Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Lily ❯ "Gomenasei" ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[~: A/N :~]
Semi: Konnichi wa Minna-san! -bows- Here's the next chapter, sorry about the wait lol.
ChibiLee: Semi-sama's good at the ebil cliffies.
Semi: Eh heh -sweat drop- Gomenasei. I hope you like this new chapter of WinLil!
CL: WARNING! C.L. Cried while writing this. Tis a sad sad chapy. -tears-.
Semi: Hai, gomenasei for this a well. -hugs Chibi- Tis a very good title for this chapter . . . I hope you like it.
CL: It's time for CL's recap! In the last chapter the Hyuuga cousins made their way home after discovering the Anbu had already taken Naruto's body home. What will they find once they get back home? Read and find out! -solutes-
[~: Disclaimer :~] I do not own Naruto nor the song “Gomenasei” . Have a nice day.

Winter Lily
By: Youkai Semi
Chapter Three: “Gomenasei”
Hinata sat hugging her legs outside her bedroom door. That was usually what she did if she came out of her room at all. It took many attempts to get her outside her room. If that weren't enough she wouldn't speak to anyone either . . . nor would she eat unless forced to.
No one could blame her though. The whole village had been shocked at the lose of the young Usumaki. The boy had been so boisterous and determined to become the next Hokage hat people half expected him to. They had learned later that the group of people the make shift team had defeated had been sent by Orochimaru. Thus had saved the village by defeating them.
It had been a terrible cost for such a thing. Every child in the village was precious, even when they were Genin. Naruto had been the child of the village, having been orphaned as an infant. No one expected him to sacrifice his life at such a young age. It was cruel of fate to turn things this way.
The Hyuuga heir hid her face in her knees to hide the tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. The family thought it odd that Hinata grieved so, but Neji knew the truth. He knew how much she had cared for Naruto . . . even if she didn't say so herself. He didn't think anyone else knew or understood that.
It was only when Neji came around that Hinata came out of her shell. She would walk with, and speak with him. If anyone else tried they got no response from her. Not even her team-mates or got much of a reaction and she totally ignored her sister and father altogether. Neji often wondered how he liked it . . . being ignored like nothing as he had done to Hinata. Though Hanabi seemed to want her sister's attention now.
The older cousin paused to look at the Hyuuga clan's heir. Most of the family would probably be disgusted at such a display of weakness. Neji, however, wasn't bothered by it. What did bother him was that she never smiled. Not even with him would she even give the smallest of smiles. It was as if she was only a shell now with no emotion. If things kept going the way they were she would be useless to the clan and unfit to inherit.
Reluctantly he turned away and headed into the main building. Hiashi sat watching his younger daughter. The man could be rather heartless at times, but others he really showed he cared. He motioned Neji to have a seat next to him. Neji complied and watched Hanabi along with him. The younger daughter was improving, if a bit slowly.
“That is enough for today Hanabi. You may go. Make sure o be ready for the ceremony later.” The head of the Hyuuga clan dismissed his younger offspring then waited for her to leave before turning to Neji.
“While we have no other audience I must ask . . . is there a way to bring my Hinata back?” The look of the worry in his eyes caught the boy by surprise. The lord had only once shown him respect, but to confide in him . . . it was an honor. He looked away and thought a moment. Closing his eyes, he sighed heavily.
“It is difficult to say . . . affairs of the heart are often hard to . . . see clearly?” Neji paused a moment. “Losing your love is a harsh thing to deal with.” He dropped the clue and looked the man in the eye. He saw the light of understanding begin to glow a moment later and nodded slightly.
“So na . . .” Hiashi closed his eyes and turned his face to the sky.
“She might recover if given a little more time. I can not be sure though . . . and she will be changed greatly either way.” Neji continued looking at the floor.
“I leave it to you then. If anyone can help her it would be you.” Hiashi stood up and left the room without another word. Neji sat stunned in mute silence. That . . . had been unexpected.
'Help her huh? Haven't I been trying? He thought dispassionately as he got up and went to the door. He put his forehead to the intricately designed shoji door and closed his eyes. He had been trying . . . but she still remained closed off. After a moment he pulled his forehead away and slid open the door. Hinata had retired to her room while he had spoken with her father.
* * *
Hinata curled up in a corner of her room. Her eyes staring at the room around her yet not seeing it. The tears from earlier were dry now, she wanted to cry but was too tired to. If her heart hurt anymore she felt she would die. No one would care if that happened . . .
In her mind's eyes she recalled her dream from the night before the incident. It hadn't been a good dream . . . if anything it had been prophetic. At first she had ignored it, but other times like now she looked back and wished she had paid more attention to it.
[:Memory-Dream Scape:]
“Hinata!” Naruto waved her over to the camp site. It was beginning to get dark, the sun sinking below the horizon behind him. She felt her cheeks flush as she approached him.
“W-what is it Naruto-kun?” She put her index fingers together, realized what she was doing and put a hand to her chest instead as she paused in front of him. Before he had a change to answer, Neji stepped into the clearing with some firewood in hand.
“You two mind helping?” He glared slightly and dumped the bundle of logs on the ground. She giggled behind a hand as he dusted his hands off. Naruto laughed and made a small fire pit. The wind flickered the new flames but wasn't enough to put it out.
“It's cold tonight . . .” Naruto smiled brightly as he poked at the flames.
“I didn't think it would be . . . but I guess it can't be helped.” Neji sat down and warmed his hands near the fire.
“I can make some tea to warm us up.” Hinata suggested hesitantly, once again pointing her index fingers together nervously.
“That would be nice Hinata-sama.” Neji leaned back on his elbows without looking away from the fire. Hinata smiled, digging into her back to find said tea. It only took a second for her to pull out a small silver tin with a small sigh of relief. Things were so peaceful for the first time in a while. It was rather pleasant to spend quite time with Naruto, even Neji was being cooperative for a change.
“Is there anything you can't do Hinata-chan?” Naruto looked up from the fire, laughing lightly as she nearly dropped the tin of tea. The female Hyuuga blushed deeply, unable to answer. Everything changed so quickly the next second that they didn't even have a chance to respond.
Two men landed into the clearing, each throwing shuriken. Hinata was hit in the back twice while the boys took the brunt of the attack trying to protect her. Then just as quickly . . . it was over and the men had vanished.
[:End Dream Scape:]
“Hinata-sama?” A persistent voice roused the girl only a little. “Hinata-sama, wake up a little could you?” The voice asked again. This time Hinata awoke fully from her stupor like trance. Had she fallen asleep? It seemed she had. Her blurred eyes finally focused on the person before her. Neji knelt beside her, his brows knitted in worry. Wait . . . worried? Neji was worried? She gave a slight nod to indicate she was awake now.
“You haven't eaten at all today. The funeral is this evening at sun down.” Neji spoke quietly while picking up a bowl from a tray he had brought in. The soup in it steamed lightly, sending it's enticing sent to fill the room. He held it out to her but she didn't take it.
“Eat, it'll make you feel better.” Neji encouraged his cousin, placing the bowl in her hands. Hinata looked doubtfully at the soup as Neji poured a small cup of tea. She didn't feel like eating. Her stomach was all in knots and refused to settle. She watched Neji a moment then gave the soup a look of someone who expected to be seeing it again in a few minutes. Gingerly, Hinata raised the spoon to her mouth and took a bite. It was surprisingly good, and had yet to make a reappearance so she took another mouthful. Little by little the bowl was emptied.
“Here, it's your favorite . . . white Jasmine.” Neji handed her a cup of tea and took back the bowl. How had he known Jasmine was her favorite tea? She blinked at him over the rim of her tiny tea cup. Did he really know her that well?
“Arigato ...” Hinata turned her gaze into the cup.
“Do itashimashite Hinata-sama. Why don't you get some rest before the funeral.” Neji picked up the tray and headed to the door.
“Neji-oniichan?” Hinata asked barely above a whisper. Neji turned to her and blinked.

“I don't think I can go . . .” She felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes but refused to cry again.
“I'll take you, just get some rest.” Neji gave her a small smile and left. Hinata moved from the corner to the futon in the middle of the room. She placed her cup above the head then climbed in. She knew he was right . . . she needed rest, but it hurt so bad to dream. The tears came again and soon she was asleep. Neji stood outside her door, his head hung as he listened to her cry herself to sleep. He didn't know why but it hurt to see her like that. Perhaps he had been wrong about the main branch . . . or at least about her. Turning away from the shoji door, Neji left Hinata with turbulent feelings and thoughts that conflicted each other.
* * *
Hinata stood side by side with Neji, watching the funeral procession. A crisp white shroud was placed over the coffin, a sign of his lost innocence. The picture above it showed a smiling boy with his closest friends . . . his team-mates. That was what he would of wanted. He was never really accepted by the village until now so they placed a picture of hat he cherished most . . . his friends.
Of the Rookie Nine, only seven remained. One dead and his team-mate declared a missing nin. The last remaining team-mate of team seven stood with tears falling down her cheeks. Sakura was taking it a badly as Hinata was, now with out team-mates. No one had expected a rookie team to fall apart so completely, least of all the team itself.
One by one the adults paid their respects, each stopping in front of the casket to pray for him and place a single white rose on it's top. It would surprise him to see everyone crying for him, having believed while alive that no one cared. But they did, accepting him while heartily as the hero he had been proclaimed at birth by Yondaime himself. It was only now that they saw the legacy the Fourth had left them . . . to late to help the boy who had so badly needed to be loved.
The last ones up where the Rookie Seven and the intermediate Gai's group, each one standing around the coffin forming a circle. They had accepted him him for who he was. He had been pain in the butt, but he had always been a true friend to all of them. He had shown them each kindness that they needed and in return they had befriended him. They had all been on missions with him and knew what the adults did not. That he was legendary . . . as his father before him. It was only today that his true origins had come to light.
Naruto . . . was Yondaime's only begotten child. He had sacrificed himself to seal the kyuubi in his own child to save the village. Knowing that only Naruto would be able to suppress the kyuubi and no one else. In a way he had sacrificed Naruto as well, but he had hoped the village would follow his word . . . that Naruto be treated as a hero, not as a demon. They ignored it. Now they truly saw him as the hero Yondaime had said he was.
The rookies all bowed their heads in prayer then placed their flowers on the coffin Hinata and Neji going last of all and lacing the 'Blood Drop' flower that family would have put. The others looked at the Hyuugas for a moment, understanding what it meant. All of them knew how Hinata had felt about Naruto so it was no surprise to see her put the 'Blood Drop' on his coffin. The adults were, as usual, confused but said nothing. Neji took Hinata's elbow and lead her gently away from the crowd so no one could see her cry.
He knew she hated seeming weak and also knew it hurt her more then anyone else to be here. They all watched the Hyuuga cousins leave then went their own ways as well. Naruto's name would be etched onto the 'Lost Nin' stone the following morning, so they could all pay respects again when things settled back down. The silence they left was absolute, not even the birds chirped in their threes.
'Gomenasei, Naruto-kun . . . I'll be stronger next time. I promise.' Hinata prayed silently as she and Neji made their way home.
As the sun fell behind the mountain of the Hokages, the last of it's rays fell onto his coffin as if inviting his soul to join it in final rest.
[~End of Chapter:~]
Semi: -sniffs then burst into tears again-
C.L.: Now now Semi-sama . . . it was a beautiful ending, don't be sad -pats on back-
Semi: It was wasn't it? -sniffs again then hugs muse- You did great Chibi-chan.
C.L.: Aw, thank you Semi-sama. Now that that's over, let's move on. Next chap will be happier ne?
Semi: Hai -smiles- Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it's so sad but as Chibi says it'll be better in the next chapter -waves-
[~: Teasers for the next chapter:~]
Hinata's still depressed and is helped a little from a unlikely source. Neji calls a meeting of the rookies and works out a training plan to keep them all busy.
Chapter Four: “Carry On”