Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Notice ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

So many people are probably asking into why I haven't updated ANYTHING at all within the last year, a few people decided to e-mail me at my alternative e-mail address whilst others just shrugged and got on with finding more fanfictions to wank off too but it was mostly due to two things really.
1, I had University and I worked my ass off
2, I kinda forgot about you lot so whoops.
But these events are behind us as I'll be prepared to update most of my content, upload more to the experts at AFF and then probably focus on some else at the time oh yeah unleashing a new chapter on MM.Org.
But I hear some of you say what will happen to Pack of Cards? Well my friends that will probably get wrapped up soon… I think 2 chapters are left anyway and I might start on a sort of serious Ranma fic that has deception all over it.
So yeah keep an eye on this space cause it will get updated.