Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ My God, My Lover. ❯ Part.1. ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I don't own NGE.

Warnings: Shounen ai, yaoi, all that good stuff you've come looking for. If not, what are you doing here? Some pillow talk, but nothing hardcore.

Purple Mist: I would like to dedicate this fanfic and all my NGE fics in the future to my supporters. Thank you all! ^_^!

Ikari Shinji, the dutiful caretaker of the shrine to the ancient god of Free Will, scrubbed the white marble steps as the two mikas within, Asuka and Lady Rei, offered prayers and offerings to their heavenly lord collected from the local villagers in the grand city below the hill where the temple was built. The day was warm, but with the cool marble under his body, wearing a light woven tunic with tan shorts, and with the casual cool breeze Shinji wasn't bothered at all. Actually, nothing seemed to bother him as he stood in the presence of his god of Free Will. He tossed fresh water down the steps of the shrine, washing away the dirty soap. Wiping his hands dry on his shorts Shinji entered the shrine's garden to collect a bouquet of flowers as an offering to the god of Free Will and hopefully please his lord with his poor man's offering. Shinji had been an orphan for as long as he could remember and the kind mika Rei had offered him a job as care taker for the shrine. It paid well, but not enough so that he could offer his god of Free Will anything, but flowers everyday. But Shinji was happy enough.

Inside, the shrine appointed mika Asuka grumbled under her breath after she and Lady Rei finished with their duties.

" Something troubles you, Asuka, " Rei stated.

" Yes, " Asuka hissed at the ivory skinned girl, " For then years I've dedicated my life to this god of Free Will all for a promise of use of his powers and what is there to reward me? Nothing, but long days of boredom! "

" I forget our lord of Free Will shall only grant his powers to those who are worthy. Or have been given his blessings, " Rei replied between her prayers.

" I am worthy! " Asuka scowled, " I've given him ten years of my life! I've stayed a maiden for him as we are told! I'm worthy more then anyone else! Why, I'm…. " Asuka stopped herself for a moment to think of another reason and saw Shinji in the corner of her eyes entering the shrine with flowers. The boy looked up at the two mikas and approached the altar when Lady Rei gave him a smile. The red head huffed to herself. What a poor excuse for an offering to a powerful god. Asuka continued, " Why, I'm more worthy to be given Lord Kaworu's power then that shrine care taker with his poor man's offering! "

" Be silent! " Rei hissed, " You don't have the right to utter our lord's heaven given name! "

Asuka scowled at Shinji as he approached the altar of the god of Free Will and placed the flowers at the base along with the rich jeweled gifts and expensive incenses. " I hope you'll enjoy these flowers, my lord, " Shinji prayed.

Asuka huffed, " What need does our lord have with weeds? "

" Actually, Asuka, " Rei spoke up, " Shinji, if anyone, has been more devoted to our lord then you will ever could be. He tends to the shrine long after we are gone and never complains or asks for more then he deserves. " She added with a smile, " And he always offers our lord of Free Will the flowers he loves most. Roses, "

Shinji blushed from the mika's praise. Asuka scowled, but inside she grew concerned. What her fellow mika said was true, even if the red head didn't want to admit it out loud. Shinji had done more service to their lord then she had. If for some unlikely reason or another, he might be granted the god's power instead of her!

' Imagine a worthless, penniless peasant granted the powers of a god instead of a grand mika like myself? There must be a way to ensure this won't happen, ' Asuka thought, ' Perhaps if I did a little research about the ancient gods I might find a way to be granted the god of Free Will's powers. '

* - * - *

Later that night as the rest of the world slept, Asuka had found her short cut to be given a god's powers in an old text kept under lock and key. It was written that when a god was offered a virgin sacrifice up the desired god's altar, the god was inclined to grant their powers.

" And who better to sacrifice then that care taker boy? No one will miss him with the boy having no family in the city. They say the god of Free Will's powers are at their peek on nights with full moons and that is tomorrow night, " Asuka chuckled to herself. Closing the book the red head snuck out of the temple and into the garden. The she cut several herbs that would bring a body into a deep sleep if ingested.

* - * - *

Nagasi Kaworu, the god of Free Will, watched with sharp eyes everything that the night hid from man in his viewing pool, as he liked to keep an eye on the mortal world and those who worshipped him. What he had seen and heard earlier had bluntly pissed him off.

' So, ' he thought, ' That mika of mine who taints my temple with her selfish thoughts wishes harm upon my dear Shinji, does she? I was going to wait till he turned sixteen before I finally visited him, but it seems I must do so a year early. '

Kaworu waved his pale hand over the water's surface and focused it upon the sleeping face of the human boy he had fallen in love with from the first day Shinji had become his shrine's care taker when he was just a young boy. His innocence and kind hearted-ness had attracted the ancient god's curiosity. Shinji would talk to Kaworu, telling him almost everything he thought or was feeling because he really didn't have anyone else to talk to and Shinji like having someone he could tell his secrets without being afraid of being judged or betrayed. As a young boy Kaworu grew fond of him, his fondness growing into love over the years as Shinji matured into a beautiful young man still carrying his pure heart. Kaworu looked forward to Shinji's visits inside his temple where he would sometimes descend onto Earth to be around him. Sometimes the silver haired god even reached out to touch Shinji. The dark haired boy would look up and around to see if anyone was there. Kaworu was even tempted at times to kiss Shinji's perfect chaste lips, but he always held back incase he might frighten Shinji away. In the realm of the ancient gods it wasn't unheard of for one of them to have a mortal lover and Kaworu at anytime could have just taken the boy if he wished, but he never did. He wanted Shinji to love him in return. Tomorrow night Kaworu had a chance.

* - * - *

Shinji looked up at the full moon. It glowed in the night sky like a huge, perfect pearl.

" I wonder if you're out and about on Earth, my lord? " Shinji asked his god of Free Will. He looked behind him when he heard someone approaching. It was the mika Asuka. She held up a flask of wine with two mugs and smiled kindly at him.

" I'm sorry for what I had said yesterday. It was cruel. I had a headache and wanted to retire right away, but I had to finish my prayers. Lashing out my frustrations at you was childish. I hope you can forgive me, Shinji, " Asuka said humbly, " If it means anything, I think what Lady Rei said about you is true. "

" My lady, I'm honored, " Shinji replied with a smile, " And I accept your apologies, "

" Come, let us drink to our lord and to each other's health, " Asuka said, shaking in the flask.

" Sure, " Shinji smiled. Asuka filled his mug to the rim. With a toast the red head only pretended to drink her wine as Shinji drained his for he was thirsty and it wasn't everyday the boy had access to fine wine.

" That… tasted odd…. " Shinji replied as he tongued his mouth as the strange after taste, " Kinds like h- " Asuka watched Shinji collapse onto the ground. Tossing her flask and mug away, she motioned to her hired men to carry the boy into the temple and lay him upon the altar.

" Here's what I promised for your services and silence, " she said handing them their gold.

" Pleasure doing business with yer, Priestess, " one said and the two left.

Asuka approached the altar where Shinji now slept a peaceful drugged sleep. But only for a short time so she had to act fast. She withdrew a knife from her robes. Setting it on his chest, the mika went about preparing the shrine for the sacrifice. Torches were lit and incense burned. Now everything was perfect. Asuka picked up her knife and held it above the sleeping Shinji.

" God of Free Will, I your mika, offer you this virgin in return for use of your powers, ' she declared. Just as Asuka was about to strike, singing outside the shrine stopped her. Asuka froze as Lady Rei and hundreds of followers entered the temple carrying flowers and playing instruments.

" What? " the red head gapped.

" It seems you have forgotten a section of the rites of this sacrifice, Asuka. You need witness of the villagers and of your fellow mika, " Rei said coolly.

" You…" Asuka hissed in a low voice as the girl approached her, " How did you know? "

" I have my ways, " Rei replied, " Now, will you carry out this unholy act of yours or will the villagers know you planned to call forth their god in secret? "

" Once I get our god's powers, I will make you pay, " Asuka hissed.

Rei looked over her shoulder and a smile spread over her ivory shinned face. Behind her the villagers gasped and dropped to their knees, lowering their eyes. Lady Rei dropped to one knee slowly in a show of respect as Asuka turned around. There, standing besides the altar, stood the heavenly being Lord Nagsi Kaworu, incased with a glowing light. Asuka gasped and quickly dropped to her knee.

" You may rise, my mikas, " Kaworu's voice spoke to them alone. Lady Rei and Asuka rose.

" Who has given me this human offering? " Kaworu asked, placing a hand on Shinji's chest, feeling it rise and fall and the boy's heart beating strong within.

" I have, my lord, " Asuka replied, almost excitedly.

Kaworu frowned. She dared to admit this blasphemy with excitement in her eyes? That she would take a human life for her own purposes even after facing her god? It seems she had forgotten her teachings in her ambition for power. " I see, " he said, ' I will deal with her later. '

The silver haired god looked down at his love's sleeping face. Shinji gave a small noise as he stirred and slowly blinked open his eyes. Sitting up, Shinji shielded his eyes at the light. Morning already? A warm hand cupped his cheek. Shinji blinked and lowered his arm. The smiling face of a glowing young man met his and Shinji gasped.

" W-who are you? " He asked.

" Do you knot know me, Shinji? " Kaworu whispered.

The dark haired boy looked around himself. He saw the villagers kneeling before the altar, the two mikas, and a ceremony's décor about the temple and looked back at the being besides him.

" You're…. You're…. "

" Yes. I am Nagsi Kaworu, the god of Free Will, " the silver haired being replied. Shinji quickly dropped his eyes in respect. Kaworu chuckled and lifted his chin up with gentle fingers. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the boy's lips. Shinji's eyes widened for a moment before he leaned into it. He felt the other trace his lips with his tongue and parted them, not wanting to deny Kaworu anything because he was his lord, but also the kiss felt so nice.

" Wha-what is he doing? " Asuka chocked.

Lady Rei smiled coolly at her, " Why, my lord is kissing his offered virgin, "

" But I thought… the book said…" Asuka stuttered, confused. The crimson-eyed mika chuckled, " Over a period of time, things have been forgotten about the ways of the gods and their mikas with the knowledge kept under lock and key. Indeed there were virgin sacrifices when one needed the god's powers in times of need, but it was the mikas who were offered, "

Asuka paled. She was the to one die instead? Rei continued, " When a virgin sacrifice was offered to a god, it was a priestess or priest, depending on the god, offering their virtue to their god in return for the use of their powers. So because of your selfish ambition, Shinji has become Lord Kaworu's male mika and will receive his powers, "

" What? " Asuka shrieked, " How do you know all of this? "

" Because I am my lord's messenger on Earth. I was told to watch over Shinji-sama for my lord, " Lady Rei replied, " You see, Lord Kaworu had chosen Shinji-sama the moment he saw the boy. "

Kaworu pulled away from his Shinji's lips. The boy's cheeks were flushed, " Sometimes in the temple… I felt as if someone was watching me. Was it you? " Shinji asked.

The silver haired god smiled at his soon to be lover and future male mika, " Yes, ai. I've waited a long for this. "

" But why a nobody like me? " Shinji asked.

" I am a being of my heart, Shinji-koi, " Kaworu replied, resting his forehead against his, " As my lady Rei said before, I have chosen you to receive my powers to benefit mankind because I know you will use them wisely and furthermore, because I love you. "

Shinji lowered his eyes. He was flattered that his lord of Free Will thought so highly of him and showing an open interest in a mortal like him as a lover, but it was all a little overwhelming for the former care taker of the shrine.

" I don't know what to say, " he said softly.

" Say that you'll have me, " Kaworu whispered, caressing his soft cheek fondly. Shinji looked up into those deep crimson eyes and nodded while blushing faintly. Kaworu smiled, " Good. Now, as much as I'm tempted to take up on your unintended off of giving yourself to me right here and now, I think something as intimate as this demands privacy. "

Shinji's blush deepened making the crimson-eyed god of Free Will chuckle. Kaworu lifted the brunette into his arms and turned to his loyal mika, " Lady Rei, I will trust you to take care of things here while Shinji undergoes receiving full use of my powers for the benefit of mankind and then you may return to my domain. "

Lady Rei nodded with her own satisfied smile and gave the god a bow, " Of course, my lord. "

Kaworu nodded and vanished in a flash of light. Lady Rei turned to the villagers and dismissed them. Several women approached her with offerings of flowers for the new young male mika, Ikari Shinji-sama.

" Our blessings are with Shinji-sama and we pray he'll receive our god's blessing with care, " a woman said. Lady Rei. If only they had been able to hear what her lord had planned for the boy, a blush would appear on all their faces.

" Thank you. I will see that Shinji-sama receives them, " the mika replied. Turning to the former mika, Lady Rei's smile faded. She approached the girl and said very calmly, even though she wanted to hurt her for Asuka's selfishness, " Asuka, by my lord's will you are banished from his temple and the surrounding land. Now get out of here and never return. "

" Fine! " Asuka hissed, " But I swear I shall be avenged for all of this! "

" Get out of here before I cut out your tongue, " Lady Rei hissed. The red head's eyes narrowed and she stormed out of the temple. Lady Rei shook her head and wondered for a moment if she should kill the girl to ensure that she wouldn't cause any problems for Lord Kaworu or Shinji-sama as she went about removing the decorations and snuffed out the incense. New mikas would have to be appointed as well as a new caretaker, but all of that could wait for the morning, Rei mused.

* - * - *

Shinji looked around himself. One moment he was in the temple in the arms of his soon to be lover, the next he was laying on a bed, staring up a ceiling in what had be a palace. He was alone. Setting up, the brunette found himself on the richest four poster bed he head ever seen with deep crème and sapphire, silk sheets with many Asian printed pillows. Large silk pillows of the same colors were perched over by a large window that over looked a grand, exotic garden with the full moon shinning down over the grounds.

A door opened and four lovely women servants wearing robes similar to Lady Rei's entered the room led by the mika herself. The crimson eyes woman was no longer wearing her mika robes, but ones of richer quality that displayed her position.

" Lady Rei, what's going on? Where's Kaworu-sama? " Shinji asked.

Rei smiled, " You two will have your hour soon enough, but first, as our lord's consort, you must be fully prepared with a little pampering to help you relax with a small feast and a full body massage at Lord Kaworu's request. "

" C-consort? " Shinji said, " But I thought… "

" To the people of the village you're their lord's male mika, but here among the god's realm, you're recognized as Lord Kaworu's consort, " Lady Rei smiled with a wink, " Come. It pays to have a god for a lover, you'll see. "

Shinji blushed again and followed the lady into another room that turned out to be a large, rich bath made with white marble and gold as far as the brunette could figure. It was huge like the public baths in the village, but this one was much finger and all his. The four servant girls served Shinji his meal first, but the brunette declined the offered wine. Lady Rei chuckled, understandable and ordered for him tea instead. After the meal the four servants whisked Shinji over to the large bath. The boy blushed and protested that he could undress himself as the ladies removed his clothing, lowered him into the bath, and began to wash him.

" I think I can handle this on my own, " Shinji spoke up, not used to such attention.

" But, Shinji-sama, it is our duty, " one replied, who was washing his hair. She smiled, " Besides, you're rather lovely, so we don't mind. "

" Well… okay, " Shinji replied, slowly starting to relax as the lady's fingers massaged his head while gently scrubbing his scalp.

" Look at this boy's fingers, " another tisked, " One shouldn't scrub floors with delicate hands such as these. "

" Or such slender hips, " a third girl giggled.

" Ladies, focus on your duties, " Lady Rei said, hiding her smiled as she watched her friend blush again. She had never seen anyone blush so much, but then Shinji was a little modest and shy having lived most of his life alone, but the lady hoped her lord's love and passion would change all that.

After Shinji was left alone to soak in the hot water for a while, he was next laid over a couple of large pillows away from the bath. The servant who had washed his hair, Fuji was the name that she told Shinji to call her when he asked, rubbed a light rose floral scented massage oil onto her hands and started on his shoulders to the boy's full body massage.

" Is that too hard, Shinji-sama, " Fuji asked.

" No, it feels wonderful, Fuji, " Shinji replied with a smile and asked, " Fuji-san, how long have you served Kaworu-sama? "

" For as long as I can remember, " Fuji replied, " Lord Kaworu is fair and has always treated me with absolute kindness. "

" I'm a little nervous about what's going to happen to me, " Shinji admitted, " I've never kissed anyone before today and now I'm a god's consort…. Has he had many before me? "

" No. If I may be so bold, I think my lord was waiting for a special someone, " Fuji said, "And that is you, Shinji-sama. You'll be treated as more then just his consort, but his soul mate. "

Shinji smiled. Well, if Kaworu really cared that much about him the brunette knew he would be happy. From just the few moments he had been around Kaworu, he had never felt so comfortable around another being and being allowed to relax and let all of this soak in Shinji also knew inside that Kaworu wasn't the sort of someone who only thought about their needs. The crimson-eyed god was just the sort of someone the brunette knew he could love.

" I think I'm going to like being Kaworu's consort and soul mate, " Shinji murmured lazily under Fuji's skilled hand. Fuji smiled. Glancing over her shoulder when sensing the door behind her opening, the woman was greeted by her lord with one of his kind smiles. Kaworu walked silently up to her. Fuji bowed with her head and moved aside so he could take over and left to leave her lord and his consort to their privacy.

Kaworu smiled down at his soon to be lover. He had anticipated on taking over in giving the boy his full body massage before making lover to him and had dressed only in a pair of dark pants. He straddled Shinji's knees, applied the massage oil to his hands, and continued the brunette's full body massage. The crimson-eyed god enjoyed caressing Shinji's soft, warm skin under his pale hands. Even more enjoyable were Shinji's little noises of pleasure that went straight to the god's groin. Kaworu moved down, massaging Shinji's slender legs and hips, memorizing his lover's body. Sitting back Kaworu slide his hand under the towel and grasped the boy's firm ass. Shinji blushed, wondering if this was part of the full body massage? He gave a low moan feeling his cheeks being spread and a slender finger rub its tip against his pucker. Shinji looked over his shoulder and gasped as he saw it was Kaworu instead of Fuji. Kaworu flashed in a sultry smile and continued to tease his sensitive pucker. Kaworu felt his arousal throb as he took in the sight of Shinji ears and cheeks flushed, the boy panting as he arched into his teasing touch.

" Mmm, you have no idea how positively delicious you look right now, Shinji, " Kaworu purred.

Shinji could only moan as the god worked his fingers in deeper, massaging them in and out. He gave a cry of protest when the fingers were removed. Kaworu chuckled and pulled Shinji for a kiss. The brunette sighed into the kiss, burying his fingers into the other's soft hair as they deepened the kiss. Kaworu broke the kiss, only to attack Shinji's neck with his lips, wrapping his arms around the boy's slender waist and pulled him closer.

" I think we'd be more comfortable on a bed, ne? " Kaworu asked.

Shinji nodded and was once again lifted into his lord's arms. The towel was discarded and Kaworu carried his love naked back to his room. Shinji felt his heart race more with every step closer to the door. Back in the crème and sapphire room, Kaworu locked Shinji into another kiss as he lowered the boy onto the bed. Standing up, Kaworu unlaced the front of his pants and allowed them to drop onto the floor. He crawled over to Shinji and kissed him, lining their bodies together. Shinji moaned as Kaworu trailed his lips down his neck, licking at the skin.

" Will you ready me, love? " Kaworu asked, suckling on a pink nipple.

" H-how? " Shinji gasped as the gentle, teasing caress made his toes curl.

Kaworu smiled, delighted that the boy was willing to try new things and whispered again in the brunette's ear. Shinji blushed, but he nodded. Sitting back on his knees Kaworu watched with utter delight and pleasure as Shinji lowered his face to his cock. He gave a low moan as the boy took an experimental lick first and then slowly took Kaworu's length into his mouth. The silver haired god arched his back, catching his breath as his unskilled, but eager lover started to bob his head up and down in his lap as he got used to the act. Kaworu groaned and reached out to finger Shinji's pucker he was soon going to invade. The brunette's moans vibrated around his length adding to Kaworu's pleasure. Before e had a chance to cum in Shinji's mouth, the god pulled the boy up for a kiss and pushed him back onto his back. Hooking Shinji's legs over his shoulders, Kaworu worked his tongue inside to help lube the boy. Cries of pleasure spilled from the brunette's lips as he writhered about on the bed as the hot, wet muscle caressed his inside. Removing his tongue, Kaworu lowered the boy's pink ring to the tip of his cock.

" Forgive me, Shinji, if I cause you any discomfort, " Kaworu whispered before locking him into a kiss and swiftly pushed himself inside. Shinji gave a small cry at the little pain he felt. A few tears gathered at the corners of his sapphire eyes, knowing that his first time would hurt a little. Kaworu kissed the tears away. " Gomen, ai, " Kaworu whispered as he kissed the boy, " I'm sorry."

Shinji shook his head, " I'm okay. Just give me a moment. " Kaworu nodded, kissing Shinji wherever he could reach. Shinji sighed, inclining into his lover's kisses and soon the pain was gone, " Kaworu, I'm ready. "

" Good, I was afraid I was going to be able to hold out any longer, " Kaworu smiled. He pulled Shinji up so that the boy straddled his lap, wrapping the brunette's legs around him, " Not at how wonderful and warm you feel around me. You're driving me crazy. "

Shinji smiled, feeling a little more bold and coy, " Well, let's do something about that, Kaworu."

Kaworu smiled and thrusted once up into his lover's tight body. Shinji's head feel back as he tightened his hold onto his lover at his first true taste of pleasure that left him craving for more. As Kaworu thrusts rocked his body in a sea of pleasure, Shinji murmured words of endearment he never thought he'd get to say to another. Burying his face in Kaworu's neck he kissed the warm, soft skin, enticing moans of pleasure from his god, his lover. Shinji gave a cry as Kaworu lowered him onto his back as he continued to thrust in and out of his lover at a maddening pace. The brunette's thighs bucked as he moved with his lover, his hands leaving trails of pink down Kaworu's pale back. In the mist of their love making, Shinji became aware of Kaworu chanting strange words, not of his tongue. Gazing up at his lover, he saw Kaworu arched back, his face locked in concentration as he chanted that alien words of a beautiful, unknown language as he moved inside Shinji's body. Something inside Shinji's mind clicked as he realized just how mikas actually received their god's powers.

" Oh, Kaworu, yes! " Shinji cried, arching his head back into the pillow, feeling his climax drawing closer. Kaworu's chanting grew louder as his own climax drew closer. He moved harder and faster. Shinji could actually feel his lover's power gather, traces of it seeping into him. As one they came together, Shinji crying Kaworu's name for all to hear, echoed by the ivory skinned god of Free Will as his power filled the boy below him. After a moment in the aftermath Shinji drew in a shuddering breath as his limbs relaxed. Kaworu's arms wrapped themselves around his waist. The sapphire-eyed boy could feel something different about himself. Shinji felt more aware of things around him and he could feel a new energy flowing in his veins as he ran his hands through Kaworu's moon hair. " Wow. "

" That was incredible, Shinji, " Kaworu said and the boy, even with his eyes closed, knew his lover was smiling. He opened them slowly to gaze lovingly at his lover and something new within their sapphire depths could be seen; like the universe was swimming within them. Shinji raised his hand up to his lover's face enjoying the softness of Kaworu's ivory skin.

" How do you feel? " Kaworu asked, kissing each fingertip and the palm. (1)

" I… " Shinji closed his mouth, unable to describe what he felt inside him, " Almost like I'm walking on air. " Kaworu's smile deepened as he locked his love into a kiss. Yes, Shinji had been the right choice.


1. I've heard that kissing your lover's palm is the most romantic, intimate expression you can do.