Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ World on Fire ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
World on Fire
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
I had come up with the idea for this story about a month or two ago, I've read stories where people from the real/our world fall into the `Naruto' world; “Ritalin_Writer's”: `Ten Lives to Live' being one of them.
And I got me thinking, what if the one that who encounters Team 7/Characters from `Naruto' was someone actually FROM the Naruto-world; only a different part!
And frankly, this is a secret-story that my friend doesn't know that I've been working on; the only ones that knew beforehand were my 10-year old brother and `Deviant Art' member: `TheRedDevil121'!
Here is Chapter 1 of `World on Fire'!
Please Enjoy!
*Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything belonging to Masashi Kishimoto.*
A lone figure runs, their boots landing heavily on the branches as they leapt from tree to tree.
“Locate her now! She can't be allowed to escape!”, someone shouts, their footfalls following after the figure.
“Shit! They've caught on faster than I expected…”, she curses under her breath, as she turns her masked-head to glance at her pursuers while her rain-cloak flutters behind her.
“I've found her!”, she heard someone yell out to her left, causing her to look as she bounds off of one tree-limb heading to another.
But her hunters; anticipating where she'd land, flings a giant-shuriken that; much to her horror, lops her landing-point just as her feet touch it, causing her to suddenly drop down to the ground.
“Grab her!”, another orders, as she hits the ground with a thud.
Before she could even recover from her fall, she finds her wrists pinned behind her back.
“Let go of me, baka yarou!”, she growls, as she tries to struggle free and kicking at the body-parts she could reach.
“Quit your squirming and return”, her captor says, continuing to keep a tight hold on her.
“Like hell I will!”, she snaps, struggling even more.
“Very well then…”, he sighs, hefting her up over his shoulder.
“What the…? Put me down!”, she screams, as she begins to pound her fists against his back, adding a few elbow-blows to his head for good measure, as she's carried away.
The young woman is un-ceremonially dropped onto the floor at the feet of a man who stood over her with his arms-crossed.
“Aiko, how many times must I tell you not to leave the safety of camp?”, he addresses her, “Yet you continue to disobey me”
“And how many more times must I runaway before you start teaching me Ninjutsu, father?!”, she shouts, quickly standing up as she pulls off her black knit-mask, letting waist-length Auburn hair tumble down her back while her blue-grey eyes glared up at him.
“My decision still stands, you are not going to learn Ninjutsu and that is final!”, he firmly states.
“You're always doing this!”, she argues, “Stop treating me like I'm some little kid!”
“I don't want to hear it, Aiko”, her father says, “Kei, take my daughter to her room”
“Yes sir”, he nods, before gently grabbing his ward by the arm, “Come along, Aiko-san”
“I'm not giving up! Sooner or later, you will teach me Ninjutsu!”, she exclaims, as she is lead out.
`Why must she always be like this…?', her father mentally sighs, as he could still hear his daughter's complaining in the hall.
“Sir, I may be off of line in saying this, but way not let her learn Ninjutsu?”, a man to his right suggests, “I mean, she already knows some supplementary E-Rank jutsu; courteously of her mother”
“You know very well my reasons why, Kisuke”, he replies, closing his eyes, “If I allow her to learn more than she already knows, she'll want to aid in the fighting on the battlefield and I could lose her just as easily as I lost her mother…”, he woefully mutters.
“Aiko-san must be tearing her room apart in a fit of rage right about now”, a third male says.
“Knowing my daughter, she probably is…”
“This is so fucking unfair!”, she screams, flinging a cup across the room and watches as it bounces off the wall, leaving a dent in the stone, “Just because I'm the child of the leader, I get treated like some fragile doll!”
After several more minutes of rampaging and rage-filled yelling, she finally collapses onto her disheveled bed; the blankets and pillows were either halfway hanging off the mattress or flung around the room.
“It's just so unfair…”, she whispers into her knees, while on the verge of crying from frustration, `This happens after every-time I runaway, he always has me locked in my room…', she mulls.
“Huh…?”, she gasps, lifting her head.
The door swings open and in walks a tall male with shaggy red-hair and dark-grey eyes.
“You sure did one hell of a number to your room this time, Ai-chan”, he remarks, as he glances around.
She quickly bolts to her knees, “Put a sock in it, Dai-kun!”, she growls, as she chucks a pillow at him.
“How do you expect to learn Ninjutsu properly?”, he retorts, before easily catching the cushion, “When you can't even hit me with a simple pillow”
“Teme…”, she snarls, puffing her cheeks up in anger.
“Ow!”, he suddenly holds his head, “What was that for, Hatsuko?!”, he shouts, turning towards a young woman with black hair that dusted her shoulders and dark-grey eyes the same shade as the male.
“Quit teasing Ai-chan, Daisuke”, she warns, whacking him in the head again with the clipboard in her hand, “It isn't her fault that we were allowed to learn Ninjutsu and you know it, little brother”
“We're the same age sis”
“Yeah, but I'm older by 13 minutes”, she smirks, “Also, mom wants you to aid with the patrols, remember?”
“Oh crap!”, he curses, before running pat his sister into the hall.
“He is such a mama's boy”, she laughs, at her sibling's retreating form.
“Well your mother is scary when she's irritated”, Aiko comments, “By the way, thank you Hatsu-chan”
“I'm just glad that I'm on the medical-squad and don't have to do patrols”, she shrugs, “But besides that. It took them thirty-five minutes to realize your escape, they're catching on faster and faster”
“It isn't like I didn't notice”, the red-headed girl retorts, punching a wall in frustration and makes particles of dust fly off.
“That's what happens when you use the same tactics to runaway time and time again”, Hatsuko informs, walking over to her friend, “I've unlocked the back entrance, slip out during the shift-change in a half an hour and be sure to return before dusk…”, she whispers.
“Got it…”, she nods.
“Good luck”, she smiles, turning to leave the room.
“Ja'ne, Aiko-chan”, she says, closing the door behind her-self.
“Okay!”, Aiko exclaims, putting her hands together, “Time to prepare…”, she adds to herself, as she crouches beside the wall and buries her finger-tips into it, grasping an edge and removes a secret-panel, `Good, it's still all here', she thinks, removing several scrolls from the hidden-compartment and places them inside a pouch.
Picking up her comb from where it rested on the stone-table and begins running it through her hair, she gathers all of it behind her head contemplating whether to tie it back or braid it, when a noise catches her attention.
“Hmm?”, she gasps, turning towards the sound and sees the spot where she had punched the wall crumbling, “What the…?”, she blinks, releasing her hair to examine the expanding hole.
“What is that…?”, she mutters, as she spots something within the cavern and pulls it out, “A scroll…?”
The edges of the fragile-parchment was frayed and worn, like it was decades; if not, centuries old. Any writing that was written on the outside of the scroll had long faded away.
She carefully grips the delicate-ends of the parchment and begins to unfurl it, only to stop and places it into her pouch.
“Crap! I don't have time for this…!”, she curses, tying her hair back into a low-ponytail, `I have to get moving or I'll miss my chance to slip out…', she thinks, as she creeps down the hall; keeping to the shadows, she reaches the stone-door and pushes it open.
Poking her head out, she glances around and upon spotting no one within her line of sight, makes a mad dash for the trees.
She weaves through the trees until she reaches a clearing quite some distance away from the base.
`This is far enough… Even if they realize that I'm missing, it'll still take awhile for them to get here', she thinks, stopping in the center and sticks her hand into her pouch, “Huh…?”, she gasps, before pulling out the ancient-scroll.
“That's right, I was going to figure out what is in this scroll that made this so important that someone would bury it in the ground…”, she quietly recalls, resuming where she had left off.
She fully unrolls the parchment and peers at it's contents, “What the…?”, she blinks, `Where's the title? All that's legible are hand-seals…',she thinks, “So it's a jutsu…?”, she whispers.
“This is perfect!”, she silently exclaims with a smirk, quickly reading the seals and storing them to memory, before placing the scroll back into her bag, `I may not know what the jutsu is, but at this point I'm desperate enough to learn any form of jutsu I can get my hands on…', she frowns.
“Rat, Sheep, Pig, Dragon, Horse, Rabbit…”, she mutters, as she simultaneously makes the hand-seals, `If only this war hadn't started, then maybe my father wouldn't have any qualms about me learning Ninjutsu', she mentally sighs, “…Dog, Ox, Snake…”, she continues out-loud, “Tiger!”
“What the hell…?”, she says, “Nothing's happening…”, she whispers, relaxing her stance.
Suddenly a pulsating ball of light began to form in front of her and was slowly growing with each pulsation, as multiple-colors started to swirl around the orb.
“What's going on…?!”, she shouts, moments before the sphere explodes and sends her flying backwards.
She was expecting her back to crash against the rough hard trunk of a tree, but instead she collides into something warn and soft.
“Hey, are you alright? Dattebayo”, she heard a male's voice ask.
“Huh…?”, she groans, as she tiredly cracks her eyes open and sees a young man about her age with spiky-blonde hair and bright blue eyes looking down at her, before they flutter closed and her consciousness slips away into darkness.
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
Hope you join me in Chapter 2!
Catch you readers next time!