Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belongs to me…
The Wedding March
by: chibi_kyuubi
The wedding of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke was just plain huge. Surprisingly, most of the villagers turned up and all of the ninjas that weren't on duty were present with lots of video cameras and spotlights and it just looked like a production crew squeezed inside the huge Garden of Eden that the Godaime and Sasuke ordered built. It was beautiful and quite a few ninjas were hopping or poofing of jumping around video taping everything that moved for those that weren't able to attend.
Naruto was meanwhile with Yamanaka Ino, and shaking in fear for his life. Sakura was backing her up and that made Naruto shake even more. Note: Do NOT anger Haruno Sakura because she's been training under Tsunade and now has the same super duper ultra- you know what I mean -strong punch / strength. Also, Ino is not one to anger as Shikamaru and Chouji would advise anyone. The two put together was just plain dangerous. They would make perfect bodyguards if the one they're guarding isn't one of their rivalries thingy…
Sasuke had asked Ino and Sakura to watch over Naruto and being the number one most surprising ninja in Konoha, he had every reason to be wary of what Naruto would do next. It is lucky that he'd warn the girls ahead because just a few hours before the wedding itself which a LOT of people had helped planned, plotted and organized not to mention put a lot of work into because this is the wedding of the last Uchiha clan member to the next Hokage, Naruto had managed to make Ino and Sakura want to kill him slowly.
The two girls had gotten over their rivalry of who could get Sasuke's attention and the way he keeps looking at Naruto was the final straw for their crush to wither and die. But they gained two friends that day. They had been one of the many supporters of the relationship and those who objected violently were promptly corrected of his or her way of thinking by those who supported them. There weren't a lot of casualties just a few admittance into Konoha's hospital. Finally, the objections faltered and dies when Tsunade stepped in and elected Naruto to be the next Hokage. Mini earthquakes ensured and biased protests were buried… Hehe… And so, the wedding planer(s) did their thing and blah blah…
The reason why Naruto was quaking under the fiery depths of hell that was Ino and Sakura's gaze is because he forgot to pick up his wedding suit at the shop and when he did go to pick it, he got the wrong one. The wrong one is the purple and orange with red trimmings and black and white lacy frills on the collar and sleeves not to mention green `fashionably' splashes all over the suit and pants… [This is just wrong. No one is supposed to be wearing that thing. It's just plain wrong…]
“NARUTO…” The twin demons growled.
“Eh heh… I'll go again… Be back soon… Ehehehe..” Naruto stuttered and poofed away.
“Mattaku mo…” They both said in unison. “Men!” Slapping their foreheads in frustration.
(poof) “Here! This time it's the right one!” Naruto exclaimed. “See?”
Ino and Sakura examined the label carefully then removed the plastic covering. “Oh wow…” They both sighed. It was beautiful. They got Naruto into the suit and they surveyed their handiwork with a happy sigh and dreamy eyes. Who knew that Naruto could look so handsome… (sigh) and cute too… A knock sounded at the door and TenTen and Neji who had gotten married a few months ago came in.
“Oh, Naruto… You look wonderful.” TenTen gushed. Being pregnant made her emotional which explained the waterfall of happy tears that followed. Neji nodded his agreement and said, “The wedding's starting in half an hour. You have the rings?”
“Heh! Sure I do… somewhere…”
A frenzied rush to find the rings ensued. Neji sighed and used his Byakugan and lo and behold… He saw them inside a drawer on the table by the window.
“Found it.” A relieved sigh echoed through the room before the girls turned on Naruto and scolded him for almost losing the rings. Just for safety, he decided to keep it in case Naruto lost it again.
The wedding proceeded smoothly and with the exception of a few minor glitches which was when Jiraiya decided to hit on a few maids and flower girls, and then Tsunade had to throw a fit and sucker punched him into a tree before ushering the terrified ladies to proceed with the scattering of rose petals down the red carpet towards the altar where Sasuke waited for his `bride'. Then Anko suddenly burst through the flower arrangements on top of the arch where Naruto and Sasuke were standing underneath with a cry of, “Never fear! The amazing Anko is here!” before Ibiki got her in a headlock and dragged her away.
Tsunade performed her part and then Naruto and Sasuke were wedded. Tears of happiness from Gai and Lee threatened to overflow the proceedings before Kakashi appeared from his perch on one of the tree tops and Gai challenged him to a match to see who could catch the bouquet. As usual, the fight went on and Kakashi caught the bouquet, which Sasuke had grabbed from Naruto and threw at his head in annoyance, before skipping away to find his dolphin-chan.
Hours later, back at the Uchiha mansion after the wedding feast, toasts (including a battle between Anko and Tsunade to see who could drink more followed by Kakashi and Gai who got inspired by their fighting spirits and challenged Kakashi to a match) and the dance where ninjas did their stuff, exchanging partners and dancing with themselves (kage bunshin) and etc… Sasuke and Naruto retired for the night to -ahem- It is their wedding night after all. And the guests reminisce about that very night for a few weeks. There is never a bore moment with ninjas around and this is what the villagers who attended the wedding found out.
The next morning, training for the Hokage to be began with vigor. Places where one could escape the duties of a Hokage were shown and Tsunade showed Naruto how to brew her special sake… for inspirational purposes… Naruto fully assumed the role of Rokudaime a month later and Tsunade retired to run her own casino. One week after he became Rokudaime, he got violently sick in the mornings. This went on for a few days until Sasuke finally browbeaten him into going to see Tsunade for a checkup.
The result for the checkup could be heard until the Sand country where Gaara chuckled to himself and scared his advisors shitless when he heard Naruto's yell. “WHAT THE FUCK!?! HOW COULD I BE PREGNANT?!?!?!” Followed by Sasuke's laughter of joy. Another celebration followed this time celebrating the continuation of the Uchiha clan and the heir of Rokudaime and the Sharingan using Uchiha clan.
Mattaku mo = a give-up or frustrated saying like `you're hopeless' or `oh come on!' (correct me if I'm wrong) - Ino keeps saying this to Chouji when he started stuffing himself in one of the episodes right after he got out of the hospital…