Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With You, What's Wrong With Me ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
[What was I THINKING?! I can't write thiiiiis! It's too intricate!!! Well, I'll do my best. Hn, still embarassed.]

Title: What's Wrong With You, What's Wrong With Me
Author: ShiningSugar14
Rating: Ehn... PG-13 for swearing and sexy outfits.
Genre: Romance/Angst/Comedy
Summary: A seeker of love, a codependent, an animal lover, a dutiful student, a manwhore and an innocent. How do all of them fit together with food-fights and make-outs?
Pairings: (Hooo boy.) KibaxIta, ItaxGara, ItaxNaru, SasuxNaru, KibaxNeji
Musical Inspiration('Cause a lot of people seem to be listing that): JPop... Really, that's all.

The sunlight carressed the ceiling of Konoha High School, sending amber light through the 20-something nearly-vacant classrooms on each of the 4 floors. Hatake Kakashi, the laid-back Advanced English 11 teacher, was already in his 3rd floor classroom by 6:10. This punctuality was unusual for him, but he wanted to get a head start on knowing his students, which involved picking through their files. He chose one from the back at random and began to read, summarizing as he went along.
Naruto Uzumaki, age 16, was unremarkable in many ways. He had nearly failed two classes last year, passing his sophomore classes with very low C's in those classes. Very outgoing, he had gone out for nearly every activity. Also the sophomore Math teacher, Iruka, had written that Naruto was very promiscuous towards almost everyone and that he was almost always late to every class. Attached to the file was a class picture of a grinning boy with messy blond hair everywhere.
"The class psycho," Kakashi said with a smile as he selected another file.
Sasuke Uchiha, the brilliant loner, was the heart-throb of his class. At only 17 years of age, Honor Roll was a mundane occurance and he owned several track records. He was not the only Uchiha in the building, as his brother Itachi was a Teacher's Assistant for the entire junior class. The Guidance Department had included a picture of Sasuke. He was, as Kakashi saw immediatly, a heart-throb. Messy black hair that stuck up in the back that coupled with dark eyes stood about against the ivory skin.
"The class heartbreaker."
Gaara Shukaku would have been Sasuke's main competition if, as Iruka had so-eloquently put it, "the guy could just get his head out of his ass." Gaara seemed to walk through his 17 years of life, only becoming firey when in a musical or physical enviornment, where he excelled in both flute and archery. The picture featured a red-head with lime green eyes and a tattoo near his temple.
"Ouch..." Kakashi put two fingers to his own temple after seeing the tattoo. "Definately the gothy-loner." Kakashi chuckled to himself. For the next 20 minutes, he went through the rest of the students, noting individual interests (such as the spiky-haired Kiba Inuzaka's adoration of dogs) and strengths (such as Neji Hyuuga's outstanding performance in all subjects). "I guess I'll have to wait and see how this little arrangement turns out," Kakashi murmured as the first bell rang and students began to pour into the building.

The late Summer skies were pure azure, even in the morning, and they had matched the eyes that he had seen. That was all Sasuke could remember from his walk to the school.
Blue eyes.
Having declined his brother's offer to drive him, Sasuke walked along the silent streets. Sasuke soon regretted the rejection of the invitation. His fangirls, it seemed, had grown more amorous over the Summer break and were lurking behind nearly every tree, every entryway into every apartment. Even worse, his two most prominant stalkers seemed to have figured out his walking path and enlisted several girls. Sasuke had figured out that their orders were something similar to, "You can take whatever you want off him, so long as you leave him in one piece." Psychotic, Sasuke thought. Finally, Sasuke had resorted to alleyways in an attempt to shake them off. It had worked, as they all seemed afraid of alleyways and their various horror stories, so Sasuke was left to his own thoughts.
He had been pondering why his brother, who was in college, would give him a ride to school when a figure stumbled out of an alleyway. The boy, Sasuke was almost positive it was a boy, wore tight black jeans and a black leather vest with chains cascading across the front. He was rubbing his spiky head, muttering darkly to himself about futons, when the boy turned to Sasuke and nailed him with a stare. Though the rest of his features were unclear in the morning mist, Sasuke saw the color of this boy's eyes were bright blue and that the stare was filled with fear. After a five second stare-down, the boy took off running down the street.
Blue eyes, Sasuke thought to himself as he continued his journey to the looming school up ahead. The next thought was rather silly to him, but it was amusing to him so Sasuke voiced it. "It looked like a hedgehog fell asleep on it's head." Sasuke checked his watch which read 7:15. And now I'm late, he thought. Damn hedgehog boys.

Konoha High School was a large facility carrying four grades of about 200 students each. Among the 50-or-so junior class students was Gaara Shukaku. However, he was hardly among them as he refused to stay in the loud, noisy halls where all the students were forever smiling at each other. Instead, he retreated to the roof, where the seniors and teachers took their cigarette breaks. Running a hand through his messy rust-colored hair, passing a finger over the kanji on his forehead, Gaara was ready to leave when his emerald eyes landed on a god.
The God was in a tight group of darkly-clad seniors near the door. His eyes were darker than the black denim that covered the black muscle shirt that he wore over the dark black pants. The dark hair was long and in a ponytail, indicating that he was a non-conformist, but too cool for a rebellion. Though he rarely smiled in the 10 minute span that Gaara watched him, the times that he did smile were brief and dark.
When they left at 7:25 bell, Gaara felt mute as he followed them out. He wanted to speak to him so badly. But what would he say?
"Hi. I'm Gaara and, for reasons I don't understand, I think I'm gay for you."
Yes, that would go over very well. Gaara walked in a haze to his homeroom.

Sasuke, Gaara, and Neji took three seats in the 26 person classroom. 27, Sasuke and Neji noted, because there was a chair in the back of the room. Other students began pouring into the room. Most of them knew each other, some didn't but were quickly getting aquainted. Girls were warned to stay out of Sakura and Ino's way, the two girls had raging crushes for Sasuke. Boys were warned about the, "Freaks and Geeks." The last five minutes before the bell were used to student enjoyment.
After the 7:30 bell, two other figures entered, the teacher and someone else. Gaara froze at the sight of the other person. It was The God. Sasuke began inwardly screaming. "Hello students," the teacher. "My name is Hatake Kakashi. I'll be your homeroom teacher and, if you're in the advanced classes, your English teacher. And this is the 11th grade Teacher's Aide, Itachi Uchiha."
"Hello everyone," Itachi said with a sugary-sweet smile that looked out of place on his face. "Sasuke-chan..." With his head buried in his crossed arms, Sasuke managed a squeak and a wave in acknowledgment of his brother.
For 15 minutes, Kakashi and Itachi spoke in hushed voices to each other while the other students chattered in a roar. 2 minutes after the final bell before announcements rang, someone burst into the room.
Blue eyes from Sasuke's trip to school stumbled into the classroom. Except now, instead of the leather and denim, he was clad in an orange sweatshirt, blue jeans and sneakers. His hair was messy in a sandy shade of blonde and stuck up in several places. Sasuke recognized him on contact merely by his eyes. He was not the only one. Several people behind Sasuke groaned, "Naruto." He heard one person, Shikamaru Nara, proclaim, "He's not in this homeroom, is he? How troublesome." Itachi was staring at the newcomer with interest.
Kakashi cast an idle eye towards the attendence list. "Naruto Uzumaki?"
The boy grinned, showing bright white teeth. "Yeah, that's me."
Kakashi took a light purple pen to the list. "Had you marked absent. Go ahead and sit wherever."
Naruto's grin got even bigger as he took a seat between Gaara and Sasuke. A muttered, "You're late on the first day, Naruto. That's turning over a new leaf," came from Gaara.
"Sorry, Gaa. I got... sidetracked." With that, Naruto turned to Sasuke and gave him the biggest smile Sasuke had ever seen.
Though none of them saw it, Itachi got a nearly identical smile on his face.

[I have assumed a fetal position in the corner. Gaaaghh, what was I thinking?!]