Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 1, Episode 3 - The Taming of the Devil in Red ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 1, Episode 3 - The Taming of the Devil in Red
Comfortingly going along and we have come to the end of the first day, I have resolved to end it on a good note and I will too, I also got to like the reviews I have been having bar a few but some have been aspiring so to say.
The pairing here will be Shinji/Asuka... well it is the most popular pairing in this anime so I can't really ask why.
Anyway enough of me talking crap, let's begin!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
The sun was setting and night was about to set in the city of Tokyo-3 and Shinji having returned to Misato's apartment from Rei's apartment as he entered the door somewhat refreshed.
Now feeling far from depressed, he felt like he finally have something to protect at long last.
I'm not sure if it's love or not... either way Rei has given me something to live for, I just hope my father doesn't stop me from having this happiness and continue to force me from having a depressing life, there's no fucking way am I returning back to that sorry state.
"Hello anyone home?" He then checked out the rooms to see if Asuka or Misato were home and discovering that he was on his own, he then decided to make himself something cause he didn't get the chance to eat before he went to Rei's.
One thing he did notice was the change in Rei... although she was still the same, he knew that she was now more concerned about him and thus was able to do her job in protecting him more easily.
I'm always alone... Either it's Asuka out with her friend or Misato having to do extra at Nerv and I can't ask Rei cause she went into Nerv and my friends are busy so it looks like I'm on my own again.
He would think that except for when he didn't know was that Asuka was in her room and she heard his return and so quietly she sneaked out with some sort of weapon that she was holding onto.
Immediately she saw her pray and quietly sneaked up on him and Shinji did not notice until it was too late.
Wonder what I will do... That was the last thought before he was whacked with the frying pan that Asuka had picked up cause it was the only thing that she could have and fell over onto the kitchen top as he passed out from the sharp impact pain and the last word he said was definitely something he'll remember for a while.
Asuka couldn't hide her smirk of triumph, as she dragged him towards her room. Now she could do whatever she wanted to him and thus if he didn't like it then he would be taught a lesson and thus she would teach him into being a love slave.
Finally I'll be able to mould the idiot into something useful and then at the same time get my jollies off as well Asuka you are a fucking genius.
Rei whilst she was eating with Commander Ikari had a feeling that something was wrong and that she couldn't get rid of the feeling of dread that was in her heart at the moment.
I hope Shinji is doing alright, I wish I could go to him but the Commander would get suspicious... I wish you are doing alright.
In another part of town The Class Rep was reading a girly magazine in bed when she felt the pang of dread and not knowing what it was, so she said something that was out of character for her.
"What the fuck is going on?"
I blame Kodama for giving her a badass attitude.
Shinji woke up about a half hour later with not only a slight headache from where he got whacked but he suddenly felt like someone let a breeze into the room but this didn't stop him shaking his head he tried to discover where he was.
Where the hell... Unfamiliar ceiling... Hmm I guess I'm still in the apartment. Why the hell am I cold?
"Glad to see you woken up eh Idiot?"
Oh no Asuka... I didn't realise that she was in the apartment and... Oh no I know that look in her eyes and I have no idea what to do!
Shinji looked up at his captor with absolute fear in his eyes, the attractive red-head who had the young male not only stripped down to his boxers but also tied up in a secure method and had his mouth wrapped up in a gag.
Also she got rid of her current clothes and was wearing the skimpiest bra that he had ever seen but that didn't fail to cover up her large C breasts as she was also wearing the same design for panties... this combined with her curves will make any Evangelion fan boy reach for the nearest tissue.
"So Shinji, regretting choosing that bitch over me..." She said this in a devilish seductive voice as she heard his muffled answer and from the look of his distressed filled panic in his eyes made her smile a seductive smirk. As she took her sweet time teasing him through his boxers.
"When I'm through with you Shinji, you'll be all mine I tell you.... mine." She then licked his ear which made him shudder as she reached down through his boxers and squeezed his cock so hard that he muffled loud and closed his eyes from the pain and obvious arousal as he knew that he should have locked his room after he came back from Rei's.
"It's not nice to keep things from me... especially this."
This'll teach him to choose Wonderslut over me... She'd looked down to see his cock throb in her hand and seeing it get harder, made her excited so she grinned to herself and squeezed again but this time she also gave him a hand job whilst squeezing the base.
Hmm... Shinji's still hard and because of me, he has potential and stamina... his cock is so big, why the fuck is I thinking about that idiot... Oh forget my morals I got to taste this.
But the urges in Asuka were too great and not long; she was gripping the base of Shinji's dick hard as she licked and sucked on the head and bobbed up and down on the shaft making her gagged partner moan through the cloth although it sounded like a loud mumble.
Why me?
He didn't get any response because for one he was tied up and there was the other girl who he is interested in was busy sucking his cock and licking it like something possessed.
Her hand was gripping the base and moving I up and down just as she bobbed her head up and down scraping her teeth along his shaft just as he heard himself grimace in pain but shuddered in pleasure as well.
Man this is fucked up... He thought as the intentional pain was slowly making him more turned on and shortened the time that he had before he would cum into her mouth just as she was about to take him even more deeper.
He couldn't handle it anymore and just orgasmic in her mouth surprising Asuka.
Wow... he doesn't taste bad at all. She thought as she started to swallow up the cum that was blasted into her mouth and she let some gather in her mouth as she pulled away from his still hard cock and looked down at her prey as she swallowed his seed .
"Mmmm…that was tasty."
Shinji was looking up at her in surprise but as she took off her bra and panties his erection went harder and before he knew it... she was kneeling above him as he had a good view of her obviously wet pussy.
"Enjoying the view Shinji?"
Course I'm enjoying the view... if I wasn't tied up right now, I would be face first in there. He thought as her hands went to the gag on his face and then removed it.
"Now you're going to help me get off... and if you do well, I'll reward you." She smirked as she lowered her pussy onto his mouth to his surprise as he felt her warmth on his face.
"Come on Idiot; show me that you can get me off..." Surprised that she felt Shinji's tongue lick up her pussy make her gasp softly before going into a light moan as he continued to lick.
She tastes different than Rei... maybe women have different flavours... better get back into it.
He thought as he continued to lick her pussy with various swipes of his tongue, he kept licking up and down until he found her clit and then sucked on it hard hearing her loud moans obviously liking it.
I can't believe how good he is, obviously Wonderslut did me a favour for once... good thing he'll be doing this to me from now on, my own personal love slave.... Oh god.
The continued licking and sucking of her groin was starting to have an effect on Asuka as she buckled and writhed under the ministrations of the nimble muscle.
"So good Shinji... I'm close... just a bit more.... YES!" Down below Shinji felt the rush of cum entering his mouth as he tried to swallow most of it down him without trying to choke on it as well as he licked her clean and riding her passion until she came down off it.
"Wow... Shinji, I didn't realise you was this good... I should have secured you as my toy ages ago but it's time I gave you your reward for being such a good love slave..." Asuka teased him by dragging herself down his body.
He watched as her juices smeared his chest and stomach like it was a mark until it lined up against his raging cock.
"This is your reward Shinji..." She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and then plunged herself down onto his cock giving up her virginity with a loud scream of pain but mostly pleasure in there as well as Shinji felt her pussy adjusting to the size of his shaft before she began to move, he wish he could help her but he was still tied up.
Man I wish I wasn't tied up like this... this is humiliating, I should be fucking her not the other way around!
Finally I got the idiot where I want him and he can't do a thing about it.
Asuka didn't take notice the red flash that just blared in his eyes.
Shinji was groaning at the wetness of Asuka's pussy as it went up and down on his hard tool... it felt less tight than Rei's but it was warm enough and he knew that he was frustrated enough ever since she tied him up and teased him to no end but he wished that he had the strength to free his binds and teach her a lesson.
I wish I had some backbone at least I would be able to show her that I'm no wuss... The blare in Shinji's eyes got bright as he felt that he just gained the strength of ten men if this was some fairy tale when in reality, his eyes went black and with one mighty roar he broke free of his binds and shocked Asuka that she stopped .
"Mein Gott how the hell did you break out of them!" Shinji wouldn't have any of her for the moment, several months of having to put up with her stuck up attitude and cruel demeanor already made his decision up as with force he switched positions and now he was on top.
"Shinji...what the hell are you doing get off of me!"
"No Asuka I have had it with you and now I'm going to teach you a lesson for once!" He started to fuck her hard which made Asuka moan in shock with her eyes wide open as his cock went through her pussy like butter on toast as she was still in shock as he continued on.
My god is this really Shinji have I treated him this badly in a way that he's fucking me like this... GOD I LOVE THIS!
She thought in total lust as the cock continued to pound the ever loving crap out of her steaming wet cunt as he went faster and harder than before.
Her hidden most desires was coming true... she was looking for a real man to see if her inner most bitch could be tamed, originally she had hoped it would be Kaji but now Shinji Ikari was making her wet with desire.
He finally did it... I never thought I would be so well fucked by the Idiot, but he's finally got some balls on him and... Forget it Asuka just enjoy the fucking!
Her rational mind went out of the door as soon as his cock pounded her cervix and she was feeling a bit faint and hotter as it continued on and on, bringing her close to what she knew was the mother of all climaxes for her.
I...HOPE...SHE...IS...ENJOYING....THIS...! He thought as sharp grunts were heard from him each time his tool pounded her cunt like a powerful jackhammer.
He knew that he was frustrated but he knew that it was his own hidden anger that was driving him to do this... to teach her that he wasn't a wimp and frankly he just had enough and her teasing him plus knocking him out with a weapon... basically he had no choice.
I'm so close...
Please Shinji... just a bit more, good thing I'm on the pill otherwise I wouldn't be doing this at all... MEIN GOTT! She thought as her pussy began to spasm under the sheer force as her screams and loud moans indicated that she was getting the fucking of her life.
"MY GOD SHINJIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!" The two teenagers finally passed the point of no return as Asuka wailed as loud as she could as she cummed all around his cock, this was the trigger that Shinji needed.
"ASUKA!!!!" He grunted the loudest as he cummed in her, splashing her insides with loads of cum as the two of them continued on until Shinji stopped cumming and collapsed on her just as she finished to cum as well and the last thought that she had before passing out.
So... this is what it feels like... to be fucked to death.
A couple of hours later Shinji woke up as he looked down to see the content face of Asuka sleeping and smiling as she cuddled up to him.
She's so beautiful for someone who is abusive... still I wish she wasn't like that at all. He thought as he slowly got up and without waking her up as he sneeringly got out of her room and then headed for his room before he promptly collapsed on his bed and passed out.
Meanwhile Asuka was having a good dream and as she enjoyed it, her last thought that she had before she continued on with her dream of having Shinji as a love slave and Rei locked up in a cage was this.
Wonderslut... forget having Shinji, he belongs to me and by the time this week is over I'm going to make certain that not only am I the number 1 pilot of NERV but also mold the idiot into my own fucktoy!
I wouldn't be like to be in Shinji Ikari's shoes at the very moment.
(Taro) Well we've reached the end of this chapter but also the end of the first day as well. I'm not sure on how Asuka is done in a lemon scenario but she is determined to beat Rei at securing Shinji as her own.
The question is however what will exactly happen next, only I know how the story goes and I still got a couple of surprises left that will shock you.
Enough from me, I'll leave it up to you on how I've done and what is needed to improve. So Enjoy!