Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who will you save? ❯ Confronted Mistake ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

“Pick boy, who do you want to die with?” Sasuke stared his expression blank Sharingan whirled dangerously in his eyes but the figure in front of him didn't flinch, as it should have. A bloody body bound and gagged lay on the ground to his right every now and then it would stir and groan then return to silence, the hair was coated and stiff from blood and sweat the normal blonde spikes hidden beside the Kyuubi vessel lay a young woman similarly held and almost as bloody. The girls eyes were open, emerald flashing a threat to the hooded and cloaked figure, her gaze flickered to another body to Sasuke's right his silver hair was streaked with blood as well a hole in his right shoulder oozing blood propped beside him an unconscious Iruka.
“You try my patience brat which of them are you going to keep and who will you throw away?” Sasuke remained impassive; this was just another trick a genjutsu that was elaborate enough that his one-time friends and fellow shinobi had resorted to, to get him back to Konoha. A laugh echoed in the cavern its origins the shrouded figure, the laugh was deep, growling and wholly unnatural he blinked as something he could see or follow shifted and two more bodies appeared. Their surrounding changed as well they where now in an open field the sun shining brightly overhead birds sang three posts stood to the right his former teammates bound to them. The remaining bodies bound to trees beside them he stared… “How?” he demanded before his usual stoic unemotional mask slide in place. Sakura looked to Naruto, she had no idea what was going on the last thing she remembered was herself Naruto, Yamato, Sai and Kakashi fighting Orochimaru and Kabuto then it all went black and she woke up hearing Sasuke's voice and this person who every they were. Turning her head she saw the Snake Sannin with his right hand man tied to a tree a murderous gleam in his eye as he stared unblinking at the one facing Sasuke currently her attention was pulled back to them as the laughing grew in volume so sinister the sound making the young medic shiver in fear it was like facing Zabuza again on their first mission.
“TIC TOC, TIC TOC who is it going to be. Is it to hard to pick one or maybe…” The voice trailed off a sword shot out impaling Naruto it the stomach in the center of his seal.
“NARUTO!” Sakura screamed struggling against her bonds, her scream woke Kakashi and Iruka and both groaned. Iruka was the first to spot the blonde and pink haired shinobi what turned his stomach to rot was the sword sticking out of his adopted sons stomach giving a yell he tried to rush to his side only to find him self unable to.
Sasuke blinked several times, this wasn't a genjutsu his best friend and brother had just been stabbed a part of him was appalled but with a guilty conscious he recalled the fight at the Valley of End,
“Oh NO foolish boy he wont survive that I have made sure of that if you don't believe me use that stupid sharingan that snake covets so much.” He did and what he saw made him gasp albeit quietly but a gasp all the same, a grayish/green chakra surrounded the sword and was slowly seeping into the wound the red chakra of the kyuubi was being pushed back preventing it from healing. Orochimaru laughed but was silenced quickly as he found him self raised by his throat unable to move he hadn't even seen them move.
“Don't laugh yet ass, I'm just getting warmed up I haven't had this much fun in centuries.” In all his years of switching bodies and experiments he had never come across some one this powerful and even when he fought the Sandiame then later Tsunade he had not felt fear but this creature/person was even making him fear for his life and a sliver of dread crawled up his spine.
“I'm getting bored Sasuke-kun. You choose to follow this,” the figure shook the snake then dropped him back to the ground, “thing when you had more power already then he could offer in that baka there.” A slender finger pointed at the blonde impaled figure of his best friend. At that moment Naruto coughed blood trickling from the corner of his mouth he raised his head his eyes were red with slitted pupils emitting a low growl the blonde called to the figure.
“So are you such a coward that you wont face me?” he coughed again more blood coming out his face was losing color. The figure bowed its head then shook it almost sadly.
“Kyuubi No Kitsune you were once powerful then sealed in the body of this shinobi,” the figured reached up and removed its hood revealing long white hair the ends black as midnight on a moonless night. The face was ageless being neither old nor young the features angular pointed ears peeked out from under the hair. His eyes blacker then Sasukes meet each persons present, “a mortal who has shown him self worth but will die none the less because of this ignorant child and his desires!” He turned back to Sasuke.
“They can die now or more importantly He can die Right now or you can save them.” He paused his eyes becoming impossible hard. “Make no mistake Boy I will have my fun today but this just makes it all the more interesting.” Sasuke was dumb founded for the first time in his life he stood to loose everything important to him Again, but as he realized this also came the realization that the curse seal no longer seemed to hold sway.
“Why?” Black eyes meet black and the mans face was invading his person bubble. There was intensity to the gaze and words that followed that he could ignore even as he listened to Sakura's voice trying to talk to Naruto to keep him awake.
“You have been a fool from the moment he marked you I don't personally care what happens to you but Naruto will follow you to the ends of this earth and the next to save you. You became his family and his sanity as did the other two in your team but I can not allow that to happen, I have seen what will happen he will become the snakes vessel to save you and the Kyuubi no Kitsunes power is to much for mortals to harness and it would be an embarrassment he is a pure light not seen in centuries and has bonded with the kitsune who would die just as easily for him now to save that boy. So I ask again for the last time whom shall you save Uchiha Sasuke the Snake who lies or the boy who can make you more powerful then this,” the mans lip curled as he looked back at the snake. “Abomination to nature?”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH Cliffhanger from hell who will Sasuke choose??? You'll have to wait for the next chapter to see hehehehehe I have been influenced by all those that have done similar cliffhangers but for all those reading my other stories don't worry I will update those soon this has been plaguing me since chapter 320 so review tell me what you think maybe even who you think Sasuke will pick to save!