Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Object of One's Desire (Unofficial Sequel) Part 5
by: Al-I-Bus

This is part five of a lemon fanfic written by Drakken Fyre
( I don't own any of the characters and do not plan
to benefit financially from the writing of this lemon. If you are not over
18 you should not read this, even though you probably will. Read On!!

Part1: Shinji and Rei have sex, but Shinji doesn't feel completed by the
action. Rei has a premonition that the third child, Shinji, needs the
second child, Asuka, and she points him in that direction. When Shinji and
Asuka make love he feels much better afterwards, as if his soul is filled.
But are the couple too young to understand what they really feel?

Part2: Asuka loves Shinji, but Shinji doesn't know yet. He undergoes tests,
what do they reveal, how does he feel? Two things are certain, they fuck
again, and they decide to keep secrets from Misato.

Part3: Misato gathers clues and discovers the relationship between Asuka
and Shinji. They lie to her, she spies and catches them in the act. She
doesn't interfere rather she has some fun alone outside the bedroom!!!
Asuka has secrets she needs to tell Shinji. Uh OH!

Part4: Asuka shares her past with Shinji, who happiily accepts the burden
of being her soul mate. Misato feels left out of the equation and it seems
her "family" unit has gone to hell. Shinji and Asuka pity her and throw her
a party. Everyone leaves drunk except for Misato and Kaji, What's gonna
happen? And why are Touji and Hikari together?

Part 5:
The Rep, the Rebel, and the Angel that Brought Them Together

Misato woke to the sound of sirens wailing through the streets of Tokyo-3.
She jumped out of bed looked at the clock, 3:42 AM, and shook Kaji awake.
"Kaji, Kaji!! Get the fuck up we gotta go!!" Kaji wakes slowly to see
Misato shaking him and thinks she wants it again, "Geez, Misato we just did
it, do you really need to wake me for it again?" Misato thought for a
moment and then SMACK! That knocked Kaji to his senses. He shook his head,
hearing the sirens for the first time, "Misato you have to go, come on I'll
give you a ride." Misato shook her head, "No we'll both drive, I have to
get Asuka and Shinji, not to mention the fact that I don't want Touji or
Hikari or even Kensuke exposed in an attack. You go get Rei and she'll
point out where Kensuke lives, I'll go pick up the others, see you at
NERV". Misato shouted out the directions over the noise of the sirens all
while dressing. Impulsively Kaji reached over to her and pulled her into an
embrace, "Be careful, Mi-Chan" he said and then exited the apartment.
Misato blushed and froze for a moment before shaking herself back into
reality. She bounded down the stairs and headed for Touji's apartment,
already calling to make sure they were awake.

Touji woke up with a ringing in his ears. First he assumed that Hikari had
just hit him again, but then he realized it was the Angel sirens. He jumped
out of his bed and ran to make sure Asuka and Shinji were awake. He found
them in the living room finishing getting dressed. For some strange reason,
which Touji couldn't remember, Hikari was there too. "Whats going on?" he
asked Shinji. "Angel attack, centralized in this general area, Misato just
called she is on her way we are all going to Central Dogma where we'll meet
up with Rei and Kensueke." Touji nodded and began to pull on one of his
patented sweatsuits. Hikari watched with interest as he took off his
t-shirt and began to blush as she saw his muscled chest. "Hey Hikari, wake
up, stop staring or your eyes'll fall out" whispered a highly amused Asuka.
Hikari snapped back into attention and began to blush furiously. (I never
find it amazing that even during the most severe circumstances teenagers
can blush)

Five minutes later the group was squeezed into Misato's tight sport's car
heading for Central Dogma at a furious pace. The approaching Angel could be
heard, but not seen. Hopefully they would stop it before it did too much
damage. Misato squealed into her parking space at NERV at the same time as
Kaji. Rei and Kensuke jumped out of the the car and ran over to join the
group. "Kaji take the kids somewhere downstairs, EVA pilots with me" Misato
shouted over the din as she sprinted for the elevator. Shinji, still not
fully awake, just ran as fast as he could trying to keep pace with the
three females. Eventually he found himself in the locker room putting his
plug suit on. He turned his head to check on Rei, not surpirsed to see that
she was already on her way out of the locker room. Then he turned to see
how Asuka was coming along. Asuka was looking at Shinji in a strange way.
She hadn't seen him act so uptight since, well since the last Angel attack,
it had been almost three months. She walked over to him and put her hands
on his shoulders. "Shin-chan whats wrong? Your so tight your shoulders feel
like steel." Shinji just shook his head indicating that he was alright, and
stretched before getting up. As they were walking out of the locker room,
he grabbed her and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "Be careful, I love
you" he whispered, gazing into her green eyes. Asuka smiled and hugged him
a little and then led the way out of the room.

Upstairs three levels Touji, Kensueke, and Hikari sat in a lounge room.
They sat quietly staring ahead waiting for some indication of what was
going on. "Its a good thing Misato loves me, or you guys would be outside
poking that Angel in the toes" Touji said, good naturedly breaking the
silence. "Don't be a dolt, Misato loves me, thats why we're here safe and
sound." shot back a now grinning Kensueke. Hikari just looked back and
forth between the two, bewildered, "You jerks" she shouted looking at
Touji, "We're here in the middle of an attack, with our friends out there
risking their lives and your arguing about who Misato likes best?, You two
are jerks." She finished before storming out of the room, giving the evil
eye to Touji. Two of the three stooges looked at each oher for a moment
before twin sweatdrops appeared on their heads. "You better go and check on
her you idiot" Kensueke said gesturing after Hikari. Touji began to protest
when Kensueke shook his head and pointed forcefully after her. Touji sighed
and got up chasing after the class rep.

Three giant mechs shot through the street and stood facing the oncoming
Angel. It looked strangely out of place here on land, it had webbed feet
and large metallically clawed hands. It had no visible eyes, but had stalks
that stuck up from the head and on top there were two glowing orbs. Shinji
shuddered as he looked at the monstrosity before him. It was disgusting,
its flesh seemed to roll down its body only to be constantly replaced by
more. It stank, he could smell it through the LCL. There!, now he saw the
eyes, they were the globes on the top of the stalks. It didn't look like
any of the Angels he had encountered before. In fact it didn't look like it
belonged on land.

"HEY SHINJI BAKA KUN", Shinji snapped back into reality as Asuka yelled at
him, "Jeez your gonna get killed if you just stand there like that" Shinji
could almost see Asuka's face as she yelled at him, he laughed to himself
softly and responded, "Sorry Asuka, I wasn't paying attention, I knew you'd
wake me up though." He quickly moved his EVA-01 behind a building as the
others did the same. They waited for the Angel to approach, it hadn't seen
them yet. He thought back to the briefing, recalling the plan and his part
in it. "Okay here we go, 1, 2, 3, NOW" Shinji jumped out from behind the
building, prog knife gleaming in the moonlight as it arced down towards the
Angel's underbelly. To his amazement, the Angel flashed a claw down quickly
and threw his EVA away.

Asuka watched in horror from behind her building as EVA-01 flew through the
air and crashed, hard, into a steel and glass office building. Just as she
was about to jump the Angel in pure anger Rei's cool voice came through her
com, "No Asuka, wait and follow the plan, he's okay." Asuka looked over to
Shinji and saw that he was, indeed, fine. He got up again and jumped back
as the Angel came at him. He put up an AT field and gave ground slowly and
grudgingly as the Angel progressed. Asuka watched, twitching in frustration
and anticipation, "Just a little fucking further you dumb piece of shit,
come on now" she muttered slowly waiting for the Angel to get into the
right position. "NOW!" she shouted as she jumped out from behind her cover.
She pulled out her rifle and began to fire at the electiricty ploes above
the monster. Rei, in EVA-00 did the same.

Shinji began to pummel the Angel as his partners shot at the poles.
Suddenly there came a screeching noise, and Shinji jumped EVA-01 away from
the Angel. The poles came down on the Angel electrocuting it, shutting down
its AT field. Shinji turned EVA-01 around and tried to jump at the Angel,
but it reached out with an arm and grabbed him, its claws raking across the
EVA's midsection. Then it brought EVA-01 down hard on its knee and threw it
away. That was all Shinji remembered before the darkness enveloped him.

Touji followed after Hikari quietly, hoping she wouldn't know that he was
behind her. He was startled by how cute she looked when angry. She was
right though, his best friend was up there along with Asuka and Rei, what
they did was vital, but that was how he escaped fear, by joking around.
Anyway he'd have to apologize to her, couldn't have the classrep mad at him
now could he...

Hikari walked angrily ahead of Touji, knowing full well he was following
her. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she was mad at him. He
was a leader and a strong figure. People like Kensuke looked up to him and
here he was in an emergency joking around. Couldn't he be afraid like she
was, couldn't he help her out, console her. "Oh well he's a fucking dummy"
she said to herself, stopping angrily. Touji walked up to her softly, boy
she looked real cute when she was mad. "Ummm, Hikari I'm sorry I didn't
mean to upset you." She nearly dropped in surprise, this was not what she
had expected. "Your such a fucking jerk Touji" she said breaking down in
tears and throwing herself against his chest. "I'm soo scared for them and
for us and for me and your over here making jokes and shit. All i wanted
was for you to help me out a little, make me feel better, can't you ever do
anything like that?" She pulled away from him suddenly and pushed him hard.
"You fucking jerk stop it!!!" He looked at her equally bewildered, "What?"
he asked. She looked at him, "See your doing it again, your making me feel
good around you. I'm supposed to get mad at you, not feel happier when I'm
near you." He looked at her utterly confused, "Hikari what are you trying
to say?" he asked her softly. Hikari thought, she
reached up and kissed him hard on the lips. They stayed that way for a
while and then she pulled away from him and stormed back the way she had
come, hiding her smile from him. "HUH" Touji looked after her for a long
second before shaking his head and following her.

Asuka couldn't remeber what happened, she only knew that now she was
standing, along with EVA-00, around Shinji's EVA. It was sprawled out on
the ground and hadn't moved since the Angel slammed it against his knee.
Shinji wasn't responding either. She had no idea what to do, all she knew
was that Shinji better be alive. "Asuka, we have to get him back to base."
Rei's voice woke Asuka and she agreed silenty. They moved to EVA-01 and
picked it up, between the two of them they managed to somehow half carry,
half drag him back to base. "Hey Wondergirl, what happened to the Angel?"
Asuka asked timidly. "We destroyed it, after it threw him you ripped its
arms off, while I hit it in the mnidsection with the rifle. Then you
stepped on its orb and thats all. Why?, don't you remember?" Rei didn't
respond as they got Shinji and his EVA back down the launch shaft.

Shinji woke up in the hospital, it was night. He stared up at the white
ceiling trying to remember what events had led him there. Soft breathing
nearby disturbed him and he looked over annoyed to see who was there. Asuka
sat in a chair next to his bed, sleeping and snoring softly. It all rushed
back to him suddenly and he remembered. "What day is it?" he muttered to
himself, and I hope Asuka hasn't been here the whole time. Suddenly he felt
very tired, "Must have exerted myself too much." he tought to himself
before falling back asleep. When he woke up next it was morning, daylight
streaming through the windows. Asuka wasn't there anymore. He looked around
the room, wondering how long he had been out this time. "So your finally
awake, you baka hentai, I was worried sick." Asuka stood in the doorway
smiling at him. "So what are you waiting for?" Shinji asked grinnig back at
her. She ran over to the bed and hugged him to her, a little too hard. "Ow,
umm Asuka your hurting me a lot." Shinji rimaced in pain, "Sorry Mr.
Perfect Asuka retorted leting him go, but still smiling at him. A little
while later the nurse came in and checked Shinji out.

It was about 9:30 AM when Shinji woke up, three days after the fight with
the Angel. At about 12:45 the whole crew came to see him. Misato, Touji,
Kensueke, Hikari, even Kaji and Rei were there. They were all glad to see
him awake and about his senses. Misato hugged him and whispered in his ear,
"We're gonna have to talk about what you can do for Asuka, she was here the
whole time." Shinji let out a deep breath, he had anticipated as much. Oh
well, he loved her.

Touji had been trying to catch up with Hikari the whole day. She had
avoided him all together since she kissed him. He was going through mental
torture, trying to decide what it had meant. He had even thought of asking
Asuka for help, but he decided that he wasn't that desperate. Finally, now
that they had gotten Shinji home, and celebrated a little, he had a chance.
He walked next to her, heading for her apartment, wondering what to say.
Finally he just came out with it, "Why'd u kiss me Hikari?" . She looked at
him and laughed at the puzzled expression on his face. "Oh you've been
wondering have you?" She moved closer to him and said "Well I guess I want
you to be mine. I mean Asuka got her guy, and I want the one who I have
been yearning for. I also wanted to mess with your head." she admitted,
blushing slightly and ducking her head. Touji laughed and took her hand.
Finally they came to her apartment, "Well I guess I'll see you later
Hi-...chan?" he looked at her for approval. She shook her head "No you'll
see me now." And she dragged him into her apartment.


Should I stop this series? What do you think? Its probably only been read
by like five people right? HAHAHA. Gimmie a shout out, YA HEARD, HOLLA
BACK. Hit me at A1BOOGZ@AOL.COM. Okay fellaz. This is it for now, school is
starting and I need to work. Later.