Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ A Simple Heart Shattering ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand/Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter Twelve: Truth :----:
Kaiesha did as she promised and stayed in her bed for a week, Sasuke never once leaving her side. She woke up on this morning with the sun shining in her face. In only three days Sasuke would be turning fourteen, and she needed to find a gift for him still, but frankly every time she tried to think of a gift she drew a blank. She tried to get up, only to feel the arms of Sasuke wrap around her tighter. A smile covered her face, but soon left as she gripped her head. The pain still hadn't left and frankly seemed to have gotten worse, but Kaiesha ignored it as she gently shook Sasuke awake. “Sasuke...Sasuke,” she whispered however Sasuke still didn't show any signs of rising from bed soon. “Uchiha!”
Sasuke shot up startled at first but then realized it was just Kaiesha, although a blush did spread across his face as she pointed to the death grip he had placed on her. “S-Sorry,” he said as Kaiesha shrugged and made her way to the washroom. She hasn't yet had another incident of Kay's memories, however who knew when the next would happen. Kaiesha cleaned herself up and walked out into the kitchen to see Sasuke and Tsunade…weird. “Oh, Kaiesha you're done already” said Sasuke who had to say, he also liked her outfit.
“Ya anyways,” said Kaiesha turning from Sasuke to her godmother. “What do you want this time, Tsunade-sama?” she asked as Tsunade grinned. Both Kaiesha and Sasuke raised an eyebrow and Tsunade began to speak.
“Well you can go back to training now,” said Tsunade as Kaiesha jumped for joy, but her head began to throb again so she decided to cease doing that. “However you will not be taking on any missions for sometime till we know Kay is under control, because I can seal your curse mark but I cannot seal Kay” Kaiesha nodded as Tsunade then turned to Sasuke. “Now you, Uchiha Sasuke, I need you to travel with Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino and Hinata Hyuuga on a mission. Meet me in my office in an hour for a briefing and also, thanks for watching over her.” Sasuke just nodded as both Kaiesha and him tried to hide there blushes. “I will see you in an hour Sasuke, and Kaiesha if you want to train with someone, both Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura will be here.” Kaiesha nodded as she watched her godmother leave and Tonton leave with her.
“So a mission huh,” said Kaiesha who walked passed Sasuke and into her room, Sasuke followed confused by her words. “I wonder what this mission entails” Sasuke just walked up and wrapped his arms around her.
“It probably won't be anything big so don't worry, besides I'm going with some skilled ninja so I won't have to do all the work,” said Sasuke as Kaiesha smiled and sighed.
“Uchiha Sasuke, as arrogant as ever,” she said and kissed him but the Sasuke ended the kiss and a disappointed look spread through Kaiesha's eyes.
“I have to stop by my house and get some things and then meet Tsunade ,” said Sasuke as Kaiesha walked him to the door. “So I guess I'll see you when I get back” Kaiesha just nodded and Sasuke kissed her forehead. “Try not to worry ok, I'll be back before you can say shinobi” Kaiesha nodded and waved him goodbye, today was going to be a long day.
Kaiesha walked the village and decided to go and visit the graves of her mother, father and even Nara…she owed them that much at least. She stopped by the Yamanaka flower shop and picked up three bouquets and proceeded to the Konoha graveyard stopping by her mother and father's graves first. “Hey mom, hey dad,” she said placing the flowers down. “So much has happened in my life right now, I don't know where to start, I mean first off I return to Konoha, then Orochimaru ruins it, Kay shows up and then I go unconscious, I'm just so… so confused. I just wonder how you did it mom? And dad I promise to grow up to be the best kunoichi I can be, and I've also learned the truth about Naruto and I, and today might in fact be the day I get the guts to tell him the truth. However right now, I need to go and apologize to someone, goodbye mother, father” Kaiesha walked towards the other side of the graveyard where Nara's grave stood, she gulped nervously as she kneeled next to it. “Nara, if you can hear me right now, I just want you to know, that I understand if you hate me, and frankly I can never blame you for that. I could've, no, should've done everything in my power to keep Kay under control. I know you were on a mission, I knew your were pregnant, but I couldn't fight her off,” Kaiesha cried as tears began to run down her face. “It's my fault your there, and not with Kakashi-sama right now…I'm sorry”
“Kaiesha-chan is that you?” asked Naruto as Kaiesha looked up to see her blonde haired friend making his way towards her. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, even though the fact she had been crying was still visible. “Hey are you ok?” He asked with his voice overflowing with concern.
“I'm fine Naruto,” said Kaiesha, who decided that perhaps it was wise to finally tell her brother the truth. “Say, do you want to join me at the Ichiraku ramen hut for a bite to eat?” she asked, Naruto then gave off a look like he was contemplating until Kaiesha sighed. “I'll buy”
“Sure!” cried the genin as Kaiesha sighed…it was true, the way to a man's heart (especially Naruto) is through his stomach. They walked in an almost unbearable silence until they made it to the best noodle shop in all of Konoha. Naruto ordered pork ramen as Kaiesha ordered nothing, noticing Kaiesha's discomfort Naruto questioned his friend. “Say what's on your mind Kaiesha?”
“Naruto if I were to tell you something that I too only just figured out, but something that involves the two of us, would you believe me?” she asked as Naruto looked confused, Kaiesha sighed and continued. “When you and I went to retrieve Sasuke from Orochimaru, I was stuck fighting Kabuto, and he told me something I didn't understand. I then went and asked Tsunade-sama and she confirmed what Kabuto told me, and well, Naruto…you're my big brother…”
“I'M YOUR WHAT?” Naruto shouted as Kaiesha placed a hand over her head, his yelling was not helping her growing headache. Once Naruto had ceased yelling Kaiesha took a breath and continued.
“Ok here's the story, me and you are twins, you were born first, our father, the Yondaime sealed the Kyuubi inside of you, since I had the greatest chance of receiving a split personality. I inherited mothers' jutsu's, and you, like our father, have to work hard to be a ninja” Said Kaiesha as Naruto's jaw was left to hang on the floor.
“So you really are my younger sister then?” asked Naruto as Kaiesha nodded and looked at the floor. “This is awesome! I've always wanted a sister!” cried Naruto as Kaiesha looked at him unsure if what he had just said was true. “This is sweet, man Kaiesha, me and you need to hang out sometime and talk about everything that has happened to us, since we are well you know twins, so we should at least have some idea what the other one has been through.”
“Sure, that would be awesome Naruto,” said Kaiesha as a thought came to her mind. “Say Naruto, did you hear any of the details of the mission Sasuke, Shino, Kiba and Hinata were sent on?” asked the kunoichi as Naruto slurped a noodle from his soup.
“Come to think of it, I remember seeing Sasuke walk towards the village gates, but I never did ask him what it was for,” said Naruto who could sense the disappointment coming from Kaiesha. “You're really worried about him aren't you?” he asked as Kaiesha sighed.
“It's not that,” she said as Naruto raised an eyebrow. If she wasn't worried about him then what was it? “It's just that, in three days it's his birthday, and I have absolutely no idea what to get him, so I was thinking that if the mission was going to take longer, I would have more time to think”
“I guess you're right, Sasuke's birthday really is soon…We should throw him a party,” stated Naruto as Kaiesha sweat dropped. It was hard to believe she was related to Naruto.
“Listen Naruto, I may not have known Sasuke for as long as most people, but even I know that throwing a party would more or less end up pissing Uchiha off,” said Kaiesha as Naruto began to sulk at the fact he never realized the truth, that Sasuke probably wouldn't want a party.
“What if Sakura, you, and I have a small get together with Sasuke, just the four of us, we could give him presents and stuff then,” suggested Naruto as Kaiesha smiled, which made Naruto beam knowing this idea would be the path that Sasuke's birthday would take.
“Ok Naruto, listen, since I need to go visit Sakura anyway, I'll tell her about the party, since I know you're busy with your training,” said Kaiesha as Naruto nodded and finished the last of the twelve bowls of ramen. `Man that's definitely going to dent my savings' thought Kaiesha, paying the old man from the ramen hut and waving goodbye to Naruto. `I'm happy Naruto was ok about me being his sister, although I do agree we need to talk, since the past is just as important as the future' Kaiesha wasn't paying attention as she bumped into someone. “Sorry about that,” she said regaining her balance as the person she bumped into chuckled.
“Don't worry about it Kaiesha-san,” said Kakashi as Kaiesha smiled at him. “I'm used to being knocked around” Kaiesha smirked and could see Sakura off in the distance.
“Sorry Kakashi-sensei,” she said as she began to run towards her pink haired friend as Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and went back to reading his favorite novel…Icha Icha Paradise. Kaiesha finally caught up to Sakura, who seemed really glad to see her. So Kaiesha took her time explaining every detail and telling Sakura she'd make sure her Godmother gave her the day off.
Kaiesha noticed how late it was and was starting to get tired and decided the earlier she went to sleep the earlier Sasuke would be back by her side. She walked into her house and walked into her bedroom, she changed into her pajama's and could almost swear she felt a weird aura but decided, it was just due to her lack of sleep. She climbed into bed hoping she would dream about a gift idea for Sasuke.
“Say Uchiha?” asked Kiba as the four of them stopped, Sasuke just looked at him as Shino and Hinata started to set up camp. “Is it true what I've heard about Kaiesha?” Sasuke a) didn't have any idea what Kiba was talking about and b) wanted to know what he was talking about, so the Uchiha boy went along and asked what Kiba had heard about his girlfriend. “Well I heard that she was once an ally to Orochimaru, and that he still has the power to control her. I mean don't you think that's a bit wrong, that Konoha would open there arms wide open for her. I mean I did travel with her in that mission to retrieve you, but how do we know it wasn't her plan in the first place.” Now with Sasuke being as protective over Kaiesha as he was, the next thing that happened wasn't all that big of a surprise. Kiba flew back into the tree fearing for his life at the death glare he was receiving from Sasuke.
“Talk about Kaiesha like that again, and it will be last second you ever have of life!” threatened Sasuke as Kiba backed off. Thank god they were heading back to Konoha in a day.
Kaiesha woke up two days later as her heart sunk to her stomach, today was Sasuke's fourteenth birthday, she was his girlfriend, and yet she hadn't thought of a single gift for him. She sighed and pulled the pillow over her head, she tried to go back to sleep, however that plan was thrown out the window as her hyperactive pink haired friend burst into her room. “Kaiesha wake up, we've got to start getting stuff ready for Sasuke-kun's party, we don't know when he's going to be home!” cried Sakura as Kaiesha laughed at her friend. “Kaiesha I'm very serious….NOW HURRY AND GET CLEANED UP!” fearing the wrath of Sakura Kaiesha stalked to her bathroom.
“Sakura, what's the deal?” asked Naruto who was helping with the decorations as Sakura paced up and down the room. Sakura could tell Kaiesha had something on her mind, even though she had no idea what that something was. “I'll never understand women” mumbled Naruto as Kaiesha walked out of the washroom. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she was wearing bandages on her arms, just for look.
“The decorations look great Sakura-chan,” said Kaiesha as Naruto frowned. “What's the matter Naruto?”
“I was the one who put them all up,” he replied as Kaiesha laughed and thanked him. “I wonder what Uchiha's going to say about this!” he though aloud as Kaiesha smiled. “Knowing him he probably won't say anything, the bastard!” That's when Kaiesha still realized she didn't have anything to give him.
“Well he should be here soon,” said Sakura noticing it was three in the afternoon. Kaiesha only nodded and hoped that Sasuke would get home soon. She had to admit staying at her house without him there, seemed, really weird. She also wondered how she was going to tell Sasuke that she and Naruto were brother and sister…what would Uchiha say to that? Well she needn't wait any longer as her other half, Uchiha Sasuke knocked on the door.
“Tsunade-sama today is the day that we tell those three the truth,” said Uchiha Itachi who was currently sitting in the Hokage's office. Tsunade only nodded and was wondering if she would need any back up after telling Kaiesha and Naruto the truth of there past, why they were really split up as children, what Kaiesha's true purpose was, and why they didn't tell them sooner. Also what was going to happen when Sasuke found out the truth about Itachi? The fight could be serious, oh the things that make hindsight suck.
“Well let's get this ordeal over with,” said Tsunade. “Sasuke has just returned according to the guards at the gate, so he should be at Kaiesha's house by now” Itachi just followed her as they headed to the young rebels house.
“Uchiha-kun,” cried Sakura seeing him walk through the door. “We're so glad you're back” Sasuke just looked around at the decorations and raised his eyebrows as Kaiesha walked towards him.
“If you're eyebrows go up anymore, they'll fall off your face,” she said kissing him, as the now fourteen year old Shinobi blushed. “I'm glad you're back…Oh and Happy fourteenth birthday”
“Ya, Sasuke, I guess happy birthday,” said Naruto as Sasuke smiled. It was weird, he was finally given a birthday party, and better yet he got to share it with his friends. Back when he was unsocial, and only cared about the death of his brother, Sasuke didn't have time to think about birthday's, but that's when the Uchiha noticed, that with his friends, and now girlfriend, life had changed for the better.
“Thanks…A lot,” said Sasuke as Kaiesha laughed. She had made him happy, yay! However her laughs were interrupted by a knock at the door.
“I'll get it,” cried the kunoichi running to the door. “Hello…” she said before she realized who was standing there, it was godmother and to make things weirder, her friend from the Akatsuki. “Itachi-kun?” she asked as Sasuke's head whipped around watching the fifth and the only person in the world he hated more than Orochimaru enter the room. “Well this is a surprise”
“Why happy birthday little brother,” said Itachi as Sasuke growled. “It seems as though your hate for me still burns like the oil in a lamp, everlasting”
“What are you doing here,” Sasuke forced out through his teeth glaring at Kaiesha, whose eyes widened. Did Sasuke think that she had invited him?
“Before you continue to glare at my goddaughter, I would like you to know that I was the one who requested Itachi's presence not her,” said Tsunade as guilt spread through Sasuke. “Now would all of you please sit down, we have much we need to discuss” So the four Shinobi followed suit as Itachi and Tsunade sat on the couch across from them. “Sakura this is between Sasuke, Kaiesha and Naruto, however we want you to stay since you are a member of squad seven and deserve to know what we are discussing. Your Jounin leader Hatake Kakashi already knows about all of this, but we feel it is time for you all to learn the truth about the past”
“Tsunade-sama what are you getting at?” asked Naruto as Kaiesha felt a headache coming on, however she ignored it and continued to listen.
“Well since it's Sasuke's birthday why don't we start there,” said Tsunade as Sasuke looked between the fifth and his brother quizzically. Itachi just cleared his throat and gave a sympathetic look towards his younger sibling which surprised everyone.
“Well it's a good thing your sitting down Sasuke…this could be hard for you to grasp,” said Itachi. Sasuke opened his mouth to reply, however Kaiesha placed her hand on his telling him to listen. “Many years ago, you and I were despised by the Uchiha clan.” This sentence earned some wide eyes as Itachi continued. “They were confused and scared, at the fact we both were so strong at such a strong age, they despised us. They had a plan to kill us off, and the one thing that hurt the most about the situation was that mother and father were in on the whole ordeal. I came home and did what I had to do, I couldn't let them kill you, so I killed them. I led on that I was the one who did it, and made you despise me, I did it to protect you, the only one's who knew the truth then were the third, Tsunade-sama, and now Kakashi-kun knows.”
“You're lying,” said Sasuke as malice laced his voice. “You're lying!” Kaiesha just looked at him and sighed earning a glance from Sasuke.
“Itachi-kun…” she started. “Itachi-kun is telling the truth…” said Kaiesha as Sasuke stood up in rage.
“You little bitch,” he said staring at Kaiesha as Sakura, Naruto, Itachi and Tsunade gasped. “You knew didn't you, you knew all along, what else do you know huh? What else do you know about my life that you're not telling me…what secrets are you hiding?”
“Sasuke!” cried Naruto as Kaiesha's bangs fell to cover her eyes. Sasuke just walked up to Naruto smirking.
“Let me guess Naruto, while I was away, you and that skank were knocking each other up right?” he said as Kaiesha stared wide eyed. “Most likely like her mother…she was probably the real reason the fourth wanted to die.”
“Uchiha Sasuke! I will not allow you to say those things, especially when…,” said Tsunade as Kaiesha raised her hand and stood up so she was almost eye level with Sasuke.
“If that's what you truly believe,” she said as she slowly began to back up. “If you really think I would screw my own brother after saying I love you…then maybe I made the wrong choice. Maybe I should've listened to Orochimaru-teme and stayed away from Konoha…maybe I don't look like that loyal of a person…but don't you ever insult my mother again” she said in the most creepiest voice imaginable as she ran towards him pining him against the wall, the cold metal of a kunai pressed against his neck. “Cause if you do…I'll KILL you!” she said as she disappeared.
“Sasuke what have you done,” cried Naruto who dashed out of the apartment room in an attempt to go find his sister. `Yes Uchiha Sasuke what have you done?' Sasuke thought.
A/N: Oooooo a fight….man was Sasuke a bastard or what…dude that's just sad… whats gonna happen to Kaiesha…when will Orochimaru strike? Will Sasuke accept Itachi now that he knows the truth. Will Kay return? Lets hope we find out soon.