Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Lily ❯ "Carry On" ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[~: A/N :~]
Semi: wow . . . < >; sorry Minna-san! -bows-
ChibiLee: Semi-sama's been busy with lots of things lately so she hasn't been able to type up much of what she's got written.
Semi: Gomenasei! -bows again- I hope you the fourth chapter of WinLil! Also major thanks to Jory-kun for always being there during my dark times and helping me out. -hugs- Much appreciated WingBrother!
C.L.: Also, this is a shortish chapter . . . we should have the next one up on the 15th of next month.
[~: Disclaimer :~] I do not own Naruto nor the song “Wash Away Those Years” . Have a nice day.

Winter Lily
By: Youkai Semi
Chapter Four: “Carry On”
Hinata approached the 'lost nin” stone with the air of someone who'd rather be anywhere else but where they were at the moment. Her feet felt like lead and her heart nearly the same. Neji had suggested that she take a short walk to improve her health, claiming it would do her a world of good to get some fresh air. She decided not to argue and soon found herself in front of the 'lost nin' stone.
The Hyuuga's lavender eyes clouded over with renewed grief and pain. Why had she ended up here of all places? Fresh tears slid down her pale cheeks as she saw the newest inscribed name on the stone . . . Usumaki Naruto, the sun glittered off the name as if paying it's own respects to the lost boy. There were others, so many others on the stone - the price payed with blood during the war with the Kyuubi. It was almost funny that he was now listed among them.
She sat back on her heels, closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands. In her mind's eye she saw Naruto as she had when she had first met him. They had both been young children then and newly enrolled in the academy. Hinata had watched him joke around and play pranks, discovering a soul much like her own. One that wanted to be recognized and yearned for love. That was how, when, and why she had fallen in love with him. .. . and aspired to become as strong as he was.
A small sound from behind brought her back to the present. Hinata turned on the spot and come face to face with none other then the Kazekage himself. The boy was young, around sixteen or seventeen she estimated, but was quite capable of carrying out the duties of Kazekage. Gaara of the sand had been made Kazekage when his father, the previous Kazekage was killed by Orochimaru. Then he had been saved recently from the Akatsuki by the rookies and team Gai.
Hinata watched speechless as the frightening man before her walked up to the 'lost nin' stone and went down on one knee. He closed his eyes and bowed his head without saying a word. For several minutes he said nothing, nor did he raise his head. I was almost eerie.
“Of all the people I have known . . . not one deserved as much respect as he did.” The words that finally issued from his mouth shocked Hinata. She watched as he opened sad eyes to look at her, showing her he meant what he said. After a moment of silence she gave a small nod and looked at the ground with renewed tears. Gaara turned to face her then sat down Indian style.
“He had more honor then most nin . . . some of which have none at all.” Gaara looked away as he spoke. Hinata automatically knew he referred to himself and Sasuke, but unsure how she did.
“Not many know what true honor is . . . is isn't pride like most think. It is a willingness to do what is right no matter what the consequence.” Hinata replied quietly, looking up at the tree tops to see two birds dancing through them.
“You are wise.” Gaara actually smiled, almost laughing but sobering the next moment. “So let me give you some food for thought. It is hard to lose someone you hold near and dear to your heart. It hurts more then anything else in this life. But here's the question . . . when do you let them go to give both of you peace and go on living? He will always be in your heart, a part of your soul even. But he is no longer here. He has gone to a better place where is is loved unconditionally and no longer feels any pain. I believe he'd want you to live, Lady Hinata. Not slowly kill yourself as you are now doing.” The seriousness in his eyes and voice spoke to her soul. For the first time in weeks she felt a live and whole again.
“Why are you telling me this?” Hinata asked cautiously, feeling strange that the once cold blooded murderer now Kazekage was talking to her like an old friend.
“Because, like you, I lost someone I loved . . . not your kind of love, but still. He had been the only one to treat me as a human being with kindness and not as a monster. Just remember what I said. It'll be hard, but you are alive-so live.” Gaara got up as he finished and brushed himself off. “It is the way of life Hinata. You live then die, but it's up to you to live . . . and to choose how you live.” He turned with those final words and left just as he came, leaving Hinata slightly puzzled but feeling a little better.
As she pondered his words a bright green, black, and blue butterfly landed next to Naruto's name on the stone. “You're telling me to listen to him aren't you?” She smiled, knowing Naruto was giving her a sign. “I've been a baka haven't I?” She whipped her eyes and laughed as she got up and took the last few feet tot he stone. Smiling sadly she kissed her fingers then placed them on Naruto's name.
“Goodbye . . . Naruto-kun.” She whispered quietly, her bangs hiding her eyes as she smiled then turned and left without looking back. If she had she might of seen Naruto smiling sadly back, cupping the butterfly gently in his hands. He raised them to the sky and let the butterfly go. It danced up to the sky, higher and higher until it finally disappeared from sight.
* * *
Neji sat with his back against a tree on the edge of the village. In his hands were a blank scroll and a writing brush. He looked at it, mulling over an idea he had gotten last night while tossing in bed. He had been unable to sleep because his mind was constantly on Hinata. It was . . . odd to be fixated on his cousin, but he was afraid she might do herself harm if something wasn't done soon.
He heard several 'thud's and looked up to see the other seven rookies. His own team-mates, Rock Lee and Tenten sitting down directly in front of him while the others spread out from either side. Hinata's team-mates looked rather gloomy, Shino kept his head down while Kiba and Akamaru stared at the ground. Sakura seemed to be having a worse time then the others, the black band on her arm was a reminder that she'd lost both her team-mates. Ino, shikamaru, and Chouji sat next to her.
The Hyuuga pushed his long white sleeves back after putting the scroll and brush down. It was hard to see everyone so depressed . . . they all needed something to take their minds off of their lose. Perhaps what he had in mind would benefit everyone, not just Hinata. That brought his spirits up a bit. If this worked it would help everyone in more then one way. It'd get their minds on something else and they'd be training themselves without knowing it. It was a great idea.
“We are the last of the Rookies, with the exception of one who could not be here. We have lost two of our own, one killed an the other turned missing nin. This is a harsh reality, especially to the one member left of team Seven.” Neji looked at to Sakura who had begun to cry again. “But there is still ten of us left. I believe if we stick together we can pull through this. The adults are taking care of the hard stuff and leaving us to do the minor things. All of us have shown great potential and the ability to take on anything that comes our way. Yes it was usually Naruto who did the most . . . and we know that. But now I think it's our turn to show them what we can do.
“Naruto changed us all and made us stronger. I think we can go even further and make sure his memory doesn't go in vein. If we work together and teach each other and ourselves then nothing could stop us. We'll put team-work to the max and work as one. We will know each other's moves, work with them and against them, to balance each other out. We can also create moves to do as such and some that can only be worked as a team. All of this will help us to get our minds off of our lose. We are the future of this village, and the world. Let's make sure they remember us as such.” Neji finished his little speech and put his fist out. The others nodded and put their hands on top of his. They weren't smiling but they agreed.
“So how are we gonna do this?” Kiba frowned slightly, crossing his arms.
“We are going to train Inuzuka. As I said the adults are busy so they can't train us. We are going to train and spar as much as possible. When the Chunin exams come up in a month you all will be ready. Plus it'll help Hinata . . . she needs this the most out of all of us.” Neji replied and closed his eyes.
“Do you think . . .” Sakura stopped herself, looking torn between two choices.
“I think kunoichi training for us four girls would benefit Hinata and work like you suggested Neji.” Ino looked from Sakura to Neji as she spoke, knowing what Sakura was going to ask. Neji put a hand to his chin and nodded.
“Hai, it would. All right, Sakura I'm leaving you in charge of the girls' kunoichi training. The four of you will work together on it after regular group training. Is that ok with you?” Neji asked gently, knowing this distraction was for her alone. Sakura nodded solemnly. Ino smiled slightly and put an arm around her friend's shoulders.
“Care if we join in?” A familiar voice caught them off guard. They all turned to see Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara watching them.
“Konoha and the village of sand working together as you suggested would benefit everyone don't you agree?” Temari asked with her usual smile.
“It would keep the other villages in line for a little while at least.” Gaara added coolly.
“Actually, it'd be great to have you.” Neji thought a moment before replying. “Though, don't you have a lot of work as Kazekage, Gaara?”
“I've left a dependable informant. Besides, it seems I'm needed here more. One grain of sand can tip the scales as they say.” He shrugged slightly and seated himself directly in front of Neji, indicating they were of equal status and partners for the time being. Kankuro sat at Gaara's right ad Temari sat with the girls.
“Well, we're lucky to have you. Perhaps our fates have been changed, luck does seem to be on our side anyway.” Neji looked over their group, scratching at his chin for more ideas. He was surprised when Gaara began drawing in the sand between them. No one else seemed to notice since they all had collected into groups to discuss the ideas.
Hinata is feeling better
No Need to fear
The words struck Neji as bewildering. He watched the Kazekage wave a hand over the words which then disappeared without a trace. He wasn't sure what to say, he never even guessed Gaara of all people to have a heart . . . that is after the Rock Lee incident. But here he was, helping them, and actually caring about Hinata. Neji looked the Kazekage in the eye and nodded his thanks, who inclined his head in acceptance.
* * *
“So, Sakura. How are we going to work on our kunoichi skills?” Ino plopped down on the grass in front of the elected kunoichi teacher.
“Well . . . we've all gone through this training before so . . .” Sakura trailed off into thought. After a moment lightning struck her brain. “Ok, Neji wants us to work as a team right? Why don't we each teach the others what we're good at!” She smiled a true smile for the first time in a long while.
“I could teach flower arranging.” Ino tilted her head as she commented quietly.
“Fashion and strength are my forte'” Temari grinned, leaning back on her fan.
“Hm, weapons are pretty much all I'm good at.” Tenten laughed nervously, putting a hand to the back of her head as she did.
“Ok, I can teach chakra control . . . that's the best I could come up with.” Sakura laughed then looked at Hinata. “Now if Hinata-chan could teach us her style of grace and agility we'd be set.” Hinata blinked then looked around at the expectant faces.
“H-hai. I can teach agility.” She blushed slightly, feeling nervous that they were actually asking her for help.
“Alright, well that's settled then. We can each go home and come up with a teaching plan. Tomorrow we'll select some to start us off and begin training.” Sakura put a fist on her open palm to show her determination. So far, Neji's little diversion plan was working. They were focused on training and not their lose.
“Well that's no problem. I bet I could get us some flowers from our shop.” Ino smiled brightly, happy that Sakura was blooming again.
“Sounds like fun Ino.” Sakura smiled back. Now that Sasuke was out of the picture the two were actually being nice to each other. Which surprised the other girls a bit.
“Uniforms might give us that 'team' feel.” Temari put a finger to her mouth and looked up at the sky.
“I could help with that.” Hinata added hesitantly.
“Really?! That'd be great Hinata.” Temari grinned again. She had heard from Gaara about this girl and was happy to hear her join in.
“Ok, meeting adjourned. Meet back here tomorrow.” Sakura laughed and got up. The others did the same, whispering excitedly. She watched them leave, feeling the sadness return once they were out of sight. She stood there until a reflection off of something caught her eye. Turning her head she saw what the light was reflecting off of . . . the 'missing nin' stone. As she watched with gathering tears, a beautiful green, black, and blue butterfly flew up into the sky.
“Goodbye . . . Naruto.” Sakura smiled through her tears and waved at the departing butterfly. It danced and weaved until she could no longer see it, leaving a small trail of sparkling dust in it's wake.
* * *
There is a legend that, when a person dies their soul turns into a butterfly so it can return to heaven.
[~End of Chapter:~]
Semi: -tears- A truly beautiful ending Chibi . . . truly beautiful.
C.L: Hai, and now Naruto-kun can rest in peace.
Semi: Hai and who would have thought that Gaara would comfort Hinata-sama? -giggles-
C.L: -hides- GOMEN! CL knew there hasn't been much fluffy and now she puts some in between Hina and Gaara! -hides more- But CL promise more Hina-Neji fluff in next chappy!
Semi: Yep, Chibi's been bad. But look foreword to the next chapter folks because it's gonna be good! -dances- Keep an eye out cus it'll be here on the 15th of December!
[~: Teasers for the next chapter:~]
Neji peeks in on the girl's training -snickers- And Tsunade sets the groups out on missions! And what's this? A new member of the teams?! Look foreword to it!-winks-
Chapter Five: “Tomorrow I Will Change.”