Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Lily ❯ "Tomorrow I Will Change" ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[~: A/N :~]
Semi: yipes . . . I should be locked away for being so darn late. (omg, a year?! -shot-)
ChibiLee: Semi-sama's been way busy with stuffs . . . not to mention getting sick for a week.
Semi: Gomenasei once again everyone, I hope you enjoy this edition of WinLil
C.L.: LONG chappy this time! . . . we should have the next one up on the 15th of next month.
[~: Disclaimer :~] I do not own Naruto nor the song “Bitch” . Have a nice day.

Winter Lily
By: Youkai Semi
Chapter Five: “Tomorrow I will Change”
Neji frown heavily. Everything had been going fine, till now. Hinata had even been smiling, the first real smile in months. It had cheered him to see her enjoying herself, however much he tried to deny it. Watching her laughing with her fellow kunoichi caused a smile to appear on his lips. Oh he had tried in vein to suppress it, but found he couldn't help himself. She just seemed so happy for once.
But as the group of females finished up for the day, the dark cloud came back to hang over the Lady. Neji felt his heart drop to the bitter bile of his stomach. It took all his willpower NOT to go running out to her, to keep himself where he was. He didn't know why he had such an urge to comfort her, but he did know it wouldn't do either of them any good. So he forced himself to remain where he was, hidden among threes. Watching as the sad girl forced herself to get up and move long.
The Kazekage had told him she would be ok. That did not seem to be the case here. If she was to pull through this, she would have to do it herself. She needed to believe in herself. To see that she was needed, wanted even, but mostly to see that she was loved. No one could live without love, it was like a flower without the sun, and it was the only thing that Hinata was missing now.
Oh yes, Neji could see now that her love for Naruto had been the only thing keeping her going; keeping her together, from falling apart at the seams. The others hadn't been cruel, but nor had they been very kind. He had beaten her to a pulp in the exams himself, and never said a kind word to her. The older Hyuuga regretted now more then anything else. His pride, however, would never let him admit it out loud.
Neji looked away from Hinata, noticing a similar dark cloud hovering over Sakura. Of all the other rookies, she seemed to be taking it even harder then Hinata. Though the pink haired kunoichi somehow managed to hide it much better then the Hyuuga. Now she was a lone ninja with no team. Even her sensai still had at least one member of his, but she had none. Hinata had her team to support her, as well as Neji and his. Sakura Haruno had no one.
With a long withdrawn sigh, Neji deactivated Byakugan and rubbed at his sore temples. He was becoming altogether too emotionally evolved in this situation. If things kept up, all the rookie teams would fall apart. The grown ups didn't seem to be concerned about the genins. After all, death was apart of life and nearly all of them had lost someone along the way.
The older Hyuuga crossed his arms and leaned against the tree who's branch he was perched on. Staring out at nothing in particular, he let his mind wonder where it would since all tis thinking was giving him such a marvelous headache.
Yes, they may ave lost someone. But Naruto had somehow made himself the glue that bound the genin together-almost like family. Now having lost that glue, they ere falling apart and wondering lost-deliriously searching for something they'd never find. Which brought up the questions; 'Could they perhaps, make a new glue to hold themselves together?' 'Was there a chance thy could form a new kind of glue, together as a whole, instead of one being the glue for them?'
All in all it was a very long shot. He had hoped his plan would have done just that, yet t was failing miserably. How had things gone so wrong so quickly? It made him feel powerless . . . and he hated it.
* * *
For a moment Hinata had the prickly sensation of being watched. She paused in her tracks to look around but saw no one in range. At first she was about to turn around and just keep going, yet the small tugging at the back of her mind would not leave her alone until she activated Byakugan for a second look. Not to far away was a solitary figure sitting among the trees.
Odd this, no one sat in a tree by themselves ... usually anyway. However, she knew of a few who liked to be alone. One at that distance wouldn't be able to see what the kunoichi group was doing. Normally this was true, but she also knew that one of those that liked to be alone had the same ability as she-and knew how to use it much more efficiently at that. So it could only be one person and explained why she had felt like she was being watched.
'Neji must really be worried.' Hinata's eyes darkened with sadness. She hadn't wanted to worry her cousin, though it seems she had, unintentional as it was. Somehow everyone always worried about her. Frowning, she registered that she was using self pity again. Shaking her head fiercely to detach the thought. The doubting, belittling, voices caused her to be short sighted and ignore those around her.
“Hinata, the fifth would like to see you.” A voice spoke out from behind the distracted Hyuuga. With a loud 'eep' of surprise, she spun around to face the intruder. She found herself face to face with her team-mate. Mentally letting out a soft sigh of relief, she quickly gave Kiba a slight nod.
“What does she want?” Was what she asked, but the other interpreted it as 'Is she in a bad mood?'. Kiba chuckled momentarily before waving off the question.
“Eh, I'm pretty sure its just a mission.” He began to lead the way back to the village, leaving a still worried Hinata to follow at his heals. She paused before leaving the clearing to look over her shoulder. But Neji was already gone. Frowning again, she hoped he would be alright.
She turned resolutely and continued to follow Inuzuka back to the Hokage tower. Her stomach clenched painfully at the thought of having to deal with another mission so soon. Leaving her with a rather painful cramp in her midsection. Just th thought of having to fight was making her nauseous, so what would she do once she was actually out there again?
Hinata watched the ground pas under her feet as she walked. This always seemed to help her to think straight. It would have to be important if she needed her for a mission. Either that or the fifth thought she needed some kind of distraction. The latter appeared to be the most plausible since Neji was the best with the gentle fist technique. She wasn't bad at it-but she still had a ways to go to catch up with her cousin.
With a silent groan of frustration, Hinata dreaded finding out what she was needed for. Her feet felt like lead and her tung was sticking to the roof of her mouth. She really did not feel like striking out on a mission at the moment.
Being distracted, Kiba was able to pause and ruffle her indigo hair. She looked up in surprise to find the Inuzuka grinning at her. Hinata blinked in confusion, totally stopping in her tracks to look at her team-mate.
“Hey, everything will be ok. I know you don't want to do this right now . . . you don't need to worry, I'm sure Tsunade knows what she's doing.” He gave her a reassuring smile while Akamaru barked in agreement. She couldn't help but give a grateful smile back to her comrades and received another pat on the head.
“You'd be fine.” Kiba chuckled lightly, taking the lead once more.
“Thank you Kiba-kun.” Hinata smiled at his back. Kiba raised a hand into the air to show he had heard, but otherwise made no comment. They did not need words to understand each other. They were team-mates, as close as any siblings-bickering included She felt very grateful to her 'brothers' for always being there for her. And like them, she would do anything for them just as they would for her or each other. Besides, there was more to family then just blood. Her father was a prime example of the opposite.
* * *
The fifth sat back in her chair, knitting her slender fingers together while closing her eyes. It was times like these when she had to count to ten ... slowly. And if that did not help, she counted again. She had no excuse to pummel someone. That would have been good, if disasteris, outlet for the woman with the shortest fusein Konoha. Luckily, everyone knew to stay away when her temper flared up like this.
It was particularly bad when Shizune hid her sake. You just did not mess with Tsunade's liqure. Drinking, as only a few knew, helped her drown out her sorrows and, at times, cooled her temper. Then again it also ignited it on those rare other times so it was like playing russion roulette Better to keep her away from it all together.
The hokage opened her eyes slightly, still deep in thought. She needed information. Badly. And the Anbu squad she had sent out to retrieve it had yet to return. Things were not looking good in every aspect of the phrase.
Her only options weren't to her liking either. To send another Anbu squad would be a waste, they needed them here. That left only the rookies. They were kids, but she had faith they would get through. Most had gone through worst then this anyways.
She concidered each one in turn. There would have to be a Hyuuga on either team. Two teams, one to go towards Rain and the other to Mountain. She did not like the gossip coming from those areas. Well, she would have Neji on one team and Hinata on the other. Sakura would be useful incase someone got hurt, and thought Shino wasn't a med-nin his bugs could come in handy for the other team.
'Might as well add some brute force to the mix. Kiba and Lee would be best there. Looks like team eight and most of team Gai it is.' Tsunade mentally tallied it up, finding the mix to be the best she could come up with.
'Hinata would be more at ease with her own grou. Neji can work with anyone.This shouldn't be too hard for them.' The fifth let a sly grin pass over her half hidden lips. She had seen them pull off things much harder then this before.
It wasn't that the kids needed a break, they had not had a real mission since Usumaki's “death”. They really did not need a distraction either. She doubted that they new that she knew what they were up to. The whole idea was rather clever, or so she thought.
Tsunade expected nothing less from this group of remarkable children. As a matter of fact she now expected more since finding she had set the bar too low at the start. They were the next generation, capable of very great things.
Oh yes, many great and wonderful things, and she would make sure they lived up to those expectations.
The fifth frowned yet again. Hiashi had not taken his daughter seriously, and from what she had heard he was about to disown her forher lack of progress the past month in favor of Hanabi his youngest. Usumaki's death had taken quite a toll on the girl's heart. Naturally, love did that.
Basically, what this lead to was a confrontation. Pride and honor getting in the way of course. The Hyuuga clan leader pissed her off, she stepped on his toes as a threat to shut him up, and finally ended with her as the victor. As usual. Besides, it was only he who did not see her progress. She did not think anyone else noticed that she was fast surpassing even Neji.
The quiet drumming of her fingers on the solid wood desk soothed her, if only a little. Other then the drumming there was only the soft ticking of a clock. But unlike the drumming, the ticking was beginning to grate on her nerves. If they did not show up soon she would most likely smash the thing to sate her irritation.
As her hand inched towards the heavy stapler on her desk, a cat appeared in a puf of smoke. Her silver eyes watched the fift's ichy hand wearily as she approched. On delicate white paws, she jumped up onto the edge of the desk and regarded the blond buxom beauty.
“You sent for me Godaime?” She purred out soothingly with a small inclination of her head.
“Yes, it is good to see you again Nidiva. I assume everything went well?” Tsunade smiled fondly at the cat, putting her chin in her folded hands once more.
“Well indeed.All five of the kittens survived and are ready for trainning.” Nidiva replied in a happy chirp.
“I see. You did very well Nidiva. Thank you, I have high hopes for them. Kakashi's dogs gave me this idea, yet I don't think its been done. We will have to see. I can't make any promises once they're in service, but I'll do my best to look after them.” Tsunad sat back, her blue eyes locking with the cat's silver. The cat regarded hr a moment before bobbing her head in acceptance.
“We cats know of the Shinobi way, after all is it not the two-tails that is one of our own? I knew the dangers when I agreed to this mission, you needn't fear.” The cat purred out lightly, her eyes closing slightly in understanding.
“Well then, I thank you once more. As for trainning. I think I've got just the crash course for them. I'll be sending them out with Hyuuga Hinata. Which ever does the ebst wills tay with her while the others will be given other tasks. Should be interesting.” Tsunade grinned mischeviously.
“That it will. Thought, I think Yami would be best for the Hyuuga girl.” Nidiva looked up in thought or a moment.
“Yami?” Tsunade inquired with a raised brow.
“Yes, the only female in the litter. She's rather rambunkous, and out going, which would suite the Hyuuga as she is the opposite. The boys are all a bit timid but want to prove themselves, too much like her.” Nidiva explained calmly as if reporting on the weather.
“You have a point. Alright, we send Yami with her. Please have her ready in twenty minutes.” Tsunade smiled then patted the snow white cat on the head. Nidiva purred a moment then nodded.
“Right away, Godaime.” With that the cat bowed by tucking one front paw under her belly then vanished in a puff of smoke just as she had appeared.
* * *
The male Hyuuga teen paused and raised an eyebrow as he saw a white cat with a small dot discoloration on her forehead slink past him. The cat reminded him of someone, but he couldn't place just who. Besides, what was a cat doing here?
As far as he could tell, the ninja had only trained dogs and didn't keep many cats. With a shrug he continued to follow the ver quite bug-nin. Shino had not said much other then to tell him Tsunade wanted to see him. He was not sure what she wanted, though he could guess it was mission.
That worried him. He had seen Inuzuka approach Hinata as Shino reached him in his tree. Could they be going on a mission together again? It seemed unlikely . . . and yet, Tsunade was known to do strange things at times.
Neji was pulled from his thoughts as familure voices reached his ears. He rounde another corner to find the fifth's office and several other rookies. His own team-mate, Lee, among them. Blinking in surprise, he reached the door first and proceeded inside.
Tsunade sat at her desk withShizune and Tonton by her side. She didn't look particularly happy, but she didn'tt look pissed either. One good point already in their favor. Lee took a place by Neji's right side while Hinata's team stood together, leaving Sakura to stand on Neji's left between him and Hinata's group.
The hokage regarded the group for a moment then grinned. “Exactly on time, excellent. Now, here are your missions. Neji, I want you, Lee, and Sakura to head to Rain. Gather as much information on Orochimaru's movements as possible. Stay hidden and do not engage unless absolutely nessissary. Shino, same goes for your group, only you're heading to Mountain.”
“But, isn't that a job for Anbu?” Kiba spoke out in mild confusion.
“Normally, yes, but we need what we have here. I wont lie, its a dangerous mission, and very important. I don't need to tell you the sevarity of the situation.” Tsunade replied cooly, her eyes piercingly serious.
The grou shuffled uneasily under her gaze, and were taken aback when she smiled. “Oh yes, one other thing. Hinata step foreward for a moment please.” The girl began to sweat in mild panic. It didn't last long though, for once she got to the desk Tsunade had a ruler in her hand. Panic was replaced by outright fear.
“Now, hold out your hands and close your eyes.” The stern voice the fifth used made her comply without question, but fear was still present. While her eyes were closed, Tsunade lifted a finger to her lips to quiet the others and winked. Without a sound the ruler change into a dark gray kitten with bright green eyes.
Sakura nearly blew it by laughing, quickly saving herself by covering her mouth in time. Hinata frowned, waiting for the ruler to smack her hands. However, the smack never came. Instead, something warm, soft, and furry was place in her hands-startling her.
With a loud 'eep' of surprise, she almost dropped the kitten. The group behind her fell into hysterical giggles, even Tsunade was laughing. Blushing a deep red they hadn't seen on her in over a month, Hinata couldn't help but laugh with them.
“This is Yami, an in-trainning nin-cat. She wil be going with you and is now your partner as Akamaru is Kiba's.” Tsunade smiled at her little joke as well as seeing Hinata becoming more like her old self.
“Nice to meet you!” Yami grinned her cat grin and held up a paw in greeting. There was a renewed bout of laughter which quickly died down.
“I expect you can try out several of the new tricks you've learned from Kiba now. And maybe make a few of your own.” Tsunade let slip that she knew their secret then looked over them again. “You leave in the morning. Now go on, I have work to do.” She smiled again, shooing them out. They all bowed and left, Yami riding in Hinata's hoodie much as Akamaru rode in Kiba's.
“Here.” Kiba stopped Hinata in the hall then put a ninja band around the cat's neck like a coller. Now the cat looked just like Hinata.
“There, she's more then just a partner after all. She'll be like Kakashi's dogs and Akamaru combined. She'll be able to do nearly anything with you.” He smiled then ruffled the cat's ears.
“Really?” Yami pipped up with a big smile.
“Yep. Just you wait Yami.” Kiba grinned at the kitten.
“Thanks again Kiba-kun. It looks good on her.” Hinata giggled quietly.
“It makes her look just like you.” He smirked.
“Stop teasing her Inuzuka.” Shino commented lightly while pushing his sunlasses up the bridge of his nose. The all laughed and headed outside. Neji, however, hung back to watch his cousin.
'Good luck, Hinata-sama.' He thought to himself before joining his group. With his back turned, he didn't see Hinata pause to glance back at him.
'Good luck, Neji-Onii-chan.' She smiled then disappeared around the corner leaving much unsaid.
* * *
Hinata once again woke to a tapping on her shoji door. This time it wasn't urgent, but hesitent. She blinked up at her celing a moment thinking she might hav drempt the knocking. Another knock came after continued silence.
“Hinata-sama? Are you awake?” A voice called softly, trying not to wake the servents She sat up, her thick comforter falling away in a tumbled heap to reveal a loose jade green tan top night shirt. She sliped out of the warm futon, padding quietly over the cold floor to the door. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she gently slid open the door.
“hmm?” Her sleepy mumble was rather cute. Neji's jaw nearly dropped to the floor, quickly recovering to hide his shock. Hinata was wearing a rather short tank top that revealed her mid-drift and a pair of matching shorts. Quite the sight to behold first thing in the morning, and not a bad one at that.
“The teams will be leaving soon. Better hurry so you can get breakfast before we leave.” He commented non-cholantly, as if speaking to a beautiful mussy haired kunoichi was a typical morning stroll.
“Hm? Oh alright. Thank you Neji Onii-chan.” Hinata gave him a smile, getting a nod in return before he turned and walked back down the hall. She watched him go, a small puzzled smiled playing on her lips. Had she really just seen him blush? Her eyes looked down at what she was wearing and nearly fainted from embaressment. A bright red tomato couldn't hold a candle to the color of Hinata's face as she quickly closed, locked and leaned against her door. To her surprise, she heared herself begin to giggle.
'Its not like he hasn't seen me in ometing like this before.' Her smile spread to her ears, her eyes gaining a merry sparkle. That was a side of Neji she hadn't seen before.
“Mmeeaaa... hhh.” Yami crawled out from thefuton, stretching and yawning to show her sharp feline teeth and claws. Hinata laughed out right. It was still a little strange to have a partner. The gray kitten tilted her head and reguarded her human with cool green eyes.
“Aren't the teams leaving at six? Its already five-thirty.” Yami asked innocently. Hinata blanched, staring in horror at the kitten.
“S-shimatta . . .” The next instant, the blue-black haired kunoichi was flying around the room, gathering up her stuff and changing clothes at the same time. She hit the kitchen at a dead run, snagging an fried egg sandwich before racing outside.
Stuffing her arms through her jacket, sandwich still in her mouth, she hurried off to the entrance gates with Yami grinning on her head. The cat didn't say so but being on Hinata's head was like riding a roller coaster, really-really fun roller coaster.
By the time they reached the gates, the kunoichi was out of breath. Her sides ached and her head spun just a little, but she made it.
“Better take a minute to catch your breath there Hinata. You didn't have to run the whole way, Neji told us you might be a little late.” Kiba grinned at his kunoichi team-mate. No-one could say she wasn't cute when she was flustered and looking wind blown.
“W-what time is it?” The girl heaved out, clenching her sides a moment longer before straightening up.
“Five-fourty-five.” Shino's simple answer made the girl face plant onto the concrete.
“Y-yami!” She whined, sitting with her knees under her and groaning in dispair. Said cat mearly grinned from atop her head. Kiba couldn't keep himself from laughing.
“She's as bad as Akamaru.” The inuzuka had one hand holding his stomach while the other pointed at the sly looking cat. The puppy in question barked an affirmatie from his hoodie. Shino nodded a moment later.
“You did that on purpose didn't you, Yami?” Hinata raised her eyes to the cat on her head, her voice only a little chiding in rebuff.
“Moh ... I sorry.” The kitten purrd and licked the girl's forehead in appology. The smile never leaving her little kitty face.
“Forgiven.” A hand snaked up to scratch the kitten behind the ears as she stood back up. Scrunching up her brows she looked around, they were the only ones there. As if reading her mind Kiba gave her an answer.
“Team two as already left. They wanted an eary start, so they left around five-thirty.” The look of disappointment was not lost on the Inuzuka. Inwardly, he smiled. She was getting better thanks to Neji . . . he would have to remember to thank her cousin next time they saw him. He didn't know what they would do if they lost her. They'd lost to many friends as it was, he'd rather not think about it.
“Let's get moving, the sooner we get there the the sooner we can come back.” He grinned, leading the way ut of the gates. With broad smiles each, they left Konoha. None knew that it would be their last look at their home, nor that one of them wouldn't be back until years later.
[~End of Chapter:~]
Semi: And that's it for chapter five. -grins-
C.L: Took ya long enough. Oh and nice cliffy .... again!
Semi: . . . -growls- Its not my fault my muse decided to take a vacation.
Sin: She has a point. -shrugs-
C.L: But, CL was tired . . .
Ele: Oh that's original. (lol)
Semi: Eh . . . oh well, at least she's back.
Sin: True, but for how long?
C.L: grr . . . -starts hissing-
Ele: Alright, cool it cat-girl! -smirks-
Semi: Enough bickering, let's get back to work. Thank you all for continuing to read Winter Lily. If you have ideas or suggestions please send us an e-mail! TTFN!
[~: Teasers for the next chapter:~]
A few years have past, one of the genin sent out on that mission did not return-but who? Find out next time on Winter Lily.
Chapter Six: “Time Cannot Erase”