Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do You Love Me? ❯ Day 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So chapter two. Not much to say. Hope you like it. Oh and I forgot to Disclaim Don't Wake Me Up, Wine Red, and Golden from the last chapter. The first two really belong to The Hush Sound, and Golden belongs to Fall Out Boy [My hero's]. Btw I think all three of those songs are seriously amazing.
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. So sad.
I awoke in a hot sweat, screaming my lungs out, as always. I sat up in bed with a tremendous headache and looked over at the clock. I'd fallen asleep at around 10:00p.m. and it was now 2:26a.m. I noticed that there was light outside in the backyard. It didn't look like it was coming from our mansion, so I walked out onto the balcony. I looked over the gazeebo, which was situated behind the koi pond, and after a small stretch of land sat another mansion.
It looked like a mirror image of our mansion, and a bright light was emitting from the room that would be mine. I stared at the other mansion in confusion, wondering how I'd missed it earlier. After staring at the neighboring mansion for a few minutes I decided to do something more useful.
I walked back inside, leaving the door open, and turned on the light. I re-did the bedsheets, took a quick shower in my private bathroom, and fetched the song I'd written the previous night.
Sitting down at my mini-grand I readied myself with the usual motions and began to play Wine Red.
Who shot that arrow in your throat
Who missed the crimson apple
It hung heavy on the tree above your head
This chaos
This calamity
This garden once was perfect
Give your immortaility to me
I'll set you up against the stars
We lied
We can't go on
This is the time
And this is the place to be alive
Who shot that arrow in your throat
Who missed the crimson apple
And there's discord in the garden tonight
The seas wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied
I cut the arrow from your neck
Stretched you beneath the tree
Amoung the root's and baby's breath
I covered us with silver leaves
We lied
We can't go on
This is the time
And this is the place to be alive
Who shot that arrow in your throat
Who missed the crimson apple
And there's discord in the garden tonight
The seas wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied
The seas wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied
The seas wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied
After playing it a few times through I decided I liked it, and it didn't need any more work. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 4:00a.m. I decided to start getting ready early so I'd have more time to kill the uniform.
I went into my small walk-in closet and found a pair of black leggings with blue pinstripes, normal black flats, and a black tie with blue polka dots. I got dressed into my second uniform, which I'd also tailored so the my two uniforms looked the same. I looked in the mirror to adjust my Clandestine Necklace. It was one of my only pieces of jewelery and I always wore it, the only time I took it off was whneI went in water so that it wouldn't rust.
I decided that today I was going to have a lot of fun with my hair today seeing that I had so much time. First, I put some of the top layer into small buns and clipped down the rest in random ways, so hair was sticking up in odd places, but in a way where the effect was not ugly but interesting. Second, I momentarily tied the middle layer- the blond layer- into a ponytail to get it out of the way. Third, I put the bottom layer in multiple size braids, and lastly, I took the middle layer out of it's ponytail. Altogether, my hair and clothing killed about an hour and a half.
All that was left was my makeup. I did it simply today. Blue eyeliner on bottom, with matching eyeshadow, and black top liner. I surveyed my appearance. My hair looked crazy, and I liked it, but after yesterday's makeup, I needed something a little more out there for that portion of the outfit. After some thought I spent a little while drawing blue stars in different sizes on my right cheek. After another look in the mirror I decided that should be enough.
Glancing over at the clock I saw that it was about 15 minutes to 7:00a.m. I walked downstairs into the main living room to see Shino, fully ready, and sitting at the table doing last night's Social Studies homework. Shino always woke up early so ever since the band started to tour and live in the same house or bus, or where ever we were at the time, so the two of us would talk in the mornings when it was only the two of us up. That's why he tends to act a little more open with me.
"Procrastinated?" I asked, walking past him to the small kitchen connected to the room.
He looked back at me. "Have fun with your uniform again?"
"I woke up at four and there was nothing to do." I answered simply, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "Need any help? I did mine already."
"No, I'm good." He answered easily.
"Cool. Anyway, what's up with the hush hush at school? You barely said a word yesterday." I stated, scavenging through the fridge for something to eat.
"Nothing really. We just don't know those guys. It's still a little weird. You know?"
I shrugged. "They're pretty cool, though. I just don't get that Gaara boy. He's a little freaky." Shino snickered. "What?"
"He stares at you a lot."
'So that wasn't my imagination' "Oh really? I didn't notice." I heard him snicker again. "Would you stop that? I'm being serious here!"
I sighed. "Whatever." I took a swig of water. "Man, I wish we could get another surprise visit from Ebisu." Shino turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow behind his dark glasses. "He made a really good lunch!" I could tell he was rolling his eyes so I glared at him.
"I'll make you a deal. You do my homework and I'll make you a bento box to bring for lunch." Shino suggested.
We switched places and got to work. Slowly the other girls gathered in the room and eventually all five of us were standing in the room. We got ready quickly, grabbed our boards, skates, or bikes and were off to another day of school.
We arrived in around eight minutes to see the guys standing out on the front lawn, with Naruto shouting to us like an idiot. Hinata and Shino went to lock up their bikes while I skated over to the guys with TenTen and Temari.
"You're not locking up your board?" TenTen asked.
"Nah. I'll carry it around today. I don't mind. I don't really trust it in the cage." I answered. She nodded as we arrived. I dismounted my board as TenTen and Temari sat down in the grass to switch from skates to normal shoes.
"So you skateboard?" Neji asked me.
I half-smiled. "Of course. I love it. Why? You guys skate?"
"Hn." Sasuke and Neji replied, while out of the corner of my eye I saw Gaara nod. I looked over at him. He was standing with his arms crossed, as always, and staring fiercly at me.
I looked at him blankly, watching as amuesement danced behind his eyes. After what seemed like a few minutes he smirked. "Nice makeup."
I raised both eyebrows in amazement. "T-Thanks?" He nodded, causing me to smile.
"Shouldn't we be getting to class?" Shino asked.
Him and Hinata must have arrived when I was "talking" to Gaara.
"It's not that hard. Kakashi-Sensei's always late." Naruto argued.
"Troublesome." Shikamaru muttered.
Neji rolled his eyes. "Just because our teacher's late doesn't give us the right to be."
"Plus we need to go to our lockers." TenTen added.
"KIMIKO!" I shuttered hearing that awfully annoying voice. I spun around to see my brainless older sister shouting at me from across the lawn. I sighed as she marched up to me. "I told Mom and Dad you're back and they are so mad you didn't bother to call!"
I rolled my eyes. "You are such a liar! I called them the day we all got here. They're having me over for dinner Friday and they're so proud to have me as their daughter." I said matter-of-factly. Temari cleared her throat and I looked at her apologetically.
Sakura glared at me before stomping off with some blond girl I recognized to be the one who pointed out my tailored uniform in Language Arts yesterday.
"So I see you two are getting along well." TenTen said out of all seriousness, as our group began to head inside and towards our lockers.
"That's the best contact we've had in years isn't it?" I replied shrugging.
"Wait! You guys were serious about that being getting along?" Naruto asked.
I nodded. "Me and her have fought since the second I was born. Any contact where only one of us yells is like a major breakthrough."
His mouth dropped open in amazement as I heard Hinata giggling from behind me. I turned to her smirking, but she didn't seem to notice.
'How cute! She likes Naruto!' I thought to myself before stepping up to my locker and opening my lock. "Whoa, what the hell?" I asked, as I soon heard the other girls echo from next to me. I leaned over and looked to see if they had the same predicament as me. Each of our lockers was stuffed with odd letters.
"I told you, you had fans." Shino stated from behind us.
I snickered. "These can't be fan letters. You're joking."
He shook his head. "Go ahead, open one. See what it says."
"Fine. I will." I said smartly, grabbing one from inside my locker. Luckily I had a lot less than the other girls, probably because I seemed less approachable than the others. The front read 'Kimiko' and looked somewhat scribbled. I opened it up to see that it was someone complimenting my 'wonderful use of makeup and sewing' then asking me out. I cringed. "Ew. I don't even know this person!"
"Don't even bother opening them." Sasuke said. "We get them from fangirls too." I turned around to look inside his locker.
"You only have one!" TenTen yelled in anger, seeing that she had the most of us all.
"Fangirls are more aggressive. Plus they've been after us longer. I'm surprised the boys even found your lockers so fast." Neji explained. "The girls take all previous letters out of our lockers before putting in their own. Then they think we'll actually read theirs." He shrugged.
I rolled my eyes at Shikamaru.
"That's not fair." TenTen pouted, trying to dig through all her fan mail to find her language arts binder.
"How come you don't have any, Gaara?" Temari asked. I looked over to his locker seeing that she was telling the truth.
"They're all too afraid to give him anything." Naruto said laughing.
"Ugh, this is so annoying." I complained. "I put my book in here yesterday, and I do not want to litter the halls with letters that have my name on them."
"At least you've only got like, what? 50 or 60? I estimate mine at like 200!" TenTen whined.
"Does anyone have a garbage bag or something?" I asked the other girls.
"Like that's such a normal thing to carry around?" Shino asked.
I glared at him. "You, shut it." He rolled his eyes behind his glasses. "Well then how are we supposed to get these out of our lockers?"
"I suggest you start moving. Trashcan's over there and class starts in ten minutes." Sasuke said smirking as he pointed over to the garbage can.
We all sighed and began to empty our lockers. Ten minutes later we were sitting in our desks, tired after running back and forth from our lockers to the trashcan.
"Kimiko, these letters are seriously heinous." TenTen said. I turned in my seat to face her. "Listen to this: 'I love your beautiful brown hair and was wondering if you'd go out with me'. That's just scary."
"Why did you keep them?" I asked.
She shrugged. "I didn't keep them all, I was just sort-of wondering what they might be saying."
I laughed. "Well, I personally think that those things are kind of freaky."
She nodded. "I bet that if we get more tomorrow and you look through them they'll talk about your hair today.
I tugged at one of my braids and shrugged. "Probably. I'm already running out of fun things to do with my hair and makeup though."
"Just look through pictures of Panic! At The Disco or something." TenTen suggested before lowering her voice so that Gaara and Neji wouldn't hear she whispered, "Maybe even some of our band pictures."
"Ooh, good idea."
The two of us continued to talk for a few minutes until the bell rang, atwhich time Kakashi had still not arrived, but my idiot of a sister walked into the classroom sticking her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my conversation with TenTen.
After around ten minutes Kakashi arrived in the classroom. "Sorry I'm late class! You see-"
"Would you just give us the assignment?" Sakura asked in annoyance.
"Actually, today we're going to have a dicussion about everyone's favorite books today. I want to see what sorts of things you all read." Kakashi explained. Some of the students glanced at each other in confusion. He sighed and looked around the room. "Kimiko, why don't you start us of. What's a book you read recently that you enjoyed?"
I looked at him in half-shock, but after recovering I thought abour his question for a second. "Well...I did read this book The Last Vampire a while ago. It was okay. I mean it was a little too short for my taste, but it had a good storyline. Not very complex, but the vocabulary was actually tough in some places. Not often, but every once in a while. I did find some of the words a little redundant though."
Most of the students looked at me in shock. Even Kakashi was a little surprised for a moment, but he collected himself quickly. "Redundant in what way? The over use of a common word, or a tough word?"
"Tough words. As if the author had just found out a word, and then, after deciding he liked it, he would say it as often as possible. Oh but I read this way awesome book Twilight and that storyline killed! That book was like the perfect length, it used good vocabulary, and it kept me so entertained I read it in three days. That's actually a little longer than I would prefer to take on a book I really like, but there was a lot going on that week. Back to the book though, I loved it to death. It was so interesting. Plus I love to read books about Vampires by different authors because they always portray the creature in different ways."
"Really? Like what are some differences?" Kakashi asked.
By now I'd basically forgotten that I was surrounded by my classmates as he prodded me on, making me ramble on about the things my friends don't like to listen to. "Okay, take The Last Vampire and Twilight for example. In The Last Vampire the main character- the vampire Sita- was able to sleep, but the mortal 8-hour night wasn't crucial, and an hour or two would suffice. The whole 'vampire's must sleep in coffins and not go out during the day' thing wasn't true in either book. In this one, daylight would make a vampire less powerful though. Let's see...oh right also in this one Sita had to breath, but could hold her breath for long periods of time. She could not read minds, but by touching someone she could tell a lot about their blood. Turning someone into a vampire was not as simple as biting them and you could drink someone's blood without killing them."
"And what about the other book?" Kakashi asked.
"In Twilight the main character was a mortal who falls in love with a vampire named Edward. He explains to her that vampire's don't sleep at all, and have an advantage over their enemies, the werewolves, in the water because they don't need to breath, they just do by habit. When they go into the sun they don't melt, but their skin sort-of glows. Edward actually could read minds, but it wasn't something every vampire could do, it was his special gift. Biting a person would turn them into a vampire, after about 3 days of excruciating pain. Therefore you did have to kill to "drink", but the main vampires were good, and drank animal blood. An interesting thing about Twilight was that their eyes changed colors signaling when they were "thirsty" or full and I'd never heard that before. I think that was it."
Kakashi clapped his hands together nodding. "Very insightful! Great answers. Anyone think they might be able to top those?"
A boy in class shook his head. "Man! All the smartest kids in this class don't talk! And I didn't understand half of what she was saying and I'm sure that was simple to her."
I turned around to look at him amazed. "Seriously? That was simplicity at it's best! I've known all those terms since 8th grade!"
TenTen suddenly raised her hand, and Kakashi called on her. "Sensei, I'd actually like to talk about a book I read."
He smiled. "Go on."
My band mates and I practically carried the conversation in class, other than Kakashi asking us questions. When class was over we headed off to the locker rooms and got dressed for gym.
The first thing I saw when I got in gym was some boy that looked like Gai only younger hitting on Sakura. We gathered with the guys as I continued to watch in amusement as she shot him down. I began to laugh my head off causing them to look at me.
"What?" I asked. "You, boy." I walked over to my sister and the boy. "Are actually probably to good for Sakura here. I mean, who isn't?" She glared at me which I willingly matched.
"Oh great, another Haruno feud." Temari muttered.
"So...would that by any chance be that kid you were telling us about yesterday?" TenTen asked Sasuke, who nodded in response.
"Then if you think I'm too good for Sakura, would you go out with me?" Lee asked.
I looked at him in slight disgust. "I'm sorry, but that's just not going to happen. You not exactly my type." I explained, trying to be as sweet as I could.
His face fell. "Well, one day I will be good enough for one of you! Even if I have to work on forever!"
I backed away pretending to shrug. "Try or Sakura, she's more your type." I said nervously before running back over to my friends. "Thank god for Etnies. I love my shoes." My friends all laughed.
"Nice job. You gave Lee a new obsession." Sasuke said.
I cringed. "Wonderful."
"You know, for someone who can ramble on about some books, you can't cook." My red-headed companion said to me.
I gawked at him. "You're evil. I followed every direction you gave me!"
He snickered. "I might as well have just done everything myself. You can't cook."
I pouted. "That's not fair. I never had any reason to learn." He smirked at me for the third time this period. 'Oh how I could possibly hate him right now.' I thought to myself. I crossed my arms leaning against our counter.
Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a girl with wavy black hair that ran down to the small of her back. She had white eyes just like Hinata and Neji and was wearing the normal uniform.
My eyes widened. "It couldn't be..." I muttered as the girl marched up to Anko.
"Hi, I'm a new student here. Names Hyuuga Kisa. This is my new third period class." She smiled.
I gasped. "It is!"
Kisa looked over at me and smiled brightly. "Kimiko!"
"Kisa!" I ran over and hugged her. "What are you doing here?"
She laughed. "I'm a new student here. Just got off my flight from America. I could ask the same of you but I already contacted Ebisu and he told me."
I shrugged. "Well you know how it is."
Anko placed her hand on Kisa's shoulder. "Girls, I'm sorry to break up the reunion but this is classtime. Please save it for lunch time. Now Kisa, are you perhaps related to Hinata or Neji?"
"Both!" She said happily. "We're all cousins."
Anko nodded. "Well then, you can work with Sasuke and his partner. They're at that station over there." She pointed over to Neji and Sasuke.
"Alright. Bye Kimiko, we'll talk after class."
I smiled at her before the two of us walked to our stations. For most of the rest of the period I stood around as Gaara quietly did our assignment. Every once in a while he'd give me an odd task before reminding me that I can't cook.
Our group gathered after Cooking and we introduced everyone to Kisa. We found out she had the same schedule as us and went off the Social Studies.
Once 4th period was over Gaara and Shino explained that they had something to do for a minutes and they'd meet us in a little bit. We agreed and walked off to our claimed spot at the school's outside amputheatre and took seats on the steps, me and Kisa sat on the highest of our group.
Gaara returned first and, surprisingly, sat next to me. I merely pretended I didn't notice and continued to eat from the bento box Shino had made me.
A minute or so later he arrived with another boy.
"Hey Shino, who's that?" I asked using my chopstick to point to his friend. Shino snickered. "What? Id you're expecting a 'thank you' you're not getting it. We made an even deal."
He rolled his eyes. "This is Kiba. He sits next to me in 1st period."
"I thought you sat next to me idiot of an older sister in 1st period."
"Well Kiba's on my other side." Shino said smartly. "You guys don't mind if he eats with us, right?"
TenTen smiled at him. "Welcome to the group."
"Yo! What's up?" Naruto asked animatedly.
"Hey." Temari said smiling.
Sasuke and Neji muttered a "Hn" each as Gaara grunted.
"H-h-hello." Hinata said polietly as Shikamaru muttered nodded.
Me and Kisa glanced at each other before turning to Kiba and saying "Hola" in unison. He looked at us as if we were crazy for a second, but I shrugged it off and turned back to my meal.
Shino and Kiba sat down as Sasuke yawned.
"Dude, you yawn so much!" Kisa shouted out. "You wouldn't stop in cooking class. It was driving me crazy!"
He glared at her. "It's not my fault we didn't sleep last night."
"We?" I asked.
"Me, Neji, Teme, Lazyass, and Gaara live together." Naruto explained.
"Oh. Well how come you didn't sleep last night?"
This time Neji yawned before answering, "Someone just moved into the place behind us, and they kept screaming last night. All the way until around 2 in the morning. We couldn't get to sleep."
I covered my mouth and exchanged nervous glances with my band mates.
"W-where do you live?" Hinata asked.
"Well, don't tell nobody, but we live in a mansion on 48th street." Naruto whispered so the information couldn't make it's way out of our circle.
My bandmates, Kisa, and I looked at them in amazement. Kiba was utterly shocked.
"That's impossible!" Temari said in confusion. "Ebisu told us that some Japanese band The Shinobi's lived in that mansion behind us!"
"What?" Naruto looked at her confused. "Kakashi told us that some American band Suicidal Temptation moved in behind us!"
"You can't tell anyone, but we are Suicidal Temptation." TenTen whispered. "Which means that you guys have to be The Shinobi's." The guys nodded.
"Holy shit!" Kiba shouted out, jumping up.
"Shhhh!" Temari whispered murderously. "You cannot tell! Any of you!"
We all nodded as I slapped my other hand over my mouth and looked at the boys apologetically. "I'm sooo sorry!" The guys looked at me confused. "Did you not put two and two together? It was me screaming. I'm sorry! I have an extremely serious case of insomnia, and I've gone for about two weeks at a time without sleeping. Then whenever I do sleep I have nightmares and I scream my head off all night."
"How does that not bug you guys?" Naruto asked my room/bandmates.
"We got used to it. It doesn't wake us up anymore." TenTen explained.
I nodded. "You guys will get used to it too. I'm really sorry. I just can't help it. I've been like this as long as I can remember."
"Troublesome." Shikamaru repeated.
"Well you'll be able to get some sleep tonight since I probably won't." I said.
Sasuke sighed relief. "No offense, but good. I'm tired."
"Yeah and I think it made Kakashi even more late than usual." Naruto joked. We all looked at him in confusion. "Oh...he's our band manager and he lives with us." We all nodded.
"But our manger doesn't live with us." TenTen pointed out. "That'd be a little odd."
"If Ebisu lived with us, that'd be so ew." Kisa said.
"Wait...what?" I looked at her in confusion.
"Oh right! I'm living with you guys." She replied smiling.
I smiled back. "Cool." The others nodded.
"School's almost out!" Naruto informed us all happily, standing up from his seat.
"Naruto! We're still in class!" Iruka shouted at him.
He sweatdropped. "Sorry Iruka-Sensei."
Iruka continued to teach for a few minutes or so until he was interrupted by someone's voice coming over the speaker.
"Attention everyone, this is Principal Tsunade with a couple announcements. First: This year's Halloween dance is coming up soon and will be held on the day itself. Second: Auditions for the fall musical will be held this Friday. The musical is America's Broadway spectacular, RENT." I glanced over at Kisa and saw that we were sharing the same bright smile. "Any audition song or scene will be fine, and if you need a script just visit the drama room. Third and Last: Start getting your acts ready for this semester's talent show in December.We only have 15 spots and auditions are in late November. Thank you, and have a good afternoon."
When she hung up the mic the bell rang and Iruka excused us from class. Immediately I walked over to my friends smiling.
"Oh Joanne, what do you think about Take Me Or Leave Me?" Kisa asked me.
I thought for a second. "I think that I might have to audition twice. Find myself some guy to sing The Tango: Maureen with me, and sing Take Me Or Leave Me With you."
She laughed. "Smart."
We all began to walk out to the front lawn together. "So, Kisa how'd you get here?"
"I drove." She answered simply. "I hope you don't mind but I stole your Civic." She smirked at me.
"I hate you. Give me my keys, I'm driving home."
She grudingly handed my keys over and I stomped over to the parking lot to find my blue Honda Civic, followed by the others.
I found my car in the back of the parking lot, and after saying goodbye to the guys, Temari and TenTen took the back seats, since Hinata and Shino decided they'd just ride their bikes home, Kisa took the passenger seat, I sat in the driver seat, and we were off.
Yayz! Chapter two down. So I'm now disclaiming Wine Red again, remember it belongs to The Hush Sound, not me! I'm no where near their brilliance. So hoped you liked it. R&R. Peace out loves.