Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ It All Cums Together ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-Three
It All Cums Together

Sasuke groaned deeply as he shook his head a bit. He felt like he got hit by tractor. That was odd enough considering just last night he was enjoying a ramen dinner with Naruto at the blonde's messy place. Then again he couldn't even remember leaving to get back to his own home which meant he had probably stayed over the entire night. With this thought in mind, Sasuke tiredly pried his eyes open, he reached his hand up to wipe the sleep from his eyes but too his surprise he couldn't move his hand at all.

"What the hell?" he mumbled out, turning his head briefly. He frowned when he saw cuffs attaching each of his limbs to the post of Naruto's bed. "Naruto! What's going on here?!" he growled out.

The anxious blonde came tumbling into his bedroom, closing the door quickly behind him. He placed his finger against his lips to shush Sasuke. "Not so loud, I just got Iruka to fall asleep. You know how protective he is. He won't go to bed until he's sure I'm asleep" Naruto sighed, walking over to the bed, only to receive a dangerous glare.

"What is this all about?" Sasuke questioned skeptically as he shook his wrist, making a clanging sound with the cuffs.

Naruto smirked mischievously. "Well I thought I would finally exercise my powers as your lover now that you are fully recovered." Naruto confessed playfully. "As you can recall. I won you fair and square during the tournament Tsubasa held, which means you're all mine to do anything with..." Naruto clued in as he came over to the bed with something behind his back. "I'm going to keep you up all night showing you that if you don't mind. But first..." the blond reached over Sasuke and strapped a ball around his mouth before digging through his drawer by the wall. "Let's see how you like this for an hour or two" he taunted, pulling out a remote control vibrator. "You see...Neji finally gave me his praise over our relationship and said I could have all these cool toys. But of course you wouldn't let me use them on you first would you now Sasu-chan" Naruto teased, using a childish nickname. "In fact that's why I decided to spike your drink tonight so I can get you right where I want you" he explained.

Sasuke glared angrily at Naruto. It figures the blonde would come up with something this outrageous. Even worse, the raven haired Uchiha noticed he was completely naked and Naruto even put him in a cock ring! This certainly was going to be one hell of a night!

Naruto smiled playfully as he slipped the vibrator into his mouth and lubricated it nicely before slowly pushing it into his boyfriend's body and turned on the switch. Sasuke's body tensed as the object was pushed into him and he threw his head back in instant ecstasy when it was turned on. He never approved of the thought of being penetrated before, but this...why did it have to vibrate?!

He squirmed in reluctant delight at the wonderful feelings the object was sending through his body, but after it had built him up a bit, he knew he wouldn't be able to release that build up and it would start to cause him pain just like he was sure Naruto had planned. Naruto couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Sasuke squirming around in a pleasurable fit. He never got to see his aggressive boyfriend in such a compromising position. He grabbed the remote and turned the level up a bit. He leaned closer to Sasuke. "Does it feel good Sasuke?" he teased, pinching the other's nipple a bit.

Sasuke yelled against the ball gag when Naruto turned the intensity level up. His body shook as he felt himself on the verge of being thrown over the edge. He nodded his head despite himself when his boyfriend asked the seductive question. Just Naruto's voice was making him feel good. He panted when the blond pinched his nipple and tried to squirm away from the touch, no matter how good it felt. He didn't want to give in to such a humiliating spectacle. He was the dominant one around here, not Naruto! And he'd be damned if he showed anything different.

But much to Sasuke's hate, he felt his body nearing the end and his muscles clenched many times around the toy in his entrance, but he didn't get the completion he wanted because of the ring around the base of his cock. His body shook in pain as he tried to let himself go over and over again, but it was futile attempts. He finally gave up as his member throbbed painfully to be released, the vibrator only continuing to simulate him in horrible ways.

Naruto was amused to see Sasuke pleading so desperately. After awhile longer of torture he removed the ball from Sasuke's mouth. "Beg me to let you come Sasuke..." he suggested sternly. His answer would determine how much longer his punishment would last.

As soon as the ball was removed Sasuke let out a much need moan, still squirming on the bed. He looked at his boyfriend, barely able to comprehend his question with the immense pleasure pooling in his stomach. "D-damn it...Naruto...You're going to pay for this" he hissed out through gritted teeth.

Naruto pouted cutely. "Annnh! Wrong answer" Naruto sounded, turning up the vibrator another level. Sasuke jolted upright in the bed, gasping out at the sensation that overwhelmed him. He pulled harshly at his restraints trying anything to get away from the pleasure being given to him from the toy. The pain between his legs was excruciating. He shifted to make himself more comfortable, but he only exceeded in pushing the toy further inside him and making the pleasure more intense.

"Fine! Let me come now Naruto! Please" He screamed as he thrashed about on the sheets.

Naruto chuckled in amusement seeing Sasuke so frantic. "That's a good Sasuke" he chirped with satisfaction. He leaned forward and gave the other teen a peck on the cheek as he slipped his hand down to the other’s crotch and slowly startled to fondle with his sack.

Sasuke groaned and bucked into the hand fondling him, loving the touch better than the fake toy in his hole. "Naruto please!" He begged between gasps of air as his pleasure kept skyrocketing through him. "I'll do whatever you want! I promise!" He screamed. He needed his release now.

Naruto nodded with satisfaction. "Just had to tease you a bit more..." he leaned forward, pressing a sensual kiss on Sasuke's lips. With that he slowly slid off the ring from the other teen's member, allowing him the freedom he needed to come. He lightly stroked Sasuke with his hand, adding to the pleasure

Sasuke let out a heated breath when the ring was removed and after a few more strokes from his boyfriend he came hard, spilling his seed on his chest and stomach. It was one of the most pleasurable orgasms he'd ever had, but it was horrible getting it to that point. He moaned softly as his body twitched with the after effects, but also relaxed from the exhaustion it took out of him. He groaned as he could feel the area around his wrists and ankles rubbed raw from all his struggling and he looked to Naruto with annoyance and hoped the blond would let him go now. "Happy now you monster?"

Naruto smiled proudly and took out the toy from Sasuke's rear. He didn't enjoy torturing his lover, but this was too good to pass up. "Not just yet...I still have to get off if you don't mind. He laid on the bed for a minute, licking up Sasuke's cum slowly from his body in a sensual matter. Sasuke sighed almost miserably when he could feel himself getting hard again from Naruto's attempts. "Now it's my turn" Naruto chirped joyously.

He would make the other succumb to his charms a second time tonight for sure. Naruto stood up on his knees, placing his legs on either side of Sasuke's thighs. He held the stiff member and positioned it to his pucker entrance. Slowly, Naruto sat down on it, impaling himself with a gasp. Sasuke's head rolled back on the bed, and he bit back the cries that threatened to escape him again. He was already exhausted from torture, but damn did this feel good too. The waves of pleasure that were starting to engulf his body easily made him forget this pain he just experienced.

Naruto softly started to ride him once he was fully adjusted. He moved slowly, groaning a bit over the sensation. The smooth rocking motion sent waves of pleasure, no tsunamis of pleasure coursing throughout Sasuke's body. He couldn't hold back his voice any longer though he had been reminded Iruka was just in the other room. Naruto moved more swiftly, pushing himself repeatedly on Sasuke's cock and started to stroke his own member.

The blond had to stifle a deep moan as he rode Sasuke deeper into him. He rocked his hips more to angel the other's cock until finally he found his sweet spot. Sasuke by now couldn't keep from thrusting his hips up into Naruto as much as he could, bringing them both as much pleasure as possible. It erupted from him suddenly in a torrent of ecstasy-filled fire and he cried out as it did. Naruto gasped loudly, filling Sasuke's seed fill him to the brim, which brought him easily over to his own climax. The blonde tightened around his lover as white ribbons of cum spilled onto his stomach and hand. Sasuke moaned desperately, feeling Naruto around him so much.

Finally, Naruto slumped on the side of the bed, his body going slack. He breathed heavily and stared at Sasuke who had sweated enough to soak his sheets. He giggled softly and wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "See, that wasn't so bad was it?" he teased.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. " wasn't...that bad...but don't ever do it again without my permission!" Sasuke hissed back.

Naruto grinned his foxish grin. "But will you promise to love me even if I do?"

Sasuke sighed tiredly. "Stupid dobe..." Sasuke didn't want to admit it but he had to say it, "of course I will idiot."

The End

A/N: There you go the last chapter of Will You Promise to Love Me! I know it's really late and I'm extremely sorry. But last chapters are always the hardest for me to write. I hope you enjoyed it none the less. So how many people liked the aggressive Naruto? XD I wanted to end it with a bang, so I thought kinky would be fun. I hope to keep hearing from you all for the rest of my fics. Check them out ^_- I'm also planning to work on two new ideas for fics so keep on alert for when I put them up.