Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Object of One's Desire ( Unofficial Sequel) Part 4
by: Al-I-Bus

This is part four of a lemon fanfic written by Drakken Fyre
( This is an unofficial sequel, so he may still
write his own sequels to the lemon. This is not to be read by anyone
under the age of 18 and the characters are not owned by me. This lemon
is not intentioned to be used in anyway, shape, or form, from which I
may benefit financially. On with the story!

Part1: Rei and Shinji fuck, Shinji does not feel completed by Rei, who
points him in Asuka's direction. Asuka and Shinji make love, and they
both feel complete, but is it love or something else?

Part2: Shinji and Asuka find out that they are in love. Bliss grips
them, and they have sex, interrupted by a brief interlude featuring Kaji
and Misato. They decide to keep their relationship a secret in order to
avoid complications with NERV. However....

Part 3: The secret is out as Misato finds out about Shinji and Asuka.
They lie to her to cover it up, but she still has suspicions. On a whim
she decides to eavesdrop on Asuka's room for the night, she is in luck
as she happens to overhear a sexual scene between the two young lovers.
Asuka decides that she needs to get something off of her chest, not
Shinji you baka!, and since Shinji is the person who she loves, then he
won't mind hearing it right?

Part 4:
Asuka's Past and Misato's Jealousy

Chapter 1: Asuka's Past, Shinji's Discovery

Shinji lay next to Asuka, holding her in his arms, listening to her
even, soft breathing. Wow a lot of things happened in about twenty
minutes of talking. He couldn't even begin to guess at how he should
react to what Asuka had just told him. After being cornered by Misato,
Asuka had invited Shinji to her room to "talk". After they finished an
intense and pleasurable "talking" session, Asuka had confessed to Shinji
that she needed to confide in him. She had then proceeded to tell him
about her past. Shinji shook his head as he replayed the scene in his

"Shinji when I was two, I had performed three of Mozarts symphonies,
mastered Calculus and Trigonometry, and finally began to use the potty
like a big girl." Asuka tried a smile as she stared into Shinji's
intense, dark blue eyes and continued. "I had also managed to frighten
my mother to no avail. She hated me," she paused and took a breath
before continuing "I was to mature, I didn't act like a baby should, I
was too much of an adult for her." she lowered her head, and voice "So
she left me. My real mom ran away because she didn't want to be near me.
I was too young to understand anything other than my mom had left
because of me. Then after a year or so my dad got married again. My
step-mom was real nice. She loved me." Shinji reached down a softly
brushed a tear from Asuka's cheek, she looked up at him and smiled in
the fading moonlight. "My father began to hate me though. He hated both
of us, first he began to ignore us slightly, and then he just ignored us
completely. My step-mom was crushed, she didn't know how to react, and
she became suicidal." Asuka faltered for a moment, and then continued,
choking back the sob that threatened to spring from her throat, " 'Your
father doesn't love us anymore' she would say, 'what are we going to do,
dear?' she would say 'Lets die together honey, I'll keep you with me,
dear.' Shin-chan I was four years old, I didn't know what to do, even
being as intelligent as I was. I was ready to do whatever she wanted,
all I knew was that my dad had stopped loving me, my mom had left me,
and my step-mom did love me. She wouldn't try and hurt me would she?"
Asuka's voice broke as she finished the sentence and she clutched at
Shinji and cried into his chest for a few moments. " I was ready to let
her take me. I didn't know what else there was that I could possibly do,
so I wanted to give in, I didn't want to be alone. But then one night I
had a dream. It was simply a flash of a face, almost as brief as a flash
of lightning. But in that one instant I knew that I would have to live
my life for that person." Asuka looked up at Shinji and smiled, her face
brightening a little, her green eyes dancing. "Shinji, I fought against
my step-mom, I didn't want to die ' I'm not your doll, I'll make my own
decisions, I'll live my own life, on my own' thats what I said to her.
She looked at me and smiled, she was happy then. The next I saw of her
was a body hanging from a rope attatched to the ceiling. Then I was
really alone." outside the moon completed setting, and in the far
horizon one could barely make out the first of the sun's rays carressing
the inky blackness that had seized the night. "It was tough Shinji,
always being alone. No one really loved me, I had a few friends, but
they were always in awe of my brain, and of course my beauty." she shot
Shinji a shaky smile before going on, outside the sun rose even more, "
but that dream came to me whenever I felt most down. Whenever I felt
like giving up I dreamt of the flashing face, and got through." the sun
was one fourth of the way into the sky now, and the night sky began to
brighten. " Shinji, it was your face I dreamt of, well not as you are
now, but a little older. You saved me. I lived my entire life for you,
and realized it when I saw you. Thats why I picked on you so much, I
couldn't help it and I was afraid taht I'd mess up. So I did what came
naturally. And now I got you to fall in love with me, everything is
perfect," she gestured to the window, " your my sun, and our time
together is not even a quarter of the way over." Shinji looked deep
into her eyes, and then grabbed her against him. " Asuka, I love you, I
can't let you go, I'll always be there for you, I'll never get afraid
and run, I'll be here for you always. It's destiny that put us together,
and even if it weren't I'd have found you and loved you anyway." Asuka
smiled upon hearing Shinji utter those reassuring words. She rested her
head aginst his shoulder, and closed her eyes. In a moment or two she
was sleeping soundly, a great weight lifted off of her shoulders.

Shinji shook his head, returning to reality. Now he was closer than ever
before with Asuka. He was happy, but he also realized that he had a great
responsibility to fulfill now. He had to live up to her whole life's
expectations. To his great joy he felt up to the challenge. He was about to
drift off to sleep, when a thought strayed through his head. "Misato
doesn't know about us yet, and I am going to be found asleep in Asuka's
room." He started awake, and gently lifted Asuka off of his shoulder, then
he crept to the door of Asuka's room. He tiptoed out into the living room
and was shocked to see Misato laying there asleep, not shocked to see two
finished sixpacks of Yebisu, but doubly shocked to see her on the couch in
her panties. "And on top of that it looked like she was playing with
herself last night," Shinji noted to himself, as he saw a dark spot at the
front of her panties. He also noticed a strong musky odor eminating from
the living room, the same smell that Asuka's sex gave off when excited."
Even though he should have been desensitised to such scenes due to his
interludes with Asuka, Shinji felt his dick begin to harden. He ran into
the bathroom to quickly relieve the pressure so he could go back to sleep
with Asuka. It was 6:13 AM, Misato would be out until at least 1:30 PM,
judging from the amount of beer she had last night, plenty of time to

Chapter 2: Someone Feels Left Out.

Misato was dreaming. She was walking next to Shinji and Asuka through NERV
headquarters. As they exited Central Dogma, Misato looked up, shocked to
see that her two companions had doubled in size. After a few more steps
they had nearly tripled in size, becoming as large as the EVA units they
piloted. "Hey guys, Help!" Misato called out. Shinji and Asuka stopped and
looked around as if they had heard a voice from somewhere. "Did you hear
something Shinji?" a bewildered Asuka asked, "not a thing Asuka." responded
Shinji. Suddenly a bed materialized out of nowhere, and Shinji forced Asuka
down onto it. Unfortuantely, neither realized that Misato was on the bed
below them. She screamed and threw up her hands trying to ward off the
inevitable when...!!!

THUD!!! Misato landed on the floor hard. She shook her head, and
immediately regretted doing so, as wave after wave of pain rushed into her
brain. Slowly the previous night's events came back into her mind, and she
felt the jealousy, that had caused her to indulge in two six packs of beer
last night, return. Shinji and Asuka were not only in love, but they were
fucking! She felt very left out of the equation, but why? "I'm too old for
Shinji and Asuka is a girl, so what is the big deal?", she wondered as she
picked herself gingerly off of the living room floor. Misato stretched and
yawned before looking at the clock in the living room, 1:30 PM. Good thing
it was a holiday today. She needed to recover before going back to Nerv.

Misato made her way to the bathroom to take a shower and clear her head,
but, much to her dismay, it was occupied. "Knock, Knock, hurry up,
whoever's in there" she called out, again reaching up to her head squeezing
against the pain. "Okay, Okay, keep your shirt on," Asuka replied, removing
her fingers from her crotch, and concentrating on finishing her shower.
Misato went back into the living room to wait for Asuka to finish and she
turned on the TV. Shinji walked in a minute later and sat down on the
couch. "Hey Shinji, whats up?" Misato asked trying to act normal. "The sky"
Shinji said looking down at the floor, "when do you plan on getting rid of
these Yebisu cans?" he asked, a smile lighting up his face. "What?" Misato
said, smiling herself, "if I wasn't so hung over right now I'd, I'd" then
she jumped on Shinji and started to tickle him, putting him in a headlock
and giving him a noogie. Shinji laughed and struggled for a moment, then
stoped when he realized how close he was to Misato's, well you know. Misato
noticed at the same time, but before she could do anything she tasted sour
bile rushing up her throat. "Ugh, Misato thats sick" Shinji exclaimed while
scrambling away from her. Misato was bent over at the waist dumping all of
the beer she drank last night, onto the table and rug in the living room.
"Well at least I feel a little better" she replied, smiling meekly. "Okay
Misato its all yours, erk!" Asuka stopped short as she walked into the
living room, then she turned and went into the kitchen to get the mop.

Ten minutes later Misato sank into the warm bath water and sighed. "Boy
that was nasty" she said to herself as the warm waters rushed up over her
breasts and all the way up to her chin. "I'll take them out to eat for
cleaning it up" she muttered.

As Misato was sinking into the tub, Shinji was sinking his tounge into the
treasure between Asuka's legs. "MMMM, Oh Shinji Yesssssss, ugh oh oh yeah,
" Asuka could barely breath as Shinji used his tounge to lick every crevice
in her sex. She couldn't believe how great it felt, it had been a while
since he had done this. Shinji held her legs apart and attacked Asuka's
sex. He licked her outer lips causing the lovely redhead to tremble with
pleasure. Once he was satisfied there he moved a hand down to Asuka's pussy
and spread her lips. Now he slid his tounge into her, using his tounge like
a dick. Everytime he shoved his tounge into Asuka, Shinji's nose brushed
against her clitoris, causing sparks of electricity to shoot up all over
her body. In addition to this, Asuka was stimulating herself by rubbing her
own breasts, paying special attention to her nipples. Misato slowly drew
herself out of the tub and reached for her towel, she cocked her head to
one side suddenly and listened intently to something. "Umm, oooh yeah, unh
huhm Shinji I'm gonna cum." Misato felt those same pangs of jealousy that
struck her last night shoot through her body again. She really needed help,
just because her Shin-kun was having fun with her Asu-chan didn't mean that
they didn't like her. "Oh well, I'll just go see Kaji" she thought to
herself. Asuka held Shinji's head deep between her legs until she finished
cumming and then allowed him to lift his head. Her juices were smeared all
over his face and Asuka laughed at the site. He turned red and ran into his
room to clean up before Misato caught them.

After making sure that they had finished in there, Misato headed out of the
bathroom. She didn't know why she felt jealous, but she knew she did. She
kept turning the same thoughts over in her mind as she dressed and then
joined Shinji and Asuka in the kitchen for breakfast. She sat at the table
and watched them closely. She noticed that they avoided each others gazes
when she was in the room, and this troubled her further. Finally she
couldn't take it anylonger. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go out ok," Misato stated,
trying desperately to keep the pain she felt out of her voice, "No Mi-chan,
stay and hang out with us today, we can go out and shop or something."
Asuka protested, hoping to include Misato into their activities. When she
heard how Asuka felt it necessary to invite her into join, Misato felt like
a extra wheel. She couldn't take it anymore. Shinji looked up shocked to
see Misato crying. Asuka looked exactly the same way. "What's wrong
Misato?" asked a compassionate Shinji. She just shook her head, and left
the kitchen, heading back for her room. Shinji looked at Asuka, who
shrugged and then chased after Misato. "Knock, Knock, Misato can I come
in?", Asuka opened the door to Misato's room without waiting for an answer.
She sat on the bed and hugged Misato close to her, it looked like an almost
comical scene, a nearly thirty year old woman, being held close by a
fourteen year old child. Misato's heart poured out at that moment to Asuka,
"Asuka I love you and Shinj, your like family to me, and I'm happy that you
two found each other and care for each other. I'm happy that you can trust
each other enough to do everything together, but I'm also a little jealous.
I'm don't want him sexually or anything, but I miss my little Shin-Kun. He
was my baby brother for a while before you moved in, and he was still close
to me after you did, but recently not only have I lost him to you, but I've
also lost you to him. I feel like an extra wheel or something, and I don't
want to interfere. See now I'm going around in circles, I wanna be in this
family type unit, but I don't want to force myself into it. I don't
understand myself right now, I'm sorry Asuka." Asuka simply held Misato
against her for sometime before speaking. "Misato we both love you." Misato
looked up hopefully at that, her sobbing letting off a little, "You are
like a big sister to me, and I know that Shinji has found countless amounts
of security and compassion in you, more than he has probably found in me.
We couldn't hurt you intentionally and we're just empty-headed kids. We
were afraid that you'd frown upon us being together, thats why we hid it
from you. But we won't anymore. I love you Misato, and I love Shinji. Me
and Shinji have indulged ourselves in, umm, well, you know." Misato just
looked up and smiled as Asuka turned bright red. She hugged her closely and
whispered, "thanks Asuka, it feels good to hear you trust me. And don't
worry about anything between you two, just make sure he does the right
stuff when you guys, well you know what I mean." The couple shared a good
laugh on the bed, and Misato started to get another headache. So Asuka left
her to get some sleep. "Hey Baka! Asuka called out to Shinji as she emerged
from Misato's room. "We've got a plan for tonight, so you better get over
here and let me do you cuz we're not gonna get to have fun tonight. Shinji
looked at her slyly for a moment before muttering " what makes you think I
wanted to do you tonight anyway?" Asuka threw a pillow at him and jumped on
top of him, forcing him down onto the couch.

Asuka pinned Shinji to the couch with her arms, while locking lips with
him. They explored the insides of each others mouths, their tounges
intertwining in an erotic dance. Asuka broke from the kiss first, licking
around Shinji's face to his ear, where she suckled and nibbled on his lobe.
Shniji moaned into Asuka's neck as he tried his best to return the favor.
Shinji then decided to take control of the situation, he pulled Asuka away
from him gently and lay her on the couch. He removed the shirt she had on
and proceeded to attack her breasts with his mouth. First he used his
tounge to flick each nipple softly. Asuka moaned loudly each time his
tounge made contact, smal sparks of pleasure shooting across her body. Then
Shinji inhaled as much of one of Asuka's breasts as he could. He milked the
nipple with his mouth, using teeth to tweak and pull on it, while playing
with her other breast with his fingers. Asuka tensed up as she felt an
orgasm threaten to overwhelm her, but somehow she held on to the edge of
that cliff. Shinji now switched breasts using his tounge to get the nipple
to harden. Asuka's red hair began to stick to her body as she sweated from
the warm feelings spreading throughout her. Shinji, finally satisfied with
his upper body work, licked down the rest of her body, pausing only to
tickle Asuka when he got to her navel. Then he came to her sex, he slid her
wet panties away from her clutching lips, and stared at the site before
him. It was practically dripping with anitcipation. He firgured she would
cum soon, so he directed all of his attention to Asuka's clit, treating it
the same way he had treated her nipples. First teasing it with his tounge,
then using his teeth to tweak it violently. Asuka felt the repressed sexual
energy building up inside of her, focusing on her pussy, and then, without
even a moan of warning, she exploded, climaxing violently on Shinji's face.
Her mouth was locked in an open position as a noiseless scream of passion
escaped her throat. She came again in Shinji's mouth drenching his face
with her girlcum. As soon as she recovered she sat up and kissed Shinji,
tasting herself on his lips and inside his mouth. As she pressed her naked
body against Shinji, she felt his dick press through her boxers against her
thigh. She reached down and grasped his member and began to stroke him
through his boxers. he thought, before pleasure
gripped his lower body. Within moments Asuka had Shinji at the verge of
cumming. He started nto buck his hips up at Asuka's hand evrytime she
brought it down, increasing the pleasure for him immensly. Just as he was
about to cum Asuka stopped her hand motions. She stood Shinji up and pulled
his boxers off. " Maybe I should just blue ball you since you don't, 'want
me tonight anyway'," Asuka said, grinnning with a mischevious glint in her
eyes. Shinji's jaw dropped and he tried to stammer out a comeback " But,
but, uhm, well, oh, but" Asuka broke out laughing at Shinji's puzzled look,
then she pushed him onto the couch and impaled herself on his member.
Slowly she slid up and then down on his throbbing dick. Once they got into
a rhythm Shinji reached up and began to play with her nipples, trying
desperately to get her off before he came. Asuka threw her head back as she
rode closing her eyes and holding on for dear life. As the sensations began
to build up, Shinji started to thrust his hips up at Asuka when she came
down, getting all of him into her. Asuka saw stars as she felt the tip of
Shinji's dick brush against her g-spot at the back of her pussy. She began
to cum, her tight walls clutching reflexively at Shinji's dick. She
drenched the two of them at the waist and as they continued their hips made
a wet slappping noise as they came together. Asuka bent forward at the
waist while still riding him and kissed Shinji. As their tounges battled
once again, Shinji dumped his essence dep into Asuka. She gasped as she
felt her insides fill with her lover. He shot load after load of sticky
white semen into her, Asuka rode him until he was finished and then
collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily. "Your so fucking good Shinji,"
she muttered before falling asleep on his chest.

Shinji was about to pass into the dream land when he heard the doorbell
ring. He jumped up, knocking Asuka on the floor and pulled his boxers up as
quickly as he could. He half pulled, half dragged Asuka to her room, and
then ran to get the door. Hikari and Touji stood staring in at him through
the half open door. "Whats up guys?" Shinji asked nervously. Touji and
Hikari exchanged knowing smiles before pushing past Shinji into the living
room. "Ha, we caught you red handed" Hikari exclaimed observing the room
and noting the strong smell of sex. Shinji turned bright red as Touji fell
onto the couch with laughter, he jumped up immediately. "Here's where they
did it" he said wiping some of Asuka's juice off of his back. Hikari
proceeded to Asuka's room while Touji slapped Shinji violently on the back.
In Asuka's room Hikari jumped on her half concsious friend. "Shinji not
again I'm tired," muttered Asuka. Hikari started laughing when she heard
this and then couldn't contain herself anymore, she burst out into a loud
fit of giggles, running out of the room. Asuka woke up suddenly and chased
after her. In the living room Asuka and Shinji lowered their heads
embarrasedly while Touji and Hikari made fun of them. Once they had
finished the couple turned and left the apartment. "Remember we do have
school in a couple of days so you two better start getting sleep." Hikari
said as she left. "What about you two?" Asuka asked, "don't think you can
fool me, I know somethings up." Hikari and Touji looked at each other again
and simply laughed it off as they left.

Later that day a lonely Misato woke up feeling entirely refreshed. She
stretched and got up slowly wondering where everyone was. It was now 5:00
PM and she had slept the whole day away. she
thought to herself as she began to dress. She opened her door and looked
around for the usual signs of life in her apartment, fighting, moaning, or
eating. She heard and saw nothing, not even Pen-Pen bothered her for food.
She shrugged and headed into the kitchen where she found a note tacked to
the wall.

Misato, Shinji and I went out to the store cuz there is nuttin ta eat.
We'll be back in a while okay?
The beautiful and brilliant
S. Asuka Langley

Misato smiled and then proceeded into the living room hoping somehting
would be on TV. She turned on the lioght and then nearly dropped in
surprise. A banner hung across the cieling and a table was full of beer and
chips and the like. The banner read "Cuz your appreciated Mi-Chan", but
what caught her attention most of all, was the throng of people who all
shouted out at once, "SURPRISE!". Almost everyone from NERV was there, with
the exception of Commander Ikari and his second in command. Even Rei was
there, her school uniform on of course. Then the party began. Hours later
the only two left in the apartment where Misato and Kaji. Well there is no
need to describe what happened is there?! I mean use you

What did you think? I like this one. It was tough to write because I didn't
know exactly what to do between the crying session and the party, so of
course I filled it with gratuitous sex. Look out for my next installment,
"The Rep and the Rebel" Comments at Good or bad I don't
care. Read this where its posted and if you want the other parts E-Mail me.
Yeha man. Later