Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Object of One's Desire (Unofficial Sequel) Part 6
by: Al-I-Bus

These ain't my characters. Thats all. If your not 18 Leave, NOW, Yeah I'm
talkin to you son. Your not old enough so be out. What! Ya Heard Halla
Back. None of Ya'll readin this knows what that means do ya? Its Hip Hop
talk, sorry didn't mean to confuse ya'll. Here read on!

Rei and Shinji fuck. Okay, I didn't write this part. Drakken Fyre did
( After Rei and Shinji fuck, Rei hooks Shinji up with
Asuka. They fuck too, and it looks like love maybe.

A series of tests grant Asuka and Shinji the realization that they are in
love. They wanna hide their love from everyone, but secrets are hard to

Misato finds out about them. They try to lie their way out of it, but
Misato decides to play spy and eavesdrop on them.

Asuka tells Shinji about her traumatic past, while Misato is eaten up by
jealousy. She's not involved in the family anymore.

Angels attacks, Hikari and Touji get close, Shinji gets FUCKED UP BY THE
ANGEL! Asuka loves him.

Part 6:
The Days After the Angel

Shinji was crying. He had thought that he had grown past this, but it
seemed that he hadn't. He sat on his bed, his knees up against his chin
wrapped in a ball. He couldn't get the fight out of his mind. In his mind's
eye he saw himself being lifted high into the air, and then he felt himself
being brought down at high speed. Then that sick crunching noise. Then
blackness. It wasn't like he couldn't take pain, it was the feeling he had
inside at that instant. The sick, sinking feeling that he was leaving
Asuka. Thats why he cried now. He was afraid. He didn't want her to be in
pain ever and if he kept doing what he did he was sure to hurt her. His
mind was a confused jumble of images.

Asuka stood out in the hall trying desperately not to knock Misato out of
the way and go see her Shinji. She could hear him crying through the wall
between her room, but when she went to see if she could help, she found
Misato blocking her path. "He's crying because of you, seeing you would
only make it worse. Just let him be for a while." Asuka refused to believe
it, she had been so nice to him, she tried to not call him stupid and
pervert, and had certainly stopped hitting him. What had she done? Misato
only shook her head and told her that he would tell her when he felt okay.

Eventually Asuka gave it up. She went into the living room and called
Hikari up, she looked at the clock, 2:41 AM, well Hikari lived alone, she'd
be up, maybe. The phone rang, again, and again, and again. After an
eternity a breathless Hikari came to the phone. "Why are you so out of
breath?" Asuka asked, confused. "Oh its you, mmm yeah" Hikari replied,
letting out an erotic moan. "Okay Touji you win, you made me do it okay."
Asuka started to laugh. "Why is Touji there, wait you two didn't, ohmigod!"
Hikari was blushing so furiously that Asuka could almost hear it. "Umm
Asu-chan I'll talk to you tomorrow, Oh Touji come on, YEAH!" CLICK. Asuka
chuckled as she hung up the phone. Well at least someone could be happy

At Hikari's apatment Touji was busy between her legs. "See I told you, you
wouldn't be able to keep a straight face on the phone" Touji said, pulling
away from Hikari's treasure. They had been at it for hours. Luckily they
didn't have to go to school tomorrow, it being the day after and Angel
attack and all. She looked down at him, "So you win, so do I really hafta
do it?". Touji grinned at her and nodded, "I did it for a good amount of
time after I lost, how many times did you cum? At least three." Hikari
smiled sheepishly and held up five fingers. Touji grinned even wider, "Then
you owe me a little don't you". Hikari knodded her head and lowered it to
Touji's crotch. She skipped the foreplay and eagerly placed his hea in her
mouth. She rubbed the sensitive underside with her tounge, while stroking
his length. "MMMM, Hi-Chan, keep it up and your gonna have a nice mess to
clean up." Hikari simply placed more of his dick into her mouth. She sucked
on his length now, stroking his member in her mouth, her brown hair bobbing
up and down as she swallowed Touji in her mouth. He placed his hands on her
head, and slowly guided her up and down his shaft, shuddering everytime his
head popped into her mouth. Hikari was enjoying causing Touji so much
pleasure, when his head passed through her lips she would lick at its
underside quickly with her tounge and then repeat the action when it slid
back into her mouth. After sucking for sometime, Hikari felt Touji's dick
grow even harder and she felt his muscles tense up. Touji threw back his
head and shut his eyes tightly as he released his seed into Hikari's mouth.
The first shot nearly choked her and she gagged on his cum, the second and
third shots filled her mouth up and some of Touji's semen began to leak
from her mouth. She pulled her head away from his dick, hoping to escape,
only to have Touji's dick spurt three more times directly in her face,
covering her with cum. Touji looked at her in amazement and then realized
what had happened. Hikari swallowed what was in her mouth, screwing up her
pretty face at the taste, and began to wipe the remaining cum out of her
face. "Touji, I'll give you a five second head start," she growled as she
finally recovered. Touji took a hint and leapt from the bed speeding out of
the bedroom looking for someplace to hide. Behind him Hikari grinned for a
moment, "It wasn't that bad" she whispered to herself before chasing after

Finally Shinji fell asleep. The moment his eyes closed he found himself in
a nightmare. He saw Asuka standing next to the wreckage of EVA-01, holding
his lifeless body in her arms, crying into his neck. The surrounding area
was destroyed and the corpse of an Angel lay on the ground a little in the
distance. Rei and her EVA-00 stood respectfully near the Angel's corpse,
and it seemed like the entire universe had gone still. Suddenly Misato
appeared out of nowhere and hugged Asuka close to her. They cried together
both missing Shinji, not understanding why he had to be chosen. Shinji
found himself floating above all of this, knowing this would be the scene
if anything happened to him. He woke up thrashing violently on his bed and
looked around his room. Sunlight streamed through his windows and it was
remarkably quiet in the apartment. He tiptoed to his door and looked out
into the hall for any signs of life. As he entered the hallway he nearly
tripped over Asuka, who was asleep outside his doorway.. He looked down at
her and smiled, then he bent over and picked her up, gently carrying her to
his bed where he lay her down to finish sleeping. He went into the living
room and found Misato sitting on the couch with Pen-Pen watching TV. They
looked over at him, and Shinji gave them a weak smile. He walked over to
the couch and made himself comfortable. Misato hugged him close to her,
"You alright?" Shinji nodded his head, but didn't try to break away from
her. He just held on as she slowly rocked them back and forth. After a
while he started talking to her. "I'm afraid Misato. What if something
happens to me, I hate thinking that I'd hurt you two, your like family to
me and I love you both too much to allow anything to hurt you, especially
stupid ass me. Maybe I should stop piloting, but then something could still
happen. I don't know what to do." Misato hugged him again, "Shin-chan don't
worry about it. Do what you have to, we're both prepared if something
happens. We won't let you get hurt either, so relax and don't worry." When
she talked to him it seemed to calm him down some and she let him go. They
relaxed on the couch and watched some show on television.

Touji woke up in a very awkward position. He had Hikari on top of him, her
legs twined with his, her head resting on his chest. They were both naked
and he couldn't help but admire how cute she looked. Her freckles made his
heart jump a little bit, and he felt his dick coming alive again. Hikari
was sleeping peacefully when she felt something poking her in the thigh.
She woke up suddenly, to find Touji looking at her sheepishly from below
her. She smiled at him and kissed him gently on the lips. Then she reached
down to remove the offender from her leg. She was shocked to feel a fleshy
rod poking her in the thigh. She turned to him wickedly and unlocked her
legs from his. She sat up and placed her hands on his chest, settling her
pussy onto his member. She rode him slowly at first, waiting for her pussy
to generate enough juices to give Touji easy access. After a while she was
wet enough, and she began to bounce up and down on Touji forcefully. Touji
lay back and closed his eyes, allowing her to do all the work, content to
enjoy the ride. Hikari felt his dick slide deep inside her and she marveled
at how perfectly it fit into her sopping cunt. A moment later she didn't
have time to marvel, as she felt his dick slide against her clitoris. Her
legs twitched and her muscles clutched and tensed up, her vagina milked at
Touji's dick, and suddenly she screamed out his name and leaned against his
body. Both of their bodies were soaked with her girlcum and she stopped
riding him. Touji grasped her and rolled her over, getting himself ontop.
He drove himself in and out of her tight pussy holding onto her tightly. He
felt the fire start to creep up from his balls and approach ejection from
his dick. Just as he was about to cum, Hikari opened her eyes and locked
gazes with him, "I Love You" she whispered before reaching up and kissing
him. Touji was shocked, but before he could say anything he felt an orgasm
grip him. He clutched Hikari's arms and shot his cum deep into her. She
held onto him and kissed him again as he fell against her. He looked into
her eyes unasked questions in his eyes. She smiled at him and kissed him
again, "Shh. we'll talk later." then she rolled over and went to sleep.

Asuka woke up finding herself in Shinji's bed. She looked around wondering
how she got in there and what happened after she had fallen asleep. She had
walked back to Shinji's room after getting off of the phone with Hikari.
and sat aginst the wall, not wanting to bother him now that he was quiet.
She fought to stay awake, but after a few minutes she felt her eyes lock
shut. She found herself in a dream world, the three EVAs hovered above her
and looked at her with burning eyes. They reached down to grab her, when
suddenly Shinji appeared in front of her. He leapt at the EVAs and they
grabbed him and pulled him up into the sky. Then they left and she could
hear Shinji screaming for her to run away. And that he loved her, and
always would. She woke up and found herself in Shinji's room. She got up
and stretched her arms before going into the living room. She saw Shinji
and Misato sitting on the couch watching television. "Hey guys whats up."
She sat on a chair and watched with them. After a minute Misato got up,
"You guys have some stuff to talk about, I'll just get my bath okay, and no
peeking Shinji." She left giggling and Shinji blushed bright red. Asuka
looked at him for a minute before he got up and dragged her over to the
couch with him. "You okay?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.
Shinji just smiled and kissd her. "Thanks for being worried about me last
night" he said looking at her green eyes. "Your the best, I love you." She
started melting then, her legs becoming a pile of gunk on the living room
rug. "So what do we have to talk about?" she asked, recovering finally.
Shinji started slowly, "Ummm... well the reason I was upset was because I
was angry that I had hurt you. I didn't mean to scare you and I never want
to see you in pain. And last night when I realized how dangerous the work
we did was, I could only think of one way to keep you from pain, in case
something were to happen to me. I thought about breaking it off with you,
but I couldn't do that, I love you way too much. So here I am. I don't know
what to do, but I promise you that I'll keep you safe for as long as I
can." Shinji breatehd in, finished with what he had to say. He really
hadn't accomplished what he set out to do, which was protect Asuka from
pain forever, but he had at least let her know what was on his mind. She
kissed him this time. "Shinji your so sweet. I love you and I would rather
be with you and lose you than not be with you at all. Don't worry about me,
just keep yourself safe for me. Thats all." She looked up into his eyes and
smiled. "Has anyone ever told you, that you have beautiful eyes?" they
asked simaltaneously, then they broke down giggling and began to kiss on
the couch. Thats how Misato found them a few minutes later, locked in a
sweet kiss, holding each other as tightly as they could without hurting
each other. "Good luck kids," she said softly, smiling down at them. She
loved her family.


I think its all over now. Boy this last story gave me a funny feeling. I
don't know if I should keep writing more or if I should stop now, give me
some ideas. Ya'l know da deal, ya heard holla back! I'm out