Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Lily ❯ "Time Cannot Erase" ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

: A/N :
Semi: Well, lookie! We got this one up on time! -giggles and grins-
ChibiLee: (...) Finally yes? (lol)
Ele: We DID tell you to me be nice to her Semi.
Sin: And she HAS come up with some new story ideas . . .
Semi: Hai hai ... but does that seriously constitute a year long break?
Ele/Sin: -facedesk-
CL: Eh heh (;) -runs away from Semi, muses and the editors-
Semi/Ele/Sin: Get back here baka kitsune! -chases after the hyper muse-
C.L.: Yet another longish chappy this time, and once again we should have the next one up on the 15th of next month. Till then ...
All: Ja ne!
: Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto nor the song “” . Have a nice day.
Winter Lily
By: Youkai Semi
Chapter Six: “Time Cannot Erase”
The snow drifting down in thick flakes made the village hidden in leaves seem much colder then it was. Trees, forest floor, everything was covered in sparkling white stuff. The sun reflecting off of it hurt the eyes, but also caused the snow to look like billions of tiny faceted diamonds. It was a beautiful sight . . . except for the large black stone jutting out of the whiteness.
A shiver crept its way up the stiff broad back of the male walking tensely towards it. He was hesitant and anyone could tell he really didn't want to be there. But today was a special day. He had promised to place flowers here on this day every year, and he had kept that promise for the third day in a row now.
The others all understood. They would come and place theirs later in the day. Until noon it was his alone. Again, it had been that way for three years running. Because, today was her birthday.
Hinata would have been seventeen today.
Neji took the last few steps to the 'Lost Nin' stone and set his flowers down. He'd have knelt had there been no snow, so instead he bowed his head a moment in prayer. So many had been lost that year. Three were not much older then children . . . well early teens was only slightly older then a child after all.
Three years had past, but not the pain, and many things had changed since then. The male Hyuuga no longer sported the 'caged bird' seal. He was now eighteen, a Jonin of top rank, and soon to be placed in Anbu. The late placement was mostly because he asked for it.
It had come as a surprise to the whole village when his uncle, Hiashi, went against his clan's councilmen. The leader of the Hyuuga clan, after loosing his daughter, had decided he had had enough. He removed Neji's seal, named him his heir, and gave him the authority to do what ever he deemed necessary for the good of the clan.
However, instead of further stepping on the councilman's toes and forestalling a family feud, Neji chose a diplomatic approach. They had a year to find someone who could beat him in a fight. The rules were simple. If the person they found was able to beat him he would step down and have the seal once again placed on his brow. Should they not find one they forfeit, and if he won . . . he was leader with no further contestation.
The end to that came over a year ago, just after he had turned seventeen. Suffice it to say he was still without the seal and it would remain that way. It unnerved him just a little when everyone placed the honorific -sama at the end of his name almost immediately. Time would help he was sure.
Opening his pale lavender eyes, he looked at the names carved into the stone. One was written. Only written because they had never recovered her body, and so could not confirm her death. Written because he wrote it there. She deserved the honor.
Usumaki Naruto
Hyuuga Hinata
Funny that their names were placed together as if, though denied each other in life, they were now together forever more. If there was life after death, Neji was sure this was true, and that they were happy. He hoped with all his heart that it was true.
“They say ... 'You never know what you have until you've lost it'.” The male flicked the long pony-tail hanging over his shoulder backwards and crouched down to be level with her name. He ran his index finger tenderly over his own writing, his face the picture of regret and sorrow.
“Its not the same without you, Hinata.” His whisper gave away the hurt he hid from all the other. Granted they could probably see it in his eyes from time to time, but he still tried to hide it. His use of only her name without honorific was yet more proof, as he now considered them equals
“Hanabi is doing well. I've convinced Uncle to allow me to train her, and ease up on her a little. He doesn't want to lose anyone else, so he agreed. She's a genin now, I think she was placed with Kurenai. Your old sensei is pretty protective of the girl, its rather amusing at times.
“Then again she's probably hurting as much as I am. She has been through losing a student before so its possible that its harder on her then myself. Perhaps that' why Tsunade placed Hanabi with her.
“Kiba and Shino still blame themselves. Sakura-chan and I have been working with them on it. Its coming slowly, but they are getting better. Yami wont choose another partner either. She's a loner and usually can only be found by Nidiva.”
Neji stopped there to think if there was anything else to report. It was very hard keeping one's self from breaking down. He had to remind himself that he was strong enough to hold his emotions in check. Then he remembered something.
“Oh yeah, the council wants me to choose a bride after I succeed Anbu. Because its such a dangerous job, they would like for me to have heirs early in case something happens. They have Hanabi as a trump card, but they'd rather I follow their wishes. Maybe it is time I moved on. I'm sure that's what you would have wanted.” He paused again, letting the swirl of emotions over take him for a moment.
“I miss you Hinata-sama. Please rest in peace. The caged bird only sings for you.” Neji let himself say what he couldn't say in front of the others. Silently, he got up and returned to the bustling of Konoha.
Several minutes later he was interrupted by a livid Hanabi. “NEJI-NIISAMA! Tsunade has news! She wants to see you right away!” The girl practically danced in place, her own matching lavender eyes never leaving his face. Something was definitely up.
“Thank you Hana-chan, please return to your exercises.” He replied calmly, placed his hands in the arms of his sleeves and waited. Hanabi nodded, turned around and went back towards the Hyuuga compound. He watched her turn the corner before setting out for the Hokage tower.
'Must be important if she's calling for me.' The Hyuuga thought grimly. Since the lose of his cousin he viewed missions as if they were a barrel of snakes. They were never taken lightly, which was most likely the reason he was getting into Anbu.
* * *
Tsunade drummed her fingers on the desk before her. Trying to figure out a way to best approach this little problem. Coming straight out with it would likely be best ... but what about the Hyuuga? She could only hope Neji didn't go ballistic.
'Small wonder why the Anbu corps hadn't found the body.' She mentally growled, gnashing her teeth together in frustration. This was going to be difficult.
“Nidiva!” Godaime called out, quietly hoping no one would hear her. The white cat appeared on her desk in the usual puff of summoning smoke.
“Yes, Godaime?” She asked cautiously, eying the blonds hands to make sure she didn't have something to throw.
“I need Yami here. Now.” The blond put her head in her hands. “If anyone can help with this its the Dark-Stalker.” She mumbled in desperation.
“Its that bad huh? Give me two minutes to get her.” The cat turned to leave.
“You've got one.” Tsunade lifted her jade eyes to the cat's silver ones. For a moment they stared at each other, then the cat bobbed her head and disappeared as a knock came at the Hokage's door. Straightening and collecting herself, the blond turned to the door. With a calm she didn't feel, she called out to the knocker.
“You needed to see me, Tsunade-sama?” Neji stepped into the room with only mild hesitation. The Godaime still had a fierce temper and well known for chucking things at unsuspecting heads.
“Yes. Get in here and shut that door.” She responded while picking up a sheet of paper. The Hyuuga complied, shutting the door and moving to stand in front of her desk. Within moments Nidiva and Yami appeared on a said desk facing the Hokage like himself.
“Godaime?” Neji's brows knitted together in apprehension.
“We have just received intelligence of a young person with the Hyuuga eyes. A man near Rain reported seeing said person.” Tsunade began slowly, her eyes skimming the page.
“That's ... odd. Male or female?” The leader of the Hyuuga frowned heavily. There was no way ... Understanding dawning on him a moment to late. Anbu never found her body.
“Female . . . but there are ... er, complications.” She continued hesitantly.
“Such as?” Neji wanted to grind his teeth in frustration. What was going on?!
“One: She is supposedly terrified of men. Two: She wont talk to anyone and is very hard to find. . . and Three: .. well, see for yourself.” The hokage held up a finger as she counted them down then passed him the paper.
Possible Missing Nin of Konohagakure
Of Hyuuga-clan?
Fairly young, female.
Males can not approach, impossible to locate.
Last seen with two small male children,
of same lineage due to eyes, who were heard
referring to the female as 'mother'.
Request course of action and
a member of Hyuuga-clan to assess the situation
and possible capture.
~Sand Anbu Corps
Neji re-read the request several more times in mute shock. This made no sense. A female from Hyuuga? With two young children? He was sure none from his clan had been taken. If they had it hadn't been recently.
“It could be her. Tell no-one about this until we can investigate further. Is there anyone in particular you'd like me to send?” Tsunade interrupted his train of thought.
He swallowed the hard lump in his throat so he could answer. “Not necessarily, I'll choose someone and send them over immediately. I assume they'll be taking Yami?” He asked quietly while looking at the cat. Godaime nodded an affirmative.
“Then I'll let you get back to work. Expect them in no more then half an hour.” Neji replied and went to the door as calmly as he could. No, he wouldn't get his hopes up. Not today of all days. He'd get an Anbu clan member to go. If nothing else they'd bring whoever it as back for questioning. He left the room, closing the door behind him with a light snap. The Hyuuga was lying to himself of course, because inside he was trembling like a harp-string.
* * *
A young woman watched her twin boys playing in the snow. It wasn't often they were allowed to play outdoors so they went out it with great abandon. They were nearly two; their birthday a little less then a month away. The fifth of January.
The boys loved playing outside, and despite her fears she let them. She wouldn't repeat past mistakes made by others. Making her own as she went along like any other mother on her own as such a young age. Seventeen was young after all, but she made due with what she had.
Both boys had already shoulder length blue-black hair like her own, and pale lavender eyes that once again matched her own. They had no trace of their father in their looks or personality. Something she was very grateful for. They were loving and beautiful little boys.
“Hizashi! Hanishi! Its time to go inside now.” She cupped her hands in front of her mouth and called to them. The boys turned at her voice, grinned and ran back to her crouched form as quickly as their little legs could carry them.
“Kaa-chan!” They burbled happily as they threw their small arms around her neck.
“Did Zashi-chan and Ishi-chan have fun in the snow?” She giggled and kissed their blue-black locks as she dusted the snow off of their thick hakama and haori.
“Hai! Snow fun!” Ishi replied with a big grin, helping her to brush the snow off his clothing. He wore dark blue and gray.
“Can we play more 'morrow?” Zashi asked with a small worried frown, he too helping his mother get the snow off of his deep red and gray outfit.
“We'll see sweety. If its not too cold.” Their mother smiled warmly and brushed his hair from his face. Standing up, the boys each took one of her hands.
“Bath?” The boys asked in unison with matching grins when they turned to the house, glancing up at their mother to confirm her answer.
“Yes, we can have a bath.” She laughed softly as she lead them the few feet to the door.
“Yay!” The twins cheered and raced to the bathroom once the door was opened. She, however, paused on the door step. Adjusting her thick kimono as a chill crept up her spin.
Something was about to happen.
Without a sound she turned to look out at the forest beyond. This was its edge, after about ten feet in, it gave way to desert. An odd anomaly, but it served its purpose. A few miles past the last of the trees was the tiny village of Kohoshi, a branch of star. Their symbol was three small stars.
As its named implied, it was a rather small community. But despite what she wanted it was her village now, as well as her children's. Should they choose so, they would one day wear the ninja band of their village. If not . . . the caged bird awaited one, if not both of her small boys.
A shudder went through her body. No. She had seen what that had done to her family in the past, and she wouldn't allow that to happen again. That was the only thing that kept her from returning to her home-her own village. The fear of one of them having to be rejected kept her here in Kohoshi where the boys had been born and made part of the village. They were happy and wanted here.
“Kiba-kun! Please wait up!” Hinata called out to her team-mate, her brother at arms. Kiba glanced back and chuckled.
“You're slow today Hinata!” He turned so he was running backward, teasing the Hyuuga heiress.
“Stop showing off Inuzuka. We're on a mission.” Shino reprimanded the dog boy then paused on a higher branch to allow their kunoichi member to catch up.
“Arigato Shino-kun.” Hinata managed to wheeze as she landed on the branch below him. She placed one trembling hand on her chest and the other on the three's trunk for support. It was a week into the mission and they were just a few hours to their destination. Unfortunately they had been tracked since day break, which meant no stopping unless absolutely necessary. This reminded the kunoichi too much of her last mission.
“Mer, Hinata-sama . . . why are you upset?” Yami was quick to pick up on her partner's moods.
“Its n-nothing, Yami.” Hinata stumbled only once in her speech, a feat in itself.
“Come on Hinata, we've beaten the bad guys before. We can handle it. Besides, this gives us a chance to prove our training worked.” Kiba tried to comfort his friend, receiving a small smile in return.
“H-hai. Arigato Kiba-kun.” Hinata smiled, a little reassured for the moment. Then Akamaru started growling.
“Time to move. Try to keep up Hinata.” Shino interrupted, jerking his head in the direction they needed to go before sprinting off himself. Hinata and Kiba gave a small inclination of their heads then followed at the bug-nin's heals.
It didn't take long for their stalkers to catch them up. There was no time to react and Hinata found both her team-mates knocked out before she could even blink. The next thing she knew, a needle had been jabbed into her upper arm. A cold sensation began to spread from there while her mouth was covered to keep her from screaming. Her arms and legs pinned so she couldn't move.
“Heh, too easy. Konoha shouldn't let their prized kunoichis run around so unprotected. Throw the cat with the others and bring the girl.” Was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.
For four months she was kept sedated enough so she couldn't move or use chakra. During that time she was treated like a living doll. The leader of the group would feed her, dress her in pretty yukatas, and -must to her own horror- bathed her. She slept on the floor in his tent, and was carried around like some prized possession. If she could of cried she would have, but her senses were too dulled by the tranquilizer to do anything other then stare dumbly into space.
Kinishi, as she would later learn his name, was never cruel to her. He even told her that her team was alive when she wouldn't stop fretting. In some of her 'clear' moments he was gentle and treated her like a rare jewel. It unnerved her to say the least. She would have given anything to go home, but then one does grow used to such attentions.
The young man, for he wasn't much older then eighteen, or so she guessed, had short messy blue-black hair like her own. Only his eyes were a startling crystal blue and held no fear. He knew what he was doing as well as the consequences.
She knew his plan, when she was coherent enough. All kunoichi were taught about such things from a young age. When new villages popped up, they needed new clans. In short, they often abducted female children from the clans of much bigger villages, reasoning that since the villages and clans were already big enough to hold their own they could spare a female to make a new clan. It was a sad fate for those children who were stolen. More often then not they were breed from the moment they could, usually no older then twelve or thirteen.
And she had just turned fifteen, a prime target indeed. Though the children they stole away were usually still toddlers so they could be raised in the village they were to help. Hence why she was drugged.
Finally, the day came when the little group was finished running. Four long months from the time they had captured their little bird. They camped out near a mountain ridge that night, giving her less of the sedative as Kinishi had instructed. The late spring rains were clearing their trails. No one would find them now.
Kinishi came to her that night. Pleased with his treasure. His village and clan needed heirs, and she was perfect for obtaining them. Her powers were strong, as was her body. He was mildly surprised she hadn't been married off already. Then, he took her.
Help, however, came too late. She laid bruised and once again felt the need in her arm. This time, before she blacked out, she saw a blur of whiskers and heard the shredding of flesh. In her dream she saw a large black panther shredding her disgracer to shreds and marveled at how big Yami had gotten . . . for she was sure it was her kitten that had come to save her.
A few days later she awoke in the village of Kohoshi, hurting rather badly and wanting only to sleep. No one could tell her how she got there, but they gave her medicine for the pain or whatever else she needed. They were a rather kind populace and treated her as one of their own.
She did not feel threatened in any way, so she decided to stay until she felt better. Though she knew she was now disgraced and would likely be placed in the cadet-branch if she ever returned home. That was fine, let Neji or Hanabi have the position, she didn't want to deal with it anymore. She was just so tired and too emotionally drained to do anything.
It hurt to walk, or even sit, for the first week after she woke up. The kindly older lady she was housed under told her it was natural and would soon fade. But then came the sickness. Every morning she found herself throwing up her dinner. She began losing more weight then she could replace and felt altogether warn paper thin.
The kindly old lady, Olivia as she was called, began to worry about her young guest when she stopped eating. Then she placed the symptoms and couldn't help but smile. The girl was rather young, though not as young as she had been when she first conceived. Still there was no helping it now.
So it was that Hinata found out the horrifying news. Not only was she disgraced by Kinishi, but now she was carrying his child. Falling into hysterical crying, she cursed Kami for everything he had taken from her. She couldn't . . . she wouldn't, have that bastard's child!
Unfortunately, once again, fate intervened with its own agenda. Olivia caught her as she was just about to cut off her chakra flow and stop her own heart. Never the brave one, Hinata was easily stopped. That did not stop her from pounding on the floor or the arms that tried to hold her. A slap across the face finally put an end to her tantrum.
“You'd kill yourself and your unborn child?! Life is so easy to end, but not so easy to live! Life is a precious gift, it shouldn't be thrown away so carelessly! Would you not even give the new life in you a chance to live?” Olivia yelled angrily at the girl before her, she needed the sense knocked back into her pretty little head.
“I can't go home to my village . . . my clan, or my friends! I've been shamed!” Hinata spoke up, holding her cheek. Tears streaming from her lavender orbs.
“That may be so, but you are welcome here little one. You've been given a new life to lead, a new path to follow. You have lost much for it, but Kami doesn't take without giving something in return. You are free now to do as you choose sweetling, and the new life you carry within you will need you to be strong.” Olivia held the once again crying girl, soothing back her hair and rocking her like a small child.
“I don't know if I can do this . . . I'm scared.” Hinata hiccuped through her tears, finally admitting the truth. Her fist clenched around the front of the woman's kimono for dear life. She felt so small and helplessly lost.
“Shh . . everything will be fine. I know its scary the first time, but it will be alright. I'll help you every step of the way.” Olivia hummed a quiet tune to calm the frantic girl.
“Arigato ... Olivia-san.” Her sobbing soon calmed to a controlled whimper until she finally fell asleep in the old woman's arms.
And it so it was that the Hyuuga heiress gave birth to twin boys, much to the delight of the entire village, and from the moment she saw their little faces vowed to protect them at all costs.
[:End Flashback:]
Looking back, she couldn't ever believe she had actually tried to end their precious little lives along with her own. They were her whole world now, and she loved them so dearly. The only question was . . . how long would this forced peace last before they realized she was alive . . . and come to bring her home.
Another long shudder went through her. If she was forced to go back she knew, if not one then both her boys and herself were likely to receive the caged bird seal. And it was only a mater of time until Konoha's Anbu corps traced her. If they hadn't already.
“Kaa-chan? Daijabu ka?” Hizashi appeared at her side, tugging at her kimono to gain her attention. The worried look on his little face nearly broke her heart. The future could wait.
“Daijabu, now let's see about that bath shall we?” She picked him up and placed him on her hip. They were getting so big! Hanishi stood by the hall entrance, thumb in mouth and staring outside. It was dark now, the stars just coming out to twinkle on the snow. Disaster now struck the Hyuuga once again. The look in her son's little eyes should of warned her that something had appeared behind her. Too late. The point pointed with his free hand.
The rat masked Anbu member quickly delivered a smooth hit to the back of her neck, snatching the child from her arms and catching her falling form before she hit the floor.
“KAA-SAN!” Was the unisoned voice of her boys, and then the calm voice of the Anbu nin spoke.
“Rest easy Hinata-sama. You're going home.”
She knew no more, her world turning to darkness with the sound of her twins' screams reverberating off the walls of her mind.
End of Chapter:
Semi: -snickers- Bet you didn't see THAT coming!
C.L: Sorry folks, CL got stuck so we had to get me unsticked and came up with this. Lots more surprises in the future!
Semi: Stay tuned for chapter Seven! Its gonna be big!
Ele: That's an understatement! -giggles like mad-
Sin: Hush! Don't give it away you baka!
CL: But Ele's right . . .
Semi: Oi, that goes for you to baka kitsune!
CL/Ele: -pouts-
: Teasers for the next chapter:
Neji finds out the rouge ninja really IS Hinata, but fate isn't so kind to they Hyuuga's just yet. The Anbu escort Lady Hinata home, however-not without further complications! Hinata wakes to a very surprising sight and receives quite a shock. Will anything go right?
Chapter Seven: “Welcome To My Life”