Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Dragons of Wrath ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, we’ve come to the third chapter of this new story and we have gained new characters into the story in which I can tell you that Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata will be playing an important role as the others in the story. However, you, Naruto fans, must be wondering who Naruto will be paired with, right? You are going to have to read and find out, folks! Once again, before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletigerand Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, with the introductions over, as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 3: Dragons of Wrath


July 3, 2025, Tokyo, Juuban District


Deep within the Juuban District, we find ourselves within what looks like a typical skyscraper, but deep within it, there is a high tech lab where we find Donovan and his son, Rig, walking down the hallways and discussing something.


Rig says, “This is a fine kettle of fish, dad.”


Donovan says, “A minor setback, my boy. We’ve underestimated the strength of the enhancements that we have given them and the power that we infused into them. However, we do know that another biological source of Etherion other than Sailor Celestial does exist.”


Rig says, with a nod, “Yeah, dad, but both of them are with those girls now.”


Donovan says, “True. And what you are implying is how they found out. I think that we know the answer.”


Rig says, “Somebody is sticking their nose where they don’t belong.”


Donovan says, “Patience, my boy. Phase Five will be implement. It may take a bit more time, but it will be done. Plus, I haven’t lost interest in Sailor Celestial, her sister and brother, and Sailor Moon’s boyfriend. As the Prince of Earth, he may have powers that even he might not be aware of.”


Rig says, with a scoff, “I’ll believe it when I see it pops.” Rig and Donovan then look to see more tubes, like the ones that contain Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata before, in which there is a blond haired woman, young lady with mint green hair, and a lovely woman with long flowing red hair.


July 3, 2025, Tokyo, Nishitokyo District


Inside of the Nishitokyo District of Tokyo, we look to see what looks like a formally abandoned three story school building with an open air swimming pool and large open sports field, but now, it looks like that it is under construction into a better school with improvements and enlargements to the main school building, the pool being similar to ones used by Olympic swimmers, and so much more. This is SAO Memorial Academy, which was originally just going to be a temporary school for all SAO survivors that were at school at the time that got trapped within Sword Art Online, but due to a ‘mysterious donation’, the school is being transformed into a proper top academy with the best staff and teachers in which there will be students that will learn about virtual reality technology and anything and everything associate with VR with then some. This is in honor of victims that didn’t survive what’s known as ‘SAO Incident’ and the SAO victims that are going here will have the best education for their future thanks to ‘expansions’ that are being put in the school. And right now, it is the school where our SAO survivors of our group of heroes and heroines, namely Kazuto, Rika, Keiko, Asuna, Serena, Tai, Matt, Jun, Ken, Yolei, TK, Davis, and Kari, are going to school now. Davis and Kari might have not been part of SAO in the beginning, but the ‘mysterious benefactor’ AKA our Moon Princess and Sailor Soldier of the Moon, made sure that the families of SAO victims could also come to the school in which Davis’ and Kari’s ‘circumstances’ and more get them qualified. Serena’s friends, the Sailor Scouts, are mainly in college and Hotaru managed to catch up with her school work to continue in her regular high school as usual which is the same as Shion. By the time that she entered SAO, Suguha had just graduated from middle school and she didn’t miss a lot of high school, so, she goes to a regular high school that she got a kendo scholarship in.


Right now, Suguha is looking out the door leading into the pool in which she gets back inside of the dressing room where we find Serena, Darien, the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, Shion, and the Digidestined and their Digimon partners with Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata.


Suguha says, “It is a good thing that the workers are on break today.”


Amara says, “Well, we could say that they are cosplayers.”


Sakura says, “And based on how popular our world is, I think that would fly.”


TK says, “She has a good point.”


Suguha rolls her eyes and Raye asks, “Question: What do we do with them?”


Hotaru asks Trista, “Can’t you send them home with the Time Gates, Trista-mama?”


Trista responds, with a sigh, “That’s a problem. The Queen’s Gate is a powerful artifact that allows the most stable gateways between other worlds, realms, dimensions, and universes, but there is a price. You can only get back the same way. Once you pass through the gateway, it causes ‘interference’ that prevents you going through any other space-time gateway or some other form of space-time ‘transportation’.”


Naruto asks, shocked, “What?”


Trista says, “However, it does this by the particles that one ‘absorbs’ into the body, but it doesn’t mean that said particles can’t be removed, however, I don’t know the way.”


Naruto says, with a sigh, “That’s great.” Naruto says, with a smile, “Oh, well! Anyway, this place is pretty awesome! I have never seen a place so big and filled with so many people! You, guys, have got to have some kind of super advanced tech to power this place, believe it!”


Sakura says, with a smirk, “Leave it to you to see a ‘good side’ to this, Naruto.”


Suguha retorts, sarcastically, “So, you actually care about Naruto now?”


Sakura tells Suguha, with an annoyed tone, “Hey, what’s your deal?”


Raye responds, glaring at Sakura, “I think that you know what her deal is, Haruno. And personally, I’m also the same way.”


Serena replies, with a smirk, “Is that because she can be like you, Pyro?”


Raye yells out, angrily, “Hey, Meatball Head, don’t compare me to her! I yell at you, but only because I care and I never hit you in my life!”


Serena tells Raye, with a kind smile, “Sorry, Pyro. I know that you do.”


Raye tells Serena, “Well, as long as you remember that, Serena.”


Amara tells Sakura, “There are plenty of us that are ‘anti-Sakura’ Naruto fans, so, I think that you best be careful.”


Sakura responds, nervously, “Yeah, I got it.” Sakura thinks in her mind, solemnly, “It isn’t like I can blame them. Those manga stories show our life’s story starting from Naruto’s, Hinata’s, and my Genin days! Man! I’m annoyed at them, but they got me down quite well. I was such a stupid bitchy fan girl back then!”


Suguha tells Sakura, with a plain tone, “The biggest reason that I’m not a fan of yours is because you offered to go with the Uchiha into treason and let’s just say that I’m not too big on betrayal especially these days.”


Sakura says, a bit nervously, “I got that.”


Hinata asks, trying to change the subject, “Anyway, how can we get home?”


Ami says, “The bad news is that the lab that you escaped from is now one big crater.”


Amara says, “These people don’t fool around.”


Darien says, with a plain tone, “That’s why we must be careful about them. They are a serious threat especially with the Queen’s Gate. They could go into any type of world and gain access to whatever magic or technology that could give them power over a lot of people.”


Lita says, “Good point, Darien.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “No kidding, Lita.”


Davis asks, “Okay, but how did they get here through the Queen’s Gate?”


Sakura says, “We were pursuing them after they had raided the hospital back at our home in the Leaf Village…”


Matt asks, interrupting, “Wait! Hold up! They attacked your hospital?”


Hinata says, with a nod, “Yes, that’s right.”


Amara asks, “Where in your hospital did they exactly attack?”


Sakura responds, her eyes widening, “They attacked…the lab where we keep all blood and tissue samples!”


There are looks of surprise and Naruto says, disgusted, “Gross!”


Amara says, “Well, here is something more sickening: These people have perfected cloning technology.”


Hinata asks, shocked, “Cloning?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “That’s right. These guys have perfected cloning and as long as they have a good sample, they can perfectly clone anyone or anything.”


Sakura says, “And that’s what they planned to do with us. They wanted to enhance us and when they were done and their experiment went good, they would make an army out of us.”


Naruto says, with a snort, “Oh, great.”


Trista says, “However, I’m not completely sure that’s their purpose for you, Naruto.”


Suguha says, “I can’t believe that there is someone else out there that can safely harness Etherion as I can!”


Trista says, “In life, there is balance, my princess. You have to remember the concept of Yin and Yang. Most likely, young Naruto is your ‘male counterpart’ and it is most likely why his ability was suppressed.”


Naruto says, looking at his hands, “I just can’t believe that I have some kind of ‘ultimate power’ within me.”


A monstrous voice in his mind retorts, “As you would say: Believe it! Etherion is the incredible power of creation. A cosmic power that’s beyond chakra and can rip the whole of space-time, namely all of existence, if one isn’t careful with it, brat!”


Naruto says, with a sly tone, “So, you finally decided to open your mouth, Kurama.”


The monstrous voice roars out, annoyed, “I told you not to call me that! You haven’t earned the right to call me by the name that my father, who, you, humans, have betrayed his teachings despite you being his reincarnation!”


Naruto responds, with a sly tone, “What? You want me to start calling you ‘fox’ or ‘fuzz ball’?”


The monstrous voice roars out, annoyed, “It’s Kyuubi to you, boy!”


Naruto replies, slyly, “Whatever, Kurama. As my counterpart in the comics has done, I will find a way to calm that hatred of yours and now, I think that I know why. You are so pissed that humans have been using you and your fellow Biju as weapons for all these years and corrupting the teachings of your ‘dad’, the Six Path Sage. Look, I don’t blame you for being so angry now that I know the truth about you and your fellow Biju. Old Man Sage wanted you to be the guardians of that planet against the Ten-Tails or should I say, Granny Kaguya, but instead, they use and abuse his ‘gifts’. However, I’m going to show you that not all humans are greedy selfish beings, believe it!”


The monstrous voice, revealed to be the Biju, Kurama also known as Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Fox, retorts, “Good luck, brat. The instant that you came here, history is going to change from what those books about you said. This is real-life, brat. And things in real life don’t end like they do in comics.”


Naruto responds, with a foxy sly tone, “Well, fox, real life can end better than in the comics, not just worst, believe it!”


Kurama says, with a snort, “You are really his reincarnation and his complete reincarnation. He annoyed me as you annoy me now, gaki.”


Raye says, “Well, since Naruto holds Etherion and they have forced it to awaken, we are going to need to watch him very carefully. He doesn’t have the experience or knowledge of how to handle it like Suguha does. She regained her Silver Millennium memories and a good chunk of her knowledge on how to handle Etherion.”


Suguha responds, “Handle Etherion, Raye. Handling and controlling can be two different things.”


Serena asks, “Do you think that you can keep Naruto’s Etherion power contained?”


Suguha responds, “Pretty sure, sis. Remember, we are talking about a powerful cosmic force like the Silver Crystal here.”


Tai asks, “So, what are we going to do with them?”


Joe says, “They are pretty much stuck here until we can find them that Queen’s Gate and get them home.”


Ami asks Sakura, “Sakura-san, what happened next?”


Sakura responds, “We had followed them until we reached some kind of ancient temple where we saw a large circular object that looks like a metal ring in the vertical position.”


Trista says, with a nod of understand, “That’s the physical likeness of the Queen’s Gate.”


Ami asks, “What happened next?”


Hinata says, “We were attacked by those armored warriors that you fought earlier and our chakra based attacks had no effect on them.”


Suguha says, “It isn’t surprising. Since they are from here, they would know about your world and chakra in which they would develop countermeasures. They must have gone to Land of Snow or Spring, whatever they called it now, and found a way to adapt the same chakra armor that Doto created to their armor.”


Sakura says, “That’s a good theory because it felt like fighting those Snow ninja with that chakra armor. Then they used canister containing some kind of irritant in gas form since it was hard to breath and it made our eyes tear up.”


Amara says, “Tear gas. It is a device used by our police to deal with riots and get criminals out of ‘fortified positions’.”


Naruto says, “Then they used weirdo devices that stuck needles into us and paralyzed us.”


Izzy says, “Stun guns. They are designed to send an electric pulse into a person’s body and causes their nervous systems to ‘short out’ by interrupting the electrical signals that allows you to move your bodies mainly in the form of your muscles.”


Sakura says, with a nod of understanding, “I thought so.”


Naruto says, “Man! They made us look like chumps, believe it!”


Hinata tells Naruto, “We didn’t know what we were getting into Naruto.”


Sakura says, “Yeah, Naruto. We may have been trained to ‘expect the unexpected’, but who would have thought of facing people from another world where our world is a manga and with advanced technology that we would think as science fiction or something. They had the complete advantage and thankfully, all of us came out of it. Before we were taken away, I saw that they left the others unharmed because they wanted us and they didn’t want to press their luck.”


Naruto says, “Well, that’s good news. At least Kakashi-sensei and the others are safe.”


Hotaru asks, curiously, “Can’t they summon their animal summons to tell them that they are all right?”


Trista says, “Since their technique is a space-time technique, they will be able to bring them through barriers between realms safely since it is a stable from of space-time.”


Naruto says, excitedly, “All right!”


Trista says, “However, like I said before, the ninja animal summons won’t be able to perform ‘reverse summoning’ to bring you back because of how you got here.”


Sakura says, pointing to the base of her spine, “They also put a special seal on Naruto and me to make sure of that, Trista-san. And yes, Naruto, I signed the Slug Summoning Contract. I just never had to use it until now.”


Hinata asks Sakura, “How can you be sure that they know you can perform summoning, Sakura?”


Naruto says, “They must have gloated over that fact.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Yep. Typical villain type manner.”


Suguha asks, “Why is that not surprising?”


Davis says, “Anyway, dude, you shouldn’t summon anything over here.”


Naruto asks, “Why not? There is no one here, right?”


Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “Sugu!”


Suguha says, slapping her head, “Oh, crap.” Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata get a bit defensive as Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, and Keiko enter the room.


Lita says, with a calming motion to the three ninja, “It’s okay. They’re friends of ours.”


Serena asks, “Kazuto, what are you, Asuna, Rika, and Keiko doing here?”


Kazuto says, “After Sugu called me about what happened to you, guys, yesterday and she said that you were in the school, I called Asuna and told her that I was going to the school.”


Asuna says, with a nervous smile, “I had insisted on coming along, but Kirito…Kazuto-kun told me that he was just checking up on you at our school. I told Liz…Rika and Keiko about the situation…”


Raye asks, with a sigh, “And all of you ended up here?”


Rika says, with a nervous smile, “Yep.”


Keiko asks, pointing to Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura, “Who are they?”


Rika asks, “Cosplayers?”


The majority of the Digidestined and Sailor Scouts reply in unison, “Not exactly.” Soon after, the group explains to their friends about the situation and needless to say, there are plenty of shocked looks, but when Naruto performs his classic Shadow Clone Jutsu and makes five duplicates of himself, they were convinced about who the three people that are with their friends are.


Keiko says, amazed, “I can’t believe it.”


Rika says, stunned and awe-struck, “Wow, this is incredible!”


Asuna asks Serena, “Do these kind of things happen to you Serena?”


Serena says, “This is a new one even for us.”


Tai says, “Ditto for us, Lady…I mean Asuna.”


Kazuto says, “Don’t worry about it, Tai. I doubt that we are going to get rid of those ‘habits’ any time soon.”


Amara asks, pointing to Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, “So, what do we do with them?”


Mimi says, “That’s a good question.”


Sora asks, “Who are those people that kidnapped them?”


Raye says, “That’s another good question, Sora. I know that they aren’t with the Dark Agency.”


Mina asks, “Do you think that they are with those guys that sent that Sayer nut after Suguha and those Black Spider ninja?”


Hinata asks, curiously, “You have ninja too?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “That’s right, Hinata-san. They are similar to you, but their techniques are different in which they are mystical rather than a mixture of physical and spiritual energies.”


Kazuto says, “Serena and Suguha went for a bit of training under another group of ninjas.”


The other Sailor Scouts give shocked looks and Raye asks, “Wait! Meatball Head went for training?”


Serena gives a nervous look and Suguha says, “Yeah. I went to them for training to improve my skills for the future and sis managed to follow me without detecting her. It looks like her ‘Sense Skill’ wasn’t the only thing that she took from you know where.”


Lita asks, “Okay, Serena? Training?”


Mina says, “That just doesn’t fit with her at all.”


Raye tells Serena, glaring at her, “So, you aren’t letting SAO rule your life, huh? This is the reason that I told you that you need more counseling and talk it over with us! I know that despite us being with you for just under three months in that prison, we have no idea what you went through, but we are your friends and your family! How can we help you if you don’t let us in?”


Serena yelps and Yolei tells Raye, looking solemn, “Raye…Can you let it go for now?”


When Raye looks at Yolei, Kazuto tells Raye, “Let’s focus on the situation that we are in for the moment.” Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata look at each other and think about what they are hearing in which Hinata notices the solemn look in Serena’s eyes. Just then the door leading to the poor bursts open as a massive gust of wind floods the room and everyone yelps at this in which a cable rope comes into the room, wraps around Hinata’s waist, and she yells out as she is yanked out of the room.


Naruto shouts out, shocked, “Hinata!” Everyone then rushes outside after Hinata to find Commander Koda, Akiza’s opponent during the second round of the Fortune Cup tournament, facing them from the other side of the pool in which Hinata is thrown into another see-through tube-like cage and sealed inside of it.


Koda says, with a smirk, “Just the people that I want to see.”


Naruto yells out, angrily, “Who are you?”


Ami asks, “Aren’t you Commander Koda, the duelist that fought against Akiza-san in the Fortune Cup tournament?”


Commander Koda responds, “That’s right, Miss Mizuno…Or do you prefer Sailor Mercury instead?”


There are gasps and Lita asks, “He knows who we are?”


Amara says, “He must belong to the same organization that kidnapped Naruto and his companions from his world!”


Koda retorts, “Maybe I do and maybe I don’t.” Koda displays a Neo Domino City duel disk and he says, pointing to Serena, “All you need to know is that I’m dueling your precious Moon Princess right now!”


Serena asks, stunned, “Me?”


Koda says, with a sinister smile, “Yes, my dear. And if you don’t meet my ‘request’, your little friend, here, pays the price. And don’t think about transforming at all. I have sensors on the field to detect your powers and if you power up, your little friend, here, pays the price. And that goes for your two ninja friends, too. I have movement sensors all around that cage and myself and any attack, even with a kunai, towards me and she goes ‘boom’.”


Ami says, with her palm computer out, “He isn’t bluffing! There are sensors all around him and that cage as well as possible powerful explosives!”


Matt says, with a snarl, “And that means that we can’t make a move!”


Koda says, “Including with those little ‘pets’, your Digimon, too! The sensors are calibrating to them ‘Digivolving’ too!”


Gatomon says, “That means that if one of us digivolves then Hinata-san is burnt like used kitty litter!”


Koda says, with a sly smile, “Correct, kitty cat.” Koda tells Serena, “And one more thing: How would the families of the dead SAO victims feel if they know that Kayaba still had living family members?!”


Raye says, angrily, “Bastard!”


Koda tells Serena, “Now, little Moon Princess, it is time to duel!” Darien snarls at Koda, but before anyone could say or do anything, a figure in a violet colored hooded cloak leaps out from the bushes and lands in front of them.


TK asks, confused, “Huh?”


Davis asks, surprised, “What now?” The hooded figure then displays a strange duel disk with a silver colored body with a round touch screen with a square ‘extension’ connected to the left of the touch screen with a slot for a dueling deck in the right side of the touch screen in which there is no visible ‘blade’ for the monster card slots.


Koda asks, “What’s this?”


The hooded figure says, in a muffled female voice, “Kidnapping an innocent girl to terrorize another one? I won’t allow it. Your opponent is me, fiend.” Just then the duel disk creates a ‘blade’ made of energy with a silver glow comes out of the duel disk.


The others are shocked and Keiko says, “It kind of looks like Suguha’s new duel disk!”


Koda says, “Well, this is interesting.” Koda then hears something and he puts his right hand to his right ear in which Kazuto notices a communication device in Koda’s right ear.


Kazuto says, “He has a communicator in his right ear. He is ‘talking’ to someone.”


Amara says, “His boss most likely.”


When Koda takes his hand away from his ear, he says, activating his duel disk, “Okay, you have a deal! If I lose, the girl goes free, but if I win, you come with me!”


The hooded figure responds, “As you wish.”


Naruto yells out, “Hey, hold on a minute!”


Sakura tells Naruto, “Naruto, there is nothing that we can do. If we make a move, Hinata will be blow to pieces!” Naruto snarls as he knows that Sakura is right while Koda’s and mysterious duelist’s duel disks shuffle their decks while the screen of the mysterious duelist’s duel disk not only displays her life-points, Koda’s duel disk, but it also displays five spell/trap card zones as well.


Koda and the mysterious duelist shout out in unison, as their duel begins, “Duel!”


Starting Scores:

Mystery Duelist: 4000

Koda: 4000


The mystery duelist says, drawing a card, “I’ll draw first.” The mystery duelist says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I place one monster face-down.” She then puts five cards into a slot under the touch screen of her duel disk and she says, “And then I place five cards face-down and end my turn.” After the holograms of five face-down cards appear on the field behind the face-down monster, Koda’s eyes grow wide.


Koda says, with a sinister smirk, “Bold move. You have no more cards in your hand.”


Matt says, “I think that he means ‘risky move’.”


TK says, with a nod, “No kidding, bro.”


Koda says, drawing a card, “The fans are right, my dear. And now, you will learn why!” Koda says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk, “I activate my Heavy Storm! This spell destroys all spell and trap cards on the field!” A strong wind comes onto the field and all spell and trap cards on the field are destroyed, but the wind is more intense than a typical duel using Solid Vision, the hologram system that duel disks use.


Kari asks, “Did you feel that Dai-kun?”


Davis says, with a nod, “I did.”


Yolei says, nervously, “That felt a bit too real.”


Koda says, putting another card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I play my Chaos Alchemy spell card! For every spell and trap card that I destroyed this turn, I can play one Alchemic Token!” Soon after, five Alchemic Tokens (0/0 X 5), tokens that are seemly made of every single metal, appear on the field in defense mode and Koda says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Now, I release three of them to play my Mad Profiler!” Three of the tokens vanish and Mad Profiler (2600/1600) appears on the field in attack mode. Koda says, discarding his Agent of Hatred (0/0), “With him on the field, I use his ability and discard my Agent of Hatred to remove your face-down monster from play!” Mad Profile looks at a duplicate of the card that Koda discarded and the mystery duelist’s face-down monster vanishes from the field.


There are gasps and Rika says, “She is wide open!”


Koda yells out, “She is! Profiler, attack!”


As Mad Profiler charges in, the mystery duelist says, “I activate three of my trap cards from the graveyard!”


Koda asks, stunned, “From your graveyard?!”


Just then the holograms of three traps cards with pictures displaying black crystals coming out of the ground appear on the field and the mystery duelist says, “I activate my Black Crystal Point trap card. It activates when it is sent to the graveyard and you attack me directly. Now, I can summon one ‘Phantom Lady’ from my deck to the field and since I activate three, it means that I get three monsters on my field!” Three cards come out of the mystery duelist’s deck, she puts them on the monster card zones of her duel disk, and she says, “And now, I play Phantom Lady Jellax in defense mode!” Soon after, three Phantom Lady-Jellax (1300/700 X 3), monsters that look like the Negamoon monster, Jellax, appear on the field in defense mode.


Ami says, shocked, “Those monsters.”


Trista says, with a nod, “I know, Ami.” Mad Profile attacks one of the Jellax monsters, but after it shatters into pieces of goop, the monster reforms itself.


Koda asks, “What’s going on?”


The mystery duelist replies, “Once per turn, Phantom Lady Jellax can’t be destroyed in battle!”


Koda says, with a sneer while putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “You are better than I thought, but I will figure you out soon enough. I end with a face-down.”


The mystery duelist draws a card and she says, “And now, I Overlay two of my Jellax and build the Overlay Network!” Two of the monsters become lights that enter a dimensional twister of smoke kind while the mysterious duelist puts two of her monster cards together in the same monster card zone while a card comes out of her Extra Deck slot from the left part of her duel disk.


Rika asks, “What’s this?”


Suguha says, shocked, “She is performing an XYZ summoning!”


Kazuto asks, amazed, “Wait! This is the new XYZ summoning?”


The mystery duelist puts the card from her Extra Deck on top of the two monster cards and she yells out, “Let’s go, XYZ Summon! Come, mighty dragon of revolution: Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (2500/2000), a dark violet dragon with yellow eyes and black and grey armor on its body, appears on the field with two dark energy orbs surrounding.


Asuna says, awe-struck, “Incredible.”


Rika says, amazed, “So, that’s XYZ Summoning.” Just then Serena, Suguha, Kazuto, Davis, Kari, and even Naruto yelp out in pain as they put their hands over their hearts.


Darien says, shocked, “Serena!”


When the others see this, Tai yells out, stunned, “Kari!”


TK asks, concerned, “What’s wrong?”


Davis says, with a grunt, “My body…It burns…”


Asuna asks, really concerned, “Kirito-kun?”


Kazuto says, “My body feels like it is…on fire…”


Suguha moans out, “Same here…”


Serena grunts out, weakly, “I feel so hot…it hurts…”


Sakura asks, concerned, “Naruto?”


Naruto says, “My body feels like…I’m going torched by a fire jutsu…”


Amara says, looking at Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, “It’s that dragon! I don’t get how or why, but it is effecting them!”


The mystery duelist, even though her features are unseen look at this and her dragon, and she thinks, “That means that I must end this now!” The mystery duelist says, “I activate Dark Rebellion’s ability! By removing two overlay units, I can cut your Profile’s attack in half and my dragon gains the power that it lost!”


Koda shouts out, stunned, “No!”


Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon absorbs the two violet energy spheres and the mystery duelist says, “Treason Discharge!” Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon entraps Mad Profile in a web in which it goes from 2600/1600 to 1300/1600 while Dark Rebellion goes from 2500/2000 to 3800/2000! The mystery duelist then says, putting one card into the main slot of her duel disk, “And then I use my Overlay Renewal! With this card, I can use one card on my field and this card to replace my dragon’s overlay units!” The final Jellax turns into a violet sphere and with another violet sphere, they start to orbit Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon and the mystery duelist says, “And now, I use my dragon’s ability again! Treason Discharge!” Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, once again, absorbs the two violet energy spheres and the energy binds on Mad Profile grow stronger in which it goes down from 1300/1600 to 650/1600 while Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon goes from 3800/2000 to 4450/2000!


Koda says, stunned, “This can’t be!”


The mystery duelist says, “It is time for you to face justice. Attack with Revolt of the Lightning Disobey!” The black dragon rams itself into Mad Profile and he explodes in a massive explosion that creates a powerful shockwave that sends Koda flying into the ground while causing the concrete ground that’s around the pool to crack in multiple places as Koda loses 3800 life-points.


Yolei says, shocked, “Okay! That was a bit too real!”


Matt asks, “What’s going on here?”


Raye says, “That’s a good question.” Raye thinks in her mind, looking at Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, “Could it be that dragon? I sense…I sense a great power from that dragon.” On the meanwhile, there are sparks coming from the cage that Hinata is trapped in and the door flies open in which everyone looks on in shock.


Davis says, “The door!”


Kari says, amazed, “It’s open!”


Amara says, “The shockwave was so powerful that it damaged the circuits in that cage!”


Sakura yells out, “Hinata, get out of there!” Immediately, Hinata rushes out and back over to the others.


Koda says, with a sneer, “No!”


The mystery duelist says, “Since she is free, there is no need for me to get involved anymore. I don’t like to fight, but I won’t let people get used like that.”


The mystery duelist then turns and walks away and Koda yells out, pushing a button on his duel disk, “How dare you walk away like I’m nothing? Activate trap: Mad Judgment!” Koda’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card that has a picture of Mad Profile acting as some kind of executioner and dropping monsters into a bottomless pit and Koda says, with an evil smile, “Too bad little girl! Since you destroyed my Mad Profiler in battle, your monster is now destroyed in turn and you lose life-points equal to its CURRENT attack points!”


There are gasps and TK says, “And since she powered up her dragon, she is about to lose!”


The mystery duelist says, with a plain tone, “Typical jerk. You always have a dirty trick or two up your sleeve.”


Koda asks, confused, “Huh?”


The mystery duelist snaps her fingers and she says, “I activate the effect of my trap card in my graveyard: Moon Queen Twilight.” A trap card with a picture of Neo-Queen Serenity in front of the crystal castle of Crystal Tokyo appears on the field and she says, “When a Light or Dark attribute monster on the field is targeted for destruction by a trap card, this counter trap negates the card and then you suffer damage equal to half of the attack points of the targeted monster.” Koda gasps as his trap card glows as it is destroyed while Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon glows and the mystery duelist says, “Now, take your judgment in the name of the moon! End this!” Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon roars as it unleashes electrical energy and Koda yells out in pain as he is zapped while losing 2225 life-points, ending the duel.


Final Score:

Mystery Duelist: 4000

Koda: 0


However, the sparks from Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon’s assault zip all over causing bits of damage to the cloak and Koda collapses to the ground as the attack stuns him into unconsciousness.


Mimi says, “Ouch! That look like that hurt!”


Joe says, shocked, “I think that he is hurt!”


Rika asks, “Wait! Aren’t these just holograms?”


Kazuto says, “They should be unless the safety systems were disabled.”


Darien thinks in his mind, “Is she some kind of psychic duelist like Akiza-san and Sayer? And why does her aura feel so…so familiar?”


The mystery duelist says, “Don’t worry. The Real Solid Vision may be allow the monster and its power to be more ‘solid’, but the safeties will prevent it from being lethal. I will not kill anyone even if it is scum that rivals Nega-trash.”


Lita asks, “What did you just say?”


Raye asks, seriously, “Who are you?” When the mystery duelist turns around, her hood falls apart and the group gasps to see that the mystery duelist looks exactly like Serena expect she has pink hair like Sakura and Rini with a golden crescent moon sigil like many of the Lunarian royal family.


Asuna says, stunned, “She…She…”


The mystery duelist, the one that looks like a pink haired Serena, tells Serena, in a voice that’s similar to Serena’s voice, but a bit deeper, “Are you the Sailor Moon of this world?”


Serena asks, shocked, “Huh?”


The mystery duelist looks at Darien, Kazuto, and Suguha, all of whom have shocked looks on their faces, and she says, “Cherish the people that you love because you may lose them next, Sailor Moon.” Soon after, the mysterious duelist that looks like a pink haired version of Serena vanishes through some kind of teleportation before anyone could say anything or even try to stop her.


When she is gone, Mimi says, looking at where the mystery duelist was and Serena, “Okay, I’m lost.”


Sora tells Mimi, “I think that we are all are, Mimi.”


Serena asks, confused, “Who was she? And why did she call me ‘The Sailor Moon of this world’?”


Lita says, “You should be the only Sailor Moon in existence!”


Trista responds, “Not exactly, Lita.” When everyone looks at Trista, she says, “While it is true that you should be the only Sailor Moon of this universe, she isn’t the only Sailor Moon in existence.”


There are plenty of confused looks and Hotaru asks, “What do you mean Trista-mama?” As Trista starts to explain about alternate realities, dimensions, and universes, Ami notices something on the ground and she goes over to pick up a pink hair.


Kazuto comes over and he asks, “Found something, Ami?”


Ami responds, “Maybe.” As Ami and Kazuto look at the pink hair, Raye, Amara, Davis, Cody, Ken, TK, and quite a few others notice this and wonder what will come up from this.


July 3, 2025, Neo Domino City


Inside of Neo Domino City, Lazar is his office and watching the duel between Commander Koda and the mystery female duelist that looks like a pink haired version of Sailor Senshi of the Moon with the group of figures that seem to be Lazar’s new bosses are also watching via a feed as they are seem, with their features still darkened, on another screen within the room.


Lazar says, “This is an unexpected surprise.”


The male leader of the figure says, “Unexpected and worrisome, Lazar.”


Lazar says, “Yes, I know. It means that war is expanding and getting worse. There is also that dragon.”


One of the female figure says, “An immense power was coming from it and it seemed similar to another dragon.”


Lazar asks, “Which dragon is that?”


The female figure responds, “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.”


Lazar asks, shocked, “Huh?”


The leader group of the group tells Lazar, “You noticed that some of them reacted to Dark Rebellion’s summoning including Uzumaki.”


Lazar says, “Yes, I did wonder about that, sir.”


The leader responds, “He is a person of interest from now on for more reasons.”


Lazar says, with a nod of his head, “Right.”


The leader then says, “However, we have some bad news for you, Lazar.”


Lazar asks, “Bad news, sir?”


The leader responds, “Someone has found the buried tomb of the Millennium Items and they have excavated it.”


Lazar asks, shocked, “What?”


The female figure that just spoke then says, “We believe that they are coming to Neo Domino City if they aren’t already there. Most likely, they are heading for Satellite.”


Lazar says, “Why there? I don’t get…That’s it! The remains of the first Ener-D reactor!”


The leader of the group responds, “Correct, Lazar. Despite its destruction and the sealing of the Netherworld gates, I believe that they are focusing on using what remains of the temporal energies left by Paradox, the three Emperors, and Z-One.”


Lazar says, “I don’t get it. Wasn’t the Divine Temple producing negative energy? The Millennium Items use the power of shadows…”


The female leader says, “It doesn’t mean that they are evil and especially with the Millennium Puzzle because there was a lot of positive energy coming from the last holder of that item.”


Lazar yells out, with gasp, “The legendary ‘King of Games’ himself: Yugi Moto!”


The leader of the group replies, “Exactly, Lazar.”


Lazar then slams his fist into a communication device and he yells out, “Send me Chief Trudge and Officer Hogan to me immediately!”


The person on the other side, a male, responds, nervously, “Yes, sir.”


When Lazar takes his fist off the communication, the leader of the group tells Lazar, “Calm down. Panic won’t help you or anyone.”


Lazar says, “I know, sir…”


The leader of the group says, “However, this may prove a vital chance to learn the strength of the others that we wish to test. We want to lure them to Neo Domino City.”


Lazar’s eyes widen at this order and he says, gaining a sly smile, “I see. It shall be done.”


July 4, 2025, Juuban District, Cherry Hill Temple


Within Cherry Hill Temple, Darien and the Sailor Scouts are assembled together and discussing about what happened yesterday in which Ami tells them something that makes them give looks of shock.


Raye asks, “Are you serious?”


Ami says, “I know that this is hard to believe, but her DNA is practically an exact match to Serena’s DNA expect that her hair color is pink and not blond. However, the ‘temporal field’ around her isn’t the same as ours.”


Trista says, “Meaning that she is indeed an alternate universe, dimension, or reality counterpart to our princess.”


Serena says, shocked, “Another version of me…”


Mina asks, curiously, “But what is she doing here? Why is she here?”


Amara responds, “Those are good questions, Mina. There is also that dragon.”


Hotaru asks, “Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon?”


Amara says, “Yeah, Firefly. That dragon wasn’t a normal dragon.”


Raye says, with a nod, “I felt it too, Amara. There was a great primal power in that card and that monster.”


Amara says, looking at Serena, “And you reacted to it, Dumpling.”


Serena says, holding her hand to her heart, “I don’t know why. The instant that dragon come onto the field, my body was burning up…like I was on fire…yet I wasn’t getting burned…I just don’t know how to describe it…”


Darien says, “And it looked like Suguha, Kazuto, Davis, Kari, and even Naruto were affected in a similar manner.”


Raye says, “Well, there is one thing that I do know about that dragon: It is similar to another dragon that I have seen recently.”


Lita asks, curiously, “Which one?”


Amara answers, in a plain tone, “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.”


There are gasps and Raye says, “Amara is right. I felt something similar from that dragon.”


Darien asks Serena, “Serena?”


Serena says, with a sigh, “It wasn’t as intense, but I felt something similar between Dark Rebellion and Odd-Eyes.”


Ami says, “First, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and now, Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon. Their names contain also the summoning method that they ‘embody’. Odd-Eyes embodies the new Pendulum Summoning and Dark Rebellion embodies the XYZ Summoning method.”


Amara says, “And both of them have powers that other monster cards don’t have.”


Trista says, “It isn’t too surprising that they are dragons. In our history, dragons embody the greatest powers of our universe. I believe that you remember the Crimson Dragon and the Signer Dragons.”


Hotaru says, with a nod, “I do, Trista-mama. It is incredible that such creatures exist.”


Ami says, “You have a point, Trista. In myth and legend, dragons seem to embody great power, good and bad, and also, dragons are among the strongest type of monsters known to Duel Monsters.”


Trista says, “Which has a bases in ancient powers from the times of ancient times in Egypt and was known as the Shadow Games.”


Raye says, “No joke, Trista. Duel Monsters and incredible powers seem to be linked together and it seems like Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon have joined the ‘club’ of Duel Monster’s cards that are more than just cards.”


Amara says, “The Egyptian God cards of Yugi Moto, the infamous Sacred Beast cards, the Signer Dragons, the Earthbound Immortals, and the Aesir are good examples of those kind of monster cards.”


Mina asks, “Speaking of dragons, what about that alternate version of Black Rose Dragon?”


Trista says, “It is known as a ‘Duel Dragon’ and it is a powerful monster card in its own right, Mina. I believe that it is the original form of Black Rose Dragon before being recruited by the Crimson Dragon.”


Hotaru asks, curiously, “Original form?”


Trista says, with a smile, “It is a long story, Firefly.” Trista says, with a plain tone, “However, I keep wondering about that ‘mysterious person’ that gave our princess’ sister that card.”


Amara asks Trista, “You think that she knew something about Suguha?”


Trista says, with a nod, “It is most likely, Amara. However, I don’t have any evidence to tell me what and lately, the Time Gates have been unable to show me anything.”


Ami asks, surprised, “Why?”


Trista says, with a sigh, “Time and space are falling out of balance. I believe that the coming war is responsible.”


Serena says, drolly, “Great.”


Darien tells Serena, with a warm smile, “Whatever comes Serena, we will face it together.”


Serena smiles warmly at Darien and Mina asks, “Anyway, how is our ninja threesome doing?”


Lita says, with a smile, “Well, they seem to like my cooking. It is nice to have people over once in a while. I don’t say that you girls don’t visit me enough. It just…It hasn’t been lively at my home until lately.”


Serena asks, curiously, “Really?”


Raye tells Serena, with a sigh, “You know why Meatball Head.”


Serena responds, “Oh.”


Ami says, with a weak smile, “Things weren’t the same without you, Serena.”


Mina says, with a nod, “You are our princess, our best friend, and you are our sister. We are like a second family and we are out there for each other. It is why we did what we did.”


Raye says, “No kidding, Meatball Head. We care and we are still worried about you, Serena.”


Serena says, warmly, “Thanks, girls.” Serena says, with a sigh, “However, I’m more worried about Suguha.”


Darien asks, curiously, “You are?”


Serena says, with a nod, “Ever since we came home and met again, I could tell that something was wrong deep inside her. She is trying not to show it, but she is a jumble of emotions inside.”


Raye responds, “Can you really blame her, Serena?”


Serena says, with a sigh, “Not even close, Pyro. I would be calling the kettle black if I did because…I’m just as much as a mess.”


Raye thinks in her mind, “How much of a mess is what really worries me Serena.”


Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “Serena! Serena!” Everyone then looks to see Sammy Tsukino, his eyes red from crying a lot, running up towards the shrine.


Serena says, shocked, “Sammy!” Serena runs over to her younger brother and he runs into her arms in which she says, concerned, “What happened? Tell me squirt!”


Sammy responds, “They took her! They took mom!”


There are gasps and Lita asks, shocked, “What?”


Serena thinks in her mind, “Mom, no!”


Darien asks, seriously, “What happened?”


Sammy replies, “They…They just appeared in our house…and attacked…Rini turned into Neo Moon and helped us…but they managed to kidnap mom when they forced her to keep us safe!” Sammy helps as Serena grabs her by the hand and he asks, “What’s the big…?”


Sammy then gasps to see the deadly serious look in Serena’s eyes, which is totally unlike our Moon Princess before SAO, and she says, with a very serious tone that’s unlike Serena before SAO, “Sammy, I’m bringing you to Molly’s place and you are going to stay there until I get back.”


Sammy says, “But…”


Serena screams out, seriously, “No, buts, squirt! You are going to stay there and you are going to call dad to tell them where you are!”


As Serena takes out her broach, Lita says, “Oh, boy.”


Raye says, with a nod, “You said it, Lita.”


Amara says, “However, I don’t blame her. They just went too far. They crossed the line big time.” The others nod their heads in agreement, but they hoped in their hearts that whoever just kidnapped Serena’s Earth mom hasn’t pushed her still fragile heart ‘over the edge’.


July 4, 2025, Neo Domino City


Within Neo Domino City, we head inside of the Kaiba Dome where there is a man in a suit as the former Signers come into the Turbo Dueling arena.


The man says, “Well, Yusei Fudo and friends.”


Jack says, “If you are wondering how we are here, you aren’t as sneaky as you thought.”


The man says, with a smile, “I wasn’t trying to be too sneaky, but it isn’t you that I was attracting.”


Yusei asks, “Who do you want?” As if to answer Yusei’s question, Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts, including Sailor Neo Moon, teleport onto scene.


Leo says, “It’s the Sailor Scouts!”


Valkyrie Sailor Moon turns to the face the man with an out of character angered glare in her eyes and Luna says, nervously, “And she looks mad.”


Sailor Moon yells out, strongly, “Where is she?”


The man responds, “Forgive me, Miss Moon…”


However, Sailor Moon gains a powerful dark silver aura and she shouts out, strongly, “Don’t mess me! I’m not in a good mood right now! Where is my mother? Give her back right now!” Sailor Moon stomps her armored boots into the ground causing a good portion of the area to shake and the floor around her to greatly crack much to the shock of even her own future daughter.


Sailor Neo Moon says, nervously, “Sailor Moon…”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Whoa! Easy, Sailor Moon! You can’t lose your head!”


Sailor Moon’s eyes widen, the aura dies down, and after she shakes her head, she tells Neo Moon, “Sorry, Neo Moon.” But just then Valkyrie Sailor Celestial makes her grand appearance on the scene via teleportation.


She roars out, angrily, “WHERE IS SHE?!!”


Sailor Moon asks, surprised, “Celestial?”


Sailor Celestial looks towards Sailor Moon and she asks, seeing her, the Sailor Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask, “What are you doing here?”


Just then a male voice shouts out, “Took the words right out of my mouth!” Everyone then looks to see Imperialdramon flying down and landing in arena in which our Digidestined are teleported down with Davis and Kari in their Turbo Dueling outfits with their Duel Runners.


Matt shouts out, angrily, “Where is Jun?!”


The man responds, with a smile, “She’s safe.” The man snaps his fingers and a tube-like cage with Jun inside comes up from seemly under the ground.


Matt and Davis shout out in unison, shocked, “Jun!”


The man says, waving his finger, “I don’t think so. I think that you have seen this type of cage before.”


Sailor Celestial shouts out, “Bastard! Kidnapping my mom was bad enough, but you kidnapped Davis’ sister and Matt’s girlfriend!”


Sailor Moon asks, “Your mom was kidnapped?”


Sailor Celestial says, with a plain tone, “Yeah. It sounds like your mom was kidnapped too.”


Sailor Mars says, pointing to the man, “And it sounds like that guy is in connection to them since Neo Moon was told to bring us here.”


Yusei shouts out, strongly, “What is your game, pal? What is big idea kidnapping people that they care about?”


The man responds, “You will find out soon enough.” Soon after, a Duel Runner is heard and racing in is none other than Hunter Pace in his Duel Runner.


Jack yells out, “Pace! So, you would go so low as get involved in kidnapping to get payback against me?!”


Hunter Pace responds, “Personally, I rather not, Atlas. However, after my defeat by Yusei Fudo, my career was helped that he did beat you in the Fortune Cup, but no matter how many tournaments and victories that I had gained, I couldn’t get to the World Turbo Dueling Leagues! They figured that someone that lost to you, twice, wouldn’t stand a chance! These guys promised me to get me to the big time if I dueled someone that they forced to come here!”


Yusei asks, “Who is that?”


Hunter Pace says, pointing to Davis, “That kid right over there! I heard that he is slick stuff and he is said to be stronger than you, Yusei!”


Leo asks, “Huh? Stronger than Yusei?”


Hunter Pace says, “What do you say kiddo? Since you have got a Runner, let’s see if you are ready for big leagues!”


The man retorts, “What do you say?”


Davis says, with a sneer, “Fine, but if my sister gets even nicked before I’m done, I’m going to turn into my personal punching bag!”


The man responds, with a smirk, “I doubt it.”


Just then a voice says in Sailor Celestial’s mind, “The cards…” Sailor Celestial looks around for the source of the voice and the voice says, “He needs the power of Pendulum…help him…” Sailor Celestial then gets out her dueling deck, takes out two cards, and she looks at them.


Sailor Saturn notices this and she asks, “Sailor Celestial?”


When Tuxedo Mask and the other Scouts look at Sailor Celestial, Sailor Celestial shouts out, throwing the two cards to Davis, “Davis, take these!” Davis looks to see the cards, he catches them, and his eyes widen to see what they are.


Davis asks Sailor Celestial, “You sure?” Sailor Celestial nods her head and Davis inserts them into his duel disk portion of his Duel Runner, but then the deck and his duel disk glow along with two crystal pendulums, the one worn by Sailor Celestial, and another one, currently worn by Sailor Moon, in which Davis’ duel disk, which looks like Yusei’s duel disk, transforms in which the ‘solid blade’ vanishes, a touch display is now on top of the duelist, the graveyard slot vanishes and another slot appears on the other side of the duel disk to replace it, and finally, a black ‘energy blade’ with five monster card zones and two ‘pendulum zones’ appears where ‘solid blade’ was.


Sora asks, “What just happened?”


Ken says, “Davis’ duel disk transformed!”


Hunter Pace asks, slyly, “Nice try, but do you think that it will help?”


The man thinks in his mind, “Pace, you have no idea what you are getting into.”


Davis comes out his surprise and stupor and he yells out, leaping into his Runner, “Let’s find out, jerk!” Davis then zips over to Hunter Pace and the two of them ride over to the track.


Crow asks, “We aren’t going to let this happen, right Yusei?”


Yusei says, with a serious tone, “I have a bad feeling that we have to, Crow. That cage that she is in must be booby trapped.”


The man responds, “Correct, Yusei. And I’m rigged just in case you try something with me too.”


Hunter Pace says, pushing a button, “I’m activating the Speed World Two Field Spell!” On the screens of their Runners, the images of Speed World 2 Field Spell appear on the field and then switch off to a display looking like a Duel Monster’s playing field in which a screen with a countdown appears in front of the two of them as their duel disks shuffle their decks.


When the countdown hits zero, Pace and Davis yell out in unison, “Let’s ride!” The two of them zip off as their Turbo Duel begins as the others watch helplessly.


Kari says, lowly, “Be careful, Dai-kun.”


Starting Scores:

Davis: 4000 SPC: 0

Hunter Pace: 4000 SPC: 0


After drawing their first five cards from their decks, Hunter Pace and Davis fight for the first turn, but Hunter Pace manages to make it and he says, drawing a card, “Yee-haw! I take the first move! My draw, kiddo!” Hunter Pace says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play Burning Skull Head in attack mode!” Soon after, Burning Skull Head (1000/800) appears on the field in attack mode and Hunter Pace says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “I end my turn with a couple of face-downs.”


Davis says, drawing a card, “My turn, jerk!” After his and Pace’s speed counters go up by one, he looks at his cards and his eyes widen and he thinks in his mind, “Well, here goes something.” Davis takes two cards from his hand, displays Stargazer Magician (1200/2400) and Timegazer Magician (1200/600) Pendulum monster cards, and he says, “I set scale one, Stargazer Magician, and scale eight Timegazer Magician, in the Pendulum Zones and set the Pendulum Scale!” When Davis puts the two cards on the Pendulum Zones of his new duel disk, the word ‘Pendulum’ appears in-between them, and then the two said monsters appear in columns of light with one column of light on either side of Davis with the number 1 appear below Stargazer while the number 8 appears below Timegazer.


Hunter Pace asks, “What’s this?!” The others are shocked and plenty of them are looking Sailor Celestial.


Davis says, strongly, “And now, I can play monsters that are level two to seven this turn!” As a crystal pendulum appears on Davis’ field and swinging between the two columns of light, Davis says, putting three cards on his duel disk, “It’s time to swing into action, Soul Pendulum! Pendulum Summon! As Yusei would say: Let’s rev it up! Come on out, Vice Dragon, Tuner monster, Junk Synchron, and Elemental Hero Wildheart!” A circle of light appears in the sky, three beams of light come out, and out of those lights, Vice Dragon (2000/2400), Junk Synchron (1300/500), and Elemental Hero Wildheart (1500/1600) appear on the field in attack mode.


Hunter Pace asks, shocked, “Three monsters in one turn?!”


Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “You should count out again since I Normal Summon Mono Synchron in attack mode!” Soon after, Mono Synchron (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode. Davis shouts out, “And now, I tune Junk Synchron with Vice Dragon!” Junk Synchron then turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Vice Dragon, making it become transparent, and when a column of light appears on the field, Davis takes out a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck and chants out, “Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon!” Davis puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk and he yells out, “Okay, Stardust Dragon, time to really rev it up!” Out of the light, Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode!


There are gasps of shock especially from the former Signers, Crow yells out, “No way!”


Yusei says, taking his own Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) Synchro Monster card out of his deck, “But how? Stardust is right here.”


Akiza asks, shocked, “Another Stardust Dragon?!”


Leo shouts out, “You have got to be kidding me!”


Back in the duel, Davis asks, “How is this possible you ask?” Davis says, with a grin, “A while back, there was a big tournament and the prize was duplicates of the ace monsters of Team Five-Ds! That’s right! Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, Black Rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon, Power Tool Dragon, and Life Stream Dragon! And guess who won it? Yours truly! But Stardust is my one and truly favorite!”


Tai says, “I remember that tournament!”


TK says, with a grin, “This is a neat surprise by Davis, but this is Davis that we are talking about!”


Davis says, with a serious tone, “But I’m far from done, jerk! When Mono Synchron is used for a Synchro Summon, the other Synchro Materials become a level one! And now, I tune my Mono Synchron with my now level one Wildheart to Synchro Summon…Formula Synchron!” Mono Synchron turns into a star that turns into a ring that surround Wildheart, making him become transparent, and Davis takes out another Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck as another column of light appears on the field. When Davis puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, he shouts out, “Come on, Formula Synchron!” Out of the light, Formula Synchron (200/1500) appears on the field in attack mode.


The former Signers are stunned and Akiza says, shocked, “That monster…!!”


Back to the duel, Davis says, drawing a card, “Thanks to Formula Synchron, I draw one card!” Davis discards the card and he says, “I activate the ability of my Stardust Alchemist! When Stardust Dragon is on my field along with another Synchro Monster, I can discard him and draw one card for every star that other Synchro Monster has! And my Formula Synchron has two!”


Davis draws two cards and Hunter Pace says, with a grin, “You might have Yusei’s monster, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll win, kiddo!”


Davis responds, “You want to bet on that buddy? I tune my level two Synchro-Tuner, Formula Synchron, with my level eight Stardust Dragon! Okay, guys, it’s time to take it to the next level!”


Hunter Pace asks, “Wait! That Synchro Monster is also a Tuner?!” Formula Synchron then races off ahead while Davis speeds up with Stardust Dragon causing them to go faster and faster in which they start to become a blur as Formula Synchron becomes two massive ring that Davis and Stardust Dragon race towards and go even faster as they pass by them. Davis closes his eyes and focuses his mind remembering everything he has been through focusing on his friends, family, and future in which when he opens his eyes, the full mark of the Crimson Dragon appears on his back as Davis takes out a blank Synchro Monster card.


Davis then chants out, “Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro!” The blank Synchro monster transforms into a Synchro Monster card in which Davis and Stardust Dragon turn into a beam of light and seemly vanish.


Sailor Uranus asks, “Where did he go?” Just then a portal of light appears behind Hunter Pace and when he looks back, Davis blasts out and by him with a ‘form’ coming out of the portal.


Davis yells out, “Let’s rev it up, Shooting Star Dragon!” Soon enough, the ‘form’ is revealed to be Shooting Star Dragon (3300/2500) in attack mode.


The others are shocked and Tai asks, confused, “When did Davis get that card?”


Kari says, with a sly smile, “Just recently, Tai.”


Yolei asks Kari, surprised, “You knew Kari?”


With the former Signers, they are shocked and Leo says, “Unbelievable!”


Crow says, “That guy! He actually did it! He has the same power that Yusei and Bruno ever gained!”


Akiza says, in disbelief, “It’s incredible!” But then Yusei, Jack, Crow, Leo, Luna, and Akiza winch in pain from their right arms and with the two Turbo Duelists, a bright red comes from the sky.


Sailor Mars asks, “Now, what?” Just then out of that ‘red light’, the Crimson Dragon itself makes a grand appearance with a mighty roar and she asks, stunned, “What is that?”


Sailor Pluto says, “The mighty Crimson Dragon!”


Sailor Venus asks, “Crimson Dragon? Wait! You mean THAT Crimson Dragon?!”


Crow says, “The Crimson Dragon is back!”


Jack says, coming to a realization, “That means that kid…!”


Yusei says, with a nod and finishing for Jack, “That ‘kid’ is one of the newest generation of Signers!”


(Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds’ song ‘Clear Mind’ starting)


Davis says, drawing five cards from his deck, “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s special ability! I look at the top five cards in my deck and if my dragon can attack based on the number of Tuners that I draw!” Davis then displays Unknown Synchron (0/0), Drill Synchron (800/300), Quickdraw Synchron (700/1400), Effect Veiler (0/0), and Nitro Synchron (300/100) Tuner Monster cards and he says, returning to the cards to his deck which is reshuffled, “And since I have drawn five Tuners, Shooting Star can attack five times!”


Hunter Pace yells out, shocked, “Five times?!”


Shooting Star Dragon turns into five multi-colored versions of itself and Davis yells out, “End this duel with Shooting Star Mirage!”


As the five Shooting Star Dragons move in on Pace and his monster, he says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “I activate my Zero Guard!” Hunter Pace’s face-down is revealed to be the Zero Guard trap card and he says, “Thanks to this baby, by lowering my Skull Head’s attack points to zero, you can’t destroy it this turn!” Soon after, Burning Skull Head goes from 1000/800 to 0/800.


Izzy says, “That doesn’t mean any sense. His monster can’t be destroyed, but his life-points aren’t safe since his trap doesn’t protect his life-points.”


Matt says, seriously, “That’s about to change, Izzy.”


Hunter Pace says, pushing another button on his duel disk, “Next, I reveal my Spirit Barrier trap card!” Hunter Pace’s other face-down card is revealed to be Spirit Barrier continuous trap card and he says, with a smirk, “As long as this baby is on the field, when I have monster, I take no battle damage!” Shooting Star Dragon’s first attack slams into Burning Skull Head, but thanks to the two trap cards, Hunter Pace suffers no damage and his monster is safe.


After Shooting Star Dragon turns back into one dragon, Davis says, putting two cards into the slot on his new duel disk causing imagines of two face-down card to appear in the spell/trap slots on the touch screen as well as on the field, “I’ll end with two face-downs!”


Hunter Pace says, drawing a card, “I thought so!” Hunter Pace’s and Davis’ speed counters go up by one and Hunter Pace says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Speed Spell-Speed Booster! For this turn, I gain four more speed counters, but when my turn ends, I have to shift down to one speed counter!” Hunter Pace says, putting another card into the spell/trap slots, “However, this is perfect for my Speed Spell-Summon Speeder! Since I have four or more speed counters, I get one level four or less monster from my hand! And I choose my Skull Base!” Soon after, Skull Base (800/600) appears on the field in attack mode and Hunter Pace says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Now, I kick Skull Head and Skull Base to the curl to Advance Summon my Skull Flame!” Skull Head and Skull Base vanishes in which Skull Flame (2600/2000) appears on the field in attack mode. Hunter Pace says, drawing a card, “Then since Base was used for him, I get one new card!” Hunter Pace says, putting the card into the spell/trap slots, “Awesome! Yusei should remember this baby! I play my Shift Down Speed Spell and by taking out six of my speed counters, which you know that I have, I get two sweet new cards! Yee-haw!”


As Hunter Pace draws two cards, Jack says, “That’s the same card that you used to beat Pace, Yusei.”


Yusei says, “Yeah, I know, Jack.”


Hunter Pace says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Awesome, again! Since I successfully summoned my Skull Flame through Advanced Summoning, I can release him to play my Hyper Skull Flame in attack mode, baby!” Skull Flame then transforms into Hyper Skull Flame (3000/2400), a bulked up version of Skull Flame with a jet pack made of flames, appears on the field in attack mode.


Crow asks, “Hyper Skull Flame?”


Yusei says, “He has been improving his deck.”


Hunter Pace says, putting one more card on his duel disk, “And next, I remove my Skull Flame from my grave to bring out Supersonic Skull Flame in attack mode!” Soon after, Supersonic Skull Flame (2600/2000) appears on the field in attack mode. Hunter Pace says, “And thanks to Hyper Skull Flame’s ability, it gets a one thousand point boost thanks to my Supersonic Skull Flame!” Hyper Skull Flame goes from 3000/2400 to 4000/2400 and Hunter Pace shouts out, “Now, clip Shooting Star Dragon’s wings!”


Hyper Skull Flame attacks Shooting Star Dragon and Davis says, “I activate Shooting Star’s ability! I can remove him for this turn and negate your attack!” Shooting Star Dragon vanishes and Hyper Skull Flame’s attack misses greatly in which Davis says, pushing the image of a face-down card on his duel disk’s touch screen, “Now, I activate my Cosmic Blast trap card!” One of Davis’ face-down cards is revealed to be the Cosmic Blast trap card and Davis says, “Thanks to this trap, when a Dragon Synchro Monster leaves the field, you get slammed by the amount of his attack points!”


Hunter Pace asks, shocked, “What?”


Davis says, pushing another ‘button’ on his duel disk’s touch screen, “But that’s not all! I play my Reaction Force trap card!” Davis’ other face-down is revealed to be a trap card with a picture of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon unleashes its power with an ‘X-2’ by it and Davis says, “Since I activate an effect that would cause you damage, my trap card allows me to double it since I have Pendulum Monsters in my Pendulum Zones!”


Hunter Pace asks, flabbergasted, “Say what?” Soon after, a ghostly imagine of Shooting Star Dragon appears and charges into Hunter Pace in which he yelps out as he loses 6600 life-points, causing the duel end immediately.


Final Score:

Davis: 4000 SPC: 2

Hunter Pace: 0 SPC: 0


(Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds’ song ‘Clear Mind’ ending)


With the end of the duel, Hunter Pace’s Duel Runner slams into a stop while Davis screeches to a stop with Cody says, amazed, “He just won with a one-turn kill!”


Kari asks, with a smile, “What did you expect Cody?”


The man says, with a smirk, “Well done. I expected no less from the new Star Dragon King. We will be seeing you again, Daisuke Motomiya.” Soon after, the ‘man’ sparks and collapses into pieces to show that he was a robot!


Sailor Venus says, shocked, “He was a robot!”


Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, “No way!”

Sailor Mars says, drolly, “He just turned into a pile of junk, Jupiter!” On the meanwhile, Matt runs over to the cage in which the lock opens to allow Jun to escape.


Matt asks, concerned, “Are you okay?”


Jun responds, with a smile, “I’m fine, but thanks for asking sweetie.” Matt and Jun share a quick kiss as Davis goes over to them.


Davis asks, “Hey, what am I?”


Jun replies, with a grin, “Nice work, squirt.”


Sailor Celestial starts to walk towards Hunter Pace and Sailor Saturn asks, “Where are you going?”


Sailor Celestial says, with a serious tone, “Pace was working with those jerks, so, he knows where my mother is!” But then before anything else could be said or do, Sailor Moon’s and Sailor Celestial’s broaches and crystal pendulums glow along with the Mark of the Dragon that Davis and Kari have in which a bright glow in the form of a portal then appears in which two Duel Runners, one white and one black, burst out of the portal and come to a stop in front of everyone. The one on the white Duel Runner has a female rider wearing white and silver version of Akiza’s Duel Runner outfit and the one in the black Duel Runner has what looks like a Duel Runner outfit version of outfit that Kazuto wore as Kirito of SAO.


Mimi asks, “Who are they?”


Sora asks, “You are asking me, Mimi?”


The two riders of the Duel Runners look around and the female one asks, in familiar female voice, “Are we home now?”


The others are surprised and Sailor Moon thinks, shocked, “She sounds like me!”


The male Duel Runner rider looks at the others and he says, pointing and speaking in a familiar male voice, “I don’t think so, Sere.” Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon gasp at the sound of the voice in which the female Duel Runner looks at our heroes and heroines in which she takes out her Duel Runner helmet, which is like Akiza’s helmet expect that it is silver in color, in which she looks exactly like Serena/Sailor Moon expect her hair is silver as Queen Serenity’s hair.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “A younger looking Queen Serenity?”


Sailor Mars says, “No! Look at her eyes! She looks like…”


Sailor Mercury says, shocked, “Sailor Moon.” The silver haired duplicate of Sailor Moon then looks at our Valkyrie Sailor Soldier of the Moon and her eyes widen at her before narrowing into a dangerous glare.


The female doppelganger of Sailor Moon shouts out, strongly, “Ah ha! There you are, you witch! You think that you can disguise yourself with that silly armor and dying your hair? I don’t think so!”


Sailor Moon says, annoyed, “Hey, I don’t even know you!”


The female doppelganger of Sailor Moon yells out, annoyed, “Still playing dumb? Maybe this will remind you!” The female ‘duplicate’ of Sailor Moon puts her helmet back on and charges right for Sailor Moon, who easily flies into the air, to avoid the ‘attack’. The female doppelganger of Sailor Moon shouts out, annoyed while looking up at Sailor Moon, “Hey, no fair!”


The male Duel Runner rider with her shouts out, “Serenity, watch out!”  The female ‘duplicate’ of Sailor Moon looks ahead to see that she is coming up to the see-through curved ramp/wall of the Turbo Dueling track and she yelps in which she tries a hard breaking causing her to spin around three times before she stops suddenly.


The female doppelganger of Sailor Moon says, woozily, “I meant to do that…”


Sailor Mars says, drolly, “I’m seeing more of Meatball Head in her than just looks.”


Sailor Moon shouts out, annoyed, “Hey, you could hurt someone like that!”


The female ‘duplicate’ of Sailor Moon, Serenity, roars out, annoyed while looking at Sailor Moon, “You are really asking for it!”


Sailor Moon shouts out, “I said that I don’t know you!”


Serenity responds, “And I say that you are full of it! And if you want to take that route with me, I can roll with it!” She then pushes a button on her Duel Runner and she thinks, “I must thank Aya-chan for the modifications!” Just then her Duel Runner’s sides open, a pair of wings come out, and a pair of engines come with it.


Tai asks, stunned, “You have got to be kidding me, right?” Soon after, Serenity uses the ramp to take off into the sky before she starts yelping and trying to control her Duel Runner in a comical manner.


Sailor Uranus says, nervously, “Okay…” However, Serenity gets control of her flying Duel Runner and starts chasing after Sailor Moon, who yelps in shock and surprise.


Sailor Moon shouts out, annoyed, “What the heck is the matter with you?”


Serenity yells out, irritated, “I’ve getting pissed, girl! It’s time for you to pay what you did and it’s time for a rematch!”


Sailor Moon responds, “Rematch?” A circle like surface comes out of the front of the Runner in which a slot for a Duel Monster’s dueling deck, a touch screen, and it creates a silver circular ‘blade’ for monster card zones.


Serenity responds, “You know darn well what it means!”


Sailor Moon shouts out, “Hold on a second!” Sailor Moon then yelps as she flies away to avoid getting rammed by Serenity’s Duel Runner and she shouts out, annoyed, “Fine! You want to duel? I’ll give you one to knock some sense into you!”


Serenity replies, “We’ll see about that!”


Sailor Moon then says, “But wait! I don’t have a Runner and…” But then her crystal pendulum, transformation broach, and duel deck within her sub-space pocket glows with Sailor Celestial’s own crystal pendulum, broach, and deck in which they beam to the ground and create a pink and silver version of Akiza’s Duel Runner with a pink and silver version of the Duel Disk part of it in which it has a black colored ‘energy blade’ with monster card zones and pendulum zones with a pink ‘lining’ with Sailor Moon’s dueling deck inside of the deck slot. Sailor Moon says, amazed, “Okay, that’s convenient.” Sailor Moon then flies down to the Runner and when she lands on the ground, her broach glows as her Valkyrie form transforms into a female Duel Runner outfit with the bodysuit portion looking a lot like Sailor Moon’s Eternal Sailor Moon fuku minus the wings, Sailor Moon’s familiar current broach around the chest area, and she has a helmet on her head with holes for a pair of familiar blond pigtails coming out.


Sailor Venus says, amazed, “That’s new.”


Sailor Saturn asks Sailor Pluto, “Did you know about this Pluto-mama?”


Sailor Pluto says, “No, I don’t. The full abilities of the Valkyrie Sailor Scout form have been lost to time, so, both of our princesses are learning them ‘on the fly’ as you can say.”


Sailor Celestial tells Sailor Moon, “You don’t know how to ride a Runner, sis!” Both Serenity and the person that came with her gasp on hearing Sailor Celestial’s voice.


Sailor Moon leaps onto the Duel Runner and she responds, “I don’t think my doppelganger isn’t giving me much choice, Celestial.”


Serenity and the male Duel Runner rider thinks in unison, shocked, “Celestial?!” Soon after, Serenity lands in which her Duel Runner’s wings and jets retract into the runner itself.


Sailor Mars asks Sailor Moon, “Hey, Meatball Head, what do you think that you are doing?”


Sailor Moon responds, nervously, “Actually, that’s a good question.” She activates the Duel Runner and she yelps as she races forward seemly out of control.


Tuxedo Mask shouts out, shocked and really concerned, “Sailor Moon!” The others gasp in shock, but Sailor Moon manages to get control of her Duel Runner and she starts to ride it quite well.


Matt asks, surprised, “How is she doing that?”


Joe says, “That’s a good question, Matt.”


Sailor Moon rides around, somehow getting the hang of the Runner, and she says, amazed, “Wow! I’m actually doing this!”


Serenity rides up and she says, with a smirk, “Not bad for a newbie!” Serenity pushes a button on her Runner and she shouts out, “Now, let’s see if you can ride the ride, girlfriend! Speed World Neo, activate!”


The others are shocked and Jack asks, “Wait! Speed World Neo?!”


Crow says, “I never heard of that Speed World before!” An image of a Field Spell with a highway with gates appears on the screen of Serenity’s Duel Runner, the Duel Disk portion of her Runner activates while the same card appears on the screen of Sailor Moon’s new Runner causing her Duel Disk in her new Runner to activate.


Sailor Moon yells out, annoyed, “Hey! Don’t I get to practice first?”


Serenity says, “You are going to get practice…In the school of hard knocks, girl! And in the name of the moon, you are going to pay for what you did!”


Sailor Moon shouts out, annoyed, “I keep telling you that I don’t know what you are talking about!”


With the others, Davis asks, “Isn’t this where one of us…steps in?”


Sailor Saturn asks, “How is our hime riding that Runner?”


Sailor Pluto says, “The Valkyrie Sailor Soldier form is legendary not only for its level of power, but have vast abilities that assist the Sailor Scout. However, the knowledge of those abilities have been lost in which there is only myth and legend around them.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Wait! Are you saying that her Valkyrie powers are helping Sailor Moon?”


Sailor Uranus says, plainly, “Most likely.”


Sailor Mercury says, “I can’t help to wonder why we, Sailor Scouts, have forms that are based on the female warrior deities of Norse legend.”


Sailor Mars says, “Worry about that later! We need to help Sailor Moon!”


Tuxedo Mask says, “Agreed.”


However, as the others prepare to help Sailor Moon, she and Serenity shout out in unison, “Duel!” Both of them draw five cards from their decks and their life-point counters display 4000 life-points each in which Sailor Moon’s eyes widen at some of the cards that she just drew.


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, shocked, “Where did I get those cards?!”


Starting Score:

Sailor Moon: 4000

Serenity: 4000


Serenity says, drawing a card, “My turn! I draw!” Serenity says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I play Speedroid Three-Eyed Dice in attack mode!” Soon after, Speedroid Three-Eyed Dice (300/1500), a pyramid shaped monster with an eye on each ‘side’, appears on the field in attack mode. Serenity says, putting one more card on her duel disk, “Since I have a Wind monster on my field, I can play Speedroid Taketonborg!” Speedroid Taketonborg (600/1200), a bug robot creature, appears on the field in attack mode.


With the others, Leo asks, confused, “What kind of monsters are those?”


Jack says, “Ones that I never seen before.”


Serenity yells out, “And now, I tune my Three-Eyed Dice with Taketonborg to Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama!” Three-Eyed Dice turns into three stars that turn into three stars that surround Taketonborg causing it to become transparent and then a column of light appears on the field while Serenity gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck. When she puts it on her duel disk, Hi-Speedroid Kendama (2200/1600) appears on the field in attack mode.


Crow says, “A Synchro Monster!”


Back to the duel, Serenity says, removing Speedroid Taketonborg (600/1200) monster card from her graveyard, “Now, I play his ability! By removing one Speedroid from my graveyard, you take five hundred points of damage! Take this, jerk!” A beam of light comes from Kendama and slams into Sailor Moon causing her to yelp and skid around for a bit before she regains control of her Runner as she loses 500 life-points.


The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask say in unison, shocked, “Sailor Moon!”


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “What was that?!”


Serenity says, putting two cards into a slot on her duel disk causing two face-down cards to appear on her touch screen, “I end my turn with two cards face-down!”


Current Score:

Sailor Moon: 3500

Serenity: 4000


Sailor Moon asks, “Can we talk?”


Serenity responds, “I don’t like to fight, but I’m not going to back down until you give her back!”


Sailor Moon responds, confused, “Her? Her who?”


Serenity shouts out, “Don’t play dumb with me! I know that it is you since you look like me! Now, duel or give her back!”


Sailor Moon says, drawing a card, “I don’t know what you are talking about, but if I have to duel you in order to get you listen, then fine!”


Serenity thinks in her mind, with a sly smirk, “Go on! This time, I’m ready for your weirdo XYZ monsters, girl!”


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “I don’t know how I got these cards, but I think that they might help me!” Sailor Moon says, displays Stargazer Magician (1200/2400) and Timegazer Magician (1200/600), ““I set scale one, Stargazer Magician, and scale eight Timegazer Magician, in the Pendulum Zones and set the Pendulum Scale!”


Serenity asks, confused, “What?” Sailor Moon sets the two cards on the pendulum zones of her duel disk portion of her new Runner causing the word ‘Pendulum’ in rainbow colored letters to appear in the monster card zones for a second in which the two said monsters appear in columns of light with one column of light on either side of Suguha with the number 1 appear below Stargazer while the number 8 appears below Timegazer. Serenity asks, confused, “What are those?”


The others are surprised and Davis says, shocked, “I thought that I had those cards!”


Sailor Moon says, “With them, I can summon monsters that are levels two through seven now! Now, swing Soul Pendulum!” As a crystal pendulum appears on Sailor Moon’s field and swinging between the two columns of light, Sailor Moon puts three cards on her duel disk and she says, “Pendulum Summon! Help me out, everyone! Meteor Dragon, The White Stone of Legend, and the mighty dragon of dimensions: Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Soon after, out of a circle of light, Meteor Dragon (1800/2000), The White Stone of Legend (300/250), and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) appear on the field in attack mode.


The others are shocked and Sailor Uranus asks, “Hold up! Doesn’t Celestial have that card?” Sailor Celestial goes through her deck and she finds her Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) Pendulum Monster card in her deck.


Sailor Celestial thinks in her mind, surprised, “It’s right here! But how does sis have it now? Could Pluto be right and Odd-Eyes gave its ‘power’ to Sailor Moon too?”


The male Duel Runner rider thinks in his mind, “Those aren’t the cards that person dueled with last time! I think that we have made a major mistake!”


Serenity asks, shocked while looking at Odd-Eyes, “What is that monster? Why do I sense such power from it?” Just then Serenity senses something, her Extra Deck is glowing, and she thinks, “Clear Wing? Why? What are you reacting to? Could it be that monster?”


Sailor Moon says, “And now, I tune my White Stone of Legend with my Meteor Dragon!” Serenity gasps in surprise as White Stone of Legend turns into a single star that turns into a ring that surrounds Meteor Dragon, turning it transparent, and causing a column of light appear on the field as Sailor Moon gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck, but a strange aura comes from the card in which quite a few sense that fact. Sailor Moon chants out, “Spirit that rules the field from the forest of antiquity, veil yourself in flesh and descend to us! Synchro Summon!” Sailor Moon puts the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk and she says, “Let’s do this: Ancient Pixie Dragon!” Out of the column of light, Ancient Pixie Dragon (2100/3000) appears on the field in attack mode.


There are multiple gasps and with the former Signers, Crow yells out, flabbergasted, “No way!”


Akiza says, stunned, “It… It looks like Ancient Fairy Dragon!”


Jack says, with a serious tone, “Yes, only darker!”


Just then human Luna yelps and she sees a ‘dark smoke’ coming from her deck in which she takes out her Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000) causing her to ask, “Ancient Fairy?”


The other Signers are shocked and Jack asks, confused, “What’s going on?”


Yusei says, looking at the duel, “I don’t know, but I know what’s causing it.”


Sailor Mars says, shocked, “That card…”


Sailor Saturn asks, curiously, “What about it?”


Sailor Uranus says, “I’m getting the same feeling, Mars. I’m getting a bad feeling about that card.”


Sailor Moon winches in pain and she thinks in her mind, “What was…?”


Serenity yells out, annoyed, “No fair! No fair! Synchro Summoning is our stick! You cheater!”


Sailor Moon gives an unusual annoyed expression and she says, her tone slightly darker than usual, “Oh, yeah! First, I use my White Stone of Legend’s ability!” A card comes out of her deck and Sailor Moon says, displaying Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) monster card, “When this is sent to the graveyard, I can take one Blue-Eyes White Dragon and add it to my hand!”


There are gasps and Jack asks, shocked, “Blue-Eyes White Dragon? The ace monster of Seto Kaiba, the only duelist to ever rival Yugi Moto, the King of Games? She has that card?!”


Sailor Moon then says, her tone unusually darker than usual, “Ancient Pixie Dragon’s ability activates! Since there is a Field Spell active, I can destroy one monster on the field! Go, Spirit Burial!” Ancient Pixie Dragon unleashes a blast of light that causes Kendama to vanish and Sailor Moon shouts out, “Odd-Eyes, attack her directly! Spiraling Strike Burst!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon leaps high into the sky and unleashes a powerful breath attack from its mouth right at Serenity.


Serenity says, pushing a button on her duel disk’s touch screen, “I activate my trap: Widespread Ruin!” One of Serenity’s face-down card is revealed to be Widespread Ruin trap card and Serenity says, “Thanks to this card, your strongest monsters gets blasted into moon dust!”


Sailor Moon says, “Timegazer Magician’s Pendulum ability activates! When a Pendulum Monster attacks, your trap cards are rendered useless! Inverse Gearwise!” Timegazer Magician activates its power and Serenity’s Widespread Ruin is returned face-down.


Serenity says, removing Speedroid Three-Eyed Dice (300/1500) Tuner monster card from her graveyard, “I use the ability of Three-Eyed Dice and remove him from play in order to negate your attack!” Just then a barrier appears and negates Odd-Eyes attack.


Sailor Moon yells out, “Then I attack with Ancient Pixie Dragon!”


As Ancient Pixie Dragon moves in, Serenity says, pushing another button on the touch screen, “I activate my Call of the Haunted!” Serenity’s other face-down card is revealed to be the Call of the Haunted continuous trap card and Serenity says, “Thanks to this card, I can revive one monster from my graveyard! Let’s ride Hi-Speedroid Kendama!” Soon after, Hi-Speedroid Kendama (2200/1600) returns to the field in attack mode.


Sailor Moon says, “The battle is off.” Sailor Moon says, putting one card into main slot of her Runner’s duel disk, “I activate my Pot of Greed and draw two cards!”


As Sailor Moon draws two cards, Crow says, “Hey! That’s a regular spell card! She shouldn’t be able to do that!”


Yusei says, “With a regular ‘Speed World’, yeah, but this ‘Speed World Neo’ may be different.”


Jack says, with a nod, “It seems so.”


Sailor Moon puts one card into the main slot of her duel disk and she says, “I use my Psychic Cyclone and use it to destroy one face-down card, but I have to declare if it is a spell or trap card. If I’m right, I get a card. If I’m wrong, then I get a card! And I say that your card is a trap card!” A cyclone comes onto the field, destroys Serenity’s face-down card, Widespread Ruin trap card, and Sailor Moon draws a card. She puts one card into the main slot of her duel disk, causing an image of a face-down card to appear on the touch screen of her duel disk, and she says, “I end my turn with a face-down!”


Serenity says, drawing a card, “I draw!” Just then she ‘senses’ something and she thinks, “Clear Wing? You want to fight? Why? Well, okay, partner.” Serenity says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I play the Tuner monster, Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice!” Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice (100/100), a yellow dice-shaped monster with an eye on each side of the dice monster, appears on the field in attack mode.


The others are shocked and Sailor Uranus says, seriously, “Here it comes.”


Serenity yells out, “I tune my Red-Eyed Dice with Kendama!” Red-Eyed Dice turns into one star that turns into one ring that surrounds Kendama, turning it transparent, and Serenity gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck in which she chants out, “Spread out those wondrous and beautiful wings and strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon!” Serenity puts the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk and she yells out, “Let’s do this: Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!” Out of the light, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (2500/2000), a massive white and blue dragon with green see-through wings, massive arms and hands, and its lower half having no feet, but two more green crystal wings, appears on the field in attack mode.


Leo says, “It’s huge!” Just then all of the former Signers’ decks start to react along with Celestial’s Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) Pendulum Monster card as well as Black Rose Moonlight Dragon (2400/1800) Synchro Monster card and then Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon that’s out on the field roar out as they glow as well.


Crow asks, “Hey, what’s going on here?”


Jack says, “Our decks…No, our Synchro monsters!”


Yusei says, “They are reacting to that monster!” Like what happened with Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, Sailor Celestial, Davis, Kari, and Sailor Moon winch in pain, but Serenity and the male Duel Runner rider do so as well.


Serenity thinks in her mind, “What’s going on? My body…so hot…Wait! I felt this…when I summoned Clear Wing against…!!” But then Ancient Pixie Dragon roars out too and Sailor Moon yelps out in pain and agony.


Sailor Venus says, shocked, “Sailor Moon!”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “What’s happening to her?”


Sailor Mars says, “It’s those cards! That Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is similar to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!”


There are gasps and Sailor Uranus says, seriously, “Mars is right! I sense a similar power to those two dragons from that dragon!”


Ken asks, “What are these dragons?”


Back in the duel, Serenity shouts out, “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, attack Ancient Pixie Dragon!” Clear Wing goes high into the air and dives down on Ancient Pixie Dragon.


Sailor Moon says, a dark snarl forming on her lips, “No way! I play my trap: Strong Guard!” Sailor Moon pushes a button on the touch screen of her duel disk and her face-down is revealed to be a trap card of Stronghold Guardian protecting a monster and Sailor Moon says, “This trap card switches the attack target of your dragon into defense mode and it gains one grand in defense power!” Ancient Pixie Dragon goes into defense mode while its stats go from 2100/3000 to 2100/4000 and Sailor Moon says, “And you can’t stop your attack!”


Serenity says, stunned, “No fair!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon slams into Ancient Pixie Dragon, but it is sent flying back and Serenity yelps as she loses 1500 life-points.


Sailor Moon says, “Now, both of us draw one card for every five hundred life-points that you lost!” Sailor Moon and Serenity draw three cards and put them into their dueling hands.


Serenity says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I end my turn with a face-down.” However, Sailor Moon yelp and shakes her head as the horrible memories of SAO flow back into her mind especially all of the death.


Current Score:

Sailor Moon: 3500

Serenity: 2500


Tuxedo Mask says, putting his hand on his heart, “Something’s wrong…This duel has to end! It has to stop!”


Sailor Celestial says, “Tuxedo Mask is right! We need to stop this duel!” As if to prove them right, a dark aura surrounds Sailor Moon.


Sailor Moon says, with tears in her eyes, “Not again…Please not again…”


Serenity asks, confused, “Huh?”


Serenity then yelps in pain and Sailor Moon says, her voice getting darker, “I won’t…I can’t lose! I will not lose! I will survive!” Sailor Moon then glares at Serenity with completely sinister glow in her eyes and dark enraged expression that’s unlike her in which she yells out, “I won’t lose to someone like you! You’re through! My turn!”


Sailor Moon draws a card and Sailor Jupiter asks, shocked, “What’s gotten into her?”


Sailor Mars says, “Those dragons, Odd-Eyes and Clear Wing, have inflicted some kind of ‘battle rage’ or something on her because I feel some kind of ‘primal need’ to fight and it is made worse by that other dragon! That dragon, Ancient Pixie Dragon, is making it worse by making her relive her experience in SAO!”


There are gasps and Yolei says, “That’s not good.”


Tai says, seriously, “That’s really bad! That experience already messed us up and she had it the worst!”


Tuxedo Mask yells out, with a worried tone, “Sailor Moon, please stop!”


Sailor Moon winches, but she shouts out, with a dark sneer, “Ancient Pixie’s ability activates! And now, your overgrown lizard takes a hike! Spirit Burial!”


Serenity responds, “I don’t think so! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s ability activates! When a level five or higher monster are targeted by another monster’s ability, Clear Wing can negate that ability and destroy it! Hit it with Dichroic Mirror!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s wings glow and slam into Ancient Pixie Dragon in which she roars as she explodes in which Serenity says, “Also, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon gains the monster’s attack power to the end of turn!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon then goes from 2500/2000 to 4600/2000!


Leo says, stunned, “Wow! That’s like Stardust’s ability!”


Jack says, “Not even close, but it is a powerful ability.”


Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot of her duel disk, “I activate my Even Playing Field spell card! Now, Odd-Eyes is equal in power to one monster on your field!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon goes from 2500/2000 to 4600/2000 and Sailor Moon says, with a dark sneer, “Odd-Eyes, attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and rip it apart!”


Tuxedo Mask shouts out, concerned, “Sailor Moon!” Odd-Eyes and Clear Wing then engage in a fierce fight with each other before both of them shatter into pieces.


Serenity says, pushing a button on her duel disk’s touch screen, “I activate my trap: Miracle’s Wake!” Serenity’s face-down card is revealed to be Miracle’s Wake trap card and Serenity says, “And now, I can revive one monster destroyed in battle this turn!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (2500/2000) returns to the field in attack mode.


Sailor Moon says, “With my two Pendulum Monsters in my Pendulum Zones, I can summon monsters that are levels two to seven to the field! Swing, Soul Pendulum!” Sailor Moon then puts two cards from her hand on her duel disk and then she puts a card that comes out of her Extra Deck on her duel disk in which she says, “Pendulum Summon! Let’s go! Luster Dragon number two, Maiden with Eyes of Blue, and revive once more, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Soon after, Luster Dragon #2 (2400/1400), Maiden with the Eyes of Blue (0/0), a beautiful young looking blue eyed woman in Native American style clothing, and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) come to the field in attack mode.


There are multiple gasps and Serenity says, shocked, “Your dragon was destroyed with mine!”


Sailor Moon responds, in an unusual dark plain tone, “When Pendulum Monsters on the field are destroyed, they are send to the Extra Deck and not the graveyard. Once there, they can be summoned back via Pendulum Summoning!”


There are gasps of shock and Davis asks, stunned, “Whoa! You mean those monsters aren’t sent to the graveyard when they are destroyed?!”


Kari says, amazed, “That’s incredible!”


Ken says, “It means that even if they are destroyed, they are sent into the Extra Deck where they can be summoned as long as you have right monsters in the Pendulum Zones to create the right ‘scale’ for them to be summoned back!”


Jack says, “Incredible.”


Yusei says, “I agree, Jack. Pendulum Monsters have quite useful abilities and powers and this can change the game.”


Just then Luna’s deck glows and sends a beam of light into Sailor Moon’s Extra Deck slot in which Luna asks, pulling out her Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000) Synchro Monster card, “Ancient Fairy Dragon?” On the meanwhile, an image of Ancient Fairy Dragon appears in her mind and in her ‘clouded condition’, Sailor Moon can’t help to react instinctively.


Sailor Moon shouts out, “I tune my Maiden with Luster Dragon number two!” Maiden with the Eyes of Blue turn into one star that turns into one ring that surrounds Luster Dragon #2, turning it transparent, and causing a column of light appear on the field as Sailor Moon gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck. Sailor Moon then says, “The holy light of protection, shine now and become eternal life! Synchro Summon!” Soon after, a brand new Synchro Monster card appears on her new Runner’s duel disk and she yells out, “Come on out, Ancient Fairy Dragon!” Out of the light, Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000), with her shining blue body and glowing/shining rainbow fairy wings, appears on the field in attack mode.


Crow asks, “Huh? What’s going on here?”


Everyone looks at Luna and she says, “I think…No, Ancient Fairy Dragon is trying to help Sailor Moon since she…she is her new partner!” There are more gasps of shock, but then Davis’ and Kari’s Mark of the Dragon, the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Foot, then glow on their right arms in which Sailor Moon’s form glows a bright crimson red as Luna’s Mark of the Dragon, the Dragon’s Hand, appears on her right wrist in which she shakes her head and as the red glow fades from her form, her expression and her eyes return to normal.


Sailor Moon asks, confused, “What? What happened?”


A female voice booms, “I have freed you from the ‘battle rage’ corrupting your mind enhanced by the shadow miasma from my ‘sister’, Ancient Pixie Dragon, Sailor Moon.” When Sailor Moon looks towards the source, Ancient Fairy Dragon is looking at her and the lovely female voice says, “The ‘battle rage’ of these two dimensional dragons is mighty, moon princess. However, their powers are as strong as or even stronger than my own or any of my fellow dragon warriors of the Crimson Dragon! You must hurry and end this duel!” Sailor Moon then winches in pain with Serenity as Odd-Eyes and Clear Wing roar out again.


Sailor Moon says, in a painful tone while putting one card into the main slot on her duel disk, “I activate my Dragon’s Infusion spell card! By discarding one dragon from my hand, one dragon on the field gets the attack power of all dragons on the field that are an equal or less level than the dragon that I discarded!” Sailor Moon puts her Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) monster card into the main slot and she says, in a painful tone, “I…I discard my Blue-Eyes White Dragon and now, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon gains the power of Clear Wing and Ancient Fairy Dragons!”


Serenity asks, stunned, “What?” Odd-Eyes then roars out in power as it goes from 2500/2000 to 7100/2000 and Serenity says, with a smirk, “But you attacked this turn.”


Sailor Moon says, removing one card from her graveyard slot, “It won’t be a problem when use the second effect of my Dragon’s Infusion. When I have dragons on my field and when I remove it from my graveyard, I can play one spell card from my deck, but I’m not allowed to draw on my next turn.” Serenity gasps as a card comes out of Sailor Moon’s deck and she says, painfully while putting into the main slot, “I activate my Mischief of the Time Goddess! Now, your turn is skipped and I return to my Battle Phase! Odd-Eyes, it is time to attack! Defeat Clear Wing Synchro Dragon now!” The powered up Odd-Eyes leaps in to attack Clear Wing and Sailor Moon says, with a winch, “And my spell card effect should end at the end of my turn, remember, my turn hasn’t ended since I just skipped your turn back to my Battle Phase!”


As Odd-Eyes unleashes a beam of energy from its mouth at Clear Wing, Serenity says, pushing a button on her touch screen, “Not going to happen! I activate my Wind Backlash trap card!” Serenity’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with a Harpie Lady surrounded by a twister and Serenity says, “When a Wind monster on my field is attacked, it isn’t destroyed and you suffer the same battle damage as I do!” Sailor Moon gives a shocked look as a wind barrier surrounds Clear Wing as Odd-Eyes attack slams into it and both Sailor Moon and Serenity yelp as they are hit by 4600 points of damage, ending the duel immediately.


Final Score:

Sailor Moon: 0 (tie)

Serenity: 0 (tie)


With the end of the duel, the two Duel Runners come to a screeching stop and immediately, Tuxedo Mask leaps into actions and quickly goes over to Sailor Moon, who stumbles out of the Runner, before she faints towards the ground, but Tuxedo Mask catches her in time and puts our armored Sailor Soldier of the Moon into his arms lovingly.


Tuxedo Mask asks, greatly concerned, “Sailor Moon, are you okay?”


Sailor Moon responds, weakly, “Other than a throbbing headache, I’m just peachy.” The others immediately go over to Sailor Moon and then they look over to see the male Duel Runner rider with his Duel Runner parked by Serenity’s Duel Runner. Serenity has removed her helmet and shaking her head.


Serenity asks, “Anyone got the license number of that dragon?” Just then the male Duel Runner removes his helmet and the others are shocked to see that Serenity’s associate looks exactly like Kazuto!


Sailor Celestial asks, shocked, “Kazuto?”


Kazuto’s ‘doppelganger&rsq uo; looks at Sailor Celestial and he asks, “Kazuto? Who’s that?” Just then Kazuto’s ‘duplicate’ gets an expression that shows revelation and he says, “Oh, I get it. He must be my counterpart in this world, huh? Well, my name is Kuro and something tells me that we just caused a big misunderstanding.”


Sailor Mars asks, annoyed, “A ‘misunderstanding’?”


Kazuto&rsquo ;s ‘doppelganger’, Kuro, responds, “You see, Serenity and our sister has been kidnapped and we have been traveling other dimensions and worlds to find the kidnappers.”


Yolei asks, “Say what?”


Kuro replies, “I know. It sounds like science fiction. Personally, I never believed that it was until now.” Kuro tells Serenity, “By the way, Serenity, I don’t think that this girl is that ‘other Sailor Moon’ that we are looking for. That one that you fought before had pink hair and used those weird XYZ monsters and this one used Synchro Monsters like us and those weird new monsters. Plus, look at her, she is a natural blond, isn’t she?”


Serenity, who just removed her helmet to show her face, looks at Sailor Moon and she says, “You have a point.” Serenity says, rubbing her head and with a nervous tone, “Oops! My bad!”


Plenty of the others nearly do an anime face-fall at this and Sailor Uranus asks, drolly, “Are you kidding me?”


Sailor Mars says, annoyed, “She is like our Meatball Head! Just great!”


Serenity says, looking at Sailor Mars, “Oh, great. Not another Pyro. I get enough of my Sailor Mars back at home. What a hot head!”


Kuro tells Serenity, “This coming from a girl who forced another girl into a Turbo Duel without getting their identity straight, Serenity.” Serenity winches and she gives a nervous laugh at that, but then Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, who hasn’t left the field with Odd-Eyes and Ancient Fairy, roars out as it glows causing Serenity, Kuro, and their Duel Runners to vanish.


Leo asks, “Hey, where did they go?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon then says, “Where Clear Wing Synchro Dragon wishes to take them, my friend.”


Everyone looks at Ancient Fairy Dragon and Luna asks, “Ancient Fairy?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon nods her head and she says, “As you may have realized, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon isn’t an ordinary monster. Similar to us, the Signer Dragons, they are filled with powerful energies of their own. This creature, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, is similar to Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and from what I could gather from my new partner, you have met another of these dragons before.”


Sailor Mars asks, “Wait! You mean Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon?”


Yolei asks, “Doesn’t it feel weird to be talking to a Duel Monster?”


Yusei says, “Ancient Fairy isn’t an ordinary monster, Yolei-san.”


Luna asks, “Do you know anything about these dragons?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon responds, “They are very powerful and they are quite dangerous. They are filled with powerful primal forces and forces connected to space and time and it is the reason that they are known as the ‘Dimensional Dragons’.”


Sailor Uranus asks, “Dimensional Dragons?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon replies, with a nod, “That’s correct, guardian of the universe. They are powerful dragons and they are dangerous especially due to primal nature of their power. They are drawn to each and drawn to battle each other. If they are summoned to fight against each other, the primal nature of these dragons could cause them to get overwhelmed by their ‘battle rage’, the need of the Dimensional Dragons to fight each other causing their owners to enter a ‘Berserk Mode’ and become engulfed by the need to defeat their opponents. Sailor Moon was more vulnerable when the shadow miasma of my ‘sister’, Ancient Pixie Dragon, caused the painful memories of her time in SAO to be relived in her mind allowing the ‘battle rage’ of the Dimensional Dragons to take over. However, despite this, my Duel Dragon counterpart, Ancient Pixie Dragon, isn’t evil. She is like my shadow and she has an important purpose as I do as one of the Signer Dragons.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Which is?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon responds, “All in due time, young amazon of Jupiter. However, you should know that the Dimensional Dragons are much the same. They aren’t evil…”


Sailor Uranus says, “Their power is just wild and untamed.”


The others look at Sailor Uranus and Sailor Mars says, “That’s the feeling that I got. That’s the feeling that I got from Odd-Eyes, Clear Wing, and Dark Rebellion. All of them are ‘primal’: Their power is just wild, dominate, untamed, and unbound.”


Izzy asks, curiously, “Could this mean that Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial could use those cards is because they may have the ability to harness this ‘primal power’?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon replies, with a nod, “Correct, young warrior of the Digital Realm. You don’t have to be a Signer to harness the power of the Dimensional Dragons, but it doesn’t hurt. However, there is one thing that you must know: There are FOUR Dimensional Dragons.”


There are gasps and Sailor Venus asks, stunned, “FOUR of these dragons?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon retorts, with a nod, “That’s correct, young amazon of Venus. These four dragons will prove a vital factor in the war ahead and this will be unlike the battles that you have fought separately before, everyone.” Ancient Fairy Dragon tells Luna, “Luna, you and the previous warriors of the Crimson Dragon must help and train the next generation of Signers. For this will be a war beyond the one that you and your fellow team of Signers have fought before. The Crimson Dragon sensed this and it is why it has chosen a brand new team of Signers.” Ancient Fairy Dragon then looks at Davis and he says, “And they will be led by the new Star Dragon King. He is the heir of the leader of the first group of Signers in history and he was also the leader of the People of the Stars of that time. A mighty and noble king and now, Daisuke Motomiya has been chosen to be his heir in which he has the power to weld the power of all the Signer Dragons and our counterparts, the Duel Dragons. You have already seen a sample of his power when he has learned to harness the power of Accel Synchro Summon as Yusei Fudo had before.”


Jack asks, “Hold on! Does that mean that this kid…?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon says, with a nod, “Davis also possesses the same power that you and the Legendary Signer possessed: The Burning or Blazing Soul power. However, it will also be wielded by your successor, too.”


Jack asks, shocked, “My successor?”


Ancient Fairy Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon start to fade and Ancient Fairy Dragon says, “I can’t stay any longer. Sailor Moon, do no fear. I will be by your side for the battles ahead and Luna, even though the Moon Princess is my new partner, I will always be with you.” Soon after, Ancient Fairy and Odd-Eyes fade away into their monster cards on Sailor Moon’s new Duel Runner while Sailor Moon is helped to her feet.


Sailor Mars asks, “By the way, Meatball Head, how did you know how to ride like that?”


Sailor Moon responds, nervously, “I actually don’t know…I just knew.”


Sailor Mars says, drolly, “And I’m not surprised by this.”


Just then a female voice says, “It seems like there are always surprises when it comes to this job.” When everyone looks to the source, Sailor Orion is escorting Ikuko and Midori into the stadium.


Sailor Celestial says, “M-Miss Kirigaya!”


Sailor Celestial goes over to her mother, who doesn’t know that it is her own daughter, and Midori says, “I know you! You are Sailor Celestial!”


Sailor Celestial says, mentally nervous while trying to stay calm, “Yes, Kirigaya-san. It is nice to meet you. Your daughter and son sent me to save you when you were kidnapped.”


Midori asks, nervously, “Kazuto! Suguha! Are they…?”


Sailor Celestial responds, in a reassuring tone, “They are just fine, ma’am! I can assure you that they are just fine!”


Midori says, with a sigh, “Thank goodness. I’ve been so worried about Kazuto and Suguha for over two years now. First, Kazuto was trapped in that horrible Sword Art Online. He isn’t my son in blood. He is my sister’s son, but after she and my brother-in-law died, I took care of him since he was a baby and not only was he was the last reminder of my beloved sister and brother-in-law, he is my son to me. And then two years after Kazuto got trapped in that ‘death game’, my darling Suguha somehow got her hands on a NervGear and got herself trapped in there to save Kazuto, I…I felt like my heart was going to stop. Both of them are strong, but I was so afraid…Afraid that I would lose both of my children.” Midori wipes the tears from her eyes and she says, “I’m sorry, Celestial-san. I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”


Sailor Celestial responds, with a weak smile, “It’s all right, m-Kirigaya-san. You have been through a lot for the past two years. I know all about that horror and you are lucky to have both of your children back when so many have died.” Sailor Celestial thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Died…because of that madman…Died because of his need to return my power to the universe. I’m really sorry for hurting you so much, mom. And I’m sorry for keeping this from you, but I need to keep you safe. Maybe I’ll tell you this secret…someday…” Sailor Celestial’s right hand turns into a fist in which plenty of the others notice it. With Sailor Moon, Ikuko and Sailor Moon secretly hug as Sailor Orion looks around in which Davis, Matt, Tai, Sailor Mars, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto notice this and understand what Sailor Orion is doing.


(Elsewhere in Neo Domino City; at the same time)


Heading into the mayor’s office, Lazar is reviewing the footage from the duels of Davis and Sailor Moon along with his associates, whose facial features are still kept unseen, with an interested look on his face.


Lazar says, “Well, this is another twist.”


The male figure says, “But not an unwelcome one. Now, we have knowledge on these ‘Dimensional Dragons’ and we know that Sailor Moon is a Signer as well as a Duel Priestess. She has both Ancient Fairy and Ancient Pixie Dragons as well as the power to harness these ‘Dimensional Dragon’s’ power like her sister.”


The female figure says, “We also see that the new Star Dragon King has that power and his abilities are growing excellently. We also have more knowledge on the power of Pendulum.”


Lazar says, “Yes, it seems like that if they are destroyed on the field, they are sent to the Extra Deck and not the graveyard which, since they were part of the regular deck and not the Extra Deck, it isn’t considered over the Extra Deck limit. And they can also be re-summoned to the field from the Extra Deck by Pendulum Summon as long as the requirements are met on the Pendulum Scale.”


The female figure says, “This will revolutionize Duel Monsters as a whole!”


The male figure says, “True, but it will also be one of our greatest weapons in this war.”


Lazar asks, confused, “One, sir?”


The male figure responds, “Kayaba supplied the other to Sailor Moon and it is now in the hands of Yusei Fudo and the former Signers.”


Lazar asks, amazed, “It is?”


The male figure replies, “It is, Lazar. I want you to keep an eye on them, but now, we need to find the new ‘partners’ to Red Dragon Archfield, Black-Winged Dragon, and Life Stream Dragon as well as the Duel Priest or Priestess that can weld the Duel Dragon counterparts of Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, Black-Winged Dragon, and Life Stream Dragon’s ‘sealed form’ of Power Tool Dragon.”


Lazar says, “I’ll see what I can do.”


The female figure says, “There is one more thing, Lazar.” When Lazar gives a curious look, the female figure says, “Remember what Ancient Fairy Dragon told the others about the ‘Dimensional Dragons’? She said that there are FOUR ‘Dimensional Dragons’.”


Lazar says, “I know that, ma’am…” Lazar yells out, realizing something, “Wait! You mean…?”


The female figure responds, “Yes, Lazar. That dragon must come from the realm of our enemy and we aren’t sure THAT Sailor Moon is a friend or foe. Keep your eyes open, Lazar.”


Lazar says, with a nod, “I understand, ma’am.”


The male figure says, “For now, focus on finding the final new Signers. We have three and the other three must not be far behind.”


July 4, 2025, Juuban District, OSA-P


Within OSA-P, the jewelry store owned Molly Baker’s/Sailor Nebula’s family, we find Molly inside of her room with Sammy Tsukino, who is unconsciously rubbing his right arm, and Molly is talking on the phone.


Molly says, with a smile, “That’s great news, Serena! I’m so happy!” Molly hangs up the phone and she tells Sammy, “Sammy, it is okay. Serena has gotten your mother back safe and sound.”


Sammy says, with a sigh, “Thank goodness.”


Molly’s guardian feline, Aurora, brown cat with large blue eyes and a rainbow colored star on top of her forehead, says, in a female voice, “This is getting worse. If the Princess’ family is in danger and they know about her.”


Molly responds, “I know, Aurora. They may know about me too. And it isn’t just youma-like and Negaverse style enemies that we have to face.”


Aurora says, with a nod, “We have to face human organizations that are just as dangerous like the organization that brought Uzumaki-san and his two kunoichi friends from their world into ours via the Queen’s Gate.”


Sammy says, “I can’t believe that Meatball Head gets to talk with THE Naruto Uzumaki! Naruto is one of my favorite animes and manga of all time!”


Molly says, with a smile, “Not surprising, Sammy.” Molly then notices that Sammy is rubbing his right arm and she asks, “Is something wrong?”


Sammy responds, “My right arm feels all itchy lately.”


Aurora tells Sammy, “Well, you should stop before you get a rash, my young friend.”


Molly says, “You know that Serena will be on your butt if you do so.”


Sammy responds, with a scoff, “With what Meatball Head has to go, despite it being for a very good reason, I think that getting a rash would worry…But then again, my mom has been concerned for us lately.”


Molly tells Sammy, “For good reason, Sammy.”


Sammy replies, “I know! I know!” Sammy stops rubbing his right arm while Molly and Aurora starts to discuss future plans while Sammy gets a deck of Duel Monsters cards in which he goes through his deck until he stops a Synchro Monster card known as Power Tool Dragon (2300/2500) causing an image of another dragon to appear in his mind for moment, but he shakes it off for the moment.


And that’s the chapter, everyone! While this story’s main crossover with the Yu-Gi-Oh universe is Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, there are going to be elements of the other Yu-Gi-Oh ‘seasons’ added into it ranging from the original Yu-Gi-Oh to the newest one of the series, Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V, which you already saw in the first chapter with the cards that were used in the Suguha and Sayer duel of that chapter. The ‘war of the four dimensions’ is also going to play a part in the story, but you are going to have to read and find out, folks! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!