Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ when you are mine ❯ the meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the naruto character mentioned in the story. They are owned by a very successful guy named ….. Well we all know his name.
Kurenai's face mirrored her shock, then dismay but her brother didn't notice as he went on, `Well, if she doesn't materialize soon, I won't even interview her.'
`Sasuke….'His sister tried to alert him to Sakura's presence while casting an apologetic glance in her direction.
`No, I'm sorry,'Sasuke continued regardless, if your pet safe-robber cant be bothered to show up on time —`
`Sasuke!' Kurenai whispered his name fiercely, at the same time nodding towards the window.
He must have finally caught on, as Sakura saw a figure rise from the chair a second before she decided to cut and run herself. She didn't literally run, but walked quickly away, believing neither would be anxious to follow.
She was wrong. Sasuke not only followed but when his shouted `Hold on!' was ignored, caught up in a few strides and caught her arm.
Forced to turn, Sakura came face to face with Sasuke Uchiha for the first time. It was a shock.
She expected him to be of the same age as Kurenai- about 50. But he was nearer 40. She'd also expected him to look like his voice-bloodless pompous and self-righteous. She couldn't believe this tall, fair, beautiful man could simply be the medical director of Konoha hospital.
He mirrored her look of disbelief. What had he expected? A woman with a number stamped across her forehead?
In some ways Sakura had changed little during her three years in prison. Now 26, she still had the small, gamine features that made her look young for her age. And though her once abundant mass of pink hair had been cut ruthlessly short, the boyish cut emphasized that youthfulness. But she was too thin and too hard-eyed to be considered a beauty anymore.
Sasuke continued to stare at her until he felt her pulling at his grip, then he muttered, `I'm not going to apologize you know.'
`No one asked you to'.
`You shouldn't have been eavesdropping,' he went on.' Its normal to come to the front door of a house'.
`I did and take this' Sakura shoved the lion door-knocker in his hand.
He stared at it in puzzlement.
`Where did you get this?'
`From your front door, and no, I wasn't pinching it,' she said before he could suggest such a thing. `It came off in my hand.'
`How odd,' he commented still frowning.
`Not odd, some one had already unscrewed it from its plate.'
`Ah.' Enlightenment dawned on Uchiha. ` I think I can guess who. I will see he's punished.'
`Don't bother on my account. It will save us both time'.
`What do you mean? He demanded.
`You won't have to go through the motions of an interview now,' Sakura explained,' and I won't have to make a wasted effort to impress you. I will leave you to square things with Kurenai,' she concluded briskly, and would have walked away if he hadn't tightened his grip on her arm.
`Hold on, you can't just walk off like this.'
`Why not?'
`Well… I mean to say… you have come for an interview, after all,' he argued
`You are not about to offer me a job, are you? Sakura challenged point-blank, and, at his lack of response, added, `So, there's not much more to say.'
Again she tried to walk away and he stopped her muttering, `You're making me out to be very narrow- minded. I'm not.'
`Really?' Sakura's tone suggested she couldn't care less what he was like.
His lips thinned slightly.' Look, if it were just me, I'd be willing to give you a chance, but I need someone who'll also keep an eye on my son and frankly—`
`You don't want me teaching him safe-cracking,' Sakura cut in abruptly. `Yes, I know. I heard.'
His lips thinned even more. `Actually, I was about to comment on your age. My sister led me to believe you were in your late twenties.'
`I am 26,' Sakura declared.
He was clearly surprised. `You don't look it.'
`I can prove it'
`I wasn't saying you were lying…' he sighed at her surliness `….merely that you seem much younger…. Look, why don't we go inside and discuss the matter?'
Sakura shrugged once more. `Is there any point, Mr. Uchiha? You've made your opinions clear enough. You won't employ an ex-con and who's to blame you? If it makes you feel better I wouldn't employ me either,' she added with dark humor.
Surprisingly it drew a smile from the man. `You're honest, at any rate.'
`That's not what the judge thought,' Sakura said in the same flippant vein, showing the hardness that had got her through three years in prison.
` Yes, well,' Sasuke continued, `my sister tells me you are innocent….. Are you?'
His directness was disconcerting but oddly it made Claire like him better. Not enough, however, to volunteer her life story.
`Possibly,' she replied in a cryptic note.
`And possibly not?' He lifted an enquiring brow, but she just stared at him without expression. `You don't give much away Miss….. what is your name?'
`Miss Haruno.' He inclined his head as if they were just meeting, then curling his fingers around her elbow, began steering her towards the house.
A swift dig in the ribs might have secured her release but Sakura had no taste for scenes. She'd already had more than enough drama for one day.
A/n: yes I have finally completed the second chapter for this. I am sorry it took this long, but those of you who are in college know how tough it is. Any way for those of you in biological sciences I would like to know if any one knows a website where I can get anything on physiology of bacteria or prokaryotes in general. Please read and review.