Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Taking Flight All Over ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, folks, we are back for the latest chapter and I have to say that Hinata, Sakura, and Naruto aren’t going to be standing around and having the others protect and save them. Nope! They are going to be kicking their enemies’ butts before long in many different ways, but as I have said before, you are going to have to read and see what I mean, everyone! Yet again, before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 4: Taking Flight All Over


July 4, 2025 (Earth Time), Elemental Countries, Leaf Village


Deep within the Elemental Countries, the home ‘world’ of Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, we find ourselves within the home of said three ninjas, the Leaf Village, where we find Tsunade Senju, Fifth Hokage or fifth leader of the Leaf Village, inside of her office and behind her desk as she rubs her head.


Tsunade says, with a snarl, “Those old farts give me a headache.”


Just then a familiar male voice says, “They always do, hime.” Tsunade then looks to see none other than Jiraiya, Tsunade’s former teammate and a fellow Sannin, the title that she, Jiraiya, and their former teammate, the traitor, Orochimaru, have been given due to their exploits in previous ninja wars, coming in through the window.


Tsunade says, “Don’t you ever use the door.”

Jiraiya responds, “Where is the fun in that?”


Tsunade tells Jiraiya, “What do you want?”


Jiraiya responds, with a smile, “I’ve found our lost gaki and his two girlfriends.”


Tsunade yells out, stunned, “What?”


Jiraiya says, “Quiet, Tsunade! Do you want those Danzo and sensei’s former teammates to hear you? I thought that you had enough of them.”


Tsunade says, “Fine! Just tell me.”


Jiraiya responds, with a serious tone, “It is just as I thought. They have been taken to another world through the Queen’s Gate.”


Tsunade asks, “The Queen’s Gate? Isn’t that just a myth?”


Jiraiya says, “Not anymore. There are a few people that are knowledgeable about that in the world that Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are in and it also explains why they can’t be reversed summoned. The space-time energies prevent them from using another form of ‘space-time transport’ just like the legends say. But that’s not the only problem. These people that took them also made a seal that prevents reserve summoning. Sakura can summon Katsuyu and Naruto can still summon the Toads, but they can’t be reserved summoned back. And personally, I’m surprised that you gave her the ability to summon Katsuyu.”


Tsunade responds, “Sakura has her faults, but she has proven a good student.”


Jiraiya says, “Anyway, we know why they had those strange devices. They come from a world where a lot of people don’t have the ability to use chakra. I’m not saying that they don’t have chakra, but the majority may have civilian levels at best, however, it doesn’t mean that they can’t match us, ninja, in combat.”


Tsunade asks, “What do you mean?”


Jiraiya says, with a plain tone, “It seems like that there are beings and people there with powers that use energies other than chakra with one of them having an energy that’s the power of creation itself.”


Tsunade asks, stunned, “What?”


Jiraiya says, with a nod, “That’s what Sakura, Hinata, and the gaki reported. And what they got from their new enhanced abilities, it is no joke.”


Tsunade asks, curiously, “Wait! ‘Enhanced abilities’? You don’t mean…?”


Jiraiya says, with a sneer, “It seems like they were captured by someone that’s just as horrible as Orochimaru, hime.” Tsunade gives a glare and Jiraiya says, with a nod, “I know. We’re not going to know how extensive the ‘changes’ to them until we can examine them. And there is a reason why they knew quite about Naruto and actually, us, in general.” Jiraiya then whispers something into Tsunade’s ear and her eyes widen at this.


Tsunade yells out, shocked, “You’re kidding me?”


Jiraiya responds, shaking his head, “No, hime. I wish that I was. I was shown the evidence back at the Toads’ home territory, but I had to keep it there from preventing to fall into the wrong hands and I mean, Danzo’s hands for one thing.” Jiraiya tells Tsunade, “Tsunade, Minato was right. His son is the one. He is the one from prophecy. The one destined to change our world, but while that hasn’t changed, the Toads tell me the prophecy is in flux.”


Tsunade asks, confused, “What do you mean ‘in flux’?”


Jiraiya responds, seriously, “It means that it isn’t known how Naruto is going to lead our world to peace if he succeeds in his mission as the chosen protector of our world. Remember, Tsunade, he knows EVERYTHING now.”


Tsunade says, with a nod, “I see. So that everything that he read will most likely not come about that way.”


Jiraiya says, nodding his head, “Yeah. Even your own student is asking why the Uzumaki clan wasn’t so mention if Naruto’s clan symbol is on the back of every Chunin and Jonin vest.”


Tsunade says, with a sneer, “Ironic coming from Sakura.” Tsunade says, with a sigh, “However, I can’t blame her for her family’s actions.”


Jiraiya says, “Gamabunta tells me that while he was pissed off at his dad for what he did, he understood what he did was for the sake our world, but he can tell is that gaki may not be pleased what about was done to his family and clan and that might be an understatement.”


Tsunade says, “No kidding, Jiraiya.”


Jiraiya tells Tsunade, “Tsunade, the power that I told you about.” When Tsunade looks at Jiraiya, he says, “The reason that those people took Naruto was partially for his healing factor from both Kyuubi and his Uzumaki heritage, but the main reason was because that Naruto possesses that same power of creation that I just mention.”


Tsunade asks, shocked, “What?”


Jiraiya says, “It is a power that I heard about from the Toads and it is supposed to be a myth, but based on what they said, it is no myth. Naruto possesses a power that’s beyond all nine of the Biju.”


Tsunade slaps her head and she says, with a sigh, “And if he taps into that power and the Leaf stands against his heritage…”


Jiraiya says, with a nod, “Naruto could conquer or destroy the Leaf without half trying.” Jiraiya says, with a sly smirk, “However, I think that won’t be a problem if the strongest of those that could stand against him could ‘disappear’.”


Tsunade asks, “What do you mean by that?” Jiraiya whispers something else into Tsunade’s ear and she asks, flabbergasted, “What?”


Jiraiya tells Tsunade, with a nod, “Yeah, it’s true! The noble Uchiha aren’t what they are supposed to be. If we want to use this against Danzo and get his crimes made public, he will be out of the picture before he can cause any more damage that he already caused by helping the creation of the Akatsuki.” Jiraiya says, with a smirk, “Which is why I took the liberty of getting leverage and didn’t come as fast I should have, hime.” Jiraiya takes out some files, Tsunade grabs them, and after she looks at them, she gains a smirk on her lips.


Tsunade says, “About time that you did something, you pervert.”


Jiraiya says, “Hey, I’m a SUPER pervert! Get it right!” Jiraiya says, seriously, “Anyway, we had better work fast in case one of his agents are disguised as regular ANBU in this room!”


Tsunade yells out, “Shizune!” Soon after, Shizune, Tsunade’s first student and her assistant, runs into the room and she is surprised to see Jiraiya there.


Shizune asks, “What is it, my lady?”


Tsunade responds, “Get as many Jonin and ANBU ready as possible! Danzo has been charged with high treason against the Leaf Village and we are moving to arrest him immediately!”


Shizune asks, surprised, “Huh?”


Tsunade shouts out, seriously, “Do it now before that viper can make his escape from justice!”


Shizune responds, “Yes, my lady!”


After Shizune leaves the room, Jiraiya says, “This could cause a civil war.”


Tsunade says, “I know, but the spirit of Naruto’s parents have been in pain every single day for all the crap that this village gave Naruto and the Uzumaki clan as a whole. It is time that my grandmother’s clan, Kushina, and Naruto get their dues and hopefully, it could lead us to a better future by restoring the ‘Will of Fire’ of my grandfather and granduncle.”


Jiraiya says, “Hopefully, when the gaki returns, the Leaf will have turned around for the better.”


Tsunade says, with a nod, “And after we are done, you are telling me about this world and how you got this evidence. Danzo is not one to make mistakes, if any, you can exploit to take him down.”


Jiraiya says, with a grin, “Let’s just say that Naruto’s new friends have quite a few ‘cuties’ that can really help.” Tsunade glares at Jiraiya and he says, nervously, “Hey, I’m not making this up and trust me, these are women that you don’t want to piss off! Especially that spit-fire that had that power that I told you about! Man, if she didn’t have that, she would be something with the power to possibility obliterate planets and solar systems…”


Tsunade asks, shocked beyond belief, “Eh?!”


Jiraiya says, nervously, “Oops.”


Tsunade says, shaking her head, “What kind of people did Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata meet up with? However, it does want me to meet with the women part of the group.”


Jiraiya says, nervously, “I was afraid that you would say that hime.” Tsunade glares at Jiraiya and he nervously smiles in which Tsunade motions for him to come with her in which he does so without question, partially not to get knocked clean out of the village by Tsunade’s super-strength and the other part wanting to be part of taking down of Danzo.


July 6, 2025, Gates of Time


At the Time Gates, Sailor Nebula is walking over to Sailor Pluto and the two of them nod as they ‘greet’ each other in this way.


Sailor Nebula asks, “How goes everything?”


Sailor Pluto says, “It seems to be going well.”


Sailor Nebula says, “Normally, we wouldn’t be able to do anything, but since Naruto possession Etherion and he reacted to Dark Rebellion, Odd-Eyes, and Clear Wing…”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod and finishing Nebula, “He has a connection to the ‘Dimensional Dragons’ as our two princesses and our prince do along with Sailor Sun and her prince, the new Star Dragon King.”


Sailor Nebula says, “The future of his world changed the instant that he was taken out of it.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Naruto will prove to be an important factor in the battles and the war ahead.”


Sailor Nebula says, with a sigh, “Yes, but I’m afraid that Serena and Suguha won’t be able to handle this war especially Serena. SAO has already taken its toll on her heart and spirit and what happened in that duel…”


Sailor Pluto says, with a concerned tone, “I know, Nebula. I’m fearful too. She is vulnerable since the ‘damage’ has yet to repair itself, but I hope that with our help, she can overcome the darkness within her and overcome the power of the Duel Dragons and Dimensional Dragons.”


Sailor Nebula says, “The Dimensional Dragons…I never seen such cards…such monsters before.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “They have great power within them. They might rival or exceed the power of the Signer and Duel Dragons and there is something else, Nebula.” When Sailor Nebula looks at her, Sailor Pluto says, “Ancient Fairy said that there are FOUR Dimensional Dragons.”


Sailor Nebula asks, surprised, “Four?”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “The ones that we know are Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.”


Sailor Nebula states, “Wait! Pendulum…XYZ…Synchro…Hold on! Could there be…?”


Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Nebula in reply, nodding her head, “I believe so. The final dragon must be a Fusion Dragon.”


Sailor Nebula says, confused, “If that’s true, all of these dragons have a connection with the Extra Deck.”


Sailor Pluto says, “While that’s a part of it, there may be more to it than that.”


Sailor Nebula says, “Anyway, Pluto, I have got a bit of news.”


Sailor Pluto asks, curiously, “Oh?”


Sailor Nebula says, with a sigh, “It seems like the government is getting ‘interested’ in us and our battles.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a sigh, “I knew that it would come to this as our battles with the Dark Agency and our other enemies are public for one thing and they have turned the city into a battlefield.”


Sailor Nebula says, “However, if they get involved, there are going to be more casualties.”


Sailor Pluto says, “I know. And if they find out about Naruto-san and his two friends brought to our world…”


Sailor Nebula responds, “I rather not.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Yes, it is the reason that we were allowed to do this. Right now, Naruto is a vital ally in the war ahead of us and he needs less problems back home especially when it is turned into a battlefield for our ongoing war.”


Sailor Nebula asks, shocked, “You don’t think…?”


Sailor Pluto responds, “I don’t think, Nebula…I KNOW. They already went to his world to kidnap Naruto-san and his two fellow female ninja in order to use them to create an army of super-soldiers.”


Sailor Nebula says, “Yeah, you have got a point.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “Anyway, we must return back to Earth.”


Sailor Nebula says, with a nod, “Yes, you’re right.”


July 6, 2025, Kirigaya household


Within the Kirigaya household, we find Kazuto within his room and going to his bed as well as looking at his new Amusphere, which replaced his NervGear after he escaped SAO and started ALO, and thinking about what happened about a few days ago.


Flashback; July 4, 2025, Neo Domino City


Right now, we are inside of the Kaiba Dome within Neo Domino City and it is the aftermath of the duel between Sailor Moon and her silver haired counterpart, known simply as Serenity, in which she and a ‘duplicate’ of Kazuto, known as Kuro, vanished and Sailor Orion had just arrived with the recently freed Ikuko Tsukino and Midori Kirigaya.


Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “Mom!” Everyone then looks to see Kazuto running towards his mother.


Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon think in unison, surprised, “Kazuto?!”

  Midori asks, surprised, “Kazuto?”


Kazuto comes over and he asks, “Mom, are you okay?”


Midori responds, with a smile, “Yes, I am. Thanks to the Sailor Scouts’ efforts.”


Kazuto says, a bit nervously, “Thanks a lot, Sailor Scouts.”


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “It is no problem.”


Sailor Jupiter says, with a grin, “Just doing our jobs.”


Sailor Mars whispers, a bit annoyed, “Really?”


Sailor Venus whispers back, with a nervous smile, “We need to keep up the act. Remember, Celestial’s mom doesn’t know that it is her daughter and that Kazuto knows about us.”


Sailor Uranus asks, “How did you get here kid?”


Kazuto responds, nervously, “Well…”


Just then another male voice shouts out, “Hey, guys!” Everyone then looks to see Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata coming towards them and a few of the others slap their foreheads.


Davis says, “That explains a lot.”


Tai asks, in a whisper and nervously, “Why do I get the feeling that there is going to be a news story about giant toads?” Plenty of the others can’t help to nod their heads in agreement with Tai.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in Kazuto’s room, he remembers that it wasn’t the case as Tai imagined it and it was actually Hinata that helped them get to Neo Domino City so quickly when she gained access to the evolved form of the Byakugan, known as the Tenseigan that allows a powerful chakra shroud, known as Tenseigan Chakra Mode, to be used which allows the creation of a powerful Yin-Yang Release ability known as Truth-Seeker Balls. The chakra shroud allowed Hinata to fly, though she was hard pressed since she just gained her new powers, and she used it and the Truth-Seeker Balls to transport them there. Hinata isn’t the only one with new powers as Naruto also gained the power of Wood Style since the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, had the power/chakra of Asura as Asura’s previous ‘incarnation’ in the past in which Asura’s ‘spirit’ had taken a piece of the First Hokage’s power with him when he died in which the experiments on Naruto managed to give him the First Hokage’s power down his DNA. It made the others also wonder what the captors of the three ninja did to them in their experiments and Ami, Darien, and Trista took samples of their DNA and multiple scans to see what happened which really annoys Naruto, but Sakura and Hinata convinced him that it was for the best.


However, Kazuto was worried about what happened in the Kaiba Dome as his sister explained it to him…


Flashback; July 5, 2025, Dicey Café


Inside of the Dicey Café, which is quite since it is the daytime and Andrew’s business is better for evenings, Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, Keiko, Ryoutarou, and Andrew, who is behind the bar and preparing for the next evening’s business, are with Suguha as she looks at her Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) Pendulum Monster card as she explains what happened in the Kaiba Dome yesterday in which the others are shocked is a major understatement.


Ryoutarou says, shocked, “You’re kidding me!”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “I wish that I was.”


Kazuto says, “No wonder I felt pain while I was on my way there.”


Andrew says, “And I thought that we had already seen it all.”


Keiko asks, “So, there is ‘another Kazuto’ and ‘another Serena’?”


Kazuto says, “Alternate versions, Keiko. It is like what you see on science fiction shows, films, and novels. That ‘Kuro’ person is an alternate version of me and that ‘Serenity’ person is another version of Serena. And that means that pink haired ‘doppelganger’ is another version of Serena from another alternate reality or something like that.”


Suguha says, “Yeah, I know. People tend to think that alternate dimensions, universes, and realities are one and the same and they can be in certain situations, but they typically aren’t the same thing. I mean, there can be alternate dimensions in the same universe.”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “And you would know that best as the Sailor Soldier of Reality, Sugu.”


Suguha retorts, with a smirk, “Very funny, big brother.”


Asuna asks, “Is Serena-chan okay?”


Kazuto says, “She is quite shaken up by the experience and reliving what happened in SAO…Something tells me that she is going to need this venture into ALO.”


Rika says, “From the way that you are saying it, it is a big ‘no duh’.”


Suguha says, annoyed, “Damn it! After trying to help her ‘heal’, this crap has to happen.”


Kazuto says, “I know, Sugu. We’re all worried about her.” Kazuto tells Suguha, “However, I’m worried about you after learning about these ‘Dimensional Dragons’ and what they can do to you in your condition, Sugu.”


Suguha responds, “Big brother, I’m just fine.”


Kazuto responds, with a serious tone, “No, you aren’t Sugu! You know that I already got Raye and Trista to reveal what’s wrong!”


The others are confused and Keiko asks, “What’s do you mean?”


Suguha thinks in her mind, “Thanks a lot, big brother.”


Asuna asks, curiously and a bit concerned, “What do you mean Kirito-kun?”


Suguha sighs and she responds, “Remember what happened during my fight with Kayaba?”


Rika says, “No joke that we remember that fight. It was incredible.”


Keiko says, with a nod, “And scary. I was so afraid when he impaled you against the wall…Sorry.”


Asuna says, “I think that it is the memory that none of us wish to remember, Keiko.”


Suguha says, “You see, the spirits of Aaron, Sachi-san, and Diabel-san came to me and helped me gain the strength to achieve Valkyrie Sailor Scout form and my Keyblades. Well, it came with a price.”


Andrew says, “I don’t like the sound of that.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “You see, I…I also possess many of the memories of them including how they died.”


There are gasps from the others, minus Kazuto, Rika asks, stunned, “You’re kidding me?”


Ryoutarou asks, shocked and stunned, “Holy crap! You mean you experienced how the three of them got killed?”


Kazuto says, with a solemn tone, “Including what the NervGear did to them.”


Andrew asks, looking at Suguha stunned, “Whoa, girl! How can…How can you be still sane?”


Suguha says, solemnly, “I keep asking that question myself.”


Asuna says, her hands over her mouth, “Suguha-chan…”


Rika asks, remembering something, “Wait! You said that Raye and Trista know this?”

Kazuto responds, “Yeah. She went to Raye and Trista and she had ordered them to keep quiet about it.”


Keiko asks, “She can do that?”


Asuna says, “Well, Suguha-chan is Serena-chan’s younger sister, making her a Moon Princess, and the other Scouts, minus Kari-chan, Shion-chan, and Suguha-chan, herself, are tasked to guard the Lunarian royal family.”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “That’s right, but as a Moon Prince, I have the ‘authority’ to override Sugu’s orders to Raye and Trista which they were quite glad for especially since she refused to have those memories sealed by the two of them.”


There are gasps and Andrew says, “No freaking way!”


Asuna asks Suguha, “Why wouldn’t you do that?”


Suguha yells out, strongly, “Because I don’t want them to be forgotten!”


There are surprised looks and Rika asks, “Forgotten?”


Suguha responds, with a sigh, “Sachi-san…Aaron…and all of the others weren’t just ‘players’…They were people! Many of those that died were innocent people that got trapped in the madness of a jerk that couldn’t let go of the past and used them for his twisted plans including awakening my powers for one thing!”


Asuna says, “But it isn’t your fault like it isn’t Serena-chan’s fault, Suguha!”


Suguha replies, “Is it?! I could have ended it long ago if I had just…”


Kazuto responds, “Trista said that there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t have been reborn if you struck him down, Sugu.”


Suguha responds, with a serious expression that’s slightly darker than her usual self, “And there was a high possibility that it would have, big brother.” Suguha says, “But that’s not the point! You know how events like SAO are put in the history books! So, how will Aaron, Sachi, and the others end up? Nameless ‘players’? Who is going to tell their stories? Are they going to become forgotten…as the tragedy of the Moon Kingdom?” The others give stunned looks as Suguha pinches the bridge of her nose.


Asuna tells Suguha, “They won’t be forgotten Suguha. Not as long as we remember them.”


Suguha says, “And that’s why I’m keeping their memories. Their memories…their lives deserve to be told.”


Kazuto asks, “Sugu?” When Suguha looks at Kazuto, he asks, “Why can’t you let him go? You beat Kayaba and you left SAO behind! Why do you let him haunt you?”


Suguha’s eyes widen and she then replies, with a sigh, “When I, as Princess Selene, died, I felt that I failed everyone and I died with pain and regret in my heart. The pain lasted into this life, big brother. As far back as I could remember, I always felt out of place and I always ignored it in which I felt that it was due to our ‘separation’ when you found out the truth about our parents or what happened when I found out, but I was just fooling myself. The truth is…part of me never left the Silver Millennium behind.”


Keiko asks, curiously, “But I thought that you said that you found peace when you defeated Kayaba?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “In a way, I did. The instant that I defeated Kayaba and finished SAO, it felt…It felt like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. I knew that then and there, I could move onto the future, but it left me more questions than relief.”


Asuna asks, “Questions?”


Suguha responds, with a nod, “Where do I go from here? What is that future beyond the Silver Millennium? Beyond SAO? And also, Princess Selene is a part of who I am, but where does Princess Selene end and where does Suguha Kirigaya begin? And what if…What if he was right about me? What if I am nothing more than just a warrior? Those are the questions that are burning in my mind.”


Kazuto tells Suguha, “The part of you that’s Princess Selene has been needing to resolve things with Kayaba for so long despite you not knowing it until you regained your memories of the Silver Millennium and now that you have fulfilled, that part of you is confused about your purpose. You are still fighting Kayaba even now, aren’t you?”


The others, minus Suguha, give looks of surprise and Suguha says, solemnly, “Yeah, I guess I am.”


Kazuto tells Suguha, “We’re all here for you, Sugu. You know that, but while we can help you, I think…I know that these questions that can only be answered by you alone. However, I know one thing: You are more than just a warrior. You are more than defined by your powers as Sailor Celestial, Sugu. While I wish that you didn’t do that with your life, you risked it to come to SAO to bring him home and you fought to save not only me, but all of the others trapped in SAO.”


Asuna says, with a smile, “It takes true bravery, Suguha-chan.”


Rika says, with a grin, “With a bit of insanity.” Kazuto, Asuna, and Suguha glare at Rika and she says, with a nervous grin, “Just kidding! Just kidding!” The others share a giggle soon after and Kotone and Shion arrive on the scene to enjoy a ‘private party’ between friends in Andrew’s café before business starts up.


End Flashback; Return to Present


As Kazuto prepares to log into ALO, he thinks, “Sugu isn’t the only one suffering from ‘identity crisis’. For over two years, I have been a swordsman in SAO and now, I’m back in the real world. No, it is like Kirito, the Black Swordsman of SAO has finally gone to rest and Kazuto Kirigaya has taken over once again. But while that part of me has gone to rest, Kirito is still there. He is forever a part of me as Asuna the Lightning Flash is a forever a part of Asuna now. Now that Kirito of SAO can rest, what is the purpose for Kazuto Kirigaya? Where do I, as Kazuto, go from here? Maybe it is the reason that I want to research virtual reality. Anyway, Serena told me that she suffered her own identity crisis after she gained the Silver Crystal and it was revealed she was the reincarnation of Princess Serenity. All Serena wanted to be a normal girl, fall in love, and get married. She was as pure as any diamond and she had to go through a lot before SAO, but SAO was the real big struggle for her. Despite all of her power and abilities that helped her restore things as before in her battles as Sailor Moon, she was completely powerless in SAO other than her skills and abilities that she gained in the game world of Aincrad. Unlike her previous battles as Sailor Moon before SAO, it didn’t end up ‘all right’ in the end since those who died will never return.” Kazuto shakes his head as he knows what those thoughts are leaning and decides to log into ALO since today is a big day for ALO since the major update with the new ‘Grand Quest’ is starting today.


July 6, 2025, Neo Domino City, Satellite Sector


Inside of Yusei’s shop within the Satellite Sector, Yusei, Jack, and Crow are looking at some kind of projection system as Akiza, Leo, Luna, and Carly run into the room.


Leo yells out, “Hey, Yusei!”


Crow asks, with a smile, “Hey, you guys? What are you doing here? Isn’t it the ‘big day’ in ALO?”


Akiza says, “Well, Trudge has just gotten back with the report on that robot.”


Jack asks, “So? Don’t keep us in suspense! What was that thing?”


Luna says, “Trudge says that it was based on the same ‘duel bots’ like ‘Ghost’.”


Yusei says, with a nod, “Thought so.”


Crow asks, “Wait! I thought that Yliaster disbanded after we took care of the Emperors and Z-One as well as change the future. Isn’t Yliaster gone?”


Jack says, “Doesn’t mean that there are some members that aren’t pleased with the results, Crow.” Jack asks Carly, “So, what are you doing here Carly?”


Carly responds, “What do you think Jack? I’m here to get the scoop on those awesome new Pendulum Monsters!”


Crow asks, stunned, “How did you learn about the Pendulum Monsters?”


Jack says, looking at Leo, “I have a good idea.”


Leo rubs his head nervously and Leo asks, trying to change the subject, “By the way, Yusei, what are you working on?”


Yusei responds, “A brand new Solid Vision system.”


Luna asks, “A brand new Solid Vision system?”


Crow responds, with a grin, “Made by Sailor Moon’s bad uncle himself, Luna.”


Leo asks, confused, “Sailor Moon’s bad uncle?”


Akiza yells out, realizing, “You mean Kayaba developed a new Solid Vision system?”


There are gasps from Luna, Leo, and Carly and Yusei says, with a nod, “That’s right. He gave the specs of it in ‘data pack’ after Suguha had defeated him at the end of SAO along with a few other things.”


Crow says, with a grin, “Including quite a bit of money from what I heard.”


Jack says, with a snort, “He owed her, but money won’t replace two years of nightmare for her and all of the others that he trapped in the game including the four thousand that he murdered. His poor family especially our Moon girl have to hide the fact that they are biological related to him and Kayaba’s own parents, which are the Moon girl’s own grandparents for a fact, are in hiding in a government protection program! And don’t get me started at the people at Argus!”


Crow says, annoyed, “You know it, Jack! I mean, come on, if he could fool his own family, the people at Argus didn’t sense a thing.”


Yusei says, “It is human nature. While I understand that, I don’t approve of it.” Yusei says, “Anyway, it seems like Kayaba developed a revolutionary new form of Solid Vision that could change the game of Duel Monsters forever. It is called ‘Solid Vision with mass’ or simply, ‘REAL Solid Vision’.”


Carly asks, confused, “REAL Solid Vision?”


Jack responds, “Meaning that Solid Vision projections will be more than holograms, Carly.”


Crow replies, in a classic joking tone, “It will be more technology based version of Psychic Duelist’s powers or the powers of a Dark Signer.”


Jack glares at Crow and there are gasps of shock in which Akiza asks, “You mean that this Solid Vision can make monster attacks real like a Psychic Duelist, like me, or a Dark Signer?!”


Yusei says, “It is more than that. It will allow the Solid Vision projections to have physical presence.”


Jack says, “Simply put. When I summon my Red Dragon Archfield with this kind of system, I can leap onto its back and fly around on it.”


Leo yells out, “No way!”


Yusei says, “And it won’t be just the monsters, Leo. If you play a Field Spell, like Spider Web for example, this Solid Vision can allow you to leap onto the web and climb up it as if it was a real life spider web.”


Luna says, shocked, “That’s…That’s incredible, Yusei!”


Jack says, “And it is the final piece that we need to create a brand new form of dueling that Yusei, Crow, and I have been working on. If it works, we will become legends like Seto Kaiba and Maxamillion Pegasus.”


Carly asks, amazed, “Really, Jack?”


Yusei says, “I think that you are getting ahead of yourself, Jack.”


Jack tells Yusei, “Yusei, this piece of technology solves the programs that we had developing our new Action Duels.”


Yusei says, “And the scans and the details show that those duel disks that Kayaba also developed can make it happen, Jack. However, you have to remember if the monsters have become solid, their attacks have become ‘real’ too and that could cause real injuries unless we design security systems to prevent such things.”


Jack says, “Good point, Yusei.”

Carly asks, “Why would Kayaba design such a thing?”


Crow says, with a plain tone, “Based on what we know, this happened during his early developments days on Sword Art Online.”


Jack says, “By the looks of it, before the thing with the Full-Dive, his plan for his ‘castle’ was via the use of this new Solid Vision system because Yusei and I just mentioned, this Solid Vision system will give Solid Vision a ‘physical presence’ meaning that it won’t be just original life-like holograms anymore. Later on, he got rid of the idea to focus on the Full-Dive system for the terror that he committed.”


Yusei says, “Well, hopefully, we can use some of his technology to good use.”


Crow says, with a nod, “No kidding, Yusei.”


Carly asks Jack, “So, what’s this new type of duel that you, Yusei, and Crow have been working on?” Soon enough, Yusei, Jack, and Crow then start to explain about their idea for a new form of dueling in which they are calling it Action Duels.


July 6, 2025, ALO, Alne


Inside of the virtual world of Alfheim Online, ALO for short, Kirito flies up to a small floating island in the skies above Alne and looking in a direction ahead of him.


Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Kirito!” Kirito looks to see Leafa and Usagi flying up towards him and landing nearby.


Kirito says, “Hey, Leafa. Nice to see you, too, Usagi.”


Leafa asks, with a sigh, “What are you thinking logging in before me? Were you that eager to start?”


Usagi asks Leafa, with a smile, “Do you really have to ask that question?”


Leafa responds, “Good point, Usagi…Well, I think that I can call you ‘sis’ from now on.”


Usagi replies, with a smile, “As long as I can call you the same…sis.”


Usagi and Leafa giggle and Leafa tells Kirito, “It’s finally complete, Kirito.” Kirito, Leafa, and Usagi look up in which the skies orbiting the World Tree, there are massive floating continents and islands in the skies of ALO.


Kirito responds, “Yeah. A new update with all brand new areas to explore. The legendary floating continent of Svart Alfheim: The realm of the deities of light and darkness.”


Usagi says, with a smile and a giggle, “I know. It is so amazing.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “It has been only a few months since we joined, ALO, Usagi, but we’ve all waited for this update. I can’t wait to see what’s here.”


Leafa says, “I can tell, big brother. You have that ‘must level’ look in your eyes.”


Usagi asks, curiously, “Isn’t ALO a ‘skill based’ game and not a ‘level based’ game?”


Kirito says, with a smile, “That’s not what Leafa meant, Usagi. And also, we can ‘level up’ our skills.”


Usagi says, “Yeah, I know. It is pretty incredible. You need to be proficient at a certain level not only to use Sword Skills, but to be able to use certain kinds of weapons.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “Not surprising since there are plenty of weapons that come with unique abilities and ‘skills’ that rival or even exceed the weapons of SAO, Usagi-chan.”


Leafa says, “Leafa says, “We should get going, you two. The others could be waiting for us. So, enough staring! It’s time to go!”


Leafa spreads out her green fairy wings, takes flight, and Usagi says, with a smile, “Wait for me, Leafa!”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Let’s go, Usagi!” Kirito spreads out his Spriggan style fairy wings while Usagi spreads out her Undine style fairy wings and the three of them take off for the new landmasses by the World Tree, the center of the virtual world of Alfheim Online also known as ALO. Soon enough, Leafa, Kirito, and Usagi land on one of the landmasses and it is known as Woglinde, the Island of Meadows, in which they are out on a grassy field with hills and such with small floating islands all over the place.


Usagi says, “Wow. This is amazing.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “I know, Usagi.”


Kirito says, “We’re finally here on Svart Alfheim.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Yeah. Now, we can write our own story and adventure.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Yeah.”


Just then they hear a yawn and a familiar female voice says, “Daddy!” Out of Kirito’s jacket pocket, Yui, in her Navigation Pixie form, comes out and she says, “You finally came. Is it just you, Leafa, and Auntie Usagi today?”


Leafa says, “For now. We’re meeting up the others later.”


Usagi says, “Your daddy left the others far behind, Yui-chan. He just couldn’t wait to come here.”


Kirito retorts, with a smirk, “Oh, yeah? Where are the other Scouts, Usagi?”


Usagi gives a yelp and Yui says, with a giggle, “I’m not surprised that daddy came here before the others. Thanks to Ami-chan, Strea and I have our own special place in the new special computer where we can stay when we aren’t in ALO.”


Kirito gives a nervous look and he asks, “Yui, do you know where we are?”


Yui responds, with a nod, “Right now, we are on the first land of the floating continent of Svart Alfheim. This is the lowest level zone of the new continent and it is called Woglinde, the Island of Meadows.”


Usagi says, looking at the grassy field ahead of her, “Good name.”


Yui says, “In order to clear Svart Alfheim, you have to do it one island at a time and gaining access to more levels or simply put, you beat one island to move onto the next.”


Kirito says, “Thank you, Yui.”


Leafa says, “So, what’s next, big brother. I think that we should get down the basics to make sure that you are handling everything in ALO okay.”


Yui says, “I believe that Leafa is right. ALO might be based on a copy of SAO’s sever and elements of SAO, including Sword Skills, got transferred, but there are a lot of differences in this world, daddy.”


Usagi says, “Especially the flying.”


Leafa says, with a giggle, “Yes, I can remember when you and the others first came to ALO and the girls, Dai, Akari, and I helped you, big brother, and the others that also just joined ALO to fly.”


Flashback; April 12, 2025, ALO, Butterfly Valley


At Butterfly Valley, our group is assembled together to start the first lesson of flying for the SAO survivors of the group that wasn’t part of ALO. After yesterday’s ‘incident’ with Flare and Sigurd, the group decided to take a breather in which they returned to Alne where Leafa, Dai, Akari, and the others took the group on a tour of the former capital of Alfheim. After the ‘reboot’, there was a brand new city in the World Tree, Yggdrasil City, in which half of the population of Alne migrated there. Today, after scouting out the area to make sure that there are no ‘surprises’, the group prepares for their first lesson in Voluntary Flight, the way of flying without using the control stick.


Makoto says, “This time, we won’t be interrupted.”


Leafa says, “That’s good.” Leafa tells Kirito, “Sorry about that.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “No problem, Leafa. We learned quite a bit about ALO from that experience.”


Lisbeth says, “Yeah, no kidding.”


Silica says, with a smile, “You were just incredible out there.”


Leafa says, a bit nervously, “Yeah, thanks.”


Klein says, with a grin, “Man, you and Kirito have to be siblings! That Sword Skill was awesome!”


Hino says, “Well, Klein, remember that creating an OSS isn’t easy.”


Makoto says, “No joke! You have to remember that you can’t use the system to help.”


Asuna says, “Normally that shouldn’t be possible.”


Kirito says, “True, Asuna. However, I think that experiences in a Full-Dive environment may be the cause of it. You have it also remember that with her over a year of experience in a Full-Dive herself, Sugu is also expert in kendo, which gives her incredible focus and concentration which are vital especially in a VRMMO like this one.”


Agil says, with a nod, “That’s a good point, Kirito.”


Haruka says, “That isn’t surprising. Since ALO is a skill based game, Leafa’s ability have allowed her to go beyond even other ALO players that have more hours than her. We’ve always suspected that she has massive ‘real world ability’ since she defeated opponents that have more time in ALO than she does. It is the reason that she is known as one of the Five Great Sylphs like Makoto and I.”


Makoto says, with a grin, “And how she is the newest member of the Great Nymphs of ALO.”


Leafa asks, with a nervous smile, “Can we change the subject now?”


Usagi says, deciding to help in changing the subject, “Anyway, you said that this is a perfect place to start Voluntary Flight training.”


Sara says, “I don’t know about this. This is a really hard technique to learn. I mean, there are plenty of ALO players that have been here since the start and they still are stuck using the control stick.”


Kido says, with a nod, “No joke. It took us what seemed like forever.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “Something tells me that with a bit of work that these guys and gals will get it.”


Strea says, activating her wings and floating up, “Well, it isn’t too hard for me.”


Yui flies over and she says, “It is because that you are like me, Strea. Since we are ‘virtual beings’, we manage to adapt to the ‘rules’ of our ‘environment’ quite quickly.”


Leafa tells Kirito, “Okay, Kirito, turn around and activate your wings, but don’t bring out your controller.”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Okay.” After Kirito turns to have his back face Leafa, his wings spread out and Leafa then touches his back.


Leafa asks, “Do you feel where I’m touching you?” When Kirito nods his head, Leafa says, “You see, you can’t just use your imagination. You have to ‘believe’ that there are virtual bones and muscles that are connected from your back to the wings and move them.”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Right, Leafa. Virtual bones and muscles…” Kirito then grunt as he focuses on the areas of shoulders and back in which his wings, which are in the resting position, twitch and start to move and twitch into ‘in use’ position.


Silica says, amazed, “Your wings…!!”


Leafa says, with a smile, “That’s right! Okay, you need to focus on your shoulders and back until you find which muscles and bones are connected your wings!”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Gotcha!” Kirito then continues to focus until his wings are in the ‘upright position’ and when she feels that he is ready, Leafa gives him a push.


Leafa says, with a smile, “Go!” Kirito yelps out as he rockets into the sky, but then gets nervous as he starts to fly out of control and Kirito is circling around in the air flying in the form of an infinity sign.


Kirito wails out, “How do I make it stop…?” Leafa and plenty of the others look at each other and then they start to burst out laughing.


Yui says, chortling in amusement, “I’m sorry, daddy!”


Leafa shouts out, as she fully out laughs at the situation, “That’s hilarious!”


Asuna says, with a giggle, “I’m…I’m sorry, Kirito-kun!”


Lisbeth asks, with a giggle, “Is that some kind of new ‘aerial dance craze’?”


Usagi rubs her head, nervously, and she thinks, nervously, “You wouldn’t think so if you were the one on the situation.”


Dai asks, nervously, “You know, with the flight restrictions gone, he is going to keep doing that all day if no one helps him, right?” After getting the giggles out of her system, Leafa, along with Usagi, stop Kirito’s wild flight and after some time and help, Kirito is flying pretty well now.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa are done with ‘stretching their legs’ and Leafa says, “Since we are done stretching our legs, let’s head to the nearest town.”


Kirito says, “Good idea. We should find the nearest teleport gate.”


Usagi asks Yui, “Do you know where the nearest gate is, Yui-chan?”


Yui responds, “I do, Auntie Usagi. Please follow me.” Soon after, with Yui’s guidance, Leafa, Usagi, and Kirito find a teleport gate and they teleport away in which they arrive in a large town, The Floating City of Ryne or Ryne for short.


Kirito says, amazed, “Wow! This is what towns in Svart Alfheim look like.”


Leafa says, “Isn’t entering a new town exciting? I can’t wait to see what this place has to offer!”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Same here, Leafa!”


Yui says, “Based on my knowledge, this place has everything that an adventuring player needs: Inns, stories, and it also has a tavern and an arena.” Yui gives a surprised look and she says, “Hold on, daddy. It looks like part of the system has been updated.”


Kirito asks, “What’s up, Yui?”


Yui says, “Unlike the mainland of ALO, flying is no longer permitted in towns in Svart Alfheim.”


Kirito says, “Well, that’s interesting. It seems like the system architectures of ALO and Svart Alfheim are different.”


Usagi says, “Well, it makes sense. Back on the ‘mainland’, there are towns and large cities with plenty of distance between them in which flying is necessary. I think that around here, you need to use the teleport gates to get to the field and having all of those players that are gathered in this one place, which is going to be the ‘main base’, is going to be a problem if they are slamming into each other in mid-air.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Good point, Usagi.”


Usagi says, “Anyway, let’s go look around until the others arrive.” Leafa and Kirito nod their heads in agreement and they start to look around a bit.


However, a familiar female voice shouts out, “Kirito-kun! Usagi-chan!” The three of them then look to see Asuna, Lisbeth, Sinon, Silica, Agil, Klein, Philia, Strea, our Digidestined, Mamoru, and the Sailor Scouts coming towards them.


Usagi says, “Hey, Asuna!”


Lisbeth says, “I knew it! He logged in early and started without us!”


Leafa says, with a smile, “No kidding, Liz!”


Kirito deadpans at this and Silica says, “Come on, Liz. You know that he couldn’t resist the urge to log on.”


Sinon asks, “You don’t know the meaning of restraint, do you? How are we supposed to work as a team when you are rushing off like that? Then again, I guess that there is no helping that.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Kirito is Kirito, Sinon. I had two years to learn that.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “Try over a decade, sis.”


Kirito asks, “You know that I’m right here, right?”


Usagi and Leafa say in unison, with a sly smiles, “We know!”


Kirito gives an annoyed look and Asuna says, “You should have seen him for the past several days. He was like a caged animal.”


Kirito says, looking at Leafa, “Partially, but I was worried about my sister too. She gets into a fight with a ‘super clone’ of a real-life kunoichi, duels against a Psychic Duelist, and quite a few other things that might make me grey before my time, Lunarian blood or not.”


Leafa rubs his head and Philia says, with an excited tone, “Yahoo, Kirito! You are hearty and hale as usual!”


Strea says, “Kirito! Usagi! You are always the early birds…when it comes to games! Don’t power up and leave us behind!”


Usagi says, “Hey!”


Hino asks Usagi, “If Strea is wrong, how come you are here before us with Kirito and Leafa, who was obviously chasing after him at home?”


Usagi gives a nervous laugh and Kirito says, “I’m sorry, everyone. I just couldn’t resist.”


Klein asks Kirito, “Forgetting about someone, Kirito? You have eyes only for the girls?”


Kirito responds, “It is good to see you and Agil, too, Klein. We’re glad that you could make it.”


Agil says, “It is a big moment in ALO history. This is its first big update.”


Leafa says, “And it’s first TRUE ‘Grand Quest’.”


Agil says, “We wouldn’t be able to call ourselves gamers if we didn’t come on the first day.”


Klein says, “Still, we have got to be crazy to come back online. Ever since what happened in SAO…”


Asuna says, “I know what you meant. After over two years of never-ending fighting…”


Miyako responds, with a nod, “I know, Asuna. Doesn’t it feel weird to be in another VRMMO?”


Takashi says, “We must be a bit crazy.”


Yamato tells Takashi, “Speak for yourself, bro.”


Klein tells Kirito, “What’s wrong, Kirito? Cat got your tongue?”


Kirito says, “No teasing, Klein! Anyway, let’s go! The players are coming in and they could be racing ahead of us!”


Sinon says, “I have to admit that I’m itching to get started.”


Minako says, “Hey! No way that we, the ‘Great Nymphs’, are going to let you ‘rookies’ beat us!”


Makoto tells Minako, “Oh? Have you forgotten about the ‘Berserker Healer’, the ‘Light speed Fencer’, and the ‘Hawkeye Archer’?”


Minako gives a nervous expression and Philia says, with a smile, “I can’t wait to see magnificent treasures are hidden here waiting to be found!”


Lisbeth says, with a nod, “I can’t wait to stock my shelves with new materials.”


Agil says, with a grin, “I can’t wait to see what kind of new items that I stock in my shop!”


Silica says, “Let’s do our best, Pina!”


Silica’s small dragon partner, Pina, gives a ‘kyru’ in reply and Klein says, with a nod, “Let’s go! I can’t wait to show my awesome skills!”


Haruka asks, plainly, “And those are?”


Klein yells out, annoyed, “Hey!”


Yui says, “Leave the data processing to me, everyone!”


Strea says, “Don’t forget about me! I want to help too!”


Leafa says, “Wow, everyone is fired up! However, I’m not going to lose to them! I am a veteran of this world after all!”


Makoto says, “Got that right, girlfriend!”


Asuna says, “Let’s go, Kirito-kun!”


Kirito says, “Yeah!”


Dai says, “Let’s rock and roll!”


Tomoe says, “It is too bad that Rini…Chibi-Usa couldn’t join us.”


Michiru says, with a sly smile, “She has her own important job to do, Firefly.”


July 6, 2025, Juuban District


Inside of the Juuban District, Rini, Molly, Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are walking together with Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata wearing some new clothing.


Naruto has a black muscle shirt with a matching orange jacket, blue jeans with a matching black belt, and orange and black sneakers.


Sakura is wearing a pink tube top that goes from her chest down to just above her navel, black fingerless fighting gloves, tight fitting jean shorts with a matching black belt, and a pair of sports sneakers.


Hinata is wearing a violet tube top with an open blue jacket, tight fitting blue jeans, and basic white sneakers.


Rini says, “I bet that Meatball Head is having a good time.”


Molly tells Rini, “I’m sure that she is, Rini. However, you know that she deserves it after what she has been through.”


Rini says, “Yeah, I know.”


Hinata asks, curiously, “What are you talking about?”


Rini says, with a bit of nervous smile, “It’s a long story.”


Molly says, “One best saved for another day.”


Naruto asks, “Why is that?”


Sakura tells Naruto, “Naruto, try not to pry please? Don’t you think that it might be painful?”


Naruto responds, nervously, “Oops!”


Molly says, with a smile, “It’s okay, Naruto-san. We know that you weren’t trying to be rude.”


Naruto says, with a smile, “Anyway, this world is just awesome!”


Sakura tells Naruto, with a smirk, “Only because you are famous in this world.”


Naruto says, with a foxy smile, “Can you blame me? I’m a household name, believe it!”


Hinata tells Sakura, shyly, “Sakura, are you sure about these clothes?”


Sakura says, with a plain tone, “Geez, Hinata. You have got to blend in. If you wore your regular clothing, people are going to get stare despite cosplay being normal, but doing it ‘all the time’ is just plain weird. We don’t want to attract any attention.”


Rini says, with a sly smile, “Well, people aren’t going to think that you are Sakura Haruno since you are…”


Sakura tells Rini, with a glare, “Don’t you dare say it.” Rini yelps nervously as she shuts her mouth immediately while Sakura looks thoughtfully at her altered body in which before she was underdeveloped compared to teenage girls of her age, but now, she is sporting a female chest that’s a large F-cup, just under a G-cup, cleavage that can be seen, though not obscenely, under her new tube top and with the rest of her body, which undergone slight changes due to what’s done with her, she has a gorgeous sensual female body while nothing like Hinata, who is also sporting a gorgeous female super-model body and she is sporting H to I cup chest. Sakura has to admit while she is confident about her abilities as a ninja, she has had a problem with her body, namely her chest, because she looked less ‘womanly’ than Ino and Hinata. Now that she has a voluptuous chest, more so than most girls of her teenage years, Sakura can’t help to enjoy this part of it and to be honest, she is glad when she heard that her ‘changes’ are going to be permanent through she is concerned what else what done to her and her two friends.


Naruto says, trying to change the subject, “Anyway, other than having me as a star, this world is just plain awesome! All of the technology is so cool, believe it!”


Sakura says, with a smile, “While some more than others, I have got to agree with you, Naruto. The communications technology is just plain incredible. If our world had such technology, it would revolution in our world. If one village needed help, it wouldn’t take time to get a messenger bird out. One village could call up another village nearly instantly and on the battlefield, one unit can communicate with another as long as they made sure that they aren’t heard or ‘tapped into’ which means units at long distance can easily share information or coordinate so perfectly.”


Naruto says, with a smile, “Yeah, but our birds would be out of job.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “True.”


Naruto says, “But I think that we should do that because if we bring people together, it could help unite the lands and bring peace.”


Sakura says, “Yeah, but we need to stop you know who first.”


Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “I know, but since we have a good idea on what’s going on! We can use our new powers to really kick some butt, believe it!”


Sakura tells Naruto, “We have to learn how to control and harness our new abilities first Naruto. Don’t you remember what happened to us on just trying to pick up some cups?”


Naruto says, with a smile, “We’ll get better at it, Sakura.” Naruto tells Hinata, “And besides Hinata is doing the best out of us.”


Hinata says, shyly, “Well, I’m not sure about that…”


Naruto tells Hinata, “No way! You are doing the best! And by the way, your outfit looks good on you!”


Hinata asks, with a blush, “You really think so?”


Naruto says, with a smile, “It does, Hinata! You look awesome!”


Hinata says, shyly, “T-Thank you, Naruto-kun.”


Sakura gives an ‘I told you so’ look and Naruto says, “Also that Duel Monsters game is just awesome!”


Hinata says, with a smile, “I have to admit that I enjoy it too.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Same here. I can’t believe that a simple card game could become a worldwide famous sport, but with devices that can turn cards into life-like real projections much like Genjutsu, I can see the appeal. Those holograms, in fact, are even more life-life than Genjutsu to me and trust me, I have experienced Genjutsu.”


Naruto says, nodding his head, “Same here and those hologram things are more realistic than some Genjutsu. While I’m not training, I want to know how to play that game.”


Sakura tells Naruto, with a smile, “Leave it to you to leave the only stuff that you want to learn is fun to you, Naruto.”


Naruto says, “Hey, Sakura! I like to learn new jutsu and stuff!”


Hinata says, with a smile, “Sakura knows Naruto-kun. Anyway, I would love to learn about this game too.”


Sakura says, nodding her head, “I’ve got to admit that I’m liking to learning about this game. It also have such an extensive history and times with places all over your world.”


Molly says, “That’s true, Sakura-san. However, it also has ties with powerful forces that started with the deadly Shadow Games of Ancient Egypt.”


Rini says, “Yeah. Those brought out real monsters and used real magic.”


Naruto says, nodding his head, “No joke. It sounded pretty scary, but it has ‘connections’ to awesome stuff like that big Crimson Dragon! Oh, man! It was so cool, believe it!”


Hinata says, “I could feel the gentleness and nobility from it. It might sound strange…”


Naruto tells Hinata, with a grin, “Not to me, Hinata-chan! I mean, when is our lives ‘normal’?”


Sakura says, with a smirk, “Good point, Naruto.”


Naruto asks, “Anyway, but do you remember that virtual reality stuff?”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Yes. It was pretty incredible.


Hinata says, with an amazed look, “It felt so real. It was amazing.”


Naruto says, with a nod, “No joke, Hinata. It was like going into another world.”


Molly says, “That’s what Full-Dive virtual technology does, Naruto-san.”


Naruto says, “It felt kind of weird not being able to use chakra, but it was still pretty awesome!” Naruto says, “Anyway, I think that we should find a place that sells some good ramen!”


Sakura tells Naruto, with a sigh, “It must be some kind of family trait!”


Hinata tells Naruto, with a kind smile, “I’m sure that we will find something.”


Naruto says, “Yeah! And after that, we can continue figuring out how to play Duel Monsters! I so want to have one of those Duel Disks and bring out monsters of my own, believe it!”


Sakura says, with a grin, “You would!” The five of them continue on, but all five of them get a feeling of being watched which goes away quickly causing them to look at each other, quickly realize that they had the same feeling, and get a bit more on guard as they continue to walk along. However, a large distance away, there is a tall woman in her late twenties with shocking white short hair, steely gray eyes, and wearing a white cat-suit with a slightly open zipper and black boots showing that she has a gorgeous feminine body underneath the suit. She is watching the group with a pair of binocular with a sly smile on her ruby red lips.


July 6, 2025, Tokyo, National Hanzo Academy


Inside of a high school known as National Hanzo Academy, a top rated high school with over a thousand students, we find ourselves within a secret area of the school hidden from even many of the school students and facility themselves. Within this secret area, there are five young female high school girls wearing the Hanzo Academy female uniform, which includes a standard white formal shirt with tie, blue skirt, and school shoes, assembled together.


The first one looks to be 17 years of age looking like small stature girl for her age who has her dark brown hair tied in a medium sized ponytail with a white ribbon bow. Her name is Asuka and she is the granddaughter of the legendary shinobi master that Hanzo Academy is named after.


The second one is an 18 year old female with long, straight, black hair flowing down to her lower thighs and flat cut bangs resting on her forehead and she has blue eyes. Her name is Ikaruga and she is the descendant of top level ninja clan.


The third female is another 18 young lady with long blonde hair with a thin blue ribbon across the top, knotted with bow on either sides of her head, blue eyes, and unlike the other young ladies, she wears her uniform with the top somewhat unbutton to expose a bit of her buxom cleavage. Her name is Katsuragi and she is the daughter of two ninja that failed in one mission forcing them to abandon her and become renegades.


The fourth female is a fair skin 16 year old young lady with long white hair tied into twin-tails with small shuriken with a brown-red left eye with her right eye covered in an eye-patch. Her name is Yagyu and she comes from an average shinobi family, but she has proven to be a prodigy in the shinobi arts.


The fifth and final female is another teenage girl of 16 years of age with pink hair adorned with three black ribbons that tie it into two pigtails and her eyes are peculiarly dotted with two pink, cross-shaped pupils. Her name is Hibari and she comes from a large ninja family in which her eyes are the signature of her family’s special ocular ability known as Kagan.


The five young students are assembled together and Asuka asks, “What will Kiriya-sensei be teaching us today?” Just then a smoke bomb mysteriously appears and explodes covering the area in smoke in which when the smoke dispels, there is a middle aged man with gray wavy hair and auburn colored eyes while wearing a black formal attire.


The middle aged noble looking man with formal dress tells the girls, “Good morning, everyone.”


Ikaruga says, “Good morning, Kiriya-sensei.”


The man, the five young shinobi in-training’s teacher, Kiriya, tells them, “Ladies, we are going to review information gathering and observation training with a very special mission.”


The girls are amazed and Katsuragi says, excitedly, “All right!”


Ikaruga asks, “What kind of mission, sensei?”


Kiriya says, snapping his fingers, “One of the most importance, Ikaruga.” As the room darkens, he says, “As you know, Japan is a current state of crisis with the monster attacks.”


Hibari asks, “You mean the monsters and the Digimon that people with Digimon partners known as Digidestined and the Sailor Scouts are fighting right now?”


Kiriya responds, “Correct, Hibari.” Soon after, a video screen appears and motion picture of the battle between Sailor Celestial, Kasumi, and the Alpha-152 clone appear on the screen.


The young female ninja are amazed and Yagyu asks, “Sensei, is this an actual battle?”


Kiriya responds, “Yes, Yagyu. This was a battle between Sailor Celestial, the former Mugen Tenshi clan heiress Kasumi, and the enhanced clone of her known as Alpha One-Five-Two that happened in Akiba around one week ago on the thirtieth of June.”


Asuka asks, “A Mugen Tenshi clan ninja, sensei?’


Kiriya says, “Yes, Asuka. As you know, not all of the ninja in Japan are part of the government nor are they ‘evil ninja’ either. The Mugen Tenshi and Hayabusa are among these ninja clans and the government doesn’t try anything with them because of their efforts to protect mankind and they are the strongest of all ninja clans.”


Ikaruga says, “I have heard about them well from my family. Ryu Hayabusa is legendary ninja that said to rival your grandfather, Asuka.”


Hibari asks, amazed, “Really?”


Asuka says, with a nod, “Grandfather talks about the Hayabusa clan a lot and they have a powerful blade known as the Dragon Sword which is said that it can cut through any evil.”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “Yes. However, these ninja clans and those that work with and as part of the government hold a tentative peace in which the Mugen Tenshi and the Hayabusa…consider us ‘soft’.”


Katsuragi yells out, annoyed, “Soft?!”


Kiriya says, with a sigh, “In their way and the way of one of their enemies, the evil Black Spider clan, they believe the way of the ninja is not good or evil. The Mugen Tenshi and the Hayabusa also believing that living in the way of the shadows in order to protect the light is the true way of the ninja. Calling ourselves ‘light ninja’, they believe that we are not true shinobi and traitors to the ‘true shinobi way’. Even Asuka’s grandfather do believe that they have a point on that one, but the way of the ninja is also following in the way that we believed in as their ancestors and our ancestors did so back in Feudal Times.”


Katsuragi says, “Got that right, sensei.”


Kiriya says, “It is one point that we can agree on and we have made a tentative peace with our more independent shinobi brothers and sisters.”


Asuka asks, “But why did you say that she was a FORMER clan heiress?”


Kiriya says, “Kasumi of the Mugen Tenshi left without permission to go after Raidou, former member of the clan and in fact, he is her uncle. Raidou, after being exiled, attacked the clan and stole their prized technique, the legendary Torn Sky Blast, from Kasumi’s brother, Hayate, the clan heir, and temporary crippling him. In order to restore her brother’s honor, Kasumi left without permission to take vengeance on Raidou, but by doing so, she became a renegade and her death ordered.”


There are gasps and Katsuragi says, “Hey, she was only trying to restore her brother’s and her clan’s honor.”


Kiriya says, “While true and they know this, Kasumi-san had broken the rules of her clan and according to shinobi law, the secrets of the ninja clan must be protected as your clan’s secrets must be protected for the good of your clans and the government, Katsuragi. However, only recently, the order for her execution has been removed since she is under the protection of the Hayabusa clan and Ryu Hayabusa, himself, in which her family never really wanted to put the order out for her death in the first place.”


Yagyu asks, “What was she doing there? And while was Sailor Celestial with her?”


Kiriya responds, “Based on what’s known, Kasumi was exploring the cabin where the body of Akihiko Kayaba was found.”


Ikaruga asks, “Akihiko Kayaba? Sensei, you mean the fiend that was the creator of Sword Art Online, the infamous ‘death game’, where ten thousand people were trapped in there and four thousand of them died because of Kayaba’s evil?”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “The very same, Ikaruga. As you know, the Sailor Scouts had found the cabin along with Kayaba’s body and the modified NervGear and other equipment that he had used to log into his own game as well as Rinko Koujiro, a close college of Kayaba, and who seemed to have been forced to aid Kayaba during those years due to a bomb found implanted into her body.”


Yagyu asks, “Seemed, sensei?”


Kiriya says, seriously, “There are those in the government including us that find her actions being forced to be questionable despite there being no proof of it, Yagyu.”


Asuka asks, “What was she doing there?”


Kiriya says, “It is believed that she found important information that was hidden away in the cabin that not even our ninja could even find: Kayaba’s personal journals.”


The ninja girls are shocked and Katsuragi says, stunned, “No way!”


Kiriya says, “As you know, the ‘SAO Incident’, as this tragedy is known by the world over, publically ended over several months ago when the survivors started to wake up. However, the investigation team and the government as a whole has no idea on why Kayaba had committed this crime in the first place. On the records of Kayaba, there was nothing at all to indict that he would have ever committed something like this before Sword Art Online started. While he didn’t go into social circles, there are plenty of the greatest genius in history that were like that.”


Katsuragi says, “Yeah, he had everyone fooled even his own family.”


Ikaruga says, “If Kasumi-san had found his personal journals, it could give us insight into the madness that drove him to commit such a horror and find a way to make sure that it won’t happen again.”


Asuka asks, “But I thought that they had taken care of that, right? The Amusphere have tons of security systems and programs to make sure that they can’t do it, right?’


Kiriya says, “True, Asuka. They also use low intensity waves to make sure that the signals used to ‘send your mind’ into ‘virtual space’ can’t destroy your brain. However, it doesn’t mean that Kayaba would not figure out a way around this since the Amusphere is actually heavily based on the NervGear design with the ‘security features’ that can prevent something like SAO from happening again, but it doesn’t mean that it is fool proof. A classic world saying is: If one doesn’t learn from the past, then one is doomed to repeat it.”


Hibari asks, curiously, “Why wouldn’t they go to the government with that?”


Kiriya says, “Remember, Hibari, they are independent of the government unlike the ninja clans that you and the others come from. There is also the factor of Sailor Celestial in this.”


Ikaruga says, watching the footage of the battle between Kasumi, Sailor Celestial, and Alpha-152, “Yes, I am wondering about her. I have seen her on television news reports and her skills…It is incredible. She has shown to be a powerful warrior and not just because of her powers alone. She is a talented swordsman of incredible skill and ability. It is also strange that she would appear shortly after SAO finishes.”


Kiriya says, “You are wise to be curious, Ikaruga.”


Yagyu asks, “Kiriya-sensei, are you saying that Sailor Celestial and SAO might be…connected?”


There are gasps and Kiriya says, “Not just her, Yagyu. I believe that all of the Sailor Scouts and SAO have a ‘link’.” There are more looks of shock and Kiriya says, “Sailor Moon, the leader of the Sailor Scouts, mysteriously vanished after SAO began and then, about one month after it ended, she makes a grand reappearance wearing armor outfit similar to the new Sailor Scout, Sailor Celestial. There is also something else to consider: The monster attacks started to become more extreme and forcing the Sailor Scouts to come into the ‘public eye’ shortly after SAO started and Sailor Moon ‘vanished’.”


Katsuragi asks, “So, Kiriya-sensei?”


Ikaruga says, “Katsu, Kiriya-sensei is saying that they are all connected and there is more to Sword Art Online than meets the eye in which we, shinobi, have been taught to see.”


Asuka asks, curiously, “Really?”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “Correct, Asuka. Your grandfather also believes this, but right now, it is only theory.”


Yagyu says, “Those journals could give us insight into Kayaba’s madness.”


Hibari asks, “Wouldn’t it be with Mugen Tenshin?”


Kiriya responds, “Not exactly, Hibari.” Kiriya snaps his fingers and the footage of Sailor Celestial’s and Kasumi’s battle vanish in which images of Suguha, Kazuto, Serena, Davis, and Kari appear.


Asuka asks, “Who are these, Kiriya-sensei?”


Kiriya responds, “A vital part of your mission, Asuka.” Kiriya says, pointing to Serena’s image, “Everyone, I would like for you to meet Serena Tsukino, an SAO survivor and niece to Akihiko Kayaba.” The five female ninja students give their own version of looks of surprise at this information.


July 7, 2025, Juuban District


Inside of the Juuban District, Serena and Darien are walking around and enjoying themselves as they walk around.


Serena says, with a smile, “It was a real fight with that wyvern, Darien-kun.”


Darien says, with a smile, “Yes, it was Meatball Head. It looks like you were having a blast.”


Serena says, with a smile, “It has been a real fun seeing the world that sis, you, and the girls were playing in.”


Darien tells Serena, “Well, we weren’t playing ALO for fun at the time, Sere.”


Serena says, with a nod, “Yeah, I know.”


Darien says, with a warm smile, “I’m glad that you are enjoying yourself, Sere.”


Just then a male voice with a familiar Kansai dialect shouts out, “Not for long, pretty boy!” Serena gasps as she and Darien look to see someone that looks like Kibaou, the former head of the Aincrad Liberation Squad and co-leader of the Aincrad Liberation Force when the Aincrad Liberation Squad merged with another guild after a horror battle on Floor 25 of Aincard caused a large loss of life.


Serena says, “Kibaou!”


The man that looks like Kibaou says, “Nice for you to remember me, you pigtailed bitch! Now!” Serena and Darien yelp as they are attacked from behind and they are knocked to the ground stunned in which the man that looks like Kibaou says, looming over them, “I’ve been waiting for this long enough after I got out of that wretched death game wench! I’ve been waiting to get you and that rotten beater back for what you did to me!”


Serena responds, with a glare while trying to regain her full senses, “You did it to yourself…Kibaou…”


The ‘real-like version’ of Kibaou shouts out, “Shut up! I’m tired of your mouth, Valkyrie…Or should I call you, Serena Tsukino, instead? I’m going to make sure to ruin your life like you ruined me in SAO! Maybe I should tell the people that lost people to your uncle’s death game about who you really are?”


Darien says, with a sneer, “Serena is much a victim as any of them, Kibaou.”


‘Kibaou’ responds, “Shut it, pretty boy! And you should know that my name is Kaiou!”


Just then a male voice shouts out, “That’s good to know that name of the ass whose butt that I kick!” Everyone then looks to see Sammy Tsukino, with a Neo Domino City Duel Disk that has a dueling deck inside attached to his left wrist, going over to them.


Serena says, “Sammy!”


Sammy yells out, “Let me sister go, you creep!”


Kibaou, whose real name is Kaiou, asks, surprised, “Sister?” Kaiou then remembers what happened after the battle with Illfang, the floor boss of the first floor of Aincrad, and he shouts out, “Now, I remember! You are that former beta tester that managed to weasel his way out of being trapped like us!”


Sammy responds, “I had a doctor appointment genius! If I didn’t, I would have been trapped like you and Meatball Head!”


Kaiou responds, “Likely story and now, you are going to pay like you wretched sister!”


Serena yells out, strongly, “Leave him alone!” However, she and Darien are tackled and restrained making them unable to fight back!


Sammy shouts out, “Back off!”


Kaiou says, as the rest of his goons surrounded him, “Like you can order us around brat!”


Sammy says, “Coward!” Sammy displays his duel disk and shouts out, “Don’t have the guts to fight me like a man!”


Kaiou yells out, “How dare you?!”


Sammy responds, “Am I wrong?”


Kaiou says, “You want a duel? You got it, brat!” Kaiou snaps his fingers and one of his gang brings over another duel disk with a dueling deck inside, but this duel disk looked like a grey version of the pink-haired ‘duplicate’ of Serena was using with a grey and black ‘energy blade’ for the monster card zones.


Sammy asks, “Huh?”


Kaiou responds, with a sinister smile, “You like? I found this baby lying on the ground and found that this was an awesome new kind of duel disk!”


Serena thinks in her mind, “I don’t like the sound of that!”


Sammy says, “Doesn’t bother me! I’m going to beat you jerk!”


Kaiou yells out, “And you are going to suffer brat! And you wretched sister is going to watch as I rip you apart!” Kaiou’s and Sammy’s duel disks activate, shuffle their decks, and display 4000 life-points for each duelist as they draw five cards from their decks.


“Duel!” Kaiou and Sammy yell out in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Sammy: 4000

Kaiou: 4000


Serena yells out, “Squirt, what are you doing? Get out of here!”


Sammy shouts out, “And leave you behind? No way, Meatball Head! I had to watch for two years as you wasted away before my eyes and I’m not going to let you get hosed by some jerk with a stupid grudge!”


Kaiou says, “Like a brat like you can do anything!” Kaiou says, drawing a card, “I’ll take the first turn!” Kaiou says, putting one card on his duel disk’s ‘blade’, “I play Solar Flare Dragon in attack mode!” Soon after, Solar Flare Dragon (1500/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and Kaiou says, putting one card a slot within the duel disk, “Then I activate Double Summon and use it to play another monster this turn! I release my dragon in order to play Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch in attack mode!” Kaiou puts one card on his duel disk and Solar Flare Dragon vanishes in which Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch (2400/1000) takes its place in attack mode. Kaiou says, with a smirk, “And now, his ability activates and I get to choose one card from your hand! And if it is monster, you get slammed with one hundred points of damage for every single level that it has!” Kaiou then points to a card and Sammy sneers as he displays Machine King (2200/2000) monster card in which Kaiou says, with a laugh, “Ha! Now, you lose that card and six hundred life-points!” After Sammy discards the monster card, Thestalos unleashes a blast of flame that slams into Sammy and he yelps as he loses 600 life-points.


Sammy yelps out, “Ouch! That’s hot!”


Darien asks, shocked, “He felt that?!”


Kaiou says, with a grin, “That’s right! This little baby makes Duel Monsters quite real!”


Serena asks, shocked, “Real?!”


Kaiou says, “That’s right wench! And your little brother is going to get burned!”


Serena shouts out, strongly, “He has nothing to do with this!”


Kaiou responds, “Wrong! He is Kayaba’s nephew and he is related to you and that’s all I need to know!”


Sammy says, “Are you going to end your turn or just babble all day? I want to get home before I get bored!”


Kaiou replies, with a sneer, “I’ll give you something exciting!” Kaiou says, putting another card into the slot within the duel disk, “Now, I play Advanced Carnival! Since I performed a successful Advanced Summoning this turn, I can perform another one! So, I release my Thestalos in order to play Thestalos the MEGA Monarch in attack mode!” Kaiou puts a card on his duel disk and Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch ‘transforms’ into Thestalos the Mega Monarch (2800/1000) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaiou says, “I can summon this by just using one monster that was used in an Advanced Summoning and now, I pick one card for you to discard and if it was a monster, you lose two hundred life-points times its level and I choose that card!” Sammy then snarl as he displays Morphtronic Scopen (800/1400) and Kaiou says, with a sly sneer, “And now, you lose six hundred more life-points, brat!” Sammy discards the card and he yelps out as he is blasted by flames as he loses 600 life-points.


Serena shouts out, worriedly, “Sammy!”


Kaiou says, with a smirk, “By the way, since I used a Fire monster to summon my Mega Monarch, you get blasted with one thousand more life-points of damage too!” Sammy shouts out as he gets burned again while losing 1000 life-points of damage.


Darien yells out, struggling to get out of the grip of his enemy, “You monster!”


Kaiou says, “This is what Kayaba’s wretched family deserves, pretty boy!” Kaiou says, putting one card into the main slot, “Next, I play Monster Reborn to revive my Solar Flare Dragon!” Soon after, Solar Flare Dragon (1500/1000) returns to the field in defense mode and Kaiou says, “And now, I end my turn and you get slammed with five hundred more points of damage!” Solar Flare Dragon unleashes a fireballs into Sammy and he yelps as he loses 500 more life-points. Kaiou says, “By the way, brat, as long as Solar Flare is around, you can’t attack any Pyro monsters other than him!”


Current Score:

Sammy: 1700

Kaiou: 4000


Sammy says, breathing heavily, “I won’t lose to a bully like you…”


Kaiou responds, “And what can you do brat? Look at yourself! You already lost over half of your life-points and I took out two of your cards! You can’t win!”


Sammy looks at the three remaining cards in his hands in concern, but a female voice says, “You can save her, Sammy. Believe in yourself and in your cards. The power of the dragon is with you.” Sammy is confused for a moment and then an image of brown and red eyed dragon appears in his mind in which he can’t help to feel confident. Sammy says, drawing a card, “I can win and I’m going to beat your butt starting now!”


Kaiou responds, with a cocky smirk, “And how is that?”


Sammy says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk, “I activate my Card Destruction! Now, both of us are forced to discard our hands and re-draw the same cards, but I’m the only one getting new cards!” Sammy discards three cards to his graveyard slot, draws three more cards, and he says, putting one more card into the spell/trap slots, “Then I play my Change of Heart! This gives me control of one monster on your side of the field and I choose your dragon!”


Solar Flare Dragon then moves to Sammy’s field and Kaiou asks, with a smirk, “Ha! What are you going to do with that?”


Sammy says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “My Junk Box spell card will help you understand by allowing me to revive level four or less Morphtronic from my graveyard!” Soon after, Morphtronic Scopen (800/1400) returns to the field in attack mode and Sammy says, “I tune my Scopen with your Flare Dragon!” Scopen then turns into three stars that turn into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Solar Flare Dragon, turning it transparent, and Sammy chants out, taking out a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, “Docking strength with courage to protect world peace! Synchro Summon!” When Sammy puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, he says, “Time to gear up, Power Tool Dragon!” Out of the light, Power Tool Dragon (2300/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.


Kaiou says, “That’s tin can doesn’t scare me!”

Sammy says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Maybe my Morphtronic Lantron will help in that, jerk!” Morphtronic Lantron (200/200) appears on the field and Sammy says, “And now, I tune it with my Power Tool Dragon!” Morphtronic Lantron turns into a single star that turns into a single ring that surrounds Power Tool Dragon making it turn transparent.


Kaiou asks, shocked, “Another Synchro Summon?”


As a column of light appears on the field, Sammy chants out, “The courage and power to protect the future of the planet is a revolution! Synchro Summon!” Soon after, a brand new Synchro Monster card appears on his duel disk in place of Power Tool Dragon Synchro Monster card and Sammy says, “It’s time for an evolution revolution…Life Stream Dragon!” Out of the light, Life Stream Dragon (2900/2400) appears on the field in attack mode with a mighty roar of power causing Serena’s new Mark of the Dragon to react.


Serena asks, confused, “What’s going on?”


Kaiou asks, “What is this?”


Sammy responds, “Your end jerk! Life Stream Dragon restored my life-points back to their original value of four thousand!” Light comes from Life Stream Dragon’s wing as Sammy’s life-points return to 4000 and Sammy says, “And effect damage is useless as long as Life Stream remains on the field!”


Kaiou says, shocked, “That’s not fair!”


Sammy says, with a deadly serious tone, “It’s so fair, jerk!” Sammy says, “Next, I activate a card in my graveyard: The trap Present from Beyond the Veil! This trap card allows me draw one card for every monster in my graveyard after I remove the trap and those monsters from play!” Sammy removes said trap card long with three monster cards in his graveyard and Sammy draws three cards from his deck and Sammy says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I activate my Dark Hole and destroy all monsters on the field!”


As a dark hole appears on the field, Kaiou says, “Your monster is going to get destroyed too!”


Sammy says, “Not with Life Stream’s other ability you jerk! By removing one Equip spell from my graveyard from play, I can prevent Life Stream’s destruction and I remove my Break Draw equip spell from my graveyard!” Sammy removes one card from his graveyard slot and Life Stream Dragon glow as it remains where it is while Thestalos is dragged into the wormhole and is gone soon after.


Kaiou yells out, “That’s not fair!”


Sammy says, “Blaming sis for your problems is not fair! Blaming us for uncle Kayaba’s evil is not fair, jerk! Life isn’t fair especially for bullies like you!” Sammy then puts another card in his hand into the spell/trap slots and he says, “Finally, I play my Pump Up spell card and double my dragon’s power for this turn!” Life Stream Dragon then roars out as it goes from 2900/2400 to 5800/2400 much to the shock of everyone else and Sammy yells out, “Life Stream, end this duel right now! Beauty-Howl Aurora!” Life Stream Dragon unleashes a stream of energy from its mouth that slams into Kaiou with such force that everyone around him is blown back and down to the ground as Kaiou loses 5800 life-points as well as the duel.


Final Score:

Sammy: 4000

Kaiou: 0

&nbs p;

With the end of the duel, the final holograms fade away and the two goons holding onto Darien and Serena are shocked in which they use their distraction to hit them in their toes causing them to yelp out in pain, releasing their grip on Darien and Serena, who then ram their elbows into the chins of their captors, and causing their captors to get disoriented enough to allow them to get away as well as get over to Sammy.


Kaiou says, getting to his feet, “You are going to pay for that one!”


Just then a female voice responds, “That’s what you think creep!” Kaiou turns only to find himself facing Sailor Celestial and the rest of the Sailor Scouts in Sailor Scout form.


Kaiou says, nervously, “Oh, boy.” Kaiou and his gang then are beaten to the ground and into unconsciousness by said Sailor Scouts, but during this time, Sammy collapses to the ground from pure exhaustion.


Serena says, concerned, “Sammy!” Serena puts Sammy into her arms and Darien gasps to see the Dragon’s Heart Mark of the Dragon on his right arm.


Darien says, “His right arm!” Serena then looks at his arm and she gasps, too, in which the Sailor Scouts have similar reactions when they are done knocking Kaiou and his gang into unconsciousness as well as tying them up.


Sailor Venus says, “That looks like the same Mark of the Dragon that Serena, Davis, and Kari have!”


Sailor Pluto says, “It is, Venus. That’s the Dragon’s Heart Mark of the Dragon and it is the newest one. With this generation of Signers, their courage and strength allowed the Crimson Dragon to grow in power and ability in which Leo’s Power Tool Dragon was the sealed form of Life Stream Dragon, the Signer Dragon that replaced Black-Winged Dragon after it was gravely injured and had to be sealed away around or after the fight with the infamous Earthbound Immortal known as Red Nova. Leo’s determination awoke Life Stream and allowed the Crimson Dragon to gain new strength since it now had six dragon warriors instead of just five in which it granted Leo its new power in the form of the Dragon’s Heart Mark of the Dragon.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Well, it looks like Sammy just inherited that power and that dragon.”


Serena asks, concerned, “What does this mean?”


Sailor Celestial tells Sailor Pluto, with a groan, “Don’t tell us…”


Sailor Pluto responds, “I’m sorry, princess, but I have to say that young Sammy Tsukino has become part of a ‘bigger world’.”


Sailor Venus says, with a sigh, “She said it, Celestial.”


Sailor Mars asks, irritated, “Really, Venus?” As the group prepares to take Kaiou and his gang to the authorities, they are also wondering about the revelation that Serena’s younger Earth brother has joined the ranks of the Signers and what it means for him and his life ahead.


And that’s the chapter, everyone! You are pretty surprised that there is another crossover in this story, but I did say that this story is going to be a MEGA crossover, folks! However, there are going to be ‘major’ crossovers and plenty of ‘minor’ crossovers as well. So, to figure out which crossovers are ‘major’ and which ones are ‘minor’, you are going to have to read and find out, folks! And before I forget, I wish everyone a healthy and happy Independence Day! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!