Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Where Am I? ❯ Where Am I? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Another fic lol I can't stop.
Warnings: SasuNaru & SasuNaru, Molestation, YAOI, Sex MxM
Disclaimor: I do not own Naruto or anything related to it, just this idea for a fanfiction ><

Summary: Naruto Uzumaki exist in both Modern day time, and in the Konoha we all know and love. During an unfortunate events, both ninjas were swapped into the other's world. How will 1 Horny Naruto deal with a Sasuke who won't give in to temptaion, and how will the other survive a very hormonal Sasuke who claims to be his fiance? ((Confusing? Absolutely! But guarantee that it is all clear when you read.))) With a new environment, and friends who are far from what they remember, they will have to cope and figure a way back to their world!

Modern Time

It was past midnight when Sasuke decided to leave the Hyuuga estates' celebration. The day had been long and the drive home would prove to be long, being that the party was being held such a far distance from his own home. Even when he left early he found it very difficult to concentrate. It wasn't because he was exhausted from the night's long festivities, or even the fact that it was so late. No. It was the unsober blonde seated beside him, that kept distracting him. The very same blonde who could not keep his hands to himself.

"Naruto I said stop." Sasuke growled at his fiance, who had been grinning for the last hour. "Aw, Susu come on. Pull over." Naruto slid his hand over Sasuke's inner thigh, leaning over his seat to lick the other's ear. "I want you so badly right now." He huffed against the agitated driver, squeezing up to his most sensitive area. Only to have his hand slapped away.

"Your drunk." Sasuke turned his eyes quickly to the road again. "So what, it's not like I can't satisfy you either way. Stop worrying so much about it and relax. If you'd just let me, we would both be happy." He smirked, slowly reaching his hand closer to to its' target. "Do you want me to crash Naruto?." The blonde paused for a moment. "Geez, what the hell is your problem? I'm just trying to have alittle fun!."

"What's my probem? I'm fucking serious here, and you keep trying to molest me while I'm driving! Fuck Naruto, I'm tired as it is and I don't need you distracting me!" Sasuke hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, pressing against the gas pedal abit more. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing you are right now? You promised you wouldn't drink, damnit, you fucking promised. And I was dumb enough to believe you."

"Oh Please, quit whining. I only had a couple shots, it's not like anyone noticed. Besides if you hadn't ditched me, I wouldn't have drunk so much!" The dazed blonde glared accusingly at his lover.

"I didn't ditch you, and you know it. I had a meeting there, I told you even before we went to the party. But ofcourse it's not like you fucking appreciate anything I do! I work, I get you all the things you want, I even take you to all these places and you still blame me for things!"

"What makes you think that is what I want?! I just want to be with you! But no, you have to leave all the time! Your the one being a selfish bastard. I told you I wouldn't drink, but..but it's hard when your not there with me, okay. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be left alone all day? I mean lately you've been coming home real late and...and that's like you ar-"

"Cheating on you? You are actually accusing me?"

"And what the hell is that suppose to mean?" Naruto hissed dangerously at Sasuke who scoffed. "I'm not the one whose always going over everyone's house every single day. God only knows what you are up to, it's pretty clear you can not keep your hands to yourself."

Naruto stared at him shocked and obviously hurt. He would never act the same way with other people, as he did with Sasuke. They both knew that. But as the early morning drive continued, so did their feuding. It was raining now and Sasuke was more exhausted than before, the only thing keeping him awake was his desire to win the argument. Even if he was wrong, he refused to let his lover win against him.

"I..You fucking bastard! Stop the car, I'm getting out!" Naruto turned to his side door and unlocked it. Sasuke reached out and grabbed him by his collar. "Don't be ridiculous, it's raining. Just sit still we're almost home." He was shoved away by the furious blonde. "I'm not going with you."
"And where will you go?" Sasuke eyed him as he exited from the highway, down the main road. "Anywhere your not, I don't want to see you!"

"Stop overreacti-"

"Overreacting? Your calling me a fucking slut and I'm overreacting?! Don't you dare go there Sasuke, I've put up with your shit long enough!"

"I'm leaving you, I just can't take this." Sasuke slowed down, stopping in the middle of the desolate street. He looked into the other's eyes, shocked by his words. "Naruto you don't mean that." Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes. "Why? Because I'm drunk?" He sneered openning the door and slamming it shut. "I don't ever want to see you again, and I sure as hell will not marry you!" Sasuke quickly abandoned his car and pursued after him. The rain was heavier now, wind blowing in all directions as the two ran into the dark streets.

"Naruto wait! I'm sorry! Please, just come back!" Sasuke scanned for any signs for his fiance, but failed. He continued to run, the rain having no mercy as icy water grazed against his face. The young Uchiha cursed as he slipped against the slippery cement. Ramming his shoulder with the stop sign. He shakily managed to balance himself up, continuing to run even if it pained him. It wasn't till what seemed like hours of running did the raven-haired beauty spot his lover, hunched over in the middle of the street.

Sasuke's body relaxed knowing he found his fiance. He paused for a second, regaining his energy. He could see his blonde had also been quite worn out. It wasn't until he noticed something that he began racing foward, shouting out to his lover for dear life.

Naruto stopped, placing his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breathe. He lifted his head up slowly to see Sasuke running foward, screaming incohorent words to him. He opened his mouth to speak, when something bright made his eyes shut for a moment. The sound of a horn, piercing through his ears. He opened his eyes slowly, as though time had suddenly stopped. He looked directly at his love, sheer horror plastered across his normally stoic face. "Sasuke?" Naruto traced where Sasuke eyes had turned to. As he shifted his view side ways, the light only grew dangerously brighter before...


...everything turned black.


"Sector 5 in position, over."

"Copy that sector 5, unit six on pursuit to left field area delta. Suspect is within range, I repeat suspect is within range. Prepare for ambush, over."

"Roger that."

"What are you doing?" Naruto turned around to see Sasuke, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at him skeptically.

"Practicing for our mission ofcourse! I still need to get use to this thing." Pulling against the transmission device around his neck, Naruto grinned at his teammate.

"Your learning to use it by talking to really are a genius."

"Exa- Hey! I'm not talking to myself! I was just learning how to use it." Naruto huffed defensively, getting up from his crouched-down position from within the bushes.

"Dobe." Sasuke sighed, looking around for his other teammate. "Sakura's late."

"Huh? Yeah your right, that's a first. Maybe she's on her period."


"My my, you guys are closer than ever."

Glaring warningly, Sasuke shifted away from Naruto, not wanting to associate himself with the obvious stupidity the blonde was causing.

"Can we just go already?"

Chuckling, Kakashi stepped down from the tree banch he had been crouching on, when he appeared. "Fine, no need to get nasty, Sasuke." He turned to Naruto. "Oh and Sakura won't be joining us, I didn't really push to ask if it was her menstrual cycle though." He smirked as Naruto grew embarrassed.

"Now, shall we go?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kakashi, can we take a break?" After 3 hours of traveling through the outer field of Konoha, Naruto grew tired. Wanting nothing more than to catch his breathe for a few minutes.

"What, already? But we just started, perhaps I should have brong Gai, he might have boosted you up."

Sasuke cringed at the thought of Gai actually having the same mission with them.

"Or is it perhaps that you've been slacking off Naruto? I have noticed a certain...size difference since our last mission." At this, Naruto face fell into an expression similar to that of a girl, when told she needs to be on a diet.

"What! No way, I have been working out! This is all muscles baby!" To prove his point, Naruto lifted his orange and black outfit, revealing a well toned chest, patting it fiercely. "Check it out!"

Neither Sasuke nor Kakashi were all that phazed, though one of the two caught himself staring abit too curiously.
"Grooouuul~" Blushing, Naruto pulled his shirt back down. "Aheh..I think I'm getting hungry."




As the atmosphere was beginning to return, all three shinobi's sensed an incoming enemy. Bracing themselves instinctively, they aligned in formation.

"How many do you think there are?"

"Don't know, they seem to be all around though."

As they tried to analyze the situation, they were already getting attacked. A sharp and swift kunai grazed past their bodies as the ran for cover. Hiding their whereabouts to the unknown enemies.

"Sasuke...Kakashi?" Whispering into his transmission collar, Naruto tried to spot any motion within the thick forest. His eyes soon landed on Sasuke fighting someone not too far off. Rushing into the scene as he sensed the enemies back up coming, Naruto quickly countered all weapons that were aimed at his partner.

"Where are they coming from?"

"I don't know, but there sure is alot of them. I lost Kakashi too, it looks like an ambush."

"Damnit, we gotta hurry an-" With one swift motion, Naruto face was punched sideways. Sasuke defending him once he detected the assualt.

"Shit, Naruto, go find Kakashi quick! We need back up!"

"What, No way! I'll help you, there's too many to leave you here alone!"

"Idiot! I'm not weak, stop being so damn hard headed."

"Stop calling me that teme! I can kick way more ass than you!"

"This isn't a competition! We have t-"


Rushing to his fallen comrade, who was cradleling his new found wound across his neck, he hissed dangerously.

"Are you okay?"

Sasuke peered up, looking past the other to see something large coming there way, and fast. He tried to grab Naruto's arm, but at that same moment, Naruto himself attempted to lift Sasuke, causing both ninjas to crash back. Naruto landing on Sasuke. Before either had time to dodge, blood flashed across Sasuke face, who was frozen on his back.

"N...Naruto?" With no responce, and an all too limp body pressed against his own sweaty one, Sasuke's eyes widened even more.


xThatsxThatxForxChapter1xPl easexReviewx!x

Okay! So my third fan fic, its late now and I really wanted to type a chapter. But my other fics required more time to type out, and this was almost done, so I decided to post it.


I mean for my Sailor Naruto and Anything fic, I get more alerts than reviews >_<
they both make me happy, but if I get more reviews naturally I would update faster!

The fic itself still needs someworking before I continue typing, but next chapter:

Chapter 2

"Naruto...Are you awake?"

" that you?"

"Oh god Naruto...I..I thought you were..."


"W-what is it, Naruto?"

"...I'm hungry."

xD Oh the love that will occur lol
I hope to make this fic fun!
Any questions I'll answer in reviews or next chapter.

Next chapter they switch worlds ^_<.
How will the Sasuke's react to the new Naruto's in Konoha!

Please! If you read this far >_< you can review! Makes me soooo happy! I need them if you want more! Let me know what your think!