Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who I am ❯ The White Building ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Who I Am

Summary: Naruto is 17 and life in Konoha is peaceful. As a Jounin, Naruto aims to become Anbu, to further prove himself to the village. But on the night of his birthday, a mysterious group comes and kidnaps him! Sasuke struggles to find Naruto, while Naruto must survive the hardships of being imprisoned by a clan of ninjas that seem to know his every weakness, including the Kyuubi’s.

Rating: Probably is about PG at the moment, though may be brought up to PG-13 or even R in future chapters.

Pairings: Sasuke x Naruto, Shounen-ai maybe yaoi in the future.

“---------” < talking
‘----------’ < thinking
******** < scene change and/or time change

Disclaimer: Naruto and characters are not owned by me. They are © to Masashi Kishimoto


Chapter One - The White Building

A hospital was a ninja’s worse nightmare. Though its main purpose is heal the wounded, the bleach white walls and constant stench of cleaning chemicals, occasionally mixed with the smell of blood or death, is enough to ward off the most seasoned of ninja.

However, the hospital just happened to be the destination of one Uchiha Sasuke. During a mission, he had failed to spot the blade hidden inside the glove of his target. With surprising speed, the target had managed to imbed the blade into Sasuke’s left upper arm. Though it was not life threatening, Sasuke’s squad captain ordered him to go to the hospital to get it checked out. It wouldn’t be good if the blade was poisoned or if the wound became infected.

Sasuke cursed himself again and again for the stupid slip-up. An Anbu shouldn’t make mistakes like that. Especially THE Uchiha Sasuke. Uchihas do no make mistakes.

Walking casually into the Konoha Hospital, Sasuke approached the front desk and calmly requested Haruno Sakura, who he knew was currently working right now. Sasuke didn’t fail to spot the fan-girlish smile the young girl at the desk gave him, and calmly gave Sasuke Sakura’s location. Sasuke didn’t linger any longer then that. He hated that fan-girl smile. It seemed now, at the age of 18, Sasuke’s fan club only grew in size, and became much more irritating. Sasuke had to change the phone number to his house 3 times, because the stupid girls (and occasional guys) mange to somehow keep finding it, and calling him at some ungodly hour in the morning.

Deciding to take the stairs, (it wouldn’t be good to be caught in an elevator with a fan-girl nurse) Sasuke walked upwards to the 3rd floor, where the lady at the desk mentioned Sakura currently was. Now if this had been 4 years ago, Sasuke would’ve avoided Sakura like the plague, and certainly wouldn’t seek her out. But their relationship had changed over the years, and more for the better. Sakura finally let go of her obsession for Sasuke, which Sasuke was grateful for, and moved on. She was now currently dating Lee, if Sasuke remembered correctly. Now Sakura saw her old teammates more as brothers. They were her family. Sasuke wasn’t sure how to place Sakura. She was definitely a friend. Almost sister-like, if Sasuke knew what it was like to have a sister. Sakura was probably the only female that Sasuke dared to share his feelings and thoughts with. Sakura was usually more than happy to listen, and often helped Sasuke through any problems he faced. She was also the only medical ninja that Sasuke would tolerate, with the exception of the Hokage. The other nurses use to fight over who would get to treat the “god-like” Uchiha.

Coming up to the third floor, Sasuke wandered the halls slowly, quietly searching for Sakura, and avoiding any nurse that he managed to spot. Rounding a corner, Sasuke managed to catch a familiar voice.

“Now please try to get some sleep, Ukina-san. You need to rest if you want that leg to heal faster.” A young women stepped out of a patient’s room and quietly closed the door.

Now as a young woman, Sakura had certainly grown up quickly in the past few years. Having let her deep strawberry pink hair grow out long again, she now braided it in the back, with a few strands of hair hanging in the front, framing her rounded face. The past years had deepened her eyes, causing them to now shine a darker emerald green. Standing now at 5’7”, with slim shoulders and long legs, Sakura turned into an idol among many guys in the village. If it had not been for the over-protective Lee, Sakura would probably have a fan club much like Sasuke’s. Even though Sakura was now only a chuunin, she was one of the top medical ninjas in Konoha. Rarely doing missions, Sakura spends most of her days working either at the Konoha Hospital, or working with Tsunade at the Hokage Tower as an assistant.

Noticing Sasuke approaching, Sakura waved cheerfully . “Hello Sasuke! It’s been a while!” Jogging up to Sasuke, she greeting him with a friendly hug, knowing full well that Sasuke hated them. Sasuke winced slightly as Sakura squeezed his injured arm, the bandages hidden under a long-sleeved shirt.
“Hello Sakura. I…uh…” Sasuke hesitated for a moment. Stepping out of Sakura’s hug, he rolled up his sleeve, revealing his heavily bandaged arm.
“What did you do this time!?“ She scowled at him, Sakura quickly grabbed Sasuke’s bad arm by the elbow, holding it while she studied the bandage. Letting out a heavy sigh, she dragged Sasuke by the elbow into an empty room.

“Sit” She ordered as she went to a cabinet, pulling out various bottles and tools. Sasuke did as he was told, and gently sat on the bed.

“How did it happen? And when?” Sakura asked as she set the items in her hand on a nearby table. Pulling up a chair next to Sasuke, she began to unwrap his arm cautiously.

“Yesterday, around mid-morning. Our target had a hidden knife in his glove.” Sasuke simply stated. He wouldn’t openly admit his weaknesses if possible.

After a few quiet minutes, Sakura finished cleaning up the wound. “It’s going to need a few stitches, so hold still. You were lucky. There is no traces of poison, and the wound has yet to become infected.”
“Hn” was Sasuke’s only reply. He winced slightly as Sakura began to stitch up the opening.

“Naruto was in here just the other day. The baka had split his forehead and took a kunai in his leg.” Sakura began, seeing now as a good time for idle chat.

Sasuke just snorted inwardly. “Is he still here?” Sasuke already knew the answer to that question though, as Naruto was notorious for never staying in the hospital longer than a night, no matter the extent of his injury.

“Surprisingly, he left that afternoon. By the time I checked up on him, his forehead was already completely healed and his leg wound was nothing but a small scratch. I wish I knew what he took for vitamins, because I’ve never seen a healing rate as fast as his.” Sakura mused.

Sasuke nodded in agreement. That was another thing Naruto was notorious for, having the fastest healing rate anyone has ever seen. Now that Sasuke thought about it, he’s surprised no one else seemed to notice, or acknowledge. The doctors, Kakashi, even Tsunade seemed to just accept it, and not even questioning it. Sasuke thought back at a mission he and Naruto had when they were both chuunin. During an enemy attack, Naruto was hit by a strong lightning jutsu on his back. The lightning had caused severe burns and large gashes all throughout his back. Sasuke was positive Naruto would have permanent scarring and may even need surgery. But by the time the two had returned to the village, a half a day later, Naruto’s wounds were nearly completely gone. The burns had all healed, and only a few scratches, no bigger then if they were caused by a cat, were left. It happened every time too. Whenever Naruto was injured, it wouldn’t be no more than a day before the wounds would be completely gone. Sasuke remembered asking Naruto once how he healed so fast. Naruto just gave one of his infamous grins, and simply said that it was natural. Sasuke didn’t believe it. Whenever Naruto would wear one of those grins, Sasuke could tell Naruto was hiding something.

Sasuke was brought out of his inner-thoughts as Sakura finished the stitching, and wrapped the arm up again with fresh bandages. She handed Sasuke a small vial filled with about two dozen small white pills.

“Here, take these. They’ll help prevent any further infections from developing. Take one every 12 hours. And I will check to see if you take them, so don’t just throw them in the trash!” Sakura gave Sasuke a stern look before getting up.

“Hn” Sasuke replied standing as well. He rolled his shoulder slowly, his arm feeling sore. “Ah, thanks.” He quietly added.

Sakura smiled sweetly and nodded. “No problem. It’s good to see you again, though not under these circumstances. Oh! By the way, your free tomorrow right? Everyone’s getting together at my appartment for dinner. We’re all going to the festival together also. I would be great if you came. We hardly see you because of all your missions.”
“Tomorrow…wait…tomorrow is…! Shit! I forgot it‘s….!” Sasuke stopped in mid-sentence, as if a sudden realization hit him.
“The festival celebrating the defeat of the demon Kyuubi. Don’t tell me you forgot. You really need a calendar Sasuke.” Sakura looked at him quizzically.

“No, not that. Tomorrow is Naruto’s birthday.” Sasuke sighed, rubbing his head in frustration.

“What!? Tomorrow!? He never told me! He gets me a present every year, yet he would never tell me when his was.”

“I had to beat it out of him to tell me. Shoot! With all my missions I totally forgot. I haven’t bought him anything yet either. “ Sasuke inwardly cursed. How could he forget?

“Oh! I know what we can do! We can change the dinner I have planned for tomorrow night to a surprise party for Naruto! I haven’t told him about the dinner yet. Ooooh! I’ve got to go call Ino and Lee, and start making preparations! Sasuke, can you make sure to get Naruto to my house by 6pm tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ll just make some stupid excuse like you need helping cooking ramen or something.” Sasuke smirked, and waved goodbye. “Thanks again, Sakura” he said and quickly departed from the room.

Sakura waved goodbye, and quickly moved to leave the room to call Lee, when she noticed that Sasuke had subtly left his medication on the table. Cursing silently at Sasuke, Sakura left to call Lee.


Chapter one - End!


First chapter’s a wrap! I know it’s a bit slow, but I felt this was a good place to stop. Lots of stuff’s going to happen in the next chapter though! We’ll finally see Naruto, as well as a few other familiar faces, and some shadowy characters come to town. The suspense!!!

Is this layout/style ok? I’ve never been good with formatting stuff, so I’m not sure what works best. Reviews please!!!

Also, side note, this chapter has not been proof-read by another person for spelling and grammatical errors, cause I haven’t got anyone to read it -_- I’ve read it over the best to my ability, though my grammar is less than perfect. (I’m from Maine, USA. Maine people do not use grammar. I sadly inherited this rather awful accent.) So please be kind to me about that kind of stuff, rather than be like “you suck!!” cause that doesn’t help me.

Thanks for reading *heart*