Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 6, Episode 1 – Rise of a Dawn ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 6, Episode 1 - Rise of a Dawn
Day 6 is now ready to start and well what can I say about this story... the unofficial most read EVA story on already and this was suppose to be a practice run for an even better story that I got planned one day plus the fact that I'm writing The Harem King and the Ranma 1/2 story Pack of Cards so I'm pretty much busy in that department for quite a while plus I got University coming up so I know expect some delays when it comes to the updating.

Someone suggested to me that Asuka was getting the LEAST amount of love throughout the days so far... here's what I got to say about that, all three will get their fair share amount of man love, Rei and Hikari got enough so they are happy but Asuka will the one being focused here in this day and remember we have the end game coming up so expect shit to hit the fan!

Meanwhile let's get this on!

Shinj i slowly and managed to get out of the bed that he was in... Well except for a few quick gropes from the sleeping girls which included a nice French kiss from a sleeping Asuka which ended up on his left as cheek so it did tickle slightly but he overcame the nice sensation and headed out onto the landing, so he can look at the rising sun.

Everything was slowly starting to change at this point and I wasn't sure on how I would take it.

Shinji then rested back for a bit and closed his eyes and remembered what happened 2 days ago where literally everything was starting to go to hell.

2 days earlier

Shinji woke up feeling absolutely exhausted and basically feeling like his dick was going to drop off at any second, as he slowly got his thoughts together and the literal mist that enveloped his senses went away, he finally realized that he wasn't alone in his bed and just as he turned his head, he saw the sleeping form of Asuka but instead of a frown on her face, she was smiling and she was glomping onto his body like a teddy bear.

Wow... I must have fucked Asuka last night but why do I feel like shit all over?

Shinji then tried to get up but found that Asuka was not only on him but somehow he felt that she was stuck to him in a sticky way so he continued in trying to get up but eventually after 10 minutes and it was pretty sticky he finally got up and then he looked down on himself and discovered that he was covered in a layer of sweat, cum and something else that he couldn't identify at first but this added to the confusion.

What the hell did I do last night?
Before he can make any sort of rational conclusion... Asuka was slowly checking the spot where he was and missed his warmth which prompted her to slightly open her eyes before making a slight moan before she made a sound as she then went back to sleep briefly but the temptation of seeing Asuka in the nude always nagged on his hentai side and that he had a lot of sex this week so he thought that he should pull the sheet back and oogle her naked cum filled body.

I should feel guilty about being a hentai but somehow I don't feel a thing... It's like I'm a different person sometimes.

Finally he was able to pick up some clothes that were his and left the room... well he would of if he wasn't stopped by Misato who just woke up and found him without his clothes so she just put on this almost perverted grin.
"Well what do we have here, I believe I caught Shinji-kun without his pants on... and looking like he came out from doing a manly thing to Asuka-chan hmmm?"
Misato surprised him though when she approached him and quickly gave his crotch a quick fondle.

"I know it was you who fucked me whilst I was drunk three days ago, I thought to myself why would you do that to your guardian so I thought to myself why not you are a growing young man who deserves some action now and again but you WILL owe me a proper fuck later on today Shinji-kun... and not only do I tend to take it but that is also an order."

She winked again followed by a slow lick of her lips before she left to get changed to which he immediately thought that actions that he did can have serious reactions so he shrugged his shoulders and decided to quickly take his shower and have a long think as well.

Sometimes it pays to be a man.


Asuka was rousing herself up from her sleep as she slowly woke up and immediately feeling a lot of pain that felt all too sweet to her, it was the aftermath of an extremely good fuck that she remembered from the previous night and she now has a new opinion of her flatmate.

Who knew that baka-Shinji fucks like a tiger, which was the most passionate fuck that I have ever had... I'm still feeling the cum pouring out of me, I can't believe I treated him badly and still feel like I've been raped by a beast.

Slowly getting up feeling aches in familiar places, she managed to get herself into the bathroom which was empty just as Shinji barely left a few minutes ago as she managed to run a tub full of soothing hot water and managed to barely keep her sigh as loud as she could before she relaxed into the tub of water.

Ahhhhhhh that feels sooooooo good, once I'm done with this then I'm going to plan out how I am not only going to take Shinji-baka with me but also dispose of the competition as well.

She had the biggest smirk on her face as she plotted in her mind... you know that something is going to happen sooner or later.


Later on though as Shinji and Asuka attended the school and began their lessons for the day well let's say most things start with one small difference or rather a rush of emotions that once acted can't be taken back until conclusions are made but in the school itself, even one should know that something was definitely acting weird.

Although it seems to be a typical lesson in the room... something was quite different about the atmosphere as three ladies were in the same room as their man and the tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

Today's the day that I finally secure Shinji for myself... no way that Wondergirl and Class Rep will be after him for long especially with what is packing between his legs.

Rei and Hikari of course were thinking different thoughts as to how they were able to get Shinji to themselves.

I wonder if I can get Shinji to stay behind today for cleaning duties so I can use that time to fuck him on the teacher's desk.

My pussy seems to be itching in a place that I can't get access to... maybe I can use Shinji-chan to stop the itch, but maybe I can get him to take him to the secret place that I have been hearing about.

Then suddenly a ringing sound was heard from the desks of the three pilots before they answered their mobile phones and then they got up.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Sensei but we're needed at NERV."


(Taro) Sorry that it has taken so long guys but University has been and will always be a complete bitch especially for time reasons so of course I decide to do a bit of plot filler and future hints as well, for the reason that I've ended with NERV is that I have plans to use that place as a means of resolving plots and adding more lemony content.

Everyone should know this by now but this series is now known as a Serial Lemon aka Lemon Drama which is apparently something never thought of or heavily done in a long while, so you might want to ask as into why I couldn't enter the recent lemon contest well maybe it's because I had a brilliant, brilliant idea that would of rocked that contest to it's knees but I couldn't get the time nor the ideas to actually do it... but rather instead and because you guys have been loyal to me this far then it will become instead the FIRST PwP chapter of Sex Days.

So you should know the details by now, review button on the bottom of the screen and then write out how you like the chapter and if anyone out there is new then it's easy to follow this instruction otherwise criticism will not be reduced to saying that this chapter sucks but give a DETAILED reason why it sucks so I can it make it less sucky.

I'll catch you guys later!