Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ Ino no Namida ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Hey y'all this is chapter 4. I went job hunting today wish me luck. ^_^ and thank you to every one that R&R again.
Disclaimer I don't own Naruto.
While Sakura was walking to Ten-Ten's house, she bumped into….”Sakura-san!!” Lee exclaimed while running towards her at inhuman speed. “Oh…ah...hello Lee-san how are you?” “I'm great.” He gave her a “Nice guy” pose. Sakura sweat dropped. “I just got done with morning training.” “Oh, that's good. Sorry Lee-san, but I have to…”
Lee embraced Sakura.” You are overflowing with the sprit of youth!” “Ah ummmm thank you, but I really need to...” “Being with child makes you even more beautiful than before!” He cut her off again. “Why…why thank you Lee-san.” Sakura bushed. All of a sudden, a tooth pick came flying between them.
Lee dodged it with easily. “What it the world?” Sakura yelled. “Come out and show yourself!” Lee said. “Tsk...Tsk...Lee are you hitting on a pregnant woman?” Genma appeared out of a poof of smoke. Lee turned around to face Genma. “I Rock Lee the handsome green beast of Konoha would never do such a thing!!” Lee's eyes were burning with fire.
“Is that so? Well it sure did not look like it.” “Are you saying that the green beast of Konoha would lie? Genma-san I have……” Lee kept going on and on. Genma looked at Sakura. “You better go before he stops.” Sakura winked at Genma and whispered. “Thank you.”
When Sakura was out of site, Genma disappeared. “Hey where did you go? I'm not done yet.” Lee turned around. “Sakura-san? She disappeared to.” “Oh well, I better get back to training. I can not waste my youth!” He ran back to his usual training spot.
Sakura finally made it to Ten-Ten's house. She knocked on the gate “Hold on I'm coming.” The gate opened. “Sakura-san!” Hanabi said with relief in her voice. “Thank Kami-sama you are here. Ten-Ten onee-san and I have tried to calm Ino-san down demo…” Sakura placed a hand on Hanabi's Shoulder. “I know Hanabi-chan, please take me to her.” “Right.” Hanabi nodded.
They walked into the room. “Ino-san Sakura-san is...” “SAKURA!!” Ino leaped up and hugged her tightly. The broken hearted woman's tears began to fall on Sakura's pink kimono. “Daijoubu Ino.” Sakura rubbed Ino's head… “Daijoubu.” “Come on, let's go sit down.” Sakura lead Ino to the pillow.
A woman with two buns on her head popped in. “Sakura-chan, good you are here. Now we can sort this out.” Ten-Ten looked at Hanabi. “Hanabi-imouto go get Ino-chan some water.” “Ok.” She left the room. “SAKURA!” Ino cried. “Shh, Shh, its going to be ok I promise.” Sakura tried to confront her friend. “How can it be ok SHIKAMARU CHEATED ON ME!!?” “Now, Now Ino-chan.” Ten-Ten said. “We all now that Shikamaru is to lazy to do that.”
“Hahaha, Yeah.” Sakura laughed. “IT'S NOT FUNNY!!” Ino shouted. Sakura put her hands over her mouth. “I'm sorry Ino.” “Hey there is no reason to take your anger out on sakura. She is only trying to help you!” Ten-Ten yelled. Ino wiped her tears from her red eyes. “You are right Ten-Ten.” She looked up at Sakura. “I…I am sorry.”
Sakura smiled. “Its ok Ino I understand. Ino put her hand on top of Sakura's and smiled back. Hanabi entered the room. “Here's your water Ino-san.” The long haired girl handed Ino the water. “Thank you.” Hanabi nodded and sat beside Ten-Ten. Ino took a sip of the water and looked up at the ceiling.
“Clouds.” She whispered. “Nani? What did you say?” The three young women gave Ino a confused look. “He he, Shikamaru has always liked looking at the clouds.” She paused. “And. and I would always fuss at him about it. I would say “You look at the clouds more than me.” He he.” She laughed. “Then he would say they are more interesting to look at.” But...But.” She started to break down again. “I guess that clouds weren't the only thing I had to worry about him looking at.”
Ino's tears poured down like a mid summer thunder storm. “I...Ino!” Sakura blanketed herself around Ino's back. “Poor Ino-chan.” Ten-Ten thought. “WAI…WAI!!!!!!!!” A Screamed a baby from the other room. “Koji!” Ten-Ten exclaimed. “Don't worry I will go and check on him.” Thank you.” “Excuse me.” Hanabi bowed and left to check on her little cousin. “Oh, Ino I don't know how to help you.” Sakura thought to herself.
Sasuke arrived at home. “Sakura I'm home!” “……..” He walked in the living room. “Sakura?” Still there was no answer. Humph, I wonder were could he be?” Sasuke bumped in to the desk. A tiny piece of paper landed on the ground. Sasuke picked it up. The tiny note and it said…
Dear Sasuke-kun
I have gone to Ten-Ten's house. (Women problems) and I'm not sure when I will be back.
If you get hungry, there is some instant ramen on the table for you.
Your favorite cheery bunny.
P.S. We are going shopping tomorrow. ^_^
“Grr that woman!” Sasuke's eye bow twitched. “Sigh, oh well I need to go take a shower.” Sasuke walked into the bath room and go undressed. Then, he got in the shower and turned on the water. While in the shower Sasuke thought about…Sakura, my wife. The woman that is carrying my children. .. I love her right?” Sasuke looked down. “Maybe I should treat her better? Maybe I should act more like Lee??”
A vision of Sasuke dressed in a green jump suit and wearing Lee's bowl shaped hair cut (while giving the “Nice guy” pose) flashed in his mind. “Eww, hell no. Sasuke shook his head. “Why I'm I even think about Lee? Besides I don't know what love is. So, I can't “love” Sakura.”
“I think I used to know what love feels like, but that man took it away. I killed that man so why can't I …”
“KNOCK, KNOCK!” “Hn” Sasuke turned off the shower and put on a towel. “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, AND KNOCK!!!” “DAMN IT IM COMING!” He roared. “Sakura why did not you just use the…” He opened the door. “Oi Sasuke-teme!” “Oh dobe it's you.” Sasuke narrowed his eyes. “What do you want?” “Shikamaru is in trouble and we are going to help him.”
Sasuke crossed his arms. “Why should care about Shikamaru?” “Baka! He is our friend, and he risked is life trying to get you back when you went to sound!” “So?” The Sharingan master replied very bluntly. “Sasuke-teme you are coming like it or not!” Naruto performed hand seals. “KAGE NO BUNSHIN!!”
100 Naruto clones surround Sasuke. “Baka I have the Sharingan. I can tell which one is the real one.” “SHARINGAN!” The comas appeared in Sasuke's eyes. “BRING IT DOBE!” The Naruto clones ran after Sasuke. “This is going to be easy.” The over confident Uchiha thought. He began to destroy the clones one by one.
“Where is the real one?” Out of nowhere, the real Naruto popped out of the ground and pulled Sasuke's towel off. The clones stop dead in there tracks “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!” The pointed at Sasuke and started rolling on the ground with tears in their eyes.
Sasuke turned beet red while holding his….well you know. “DAMN IT NARUTO!!!!” “Don't blame me because you are small Sasuke-teme.” “HAHAHA yeah now we all know why you are so grumpy all the time.” One of the clones said while laughing. “DAMN IT NARUTO GIVE ME MY TOWEL NOW!!” “No, not until you agree to come with me.” GRRR OK OK JUST GIVE ME THE TOWEL AND LET ME GO GET CHANGED!! “HAHAHHAHAH yeah ok.” Naruto threw the towel at Sasuke. He caught it and wrapped it around himself.
“Oh and Sasuke by the way.” The half-naked man turned around and glared at Naruto. Nice ass!!” Naruto cracked up laughing. Sasuke slammed the door. “DAMN IT DOBE IM GOING TO KILL YOU ONE DAY!!!” Sasuke got changed and left with Naruto to Chouji's house.
They arrived at Chouji's house. Naruto knocked on the door. “KNOCK, KNOCK” “coming!” A tall skinny man opened the door. “Hey Naruto.” Chouji said. His voice had a hit of sadness in it. “Oi Chouji, I brought Sasuke-teme.” “I see, what's up Sasuke?” “……….” Chouji leaned over to Naruto's ear. “What's wrong with him?” Naruto grinned.
“Oh don't mind him Chouji his just a LITTLE bit grumpy today.” Sasuke glared at Naruto. “Oh well, come in. I have never seen Shikamaru like this before.” “Hai.” Naruto and Sasuke went into the house with Chouji. “Hey Kiba, Shino!!” Naruto yelled. “Naruto you are such a big mouth.” Kiba sweat dropped.
“Whatever dog-lover.” “WOOF, WOOF!” Akamaru barked. Kiba kneeled down and petted Akamaru. “There's nothing wrong with loving dogs BAKA!” “Humph.” Naruto pouted. “It's not right; men are supposed to love women.” “BAKA I DID NOT MEAN I LOVED AKAMARU THAT WAY!” Kiba shouted.
“Yeah right.” Naruto lifted up is pinky finger. “Tell that to your girl friend.” He pointed to Akamaru. “Damn it Naruto, Akamaru is a boy!” “Oops, my bad.” Naruto switched from his pinky to his thumb. “I meant boy friend.” “Grrr, stupid Naruto, let's get him Akamaru!” “WOOF, WOOF!!”
“Umm humm.” Shino cleared his throat. “You two can do this later. We have more important matters to attend to.” “Sunglasses is right.” Naruto said. “Yeah” Chouji sighed. “Finally, now let's go and help Shikamaru. Shikamaru was sitting on the inside porch. This time was different however; he was not staring at the clouds this time, instead he was in his infamous thinking position. Beads of sweat run down his face like a waterfall.
What I'm I going to do...” Shikamaru pondered. Think Shikamaru think.” I can come up with a solution to this problem can't I?” I always come up with something…but this time I am totally blank!” Chouji placed a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder. “Shikamaru the guys are here.” Chouji snapped Shikamaru from his brain storming session. “Y...yeah.” He turned around.
“Mina thank you for coming.” “Hey no big deal.” Naruto smiled. “Shikamaru, could you tell us what happen? We were not given all of the details.” Shikamaru inquired. Shikamaru looked down. “Daijoubu, Shikamaru I will tell them.” Chouji filled them in on all of the details.
“WHOOO, SHIKAMARU I CANT BELIEVE YOU!!” Naruto was in a state of shock. “Yeah buddy, you don't seem like the type to che…” “I DON'T CHEAT ON HER!” Shikamaru cut off Kiba. “Then why do you have two kids by TWO different women?” Naruto asked.
“Sigh, it happened a year ago. Ino and I had a big fight over something stupid.” He paused. “But...but I thought it was really over that time…..I was given a mission in Suna. I saw Temari and we…” When I got back from Suna, Ino wanted to get back together. So we did.”
“And you did not know that Temari was pregnant?” Kiba cocked an eyebrow. “No, of course not. If I did, I would have stayed in Suna.” “Oh well, you know how Temari is. She was probably too stubborn to admit that she needed help with the baby.” Naruto said. “True” Kiba added. But why did she tell him now?” “Humph, that's a good point dog boy.” Why you...” “Shikamaru where is Ino now?” Shino asked. “I don't kno...”
“At my house!” A coffee colored haired man butted in. “Neji!” They said in unison. Neji was carrying a small baby on his back. “What are you doing here?” Naruto asked. “The women kicked me out!” “Why?” “Because they are women; there is no logic in their thinking.” “That's the truth.” Sasuke muttered to himself.
“Hey Nara go get your woman so I can go home!” “Neji, he cant Ino would kill him!” Naruto replied. “Not my problem. Are you afraid Shikamaru?” “Shikamaru?” Neji asked again. The cloud lover was in a daze. “Leave him alone Neji.” Chouji said. “Neji is right. I am afraid. I'm afraid that in the first time in my life, I don't know what to do...”
“Sigh” Shikamaru stood up. “Neji take me to her.” He nodded. “Don't worry Shikamaru we are all behind you.” Naruto gave Shikamaru thumps up. “I want to go home.” Sasuke thought to himself. “Thank you all.” “Alright than let's go” Neji lead the men to his house. While waking Neji said…”Uchiha your wife was there too.” “I know. And?” “I could have sworn that she said something about the two of you going shopping tomorrow.” Sasuke glared at Neji. Hyuuga smirked.
Neji knocked on the gate. The gate opened. “Neji-oniisan, what are you doing here? Ten-Ten-oneesan said not to come back until...” “I brought Nara.” Hanabi looked behind Neji. “I see.” “May I come in MY OWN house now?” Neji sounded very annoyed. “I guess so.” Hanabi opened the gate all of the way. She bowed and them the men come in. When Shikamaru passed by, Hanabi gave him an evil glare. “Hehe, I see that they have her on their side.” Shikamaru said inside his mind.
“Neji, what are you ...”He pointed to Shikamaru. “Oh, Shikamaru I don't think that Ino-chan wants to see you now.” “Please Ten-Ten I have to talk her.” “No please leave.” “It's alright Ten-Ten-chan. I want to talk to him too.” “Are you sure Ino-chan?” “Yes” she nodded. “Alright all of you out!” Sakura yelled. Naruto sat down on the floor. “No way, I want to see this.” “NARUTO!!” Ten-Ten and Sakura double teamed Naruto and dragged him out of the room. “LET ME GO!” “NO!!” “HMPH” Naruto pouted. They all finally left the room.
“Ino..I” She raised her hand. “No, I need to say something first. Shikamaru you broke my heart. I know our relationship has not been prefect, but I did not think you would…” She started to cry. Shikamaru ran over to Ino. He embraced her tightly. “Ino listen to me I did not cheat on you.”
She jerked away. “Yeah right!” “Ino please listen.” “Sniff, alright you better make it good!” “Ino remember a year ago when we broke up.” “No.” “Think back.” Ino thought about it for a moment. “Oh yeah we had a fight about…?” “Clouds.” “I was really depressed. I thought it was over for good. Than I saw Temari…” “So...So you did not cheat on me!” She was in shock.
“Never!” Tears swelled up in her eyes. “Oh Shikamaru I am so sorry!” Ino hugged him. “It's alright Ino.” “But I...” Shikamaru interrupted her with a kiss. He backed away and looked in her eyes. “I love you...even though you are troublesome. Shikamaru winked at her. “OH SHIKA-KUN, I LOVE YOU TOO!” Ino was about to kiss him until.
“AWWW HOW KAWII!!” The door slid open. “You guys were spying on us the whole time!” Ino yelled. “Well you see, we had to make sure that you don't kill Shikamaru.” Naruto tried to come up with a good excuse. “Baka, like I'm going to believe that!” Ino picked up a lamp and throw it Naruto.
“OUCH!!” Naruto had a big bump on his head. “Dobe” Sasuke whispered. “Yaya I'm glad you two are back together!” Ten-Ten cheered. “Yeah, now get the hell out of my house!” “Neji!” Ten-Ten gave him a “if you don't be nice you won't get any tonight” look. “Grr” The Hyuuga looked away.
“I'm happy to Ino.” Sakura added. “Thank all of you.” Ino smiled. “If it wasn't for you girls I would have...” “What are friends for Ino?” Sakura grinned. “We better get going Ino.” Shikamaru picked her up. “OH MY!” Ino blushed. “WHOO HOO!!” Naruto yelled. “I'm going to be sick.” Sasuke thought inwardly. “Thank you Chouji, Naruto, Shino, Neji, Kiba, and Sasuke. I really owe you guys.”
Naruto gave him thumps up. “Don't worry about it.” Shikamaru nodded. “Let's go Ino.” They left the house.
While walking down the street, Shikamaru said...”umm Ino?” Shikamaru stopped. “Yes Shika-kun?” “Umm well I have been thinking about it and I want to take care of Temari's son.” “Nani?” “But Shikamaru...” “I want to stay in Suna for a year.” She started to cry again. “That will not be necessary.” A voice said out of nowhere. “TEMARI!” They exclaimed. “I'm leaving Konoha tomorrow morning.” “No Please stay!” Shikamaru begged. She shook her head. “I can't to that.” “Why not.” Shikamaru asked. “Because I have to go back to protect Suna, just like you have to stay here to protect Konoha.”
“But Temari!” “No buts, good bye.” She started to walk away. “Wait Temari; at least tell me my son's name!” She stopped. “Sigh, alright it's… Kumomaru.” “KUMOMARU!” Ino exclaimed. “Here” Shikamaru laughed “I see.” “Bye” Temari took off in lighting speed.
Ino looked up at Shikamaru. “Shikamaru?” “Humm” He replied. “YOU WERE LOOKING AT HER BUTT!!” “NO I WAS NOT!” “YES YOU WERE!” Ino pulled his ears. “Grr Woman!” He let her go. “WHAT YOU LIKE BIG BUTTS OF SOMETHING!” “Oh how Troublesome.” After an hour and a half, Ino finally calmed down, and they went home.
As night fell upon Konoha, the Uchiha couple arrived at home. “Sasuke-kun?” “Hn” “I think it was really nice of you to support Shikamaru.” “I don't do anything.” “Yes you did Sasuke-kun, you were there and sometimes just being there is the only thing someone really needs.” “Hn” “Hahaha” She giggled. “Nothing Sasuke-kun.
Sasuke opened the door. They went into the bed room and got ready for bed. “Good night Sasuke-kun.” “Hn” He turned over. His back was facing her. “Oh Sasuke-kun.” He turned around to face her. “Hn” “We are going shopping tomorrow.” “DAMN IT!!!”
A/N Well that was kinda long for me ne? Shikamaru is a good boy YAyay. Oh and by the way Kumo means cloud in Japanese and maru means boy. So Temari name their son cloud boy. That's why Ino made a big deal about it. Hahah yeah and poor Sasuke-kun.
P.S. Does anyone know what Dattebayo means? I think it means dude but I'm not sure, anyway thanks for reading.