Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belongs to me…
P.S: Naruto is now two and three quarter months pregnant…
The Checkup
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Sasuke was having troubles getting Naruto out of bed. True he might have something to do with that as last night he might have gone overboard in the baby-making process. But Naruto looked so sweet and eatable… He couldn't resist it. Maybe just a nip here and a kiss there. By the time he snapped out of it, they were both naked and aroused. `Ah the hell with it…' He thought and proceeded to molest and screw Naruto senseless.
“I told you already, we have to go.”
“But I don't wanna…”
“Well, you don't have a choice.”
“You're mean…”
“I love you too, now come on.”
“I told you I don't wanna go and you can't make me. So there. (sticks tongue out)”
“(exasperated sigh) Tsunade said she wants to check up on the babies. And we're going whether you like it or not.”
“I don't like you right now. Go away and lemme sleep.”
“No you're not going to sleep. We're going to see Tsunade right now and don't do that!” Sasuke pointedly turned his face away from Naruto's pouting puppy dog eyes.
“Come back to bed?”
“Pweeety please??? (pouts some more)”
Sasuke twitched and sneaked a look over his shoulder… and was caught in the light blue crystal clear gaze of his Naruchan. `DAMNIT!! Ah, screw Tsunade and her checkup…' Sasuke thought before leaping onto Naruto. More baby-making process followed. Naruto chuckled and snuggled closer to Sasuke. “We're still going later though.” He said.
“Okie dokey…” Naruto sighed happily and snuggled closer before falling asleep. Sasuke couldn't help but smile at how cute Naruto looked and tightened his hold around Naruto possessively. [awww….]
He never thought that he would settle down and have a family so soon. But now he felt that he had never been happier gazing at his kitsune's sleeping face. Placing a kiss onto Naruto's forehead, he pulled the covers higher and went to sleep beside his love. Outside, Kakashi was videotaping every second of the sweet moment. Jiraiya was weeping tears of inspirational joy and scribbling madly in his notebook.
Hours later, Naruto stretched and felt his extremely good mood wash over him in waves of pleasure. Sasuke stirred next to him and turned around with one arm pulled Naruto close to him before snuggling against Naruto, burying his face in Naruto's soft hair, inhaling his scent. Naruto smiled happily while shaking Sasuke awake.
“Oi… we have to go see Tsunade now. The checkup remember?”
“(grunt) Just a few more minutes…” Sasuke mumbled before dozing off again.
Naruto started tickling Sasuke and made him squirm around trying to escape Naruto's annoying fingers that were trying to keep him from his sleep until… (thump) Sasuke fell off the bed. He sat up with his hair tousled, Sharingan blazing as he turned and glared at Naruto.
Naruto feigned an innocent look and one could almost see the halo over the top of his head. Sliding out of bed and holding his decidedly bulging stomach with one hand while the other rubbed a sore spot on his back, Naruto waddled towards the bathroom to clean up. Grumbling, Sasuke strode after his kitsune and got ready for the monthly checkup that was supposed to be an hour and a half earlier.
Tsunade met them in the hospital scowling. “You're late. I was about to send Jiraiya to find you. I see that some of Kakashi is rubbing off onto the two of you…”
Naruto merely hummed and smiled happily. Tsunade peered at him closely, “I see the mood changes are starting.” Naruto hummed some more and leaned into Sasuke, snuggling closer to him while rubbing his bulging stomach.
“Well, come on then. I do have other patients you know.”
“I thought you ran a casino nowadays?” Sasuke asked.
“Nah… (mumble mumble something) so I mostly spend time here training newbies and experimenting…”
“What? I can't hear you.”
“Alright! I went bankrupt okay?”
“Sheesh… Just asking anyway.” Sasuke said with Naruto humming happily beside him.
“Lie here Naruto.” Tsunade said petting an examining table padded with soft cushions. Naruto hummed and laid down sighing in comfort as he snuggled down deeper into the soft cushions. His back has been aching terribly nowadays… “Now let's see how you and your baby is doing…” Tsunade said and placed her hands above Naruto's belly, hovering as her chakra came into view with a soft green glow.
“Hmm… (whisper something under her breath)”
“What? What do you mean by hmm…?” Naruto asked a little worried.
“Nothing important to worry about now. You're doing amazingly fine as well as the babies.”
`Oh good.” Naruto said and lay back down. This is actually quite comfortable…
A moment's pause, then, `Whoa wait… babies? Isn't there only one?” Tsunade laughed. “Hah! You didn't know foxes give birth in litters?”
Naruto chuckled, “Even I knew that…” he said while yawning.
“Congratulations, you will be having four kids at one swoop. You're really fertile aren't you Naruto? (laughs even more)
Sasuke sat stunned. `Four? (incoherent jumble of words that aren't really thoughts at all)'
Just then, the door burst open and there stood Gaara. Naruto peeked open one eye and stared at Gaara. “Yo, what are you doing here?” He asked sleepily.
“Nothing much. Just checking up on my godchild.” Gaara replied before walking over until he was standing by Naruto's bedside. He ignored the various protest of certain people that suddenly popped out that THEY were the godfather to Naruto's child. Naruto mumbled happily and drowsily, “Don't worry, you can ALL be the godfather…” The various popups which are Jiraiya, Iruka, Kakashi (who just happened to be there and saw the crowd as well as Iruka) and Neji all grumbled their consent and faded off to do what they were doing before.
“Geez, you're big. How many months along are you anyway?”
“About three I think. Yeah… Hey, old hag… This chair is really comfortable you know…”
Gaara scanned the room and saw Sasuke sitting there dazed. Jerking his head slightly at Sasuke, he asked Tsunade, “What's wrong with him?” Tsunade laughed some more.
“Don't mind him. He just found out that he's going to be the father of 4 children and considering that Kyuubi has a part in this, 4 extremely hyperactive little children that would cry non-stop for the first few months demanding attention for every second of the day and since there would be 4 of them, I doubt any of them would have any time to sleep at all.” Tsunade happily chirped.
Sasuke twitched and flinched every time Tsunade said `4'. Gaara happened to notice this and as an experiment, “So he just found out that he is going to have 4 (flinch) kids in one go, not get any sleep for the next 4 (shudder) months after they are born and this means that he is going to have 4 (flinch) babies? 4? (flinch) 4? (flinch) 4? (flinch) 4? (flinch)”
`Hehehe… This is so much fun…' Gaara thought. He was about to continue when Naruto stretched and Sasuke broke out of his reverie and stood up to carry Naruto. “You done yet?” Sasuke asked Tsunade. She shrugged. “He's doing fine so yeah… I'm done. Congrats on having 4 (Sasuke flinched) kids though.”
“Yeah. Amazing. 4 (Sasuke flinch again) of them. I'm going to have 4 (flinch) god children…” Gaara said.
`poof' Sasuke and Naruto disappeared. “Hey, now I realized something. I didn't hear Naruto yell when I said they were going to have 4 kids…”
“Oh yeah, he was dozing…” Gaara said preparing to leave. “But he's going to find out in… 3… 2… 1… bingo…” He said chuckling as he walked out the door. Naruto's bellow could be heard and the window panes rattled with the level of loudness, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GONNA HAVE 4 KIDS AT ONE GO??? KYUUBI!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR GODDAMN FAULT YOU STUPID INTERFERING FOX!!!”
Next up, Naruto comes home from his duties as a Hokage to find…
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