Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ Life and Death Relationships ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand/Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter Nine: Life and Death Relationships:----:
Kaiesha's status hadn't changed through two weeks, and everyone knew that if the young girl didn't wake up soon, she would be unable to live the life she wanted. Sasuke had not visited her once since that day, but he was definitely taking it harder than everyone. During the time when he was trying to leave to Orochimaru's, he had seen how much Kaiesha wanted him not to go, and how much concern was etched in her voice, however he chose to ignore it. Neji, Chouji, and Akamaru had recovered from their injuries and all went back to training. Sakura had become the apprentice to Tsunade, claiming she was willing to work extremely hard to become strong like her teammates. Sakura, Naruto and even Kakashi visited Kaiesha with every chance they got, and it just so happened that it was Sakura visiting her on the day everything changed for the better.
“Kaiesha?” asked the pink haired kunoichi as she sat down on the chair beside Kaiesha's bed. “I know you probably can't hear me, and if you can I don't blame you if you don't want to listen to me. But we're all worried about you, that's me, Naruto, Kakashi-sensei and especially Sasuke. He seems to care a lot about you” A tiny spec of sadness came into Sakura's voice as she said the last line. She had come to accept that Sasuke would never like her the way she wanted him to, she also came to the conclusion that Kaiesha seemed to care about Sasuke, and Sasuke seemed to return the feelings…well somewhat. “But listen, we're all here for you, and we all want you to wake up” `Because if you don't wake up tomorrow, Tsunade-sama is going to `pull the plug' on you'. They had ended up extending the time by a week, and tomorrow would be the last day. Sakura placed her hand on top of Kaiesha's and hung her head. Sakura's eyes soon grew wide as she felt Kaiesha's hand move under hers. “Kaiesha?” she asked hopefully as the girl painfully opened her eyes.
“Sakura…?” asked Kaiesha who soon found herself in a death grip caused by her friend. Kaiesha smiled down as she patted Sakura's head with the little energy she had. “Did you really think that I was going to die?”
“Well you were in a coma for three weeks,” said Sakura wiping the tears from her eyes. “Tomorrow was the last day they were going to give you before…before…” Kaiesha just nodded understanding what she meant. “Everyone was so worried about you and…Hey! You shouldn't be getting up yet, I mean you just woke up, let me call for a medic ninja”
“No, I'm fine,” said Kaiesha using all of her energy to stand up from her bed. At first her legs felt like jello, then soon they began to return to normal and Kaiesha smiled at Sakura who was amazed. “I'll go and sign out…but I promise to go and see Tsunade and make sure everything is ok…alright?” Sakura just nodded and Kaiesha walked out of her hospital room and down the hallways to the main desk. A fight almost broke out when Kaiesha appeared and wanted to leave the hospital, but the nurse wouldn't let her unless she had Tsunade's consent. Kaiesha growled but then came up with a plan. She told the nurse she would wait for the fifth in her hospital room, however she used the Henge jutsu and just walked out of the hospital with a small smirk on her face. “Now to find Tsunade and ask her a few questions…” Kaiesha ran as fast as she could in her condition. She reached HQ and as sneakily as she could she made her way to her godmother's office. She didn't care what was going on so she just barged in, and just like she expected her godmother was asleep with her nose in a book. Kaiesha just sat down on a chair since she was feeling a little bit dizzy. `Dam it Tsunade…wake up'. “TSUNADE!” At that point the blonde haired sannin leaped from her chair taking a fighting stance and aiming her attack towards Kaiesha. “I'm not sure that is the best way to treat someone who just got out of the hospital,” laughed the girl as Tsunade double checked to make sure someone wasn't playing a trick on her.
“Kaiesha? What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the hospital resting,” cried Tsunade as Kaiesha laughed. Tsunade hadn't received very much sleep last night, due to the fact she wasn't ready to give up on her goddaughter quite yet.
“I'm fine Tsunade-sama,” said Kaiesha as she sighed. “However I do have a few questions for you…and either you answer them or I find out myself” Tsunade just shook her head and awaited the questions that Kaiesha wanted to ask. “Well first of all, during the fight with Sasuke…ummmm Kay…well Kay got released, didn't she?” Tsunade nodded and told Kaiesha all of what she knew about the Kay incident, since Kakashi had to write it in his report, she even had to mention the part where Kay almost kissed Sasuke, which in turn caused Kaiesha to turn fifty different shades of red. “I see” replied Kaiesha when Tsunade finished. “I just have one more question…Is…Is Naruto…my brother?”
“What?” cried Tsunade as she looked at Kaiesha. `How did she find out, only me, Kakashi, the thirdand the fourth knew about this…unless…Orochimaru, that bastard.' “Do you want the truth Kaiesha?” The Jounin just nodded but turned her gaze to the floor. “It is true that Naruto is your brother”
“I see,” replied Kaiesha as she stood from the chair. Tsunade was about to protest but decided not to. “I will be ready to take missions again soon, and one more thing…why didn't you tell me?”
“I…well we… we just couldn't” replied Tsunade as Kaiesha nodded and left. Tsunade rubbed her temples knowing she was going to have a headache soon. Kaiesha just walked calmly out of the headquarters ignoring the concerned looks that the members of her godmother's military were giving her. Kaiesha was distraught and didn't know what to think or who to trust anymore…Kay…the demon who lived inside of her. She had only been two years old when Kay had first released herself, but it seemed as though every time Kaiesha transformed into Kay, part of her memories would remain blank…she did however have one memory from Kay…and to this day it still made her wish she could change time. She passed the Konoha graveyard and decided to pay her parents a visit, maybe ask them for some answers. However her plan was put aside as she saw Kakashi standing over a certain grave.
“Kakashi?” she asked in a worried tone. Her sensei…seemed well, a little bit out of it. She then noticed who he was visiting. At first Kaiesha thought Kakashi was visiting his old pal Obito, but then saw it was actually Nara's gravestone. Kakashi turned to the young girl, a little surprised she was out of the hospital, and looked at her for only a second before returning his gaze to the gravestone. “Kay…brought this up…didn't she?” Asked the girl as she knelt and placed a hand on the tombstone.
“Perhaps she did,” said Kakashi noticing Kaiesha's head droop in sorrow. “However you must not blame yourself for matters that were out of your hands” Kaiesha just clenched her fists at his words to try and keep herself calm. “We can not change the past, not even the god of time can undo what has been done” Kaiesha was almost growling as she stood up and well…exploded.
“How can you say that?” she cried pointing to the tombstone. “I killed your fiancé, and you sit there like it's nothing. Not only that but she was my sensei at the academy, how can you be so content and not care about what has happened. She was your fiancé, your soon to be wife, she was pregnant with your son, and you don't care? Do you have any idea what I would do to take back the bad deeds Kay did, how bad I feel when I find out she attacked an innocent ninja? These matters were far from out of my hands, Kay is ME!! She's my other half, and yet everyone seems to blame everything on her…well guess what it was me too, I was a part of it, and it makes my heart break when I can't stop her. I bet you still feel hatred for me, just like Nara does, and I wouldn't blame you for it, in fact if I was in your position I would've killed the evil monster. So how can you sit there and tell me you don't care?” Kakashi was taken aback by Kaiesha's outburst, he had never seen the young girl like this. “All I've ever wanted was to live a life with my family, yet you don't even care about yours” Before she could continue Kakashi interrupted her, in a somewhat calm tone.
“You and I are the same Kaiesha, so maybe that is why I cannot hate you,” said Kakashi as Kaiesha looked at him surprised. “You wish nothing more than to be with your family and I to share that same wish. I would do anything I could to get Nara back with me, however even killing you to get revenge will NOT make that happen”
“You are wrong on one point though,” said Kaiesha looking towards the graves of her mother and father which lye on the other side of the graveyard. “It turns out, me being the only child of the fourth was a lie” Kakashi's eyes widened as Kaiesha sighed. “I found out I have a brother…and not only that, but my father… was well…he gave up his life to save the village without thinking about the consequences. This whole village had been lying to me since the beginning of time…pretty soon I'll discover that my mother was actually a fake or something. I just don't know what to do anymore…I mean do I tell Naruto, or just keep it a secret…”
“Maybe you should tell him,” said Kakashi as Kaiesha eyed him suspiciously then her eyes grew. “I know what you're thinking. However I could not tell you about your sibling, it was a promise I made to your mother and father.” Kaiesha just asked him to explain so Kakashi just sighed and began to speak. “You were separated from your twin the day you were born. Due to you being born second you inherited all of your mother Katara's jutsu's, and a few given ones from your father. Naruto however seemed like he had not inherited anything from your mother or father. Your father entrusted Nara and I took look after Naruto, well he looked after you. Then the day Kyuubi attacked he made a choice, he had to save the village and so he chose to sacrifice his life, and seal the Kyuubi in one of his own children. He couldn't use you, due to the high chance you had inherited the split personality disorder from your mother, so he used Naruto. Your father made me, the third and the fifth promise not to tell you anything…however I'm curious to know who mentioned this to you?”
“The person who told me is none of your concern,” replied Kaiesha, not really to be rude, more or less just to drop the subject. She had just gotten out of the hospital today and taking all of this information in, wasn't an easy task. “I think I might tell Naruto once I'm ready, however, right now, I think I might just go home”
“May I make a suggestion?” asked Kakashi as Kaiesha nodded. “Maybe you should make a quick stop by Sasuke's place, he's been a little down these past three weeks. Kaiesha just nodded and waved goodbye to Kakashi, who took one last glance at Nara's tomb before evaporating into thin air.
Saying that he had been down for three weeks was quite the understatement. Sasuke hadn't slept or ate anything other than when he could tell he had too. He only had the guts to see Kaiesha once in the hospital, and soon his conscience began to eat away at him like a hawk eats its next meal, slowly and painfully. It was his fault she was hurt, it was his fault she cried, it was his fault she was on the verge of death.
“It wasn't your fault you know,” said Kaiesha who was standing in the doorway of Sasuke's bedroom. She looked at her teammate and saw his messy hair, the dark circles under his eyes, his loss of weight and sighed. “It was my choice to do what I did”
“You shouldn't be here,” said Sasuke as he shot a glare towards Kaiesha. He didn't really mean to glare, it was more or less because he thought the only way he could protect her was for her to leave him alone, but what he forgot was how our little friend can read minds.
“If I leave it will probably end up doing more damage than you imagine Sasuke,” said Kaiesha as she slowly entered her teammate's room. “Orochimaru is a snake…no pun intended. He derives his power from a person's heart, feeding off of there hatred, or loss. You were an easy target for him, since you have so much hatred towards Itachi. You and me are one in the same, which may be why we both do stupid things. You shouldn't beat yourself up over something so minor…”
“Minor!” cried Sasuke standing up and walking till he was right in front of Kaiesha. “You call seeing someone you care deeply about, try to save you then wind up lying on their deathbed minor? As if watching my whole family die wasn't enough, I wasn't ready to watch you die either” As of know Sasuke had a firm grip on Kaiesha's shoulders and Kaiesha wriggled from his grip.
“Well Sasuke Uchiha, I never knew you cared so much,” smirked Kaiesha as she walked past Sasuke to sit on the end of his bed. “Caring…worry…death…they're all something every human has to deal with, so why is it you care so much about me to feel these things? I'm the reason you got involved with Orochimaru, it's my fault I couldn't protect you from the sound four…it's just all my fault”
“No,” said Sasuke as Kaiesha looked up at him. “I think we both just fell victim to our hearts. Which is sometimes unfortunate.” Kaiesha got up and walked towards Sasuke as he turned to face her.
“So then Uchiha, what does your heart tell you to do know?” asked the blonde haired Jounin.
“This,” whispered Sasuke and Kaiesha soon felt his lips cover hers.
“So the little witch has control of Kay does she?” asked Orochimaru licking his lips. Kabuto just nodded and watched his masters eyes fill with the thought of a plan. “And you said that both Kay and Kaiesha like our own Sasuke-kun” Once again Kabuto nodded. “We may be able to use this to our advantage in the future, but as of now we only have one mission, and that is to retrieve the star from the hidden village of the star”
“We're working on it, Orochimaru-sama however the security of the village is very…how should I put it…very well kept” said Kabuto as Orochimaru smirked through the bandages on his face. “There is a barrier of toxic gasses that surround the village and it is not something that regular gas masks can keep out. Our spy is also telling us that if we pass that, the villagers are all trained to keep us out”
“Well then perhaps we send out a letter to hire some ninja to go there and `protect' the star and get our spy to attack the place,” laughed Orochimaru. “Tell Konoha the star village is in need of some ninja…some skilled ninja…”

The kiss between the two didn't last very long but Kaiesha could feel the emotion behind it. “You know, when you transformed into that Kay person and she tried to kiss me, I almost wanted her too, but then I decided that I didn't want to kiss her…but I wanted to kiss you”
“You know, for having the reputation as Mr. Icy cold ninja pants you can be pretty sweet,” said Kaiesha as Sasuke smirked. “But I promise I wont tell anyone” Sasuke just smirked bigger as he once again pressed his lips to Kaiesha's, but they were interrupted as the familiar sound of a knock on the door rang through the mansion. “Dam”
“Sasuke, open the door, hurry!” Sasuke just grumbled something about idiotic knucklehead ninjas and opened the door to reveal Naruto and Sakura.
“What do you want Dobe?” asked Sasuke as Kaiesha used a jutsu to walk out of the house unnoticed and show up on the sidewalk.
“Tsunade-sama wants us, she says we have a new mission,” said Naruto. “But first maybe you should get…you know…cleaned up?” Kaiesha couldn't help but laugh at this as both Sakura and Naruto turned around to see the laughing kunoichi. “Kaiesha-chan? You're alive?” asked Naruto running towards her and checking her for injuries. Kaiesha just sighed and bopped him on the head.
“Of course I'm fine dobe,” she said as the talk with Kakashi came back in to mind. `Maybe you should tell him…I will just not now'. “Did you really think I was going to die?” When Naruto nodded Kaiesha sighed. “Don't any of you have faith in me?:”
“Well since your here Kaiesha, Tsunade-sama said you were to come with us as well,” said Sakura as Kaiesha nodded. “But are you sure it's wise with your condition…?”
“God dam it people, quit worrying,” said Kaiesha. “But we better go before Tsunade-sama throws a fit. Sasuke you get cleaned up and we'll meet you there” Sasuke just nodded and watched the three shinobi leave, he got cleaned up and couldn't help but smirk. `I finally kissed Kaiesha'.
“Tsunade-sama are you sure it's wise to send Kaiesha on this mission, I mean first off she just got discharged from the hospital today…plus the location of the mission…”
“Shizune, I know you mean well, but will you please quit questioning every decision I make,” said Tsunade as Shizune nodded.
“Tsunade-sama we're here!” cried Naruto bursting through the doors. “So what's our mission huh? Do we get to guard a princess? Or maybe a feudal lord? Or perhaps we get to go after Orochimaru-baka!” Kaiesha just sweat dropped as Sasuke and Sakura sighed.
“This mission will consist of Kaiesha, Sasuke and Naruto since you are the strongest ninja, and I need Sakura to help out at the village,” said Tsunade and this time it was Shizune's turn to sweat drop. `The only reason you picked these three was because they're the only ones left in Konoha right now'. “This mission is a `c' rank mission, in which you will aid the village hidden in the stars” Kaiesha shot her godmother a look, but Tsunade chose to ignore it. “You will help them guard a sacred object that is the center of the village. The Hoshikage's right hand man received word it would be attacked and decided he would make his defenses stronger. Due to the natural defenses of the village an escort will be waiting when you arrive and…”
“So yesterday I had miso ramen, I was thinking maybe I'll have pork ramen today,” said Naruto as he scratched his head. Tsunade through a book at Naruto and soon continued with what she was saying.
“Naruto, Sasuke, Kaiesha, I expect you to be leaving this village in no less than half an hour understood,” the three just nodded and left the room.
“Man why do we need to help some stupid country guard an equally stupid object,” scoffed Naruto as Sasuke sighed.
“Because dobe, with an object meaning that much and rumored to have a lot of power, only one ninja can be after it…” said Sasuke as Kaiesha sighed.
“You don't mean…” started Naruto before Kaiesha and Sasuke nodded.
A/N: All right here is the next chapter. I do understand that Sasuke was a little OOC but I mean, this is a fanfiction people, and the only way to make Sasuke somewhat mushy is to make him OOC. And I know Kaiesha recovered from a three weak coma pretty fast, but she had no injuries since they were all healed she was just a little weak. Oh and Kakashi having a fiancé who Kay killed was kind of odd I know but my mind is a weird place. Also I wonder when Kaiesha is going to reveal to Naruto that she's actually his sister? Please review since I need feedback here people!!
Kuso: Shit/ Damn
Taimu-musubi jutsu: Time stopping jutsu
Omoi-yomidashi jutsu: Mind reading jutsu (bloodline trait)
Kokoro assaiki jutsu: heart crusher jutsu
Sensei: teacher
Sama: meaning Lord/Lady
Genjutsu: Illusion Art
Ninjutsu: Ninja Art
Hokage: highest Ninja Rank
Genin: Junior Ninja
Jounin: Elite ninja
Itadakimasu: Blessing Before Meal
Chakra: Energy which is used in the formation of ninja techniques
Hitokage no Jutsu: Hidden Shadows Jutsu
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Shadow Clone Jutsu
Baka: Idiot