Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Soliloquy of Life ❯ When Red Eyes turn Green ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A Soliloquy of Life: Chapter 5- When Red Eyes turn Green
Rei asked worriedly as Misato sped towards Nerv headquarters “She won't really hurt him will she?”
Misato responded “No, she will probably just handcuff him, throw him in a dark cell for a while, and yell at him until he changes back what he did.”
“So he's not hurt?” Rei asked still worried.
“No, the stupid dork is probably enjoying it.” Misato huffed.
“Could you please drive faster anyways” Rei pleaded as she was still worried. Misato took a quick glance at her and the put the pedal to the floor.
As they got to Nerv headquarters a very large man met them. “Status Report Johnson” Misato commanded.
“Commander, the subject is in cell 7A. He is unharmed.” Johnson reported back to her.
“Good work Johnson” Misato said and added in a more relaxed tone “Okay Rei he is safe, why don't you go follow Johnson and let him out. I will go straighten this out with Ritsuko.”
Rei responded in a very angry voice “NO, I will talk to Dr. Akagi.” and she ran off towards Ritsuko's office.
“Follow her, but don't interfere unless you really have to” Misato ordered Johnson.
“Yes Ma'am” and the giant form of a man followed after Rei.
Misato walked down to the cells slowly to give Rei more time. She knew a confrontation between Ritsuko and Rei was coming for some time. Ritsuko still treated Rei more as an experiment than a person and Rei, along with her, was growing more resentful of it every time.
Ritsuko's door opened. “Rei, what are you doing here?” A door slammed hard and then (SLAP).
Another door creaked open “Who's there?” a voice from the dark said.
“Time to go home Kensuke.” Misato replied.
“Already” a dejected voice shot back.
Misato was walking back towards Nerv's bridge with Kensuke when she said “Since what you did was technically illegal, I will need to give you a punishment.” Kensuke looked up at Misato strangely. Misato continued “For the next two weeks you will work every day after school for the bridge crew.” She knew this was definitely more of a reward to him than a punishment but in truth she did this thinking it would be a punishment to Ritsuko.
Kensuke's eyes filled with stars and he could only mutter out an astonished “Yes Ma'am.”
As she took him on a little tour of the bridge area Kensuke got more and more excited and started asking many questions. After Misato had finished answering all of them she decided it was time to head towards Ritsuko's office. As she got there a flustered Rei was standing by agent Johnson but when she saw Kensuke she raced over and hugged him while asking if he was okay. Kensuke vividly detailed everything that had happened to him while Rei listened intently.
Misato walked over to Johnson and commanded “Status Report.”
Johnson replied “Permission to speak freely Ma'am”
“Granted” Misato replied.
Johnson said in a very surprised tone “I didn't understand everything as I only listened through the door but here is the short version of it. When I got here I heard Ritsuko yell “Why you ungrateful spoiled brat.” and from then on it was all Rei. She was yelling things about project completion dates and birthdays, while constantly calling her an uncaring old hag. Then she was saying something about doing what's right, not what's easiest, and then something about nobility. Then she started using cuss words I didn't even know existed, and trust me in my former job I thought I had heard them all.” Johnson had to take a deep breath before he could continue “Next thing I heard was something about Ritsuko's mom and something about human compassion. Then she started swearing again while issuing a couple threats about going near some person or other. Then there was a loud slap and she stormed out of the office and slammed the door behind her. She waited by me for a minute and that's when you guys showed up” he finished. Misato stood there a minute soaking in all the information. “Commander are you alright?” Johnson asked.
“Oh sorry Johnson” she said snapping back to attention “I'm just a little surprised. I didn't really think their confrontation would be so violent.” She then added “Also do me a favor and forget everything you just heard.”
“With pleasure” he answered, as the shy little girl he was used to was kind of scaring him right now.
“You've done a good job Johnson but I might be here for a while, so do you think you could do me another big favor and drive the kid's home?” Misato asked as she was thinking about what was now lying ahead of her in Ritsuko's office.
“Sure thing Ma'am” Johnson replied and rounded up the two children to take them home.
Rei walked through the door to the apartment. “Where's Misato?” Kaji asked.
“She said she had some paperwork left to do.” Rei answered.
“Is Kensuke safe?” Shinji asked her.
“Yup, he's at home now.” She answered.
“Anything else happen?” Asuka asked Rei.
Rei answered “Nothing important” and added “Can we watch my DVD please.”
“Absolutely” Shinji answered with a giant grin on his face while Asuka blushed deeply. Rei watched the DVD until Kaji told her to go to bed because she had school tomorrow. Shinji on the other hand watched a very nervous Asuka who was now regretting a bet she had made.
Back at Nerv it was a totally different scene. As Misato slowly opened the door to Ritsuko's office she saw Ritsuko with a severely bruised cheek, tears in her eyes, and a gun on her desk.
Ritsuko looked at Misato and said in a very small voice “I am no better than my mother and for the way I have treated Rei and the children I deserve the same fate.” Misato just stared at her friend, she desperately wanted to stop her but when she took her first step and said “Please don't” Ritsuko picked up the gun and put it to her temple and yelled “LEAVE.” Misato quickly left the room and shut the door out of the fear she would hasten the situation by staying. Tears formed in her eyes and she wanted to go back in to stop Ritsuko but she knew this was a decision she couldn't stop. She then heard a shot and started to cry heavily on the cold steel door.
Misato couldn't enter the office. She desperately did not want to see what had happened and was slumped up against the door crying when she was startled by a small voice crying out from the other side.
“Please help me, I don't want to die. I don't want to be like my mother, I want to change. Please help me change Misato.” Misato opened the door quickly to see Ritsuko slumped on the floor, while the gun, and a hole in the wall, were in the corner where she had thrown it.
Misato picked up Ritsuko and said “If you really want to change, I will help you.”
Ritsuko answered while being held “Thank you.” Misato and Ritsuko's talk lasted long into the night and early into the next morning. When it was done Ritsuko requested a one month leave of absence as she wanted some time for self reflection, and a chance to truly change.
Misato got home at around 4:00 am and crawled into bed with Kaji. Kaji looked at her and said “Is she going to be alright?”
Misato answered “In time, maybe.” Kaji held Misato tightly to help reassure her that everything would be alright.
It was Monday morning before school started and Kensuke is telling everyone about his harrowing adventure. Rei is the only one that is really paying any attention. At lunch time Kensuke continues with his story until Shinji and Touji finally tell him to “Shut Up.” Kensuke stops talking about his adventure but then starts talking about how he gets to work at Nerv for the next two weeks. Everyone groans except for Rei.
When the final school bell rings the class rep said “Stand, Bow, Dismissed.” Rei then walked up to Kensuke as he is hurriedly putting his stuff into his bag.
In a shy voice she asked “I was wondering if you would like to walk home together Kensuke?”
“Um, maybe tomorrow. I don't want to be late for my first day of work.” Kensuke answered back as he ran out the door. And as he ran down the hall you could hear him yell out loud “This is going to be awesome.”
Tuesday Morning before school has started. Kensuke is going nonstop about how cool Nerv is. No one is listening except Rei. Tuesday at lunch Kensuke is explaining that since Ritsuko is gone he is working for Miss Ibuki. Tuesday afternoon. “Rise, Bow, Dismissed” the class rep said.
Rei hurried over to Kensuke. “Kensuke do you..” she can't even finish as Kensuke runs out the door while saying “Miss Ibuki is going to let me work on the Magi system today, I'll see you later” and he is out the door and gone.
Wednesday morning before school has started. Kensuke is going on and on about Magi system and how complex and cool it is. No one is paying attention except Rei, and she is only partially. Wednesday at lunch he is saying the same thing but adds how cool it is working for Miss Ibuki. Rei felt a little ping of emotion when he said this. Wednesday afternoon. “Rise, Bow, Dismissed” the class rep said. Rei can only get out “Kensuke..” before Kensuke runs off saying “Miss Ibuki is giving me the Nerv manual today. Bye.” And he is out the door.
Thursday morning before school has started. Same thing as usual, except for some reason every time Kensuke says “Miss Ibuki” Rei feels a little ping of emotion. Tuesday at lunch. Same thing and same reaction from Rei. Tuesday afternoon “Rise, Bow, Dismissed” the class rep said. Rei can't even get out of her desk before Kensuke runs out the door.
Friday morning before school starts. Same thing, same ping. Friday at lunch, repeat morning sequence. Friday afternoon before the final bell Rei tries to start a chat with Kensuke. Actually since all he ever did was talk about Nerv and study the manual, no one actually was talking with him except Rei but he didn't notice.
Ice: Hi Kensuke ^_^
MilitaryIntel: Hi Rei.
Ice: I was wondering since Asuka and Shinji, and Touji and Hikari are busy this weekend do you want to go to that new Bond movie with me?
MilitaryIntel: Miss Ibuki is going to be working this weekend and said I could help her, so I won't be around.
As Rei was trying to type that maybe after he was done for the day they might get some dinner, he logged out and starting going over the manual again. “Rise, Bow, Dismissed” the class rep said. At least Kensuke said something this time as he ran by, too bad it was just “See you Monday Rei.”
Saturday morning Rei grabbed one of her salon gift certificates and walked up to Misato and asked “Mom can we talk?”
Misato saw the look in Rei's eyes and the certificate in her hand and answered “Anytime you need to.” Misato told the others that she and Rei would be gone for a little while and they left to go to the salon. At the salon, during the flower bath, Rei was trying to explain her problem but didn't quite now how to put it but Misato knew what she was talking about anyways. She explained how some people get so wrapped up in certain things that they can't see what is happening right in front of their eyes. Rei asked her how she could make that person notice but Misato could only tell her that was something only she could answer. But then added that she should really think about the situation and the person before coming up with that answer. The talk went on like this for some time and Rei even brought up some unusual feelings she was having but Misato reassured her that they were perfectly normal and in this particular situation she did not have to be worried. The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday Rei was thinking about what she could do and whether it was really worth it or not. Did she really like Kensuke or was it just his present that was making her feel this way. She decided to give him and this situation a little more time.
It was Monday morning at lunchtime, Kensuke is acting the same but Rei is now being super sweet to him and acting interested, even though she could care less. Monday afternoon after the bell. Kensuke runs by while saying “See you later, I don't want to keep Maya waiting” and he is out the door. Even though Misato told her not to worry, the fact that he is now calling her Maya and not Miss Ibuki, has caused that ping to grow louder and a little flash of green light surges through Rei's eyes. Tuesday is the same as Monday, except the ping has been replaced with a small gong and the flash is brighter. Wednesday is the same but with a large gong and a smoldering green flame.
Thursday was different, Rei had a plan. After school Rei went straight home and put on the dress Kensuke had said she would look pretty in. She then headed towards Nerv headquarters. At Nerv she found Kensuke sitting at Maya's terminal on the bridge with Maya standing over him watching him work while Makoto and Shigeru were working at their own terminals.
Rei walked up besides Kensuke and in a very upbeat and pleasant voice said “So Kensuke having fun?”
Kensuke answered without taking his eyes off the screen “Yeah, Maya is letting me rewrite some security protocols.”
Maya commented “Best little worker I've ever had.” Rei had to fight back certain emotions when Maya said that but was able to continue with her plan.
In the same pleasant voice she asked “When you're done do you want to get dinner?”
But Kensuke quickly answered with his eyes still on the screen “Can't, Maya is going to let me see inside the Magi system tonight.”
Maya added “Isn't it cute how dedicated he is.” Rei lost out to her emotions as the gong became a loud siren and the small flame grew into an inferno of green fire. She stormed off the bridge while growling curses but Maya and Kensuke did not notice as they were concentrating on what he was doing.
Makoto smirked at Shigeru and said “Some guys are just so blind.” He then felt something hard hit the back of his head but when he turned around there was no one on the deck behind him, only a small rock.
Misato was watching this whole situation from above the deck while throwing up and down another small rock contemplating whether or not she should throw it at Kensuke. She decided not to, but if his brainlessness continued on any longer he was going to get it. She then also stormed off while yelling “How can men be so incredibly stupid?”
Friday morning, Kensuke is going on as usual and now lamenting on how much he is going to miss working for Nerv and Maya. Rei is trying to act super interested, and is being downright flirtatious with Kensuke but he doesn't notice. She repeats the act at lunch but to the same results. After the final bell, Rei actually grabs Kensuke as he runs by and tells him “Since this is your last day we can go out for dinner afterwards, right?”
He answered while totally missing the directness of that question “Actually I am going to try and work late and if Maya lets me I am going to work this weekend as well.” He then broke free and ran out the door.
Rei stood there twitching for a minute and then slammed her books to the ground and yelled at her top of her lungs “THAT'S IT. THIS IS HIS LAST CHANCE!!!” and bolted out the door after him.
Hikari asked Asuka “So how do you think this will turn out?”
Asuka answered “With Kensuke in traction or in her arms.”
Hikari thought about this for a second and realized another thought “What about Maya?” Asuka became a little worried and told Shinji to call Misato to tell her Rei is on her way and that she is not in the best of moods.
Rei was not able to catch up to Kensuke as he ran so fast he got on an earlier train. This was most likely a good thing, as at the time Rei was seriously thinking the traction way of events. Rei got to Nerv headquarters and went straight to the locker room kicking open and then slamming every door along the way. She put on her plug suit and made some adjustments to make it pressurize extra tight and went out and searched for Kensuke. She found Kensuke and Maya working just outside the Magi system. Maya was typing away on a laptop while Kensuke was lying on his back right outside the opening to the system. Rei walked up and stood very provocatively above him while saying “Are you sure you don't want to go out tonight?” in a very seductive voice. Kensuke didn't even really notice as he was crawling into the system with some tools while answering “Maya said she was going to take me out for dinner as a reward, you can come too if you want.”
Maya then added while looking down at her laptop “Yeah, I thought he deserved a reward. I absolutely love the work he has done for us here. If you want you can come along too?” Rei's heart shattered as certain words reverberated in her head.
In a very sad and weak voice she said “No, he likes you better. You can have him.” and ran off crying.
Maya looked up from her computer after she heard that and saw Rei running off in tears.
In an instant she realized what had just happened and yelled to herself “How Could I Be So Stupid?” and took off after Rei in an attempt to straighten things out.
From inside the Magi system Kensuke shouted “What was that? I couldn't hear you guys.” Just then he felt something clamp onto his ankle and suddenly rip him out of the system.
A very angry Misato stood above him now and yelled furiously “What is Fucking Wrong With You?” “How Can You Be So Fucking Stupid?” Kensuke started to sweat and get scared as he had no idea why he was being yelled at. Noticing the complete confusion and fear in Kensuke face and eyes, Misato calmed down a bit but still spoke with a very stern voice, and through clenched teeth she said “Think very hard Kensuke, what did you just do to Rei?”
“I…. I don't know” was his only response as he was still not understanding anything. Misato blew up at him again causing him to become even more frightened and confused.
Misato sighed when she noticed this was getting her nowhere and in a very clear voice said “Let me make this perfectly clear, so even an idiot like you can understand.” She put great emphasis on the next thing she said “Rei Likes You.” Kensuke eyes went from fear and confusion to wonderment and then quickly to dejection.
Misato didn't understand why his eyes quickly changed to dejection until he said “No she doesn't. Why would she?”
Misato knelt down beside him and answered in a softer voice “Because that is what her heart is telling her.”
Kensuke responded with a weak rant “But why? I'm just a computer geek and she is the most beautiful girl I have every seen. No girl has ever liked me. No girl could like me, let alone the best one. I am just a geek and a wimp. Hell, if it wasn't for Shinji and Touji I would just be the whipping boy for every bully in school. How could Rei ever like a loser like that. I could never protect her…”
Misato stop his rant by yelling at him to “Knock It Off” but then reverted to her softer tone again “Kensuke you're making up nothing but false excuses for yourself. We all have a very bad and negative self-image of ourselves. One in which we think everyone is better than us and that we are worthless, but you have to learn it is not true. I have seen you do some very noble and brave, if not stupid, things that others would be too frightened to do. So I know that image of yourself is not true.” Misato added in a reassuring voice “Rei has seen these true qualities in you, not the false images you have set up as a shield. That is why she likes you.”
Kensuke looked up at Misato with wonderment in his eyes once again “Rei really likes me?” he questioned.
“YES you moron, but at this point I am really starting to wonder why” she shot back in a slightly comical tone and ordered “Now get off your ass and tell her you do too or I will kill you.” Kensuke got up instantly and took off in search of Rei to apologize and tell her he liked her.
Misato got up and said to herself “It's like pounding nails into concrete with these kids” and followed him at a distance so she could keep track of the situation.
Maya caught up with Rei and pleaded “Rei just stop, I don't think you understand.” But Rei just shouted back “Go away, you already have him.” Maya then grabbed Rei by the shoulders and turned her around so they were face to face.
“Just listen to me please.” She said and continued quickly so Rei could not argue back “Kensuke does not like me, he is just enamored with what I do. If he was working under Ritsuko, Shigeru, or Makoto he would be like that with them too.”
Rei interrupted “But you said you loved...” Maya stopped her right their as she could tell where Rei was going.
In a very clear voice she explained “I said I loved (she emphasized the next two words) The Work he is doing. All of us at Nerv do, he is an absolutely brilliant computer technician and with a little more training he would be able to run the system better than Ritsuko.”
Rei interrupted again and cried out softly “But he likes you.”
Maya simply responded “As a friend yes but I know he likes you in a very different way.”
Rei looked at her confused and said “I… I don't understand.”
Maya continued “While he has been working here I have talked to him a lot. He speaks pretty freely about most things. The only time he clamed up is when I asked him if there was a girl he liked. And since he talks about everyone else he knows except you, he has made it very obvious who that girl is. I even teased him a little about it once but he just got very nervous and started to blush.”
Rei said in a confused voice “But he is never like that around me.”
“Of course not” Maya said and added “That is because he is scared that if he reveals his true feelings you will reject him. He is trying to keep you at a distance so that he can be around you without you noticing. In his mind he probably figures it is better to just be around you than to risk total rejection.”
“But I wouldn't” Rei sniffled.
Maya answered simply “But he doesn't know that.”
Rei, with a little wonderment growing in her eyes, said “Then how can I let him know that I like him?”
Maya looked at her and said in a comical, but a little frustrated voice “You are asking the wrong women. I have been trying to get Makoto's attention for over a year now and have done everything but throw myself at him. But he still hasn't noticed, so good luck.”
Rei smiled and hugged Maya while saying “Thank you” and then took off in search of Kensuke to make sure he knew just how she felt about him. She really didn't know how she was going to do this but she just knew she had to. Maya decided to follow out of concern and curiosity. And she was hoping she might just pick up a hint or two.
Kensuke and Rei found each other in the hall outside of Misato's office. Kensuke started “Rei, I need to tell you something...” but Rei charged up to him and pinned him against the wall, interrupting his speech.
In a very clear and concise voice she said “Kensuke, I like you” and then proceeded to kiss him deeply on the lips. After she finally released him from her kiss and her grasp she said “Now what did you want to tell me?”
A flustered Kensuke stammered “Th-that I really like you, and that I'm sorry for being such an idiot and ummm…” he blushed deeply and had trouble going on.
Rei encouraged him and in a very sweet tone said “Go on.”
“Ummm…. W-would you like to go out with me?” he finally was able to spit out.
Rei gave him a little wink and said playfully “I'll think about it.” And then kissed him again, except this time Kensuke kissed back and wrapped his arms around her. She returned the gesture and they stood in the hall in each other arms sharing kisses.
From Misato's office Misato and Maya were peaking through a crack in the door. “Isn't that sweet” Maya said.
Misato answered while turning away and resting her head up against the wall “Yeah it is, but now I have got three 16 year olds in serious relationships, two of them living under the same roof, and a baby on the way. What am I going to do?”
Maya laughed and said “Would you have it any different?”
Misato answered “No, but I would like to know where I can buy some chastity belts.”
Maya laughed again, took another little peak, and said “Oh dear, you might need them sooner than you think. Both of their hands are going below the belt line.” Misato tore out of her office and separated the two new lovers before anything got out of hand, or in this case in hand. She then told Rei to get that plugsuit off and put on some real clothes while Kensuke greatly argued against it, making sure his countering point of view was very well known. Rei even tried to say because of the way the suit was she may need a little help but Misato greatly disagreed and gave her a little boot to the butt towards the locker room. Eventually though Rei got dressed and came out of the locker room to see Misato holding Kensuke by the back of the neck to prevent him from helping, as she knew he had every intention of doing what Rei had asked. She then took them both home while giving them a mini lecture in the car on what the rules were going to be for them dating.
All of this gave Maya a very good idea. She walked onto Nerv's deck and told Shigeru that Misato had wanted him to go check on some systems on the far side of the headquarters and glared at him until he got the proper `get lost' message. After he left she turned her sights on Makoto. She walked up behind him and pulled his chair away from his terminal and spun it around so that he was facing her. She proceeded to sit down in his lap and straddle him while he sat in the chair. She leaned in and kissed him deeply while also grabbing his hands and placing them firmly on her ass. After she released him from the kiss, she proceeded to grind her hips deeper into his lap. Rubbing one very aroused area against the other.
She then said in an authoritative tone “Makoto we are now dating. You will take me out to a expensive restaurant, you will then bring me home, you will ask to come in for a nightcap, and while inside my apartment you will make very improper advances on me.” She slid her hand down in-between the parts that were being ground together and grabbed Makoto's crotch. She gave it a little squeeze as she said “Do I make myself perfectly clear?”
Makoto answered with a very exuberant “Yes Ma'am” as one of his most secret dreams was coming true.
She got off him, stood him up and said in a very happy tone “Let's go.” Makoto wrapped his arm around her waist and they left, but not before she moved the hand back down to her ass and said “I like your hand better down there.”
----Helpful Story Break: Remember to blink.---
Shinji and Asuka were walking home from school together talking about the Rei/Kensuke situation and both were really hoping it turned out for the best because they thought the two would make a very good couple. They were different enough that they would balance each other out while at the same time they shared some things in common. Plus neither one of them wanted to go to a hospital, even if it was just for a visit. After a while Shinji changed the subject.
In a very suggestive voice he told her “You know both Misato and Kaji are at work and no matter what happens with Rei, she will be gone awhile. So the apartment will be all ours.”
In a falsely innocent voice Asuka answered “But shouldn't we be a good little girl and boy and follow the rules.” Shinji just looked at her with a very mischievous grin. Asuka voice changed to a questioning tone as she started to realize what he was thinking about. “What are you thinking?” she asked. He continued to grin mischievously, and she responded by blushing heavily. In her cutest voice possible she said “You wouldn't take advantage of your little Asuka would you Shinji?” He just looked at her and continued to grin as they entered the apartment complex. The whole way to their unit she was trying every trick in her book to get out of the bet but he would just answer her with a mischievous grin. When they got into their apartment she knew she knew she was stuck and said “Okay Shinji, but I will get you back for this.”
He answered “I can live with that.”
And as she entered her room she said “Don't be too sure about that.”
Asuka was looking through her drawers for a certain red and white stripped two piece swimsuit. When she found it she held it up and thought to herself `I barely fit into it when I was 14, how am I going to get into it now.'
She called out from her room “Shinji is there absolutely no way I can get out of this bet?”
Shinji replied back “Nope.”
She then held up the bottom part of the suit and prayed she could still get it on. She got a pleasant surprise as she was able to get them on, sure it now went from a full back to a thong and if she even thought of bending over it would turn into a g-string or just split into two, but she did get them on. The top was a whole other problem as she had matured quite well and was perfectly proportioned. When she put it on and tried to zip up the front she found out she could not even get the zipper together, let alone zipped up.
She yelled out from her bedroom once again “Umm… Shinji there is a slight problem.”
Shinji offered “Do you need me to come in and help?”
“NO” she yelled “Just get me three safety pins and slide them into my room, and NO PEAKING.” He did what he was told as he was eagerly looking forward to his private fashion show.
As he slipped the safety pins through the crack in Asuka's door he heard Asuka say to herself “I sure hope this works.” About 5 minutes later she declared she was ready and slid open her door to reveal herself. She was now standing in front of Shinji in her old swimsuit that was too small on the bottom and entirely too small on the top as it was just being held together in the front with three strategically placed safety pins and some very stretched fabric.
“So what do you think?” Asuka said with a tantalizing voice.
He answered in a amazed tone “Absolutely the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
Asuka then did some cute little poses for him while he happily watched. She was a little put off by his drooling as she didn't think he would be that entranced by her. But this just proved to her that she was a very desirable creature. She decided to give him a treat and tried to bend over for her final pose but as she did she heard a little rip from her bottom piece and then another rip from the top as one of the pins tore away from the fabric it was attached to.
Asuka yelled “Shows Over” and dived into her room and slammed the door shut just in time as the bottom split into two and the fabric tore away from the other two pins on the top.
She took off what was left of her old swimsuit and threw it out the door saying “Sorry Shinji, no encore performances.” She then got dressed and came out to a very depressed Shinji.
“I always liked that swimsuit” he said shaking his head at the now shredded two piece on the floor.
Asuka gave him a little kiss on the head and said “If you take me shopping tomorrow maybe I will let you pick me out a new one.” Shinji happily and quickly agreed.
Misato came home with a very happy Rei. As they entered the apartment Asuka immediately peppered Rei with questions and the two ran off to Rei's room so Rei could tell her everything. Misato walked over to the couch and collapsed on it. As soon as she collapsed PenPen waddled over and sat beside her.
She then said out loud “Rei has a date tonight so only make dinner for four tonight.” That was all Shinji needed to hear about what happened and brought Misato over some tea and a beer for PenPen. As Misato took a sip of tea she looked over a saw something on the floor.
“Shinji why is there a shredded swimsuit on the floor?” Misato asked with PenPen adding a wark.
In a very sad voice Shinji asked “Do you really have to know?”
Misato sighed and said “No but your going to tell me anyways so I will know if I have to have another talk with you and Asuka.”
Shinji then explained the bet and everything that had happened to Misato. Since Shinji really didn't see anything and it was more just a harmless thing than an infraction of the rules, and the fact he was now more depressed about losing the suit than he would be at one of her punishments, Misato let him and Asuka off the hook. She looked over at PenPen and said “These kids are going to turn my hair gray.”
PenPen agreed with a “Wark, Wark.”
Rei was really excited for her first date. It was just dinner and a movie but it was very important to her and Asuka was helping her get ready for it. She wore the dress Kensuke had said she would look pretty in at the mall again because he had asked her to give him a second chance at noticing her in that dress and Asuka styled her hair for her. Truthfully she could have gotten ready on her own but she needed some emotional support as she was incredibly nervous. This whole situation was completely new territory for her.
When Kensuke arrived to pick her up she greeted him at the door. He blinked a couple times as she caught him off guard with the way she looked. He was clearly engrossed in how beautiful she was and forgot he was holding several bouquets of flowers behind his back.
Misato was more than happy to snap him out of it with a parental “AHEM.”
After getting embarrassed by that he gave Rei the first bouquet and said “This is for not noticing the first time how pretty you are in that dress.” He gave her a second bouquet and said “This is so you'll forgive me for being such a dumb ass these past few weeks.” He walked over to Misato and gave her the third bouquet and said “This is to thank you for straightening me out.”
He then handed Rei the final bouquet, which was made up of twelve long stem roses, and said “And these are to let you know how special you really are to me.” Rei was extremely pleased, especially by the last bouquet. He was exceeding her expectations again.
She gave him a little kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear “I will let you know how I really feel later tonight when Misato is not watching us.” Kensuke smiled widely at this comment, which caused Misato to get a little suspicious, but since he gave her some flowers as well she didn't say anything. The two then told the others they were leaving just as Kaji was walking into the apartment.
Kaji came home just as Rei and Kensuke were leaving so he told them to have a fun time and let them go without any further inquiries. Shinji, Asuka, Kaji, and Misato then sat down for dinner. The dinner topic of course was Rei and Kensuke. After dinner Asuka said she had an errand to run and took off. About and hour later she returned home with a mischievous grin aimed directly at Shinji. Misato could only think `I can feel a gray hair now.' One of her babies was out on her first date, which would be enough to worry any mom, and another one of them had something dastardly planned and she knew it.
Kensuke took Rei to a nice quiet restaurant where they would be able to sit by themselves and talk. They enjoyed getting to know each other better and it was quite apparent to both of them that there really was something there. Rei even felt comfortable enough to open up to him about some of her experiences with the Eva's and to her surprise he just sat there and listened to her, he didn't even ask a question afterwards. Truthfully he didn't really care about them anymore. He had grown up some and realized what was sitting in front of him was much more important than simple curiosity. When they were done with dinner they walked over to the movie theater to catch the latest Bond movie. During the movie Rei lifted up the arm rest between them and laid her head down on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her. She was quite comfortable in this position and watched the rest of the movie in it. Kensuke decided that what he was holding was much more interesting than the movie and just gazed at her instead. They sat there as long as they could, but after the credits ended and the lights came on they final had to get up. They then got on a train and headed for Rei's home, but got off about a mile away so they could hold hands and talk some more while walking together. When they finally got to the apartment they stopped outside the door. They looked at each other and both started to blush lightly.
“Rei, I had one of the greatest days of my life tonight” Kensuke started but Rei stopped him by placing a finger on his lips.
She said “I know, so did I” and she leaned into him and gave him a kiss on the lips. He responded by wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer to him, and deepening the kiss. She wrapped her arms around him and they just stood there for a long while, locked in their embrace.
They were eventually interrupted by Misato who opened the door and separated the two.
“That's about enough for the night you two” Misato started and then added “not only are you two an hour past curfew but those pesky hands of yours are way to low.” She then shoed Kensuke off and told him to go home, while also telling Rei to go to bed, and that they would talk about this in the morning.
----Helpful Story Break: Remember to stretch.---
It was early Saturday morning and Shinji was in the bathroom brushing his teeth while Asuka was plotting her revenge. `So the pervert likes to see me in tight clothes does he, well this should get him' she thought `Now lets see, Rei said all I had to do was tweak this button.' Asuka looked at herself in her mirror after the adjustment. She smiled and said to herself “Shinji, you're a dead man.”
There was a knock on the bathroom door and Asuka asked in a very innocent voice “Shinji could you come out here for a second?”
Shinji opened the door with his toothbrush still in his mouth and said “What do you need…(he then noticed what Asuka was wearing)..As…(The tooth brush clanked to the floor)..ka.”
Asuka stood in front of him for a second longer so his eyes could soak in her presence fully before she started into a very sensuous and rather provocative stretching routine while wearing her now extra tight red plug suit. Shinji could only stare in shock and rapture. What she was wearing now and how she was using it was way more erotic than that old swimsuit.
As Asuka oh so slowly lowered herself into a full splits she purred “You know Shinji, the deal was if I lost the bet…” she slowly and sensuously leaned forward while still in the splits position to a position of lying on her stomach and arching her back up while pushing out her chest with her legs splayed out behind her “… that I only had to wear the swimsuit…” she got up slowly and turned her back to him, spread her legs apart slightly and bent over. And while looking through her own legs she continued her revenge “…there was nothing said about…” she turned back around and stretched one of her legs high over her head and placed it on Shinji's shoulder “… it coming off.”
She then lowered her leg back down Shinji slowly and pressed her body against his before she continued “So I think you owe me” and in one quick move pulled down Shinji's pajama bottoms and commanded “Now sing.”
Shinji was standing there only in his underwear. The shock pretty much threw his mind for a loop but a gentle kiss snapped him out of it. He smiled at her and started singing while doing the appropriate moves “I'm a little teapot short and stout, this is my handle and this is my spout. When I get all steamed up hear me shout. Tip me over and pour me out.”
Asuka stopped him there, she had planned on making him sing the song twice, but her stretching routine and the fact that Shinji was now standing in front of her only in his underwear got her too worked up. She hopped up onto him and wrapped her legs around him while he held her.
She then said “I think were even now” and licked a little toothpaste off the side of his lips.
“I don't think I was done with that” Shinji said teasingly.
“Then you will just have to take it back” Asuka replied and kissed him deeply making sure he was able to take the toothpaste back from her tongue with his.
With Asuka wrapped around him and locked in a kiss Shinji carefully made his way to the couch and laid her down on it, but without Asuka having to break her hold. Shinji then started to trace her curves lightly with his fingers over the tight red material that left little to the imagination. Asuka lightly moaned with approval to his touch, he then pressed the release valve on her plug suit. She released her hold on him with her legs and sat up. She slowly walked towards her room and motioned for Shinji to follow with her finger. At her door she stopped him and turned her back to him as she took off the top half of the suit revealing her naked back. In a sensuous voice she told him to wait outside for a second. As she shut the door behind her Shinji could hear the plug suit fall to the floor and a dresser drawer open and close.
Asuka reopened her door wearing only a pair of small pink panties with a rose on them. Before he could react she pulled him into her room, shut the door behind him, and led him to her bed while whispering “Kissing and touching only.” Shinji agreed as the only thing he could think of right now was kissing and touching some very new and beautiful parts of her. She then laid down on her back and invited Shinji to lie down on top of her. With their bare chests pressed against each other they kissed again. And while they kissed their hands caressed each others trembling skin. This was a very new sensation to both of them and they both savored each other wholly.
After a long while Shinji broke the passionate kiss they were sharing and started to make a path of butterfly kisses down towards Asuka's breasts. She started giggling as they tickled her. When Shinji had kissed his way down to his final destination he paused and looked up at Asuka for her approval. She silently gave it with a trembling nod of her head. He continued with his little kisses and made a spiraling pattern on her left breast with them until he got to her areolas, where he covered every bit of them with kisses. Asuka's eyes fluttered as this felt incredibly good to her. He was being so gentle and loving with her just like she wanted him to. He gently flicked Asuka's nipple with his tongue as he kissed it and she let out a little moan of approval. He carefully teased her nipple with a combination of kisses, light biting, and attention from his tongue using Asuka's moans as a guide to what she liked. He then switched over to her right nipple and gave it the same attention as he had with the left, while with his fingers he continued to pleasure her left breast. The combination of his teasing both her breasts caused her to let out a louder moan. His touch was incredible. Even though she knew Shinji was greatly enjoying the next step in their relationship by his actions with her body she couldn't help but feel she was getting the better part of it. Her little moans of pleasure were enough proof of that.
After some time of this pleasure she reached down and stroked his cheek with her hand and led his head back up to hers.
She whispered to him with a purr in her throat “You can do more of that later, but right now I need to feel your lips on mine again.” Shinji answered her by rolling off onto his back and pulling her on top of him. Their lips met again and Asuka got her request.
After a long time Asuka pulled away from the kiss and whispered once again “I'm still a little tired, please just hold me in your arms.” Shinji let Asuka roll off of him and turn to her side. She then snuggled up to him and he held her as she fell back to sleep in his embrace. Shinji watched his beautiful lover sleep for a bit, and then fell asleep beside her.
An hour and a half later there was a light knock on Asuka's door. Asuka got up quietly as not to wake up a serene Shinji. She put on her robe to cover her self up and opened her door. Misato was standing there with very questioning eyes.
“Where is Shinji?” She asked quietly and continued “When he wasn't up yet I checked on him and his room was empty.” Asuka moved a little out of the way and Misato could see him peacefully sleeping in Asuka's bed.
Misato eyes grew very sad and worried but Asuka said in a quiet and reassuring voice “That didn't happen. Neither of us is ready to go that far.”
Misato asked “You will tell me when you are?”
Asuka hugged Misato and said “I promise.”
Misato had known since they were 14 that someday it would happen, but she was glad that it was not today and was still a little ways off. And more importantly that they would come and talk to her first. When the hug ended Misato said in a much more relieved voice “So I can stick to my little lectures for now?”
Asuka replied with a quiet laugh “Yes, you can.”
Misato returned to her normal voice and said “Good, because you, Shinji, and little miss hands lower than they should be during a kiss at 1:00 am are due for one.” She then instructed Asuka that since Shinji was still asleep it was up to her to make breakfast, and of course to hand over the plug suit as she was going to lock both hers and Rei's up because they knew how to use them a little too well for her tastes. Before she left Asuka's room though she gave her a very demanding look and asked “I trust you but how far?”
Asuka blushed as she admitted “Only the top.”
Misato was in the shower while Asuka made breakfast when Shinji woke up. He came out and gave a kiss to Asuka while she made breakfast and sat down at the table with some tea. Asuka was playfully teasing him as she accidentally let her robe slip open when she served breakfast and sat down, making it very difficult for him to eat. But she retied her robe back up when she heard stirring coming out of Rei's room.
Rei walked into the kitchen with a pleasant smile on her face.
Asuka noticed immediately and asked in a nice but definitely inquiring voice “So did your date go well last night?”
Rei responded with a glint in her eye and a smile “Very Well”
Shinji then said in a brotherly tone and a squint of his eyes “He didn't get all touchy-feely did he?”
Rei just laughed at him and said “And this coming from a boy sitting in front of his girlfriend in only his underwear and a huge grin on his face is supposed to mean something.”
Shinji realized that unlike Asuka he didn't have a robe, and that his pajamas were still on the ground where Asuka had stripped them off of him. He yelled “Oh Shit” and took off for his bedroom. Both Rei and Asuka could hear Misato laughing at him from the bathroom as she heard the whole situation.
Rei then told Asuka what had happened on her date while they ate breakfast. Shinji came out of his room dressed but with a red face and joined them. They then made plans to go to the mall with the added task of Asuka getting Shinji a robe in addition to the previous reason that Rei had whole heartedly agreed to when Asuka asked her if she wanted to as well. They all got cleaned up and called Hikari, Touji, and Kensuke and told them to come over so they could all leave together.
When everyone was at their apartment and ready to go they were stopped at the door by Misato, Kaji, and PenPen. Misato instructed them to all sit down and started her prementioned lecture while Kaji and PenPen stood behind her and just nodded or warked in agreement at everything she said.
After they were finally released and out of the house Touji asked “Does Misato always lecture you guys like that?”
Shinji answered “About twice a week now.”
Rei added “Yeah whenever she catches the newlyweds together doing something there not supposed to be.”
Shinji teased back “You got busted too this time.” Rei just smiled in response.
Kensuke then said “She can really get going when she wants to.”
Asuka answered “That was nothing. You should have heard the lecture she gave Shinji and me when I crossed off all the ground rules.”
Shinji added “She got pretty steamed that we broke number 50 again.
“Tell me about it, I had to pay for and serve PenPen all his beers for a week as a punishment.” Asuka said.
“It's sweet that she does it because she cares about you though.” Hikari added.
Shinji answered “That is why we just go along with it.”
With Asuka adding “And if we talked back it would make her more sad than angry.”
Shinji then told Kensuke “Now that you are dating Rei you probably are going to hear a lot more of them.”
Kensuke asked “Do I get to sit next to Rei while she gives them?”
Rei answered “Yes”
Kensuke answered back “Then I don't really mind” and changed his questioning “Why are we going to the mall again?”
Rei answered in a teasing voice towards Shinji “Because Asuka needs to get Shinji a robe.”
Hikari looked at Asuka funny and asked “What is she talking about?”
Asuka responded with a devilish grin “I'll tell you later.”
Hikari could tell this meant something very interesting and told her “I'm looking forward to it.”
Touji though complained “So we are all going to the mall just to get Shinji a stupid robe?”
Asuka looked over at Shinji and questioned “Didn't you tell Kensuke and Touji why yet?”
He answered “Ummm.. it must have slipped my mind.” Asuka had to laugh at that. She must have really got to him if she could make him forget about the swimsuit.
Rei and Hikari both giggled and then whispered into their boyfriend's ears why they were going to the mall.
Touji exclaimed while staring at Shinji “How in the hell could you forget something like that?” with Kensuke shaking his head while questioning “What's wrong with you man?”
Rei teased Shinji again “It slipped his mind because all morning his mind was slipping into Asuka's robe.” The others all looked wide-eyed at the two with open mouths. Shinji had to look away but Asuka said proudly “That's part of my story.”
Hikari smiled “This is going to be a very good story.” Asuka nodded her head vigorously to that comment.
Touji saw this as very good teasing material and tried to rip into Shinji about it but dropped the ball when Hikari told him “Watch it Touji, I definitely have a story or two about you as well.”
Touji shut up but Kensuke picked up the ball where he left off. But he too was forced to fumble it quickly as Rei added “If you want an opportunity at a story, you will watch it too.”
At the mall Asuka pulled Shinji away from the others and told them it would take a while to go robe shopping and that she would meet them at the swimsuit store at around two. She knew this was going to take a while as she had some rather private preferences on how the robe should feel with her hands inside it, and much to Shinji's pleasure she picked out a very wide assortment to choose from. They spent a lot of time in the dressing room trying on the robes until she found just the right one that felt great to her and allowed her very easy access while at the same time could be quickly tied up for discreteness. As she put her bra and shirt back on in the changing room, Shinji got dressed as well. When he looked at his watch it already said two and they were going to be late. Asuka gave him a very cute styled “Opps” that made him not care.
They met up with the other two couples who were waiting for them outside the swimwear shop.
“Wow you two are late, what a big surprise.” Rei teased Asuka and Shinji.
Shinji tried to give an answer but Asuka stopped him and simply said “It couldn't be helped, there was a lot of robes to choose from”
Hikari snickered at them and pointed out “That would be more believable if your shirt wasn't inside out.”
Asuka looked down and blushed and then blushed even more when she saw Shinji looking down to make sure his shirt and pants weren't inside out too.
After the teasing stopped they all went into the shop and the girls each selected a changing room and instructed the guys to find 10 different swimsuits they liked. They then explained that they would try each one of them on and do a little fashion show and at the end of the show they would let the boys choose which one they liked the best. That is the one they would let the guys buy for them. A very devious way to get a boyfriend to buy you clothes but none of the guys cared. After a couple of hours Asuka walked out with a very familiar red and white stripped two piece swimsuit, except this one fit better. She also had a funny feeling this one was going to be worn much more frequently than the last one. Rei walked out with a two-piece as well but one that looked eerily familiar to her plug suit. The big grin on Kensuke's face kind of worried her though, or aroused her. She couldn't figure out which. A blushing Hikari walked out with a very skimpy bikini while a very happy Touji exclaimed that he was now hungry but only wanted something if Hikari served it to him a special way. Even though she was embarrassed, Hikari was excited about this too. This wasn't exactly like her dream but Touji had made a habit of holding her from behind and whispering in her ear what she wanted to hear every time she cooked for him and this made her very happy. Plus no one was at home at his place so cooking was going to be a very fun thing.