Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 1, Episode 1 - How It All Began ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 1 - How It All Began
Returning to the lemon scene after a lengthy time, I learnt the basics of how to write a lemon and center around a plot, it's time that I started work on my contribution to the Evangelion scene.
How I'll be doing this you might wonder, well this is it really... there is going to be one pairing at the moment but later on there will be two more with the inclusion of obvious pairings and a shocker that will make this series unique in a way.
For the moment this chapter will be based on the first girl that I picked and I'll show how perverted can that person be.
Alright let's begin this trip to the lemon side and warning to those who are under the age of 18, go somewhere else because this is not for you.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion nor all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Thanks to rootathell for being the pre-reader to this, so I like to send my thanks to him.
//Why me...// That was the thought of one Shinji Ikari... 14 year old timid male who is also known as the Third Child of NERV and pilot of Unit 01 with the personality and the backbone of a timid slug was looking up at his familiar ceiling but this time he wasn't alone at all.
On his bed were three girls that he did care for, on the right was a tuff of blue azure hair belonging to Rei Ayanami who was known as the First Child and pilot of Unit 00 but more important he was the first girl that he started to care for.
Her personality was cold which gave her the nickname of the Ice Queen but like his father Gendo Ikari, Shinji saw a different side to the girl and thus they became close but it was only a close friendship of sorts well him keeping his feelings from being revealed to the emotionless albino.
But in the last seven days their relationship began to a new level and during that time all barriers between them were finally crumbled.
He made a small smile at how calm she was when asleep, it was actually pleasant as he thought before shifting his focus to the person who was on the other side.
With the tuff of goldenish auburn hair belonging to Asuka Langley Soryu otherwise knowns as his roommate and Pilot of Unit 02, he began to rub the small of her back to which she came closer and hugged more.
Her fiery personality and arrogance especially towards him was a big turn off when they first met but they were put together for the battle against one of the angels as the week together started their bond.
Although they had their highs and lows... they remained friends well at least to their point of view, but the last seven days once again changed his relationship with Asuka and he wondered was it for the better.
Lastly he focused his attention onto the pigtailed tuff of hair belonging to Hikari Horaki the Class Rep.
She was the last girl that would feel for him as after all she often had her duties in school to contend with but otherwise she was a friendly person to be with also in the last seven days his feelings for her as well as vice versa were now different.
Now each of the three girls competed for his attention and for a fact, he enjoyed each approach although he was shocked and vice versa, he'll remember this week for the rest of his life especially with what happened.
He felt like some sort of roman god with the women that he knew for a long time now becoming his lovers and devoting the rest of their lives to bring him pleasure?
Looking up to the ceiling of his room with the sleeping forms of the three girls, his mind then thought back to when it all started and how the last week changed his life.
Monday - Seven Days Ago
It all started with a pointless lecture about Second Impact, basically as the teacher was going on and on about how it started. Generally this would be a time to catch up on some sleep or perhaps using the chat service.
Shinji was doing neither... in fact he was actually thinking to himself especially with the dream that came into his mind the night before. Instead of the usual nightmares that would plague him... something different happened, it was one of those dreams that most healthy teenage males would have.
In that dream he was confronted by a naked Rei and Asuka who chose not to fight each other and decided to share him in a two-way blowjob, the dream was so good that he got hard during the class itself, he realized that it would be humiliating so he shifted his position around but one pair of eyes were watching him.
Rei with her very good hearing noticed the light murmuring coming from her fellow pilot as she looked but then she noticed something else as well as she spotted the bulge with her keen eyesight and almost immediately she became curious and concerned.
Is Ikari-kun in some sort of pain?
She mused whilst keeping her gaze out of the window to make sure that her act was still played, behind her cold personality, she was actually very smart and always curious for new things in her life... especially seeing Shinji with a bulge like that
Her assumption was that either he hurt himself or it was natural body instinct taking over either way she wanted to know.
So to her surprise that a few minutes later she noticed that the bulge disappeared and this made her more than worried but still curious none the less.
Perhaps I'll ask him to come round to my place later after today's tests.
She thought as the lecture continued on, basically Shinji was vaguely listening to the lecture having already known the real truth behind Second Impact and such.
Meanwhile Asuka also saw what Rei was looking at, Immediately inside she became as angry as hell but realizing that Shinji did have a bulge meant that he could of been thinking about her and that made her feel happy in a sense.
Shinji must be having a good dream about me to have a bulge like that, what the hell am I thinking this is the wimp for Pete's sake... who is kind, gentle and basically what I want... Mein Gott why am I thinking of him like this, he's not Kaji... but he's a close second.
Asuka continued with her thoughts, just as she felt the need to take a nap but continued to stay awake so she can keep an eye on her competition also known as Wondergirl to her mind.
It was already obvious that she hated the First Child, always calling her a doll with no choice and emotions and plus being the Commander's favorite, sides if she was to get Shinji then she would at last have an edge against the albino.
I'll show that doll that no one upstages the great Asuka Soryu Langley!
Unbeknownst to the two feuding girls, there was a third who was interested in Shinji and whilst she was in interested in her boyfriend, she always had a fondness for the meek Third Child.
Surprisingly Hikari Horaki the class rep who was going out with Shinji's friend Toji but she knew that their relationship was on the way to collapse ever since the incident with Unit 03 that had cost the jock his arm and leg and since then he's become bitter so much that he's been rejecting her till she couldn't handle it anymore.
So when absently looked towards the Third Child whilst everyone was either bored, asleep or somehow trying to pay attention, she did notice the bulge in his pants, which sent her thoughts into a spin and made the place between her legs moist.
I wish Touji didn't have to push me away, who am I kidding, that's his problem now... Oh Shinji you have no idea how much I care about you, even more than Asuka does, but am I willing to risk my friendship with her all because of Ikari? It's a risk that I'm willing to take and sides the reward would be well worth the effort.
When three attractive girls think of separate plans to get their man, you can tell that it wasn't going to be pleasant... especially for one, soon-to-be very unlucky, bachelor.
Later on after the lecture of doom was finally over and most of the class departed for lunch and to catch up with their friends, Shinji took this time to head towards where he would usually eat lunch and that would be the tree... by himself.
Although he didn't have the company of his two other friends to whom Asuka gave the nickname of the three Stooges. Still it was like when he first arrived in Tokyo 3...all alone.
Although he knew that his dreams of late weren't about his usual doom and gloom life, he always thought one day that he would be constantly under the attention of a girl that would be loving towards him and only him.
Being surrounded by women in his life, it didn't help his growing libido although the teasing from Misato over his morning problem only got worse.
The afternoon was basically the same as the morning till eventually the school bell rang signaling the end of school for today and with a lot of joys the rest of the kids headed home but for the three pilots the day was far from over.
They had to go to NERV for more testing as they always do on most days in the week and it wasn't fun down that outpost of hell either.
So anyway the tests were completed, the Pilots were in their separate changing rooms and right after that was done.
Shinji finished first but immediately he felt someone behind him so he turned and there was Rei, he was surprised at first but he knew that she always did that so he paid no mind to it.
"Pilot Ikari Can I ask you for your assistance in something?"
"Uh....yes, what is it Ayanami?"
Rei then turned left and right before she came close to him. Shinji tensed up but Rei didn't pay this one mind.
"I would like for you to accompany me back to my home."
Feeling her red eyes stare into him, he knew that she always got what she wanted.
Nothing stops her from her objectives, not even an Angel could try.
I wonder what Ayanami wants from me?
He thought as he entered her home, Apartment 402 in the loneliest and most dangerous part of Tokyo 3. He certainly didn't expect her to ask him if he can come up for a discussion.
He wondered what she had to say to him... maybe it was something NERV related, personally he wished he didn't have to deal with more crap from his so called father's organization.
Putting that thought aside, he took a look round the bleak apartment nothing had really changed since he was last in this place and although he did notice a few new things.... the surprising thing was that her apartment seemed clean and it was up to his standard, which made him as to guess why she cleaned up her apartment in the first place.
He was interrupted as Rei appeared from the bathroom, in a fresh look... she had her school uniform on but this time he could tell that not only did she have a shower and was feeling fresh but her uniform was now clinging to her figure.
It didn't help his hormones either as he fought not to let them take control but Rei coolly noticed it so she sat down on the bed next to him.
"Please Ayanami... its Shinji, we've known each other for a while now."
"Alright then as you wish Shinji, you can call me by my first name as well." Favoring him with a small smile which was echoed by the young male but it didn't help his tension one bit.
"Why did you call me up here anyway Rei?"
"Because I saw you in some sort of pain in school today and I was wondering if you were feeling alright?" pain, why would she say that?
"In pain? I'm feeling alright so why do you say that?"
"It's because of that down there." Following her sight, he spotted the bulge of his trousers and immediately began to blush hard and tried to cover the cloth-covered erection with his hands.
Shinji immediately realized what she meant and that she spotted the bulge he had.
"I'm sorry...please forgive me..."
"Are you sure that you're ok Shinji?"
Still looking down at the covered bulge, Rei decided to do some thinking as to why Shinji was acting like this.
He must be sexually aroused. I presume that Captain Katsuragi has not given him sufficient sexual release. It is my duty to help Shinji with his problem. Immediately she began to slowly loosen his slacks which made Shinji sweat loads but couldn't move at all because he was that aroused and not to mention nervous as hell.
"Wha…What are you doing, R…Rei?"
"I'm making sure that you are more comfortable Shinji-kun." She got most of his slacks off as a pair of bulging shorts stood between her and her target that in her mind certainly needed to go away.
She then started to kiss a shocked Shinji who was still in surprise before he knew what was going on, so he kissed back as much as he could, before Rei increased the passion between them and the kiss by adding her tongue.
She knew from what she was taught that most penises were small but seeing the bulge, she questioned her source of information as she began to make her observations.
She rubbed her hand on his covered bulge testing to see if it was alright, before she rubbed more hearing the shivers and sudden gasps of her fellow pilot.
She looked up at Shinji and before you know it, she pulled his boxers down and promptly was wide eyed at the sight of Shinji's cock.
The massive 7 inch cock stood there in all it's majesty with thickness and the ole purple head and supporting it is the start of growing brown pubic hair, anyway Rei took this new information to stride.
That is certainly big, Shinji's is big... I wonder if it'll fit inside me, I'll have to find out another time... right now I have to give him sexual release. I'll have to do this either orally or manually... or maybe both.
She then put a hand onto Shinji's cock as to get a grip on it, she discovered that she barely got her hand to encircle it in her grip, so she tried to and then discovered how soft it felt to her... despite the large size.
She began to rub her hand up and down to see what would suit him and to get him off of course which is the ultimate aim.
This is much softer than I thought it would be. She mused. She felt him shiver and took that as a sign that she was doing this correctly, she continued her ministrations on his organ, confident that she knew what she was doing... she kept on hearing his light moans, shivers and groans.
Ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy... this is so good Rei-Chan, please don't stop! He thought as she continued her inexperienced hand job, enjoying her warm hand on his hot throbbing organ... this was definitely better than doing it himself.
He thought this couldn't get better when he realised that something wet and warm was on the head of his cock and as soon as he looked down, he got a massive shock to his system...
...and promptly fainted.
Rei didn't notice Shinji fainting all because she did was take an experimental lick on the head and noticed that a drop of pre-cum that appeared on the slit, noticing the firm texture and taste.
Noticing that his cock was still hard, Rei began to lick more on the head and rubbing the shaft with the palm of her hand. She then licked up the pre-cum and pondered on its taste.

Hmm... salty but it is flavorable. She thought as she took the head into her mouth which lead to a shiver as she began to lick and suck softly on the head before she began to bob her head up and down in a slow pace.
Not wanting to rush this and so she can experiment at her level which is good and what is not good.
A murmur from above focused her attention as she noticed that Shinji was coming out of his faint state so she watched as he opened his eyes and then looked down to see her still bobbing up and down his cock, before looking her in those crimson eyes.
Rei... I can't believe that this is happening to me, Rei Ayanami is sucking on my cock! He thought happily as he watched her still bobbing up and down on his shaft, lightly rubbing it with her tongue and gently sucking it.
He moaned lightly at the feel of one of the women that he fancied was giving him an actual blowjob.
"Rei.... so good, don't stop." She looked up at him as his hand began to hold onto her head lightly just as she let his shaft escape his mouth before planting kisses on the shaft area and then in her curious state.
She noticed his balls and thus turned her attention on them, lightly licking and kissing one ball and then taking it into her mouth as she lapped at it softly and sucking it before focusing her attention on the other one, but her hand was still stroking on the base.
Oh god... I'm gonna lose it... He thought as he felt his nuts starting to contract before he knew that he was about to blow his load but Rei noticed this and so she stopped her ministrations and kissed her way back up his shaft and put the tip back into her mouth.
As before she was sucking more which helped as her head lunged forward getting more shaft in before she noticed that he was tensing and a loud moan followed by a sharp cry.
"REI!" Immediately she felt the first load of his cum blast into her mouth, getting some of it on her tongue for a taste, a few more filled her mouth before she knew that she had to swallow.
She pulled back from his shaft and slowly swallowed his warm seed into her stomach savouring the taste of his cum before she looked up at him, as she did the respectable thing and cleaned up his cock of any excess juices before pulling up and looking at her fellow pilot.
"R..Rei, I can't believe you did that..."
"Why don't you believe it happened Shinji?"
"I thought you wouldn't of have done it...." His musings were interrupted by Rei placing her head on his shoulder and her arms resting around his waist, surprised by the amount of contact that he was having, he was surprised that he didn't have a nose bleed at all.
"I care about you Shinji, that's why I did it."
Shinji smiled to which Rei smiled lightly, it wasn't what he had in mind but he didn't care. He was in his own heaven and all was right in the world.
That's pretty much how it started... He looked at Rei before planting a kiss onto her cheek to which she murmured lightly and snuggled closer to her source of warmth.
He remembered what happened on that day as well right after Rei's sudden seduction, which lead not only to their first kiss together but a surprise blowjob from her as well.
He shuddered to himself what happened later on that day right after these events.
(Taro) Here ya go the first of my Evangelion Lemon series all ready for you to read. Whilst this series has had contributions from better authors that I not only admire but respect as well.
I know I may not be a very good writer as much but it doesn't stop me from at least trying to contribute to one of the popular circles of Lemon Writing even if it is a very contested circle.
Enough from me, I'll leave it up to you on how I've done and what is needed to improve. So Enjoy!
Sampler(Preview) of Next Chapter
"Shinji-kun... I believe that this is suppose to go into here, am I correct." Rei pointed to his cock and then to her wet pussy indicating what she has learnt in her research, Shinji just kept getting more red and his cock throbbed harder at the thought of thrusting inside her wet pussy.
"Uh... yeah of course Rei-chan..."
"Please show me, allow us to become united in Heart, Body and Soul." Rei moved onto her back and opened her legs in full glory before she forced a shocked Shinji on top of her as they shared a brief but passionate kiss before he moved into the position ready to do the natural urges.
Blue eyes met her Red eyes as an old saying of how the eyes were viewed as a vision of the soul, right now they was on fire of not only love but lust as well.
"Uh....Are you ready Rei?" Seeing her nod his head and wrapping her arms round his neck, he was about to enter one of his most desired women and officially end his virginity when a sudden gasp and immediate angry ramblings interrupted his moment before a loud voice interrupted the serene moment.
"BAKA HENTAIS!" Both looked up in shock and towards the sound of the voice only to spot an angry and obviously turned on Asuka watching the two fellow pilots about to have sex.
She knew that she couldn't allow them to do it but the thought of Shinji doing something perverted always clouded her sense of judgment and made her anger rise up like mad.
The thoughts of the two pilots as they were thinking as one were like this:
Oh shit...