Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 1, Episode 2 - Asuka Rising ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 1, Episode 2 - Asuka Rising
As popular as EVA fanfics go, I reckon everyone liked the first episode. So by popular demand and the fact that I have nothing else to do with my time, I will now be starting on this, the second episode of the first day and let's say events begin to kick into motion here.
This story will not be a one-off, it is in fact a series based on seven days but expect many episodes and surprises.
Enough with the crap, let's get on with it.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
The two teenagers were in the process of making out, after taking off their clothes and whilst Rei was in a pair of cotton panties and bra, Shinji was naked and thus he was the one that was being personally examined.
With her hand on his cock, the albino began to kiss Shinji with a passion that she never knew that she had.
Shinji couldn't keep up with her passion and he knew that he had to get into control. So by accident he rubbed his hand onto her side which startled Rei and gasp from the sensations of his touch and stopped rubbing his cock before he moved his hand up to cup her bra-covered breast.
Her eyes were displaying uncertainties but she released his cock and decided to remove her bra altogether.
This made Shinji gasped and held onto his nose in order to stop the blood from pouring out at the sight of her natural breasts.
They weren't too big and weren't too small either, they were a nice perky B cup with light pink nipples that stood out from her dusky areolas but Rei wasn't done with him yet, most certainly not.
"Shinji, I don't want you to bleed have a job to do." The impassioned tone of her voice may set some bachelors running for the hills but Shinji discovered that her eyes would shimmer and thus he knew what was going on.
He gathered his courage as much as he can and placed his hand on her side but it took a miss-direction, it landed on Rei's right breast.
OH... She thought as she was once again taken surprised by the sensations that his touch was causing to her skin, it felt right to her.... so picked up his other hand and with her hands she put both of his hands on her breasts which made her moan completely.
She then let him explore to his content, which allowed him to contrast the difference of the mound of flesh in his hand.
It felt soft and firm as he continued on with his experimentations Rei closed her eyes and wanting to feel more from him.
She was using her hand to help guide Shinji's hand around as she kept on experimenting, whilst the place between her legs was getting warmer and even wetter as she rubbed her thighs together.
Shinji then spurned on by the moment, decided to reach down and take one of her nipples into his mouth, noticing how the nipple seemed to harden in his mouth as he lightly sucked on it.
He didn't notice how her breathing changed nor the hand on his head until he noticed it gripped in his hair, Rei moaning as he sucked more on the nipple and bathing it with his tongue.
At least the two lovers knew to themselves that nothing on this earth wouldn't interrupt them having their time.
Oh how wrong can they be?
GOD DAMN IT WHERE IS THAT IDIOT?! Asuka was in full thrown red devil angry mode, as she walked down the streets of Tokyo 3 looking for her fellow housemate/pilot/whipping boy.
It was his turn to do dinner tonight and she wasn't going to try any of Misato's own version of cooking either so with an empty stomach she set out to find him.
It's like he disappeared after NERV, I wouldn't have gone with him if I didn't have that briefing with that skank Ristuko. She realised that even after the tests and before she got in to that briefing.
Shinji and Rei weren't needed because they only had minor testing and thus they were released after only an hour, she spent 2 hours in that capsule.
Eventually she figured that she knew one place where they could be, it was a good thing that she took a read through Hikari's personal book of student addresses last week.
Otherwise she would have been trying hard to find Rei's address, so she arrived at the apartment complex in the worse part of town of course.
THIS is where she lives, good lord it's a fucking dump. She knew that Shinji had to be in there somewhere and with her instincts saying that he could be doing some perverted as she went in there, determined to find the Third Child.
If only she knew what was going on in there.
These sensations... nothing I have ever felt before, it's strange I feel wet... yet I feel good. Rei thought as Shinji continued to suck, lick and fondle her breasts, her hands were holding onto his hips as she rode on the peaks.
She already cummed twice unknown to the young man but as her panties were starting to get damp, she had to remove them sooner or later.
"Shinji..." The sensations were too good for Rei, that she pushed him back and decided to remove her panties which surprised Shinji and mainly because the one of the questions that he had thought of were answered.
Her pubic hair was natural, seeing them slightly damp made him realised that she must of been wet which is why when his eyes made the trip southward, he saw that her pussy was very damp and was still leaking, he blushed to himself unsure of what he did.
"Shinji..." He looked up to her face, with a blush on her cheeks she looked down and smiled he thought that he might want to give her some pleasure back and as he remembered from Touji and Kensuke that a woman enjoyed being licked although they didn't have much experience in that area, so he decided to return the favour.
"Shinji…?" Rei was puzzled as Shinji moved down to her crotch, she wondered what could he do and perhaps it was the same for when she gave him a blowjob except it was on her.
Well I hope Touji and Kensuke were right about this. Shinji took a curious lick to Rei's pussy noticing the tangy taste of the fluid that seeped onto his tongue, with him liking the taste he began to lick her pussy at a slow rate, making Rei tense.
It's good... Shinji, lick more! She thought as he continued to lick, he was unsure how to do it but then again most virgins are not sure what they are doing anyway.
He continued to lick more and more at her pussy lips and licking up the tangy fluid to which he must deduce that it was indeed her cum so he licked faster.
She in return, grasped his head with her hands and close her thighs round him making sure he didn't escape as he then noticed the nub and wondered what it did so he took it into his mouth and sucked on it gently.
The result was that it seemed to make her moan louder and tense a bit more so he alternated between sucking her clit and licking her pussy with clear strokes, often licking inside her pussy as well.
I'm... getting... close, oh god Shinji, Shinji! She thought as her mind practically exploded and her pussy began to cum, surprising Shinji before he licked all the excess up as she cooed at having her pussy cleaned up before he went up to kiss her, the tangy taste of her cum which surprised her as she kissed back, rubbing his tongue with hers.
"That was good Shinji..."
"Thanks Rei..."
They knew what was coming next and it was at this time, Asuka finally found Apartment 402.
"Shinji-kun... I believe that this is suppose to go into here, am I correct." Rei pointed to his cock and then to her wet pussy indicating what she has learnt in her research.
Shinji just kept getting redder and his cock throbbed harder at the thought of thrusting inside her wet pussy.
"Uh... yeah of course Rei-Chan..."
"Please show me, allow us to become united in Heart, Body and Soul."
Rei moved onto her back and opened her legs in full glory before she forced a shocked Shinji on top of her as they shared a brief but passionate kiss before he moved into the position ready to do the natural urges.
Blue eyes met her Red eyes as an old saying of how the eyes were viewed as a vision of the soul, right now they was on fire of not only love but lust as well.
"Uh....Are you ready Rei?" Seeing her nod his head and wrapping her arms round his neck, he was about to enter one of his most desired women and officially end his virginity when a sudden gasp and immediate angry ramblings interrupted his moment slightly.
FUCKING PERVERTS! Asuka angrily thought as she pulled away from her observations and headed out of the building without bothering to stop running all the way.
Her eyes were now full of tears as she headed back to her apartment before she breaks down into tears as she let all of her sadness out.
It was then she decided to plan out her revenge.
((HA... fooled you lot didn't I.))
Shinji didn't know who was at the door and practically didn't care, just as he felt his hard cock part her pussy lips and slipped inside to her warm cunt for the first time, immediately he had to grit his teeth because of the warm wet tightness that he was now in.
Shinji looked down at Rei as his head split her lips open as the girth began to expand its way in just as her wetness easily made his cock slip inside her easier but she was still tight and this made him groan.
Neither of them had any idea on how good it would felt but they were drifting between the region that separated childhood from adulthood and on how each of them would become an official man and woman.
Oh my... Rei Ayanami thought in a Kasumi like manner as she concentrated on the feel of Shinji's dick inside her cunt, but Shinji was thinking on another matter which made out of character.
It was something that would make Kaji grin and Misato smirk at the choice of words that he thought out
Holy Shit, she's so fucking tight!
It was lucky that only his mind can utter word, as he finally filled her as much as he could before looking down at her and since looks were exchanged.
He went by instinct as he pulled back feeling each muscle clinching at his cock which made him close his eyes as he thrusted forward giving her a loud moan to which he repeated.
Rei responded as her pussy expanded to accompany the large invader as her arms tightened round his neck but then she relaxed just as he began to thrust in earnest.
She then moved her hips up and down as they settled on a rhythm that was suited to their first time. They continued on, testing each other as they kissed with more passion.
Time passed on as the two moved as one, increasing speed as Rei now feeling secure began to have her legs wrapped around his waist as the two moved faster and faster as if they were in a simulated test together.
Their passion increased as well as Rei's moaning and breathing as she began to feel like a fire had started in her inner core.
What's happening... to me... Shinji... Ooo... so good... His thrusting speed increased as well as his grunts which he made as he continued to fuck her pussy at a rate that would almost like a jackhammer but careful.

Rei... god...
More Shinji... I'm almost there...
I can't hold out much longer... OH SHIT I MUST PULL OUT! Shinji remembering that he had to pull out of her before he could cum in her and make her pregnant, and since he didn't have any plans to have children since for one he's bloody 14!
He shuddered at the thought of having to become a father himself... well for one he has doubts that if he could raise one, he or she wouldn't have to go through what Shinji went through.
Sides this wasn't the time to think like this, with Rei's nostrils flaring and Shinji's facial expressions meaning that they was now close and it only took a few thrusts from him before the passion dam broke.
"SHINJI!!!" She screamed as her pussy clenched around Shinji's dick and squeezed it for it's worth, he wasn't prepared for that and so he thrusted hard and just stayed there.
He ignored the fact that he had no condom on but at this time he wouldn't give a fucking damn and tossed it out of the window.
"REI!!!" He grunted just as he cummed, his semen blasting into her womb as the two of them panted and moaned for at least five minutes before Rei stopped cumming and was out of it before she was joined by Shinji who layed on top of her, both were exhausted.
That was something new that I never felt, I'm close to Shinji than I was before... and I don't want to be alone again. Rei thought as she wrapped arms round him before dozing off to sleep.
She didn't realise that as the saying goes, there will be trouble ahead.
Asuka was cuddling up to Shinji's left side and pondered on how life was wonderful after all the years of being an up stuck bitch.
Who knew that Shinji Ikari, the boy that she loathed when she first met him was now in her opinion, this wonderful hunk of a man and much better than Kaji.
And to think, if I didn't have the guts to corner him that night... I wouldn't have been here right now. She thought as she sighed quietly to herself as she remembered how she made her way into Shinji's heart... the convincingly hard way.
(Taro) Another Episode complete and I'm proud of myself for saying the obvious and just to let you know, I'll be changing my focus and maybe try and test something new which means a long time in the research department for this one.
I must thank you all my fans for reading my story and giving me your views and what-not... I'll be learning from the few bad reviews and work on something good which can be approved by the readers such as you guys.
Enough from me, I'll leave it up to you on how I've done and what is needed to improve. So Enjoy!
Here's a sneak peek at Chapter 1, Episode 3!
Sampler (Preview) of Next Chapter
Shinji looked up at his captor with absolute fear in his eyes, the attractive red-head who had the young male not only stripped down to his boxers but also tied up in a secure method and had his mouth wrapped up in a gag.
"So Shinji, regretting choosing that bitch over me..." She said this in a devilish seductive voice as she heard his muffled answer and from the look of his distressed filled panic in his eyes made her smile a seductive smirk. As she took her sweet time teasing him through his boxers.
"When I'm through with you Shinji, you'll be all mine I tell you.... MINE! She reached down through his boxers and squeezed his cock so hard that he muffled loud and closed his eyes from the pain and obvious arousal as he knew that he should have locked his room after he came back from Rei's.
This'll teach him to choose Wonderslut over me... She'd looked down to see his cock throb in her hand and seeing it get harder, made her excited so she grinned to herself and squeezed again but this time she also gave him a hand job whilst squeezing.
Hmm... Shinji's still hard and because of me, he has potential and stamina... his cock is so big, why the fuck is I thinking about that idiot... I got to taste this. But the urges in Asuka were too great and not long; she was gripping the base of Shinji's dick hard as she licked and sucked on the head and bobbed up and down on the shaft making her gagged partner moan through the cloth although it sounded like a loud mumble.
Why me?