charka started to form around Sakura's body. “WHAT…….DID…..YOU….SAY!!!” “Nothi...” Sakura made a fist. She was about to punch Asuma. “SAKURA!” Kurenai yelled.
Asuma closed his eyes, and then opened them to see that she had stopped.
“That chakra, Sasuke is near by.” Sakura got up and walked towards the east.
Asuma sighed. “Man, this is why I am never getting married.” Kurenai elbowed him in the arm. “What?”
Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata arrived at ichiraku's. “WHOO HOO WE ARE HERE!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Good, NOW PUT ME DOWN!” Sasuke yelled. “OH yeah kinda forgot about that.” Naruto and Hinata let go of Sasuke.
“Hello everyone, what would you like to have today?” Ayame asked with a smile. “Ramen with pork!” Naruto yelled. “Alright.” “One ramen with pork dad!” Ayame yelled.
“What do you want Hinata-chan?” Ayame inquired. “Ummm...the same please.” “Ok, make that two ramen with pork dad!” “Hai” He answered back. “And what about you Sasuke-kun?”
Sasuke looked down. “What's wrong Sasuke-san?” Hinata asked. “I don't have any money.” He replied in a very low tone of voice.
“Why did not you say anything before Sasuke-teme?” Naruto grinned. “I will happily pay for your meal.”
“You will?” Sasuke cocked an eyebrow. “That's so nice Naruto-kun!” Hinata smiled.
“Of course, if….” “Oh here it comes” The Uchiha thought. “If what?”
If you bow on your knees and say that” Naruto-sama is the greatest ninja of all time!” “Naruto-kun.” Hinata said. “Sasuke-san would never d...”
Sasuke stood up and walked towards Naruto. “Sasuke-san?” Hinata was in a state of shock.
He stopped in front of Naruto and looked straight in to Naruto's eyes. He bowed. “Naruto-sama is the greatest ninja of all time.” The starving Uchiha whispered.
“What was that Sasuke-teme?” “NARUTO-DOBE IS THE GAYEST NINJA OF ALL TIME!!” Sasuke shouted. “GRR TEME!”
Naruto leaped on to Sasuke. They stated to fight. “Hey, is that Sakura?” Hinata asked.
Sasuke hit Naruto on the head and looked around. “Oh shit it is!” Naruto rubbed his head.
“OI SAKURA-CHAN, OVER HERE!” Naruto yelled while waving. “Damn it dobe, think Sasuke think I have to hide, but where?”
Sakura saw Naruto and walked over towards them. “Ah ha, there!” The desperate Uchiha started to crawl under Hinata's kimono.
“Oh my!” Hinata blushed. “SASUKE -TEME, WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!” Naruto yelled.
Sasuke smirked. “Something you don't.” “WHAT?” “JUST SHUT-UP DOBE AND DON'T TELL SAKURA THAT IM HERE!”
Sasuke continued to crawl under Hinata's kimono until he was completely hidden.
“NARUTO!” Sakura said in a very scary voice. “She looks upset.” Hinata thought. “Have you seen Sasuke?”
“Man, he must be in deep trouble.” Naruto thought. “She did not call him Sasuke-kun.”
“ANSWER ME!” Her voice was filled with strife. “Ummm no.” He lied. Sakura narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?” “Y…Yes” “Sigh” Sakura started to walk away.” “Can not breathe” Sasuke muttered.
“AHHHH!” Hinata screamed. “What's wrong Hinata-chan?” Sakura asked. “Ummmm nothing just a bug on my leg hahahhaha!” She faked a smile.
“A very big bug.” Naruto added. “DOBE!” Sasuke thought. “Oh let me see Hinata-chan it could have bitten you.”
“Oh no don't worry about it!” She smiled. Sasuke begin to wiggle. “AHHH!” Hinata screamed again.
“Hinata let me see it could have been poisonous!” Sakura started to lift up Hinata's kimono. “Damn it can breathe!” Sasuke collapsed beside Sakura's feet.
“SASUKE!!” Sakura yelled. He was sweating and panting. “OH Sakura my sweet hahahahahhah!” He tried to lighten the mood.
This is going to get ugly!” Hinata thought. “This is going to be good!” Naruto grinned mischievously.
Sakura balled up her fist. “I AM SO MAD AT YOU!” “Sakura-chan clam down” Hinata looked worried.
Hehehehe Sasuke-teme is so dead!” The blonde man thought.
“WE ARE GOING SHOPPING NOW!” Sakura pulled a piece of rope out of nowhere. “Where in the hell did that come from?” Sasuke was very very afraid.
“NARUTO, HOLD SASUKE DOWN!” “With pleasure Sakura-chan!” Naruto pinned Sasuke down.
“GET OFF OF ME DOBE!” “SHUT-UP SASUKE!” Yelled Sakura. “Hehehhe this is almost better than eating ramen.” The Kyuubi smiled.
Sakura started to tie Sasuke up. “There almost done!” She made a collar around his neck.
“Thank you Naruto-kun.” She smiled. “I loved every minute of it!” Naruto was grinning from ear to ear.
“See y'all later!” She stared to drag Sasuke. “Bye Sasuke-kun!” Naruto said in a mocking way.
“Hahahah, is that Uchiha Sasuke!” An old man said while pointing and laughing. “Yeah I think it is.” Replied his wife. “THE GREAT UCHIHA SASUKE IS BEING PULLED BY A ROPE LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY DOG HAHAHAHAAHHA!!!!!”
Sasuke glared at them. “We are almost there!” Sakura cheered. “OH JOY!” Sasuke said sarcastically.
Our favorite silver haired ninja heard the all of the commotion and actually stopped reading his beloved make-our paradise novel.
“Sa….Sasuke?” Sakura stopped. “Oh hey Kakashi-senpai!” She waved. “Say hello Sasuke-kun.” “………” SAKUKE!” She yelled. “Hey.” Kakashi sweat dropped.
“Sakura what in the world is going on?” “Oh, nothing much we are just going shopping for some new cloths. Isn't that right Sasuke-kun?” “Grr” He growled.
“Ahahaha I see!” Kakashi smiled under his mask. “Well be better get going. Come on Sasuke-kun!”
She started to pull him again. When Sasuke passed by Kakashi, he gave him a “Please help me Kakashi” look on his face.
“Poor little Sasuke hahaha!” He chuckled.
They arrived at the Hikaru Mall. “We are here!” Sakura exclaimed. Sasuke sweat dropped. When they entered the building, they received a lot of “what in the world is going on” stares.
A young red haired woman walked up to them. “Excuse me Miss, may I help you?” The woman cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh yes, could you tell me where the men's department is?” “Umm sure follow me.” Sakura walked (while Sasuke was dragged) to the men's department.
“Here we are Miss!” “Oh thank you!” Sakura smiled. “If you need anything, just call out my name, its Ayumi.” “I will thank you Ayumi-san.”
Ayumi bowed and walked away. “Strange people!” The red head thought was she went back to her desk.
Sakura started to look around. “WOW, THAT LOOKS SO CUTE!” Sakura picked up a white t-shirt with a smiling rainbow on it. She held it up to show Sasuke.
“I think this will look good on you ne?” “I AM NOT GAY SAKURA!” “Aww come on try it on!” She pouted.
“HOW?” He asked her rudely. “What do you mean how? Oh yeah I tied you up did not I hahahahha.” She laughed.
DAMN MOOD SWINGS!” Sasuke thought.
“I will untie you Sasuke-kun, only if you promise not to run away again.” “Sigh, I promise.”
“Good boy!” Sakura petted him on the head. “Grr!” Sakura untied Sasuke. “Now try this on!” He did not want to (of course) but he went in the dressing room.
Sasuke came out of the room two minutes later. “OH SASUKE-KUN YOU LOOK SO CUTE!” He sweat dropped.
“Fine lets get this and go!” He stated bluntly. “OH no no no no, you need some more tops and bottoms!” “Demo!” “And we need to get something for the twins as well.” She cut him off.
“GRR!” OH this looks so cute!” Sakura picked a t-shirt with pikachu on it. (A/N sorry I just could not resist). “Oh try on this and this and this and that…..”
After what seemed like an eternity for Sasuke, they finally left the store. Sasuke was left with the task of carrying 20 bags filled with cloths.
“Now let's see, did I forget something?” “OH please Kami I hope not!” “Oh yeah I forgot the babies cloths!”
Sasuke dropped the bags. His mouth was wide open with disbelief. “Hahahah oh Sasuke-kun you are so clumsy!” Sakura giggled.
“Now pick up those bags. We have to get to the Chibi-Chibi baby store before it closes.” “This woman is trying to kill me!” Sasuke painfully picked up the bags.
They arrived at the Chibi-Chibi baby store 30 minutes before closing time.
“Oh good we made it in time!” “Sakura may I rest for Kami's sake. My arms are about to fall off!” He complained.
“Oh Sasuke-kun think of this as training.” “THIS IS NOT TRANNING IS Torture!” “Hahahah silly dilly, there are chairs in the store you can rest in there.”
“Thank Kami!” Sasuke put the bags down and sat in the chair. “Oh I can't feel my arms!”
“How cute!” Sakura squealed. “Look Sasuke-kun!” “Hn” “Look at these cute little shoes!” “Grr!” Sasuke started to take a nap.
“WOW LOOK AT THAT!” Sasuke's eyes stayed closed. “Hn” “Open your eyes!” He slowing opened his eyes.
“It's It's…” “The same Pikachu shirt that I found at the mall, but it's in baby size!” She finished for him. “Now you and the twins can match!” She smiled.
“HOORAY!” He said sarcastically and closed his eyes. “Sasuke-kun?” “What!” Don't you want to look like the twins?”
“If I saw no, she will start crying again.” He sighed. “I guess so.” “Oh Sasuke-kun!” She hugged him around he neck. “Now let's see do they have any t-shirts with rainbows on them.” Sasuke sweat dropped. They got out of the store a minute before it was going to close.
As the Uchiha walked home, a question popped in Sakura's mind. “Ummm Sasuke-kun?” “Hn” He replied. Sasuke was now carrying 30 bags of cloths.
“Umm we have not thought up of baby names yet ne? “No we have not.” “Well we should its only 3 months away you know?” “Ah”
“Lets see wants a good name for a boy……na...Daisuke, yeah that's a good one!” “Hn”
“No no umm what about Sanosuke? Yeah Sanosuke sounds like Sasuke!” “Hn” “Than that settles his name will be Sanosuke!”
“Now let's see we need a name for a girl.” “Sakura we are home.” He interrupted her. “Oh yeah.” She had almost bumped into the door.
She opened the door for Sasuke. He instantly dropped the bags on the floor. “Sasuke-kun!” “I will pick them up in the morning.”
He slowly made his way to bedroom. Sasuke went to sleep as soon as he hit the bed.
“Hahahah Sasuke-kun!” sakura giggled.
“Hinata-chan I'm home!” “SLIP!” “Ahhh!” Naruto fell. Hinata-chan why is the floor wet?” NARUTO-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
A/N Oh my I wonder what's going on find out next time!!!”
P.S. Please review also if you want to be my beta email me…..Jane!”