Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Is Love Like? ❯ Survival Exercise ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SilverKyuubi says: Hey guys! Thanksgiving break is here, so maybe highschool won't be so hectic on me, even though the frickin' teachers gave me two projects to finish. *sticks tongue out*
My thanks to narinari, blondebrat2006, InuyashaNaruto, Rosekikilola, Shadowed Knight, and Shinobi-chan for reviewing my story. Everyone cheered me up and I'll try my best to update in reasonable days. I tend to be too much like Shikamaru sometimes, so I'm saying sorry ahead of time if I update a little slow.
Warnings: This is yaoi, and it's also dark-themed. Torture...and other stuff...You know what? I'm considering making this an ItaNaru yaoi, though I reeeaaally don't know right now. So, you'll have to wait. I'm kind of making this up as I go. I had the idea in my head, and a sort-of plot, but I'm still making this up as I move along.
Disclaimer: Do I seem like the type of person who would own Naruto? First of all, I'm not Japanese. I have more French blood in me than anything.
Well, anyway, on towards the story!
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~*What Is Love Like?*~
Chapter 2- Survival Test
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Sasuke wasn't a patient person. He was actually far from a patient person, and he got ticked off ectremely easy, though he never liked to show it. He believed that showing emotion is showing weakness, and he couldn't show weakness to anyone. It was his goal to try to achieve it so that he had no weaknesses. He couldn't afford to have weaknesses when he was trying to gain the power to defeat that person. It seemed to be the only thing on his mind recently. The reminder always seemed to come to him when he occasionally dreamed about bloody deaths and a dark figure hovering over torn bodies. It renewed his will to become stronger. But he needed power to defeat the one who destroyed his family. He needed to get stronger and train enough so that he could be strong. He needed to be taught by someone else who was strong in order to get stronger. That was why he needed to pass this 'survival test', though he was almost certain he would be able to do it flawlessly.
But he needed a damned teacher here to give him the test before he could do anything!
I mean, come on! This guy said 5:00 A.M. sharp, and Sasuke got there right on the dot wide awake, while his future teammates also arrived, if a little sloggy from in want of sleep. Sakura was kind of mumbling to herself as if still in a dream and yawning occasionally. Naruto...well, he was just the same as before. Although he almost seemed wider-eyed than usual this morning. Not awake wide-eyed, but just a little more awake then you should be at this early in the morning. Sasuke guessed he didn't really get much sleep last night. It wasn't strange to see that kind of look on someone like Naruto. Even this early in the morning. Naruto just faced away from them as he sat down on the ground and waited for their sensei just like the others. Quiet, but nothing too abnormal other than that. Sasuke turned away, no longer interested since the blonde sat down. He was so pissed at being up this early in the morning. The Uchiha didn't like waking up so early just to end up having the one who ordered them up at this ungodly hour not show up himself.
This was really puttig Sasuke in an irritable mood. But he let it slide for now.
Kakashi didn't come until 9:00 A.M. A whole 4 hours later.
Sakura was suddenly very awake. "Sensei! Where the hell were you?! We waited here so long and you were the one who wanted us to meet here this morning!" Her face was red from anger. Sasuke was kind of scared of her, but not in the fear-of-death way. She was just so creepy...why did he end up with her as a teammate again?
Kakashi just smiled in that really retarded way. Actually, you couldn't see him smile because of that stupid mask, but his eye curved in a smile giving him a fake innocent look. Like he knew what he did, and was highly amused by it, but didn't really care. "Well, a black cat crossed my path..." He pointed to a non-existent road behind him. "...and I had to go the long way. I'm so sorry for being late."
'My ass...' Sasuke thought seethingly. Sakura still looked pissed and ready to strangle the older man. Sasuke was about on that same page as well. This was ridiculous...he almost considered going back to the Academy in order to get a different sensei. Was this guy honestly a jounin? This must have been a game...Sasuke saw movement in the corner of his eye and looked to see Naruto stand up. He looked the same now, the same expression still on his face, expressionless and stoic-looking. Dull blue eyes stared back up at him. They looked so empty, Sasuke noted, and he couldn't help but wonder if that was how his own eyes looked when someone else looked at them: empty and void of anything but of some emotions so strong but repressed that they seemed to dance under the surface, begging to be let out and almost there, but still inevitably blocked by the owner's will. Sasuke saw something like that in Naruto's eyes. It was strong in the dull eyes, but it was just out of his reach of recognition. It unnerved him. He remembered a long time ago how free and open those eyes used to be...
Sasuke turned away. He wouldn't go there again. Those memories were far beyond buried in the deepest parts of his memories. He remembered the event when he noticed that the blonde lost his sunshine. It was still fresh, and he had heard rumors about how it might have happened, but nothing was certain. Rumors were spread by the whole population, especially the elder people of the village. He heard them often, though he couldn't imagine why the elders of the village would hate the blonde enough to spread such nasty rumors. None of them were ever good, and it seemed the adults tried to make them worse. They hushed when they would see ANBU Black Ops walk by, and other jounin ninja, and it was all rather confusing, but he paid no mind to it. Not anymore anyway. He was just a kid then, always curious about everything important going on that he wasn't filled in on, but he ignored it now. Only one thing mattered to him now.
And now that Kakashi was here, he would go to all lengths in order to get strong by first passing this test and be able to get the position of one of the new rookie 9.
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Naruto had caught the look that Sasuke had thrown him when he stood up, and the one 3 hours ago when he first arrived, but he brushed it off. He wouldn't think about such things now. He had trouble sleeping last night. Again. He would always wake up several times a night after one those nightmares. He had gotten used to it, the nightmares and not really gettig much sleep, but every night the dreams seemed to get more real and vivid that it caught him off guard. He could almost hear those disgusting words dripping next to his ear now. It was only worse after he woke up. In the dark of the forest, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about anything but the dreams. He would mull over his thoughts and recent dreams, the words and the strange noises, and see the tools and that cruel grinning face.
He would never forget. He would never forgive.
Kakashi made another lame excuse for being late. This was already getting old. The first time was amusing. But now, this was annoying. He had three hours to look over the images in his dream, and he really didn't want to do that. He hated doing that. Kakashi just smiled behind his mask and placed a stop clock on the middle training log on the training grounds. He then turned to Naruto and the others. He seemed to look them over, but Naruto just looked at Kakashi strangely. This was another make-it or brake-it deal, but he couldn't really find himself caring anymore about any of the things that he used to get excited about. He was looking forward to a challenge, but he didn't care for this at all. This seemed to him like a complete waste of his time, but it was necessary, he supposed. The pink-haired girl looked nervous about the whole ordeal, and Sasuke didn't really seem to care. They all watched patiently for Kakashi-sensei to give instructions.
"Now, the survival test is simple. I want you to get these bells from me." Kakashi held two bells in his hand, and they dangled in a clang. "If you can get the bells from me before lunch, then you'll get to eat lunch. But if not, then you'll be tied to this post and you'll have to watch me eat in front of you."
Naruto looked at the silver-haired one distastefully. This wasn't exactly what he expecteed, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He wondered just how naiive the others were to think they might even have a chance to steal the bells from him. It was a simple exercise. One that required expert strategies, something that wasn't expected at the genin level, but it would work. He was hungry already, and he didn't want to skip out on lunch. Food was probably the only other thing besides the forest that he loved.
"Now, you can use any weapons, including shuriken. If you don't come at me with the intent to kill, then you won't be able to take the bells away from me. You have until noon." Kakashi stated with an unreadable expression on his face, which seemed unusual. Naruto studied Kakashi with calculating eyes. He was strong... probably stronger than he would like to admit. Even though Naruto knew himself to be also strong, he could always grow much more stronger with the proper training. And then he would set out to achieve his goal...
Sakura started to protest, stating that shuriken were too dangerous, but Kakashi brushed her off, saying it was necessary if they even hoped to retrieve the bells from him. Kakashi then said strangely that he might be beginning to like the group of kids. Naruto mentally scoffed at the idea. If he ever wanted to rip someone's head off, he would say it would have to be this guy. He was just annoying. But it would be okay if he actually managed to, since Kakashi-sensei actually claimed that if they didn't intend to kill him, they would never get the bells. Killing Kakashi wouldn't bug him in the least, but then he wouldn't have someone to teach him. And then where would he be?
Naruto suddenly tensed, he felt a familiar feeling course throughout his body. It happened every time a challenge was displayed before him. It was a thrill that was singing in his blood, the only thrill that he knew of at the time. He was familiar with it, but it gave him a rush everytime. He had to say that he was excited about this thing. This was enough to live for, the prey and predato-like feeling that would take over him slightly. He knew the feeling's source, but he would never allow such a thing to rule him. Still, his enhanced senses and intincts would soar and he shivered in excitement of what was to come. He tensed, getting in his ready stance. He wanted to win this challenge, if for nothing but his own self-satisfaction. His tongue came out to play with his soft lips.
Kakashi seemed to have noted the pink muscle playing with Naruto's lips. He stared at the blonde in his ready position to take off for a hiding spot in the woods behind them. Hunger seemed to radiate from the blonde, and it unnerved him. The boy was indeed strange, and he sometimes couldn't help but resent him. But he wouldn't worry about any of that right now. "Ready?" The students tensed in the ready position, awaiting his starting command.
All three took off in different directions.
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Kakashi saw how the students were well hidden, something that Iruka-sensei was credited for. He, of course, knew exactly where they were. Even though they were well hidden, they were only beginners after all. Nothing training couldn't fix, but he doubted these newbies would be able to get on his team. They just all lacked what was required in the ninja life. Kakashi took out his orange book that was in his ninja pocket. He turned to the page he was last on. Not that he hadn't read this book a million times before, but it was just so fascinating... the author of these books is amazing.
Kakashi was still a growing man, and his need for is libido was still strong. Sure, you could say he has seen it all. The bloodshed, the war, the fighting, the anger, the hatred...He's felt all of it around him most of his life. He's lost a lot in his 25 years, and he hasn't been the best off. He still cared about few people, and he loved the village. It was still hard to accept other people in his life though because he was always afraid that he might one day lose them again. He wasn't interested in a relationship now. You could call him a coward for thinking that avoiding people might keep them out of his heart so he wouldn't feel any pain for losing them, but after all that he's seen, done, and lost has gotten to him. He recently decided to try again. Most of the recruits that he tried to take under his wing were too weak for it. They were all so terribly naiive, and he couldn't afford to have brainless people hang around him everyday.
That's why he decided he might give Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura a try. Most of the others were simply a decision on the dot, and he never believed in giving second chances. He was hard on his selection expectations, but he needed to make sure that the students he took on wouldn't end up like other cocky, arrogant ninja that could easily get themselves killed because they were oblivious to suffering. He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't excited to take on the Uchiha as his pupil though. He was extremely curious to see what he was capable of. His genius was well known in Konohagakure, and he wanted to see how far the Uchiha could go in his ninja life. The tragic Uchiha incident certainly turned his heart ice cold, and Kakashi was aware of his determination to kill that person. That will might make him an excellent ninja, and his maybe-future teammates might give him another reason to live instead of simply to kill that one man. Kakashi only knew too well what revenge was like...and what it can do to you.
But for now, this new 3-man-squad may only try to gain his attention by the rules in order for them to become Team 7 under his authority. Which consisted of acting as a team, in other words, everything they probably weren't going to do. He doubted they would work together because of the way they acted towards eachother. Sasuke was indifferent to everyone and everything around him, Sakura was his unofficial stalker, and Naruto was pretty much as trusting of everyone as an undomesticated animal. It was only natural for Sakura to fear him and avoid Naruto. Kakashi didn't really know of Sasuke's thoughts toward the silent blonde. He seemed to simply ignore him like he did everyone else, but not out of fear. The boy was probably to focused on training to worry about anyone else, though they would make excellent rivals.
If they would make it as Team 7 that is. Though of how things were going so far, he doubted they would make it. Without teamwork, there was no team. Kakashi sighed as he turned another page of Icha Icha Paradise, rereading the page for the 50th time. He really did want to teach them...That was what made everything so disappointing. But if they couldn't work together, then they were unfit to be ninja. He turned another page. The bark on the tree he was leaning against was starting to itch his back and he squirmed trying to get comfortable.
After a couple of minutes, Kakashi noticed that Naruto was soon standing in front of him about 10 yards away. He decided to glance up from his book, a little curious about the blonde who was boldly standing on a hilltop, staring at him. There was a strange aura about Naruto, the way he was looking at Kakashi unnerved him. Kakashi didn't want to appear fazed, so he met Naruto's eyes evenly. It was not a hostile aura, like normal enemy shinobi would let flare, but it was an ominous type of air, something rarely felt on the battle field. It was almost a dark, hidden type of bloodlust...
Knowing this, Kakashi was put more on guard. He slowly put his book away, wary of the thing in front of him. Kakashi narrowed his eyes, still unmoving from leaning against the tree behind him. The air seemed to get noticeably colder, a deep chill running up his spine. The clouds remained the same, although everything else seemed to change in a strange sense. Everything was physically the same, yet there was a feeling that something was wrong. Like there was something he missed and couldn't point out. Naruto just stared at him, eyes calculating. Kakashi just stared back, almost like he was hypnotized. He just couldn't look away.
Naruto's eyes seemed to just hold him there, frozen in place. They were dull, lifeless, yet he couldn't look away. He was caught, and some part of his mind acknowledged that very fact. Naruto had caught him in something. What was it? It couldn't be a genjutsu, this was too different from that. It was like a dream that he couldn't wake up from, no matter what he did. He noticed that the blonde was moving toward him, still staring into his eyes. Kakashi's one eye opened in shock. The darkening aura seemed to spread in the whole atmosphere around him, and everything seemed to be getting darker. He felt hot, and his vision came in waves. He heard sounds of crashing ringing in his ears, and the scent of blood filled his sensed. Death was practically all around him.
He looked, and suddenly he wasn't in the field anymore. He wasn't leaning against a tree in the beautiful outskirts of the forest and the village. He couldn't hear birds singing, or the wind blissfully running through the trees. He couldn't see the strange blonde standing in front of him with those mesmorizing blue eyes. Now, he was in a burning building. Fire ash was flying everywhere, and he heard the roar of the flames in his ears. Everything seemed to clear up, and he began to focus on what the hell was going on. There was debris everywhere, and the building was about to collapse. Konoha ANBU were racing past him into the building, turning on corridors and hallways, apparently looking for something. Kakashi realized he too was in an ANBU mask, though he didn't understand why. He left the ANBU some time ago, in order to be a jounin and try to take on students. He just stood there in a hallway, confused at what was going on and trying to grasp his situation. He was in a burning building, apparently supposed to be looking for something, in an ANBU mask and armor.
He could barely confirm that an ANBU member came up to him and said in a determined voice to look faster and hurry and find him. Who? Kakashi thought, his mind completely scrambled. Who am I looking for? "Him"? Who is "him"? Kakashi lightly shook his head to clear the thoughts and concentrate. He was looking for someone in this burning building. He was an ANBU though he doesn't know why. But he would look for whoever this person was, if only to try and get some anwers. It was so strange...he couldn't even remember what he was doing before this. He nodded to the other person, and took off down a random corridor. He simply didn't understand what was going on. The smoke was filling his nose, and he had to remember his training on breathing in smoke filled situations. He moved fast, turning corners and moving down stairs rapidly. It wasn't until he reached the basement that something caught his attention. There was little to no fire here, which was strange since it seemed the fire had been there for a while. There was a smell coming from a closed room ahead, and it took Kakashi a minute to figure out what it was. It was blood. The stench of blood was so much thicker in that room than in the other rooms. Kakashi's ANBU instincts finally kicked in. He raced forward, smashing the steel door down as he went. The sight that greeted him made him almost throw up.
Suddenly, almost as soon as the images came, they left. Kakashi was suddenly back in the field of clean air and fresh grass. Blue skies and clear water. Kakashi lurched forward, falling on his knees. His breathing was ragged, and his one eye was widened in shock. He was sweating, and everything felt too cold at the moment. The shock of the images was almost too much, and he was about to throw up, but he contained himself. He shook his head, trying desperately to shake the images from his mind. He could still smell it though, the blood and the smoke. He shook his head again and looked up after he calmed down a bit. Naruto was still standing there, a confused look on his face. Along with him were Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura had a concerned look on her face. The expression relieved Kakashi immensely, but at the same time put him on edge. He felt some strengh return to him. He shakily stood, and looked at the blonde cautiously. If Naruto had cast a genjutsu, that was certainly the best one he had ever been caught in. But how did the kid know of that memory? That memory had been Kakashi's first ANBU mission when he was 18 years old, and it had scarred him for life. He had thrown up multiple times over the first month after that. How could Naruto know about that memory?!
Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the blonde who stood unmoving from his spot. He could sense worry and wonder radiating from the two other newbie genin standing beside Naruto. Kakashi continued to stare at the blonde in front of him just as Naruto stared back. Kakashi was radiating his confusion and anger towards the blonde. Naruto simply stood there, and then suddenly brought up his closed hand. Kakashi eyed it, and then his eye widened again in shock as Naruto opened his palm to reveal one of his bells. It was sitting there innocently in his tan hand, reflecting the gorgeous light from the sun. Sasuke also dangled a bell in his hand. Kakashi looked down to his pants where he had tied his bells, and sure enough, they were missing. He jerked his head up to Naruto. The expression of wonder was still on the boy's face, and Naruto lifted an eyebrow in question and mockery at the same time. It was obvious that the students had taken the bell in his state of stupor from the memory. Kakashi couldn't believe it. He should have been able to brake from the genjutsu, if it was a genjutsu at all
"What did you do...?" Kakashi asked in a low voice, still shakey and unsure. Naruto just creased his eyebrows in obvious confusion to his question. Sakura also looked on in confusion at Kakashi's hidden accusation. She didn't understand what was going on, and more importanly, was upset that she might have to be separated from Sasuke because he got a bell before she did. Sasuke stood there, not totally taking in the situation. He didn't really know what Kakashi meant by reffering to Naruto with such a strange question. Naruto met Kakashi's gaze. Naruto really didn't know what Kakashi was talking about. He was about to challenge the sensei to retrieve one of the bells, when all of a sudden Kakashi had gotten a far away, shocking look on his face. Naruto had a guess of what had happened of course. He wasn't sure exactly, but it didn't stop him from taking advantage of the situation by stealing a bell. Sasuke had just appeared next to him and took the other bell while the jounin remained in the state. Sakura too had come out of her hiding place and joined the others to see what happened.
"What do you mean?" Naruto replied with a questioning glance. Naruto wasn't completely sure of what happened, or if it was his fault, but it could be extremely likely. It's not like something like that hadn't happened before. He tended to lose focus on his mind when a bit of anger consumed him. He couldn't help but resent the jounin. Even if his intentions were good, his hate seemed to surge at the most unexpected times with the most unexpected people. This guy hadn't even shown any outward dislike toward Naruto, yet he felt anger towards him. When his anger began in its first stages of consumation did he realize that the jounin was looking strangely at him, a shocked expression crossing Kakashi's face. It was then that he snapped out of it. He slightly called out to the frozen, silver-haired man but Kakashi didn't respond. So he just took a bell while the circumstances were in his favor. Sasuke obviously felt he could do the same.
Kakashi glared angrily at Naruto, half of him certain th blonde knew what he was talking about, and the other half not quite certain. It was obvious the blonde was slightly confused by the question he presented him, yet Kakashi knew that the sudden memory couldn't have just decided to come to him without some sort of intent. There must have been someone who would have caste the genjutsu on him, but no one would know of that memory besides him. He couldn't sense anyone else in the area besides these new genin...who apparently got ahold on his bells while he was in that horrifying state of stupor. It was too personal for him to be embarassed that his could-be students saw him in such a state of vulnerability. Whatever the case, whether Naruto was guilty of intentionally casting a genjutsu or not, he would have to report this to the Hokage.
With a dismissing sigh and softening eyes, he looked over his students whose stomachs were beginning to rumble. Well, they did get his bells whether they learned the true concept of teamwork or not. He had a feeling everything might work out anyways. The team might start off a bit rocky, and not totally prepared to work together, but they would have to settle with eachother. They could teach eachother new things, and he could act as a reasonable guide to their success as future ninja. He knew it wouldn't be easy for him or them, but they would manage. He held pretty good hopes for this team. Further more, he could help train Sasuke to reach his full potential, and keep a more watchful eye on Naruto...He needed to learn more about the blonde, and help Sakura too. The pink-haired kunoichi might be a bit freaky with her stalker attitude towards Sasuke, but she had a bright and reasonable mind. She deserved a chance to get stronger. The memories from before were beginning to recede to his inner mind, almost already forgotten along with the after effects of the sudden re-live of them. Kakashi looked at his students sternly, watching as they unconsciously made jestures of awaiting what he had to say. With a sigh, he spoke.
"Well, obviously you successfully took my bells, although you missed the whole point of the exam, which was teamwork." The understanding of his words dawned on his students faces. Naruto took this in too, though it seemed this was what he expected. "So, I decided to pass you. Now, take in mind, I will expect you to start getting to know eachother in order for you to work as a team. This is a vital element in the shinobi world. Teamwork and shinobi go hand-in-hand, and I will not accept it if you three don't get along on our missions. Got it?" Sakura nodded in afirmation, while Sasuke snorted. Anyone could tell he was annoyed with the circumstances but he was obviously willing to abide by them in order to get what he wanted. Naruto stared at his sensei not answering, but understanding Kakashi's wishes and waiting for his next orders.
Kakashi sighed again. He wasn't looking forward to the troubles that might come with this team. But he looked ahead."Well, I have some bento boxes. If you want, help yourselves to them. Their over by the head stone memorial. Afterwards, head home and get some rest. Team 7's first mission starts tomorrow morning!" Kakashi's eye curved in a moon shape, showing that he was smiling. A starving and excited Sakura ran over to the memorial to grab some food while a silent Sasuke followed, a pleased smile forming on his lips at becoming a ninja. Kakashi poofed off somewhere.
Naruto stayed behind, looking towards his fellow teammates as they sat on the granite stone. He was about to join them because he was in a better mood than most today, probably because he was accepted as a real Konoha ninja, but a sudden searing pain scorched through his head. His ocean eyes widened in pain as he realized now what was going on. He now knew without a doubt of what had happened to Kakashi earlier. Naruto held a hand to his throbbing head as he tried to control his fear of what was happening to him. He grit his teeth and bit his lip as he tried to turn away from his teammates in fear that they would notice. Another wave of pain clashed through his head and he let out a silent scream as he craddled his head with both of his hands. He was shaking terribly, and he held his breath. His eyes were bloodshot, and his vision was wavy. A final and extreme wave seemed to split his head in two and he let out an agonizing gasp, trying to breathe.
Naruto fell to his knees and tried to regain his composure. His breath was ragged and came out in pants, his eyes still wide from the unexpected pain. After a minute, he shakily stood up. Still breathing a little harder than normal, he tried to quickly run off to his apartment. He had a big problem to take care of. He didn't think he would be able to meet his new team tomorrow morning. Stuff like this usually lasted a long while. With a nice sprint, he ran all the way towards his one-room apartment.
Naruto wasn't aware that Sasuke had seen the entire display.
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The silver-haired man was on his way to report about what happened with his new team to the Hokage. He was eager to tell and talk about with Sandaime about what happened in the training field and how his memory seemed to have been jogged right when Naruto had conviniently stepped in front of him and he had been unmoveable from staring into those God-forsaken empty blue eyes. He was still mad at the blonde for an uknown reason. Looking into his eyes like that seemed to make his anger and bloodlust stir. It made him lose control of himself, and that's what was beginning to scare Kakashi. His mask had been unable to cover his emotions that time.
He stopped in front of the Hokage's office, and slightly knocked.
"Come in."
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Yeah, I know, this is a bad place to leave it off. But it's for good reason. Once again, another apology if there's any spelling/grammer mistakes. And thanks for reviewing my story guys. It's very much appreciated. I'll be getting a beta hopefully soon. I'm also aware this chapter is a little shorter and a bit more disappointing than I'd like it to be, but I needed this out. The next chapter will be in Naruto's POV mostly I think. I'll hopefully update soon.
I just watched Howl's Moving Castle. Can you believe that? Argh...I feel like I'm the last one who's seen it. It's a great movie though.
I know this was kind of in Kakashi's point of view, but that was the whole purpose. I was trying to put more input on even Kakashi's insecurity around Naruto. Ya'll really like a stoic Naruto? I always thought that it'd be cool if Naruto was really quiet. Maybe not the hunky, mysterious quiet that Sasuke's made out to be, but a feral type of quiet.
If you haven't noticed, Naruto also has some mental instabilities like Gaara, although they are for completely different reasons and Naruto's instability is different than Gaara's.
This was a sort of soon update right? Well, my Thanksgiving break is here so I have time to work on the next chapter and if your nice and review, I might have it up before I have to go back to school, ne? ~_^
Byez! ~Cole-chan~