Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ Newest Member Of Squad Seven ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand/Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter Three: The Newest Member Of Squad Seven :----:
:----:One Month and Two Weeks Later:----:
Sakura was once again sitting in Sasuke's room replacing the old daisies with new ones, this was what she had been doing ever since Gai-sensei returned with Sasuke and that strange girl who called herself the fourth Hokage's daughter. She was surprised when she turned to see the door open revealing the one person she desperately wanted to see. Tsunade-sama stood at the door with her best friend Shizune (who just so happened to be the niece of her deceased fiancé), and smiled a little at Sakura who just continued to stare like it was some illusion. “So this is Uchiha Sasuke and I suppose you would like me to heal him?” Sakura could only nod dumbly as Tsunade walked over and did nothing but place her hands on Sasuke's forehead. Soon Sasuke's eyes fluttered open and he grunted a little as Sakura latched herself to him.
“Tsunade-sama, can we please go and cure Kakashi-sensei and fuzzy eyebrows now please?” asked Naruto as Tsunade nodded. Sakura said good-bye to Sasuke and headed off with Naruto and Tsunade as Shizune and Tonton, Tsunade's little pig, went to go and deal with another matter. Tsunade walked into Kakashi's house and was disappointed in him. She healed him up and told him once he was feeling well enough to meet her at HQ but until then she had to go and heal someone with Fuzzy eyebrows. Sakura and Naruto left Tsunade as Tsunade walked into Lee's room.
“So you're Rock Lee?” asked Tsunade as the kid bearing fuzzy eyebrows nodded, and just as Tsunade was going to inspect the damage someone burst through the door with tears running down his eyes.
“Tsunade-sama!” cried Gai as he ran around the hospital room like a madman. “Please tell me you can heal my beautiful student, please say you can!”
“Unfortunately Gai I was about to see what was wrong with him until a certain someone interrupted me,” replied Tsunade slightly pissed off.
“Where is he? I'll make sure he never so much as mumbles a word distracting you Tsunade-sama,” replied Gai doing lame Karate moves. Tsunade only sighed checking over Rock-Lee. She didn't have much time since there were a few things she needed to attend to right away.
“Where is she?” asked Shizune as two of Hokage's men pointed to the training room at HQ. Shizune sighed and opened the door. She looked at all the Kunai knifes and noticed they were all in the center of each target but she couldn't fin who she was looking for.
“What do you want?” asked Kaiesha who slightly startled Shizune. Shizune was surprised at how much she looked like the fourth Hokage and smiled a little. Kaiesha had situated herself on the roof of the training room using chakra control and soon landed on the ground in front of Shizune. Tonton leapt from Shizune's arms and ran towards Kaiesha leaping into her arms. “Hello Tonton”
“Kaiesha-sama will you please come with me, Tsunade-sama and you need to speak with the elders as too your relationship to Konoha,” said Shizune as Kaiesha sighed.
It had only taken her one week after she was hit by Jaraiya to come to. She left the hospital and wandered around Konoha, ignoring the many whispers and rumors going around. She wondered why Itachi and Kisame didn't take her with them, but she new the rules, those who fall behind, get left behind. She was always a burden, in every thing she did, she always seemed to be the one who screwed it up. Orochimaru had told her this many times and now, maybe, he was right. `What am I thinking, since when did I start listening to that bastard?' she thought as she came across the Konoha graveyard. She walked into it and saw the four huge tombstones, each standing as a landmark to remember the first four hokage, her father being one of them.
Kaiesha's mother had died during her birth, leaving her father to look after her, although even that didn't last long. She was only six months old at the time Kyuubi had attacked and her father had given up his life to save the village. Then she lived with the third Hokage since there was no where for her to go.
The day she turned five, was the day she had become a chunin, and everyone in the village was surprised. She was the youngest chunin ever, in Konoha. She had even surpassed Uchiha Itachi's record. Everyone celebrated with her and even her godmother had shown up. Kaiesha being proud she was so young and so smart, told the Hokage she just wanted to go and visit her old house. However this did not turn out as planned.
Kaiesha was ambushed and surrounded in flames made of chakra. She started coughing and was soon saved by Orochimaru. However she soon figured out it was jut a rouse to turn her against Konoha.
During the five years she spent with Orochimaru, she didn't really talk to anyone, and the only person she actually enjoyed talking too was Kimimaru-kun. He was the only one who seemed to understand her and had even saved her life after she was ambushed in the forest outside of Orochimaru's hideout. After Kimimaru had become ill she had spent everyday going to visit him. And during one of her visits she had overheard the plan Orochimaru had in store for her.
Orochimaru wanted her as a container, since he knew of her bloodline limit and special jutsu's. But Kaiesha being herself was not going to let that happen and escaped as a fugitive Jounin ninja from the sound village.
She was then founded by the leader of Akatsuki and she knew all of what that group was about since Orochimaru was once a member of it, but she also knew that ever since Orochimaru had left the group they were all out looking to kill him. So she accepted the invitation to join and became partners with Kisame, who she didn't really like, and Itachi who she looked up to as an older brother she never had.
However being looked after by Konoha even though she had turned slightly against them, made her rethink her thoughts about the village. She remembered her godmother telling her that a true ninja of Konoha will always be a true ninja of Konoha but she never understood it until now.
:----: End Flashback:----:
“Oh sorry Shizune, I guess we should go and meet my godmother at the elders' room huh?” Shizune was slightly taken a back by the change in Kaiesha's tone, but after she shook off her surprise she followed Kaiesha to the elders' room hoping Tsunade wasn't going to be late for the meeting.
“Ah Hatake Kakashi, Kaiesha Kazama, Shizune and Tsunade-sama it is a pleasure you could join us,” said the first elder as Kaiesha rolled her eyes earning a jab in the ribs from her godmother. “Now Kaiesha it is my understanding you have spent five years with Orochimaru and a few years as part of Akatsuki, am I correct?”
“Yes,” said Kaiesha. “But just because I was associated with Orochimaru doesn't mean I like the bastard” Tsunade just glared at Kaiesha who sighed.
“May I suggest something please?” asked Tsunade as the elder nodded. “Perhaps we could place Kaiesha here in a squad to become better associated with the customs of Konoha, since it has been a while since she has been here”
“But Tsunade-sama…” started Kaiesha who was interrupted by Tsunade once again.
“I understand she is at the Jounin level, however it would be easier for her to get into the swing of things if she were in a squad with people her own age,” said Tsunade. `Isn't that for me to decide?' thought Kaiesha as Kakashi cleared his throat.
“Team seven consisting of Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke would be glad to accept Kaiesha-san here as a new pupil,” said Kakashi as the elder sighed and rubbed her temples.
“Very well, however if any slip-ups occur we will not stop ourselves from administering the proper punishment,” said the elder.
“Understood,” said Tsunade once again poking her god-daughter in the stomach as Kaiesha unenthusiastically bowed her head in respect. “We shall be speaking again soon” The elder just nodded as everyone walked out of the room. “There that wasn't so bad was it?”
“That's easy for you to say, you're not under the elders `watch' list,” barked Kaiesha walking out of HQ. Tsunade just sighed as Shizune laughed.
“Even after being with Orochimaru, Kaiesha-sama's personality hasn't changed one bit has it?” asked Shizune as Tsunade sighed.
“Nope, that girl is still as stubborn as a mule,” replied Tsunade. “I should probably go talk to her”
“If you don't mind Tsunade-sama could I try talking to her? I mean she is going to be my student,” stated Kakashi as Tsunade nodded. She had to go and research something for Rock Lee's surgery anyway.
“Tonton?” said Shizune as the pig looked up at her. “You go with Kakashi to Kaiesha ok?” the pig just grunted in response and waited for Shizune to tell Kakashi what he needed to tell Kaiesha and soon the pig and Jounin left together, and Shizune went to go and check up on the fifth Hokage.
Kaiesha walked around the village slowly, the sun was almost done setting, casting the beautiful golden light on the monuments of the four hokage. Kaiesha was so caught up in looking at the stone face of her father that she didn't feel chakra coming her way. “So do you miss him?” Kaiesha was startled at the masked man standing beside her but regained her composure and replied to his comment.
“I'm not really sure,” she replied picking up Tonton and holding her. “I mean I never really knew anyone of my parents, the only people who were parents to me were the third Hokage-sama and Tsunade-sama and other than that I haven't really experienced family”
“So tell me Kaiesha-kun…”
“Please don't call me that,” said Kaiesha clenching her fist. Kakashi noticed this and just dropped that nickname for her.
“Ok then Kaiesha what dreams do you have?”
“Well it depends on what you mean by dreams,” said Kaiesha. “Everyone has dreams and when you have the ability to tap into someone's mind you can find out all sorts of dreams people have and it makes me wonder what a true dream really is? But I guess I only have one dream”
“And what would that be?” asked Kakashi as Kaiesha looked up to the sky.
“My only dream is to show my father that I'm not a complete failure as his daughter,” said Kaiesha as Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Silly isn't it? I mean sure he's dead and he wont ever be able to see me physically but what the heck, that's my dream and I'm sticking to it” Kakashi didn't like to admit it but he definitely liked the idea of having this girl on his squad.
“Oh by the way I was supposed to tell you that you're living on 34 Leaf Ave. It's right near…”
“Uchiha mansion am I correct?” asked Kaiesha as Kakashi nodded dumbly. “Don't worry I just read your mind, and I suppose training starts tomorrow morning at seven?” Kakashi once again nodded. “All right see you tomorrow then sensei! Come on Tonton let's head home” Tonton just squealed and followed Kaiesha to her residing residence.
Kaiesha had to admit that her house was big enough to fit her and probably all of Konoha. She instantly ran to the bed and collapsed on it. She loved the feeling of the soft mattress. She then walked out of the room to look at the view from her window. It was beautiful since the moon cast a brilliant shadow over the houses of the village hidden in the leaves. “Well I guess I had better get to sleep since training starts bright and early tomorrow” Tonton squealed in reply as Kaiesha climbed into bed and fell asleep.
“Why is training always so early,” said Naruto still wiping the sleep from his eyes as he walked to the training grounds and as expected, Sakura, Sasuke and himself were there, yet there sensei was no where to be seen. “Don't tell me he's late again!”
“I think from now on we should just not show up for practice,” said Sakura yawning. Sasuke just looked like…well…Sasuke he didn't yawn or even show the slightest signs he was tired. But they were all awoken as they heard a familiar voice coming towards them.
“Come on Tonton let's hurry,” said Kaiesha as Tonton squealed and they both ran to the training grounds. “YOU!” she cried pointing a finger at her new teammates.
“YOU!” Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto all replied at the same time. `Man these are my teammates. I should really start paying more attention when elders talk' thought Kaiesha as Naruto and Sakura jumped in front of Sasuke.
“Sorry but you're not getting your hands on Sasuke-kun,” said Sakura as Naruto looked at Kaiesha then at Tonton.
“And what do you think your doing kidnapping Tonton?” said Naruto who went to go and grab Tonton but Kaiesha smacked him across the face.
“Stay away from my pig,” said Kaiesha growling. `Maybe this girl isn't so bad' thought Sasuke as Kaiesha was about to punch Naruto but Kakashi decided to show up.
“Well I see you've all met your new teammate,” said Kakashi as Everyone beside Kaiesha's and his jaws dropped.
“Teammate?” asked Naruto as Sakura squealed with joy. `Finally I'm not the only girl on the squad' she thought.
“But why were you late?” asked Kaiesha raising an eyebrow.
“Well you see there was a ladder and I would've had to walk under it and you know how that's bad luck and well…”
“Liar,” said Kaiesha as everyone looked at her. “You just slept in” Kakashi only laughed nervously before clearing his throat and stating today's assignment.
“Ok today you are all going to learn essential chakra control by walking on water,” said Kakashi pointing to the stream. “And this will be even tougher since this water flow is moving rapidly”
“Kakashi-sensei shouldn't we start with something easier, I mean we just got a new student and she probably isn't that experienced,” said Naruto as Kaiesha grunted.
“Dobe,” she said walking towards the river. `Ya this girl seems pretty cool to me…wait what am I saying, I don't have time to be thinking about girls' thought Sasuke as he and the rest of his teammates made there way towards the water. Kaiesha didn't even think twice about stepping foot on the rushing water and sure enough she could run, jump, skip, even do a handstand on the water.
“Kakashi-sensei are you sure she's a genin like the rest of us?” asked Sakura
“I never did say she was a genin did I,” said Kakashi as Sakura walked to the water and as expected, due to her chakra control she could also walk on water but could not do anything but that. Sasuke and Naruto had the most trouble but soon enough they could all walk on water.
“So what level do you think she is?” asked Naruto as Sakura and Sasuke shrugged.
“I think she's a chunin,” said Sakura as Sasuke still didn't answer but instead looked towards the house they were now at. They had stopped at Kaiesha's house so that she could get her money since they were all going to the ramen hut for an all together meal.
“You are wrong,” said Kakashi as Sakura and Naruto turned to him.
“Then what level is she?” asked Sakura.
“That girl, the one who is now part of our squad is actually a Jounin,” said Kakashi as everyone looked towards the house. `A Jounin? Well that's awesome, believe it!' thought Naruto.
“All right let's go,” said Kaiesha. `It's weird to be accepted so fast, maybe this is what is meant by being a Konoha ninja?'
“That stupid bitch Tsunade,” said Orochimaru wincing from the pain in his arms. “Send the four to get Sasuke-kun”
“But Orochimaru-sama don't you think it's to early…” started Kabuto
“Shut-up, I know what im talking about now send them,” said Orochimaru as Kabuto nodded and left the room.
“Sakon!” called Kabuto as Sakon walked up to him.
“What is it?” asked Sakon
“It's time,” said Kabuto. “You know what to do” Sakon just nodded and assembled the sound four, this time they were going to get a gift for Orochimaru-sama and possibly a gift for themselves as well.
A/N: Ok well here ya go…ooo and I posted this on under my pen name ` Inuyashaluver12345' ok so ja ne
Kuso: Shit/ Damn
Taimu-musubi jutsu: Time stopping jutsu
Omoi-yomidashi jutsu: Mind reading jutsu (bloodline trait)
Kokoro assaiki jutsu: heart crusher jutsu
Sensei: teacher
Sama: meaning Lord/Lady
Genjutsu: Illusion Art
Ninjutsu: Ninja Art
Hokage: highest Ninja Rank
Genin: Junior Ninja
Jounin: Elite ninja
Itadakimasu: Blessing Before Meal
Chakra: Energy which is used in the formation of ninja techniques